The My Nintendo loyalty programme has been live for a week in the West, finally delivering a Club Nintendo replacement. There's been plenty of positivity in the reception to it so far, yet there's no hiding the fact there's also discontent - the download / digital-only aspect of it is one sticking point.
Due to the nature of the service it hasn't taken long to get a sense of what it's all about, including its strengths and flaws. With that in mind we thought we'd outline some key pros, cons and areas for improvement with the service.

The User Interface
What's immediately striking about My Nintendo is how slick its website is. It's a testament to how far web design has come - when first logging in it takes you on a guided tutorial, and as standard there's a cute animated Mii at the top of the page. It's highly interactive (with hidden 'missions') and easy to use, with our only slight niggle being that you have to click into a Reward to see its price. Add in clear and easily accessible account menus and details, and it's an accomplished effort.
Platinum Points and Exclusive Content
Moving on from the debate over a download-only service, the Platinum currency is (under the right circumstances) very generous; more on those 'circumstances' later. By linking social and Nintendo accounts and by regularly accessing Miiverse, the eShop etc there are plenty of points to gain. For Miitomo users, also, there are a lot of daily rewards.
As a result the Platinum Rewards are certainly up for grabs, and the exclusive My Nintendo Picross: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is an excellent option. Another unique option is a DS download on 3DS with WarioWare Touched!, along with two 3DS HOME Themes. A few other rewards are less appealing, but it's certainly not unreasonable to target all of the unique Platinum Rewards.
Points that can be earned without spending money along with unique rewards - that's a good combination.
Buying eShop Downloads From Nintendo's Official Websites
The approaches are different per region but the idea is the same - over 2000 games can be purchased from Nintendo's regional websites, and they then download automatically to your Wii U or 3DS. All you need to do is link your Nintendo Network ID to the newer Nintendo Account.
In North America there's a relatively flashy 'Game Store' section, while in Europe there are multiple ways to find games and then buy them directly from the web page. My Nintendo points can be earned, naturally, and it's an area that can also get better in the future.
Behind the Scenes
It's worth praising the unsung heroes from Nintendo and DeNA that created the server code and Nintendo Account infrastructure. Once your logins are connected it takes a matter of seconds for activities to synchronise with the official website, even when using a 3DS or Wii U to access Miiverse to claim points, for example. It all just works.

Download-only Gold Points
While the Platinum Points reward 'engagement' of various kinds, the Gold Points are focused solely on eShop purchases (no DLC of HOME Theme support, though). The bands are clearly defined, yes, but many are unhappy that no past eShop purchases (since the closure of Club Nintendo, for example) have been counted towards points.
There's also displeasure, of course, that it's download-only at all. The absence (at this stage) of points in physical retail games feels like a step back for those that happily registered their disc purchases in the Club Nintendo era.
Time Limits on Rewards and Spending Points
Each reward has an expiry date, ranging from a month or two away right into the Fall / Autumn season. Particular rewards are desirable but not easy to earn in quick time, especially with Gold Points; this will no doubt enable rotation, though also points to Nintendo being keen to limit the Rewards range to its current (and relatively modest) size.
In addition, points earned must be spent within six months of being earned. This seems rather unnecessary, especially when some points will take a fair while to earn; it'll also fragment totals, as some points could dribble away and continually limit the overall haul. We hope this will be rescinded, as it's an unnecessary condition that only frustrates users.
Poorly Executed 'Just for You' Rewards
The 'Just For You' eShop discounts are, to be brutally honest, rubbish. Not the offers themselves, in which you redeem coins in exchange for an eShop discount, but the actual rewards. Branded as if they're customised per user, they're not, and are actually shared across all users (with variations per region).
For this writer they're irrelevant, as I own all of the games already - Nintendo would know this if it had utilised Club Nintendo and Nintendo Network ID data to determine the offers. As that's not the case it just means that the entire range of discount deals is a waste of space for some gamers. Thankfully this can easily be improved if Nintendo personalises the offers based on user data; we hope that'll happen.
An Over-Reliance on Miitomo for Platinum Points
If you're in the UK, Ireland, France, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Luxembourg, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Russia, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, U.S or Canada, and enjoy Miitomo enough (with some friends) to use it daily, then earning Platinum Points is easy-peasy. The problem is that the app is yet to arrive in a lot of countries with notable Nintendo fan-bases, and those users will have a very tough time accumulating sufficient points for the more appealing rewards. We're sure Nintendo and DeNA are working hard to roll Miitomo out to more countries, but the wait will be disappointing for some eager to make the most of My Nintendo (as the loyalty programme is available in plenty of countries without Miitomo).
