We're rather enjoying The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD, as we made clear in our recent preview, and Nintendo is particularly keen to promote the merits of the early March release. Along with Pokkén Tournament and Star Fox Zero it's got the task of keeping Wii U gamers happy into the Spring months,
It's got quite a few enhancements to show off, too, some of which are likely to be universally popular and others - *cough* amiibo *cough* - that have prompted a little more debate. Improved controls, the GamePad screen and shiny visuals are all part of the package, with Nintendo hoping you'll be suitably impressed to splash some cash to pick it up.
A rather snazzy new showcase trailer from Nintendo of Europe shows off some of the remaster's features, so check it out and let us know whether you'll be picking this up.
Comments 100
Yeah, this looks amazing. Counting down the days until this releases.
Dat butterface.
Talk about damage control.
Currently re playing Skyward sword. If I can finish it by the time this comes out, well that would be just swell.
I have already played this game 2 times on the Gamecube and 6 times on the Wii, so I doubt I'm going to buy this version, unless I get it as a gift.
But I know I'm gonna buy it anyway because of the goddamn amiibo.
Well done, almost makes me want to play it over again.
Can't wait until this releases so they can finally start showing trailers for the new Zelda game and not a 10 year old one w/ some improvements. Or the 3DS port of a year old game.
Remasters and ports are nice bonuses, but they aren't a replacement for new games. And how many people haven't played TP yet? 100 mil Wii sold, 10 mil Wii U. If those numbers where reversed then this could be in line for some big sales numbers and make more sense to me for this remaster to get such a huge marketing push, by Nitneod standards.
I can't wait to play it. I need more off-TV Wii U games considering my wife always has the TV.
I can't wait to hear that twilight battle music again. The strange look my wife will inevitably give me when that spastic noise plays over and over again will be priceless!
That actually looks really good. The daytime field scenes and cave/castle scenes look especially good. The orange lighting still looks terrible though.
So other Zelda amiibos change the game by giving free arrows, healing the hearts, etc. Seems that hero mode will be easier if you got a Zelda amiibo, almost sound like Pay2Win.
Only Ganondorf has a malus that increase the game difficulty.
Can't wait for this. I'm looking forward to hearing Midna's lament again.
Great HD visuals should be a given.
@MarinoKadame Pay to win against who exactly?
You're welcome.
@MarinoKadame "... almost sound like Pay2Win."
Here's a little secret about amiibo: YOU DON'T NEED TO USE THEM!
This makes me wonder if Zelda U is even happening and it makes me wonder if I should hold out for an NX version.
Can't wait to get this. I never played the original so it should be fun
@WireWare tell me you don't want that wolf amiibo .
Man, I'm getting really excited for this.
I love that amiibo use too. Ganondorf INCREASES damage taken, Zelda and Sheik replenish hearts, Toon Link refills arrows? Heck ya, it's like having little cheat codes in the palm of your hand!
I know I've said this before, but I always think TP is amazing when I look at it, but when I play I don't enjoy it. This trailer is really good, It made we want the game again, but then I remembered all the issues I had with it that weren't in the trailer, so I don't think I'll bite.
@Dave24 They did! They mentioned Hero Mode and the Ganondorf Amiibo and how both can affects the amount of damage Link takes.
...oh, was that not what you were referring to?
Meh, I'll save my money for Zelda U instead of wasting it on this expensive cash in.
I am thinking about cancelling my pre-order and buying the amiibo separately, wait 6+ months and buy this game used for a lot cheaper. A remake shouldn't be released as a full retail priced game. Overall, there really isn't enough in this to warrant that price tag.
Fire Emblem: Fates.
Senran Kagura: Estival Versus.
Twilight Princess HD.
Too much game. Too little time.
@Clownshoes If you read my comment completely, you'd see I said "used."
Still doesn't seem like the $49.99 they are asking for it.
@ikki5 that was my initial plan to buy the game but Zelda games demand a high price typically. Even on Craigslist and such. I received the 20% off on Amazon. That was enough bait to hook me.
I'm starting to be really excited for this game, even though I did play the Wii version. I enjoyed it back then, so I'm sure I will enjoy this version even more.
@Discostew constant talk and reinforcing that the graphics are greatness.
If this was £25 I would buy but full price. Yeah jog on Nintendo... No chance!!
The trailer just gave me chills lol
I never played the GameCube version, and I haven't played the Wii version for years. So this should feel like a new game for me.
