Well, Pokémon is still a very big deal. Following the announcement of the Starter Pokémon through a debut trailer the franchise was trending on social media, and at the time of writing the trailer on the official Pokémon channel has amassed over 4.4 million views in a little over one day.
Pokémon Sun and Moon had been announced in February, but with only a logo and brief shots of concept art to show. With the trailers (different depending on region) confirming November release dates and showing a decent amount of content, fans have been able to pin down a number of small but notable details.

Pokémon 'Western' Trailer
Pokémon Japanese Trailer
Now that we have these details and our first looks at Rowlet, Litten and Popplio, we want to know how the reveals have set you up for the year of hype to come. Are you excited about the new setting and Starter Pokémon, or are you perhaps underwhelmed? You've had over 24 hours to think about it, so click on the poll buttons and share your views in the comments.
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Comments 122
First votes, team Rowlet forever!!! Really exited, I think this is a pretty good batch of starters.
Rowlet! I hope they get rid of the fly HM this time around...
Hope the starters final forms are better than their initial ones. Can't excited about any of them.
But I want to know about post-game content and what you can do online co-op wise. Will base my purchase on that.
It's a freaking owl with a grass bow tie! How can you say no to that?
I like Rowlet the best of the three starters (it's so cute), but I usually try to reserve judgement until I can see the final forms. As nice as the trailers were, I'm still undecided on picking up the game after getting burned on X. I'll wait until reviews/new gameplay is revealed before I decide to pick this up.
Really love Popplio was hoping for a Seal or Dolphin and kinda got the middle group with his sea lion origin. His clear circus inspiration could mean that his evolutions will be interesting. I like the designs of Rowlet and Litten a lot too but something just clicked with Popplio. Feel like I'm a minority though.
@Evenmoresteven True.
@2xDair how were you burned on x?
I love litten the animation it makes during attack is so cute
I hope I can make it 'til November without seeing their final forms. If I can manage that, I think I might use all three starters. It was super awesome seeing them for the first time in game in X and Y.
Speaking of which, it would be awesome if NintendoLife could not put pictures of new Pokemon on the thumbnail so we can remain unspoiled.
I can't decide which one will be one of my starters!
They're all cute!
I'm not huge on the handful of new Pokemon designs so far (except for Rowlet - I've never been more excited for a grass starter), but the bits we've seen of the game itself are looking very nice. I'm already loving the new region's Hawaii theme.
I'm surprised that Rowlet is so popular. It's going to be the first time I ever choose a grass starter. I hope it's final form looks something akin to Nechku and Lechku from Okami.
That said, I'm probably not going to get Sun or Moon. I've never had the third version of a Pokemon game, and I'm not going to buy it if I already have Sun or Moon. I'll have plenty of things to play beforehand to tide me over for a year or two.
I've always gone with the fire type starters, but it's hard to resist choosing the owl haha.
I'll wait and see what the final forms will look like and more importantly if the other two gain a second typing
@edgedino I found the battles too easy to demand any real engagement or thought. There rarely a sense of risk OR reward, and I never felt excited about having to get myself out of a tight spot as I was never IN a tight spot. I just clicked one of two moves which would OHKO nearly everything, with the occasional switch of Pokemon. On top of that, the overworld felt slightly bland and lacing in depth. There were some pretty things to look at, but I didn't find it a particularly exciting place to be.
Those were my gripes anyway. They might be different from the OP's. Y was the first game I didn't finish, and I was quite an obsessive fan of the seies (having completed the National Dex in Diamond).
Rowlet for me and I will be getting both versions. Actually two of each version since I have three kids who like Pokemon as much as I do.
Rowlett or Litten? I really love Litten but Rowlett is soooooooooo cute and birds have always been my favorite animals. I'll probably end up with Litten on the first time playing Sun and when playing Moon, I'll get Rowlett.
@burninmylight I wouldn't get your hopes up for the "Third Version". There are lots of things about X and Y id like to see expanded or clarified...or removed entirely...but it aint happening. Hasn't happened since Platinum back in Generation 4.