It should be noted, of course, that more upcoming Nintendo / DeNA mobile apps will likely include Platinum Points integration.

Areas for Improvement (Beyond Fixing the 'Cons')
The Rewards
We've praised the exclusive Platinum Points content and some of the rewards, and this writer's a fan of the non-discount options, though there's certainly a feeling among some that the rewards list is too thin and a little lacking in variety. That's especially true if the discount options are for games you already own.
It'll be interesting to see how it progresses, as the nature of a loyalty programme is that it offers limited rewards in exchange for our purchases and engagement with Nintendo products. We're hopeful the rewards list will expand rather than just rotate every 2-3 months, as there's a danger than My Nintendo will otherwise feel too static and minimalistic for too long.
Improved Web-Based eShop Purchases
It's a nice step forward to be able to buy a full library of games (including smaller download titles) via Nintendo's website. There can certainly be improvements, however. Though some feel improvements can be made to it, the Nintendo of America 'Game Store' is a strong start, with a clear area on the site and a relatively nice interface in which to navigate and find games.
It's not quite as strong in Europe, with the region currently running separate stores (with very limited physical stock outside of the UK) and requiring users to find a game's official page in order to buy a download. A presentable and clear download purchase area like that in North America would be welcome. It would also be nice, globally, if eShop wishlists were synchronised and accessible to view on the websites, which would allow users to quickly view and buy games they've been watching closely.
Some Minor Tweaks and Fixes
My Nintendo's official website and points system has started well, but a few small tweaks can be made on a technical level. There are some occasions when points need to be 'claimed' on the website or within Miitomo, and plenty of 'missions' where it's automatic. For those that aren't using the service closely this can be confusing, and it'd be easier if it was all automated without the need to claim anything.
As mentioned above, also, it'd be nice to see how much a Reward costs without clicking into its page, while the Gold and Platinum rewards aren't at all easy to distinguish on the top page, either. These are minor niggles, and hopefully easily fixed.
So there you have it, some of our views on the best and worst aspects of My Nintendo after its first week. Let us know what you think in the comments below.
Comments 83
They could also optimize the site to run on the WiiU web browser, Or make an app for it.
I saw Donkey Kong Country Returns was also available in the US. Is that exclusive through My Nintendo? I didn't see it on the normal eShop at all...
I agree with the expiration. It'd be one thing if it was two years like it was on Club Nintendo, but six months??
Also, I feel that from a user experience they could get rid of the Miitomo platinum points and just merge them into the regular platinum. I mean, they're already interchangeable anyway, so why make them separate and thus unnecessarily confusing?
Totally agree.
They need to add more stuff and make all the gold-coin rewards also available via (more) platinum coins.
I've already got the 2 themes and Wario Ware... when I get Zelda in a few (7) weeks there'll literally be nothing for me to spend coins on.
I don't understand why they're taking down the games after a certain period of time... it's not like they're going to run out of copies. They should just continually add to the rewards program, but by the looks of it they're just going to rotate.
Okay Nintendo, I'll download games on my 4gb 3DS and my barely 32gb Wii U. Oh wait...
I miss Club Nintendo.
@Zach777 I noticed that too. At the moment, that's the only way to acquire the downloadable version of that game in our region. Kind of a bummer - that's definitely a "just take my money" game for me.
@dizzy_boy Um...if you're on your Wii U, wouldn't you just use the eShop? Why use the web browser at all?
Edit - oh, you're talking about the MyNintendo site. Yes, that would be handy, I agree. Doh.
Link purchases to accounts, giving discounts or free downloads if you've already bought it on another system, like WiiU VC -> 3DS VC or whatever, and allow us to earn points for buying retail copies of games!!!! >
I like it, so far so good. I've upgraded a game I had bought on the Wii Shop Channel, and bought two games from my phone, which I've never done before but worked perfectly & took literally minutes. I've plenty of Platinum Points, thirty Gold Points, I may not have spent any big money, but I have spent money on the eShop I wouldn't have otherwise, which is good news for Nintendo if I'm at all typical of their customers. I'm loving Miitomo by the way, twitter @invinciblekop if anyone wants to be friends.