Not bad, not great. Just looks like Twilight Princess GCN with slightly better graphics and, mostly throwaway, amiibo content. I won't complain too much as I love TP but I've been hoping for a little more by way of bonus content. The music never gets old though.
I'm probably going to buy it since it's my favorite zelda, but my problem with this game is that it looks the same as the original in my memories. The difference between The Wind Waker HD and its original are clear as night, same goes for the 3ds remakes. But I just think I would rather have waited for a Twilight princes remake on the NX. I do however like the hero-mode option, and the new controls should be nice too.
I've been trying to play most, if not all, Zelda games before Zelda U comes out, since I've only ever played links awakening before this, so it'll be nice to play this one in hd with my pro controller.
So this is the 2nd remake of this game? 'Scrapping the barrel'. Why are they only remastering Zelda games? If, like me, you're not a fan of them it's very limiting. What about Mario Sunshine or mario Galaxy 1 or 2? What is Nintendos obsession with Zelda games.
@G0dlike I just finished playing Skyward Sword for the first time and I loved it! I think I love it as much as TP. I wish I could experience TP for the first time again.
So technically if you have a Zelda/Sheik amiibo you won't need any heart potions or fairies right?
Ugh... more stamps? Well, the game looks good. Not perfect, but good.
Plus, I will get mine with Amazon Prime.
@King_Johobo You'll still need them. Amiibo refills work once per day.
I am super excited for this. I never did finish this game on the Wii, the only Zelda game I've ever started and not finished, so I can't wait to give it another go.
If you have Amazon Prime, you can preorder this game (and all videogames) for 20% off, so pre-order it there if you have prime. I'm already pre-ordered!
My thoughts exactly. I got all the Zelda amiibos revving to go!
Yet, here I bought Hyrule Warriors for half the cost of it new, plus many other games. This is not something that is rare either. Maybe if you think that EB Games is the only place to get used games, but you can get them much, much cheaper and since Nintendo is super slow with their rewards program, a lot of the incentive to buy new is gone.
It's very tempting. This was the first one I finished properly and remains one of my favourites but I think I'll be passing on this. It's just not enough of an upgrade.
Pre-ordered this with the amiibo as soon as it was available. Counting down the days till I can play one of my favorite Legend of Zelda games again in HD.
Already pre ordered the Amiibo edition. This was the first game I got with my wii and the only console Zelda I only beat once. I am greatly looking forward to diving in again!
@vonseux I do want that amiibo. Why?
@SolidRemco Quite frankly, you are remembering it wrong. Try to play TP on either Gamecube or Wii on an HDTV and it is abundantly clear that the game hasn't aged well at all. You probably played it on a CRT too, like I did when I first played it. The brilliant part of OoT on 3DS was that it looked how gamers remembered it, but go back and try to play the original on N64 or on the Gamecube and you kinda realize that OoT and MM look awful. If you don't want to get this because you don't want to spend the money on an updated version of the game then that is fine. But you can't claim that it doesn't look any different than the original. It looks country miles better than TP on Gamecube or Wii.
@King_Johobo I've only really played TP once and it was the Wii version, so, what with the mirrored map, this should still be fresh for me. I started playing through it again a a few years back but experienced a power cut a few hours in so never carried on
Okay, as expected, the visuals are pretty the same, but sharper. This impress me as much as The Wind Waker remaster, that's little. However, this is one of my favourite games, so Nintendo knows I'll take the bait. I already preordered the limited edition. I don't care amiibos, though - except Yarn Yoshi, I got the three of them.
@ikki5 It is remastered in HD, with new textures and new controls + has an Amiibo which are worth about 15 or more dollars on there own, and the soundtrack which I think is worth 10 dollars or more, but conservatively ten dollars. The game is retailing for 59.99 in the bundle, which means the game itself is only going to cost $34.99. I really fail to see the whole 'This game isn't worth full retail' argument when they are charging full price for a special edition. Most special editions of new games that have extras like a statue and soundtrack retail for upwards of a bill. This is still a good value. If you merely have zero interest in replaying the game that's cool, but you can't say it's a bad value. Broken down into what is included in the package it is right on price point.
@Dave24 would you rather they say it's not-so great, or just not do any advertising? Damned if they do, damned if they don't.
People complaining about the price when they are the same people who bought the last 3 remasters before it.
