The Pokémon Snorlax is famous for being a bit sleepy, so you can forgive Bandai for taking advantage of this trait by creating what is best described as a giant cushion based on the character.
Available in Japan for 52,000 Yen (around $430 / £300 / 390 Euros), Snorlax (or Kabigon has he's known in his native homeland) is 59 inches long, 24 inches thick and weighs a not inconsiderable 12kg (and not 880 pounds as previously reported).
As you can see from the images on this page, this gigantic 'mon is the ideal place to rest your sleepy head after a long day of training beasties. As Nintendo Life editor Tom Whitehead points out, the expression on Snorlax's face in that first image seems to suggest that he is "understandably happy with his position".

Thanks to Robert Dittmer for the tip!
[source mymodernmet.com]
Comments 50
Uhh... that's quite...disturbing.
Umm 880 pounds??? Are you sure??!
That's adorable! I want one!
I read that it's only like 12kg (about 28lbs) when scrolling through the contents of the shipping for this product. I think there was some misinformation.
This is really tempting to buy... Anyone know a link I can buy this from?
i bet 25 mynintendo points that someone will cosplay as this at an event and cop perves all day until the 450 pound guy in the sailormoon outfit jumps onto him for some crushing justice.
Seems like a pretty small Snorlax, they're usually 6ft 11, and weigh 1014.1 lbs.
880 pounds?!? Why would that mother let her daughter near it in an upright position, knowing it could come crashing down crush her like a bug. Am I missing the joke??
I'd sleep on that.
@RupeeClock those are the gigantic offspring of nba and wnba players so the scale is off.
@TheHeroOfTime333 there are a whole bunch of japan buying services online, but i'm afraid i only know the ones that buy film.
I want one so I can put it in front of my friend who plays the flute and force her to play a song to move it.
That third picture is, uh... wow...
Reminds me of that donald duck ride...
880 lbs?! What is it filled with lead?
I want to throw it from the top of a skycrapper and see what happens down there. >Body Slam
Holy crap that thing is huge! The photo kinda reminds me of that scene from My Neighbor Totoro.
Lol glad your not my neighbor! XD
He's cute and all, but I'm thinking $150, not $430, that's crazy, no matter what it weighs.
Best PKMN related item ever! —,_,—
This is the cutest thing I've ever seen on this site.
How incredibly appropriate.
It doesn't look very comfy though!
If this was anything south of $200, it would be a given, but $430 is way iut of my price range. I'm not even showing my kid that this exists.
Too bad I'm not incredibly rich, otherwise I would've bought this on the fly. I NEED DIS!!!
It's awesome!
@Damo I'm guessing Nintendolife is getting one for their office?
Ahaha. This is cute.
@RupeeClock It is a baby Snorlax.
Well it is cute. I'm sure some pokefan will have this pre-ordered and ready to go. I'm more afraid of the shipping cost.
@Shoyruken Put rocks in it if you are going to do that...otherwise she can just pick it up.
I imagine when you order it , the package will block a driveway
Super cute!
I need one thats 2x to 3x larger to actually use as a bed. Have always wanted a snorlax bed.
I need it.
-maybe not important, BUT Still
I so want that. Snorlax is my favourite Pokemon!
If only it wasn't so expensive.
Would be cool if it came with a pokeflute xD
@Ralizah Can't unsee.
If it weren't for the price tag this would be super tempting! I wonder if they'll do other giant plush? I'm mostly thinking of the ones you could decorate your room/secret base with. A giant Lapras is sure to go down well
Too expensive for what it is, especially since it's probably been made for next to nothing in a Chinese sweatshop along with practically everything else.
I would toss my bed out the window if I could have a Snorlax as a bed. The bigger and phatter (and stronger too) the better. A bed is just there to, you know, just hold you into your dreams, but with a Snorlax, it can take you on s0o0o0o0oo00o many adventures. I would take Snorlax with me to the movies, and we will buy most of the popcorn there, as Snorlax (and myself) would be very very HUNNNGGGRRRYYYY (Give me the butter......NO, I DON'T WANT THAT!). Some games are offline only that have a 2-player mode, my sisters never want to play Streets of Rage 2 with me, but Snorlax most likely would, since Snorlax was dreaming about the mechinics of the game in his sleep, plus I fed Snorlax a copy of the game......YEE, this comment became longer then expected, because it would be SWELL to have a Snorlax as a bed, and this long comment is proof of that!
Hmmm........... Welp, nice knowing you wallet.
Second image is a bit amusing, too, if you consider NL originally reported it as weighing almost a ton. Sure, I'm going to sit a "pillow" like that upright next to my little kid. It's not like it could ever, y'know, tip and crush her ribs or anything.
@SheldonRandoms I'm a bit afraid of the things you'd do to the poor snorlax.
@LemonSlice Me and Snorlax will enter a SM4SH doubles tournament and win, so YEEah, be a bit afraid ;3
Woah, this is soooo adorable! I wanted to have this in my house... well, when I got into a bigger house.
The perfect item to block hallways.
smh 880 pounds is a pokedex entry.
@Spakiness Whoever made that joke was not thorough enough. Snorlax eats 880 pounds of food every day, it's weight is actually 1014.1 pounds.
But maybe snorlax eats snorlax plushies...
My reaction is my profile picture.
This is awesome. I'd buy it too if I had lots of money
I don't get why people are saying the images are disturbing tho... it's just a kid on a plushie.
The price seems ridiculous at first but if it is good enough quality to actually use as a bed for a kid that's not so bad. Even quality child mattress are expensive these days and you still need a bed frame and maybe box spring.
Hell if was large enough for an adult I would get one myself as extra bed to have around.
@123akis You bet. We're going to take it out of Tom's pay packet
I know this trend is old but does anyone know how to order one it keeps redirecting me to the Japanese site?
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