Xenoblade Chronicles has had a somewhat troubled history in North America. It took longer than seemed fair to make its way to the region, and then was exclusive to GameStop and Nintendo's rather limited official store of the time. GameStop was criticised for pricing and stock availability, and was even accused at one point of selling 'vintage' used copies for $90.
Thankfully the situation wasn't so messy with Xenoblade Chronicles X on Wii U, and the current-gen system may now come to the rescue for those that never got the original on Wii or the New 3DS port. Nintendo's official website is listing the RPG for this week's Nintendo Download Update in North America (28th April), at the usual Wii VC price of $19.99.
These early game page dates have occasionally been wrong, but recently have more often than not been accurate. If that's the case it's certainly positive news for fans of Monolith Soft and the Xenoblade IP.
Are any of you in North America planning to pick this up?
Thanks to all that sent this in.
[source nintendo.com]
Comments 98
Fantastic! I was thinking of importing XC from Play Asia but it still was a pretty penny... So if this is true, it'll be great! Never played it when it released for Wii.
Just a doubt, what is the recommended controller for this one? The Wiimote+Nunchuck or the Classic Controller?
Better late than never right? I own a copy of the original so there's no need for me but this is great for everyone who missed it before and want to play it as intended.
Dang, I just got this a couple months ago at Gamestop for the premium $65 price! Oh well, maybe I can sell it and make a few bucks to get this one; it has GamePad support!
Guys, you must play this game. I think this is my ask time favorite game. It's incredible. Can't miss it!
Nice. Though, this is based of the wii version right? Or is it based of the 3DS port?
Is there a difference between the 3DS and Wii version of the game?
Had the disc, and couldn't stand the constant "Backslash! Backslash! We got 'em good!" Everyone raves about it, so I might give it another shot. For 20 bucks, be kind of stupid not to.
@Shade_Koopa It's a Wii download, so it's the Wii game straight up. The Wii version is the better version, technically.
Thanks, stranger!
Ahhh, I'll buy it at a high price.
In your face scalpers!!!!
I already have the new 3ds version and I have no Wii U I might get the Wii one when the price goes down.
YES! Thank You NoA!
(i just need money for it )
Yea well I'm still waiting for Star Fox 64 and Pokemon Snap
@Shade_Koopa Not really. The Nu3DS version had a few bug fixes/game balance modifications (namely a weapon that was supposed to be balanced in the Wii release ended up hilariously overpowered due to a glitch in the way the game calculates damage), but that's it.
@MarioLazor Wii titles like this run off of the Wii emulator that the Wii U already has. It lacks Virtual Console features (so it is more of a port download.) According to Nintendo's official website, the Pro Controller is not compatible, but it is compatible with the GamePad and Wii Classic Controller/Pro if you have that.
Nice! I missed out on it because I wasn't going to overpay for it and I do not have a 3DS.
I've waited so long
and it's finally here.
Time to toss the 3DS port in the trash
@HyrulianOfHyrule Right? I'm stunned we didn't get Star Fox right when the new title launched. When better to get nostalgic folks to repurchase the old one? I got it from Club Nintendo, but I'd pay the upgrade fee to play it with a Pro controller without hesitation. They make very peculiar choices with the VC here in North America.....
Goodbye 3DS port!
It took long enough to get the VC version across the Atlantic from Europe. But I'm not downloading this as I don't download Wii games that I can just play off the Wii disc. Still waiting for other VC games that Europe got ages ago, hopefully we get SMRPG next week.
About time, we finally will get something good in this week.
Already have the disc version. I got it new when it first came out.
So... say I own the disc version already. Would my save from that work on this version since it still utilizes Wii mode?
Finally! I've been waiting for it to release on Wii U. I wanna play it before X, I don't have a N3DS, and discs are too expensive. Bout time.
@Jayvir Good question! I was wondering that too! Unfortunately, I don't know the answer. I want to say yes but I'm afraid it could be no.
I might actually pick this up and trade in my physical copy. I've been slowly moving away from physical releases for the convienance of digital copies.
With people commenting on how pricey this game is, I wouldn't hold off getting Paper Mario Color Splash when it comes out. Since it releases near the end of Wii U lifecycle it could potentially be out of print in a year or so.
Well, at least there is some good news today. I hope anyone who wasn't able to get the game for a decent price can enjoy it. XC is still an excellent game.
Is the N3DS version's price going down to 19.99 as well? I'd pick it up if thats the case. If not, I dont see why they wouldnt and would be a bit disappointed
Different output resolution and lots of downgraded textures in the 3DS version. The Wii version is superior in every way except portability.
