Very recently, it was leaked that Mewtwo, Braixen, and Garchomp would be joining the fighter roster for Pokkén Tournament, but those were actually unrelated to the announcement last week that a new fighter would be revealed. Well, the lid's finally been lifted, and the new character is… unexpected.
The official Japanese website for the game has now announced that Chandelure is the new fighter. While this choice may seem a little out of left field, it'll likely have a unique moveset, though exactly how Chandelure will perform still remains to be seen. A video showcasing the new fighter is due to drop on the 31st; it'll be interesting to see how this pans out for the game.
What do you think? Are you glad that Chandelure is finally getting a shot at the limelight? What other fighters would you like to see added in a to some point? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
[source, via]
Comments 83
Just.... just.... YES. ****ing YES.
A chandelier in a fighting game. Totally maining it.
This trigger's me.
Hey, I say keep em coming. Still waiting on more fighting types like Hitmonlee.
I wonder how is it going to fight...
Out of nowhere! I like the detail of it's design.
Yes. so happy. Now just crossing my fingers for Galvantula.
Awwww yea! I don't care who gets in, as long as they are unique!
Well, it's not surprising, really - they have a hard on for litwick and this goy in Japan.
I would love magikarp
Finally a Unova Pokemon. Was expecting someone like Haxorus, Beartic, or Krookodile.
I'm just surprised that for a fighting game that there is more Pokémon are getting announced that is not of the "fighting type". I'm not complaining (diverse is good), just wondering if I should brace myself in case the next Pokémon have no arms and/or legs.
Time to put the lights out!
... I got nothing else
I honestly thought this was a hoax until I checked it with several sources, did not expect this in the slightest. What's next? Klefki? Quagsire?
That is awesome!
I'm not a big Pokémon fan, but I'm pretty sure I was never ever guessing Chandelure. Even if it was a multiple choice question and all the answers were Chandelure.
Ok, my know edge able son says this is good, his confuse attack could switch up what the buttons do on the opponents controller. That's probably a little too outside the box, but I like the fire and soul sucking part, that sounds like fun.
It's a good thing Chandelure is one of my favorite Pokemon. Probs gonna main him.
As Gardevoir is my favorite Pokemon and it's already playable I'm pretty much already happy, so I appreciate non generic Pokemon picks which I feel will add uniqueness to Pokken Tournament. One of the reasons there are no highs and lows was to accommodate non bipedal, non human sized and shaped Pokemon after all.
I'm posting this picture just because Gardevoir is my favorite Pokemon and Chandelure was revealed.
Very surprised, but for every ghost type pocket monster revealed, my happiness points gauge is refilled by 5.
@rjejr Next revealed fighter will be Dark Magikarp. His unique attack "Dark Splash" will instant K.O. any opponent with half or less energy meter.
Now, we should start guessing because something as absurd like that will come next.
Don't take me wrong, good to have many and different characters, just kidding about usually not so powerful Pokémon.
Already seeing some complaints on the internet about too many Fire
EmblemPokemon haha. Smash Bros all over again.Can't wait to play as a chandelier wooooo
Alright, let's just confirm the ice cream cone while we're at it
Sweet, I like this, the game needed some less straight forward fighters.
Gahhh this makes me so happy ; ;
No Muk?
HOLY CRAP! Chandelure is my favorite Pokemon from fifth generation! This is awesome. I'm actually so happy. I'm glad they through an odd-ball and it'll be hilarious seeing Chandelure flying around the stage. I was hoping for Flygon, but honestly, this announcement exceeded my expectations.
Now the next fighter will be Luvdisc.
I want my Mawile. TwT
I'm so surprised that I'm not even disappointed.
I'm legitimately curious on how this thing plays.
Finally a Unova Pokémon and one of my favorites at that, too (I just have tons I consider my favorites lol)! Now, every generation has at least one Pokémon to present it so one of my needs of Pokkén's roster is fulfilled.
YES!!!!!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Just ONE ridiculous choice of Pokémon for a change. That's all I asked for.
I was also hoping for Magikarp, Jynx and Vaniluxe. =P
This is awesome because it's so unique! We have a lot of Fire-types in here and a lot of them are some of my favorites! As Fire is my favorite type, choosing just one or two of them to fully learn and master will be a challenge in of itself!
@DiscoGentleman he probably wanted to trigger you
It should be mentioned there was a bit more confirmations for the modes the Wii U version will have. The game will have LAN
I love Chandelure though. This was super surprising. Thank god it wasn't Swampert!
@IceClimbers Seriously, people are saying that? That's kind of odd since I think we have just as many Psychic and Fighting types as we do Fire, yet people aren't complaining about too many of those.
Besides, counting each fighter's 2nd type (which I will since it seems most of the Pokemon use both of their types in their moves), we have practically every type represented with at least 1 playable Pokemon in this game. The only ones still missing are Normal, Bug, and Rock, but given they got over the "represent all gens" hurdle, this should be doable with 2 or 3 more additions. Although I think they can only do it in 2 if they do Dwebble or Crustle, which I'm guessing is entirely possible now.
@DiscoGentleman Eh force of habit
Apparently according to serebii LAN support for connecting 2 Wii Us has been announced as well.
So the tournament scene for this game isn't dead before it's been released after all.
You'll still need 2 Wii Us and 2 monitors per set up, but that's far better than requiring good internet to play in an online lobby or handicapping someone by making them play on the Game Pad.
This thing has arms or legs?
Love a left field inclusion, makes it more fun.