I believe that by "just for you", it just means that it will appear in that section of the eShop since one appears when you get a just for you sale.
I've gotta say My Nintendo is pretty poor not being able too stack up your points for future use making you get stuff that you don't really want or lose your points and no way of getting points for physical games bring back club Nintendo.
I'm quite happy with the Platinum stuff, but I think the Gold coins and their rewards could use some work. Considering how long it takes to get them, I think Gold coins, moreso than Platinum coins, need a longer life than 6 months. I'm sure I'm not the only one who won't hit even 150 in that much time, and you need over 200 to get some rewards. They should also put codes in retail copies of games, like they did with Club Nintendo. As for the actual rewards, I think that the discounts need to be cheapened. Nintendo is actually making money off of your reward when you choose a 30% off coupon (assuming you use it), and I think they should be cheaper than getting a free game, even if they're technically worth more. They also need to add more 3DS games to the reward list. Right now there's just a single Game Boy game, and everything else is for the Wii U (5 games and 2 DLC's). Some people don't have a Wii U, and should have more to choose from, especially since their coins expire so quickly. Those are my biggest complaints at the moment, though it would be great to see some physical rewards alongside the digital ones, too.
@mjharper I believe he is referring to the My Nintendo website and not the online store.
Add to the PROS category: Support for 3 times more European countries than Club Nintendo
Yep, I was referring to the My Nintendo site.
Actually, I had a thought, why don't Nintendo just intergrate the points system into the eShop under the users page. We could find out what missions we can do, what coins totals we have, and redeem the coins there.
The website is fine if your away from your WiiU or 3DS.
They simply need to bring back a code that comes bundled with games like they had for Club Nintendo. The difference: their My Nintendo system works great. The gold coins are an attempt to incentivize people to buy something that doesn't cost Nintendo much, but for those of us who like buying physical copies, the lack of gold coins for us rubs us the wrong way.
I like the rewards it finally lets me get some themes and games for my smaller n3ds so that's pretty neat as all my main games are on my new xl! It sucks for people who don't have Miitomo though
Well said! The discount rewards on games are really pathetic indeed
As I said many times before... It is still early days yet for My Nintendo and I am hoping that the reason we aren't able to get gold coins for physical retail games is because Nintendo didn't want to put the redemption codes in the game boxes before My Nintendo released to avoid confusion... well I hope this is the case anyway and that we'll get redemption codes in the game boxes soon! I really hope we get physical rewards soon otherwise it would be a real shame if we don't.
My Nintendo is OK, but club Nintendo was way better
Please...just add coins for physical rewards...
They need to make a 4.99 and under for gold coins. Even if it is only 5 coins.
@Cosats Yup. I was pleasantly surprised by how many countries from Europe were supported. I mean, most of the Eastern countries are supported now. Sure, there are a few that aren't supported yet, but it still impressed me, considering most of the time they seem to only care about the Western part of Europe, and sometimes Russia and Greece.
I'm liking Miitomo so far. I have to agree with the article about the rewards; I have all those games, and aren't interested in wasting my coins on game tickets or something that doesn't really feel like an "reward". I want physical rewards Nintendo!
My Nintendo takes all the complaints that dogged Club Nintendo globally and executes the near perfect replacement.
I miss physical rewards, but I know Nintendo isn't stupid enough to bring them back after the hell they were given over them on Club Nintendo.
Did anyone outside of myself actually like Club Nintendo rewards?
I just want my retail purchases to matter. If they don't, then it just feels like a stab in the back to be perfectly honest.
I guess being a long term Nintendo fan means diddly squat to them...
Surprised that no one has mentioned the lack of support for Windows Phones. Sure, every developer tends to ignore that market, but when you are as big as Nintendo, I think that it is foolish to do so. I myself will never buy an Android or iOS device, and there are probably others like me out there!
Also, why not just tweak the rewards for countries with no access to Miitomo. With only 120 Platinum Coins to earn per week, it takes us nine weeks to get points enough for rewards such as the Picross game..
Honestly, much is pointing toward retail games gradually disappearing: in Europe the Germany factory that produced the boxes and discs was apparently closed (all Italian discs and boxes seem to now come from Japan), My Nintendo only supports digital purchases and the newly opened official Nintendo online stores in Europe don't sell physical retail games unlike the older UK online store.
And wasn't one of the Nintendo patents about a download-only console with optional optical drive unit?