On this note, I'm a proud member of the #PopplioPadres.
And like with most things I'm alone...
@burninmylight "That said, I'm probably not going to get Sun or Moon. I've never had the third version of a Pokemon game, and I'm not going to buy it if I already have Sun or Moon"
Was this a typo? It seems to imply you're not going to buy the game if you already own it. Which is fair enough, but if you already own it you must have already bought the game at some point.
And it might not be what you were saying, but Sun and Moon, aren't 'third versions' but brand new titles for Gen 7.
I might have got completely the wrong end of the stick though; are you saying you'll hold out on Sun and Moon so as to get the presumed third version when it releases?
This game looks incredible. I love the designs of the new Pokémon so far. For my starter I'm gonna pick Rowlet, which is my favourite out of all three. It's too dang cute. I'm also really digging Litten and that Sun lion, though. I hope the third-person perspective isn't just in the areas shown in the trailer. With previous games, the trailer made it seem like third person, but once you actually played it, it was still largely top-down. This one has fully rendered characters walking around on the overworld, making it feel much more like a living, breathing world. The battles look similar to the recent sixth generation, but that is by no means a bad thing. This game looks fantastic. Particularly that city looks great. It looks like the map shown shows only the main island. It appears there will be more islands to explore like in the real Hawaii. I guess it will be like Hoenn or the Sevii Islands, where more islands open up once you get further. Maybe it will have three main islands with their own Pokédexes like the central, coastal and mountain areas in X and Y. Surf and ferry ships will probably feature prominently here. Let's hope there is more variety than Wingull and Tentacool, though.
I'm excited and I don't even play the games.
I've always liked Gamefreaks way of doing business - tease a little, leak a little, have an unveiling in the winter or spring w/ a release date in the fall, spend 6 months hyping the game, release on time (who releases on time anymore?) And it works. Though in Japan it would probably sell well if they just put the game on the shelf and didn't tell anybody, social media would take over and do the rest. And GF probably knows that, they don't have to do much to sell a handheld main line Pokemon game, but they do it anyway. 6 months of excitement.
My kids are super excited. They haven't chosen starters yet, but they know which version each is getting. I would get Popplio b/c seal pup, and I don't like cats, and an owl is an owl. Though I suppose if I played the games my decision might be different, these starters always seem to represent easy, normal and hard in ways I don't fully comprehend.
Have fun everyone.
Bowtie bird 4 life!
@BLPs I don't know about the Padres part, but I'm with you on Popplio. First time I saw the trailer I was like - wow, Poppilo is so cool, why did they even bother making the other 2, a lame cat and fat owl." Then I've been reading all the comments the past 2 days realizing I know nothing about Pokemon.
I am not surprised at how many people are choosing Rowlet. I am surprised at how many people actually think they're getting Pokemon Moon. I was almost absolute certain Sun would be more interesting for people. However I'm getting Moon because I don't like the daylight time as much as I do the night time. Sun's legendary temps me though.
I hope Rowlet doesn't do a Fennekin and the final form actually looks pretty good. I ended up sticking with Fennekin anyway and ended with a stupid witch. Was quite disappointed in the end and Greninja of course was better.
I really hope they ramp up the difficulty at least 2 times X & Y. There is not a single battle in Gen 6 that bother me whatsoever. And I hope that rival or any other rival is much more interesting than just wanted Pokemon for their dance moves.
Right now it's Rowlett for me, Litten is also cute but Rowlett wins out, the true test will be what the end evolutions for them are, since any pokémon spends most time in that form.
The map, if that's what it looks like at the 1 minute mark, has less water routes than I expected for a Hawai'i region (which is a very good thing, I know other people love running into Tentacool-equivalents every three steps but that's not for me).
The starter pokemon did not get me excited.
Popplio and Pokemon Sun for me. I love how they're using real sized models,that means we'll see Pokemon in their ACTUAL sizes in this game OUT OF BATTLE! THE TRAILER EVEN SHOWED IT I'm definitely excited for this gen!