You can find it pretty cheap already if you look!
@LegendOfPokemon @Jayvir : Yes, they will. Wii games run natively in Wii mode in Wii U, and utilise the save data in the Wii's system memory. Unfortunately, this also means that all users on Wii U will be sharing the same save data (which is the case with all Wii games).
It is incorrect to state that these are "Virtual Console" games as Nintendo does not use that term in reference to Wii games running on Wii U. Plus, there is no added VC functionality (save states, etc.) whatsoever. It is simply running off the Wii hardware that is built into the Wii U.
@Dezzy Really? Where? I remember Amazon was selling it for $40 ish $20 is still 50% less than the price on Amazon. I might pick this up since Zelda U is not coming this year...and I don't think Xeno X is that much better than the original.
I'll skip this. I only got to chapter six in xenoblade chronicles x, I really really dislike the combat system and I wasn't having any fun with it. There is such a thing as too much content. I only really play on weekends and that's just not enough for that game.
I just got a gamestop copy two days ago! Oh well, there's no way I would trade my disc for a virtual version now.
@Jayvir I think the save from the disc version will be used with the downloaded VC version.
I bought Metroid Prime Trilogy when it came out last year and I had the physical version too. If I recall correctly I was able to use my save. I may be wrong, though...
The best thing about this digital version is to finally being able to play off-TV without the need of a Wiimote and Classic Controller. Come on, how hard can it be to support the GamePad as a Classic Controller when in Wii mode? At least this digital version allows it.
You might prefer it in the original.
Riki getting hungry!
I still have yet to play my copy of Xenoblade Chronicles 3D
@Carlos1996 Was it expensive? GameStop still wants $65 for a used copy.
Sweet! What's the download size?
I've been wanting to replay this game, but on the big screen. Guess my waiting paid off.
@Luna_110 I'd go for classic controller. The only thing is you have to take your thumb off the analog stick (movement) to change arts (dpad) during battle. Maybe wiimote+nunchuck might be better in that sense but I've never tried.
You can also just use the gamepad as well
@DeQuimet I can vouch for save compatibility between physical and digital copies of XC
Well it's certainly about time. I have been waiting to download this since it was first released in Europe. At least this is a bit of good news today, I can't wait to play it.
YES! Good thing I haven't had the time to begin XCX. I'll start with this instead.
Welp. Now there goes the only New 3DS exclusive (I know it was only the Wii, but the Wii version was hard to find)
@Nintendo_Ninja I think around 6.5 GB. It's worth it though!
In your face NoA!!!
btw, I wish VC Wii games had some sort of upscaling or smoothing filter. They're pretty hard to look at on an HD tv.
If I can use the gamepad I'm all set - it's a great controller for XCX.
Thanks a lot for the info!
Ha, as scalpers everywhere scream in defeat. I picked this up for the initial print run, but I might get the download just to always have it on the drive. Great game, though I did enjoy XCX a little bit more.
@Shade_Koopa Lack of Shulk amiibo support, for one thing.
Cool, useless for me, but great to those who wanna play this without having to get a New 3DS or pay an exorbitant amount (that is, if you're American and American only).
Now get us Radiant Dawn.
This was my most wanted on the "They already have it in Europe" list. I'll be downloading this ASAP.
There goes the last reason to buy a New 3DS for me. Also why are there suddenly SO many used Xenoblade copies? I've seen at least 1 at each Gamestop, even this one store called World 8, they had one. Suddenly everyone sold theirs? Or did they have a reprint? Was GS hoarding them?
I own it on disc, but I am tempted just to have the full gamepad integration. This is well worth the $20 for anyone that loves JRPGs and has never played it before. Much better than the new one and after playing it for a while the graphics just become the norm for your eyes/mind.
About time. It's been, what, a year since Europe got it? Guess this means no Mario Party 2 this week, but Xenoblade Chronicles has been on my wishlist to download since releasing in Europe, so I'm okay for this week.
@MarioPhD See I thought it would come out too but sadly they usually come out at least 6 months or more after Europe 😕
Hallelujah! Buying this tomorrow.
I actually found a physical Wii copy for 40 bucks a few years back when the thing was selling for 100 dollars on ebay. Awesome game just wished it got an HD treatment.
I will pick this up. I won't play it. I'm terrible. I have a back log of over a 100 games I need to finish, but I just keep buying more. It's a sickness I tell you.
This is exciting news!
Out of curiosity, is there any point in purchasing the Wii version when I already have the 3ds version? I have heard the graphics are less cluttered as well as the menus. However, the portability factor of the 3ds appeals to me quite a bit...