Add physical purchases into the system and expand the expiration dates of gold coins, and I'm all for it.
All in all, I agree with this Talking Point.
The gold rewards are awful. We need these many points to earn a small discount. I would prefer if I got smaller Download only games as an award over the current system.
Plus the expiry of 6 months is really short. At least make it an year, or better, 2 years like the old coin system.
So far I think it's ok, would be nice to get silver/miitomo coins a lil faster, the gold coins is a bit of a issue, any purchase on CN would give you coins, but for here at least you need to spend at least 7 bucks to get 10 coins and then getting more coins just seems to get more pricey and pricey.
Rewards are ok although the fact that you can only redeem most rewards once seems meh as trading could be fun, also what's with it being that you can buy 10 game tickets for 250 coins or 5 tickets for 420 coins?.
Some rewards need to stay on the site like Picross, I can only see myself buying games and miitomo exclusives like the Mario suit, not interested in discounts or spending coins on tickets that may only benefit mii with more candy...
I don't have any Miitomo friends, and I'm struggling to earn enough platinum points to get the Picross game. I fear that getting WarioWare as well would be well out of my league.
I would like it if the points can be used to get themes for the 3DS.....there's a lot of them that I would love to get but don't feel like spending real cash for them.
Am I missing something? All I see are Miitomo coins, not Platinum coins. I'm at almost 700 platinum coins, how did everyone already get over 1000?
@Rogue76 Miitomo platinum coins are the exact same thing as regular platinum coins.
Example: 300 Miitomo platinum coins + 700 regular platinum coins = 1000 platinum coins total
the 6 month limit is the worst part. with club nintendo i could keep all my coins till the holiday season when they offer the best stuff but not anymore!
I buy games for the games themselves. Anything extra is just extra. I'm not going to complain about this
Overall is pretty good, though my 2 biggest gripes are
@medalofhonorfan oh! Heck I have some Miitomo activities to do! Thanks!
I kinda want to cancel my star fox 0 preorder at gamestop to get extra points... but it I do, I lose access to that patch which I can use to make a new hat! What should I do?
It's pretty dumb that someone who bought the entire NES and Game Boy library on VC would only get 40 coins (Earthbound Beginnings and Pokémon).
Also I actually miss the surveys. I liked being able to tell Nintendo about how bad Sticker Star was.
Personally, I like My Nintendo quite a bit. I picked up Mutan Mudds Super Challenge, and the download was on the way to my Wii U and the coins were in the account almost instantly.
I'd push those coins out to a 2 year expiration like Club Nintendo had, but it is so easy to pick up coins. You should be able to pick up in the neighborhood of 200 per week pretty easy.that is just Miitomo alone.
I think it is a great start. It's only been out a week so I think I will give them a little longer before I get too mad.
..at least the site didn't freeze, when everyone jumped on all at once, like the last club...
I considered getting that 20% off of Pullblox World until I compared the discount with the amount of Platinum coins I'd need to spend. Would rather just pay the extra AU$2.60 than let go of 150 Platinum coins.
Did the author forget to mention the bugs, crashes and slow speeds of Miitomo at times? Loading times are also awful.
Its annoying that the question list is also very limited - I've been asked certain "once only" questions several times. It's ok asking what you had for dinner last night, but being asked what month is your birthday more than once is pointless.
But... despite its many flaws, it really is a nice time waster and engaging with friends we know (and many we don't) is great.
Those drop games though - I'm sure some of the prizes are impossible to obtain...
I think the whole thing is lame, buying a game or console and getting a points voucher inside was simple and direct.
Miitomo has gone from a clever and cut nintendo app to a boring hinderance in seven days in my eyes.
Also where are all the cool collectibles like before.
To me it now just feels like Nintendo no longer offer a reward scheme
You all can call me crazy, but i don't like the new My Nintendo account and rewards system so far.
When you look to the other companies account system and what they offer in terms of rewards, purchases, discounts and integration then you see how much Nintendo has to advance.
I have faith it will be better, after all a new system is coming, and it will be born to embrace and interact with this new account system.
Points for physical purchases is my number one request.
It's understandable that currently you can't get points from physical games, as there isn't that many games that have been released after My Nintendo.
I wouldn't be surprised if some physical games included My Nintendo points in the future.
Hidden missions, you say?