@ap0001 that is only one island of Hawaii. It's shape matches Oahu, the island that has Honolulu on it.
Rowlet for me, but I was expecting Litten to be most popular.
I'm still very excited for these games, but I hope GameFreak will mix them up and add new things to the formula. Part of me wants to see a Pokemon game fail, just so that GameFreak will have to take some risks next time.
His name is Litten because he's a kitten and lights things on fire, perfect.
The graphics look better this time around and looks more 3d than X and Y which was largely a slightly better looking DS game imo. Pokemon looked next gen but the overworld looked so much worse.
@Yorumi Yeah, thanks, I think you've got a point. I'm sure it's possible to squeeze some juice out of the game by seeking out the tougher parts, but my main attraction to the games was getting engrossed in the worlds and exploring (with the battles providing a reasonably satisfying set of obstacles to punctuate the exploration). After being a it turned off by Kalos in general (plenty of stuff to look at, but not a lot to do), I found it hard to muster up much enthusiasm to really dig deep into the game.
I have dabbled in the competitive scene, around the DPPt era, and (my proudest achievement is coming 2nd in a 64-man tourney on PokemonWorld), but it's amazingly time absorbing. To be any good, you've got to know the metagame pretty thoroughly, which in itself is a big ask. Even though the number of Pokemon in competitive play isn't as big as the Pokedex, it still demands a lot of knowledge to know all the stats, typing, likely movesets, equipped items and general strategies present in the game.
I'm actually trying to keep myself away from competitive play, simply because I can't afford the time.
That's why I'm hoping Sun and Moon just have a charming and enjoyable to romp through, and a story that as the very least isn't annoying.
Thank you for your suggestions though, they're very valid.
Still gonna wait until I hear what the post game will be like. >.>
I saw some good things in the trailer, but I'm keeping my expectation in check until I hear more about the general direction that this game is going in. Skipping a revisit to Kalos is a questionable decision and I want to know the reasoning behind it. Are they including Kalos in Sun and Moon, are we going back to Kalos some other time, or is it simply not on the agenda? Did they skip it because of time constraints or are they moving away from region revisits as a whole? What does Sun and Moon mean for Zygarde and the other "Z" elements they teased? And what new things are they doing in Sun and Moon and where are they taking the series now? Because if they're continuing this "we must dumb down the games for casuals" mentality and regressing even further in terms of content and difficulty, not only am I not going to buy Sun or Moon, but I'll probably end up quitting the series. I can only take so much of this nonsense.
While seeing the starters and legendaries is neat, that tells us nothing, and we know too little about Alola to tell what the actually gameplay is like. I'm waiting to hear more information before I can form an opinion on this game.
I'm probably going with Moon as my main game, but I want to see a little bit more before I make a decision on that.
I would definitely choose Rowlet as a starter, as the dual type usually gives nice early advantage and as a Zelda fan, I'm happy to get what is potentially going to be Kaepora Gaebora in a Pokemon game. ^_^
Definitely like the islands feel, as well — it would be nice if you could "Sail" in 3D a la the Soar option in ORAS. Can't wait to see if this becomes an option.
"I might have got completely the wrong end of the stick though; are you saying you'll hold out on Sun and Moon so as to get the presumed third version when it releases?"
Yes. I'm going to hold out on Sun and Moon so I can get the superior "Star" version a year or two later.
I won't break tradition, Water starter 4 life.
Also Praise The Sun!
Yes I am super hyped for Sun/Moon! How can I not be? It looks awesome! Plus it's Pokemon! Alola looks awesome, I can't wait to visit! I plan on getting Sun and picking Popplio!
I hope we can get both legendaries in either game otherwise I will be upset
@BLPs While 5th gen didn't have a straight third version like Platinum, it did give us a full blown sequel which filled the same role and actually did more for Unova than Platinum did for Sinnoh. We got completely new areas and new gyms, a completely new storyline instead of just a rehash of the original story with a different ending. Flat out skipping a Kalos revisit would be unprecedented, in a very bad way. It'd be the first time that a region has been left so bare and incomplete.