Going to get this myself seeing as its what I wanted in a HD remaster of Twilight Princess, a nice clean version of the game with button controls, gameplay tweeks where they are needed and enhanced texture work. Four excellent remasters that stand up next to their original versions now I just want Zelda U. Yes I am part of the remaster problem, sue me. shrugs
It is looking good. I never finished it on wii. Pre-ordered on amazon so getting special edition for £35. When you factor in amiibo £10.99 and soundtrack usually around £10. Price of £14 isn't bad for a remaster.
Interesting. It seems the Hero mode and the effects of the ganon amiibo are separately.
I presume you can combine them both. Now that would be a challenge, as you would be dying of 1 hit if you don't have enough hearts.
I beat this game once on gamecube cause my friend had it, and I bought it on Wii and beat it well over 10 times, so will I be getting this Remaster? Heck yes! I absolutely love this game! But, I want to get wind waker hd and beat that before this comes out.
It seems that hero mode turns it into the Legend of Dark Souls.
I have been on the fence about picking up the collectors strategy guide. I do like having all the info, does anybody think it's worth it. Or should I just use a guide online?
So they messed up princess Zelda's face as well. That light reminds me of selfies posted online, either taken in strong light or with high contrast editing/settings. Something people think will will hide their "flaws" and make them prettier.
Don't the two scenes shown briefly between 3:00 and 3:02 seem off compared to the rest too?
Everything else looks great though.
Cannot wait!
Still on the fence. I love the 'Cube visuals and atmosphere. I'm thinking the remaster will lose a lot of the sad feeling that permeates the original and gives it its identity, and the light is too saturated. I'm sure I'll still get it and forget about the comparisons when I'm into it.
I have the special edition preordered, but I really don't care about the amiibo. If it doesn't come with the bonus soundtrack, I'll just cancel it and wait for the normal edition preorder to open.
Can't wait for this game. Overworld theme still gives me chills.
@bobbypaycheque I am sorry Bobby but you can say the rest of the industry has changed my view point on remaster/remakes being charged a full price, also, if you haven't been looking to the prices in Canada, it is $80 when a full retail game is $65-$70. No price has been given for just the standard game without the amiibo here. The UK it is also 60GBP but overall, when 95% of remakes are not full retail price in the overall industry, then Nintendo comes and makes this with visual enhancements and amiibo support, I'm sorry but it doesn't warrant this price tag. The only time I can see a remake warranting a full retail price tag is if they actually did some real work and by real work. Not just some touch ups here and there.
I'm looking forward to experiencing this one anew, I played the original on GC way back when it launched and probably once more a couple years after.
Thanks to a Zelda fan brother I don't have to pay for the privilege!
@Spin Henpecked. -Shakes head in disapproval-
Game still looks slightly better. Cool. I do kind of want to play this game again, but I almost definitely won't get it.
Definitely plan to pick this up.
I love this use of amiibo, too. They only work once a day, right? But, it's perfect because me or the kids will be stressing out with low hits or arrows and it will dawn on one of us and probably my youngest will dash to the cabinet and triumphantly hold an amiibo in the air before activation. We'll probably sing the item acquisition tune simultaneously as well.
Ya that's how they did it in Kirby. Really though I wish it just had like, Idk, a 15 minute cool down or something. You could plow through half the game in a day's time.
@Luna_110 Amiibo are almost as good as cash and depending how supply goes it might be better. Meanwhile it opens a mode in the game that will be a fun diversion and if you are embarrassed you can hide it... or, after you've used it, sell it. Right?
The problem with Rainbow Curse is that you aren't in dire need of what it gives you and the game is too fast paced to think of it usually. Zelda games are much better for it. Or at least I think it will play out that way.
@rjejr Don't forget about the 30million or so GameCube owners as well.
Can't argue there.
"Yes I am part of the remaster problem, sue me. shrugs"
Me too. Gosh dang I've purchased like 15 remasters on PS4, at least 6 on 3DS, and, well, just Windwaker on Wii U, but that's a lot of remasters for a generation just getting started. And many more preordered. I can't help it- if it's A) a game I haven't played yet or B) a game I love... I'm all in.
@rjejr Sure many have played it (that were old enough). But you said it. It's for people to double dip on. No way around it. If it's almost making you want to play again, it's making many others actually hit the buy button.
Thing is I love the game, I played through in early 2015 and I'll be playing or helping my kids play through it again soon enough. The money is nothing when I already know I love the game. The improvements are really nice. There are many places where seeing in the distance enhances the game (like when Midna leads you through tough spots out ahead) and the detail just pops out at me over and over as really nice and importantly fresh.