After thinking about it i find it to be pretty broken. Why do you get no points for a 5 dollar purchase? Why does it need to be 7 dollars spent for 10 points? Why is a 13.99 purchase worth as much as a 7 dollar purchase? Why don't i get any points for retail purchases? Although it's admittedly a minor complaint why do i have to click on some bogus button to claim my points for my loyal patronage? How come i didn't get an email with points for my previous Club Nintendo account, that i was many times over platinum on, am i not as valuable as some Nintendo customers?
Club Nintendo had it's flaws but they've just replaced those with new flaws. At lest with Club Nintendo i was rewarded for every purchase retail and lesser ones, i could get physical gifts, i didn't have to do anything for some points, and i could do a survey for extra points. Sure the redemption system could be archaic at times and the survey's kind of sucked, but at least it was fair.
It's an easy fix but it kind of a pisses me off that it's so dumb. Give me points for my retail purchases, those are my biggest purchases. If i have to do some extra work to get my coins for retail purchases i understand that, and if i don't want to it's no worse than it is now. Make every dollar on the eShop worth the same, i.e. 1 dollar =1 point as it's roughly what they're offering instead of some arbitrary BS. Don't treat me like a second class customer and give me the same benefits others are enjoying, like say those points to previous Club Nintendo members.
Also in the future if they are tracking my account activity why not reward players for time played, games beaten, ranking titles on the eShop, ect... At this point it's just a worse but slightly more convenient Club Nintendo. I was excited for the new loyalty program but all it's done is make me feel like i have less of a reason to be loyal.
Why do the screw everything up other than making games? I'm getting tired of it tbh, and i'm one of their biggest fans/customers. The only thing they do better than making games is alienating their fans. My Nintendo's flaws aren't a huge deal but in the context of everything it's another bundle of straw closer to breaking the camels back.
Edit: Also 6 month expiry is ridiculous, as are the amount of Gold Coins needed for some stingy discount. What a joke. But hey at least the site is fast and the network is quick to recognize activity, DeNA seems to have done their job well so why can't Nintendo?
@KoopaTheGamer They knew the plan was to release this program a long time ago, they could have started putting point vouchers in a long time ago or continue with the Club Nintendo vouchers. It's a poor excuse.
The whole program sucks.
I want exclusive merchandise be sent to me, not a bunch of baby discounts...
I have a Windows phone so can't download the Miitomo app. I'm not sure how involved I can be with My Nintendo as a combined result of that and that I prefer physical copies of games.
It gave me access to Zelda Picross... That's more than enough to get my vote.
@NintendoHistory buy a 64bg SD card for next to nothing on amazon and use it in your 3DS. Problem solved.
For your Wii U... well I don't have anything to argue you'r right 8-32go Wii U is stupid.
Does anyone knows if you can buy digital games on nintendo.co.uk or that service is America-only?
@Kevlar44 I can see how you are dissapointed with the program's flaws you mentioned and I can agree with some of them. But please have in mind for some people, this is way better option than having NO loyality program. This is at least better than paying the full price for a game with points inside only to realise you can't get anything with the points (unless you know someone from UK and pay for the shipping).
The program isn't perfect, and I didn't expected it to be, but it is better than like half of Europe had (or rather didn't have) before.
Its really not that good anymore.
The Club Nintendo system was much better due to being rewarded for physical purchases and having better rewards. It was simpler in function too, this new system is over complicted now.
I'll never earn enough gold coins to be able to purchase anything, as I buy everything at retail.
The first thing that has to go is the 6 months expiration-date. The coins should be usable forever, like was the case with the clubnintendo stars. Same with the rewards: They shouldn't expire, especially since they are downloads.
Only one type of coin. Gold, Platinum, Miitomo, its all confusing.
Stuff should be available to everyone. People can decide if they use coins, e-shop credit or a combination of both.
More missions on other titles. Like some sort of achievements. Now almost everything is linked to Miitomo. That said, mobile titles shouls also be on 3DS or Wii u.
Integrate Mynintendo in both the Nintendo homepages (Nintendo.nl, Nintendo.uk, etc) and the e-shops. Makes everything a lot easier.
Maybe some physical stuff. Those may expire though, since I guess there only will be a certain amount. Like was the case with the stars-catalogue.
Also coins on physical games. Just a voucher with a code in the box, like old times.
That's all!