@burninmylight There's no guarantee of that anymore. We don't even have an update over XY yet.
I enjoyed the first season of the anime, but can't quite bring myself to like the games. Can anyone tell me how big the differences between the versions normally are? Are they significant enough to justify buying all of them? Do you get anything meaningful out of this at all?
B2/W2 counts as the "third version" of that gen for me. The point is that a year or so later, a superior version of the game comes out, and I have no shortage of games to tide me over for that long.
After ORAS came out, I had to ask people online to teach my Pokemon tutor moves (my girlfriend eventually got AS, thankfully). I only want to buy and play through one game per gen, so I might as well make sure I get the most complete game possible.
Same as above. BW/W2 aren't true third versions, but they were superior games that I would have skipped straight to instead of buying B1/W1. Even if Gen 7 never gets the third game like Gen 6, then I won't really have missed much from holding out. I didn't get Y until a year and a half after it launched, and I caught up pretty quickly. It's not hard to acquire any single Pokemon through trade.
@rjejr I was trying to think of a catchy hashtag but....yeah. I suck at that, like a lot of stuff as my housemates like pointing out lately...but yeah. Popplio. I'm not a Water type lover. Nope. Noppppeee
@Bolt_Strike Well, Id rather have a sequel to be honest.
Which is unusual. I usually go with water or fire,
Gen 1. Pikachu.
Gen 2. Thyphlosion
Gen 3 Swarmpert
Gen 4 infernape
Gen 5 Samurott
Gen 6 Greninja
This is my first time starting a gen with a grass starter.
@Popful Usually it's different Pokemon and minor differences in the storyline. BW did experiment by having differences to certain areas and other gameplay mechanics, but after that game the series regressed back to just differences in Pokemon and story. In general, I wouldn't waste your money on multiple games, just pick one and get the other Pokemon from someone who has the other version.
To be honest I'm way more excited for the region itself (which looks beautiful, and on a side note reminds me of the village from FFX where you get to meet Wakka) than for the Pokemon shown.
As soon as I saw the starters I didn't want to believe my eyes: they just looked so dull, lifeless and uninspired.
Now that I'm a bit more used to accepting their existence as Pokemon I have to say Rowlet doesn't look bad at all: a bit generic, but nonetheless cute. But it's the only one of the three I have changed my mind about, Litten and Popplio (er...seriously, Popplio?!) look so bland and boring...they just don't look like Pokemon to me. So now I'm leaning towards Rowlett, as seems the majority of people (finally some recognition for Grass-type Pokemon! I've never been one to always choose the same type, but Bulbasaur and Sceptile are among my favorite 'mons), but I guess I'll wait for the final forms to be revealed before deciding.
As for the legendaries, I'm disappointed (again). Do they even look like Pokemon? I've been saying this since Gen IV with Dialga and Palkia, I don't like these overcomplicated designs. But at least Palkia and Dialga, though overcomplicated and not really Pokemon-like to me, looked unique. That lion thingy over there must be the most generic legendary ever. I'm not fond of the bat either, but I prefer it over that Entei ripoff.
Rowlett. One of the best Pokemon ever for me.
So glad Rowlet getting all this love. Rowlet was the first one I saw and I was gonna chose it (I usually choose the fire starter). Then Litten popped up and I had to go back to the fire starter. Too much of a cat person. Already have a nickname too. Mort(e). Fun book and that is the main characters name, which is obviously a cat
@Yorumi @Bolt_Strike
So it's like Battle Network then. Different colours, a new Navi, etc. Not very tempting.
Personally I think it's way too early to decide what version and starter to get
If I played Pokémon I'd opt for Moon cause I hate sunburns.
Trailer seems well done and the hype already seems through the roof so I'm happy for the players
I thought the starter designs were kinda boring, to be honest. I was really surprised that the internet was blowing up over Rowlet and Litten. Gens 5 and 6 had much better starters.