I know it's the same game, and for many that's a deal breaker, but for me I always try different routes or to achieve parts I never did (never quite 100% this game). Might never have played it again when faced with Wii-muddy-vision and this helps give it some extended life.
This game has a lot of sentimental value for me. It's my first Zelda game, ever, for one. Also my first Wii game. Also the first game I played as a young adult where I branched out beyond the "Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime 2 and F-Zero GX" bubble I was in. It's also the first and last game I played with my wife before my divorce- we used to work different shifts, and she'd play all day while I was at work, then I'd come home and she'd pass the baton (eh hem, I mean Wiimote) to me.
I barely remember it now- hard to believe it's been 10 years already (my goodness, 10 years, really?). Needless to say, I'm anxious to relive it all again.
@JaxonH You really want to do that to yourself, stir up all those memories? And as it so happens it was also my first Zelda game - well not counting the first hour of WW I played when it released, then I returned it, way too slow for us. I played TP and my kid watched, guess he was about 3 at the time. It was a Gamefly rental, probably got it w/ a free month b/c I returned it about halfway thru 40 hours in. Then about 6 months later I rented it again and it took me about another 20 hours to finish the main story, I've never been a completionist.
The way you go thru games now you'll probably finish it in a weekend, I have no idea when or if you sleep. My kids may have played it, but I'm pretty sure they'd be bored to tears after XCX. This looks god for a 10 year old game, but XCX is gorgeous. And giant mechs.
@aaronsullivan "that were old enough"
Oh, we're not that old are we? OK, I suppose a few teens need to play this, but I'd still rather hear about Zelda U. It's not like Naughty Dog compeltley silenced Uncharted 4 while they were busy promoting the Uncharted Trilogy. Rationally I know TP HD has nothing to do w/ Zelda U, but emotionally it's annoying.
I haven't been in a playing mood ever since I completed Xenoblade Chronicles X. Tried to get into the first Xenoblade on 3DS but, just wasn't feeling it (no pun intended).
Fates. That's all I've been thinking about. That's the game that will get me to use a gaming device again for something besides Netflix. And that will probably last for months, since I just burned 2 weeks vacation and will be doing 6-7 day weeks indefinitely.
As for the memories... nah, it's all good. I really do have fond memories of this game, and that's all I really want to experience again.
@Spoony_Tech I didn't forget about the Gamecube, I just coudln't remember how many it sold and didn't feel like looking it up. And since the majority of those 100m Wii could play Gamecube games anyway (what do you think about 80m before they dropped BC?) I didn't think it really added anything to the narrative.
@JaxonH Speaking of XCX - how long did it take you to get that flying skell song out of your head? I keep looking around my house to see where that woman is singing, then I realize it's in my head.
That music is just in my head?
@G0dlike I've only played the Wii version too. I suppose with the more traditional controls and mirrored game like the gamecube version it'll feel more fresh. I think the waggle controls from the Wii version made it a lot easier. It'll tide us over till the new Zelda comes out
@Ras I see, thanks man!
Now THAT is a great trailer! What was that music playing while they showed off the amiibo functionality though? I didn't recognize it.
More than that, I don't want the amiibo because I don't have a lot of space to collect them. I have to admit it is nice looking, but not enough to convince me. I've got 7 amiibo, and the only other I'm getting is Bayonetta.
@rjejr But don't forget when TP came out there was 30 million Cubes out there but there wasn't 100 million Wii's yet. What's funny is I had TP for the Wii 2 months before I could find a system.
@Agent721 Is that 20% off with Amazon Prime in the US? I just looked at ordering it from amazon.co.uk using my Prime free trial and it didn't show anything about 20% off...
Amazing (^_^)
But maybe slightly too revealing for people who haven't played the game before? Unless they already got a huge spoiler from playing Hyrule Warriors (Hyrule Warriors should be marked on the box as a huge spoiler for Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword. I had played all those games before I played Hyrule Warriors, but I know some people haven't). Anyway, I'm really looking forward to this game. And I need a Ganondorf Amiibo.
It definitely works in the US, but you won't see the discount right away. Meaning, I see the full price right now on my preorder, but it will be reduced by 20%, once they ship and charge it. That being said, I do not know if that discount applies outside the US. Anyone else know?
By far my favorite Zelda game. Great music, story, memorable horseback battles. Unfortunately I fail to see a difference between the GC and Wii U version. It looks like they've just upscaled it and most of the textures still look awful... I really wanted to like this but this is not for me, especially with that price tag.
There's only few Zelda games out there that got my attention when seeing them.