Is it worth it to purchase it? Thank you.
The Australian version compatible with Wii u gamepad. I
think should be the same for US version.
Loved this game but sadly I haven't been able to get into X quite the same way. I'll give it another go someday.
It's Reyn time!
@CrazedCavalier Oh really? What weapon is that?
I have a first-print copy of the North American release of the Wii game and the New 3DS port, and I'll still probably pick this up in the next few months. Xenoblade is in close competition with its sequel for my favorite game of all time, and the idea of getting to use my Gamepad to play it is very tempting. I get to keep my physical copy safely on my special dedicated shelf for the Xenoblade series too, so no risk of the disc getting ruined. All pluses in my book.
Anyone that hasn't played this game and is thinking about it or is a fan of the RPG genre: please, give this one a try. It's an under-appreciated masterpiece that truly deserves to be up there with the classics in terms of its popularity and acknowledgement. I got it back when it was being scalped before GameStop sold reprinted copies, and knew absolutely nothing about it (received as a gift). It turned out to be the greatest journey a game had ever taken me on. It might seem like I'm a bit obsessive over this game (which very well may be true), but regardless, all RPG fans should at least give the game a shot. With the definitive version of the game now available on the Wii U in most regions, there's nothing holding it back from the masses anymore.
Victory to Riki!
well this is great news my brother got me x for my bday and i didnt wanna have to plunk down $40 on the 3DS version or some ridiculous amount on a used copy.
I still have no idea how I managed to get my hands on the original release of this game without any problems... I guess I preordered it, though I don't remember doing that. I just remember thinking, 'what? people had trouble getting Xenoblade?' when I first heard it was rare. it's weird to think it's been so long that I can't remember fully... doesn't feel like it's been out that long, but I guess it's been like... 5 years or something? Yeesh, where has the time gone...
Anyway, glad to see more people get the chance to play this awesome game. better than X, in my opinion.
I'd rather be getting Gamecube games as virtual console. I still need to play Paper Mario, Thousand Year Door.
Arguably the best game on the Wii
Riki's Sidekicks do good!
@Luna_110 either controller works fine
Brilliant review and feature of Xenoblade Chronicles in issue 1 of HyperPlay RPG fanzine, available at hyperplayrpg.com (by the way). The perfect accompaniment to the game!
@Luna_110 Classic for certain, but the gamepad can be used in place of a classic controller in these Wii download ports so that's another option.
@Luna_110 a classic controller or the wii u gamepad would be the best choice for this game
Oh look, only months late.
Just kidding, not that bitter. Will be buying on release.
Yeah I'm definitely going to pick this up, I've wanted to try it for years but could never find a copy at a decent price.
But This and XCX doesn't have anything else in common than title so it really doesn't matter which game you play first.
As for voices, gosh those irritated me so much. But at least in Wii version you coud change to Japanese which wasn't as annoying
It's about time now how big is this file...
America: At last! We move at the same pace!
Europe: Europon! Very cool!
Japan: Ah! Whot a bunch o' jokers!
About 6,5 GB.
This is great news. I won't get it immediately, as I'm yet to get Twilight Princess HD, but I will eventually.
America and Europe moving at the same pace... You are joking right?
@Luna_110 Definitely the classic controller or classic controller pro. Monolithsoft alsorecommends those controllers too, there was even a bundle that had the game and a red classic controller
I'll keep this one in mind since I haven't finished the 3DS version yet. Wouldn't mind seeing the differences between console and handheld.
It'll be great that US 3DS owners won't have to buy a New 3DS, though pity the wii u owners that felt as though they had to...
No thank you. I purchased the 3DS version and couldn't get through the entire game. I'm guessing I'm about 65-75% through the game and I may go back to it at some point, but I grew a little bored with it.
Great game. I bought the VC last year and loved it. I do have to say, I bought the 3DS version and it is not a very good hand held game. It suddenly becomes cluttered and hard on the eyes.
@BulbasaurusRex Monado Rudra.
Most definitely buying this!
@dkxcalibur What part did you get to?
@Aurumonado Valak Mountain.
Like I said, I may go back to it. We shall see. It depends on how fast I get through Ocarina of Time. If I have time between that and Monster Hunter 4 then I may take up the challenge. I decided to stop because at some point it felt like work playing Xenoblade.
Now there's one less reason for me to get a New 3DS. I may pick this up sometime this summer. I'm interested in the series, at least.
Also, I appreciate that it supports the GamePad for the Classic Controller support, because I don't have any Classic Controllers.
@Kroko oh wow, that is bigger than I thought.
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