@edgedino The game felt really bland to me and I hardly enjoyed it. I don't like the execution of mega evolutions, the region itself was uninteresting with few memorable locales. There were only around 70 new pokemon; I like the new designs, but they really should have taken the time spent on mega evolutions and used that on new pokemon. The difficulty was all over the place, and the rivals were pretty poor compared to past characters. Overall, this game is the reason why I stopped buying Pokemon on launch day (something I had done since the release of Platinum) before ORAS came out.
Team Rowlet for the win! omg I can't deal with how cute it looks!
I'm really pleased for Rowlett becoming the most popular starter for Gen VII ^_^ I'm thinking Popillo will have a similar situation to Oshawott & have an amazing final form! But Litten is who I'm cheering on for now, as I'm hoping for a different approach to the fire cat Pokémon. :3 (to differ from Litleo & Pyroar)
Not really.
I am going to be buying Pokemon Sun/Moon (leaning toward Moon right now), but there wasn't really enough information in these trailers to get me "excited".
Seeing as the game is still on the 3DS and they barely finished X/Y on time, I'm not surprised that Sun/Moon appear to just be running on the X/Y engine with a Hawaii theme, nor am I complaining about it, but as I said, it doesn't really make me "excited".
I always go with the Fire type starter (except in X, when I chose the water type to compliment Charizard), so it's Litten for me. I like the designs quite a bit, and will definitely be trading for a Rowlet as soon as I can.
I'll be getting both versions and using both Litten and Popplio. Loving the look of the overworld and the attention to detail in battles.
I can't decide which one I want! They all look great.
Dang. I just watched the Japanese trailer. That was really touching. I wish more of the NA marketing was like that.
Moon for me! Haven't decided on a starter yet though...
I'm pretty excited about Rowlet myself. Been wanting a Grass Flying starter for a very long time. Hopefully he is relatively good in battle!
And I'm kinda leaning toward getting Sun version, but I haven't decided 100% yet.
I'm excited, but only a hard mode for single player and a 6x6 online with real rules (including Uber ban), can put me on maximum hype again.
That said, Rowlet or Litten are the top choices for me. (for now, let's wait for final forms for not revive the Fennekin deception)
And I was planing geting sun since the announcement and now I'm fully decided to get this version! Screw you batmon!
Come on guys, Litten, LITTEN THE KITTEN.
This trailer is a massive disappointment for me. Nothing actually shown besides the starters and the region. Until info on if this game is going to add anything new or fix the flaws of X and Y I'm not sold on it. Hopefully this game isn't going to repeat and be a bore. I love Pokemon but I can't justify paying for another easy win game with no new or returning features. The starters aren't very encouraging either but I've only seen the first form. I'll wait till I see the 3rd for my final thoughts on them.
@iamDTS Glad to know I'm not the only one who follows that tradition. For better or for worse, gonna choose the Water starter every time!
The removal of Chibi sprites and maps that aren't built around squares is enough to get me looking forward to this.
I'm getting Pokemon Sun because my best friend is getting Pokemon Moon and it's his first Pokemon game. I'm so excited!
I want to be excited for this game. I really do. The main thing that's holding me back is that I know the story is going to be the same as it has been since Gen 3: Evil Team wants to revive your version's legendary God Pokemon and use its abilities to overwrite the world based on their best interests. I may pick this up sometime down the road (and choose Rowlet), but for now I'm reserving my judgement until more info is available.
Early decisions are Rowlett and Moon...but that could change over the course of the next few months. We'll see what else they deliver for trailers in the near future. I really wasn't overly excited for X/Y or Ruby/Saphire, but perhaps I should look into those titles to tide me over..
I'm still on the fence about which version to get, so I'll wait for more information/version exclusives before I decide.
As cute as Rowlet is, I'm still more partial to Litten. The final evolution may tip my hand on which starter I'll pick; I'm betting on a tiger-like final evolution for Litten.
fucDay-Care-ing sides! That was hilarious.For once the grass starter isn't my favorite of the three...
@Evenmoresteven GameFreak clearly knows how to get people's vote
I love the look of the games so far! Popplio is definitely my favourite of the starters at the moment due to the lovable design and circus motif, though Rowlet is a close second.