Original in 1987 of course.
Ocarina of Time (hands down best ever)
Majora's Mask but only on the 3DS, not big fan of the original
Ocarina of Time 3DS
and TP on the Wii U since I never played the GC version.
I can't stand WW or SS, lol
@JaxonH "Me too. Gosh dang I've purchased like 15 remasters on PS4, at least 6 on 3DS, and, well, just Windwaker on Wii U, but that's a lot of remasters for a generation just getting started. And many more preordered. I can't help it- if it's A) a game I haven't played yet or B) a game I love... I'm all in."
Same~ I've gotten alot of remasters of old games I loved when I was growing up (not just from this generation), though its rare that I get a remaster to a game I never played.
@Spoony_Tech "What's funny is I had TP for the Wii 2 months before I could find a system."
I only got a Wii b/c I won the chance to buy it on Amazon (yes I know how weird that reads) back when they used to do things like that for the holidays. It's the only thing I've ever "won", so I bought it full price about 1 month after launch, and I've hit the refresh button about 1,000x on some of their sales. Glad they got rid of that addiction.
I know this is a week late, I have 105 old emails in my inbox I've finally decided to go thru, you did get to be first.
@rjejr I feel honored! 😂
@Spoony_Tech You should. Just finished, so that was an hour of my life I'll never get back. But at least it's done.
@ikki5 It is more expensive in Canada because the Canadian dollar isn't worth anything. The value is the price in USD that I listed, it just takes more Canadian money to match that. That is Canadians' exchange rate problem, not Nintendo's or the rest of the industry. How do you know they didn't do 'real work' on the game? Did you work on the game? It looks great. It just scored a 9/10 here on Nintendo Life and has scored well on other sites that have reviewed it. It is a game with the Amiibo and other stuff. I laid out the simple math, but you simply insist on being bitter. Wait and see if it gets cheaper or don't buy it, no need to rant about how you have decided what is 'real work' on a game and how much special editions should cost. Judging from how it has pre-sold at my local Gamestop it seems Nintendo's pricing was just fine. Have a nice day lol
Yeah... that would apply if it was the same price as the other full priced games in Canada, just like what it is for the US, but it's not. Seriously, I wonder how people lack the understanding of that part.
As for the work part, you can just look at it really. it is mostly just a few tweets to controls and mechanics such as the camera, cleaned up graphics, amiibo support and gamepad function. The only real new thing they put into the game was the bonus dungeon which is nearly a copy paste of the 50th floors dungeon (I don't think this is 50 floors though) only you are Wolf Link strictly. Just like Wind Waker, this remaster of the game would have only taken a few months, keep in mind that Wind Waker was discounted where this one isn't.
In the end, the game costs way too for a remaster regardless of which region you are in. It amazes me how people cannot see that. It is like they don't see the difference compared to a game that takes several months to make and charged at full costs verses a game that is several years in the making and then at full cost. When you see that kind of practice, it should put up some flags.
@ikki5 Maybe it's time to ask if it's you or everybody else? It's 79.99 in Canada, which is the same price as new games in Canada. Call of Duty Black Ops 3, Rainbow Six Siege etc are all 79.99. In Canada, 79.99 is the new price of games. It is more than you have paid in the past because the Canadian dollar was worth more in the past. In the US 59.99 is the price of TP HD, as it is the price of Xenoblade Chronicles as well. As the Canadian dollar dips the prices of new games will rise, so in that sense you will be paying more for Twilight Princess HD than you may have for Smash on Wii U or Super Mario 3D World in the past. TP HD is the same price in Canada as other new games. I can't understand why I have to explain simple economic concepts to you.
Since you don't own it you've only 'looked at it' through online compressed videos and screenshots, which are no way to judge a game's graphics. And for whatever reason, you refuse to accept the experience of reviewers who have actually played the game and have written that it looks great. If you didn't work on the project then you have absolutely no right to foolishly assume they were lazy or bad at their job.
'keep in mind that Wind Waker was discounted where this one isn't.' The Wind Waker that was discounted was the stand alone game and didn't come with an amiibo or any extras. If you got the Wind Waker HD Limited Edition it was the price of a full retail game and came with a Ganondorph figure, similar bundle to what we're getting here.
