
There's a special Nintendo Direct tomorrow regarding some exciting Pokémon news - but it would appear trademarks and logos found online have already ruined the surprise.

The information has cropped up on the EU trademark website and lists Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon (and not Pokémon Rainbow as some outlets were reporting)as the versions of what it would be fair to assume is the next mainline entry in the series for 3DS.

The logos - shown below - have also appeared online.


With NX on the horizon and rumoured to offer some kind of portable play, it might initially seem odd that Nintendo is pushing a new game to the aging 3DS. However, the size of the 3DS audience means such a move makes good sense from a business perspective; lest we forget that Pokémon Black And White 2 released very late in the lifespan of the DS.

[source eurogamer.net]