Gen 6 was a complete let down, so I'm hopeful that they will fix those mistakes with this games. And for starters, I can't break my tradition of going with the water starter - only excepcion was X/Y where I could get Squirtle... So I benched poor Chespin almost inmediately xD
#TeamMoon #TeamPopplio
Nope, not really. My passion for pokemon has died long ago.
If i cant buy one set of games and "catch them all" without booking a world tour to visit the myriad of "pokemon handout events" im out.
Its the perfectionist in me that just lost interest in the series due to that.
@burninmylight Lol you really think there's gonna be a third version? We didn't get Gray or Z so don't hold your breath 😂
@Einherjar That's a stupid reason not to play. So you wouldn't play a sport just because you can't get a trophy? That's all event Pokemon are. They're commemorative trophies, special things that aren't even needed for pokedex completion. They just give you bragging rights.
@Einherjar You don't even need the event Pokemon to complete the dex anymore.
I just hope it's more of a challenge
@Zombo And that proves what?
The fact there are no more Chibis is enough to get me excited.
@Yorumi I agree, it's annoying. Deoxys in ORAS was a good step in that direction. Keep special distributions to Pokemon with moves they don't usually learn, rare shinies and so on, I say...
@Yorumi I just recently finished my first play through of Red last week, and your right, it's beyond easy.
On the Elite 4, I only used four Pokemon. None of them was beyond level 50, and all of Blue's Pokemon were over 60 with his starter being 65. I destroyed his Blastoise in two hits with a Raichu.
I grew up with Gen 2, and it's more of the same. Gen 3 is slightly more challenging, Gen 4 has it's moments of annoyances, but the only Pokemon game I can call close to 'difficult' is Black 2's hard mode, but that can be fixed by grinding. Though Pokemon World Tournament had a pretty good AI.
Though Gen 6 is insultingly easy, don't get me wrong.
Fire, Water, Grass...again....
@blujay1524 Those are the only types that work as flawlessly together as they do. Ghost types would be OP as a starting type, so would dark/fighting/psychic types. The whole reason for fire, water, and grass starters is so players can easily understand the rock/paper/scissors match ups. It's incredibly important that it remain this way, because it's extremely balanced as it is. If you want to use something else, just catch one of the other Pokemon out in the wild. It's not a big deal.
All starters look bland and basic in their first forms, so I'll wait on their 2nd evolution appearance, stats and typing before making a decision.
As for which version to get, I'll let the exclusive Pokemon call out to me. I never end up using legendaries and I can't pick between these two so yeah.
I really hope this game won't be like all the others, Pokemon games are pretty much just a reboot of the last one. Minus the last region, add some Pokemon another cheesy-named "Evil" group who plan on doing the impossible (Oh no! The unguarded Poke Balls Factory was Hijacked) until you some 10 year old newbie stops them. Better graphics don't mean anything if the game itself isn't good!
Rowlet is just too cute for words. I can't imagine picking anyone else. I wouldn't mind getting Litten either.
I'm gonna cause a s#$T storm and say owls are terrifying creatures and not cute! They are Eeeeeevil. Rowlet is staring into my soul.
Japanese version was cute, i think we all know what its like being the new kid.
Western version showed off a lush world and the Return of Mufas-I mean the awesome Legendaries.
The starters are all Bleh! I hope at least Two of them have better looking evolutions and they won't be Unova Starers 2.0.Rowlet's kinda cute though. I dunno who I'm gonna pick, just waiting to see.
I'm getting Sun for kiddo and Moon for myself as Christmas presents.
The thing I liked the most was the setting for the game.
I'll just buy one version. Probably Sun. I've done both versions in the past and never ended up touching more than one.
Oh my goodness that Japanese commercial! actually very touching. Also hooray for a starting kitten pokemon
I really love the setting; a tropical, quaint setting. A change of pace from the city life. It seems like it will be relaxing to travel around the Alola region.