Your last paragraph is just a rant where you complain about people not being of the same mind as you. Again, this is just your opinion, as you haven't given any concrete facts to explain why this is a bad value, only your own irrational opinion where you define what a good value exchange is. Thankfully, you do not decide what is and isn't a good value. That is just your opinion. Most people are fine with the cost considering how well it seems to be selling, I won't break it down for you again. You complain that people 'cannot see' how poor a value it is, yet I've explained it to you multiple times. Broken down into it's separate parts the special edition is a reasonable value when compared with the CURRENT price of this hobby. If you just don't want to spend the money then don't. But don't spout a lot of faulty logic and 'facts' that you can't prove in a lame attempt to discourage others who are buying this set. The 9/10 the game got in the review here, as well as the enormously positive review scores everywhere else, suggest you should perhaps stop while you're ahead. This hobby is expensive, and in regions where the value of the currency is dropping, it will get more expensive for people in those regions. But that isn't Nintendo's fault. Write Justin True-dope and see if he will subsidize the gaming industry
@bobbypaycheque When was the last time you bought or even look at the price of Wii U games??? There are no games that are $79.99 alone. The only ones are Rodea - The Sky Soldier and that includes two games and then AC: Amiibo Festival which included 2 amiibo and some amiibo cards. In the US, the game and amiibo cost the same as a full price game release, Canada, it is an extra $10. Go to your local EBgames, Walmart, whatever and actually look at the prices. Maybe it'll open your eyes a little since you'll see what games actually cost as they range from $64.99 to $69.99.
And judging the graphics... I personally don't care how much they made them better. my whole point was does making them slightly better justify the price tag for something that took far less work to do. They didn't take everything and remodel them from scratch. All they did was pretty much upscale with a few tweaks. Something you see modders do on PC games within a matter of days to weeks of a games release.
Also, for Windwaker. I payed $50 CAD for the game and the statue. At the time, games were $65 CAD regular price. That's a $15 discount.
As for "people not having the same mind as me," sure, if you want to look at it that way. I guess I tend to look at things as the work actually done which kind of surprises me sometimes. Don't you find it odd that a game that takes 2-5 years to develop, manufacture and release will cost you $70 CAD while this game that took a few months with not overly a whole lot added costs $80 with the amiibo? The fact that less time and less work is needed with remasters, that is usually why they are cheaper in most cases.
@ikki5 Again, moving forward 74.99 - 79.99 is what new games cost now in Canada. Forget what you paid a year or more ago because it is now irrelevant. The new Xenoblade game for Wii U is listed at 74.99, is just one game and comes with no bonus content or amiibo. When you bought Wind Waker the Canadian dollar was worth more. I honestly have no idea why I have to repeat basic information. Also, I listed the MSRP for Wind Waker limited edition, which was exactly what I wrote down. Whatever price you managed to find it for is irrelevant, just like every other opinion you have on a game you don't own.
'They didn't take everything and remodel them from scratch. All they did was pretty much upscale with a few tweaks. Something you see modders do on PC games within a matter of days to weeks of a games release.' You cannot confirm any of this, nor can you compare a full overhaul to the buggy and unstable mods PC modders do. 'I guess I tend to look at things as the work actually done which kind of surprises me sometimes.' You are just spewing absolute nonsense you cannot prove. You didn't work on the game and therefore have zero concrete evidence on how much work went into it. Also, whatever you think a game is worth is literally only relevant to you. Nobody else cares, nobody on this forum, nobody at Nintendo, because the market has responded very favorably to this release. And the market is the only thing that determines value based on sales. So take your incoherent rambling somewhere else, preferably to someone who cares to listen to a lot of conjecture and unfounded opinion. (Try IGN.)
'Don't you find it odd that a game that takes 2-5 years to develop, manufacture and release will cost you $70 CAD while this game that took a few months with not overly a whole lot added costs $80 with the amiibo?' No, I don't. Much of that is paid in manufacture, marketing and distribution. And the amiibo on it's own will be 15 - 20 dollars. So no, I don't find it odd at all. But then again, I work in the real world that has real costs and am not an entitled whiner who doesn't know the first thing about how the economy works and feels owed games for little (depreciating) money. As the Canadian dollar continues to nosedive, moving forward, Wii U games are going to be more expensive. Buy them, don't buy them. Who cares? But stop making up stupid stuff up on the forums in a futile attempt to make others feel like they got a raw deal. The market, and the games journalism industry, have both concluded that it's a cracking good game.
@bobbypaycheque You are STILL Wrong. New games are NOT more than $70 other than the ones I already specified for obvious reasons. Seriously, get off your arse and go to the store and look for yourself. I am not even going to bother reading the rest of your wall of text because you're too stupid to do simple research.
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