@KTT That's a separate issue all together, Club Nintendo could have been expanded to the other countries that My Nintendo is in. I thought Club Nintendo was really flawed too, my point is if you do something to upgrade the service then actually upgrade it or make it good. I feel for you guys though, that would have been bogus.
@VanillaLake I bought Shantae Risky's Revenge and Fire Emblem from there, you have to go to the page for the particular game. I've never done it before but it took literally two minutes on my phone, game downloaded straight away & Gold Points were pretty much instantly applied.
@Moon Yeah, the fact that they're rotating confuses me.
Also, they better add achievements to 3DS and Wii U games that give you platinum points on completion. I assume they'll announce that in the next Direct.
@Henmii Club Nintendo stars, at least in the UK expired a year after you registered them.
@MJKOP Oh, that's right, thanks. You search a game and on the right side you see the download option.
What I like:
-Platinum coins are made so easily
-Platinum coin games like wario ware and picross
hidden missions
What I dont like:
I cant get get 5 gold coins for purchases under 4.99
If you dont have a 3ds then you cant use the redeem the rewards
coins expire to soon
......Well it could be worse ......
Nintendo should have modeled the new rewards after the "digital deluxe" promo they once had. Just give credit after you reach a certain level and allow the customer to pick what game they buy. Most of Nintendo's best customers probably have all or most of the games that are available. Why limit this and alienate the people who support you the most??? I understand that they wouldn't have to do anything at all but if you do decide to do something.....at least do it right!
I think the rewards are overpriced and I find it ridiculous that they had a chance to tie purchases to an account instead of a console and yet they still did not do that. Also crossbuy on virtual console and eshop games that are on multiple platforms needs to happen immediately. I'd love to have SNES games on my 3DS, but I'm not paying almost 9 dollars a pop for games I've already purchased on two other consoles (Wii and Wii U) that I can play right now.
Does anyone know if the rewards reciprocate? I remember with the old Club Nintendo, any digital games you got as rewards with your coins would still give you coins for registration, just like the ones you bought.
I just realised Nintendo Life's new (and poor) design looks like My.nintendo.com! :S
@NewAdvent I agree, I have a Windows phone too, so I'm missing a big part. Why wouldn't Nintendo release Miitomo for us poor Windows users?
Agree with the requests to apply to physical purchases. I'm slowly coming to deciding to upgrade to a New3ds, tempted to wait to see if I can get points from it.
The exchange rate for gold coins to dollars is about 8 to 1, given some room for rounding. (Note: that there also seems to be a slight premium added to the reward prices of the free downloads — SM64, SLU) So if you manage to get in the habit of buying digitally and cashing in gold coins, you're saving anywhere from 12.5 to 25 percent on every purchase depending on where the thing you're buying is in each price range.
On its face, this isn't a bad deal. For example, if I buy Pikmin 3 digitally at full price it costs me $19.99 and I get 20 gold coins (cash value $2.50), so it's like I saved 12.5% on it. The catch is that there need to be rewards that don't cost so many coins that I'd have to buy 3 or 4 large games every 6 months just to cash in for a single discount.
The platinum points are a much better deal. 100 of them are worth $1, and you can get 120/week for doing nothing and 245 more a week if you're a hardcore Miitomo user.
I wish I could just add my friends in miimoto using thier ids!
At time of writing, I already own all of the gold coin reward games. I don't care about the discounts, there are already better ones in the shop right now.
When I'm desperately collecting the cheap free points to get the platinum rewards and totally ignoring my balance of 55 premium gold coins, something is wrong.
That said, I'm still happy to have it if only for the platinum/miitomo coins.
Hmm, now that you say it you may be right. But it never happened to me. Maybe because I always turned my stars into Wii-shop points before that could happen.
@Henmii May be right? I am right. 😜
I'm completely unable to sign up because of where I live. My local Nintendo site doesn't even boast a link to the My Nintendo, and the European Nintendo account won't let me join, either. I couldn't do the Miimoto preorder, either. Ridiculous.
Proof, proof (lol)!!! No, I believe you!
Bring back physical goodies. My last one was captain toad but still better than digital as my kids play with it
The discounts are kind of a joke given that we get sales like the Spring sale that are so much better and require no coins. They don't feel like a reward so much as a way to bleed more money out of you, and I don't understand why NA gets smaller discounts than elsewhere. And yeah, it's lame that almost everything is something I already own, as if they're trying to convince me I should be buying fewer Nintendo games than I have been.
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