I'm going to stick to my tradition and pick the Fire type: Litten. I'm not feeling the whole "cat" thing. There are too many cats in Pokémon, but I hope his evolution will be worth it. I wonder what if they will get a mega evolution...
@Yorumi Well first of all, Nintendo doesn't make the games, Game Freak does. And the only bad thing about Game Freak's approach to change is that they tend to remove features after one game, I've never felt that anything they've added has really destroyed the formula, so I trust them when it comes to adding in new gameplay elements.
The problem is more that they refuse to change up the story/gameplay structure and it's gotten stale, they've done the whole badge quest/evil team structure to death so they need to start changing things up to make it more interesting. They did this in BW, but then they went right back to normal afterwards, we need more games that take this sort of approach.
The game. Takes place. ON HAWAII!
I can hardly contain the hype. Everyone will just be on island time. Ready for a super chill Pokemon game. Although, with it being on an island, IGN will hate it. The whole "water" aspect is too much for them.
I can hardly contain the hype! the game looks fantastic, and the Sun legend looks sooo badass.
#TeamSun #TeamPopplio
@Pikmiin99 I'm with you, and I notice the severe dislike for Popplio everywhere. Maybe it's just that people don't inherently like clowns?
@Bolt_Strike To be honest, i don't care what the game requires to call it complete. I know that there are more mons and that's enough for me to make it "incomplete".
Again, its a completionist thing.
@BlatantlyHeroic Ah, you are the one deciding what good reasons to play are ! I finally found you !
Jokes aside, i don't give a flying thwomp about what you think is a stupid reason. According to you guys, i should invest money and force myself to play these games, even though that "stupid reason" is the things that makes these games not fun to me ?
Yeah, sounds perfectly reasonable.
I really like this group of starters. I like all three of them....but my favourite has to be Rowlet!
Popplio is probably my second favourite, I love the personality they show off in it's battle animation.
Also, I prefer the Moon legendary to the Sun legendary. It just looks cooler. Something about the lion just turns me off. It's mane looks really strange. (also the Moon legend is like some sort of ghoulish skeleton bat, what's not to love?)
im very happy about these trailers
@Jayvir I don't even think it's the clown thing, I don't really get a huge clown vibe off him but I'll admit it's there. I think his main vibe is the old fashioned circus sea lions who balance balls on their nose and then I think there's also a bit of acrobat in his design, just his animations and that art where he bounces off the bubble. He's very encompassing of the circus theme, perhaps a ringmaster final stage?
I'm certainly happy to see more of the game. It looks like another great Pokemon RPG.
I'm excited for this version, but I think it's nigh time that the formula be changed up/enhanced a bit. Why not add some more detailed NPCs, side quests, and the like?
The Looker sidequests were a really nice touch in the earlier games.
To me all of them are ugly... I don't even know why people call some cute....I don't want to think that I are blinded by nostalgia I even love chespin, but man, I hope their second or third stages make them better...
@HandheldGuru97 Heck yeah man! Grass flying for the win!
@Einherjar Personal excuses never make awful logic any less awful.
great picture @Xaessya, i'll probably go fire because grass seems to be super popular and will be easier to trade for one of those later. I also get the feeling maybe the fire cat will get a dark typing with it's look as a 2nd typing .
that japanese trailer was so good
@Yorumi I don't really think it's messing with the ''core'' if the game by making the story actually unique.
@BlatantlyHeroic No, but mental disorders, like OCD in this case might be rather valid [removed].
Besides, the tagline of the series "gotta catch em all" has been rendered false for people outside of the US for the longest time.
If you missed out of an event ? Content locked away for good.
@Einherjar It's OK to disagree, but please mind your language.
Such a hard decision. At the moment, I'm swaying towards Popplio and Moon. Although I hope I can trade early and have all three in my team!
@Einherjar Im not from the US and I easily get the event pokemons without going to any of those events... I just make friends online.... LOL
And it is totally possible to complete the pokedex nowadays, it ust takes some time. Don't give up pal and you´ll even enjoy seeing how your pokedex fills up.
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