What? how does it fight?
it Nintendo being Nintendo as always XD
great choice imo.
I burst into laughter when I saw this article, but I'm totally on board with this roster addition! Besides, Chandelure has effed me up quite a few times in Smash Run, so I know how much of a threat it can be!
Theres been a lot of good announcements for pt. I was hoping they'd add a lot more pokemon. Hopefully the list keeps getting bigger. If I could choose the next Pokémon they'd add, I think I'd choose scizor, feraligatr, dog form zygarde, hitmonlee, halucha, hydragon(if that's how you spell it, I played white and black but not w2 and b2.), some more unexpected pokemon would be nice too.
Love Chandelure and it has an awesome shiney form. Maybe it's not too late for Sunflora, fingers crossed.
YYYESSS! Chandelure is one of my favourites. His design is cool, his base Sp.Atk is very high whick makes him very powerful, he was my first Gen 5 'mon to reach level 100! This is amazing!
Odd choice. I do not care for Chandelure, but one ridiculous pokemon in it isn't too bad.
Holy crap!
That is genuinely what I've been asking for since this game was announced! No lies you can check my comments history here!
I'm so happy right now!
What a great choice. I had no idea I wanted Chandelure but my hype levels for this game, which were already at an OK level, are now through the roof. I can't wait to see what other crazy 'mons they'll include. Plus Chandelure is a great Pokemon anyway, so props for that. This game is gonna kick some GRASS! (Get it, because Grass is a type of Pokem- Oh whatever.)
Interesting!, Chandelure is on and "fire up"! XD
ok, well, now...
Meloetta, please, please, please...??
Can we at least of the preorder date now? Pleeeeeeeassssseeeee 😜
On the article that said about there being one with Ra in I said I wish it were Chandelure but it'd be Swampert but omg my dreams came true I'm pre-ordering from Amazon now
Still waiting on Pancham/Pangoro
This is chuffing fantastic, everyone was expecting something bipedal and predictable and they went with a flaming chandelier; it doesn't get much better than this.
Q) What do you think?
A) I think that we're close to having too many fire Pokémon, although it is only four at the moment, but mainly I'm glad to see that now all six Pokémon generations are finally represented. Chandelure is an interesting choice, and I'm glad to be surprised by it's addition. I'm keen on trying Chandelure out as a potential main, although Weavile still looks to be the first Pokémon I try out when I get the game.
Q) Are you glad that Chandelure is finally getting a shot at the limelight?
A) Yes, I'm almost always for the more obscure or out there additions, and Chandelure is certainly one of those I'm for. Whilst I've never used one of them in the main line Pokémon series, it is a Pokémon whose design I like, and it's uniqueness in being another non-bipedal Pokémon is appreciated.
Q) What other fighters would you like to see added in a to some point?
A) Whilst my wish for each of the generations to be represented has already occurred, I'd still like for each of the types to be represented as well. At this point, we are still missing a Rock type, a Bug type (my favourite type), and a Normal type.
If any of the Hitmon lines were to be added, I think Hitmontop would be the nicer addition. A more complicated idea would be to have Tyrogue playable and having it able to evolve into the other Hitmon's during the course of the match.
There is still no big and heavy Pokémon, unless Machamp counts for this, so I think someone like Aggron, Tropious or Garbodor would be nice.
I'm a big fan of bug types, so there are plenty I'd like to see added; Ledian, Galvantula, Vivillon, or my personal favourite, Kricketune. Having my favourite Pokémon Kricketune being added would certainly have me leaping with joy.
An finally, whilst we do have some Gen 5 and Gen 6 representation now, it's still not very much. So I'd like to see further additions from Gen 5 and Gen 6... particularly Diggersby.
@MitchVogel Stunfisk coming to a Pokken Tournament near you!
I'm liking the idea of Chandelure being in the game. I'm all positive.
Haha, awesome choice! Stunfisk next?
How will it fight? It's a cool addition, but how will it fight?
At this point it's pretty much confirmed. This game went from a title "I'll probably skip" to a "Must buy" after just a few reveals. Now all we need is a couple more Pokèmon before release.
Honestly i think they should have stuck to max evolved fighting Pokémons only. That would ave been 27 (+4 four legged) fighters.
10 pure fighting, 3 f/psychic, 1 (+1) f/steel, 2 f/dark, 1 f/flying, 1 (+1) f/water, 1 f/bug, 3 f/fire, 2 (+1) f/grass, 2 f/normal, 1 f/poison, 0 (+1) f/rock
This is just way too all over the place for me.
It's so nice that they're getting a lot of weird pokemons, this game is gonna rock so hard!
@AlexOlney We. Want. SPHEAL.
I didn't see this coming and... I couldn't have picked a better choice myself. It's fighting style will be so different to all the other pokemon (except maybe Gardevoir) so I'm looking forward to seeing what they do with it. Definitely one of the best picks so far.
This is a really cool addition to have, and I'm really looking forward to seeing it's moveset. However, I feel like the addition of another ghost type Pokemon lowers the chances that my favorite Pokemon, Sableye, will be added to the roster. His chances have been pretty low from the beginning, but I've still kept my fingers crossed.
@IceClimbers "Smash Bros all over again."
You mean "Super Sword Bros"? Who's complaining about that?
Additions I'd like to see now:
Now you can go all Phantom of the Opera on their hides! Haha!
I still think that they're going to make a whole new Poke'mon based on a Tekken series fighter just for this game. This is Namco, after all, and could you imagine a Yoshimitsu-like Poke'mon? Probably a ghost/psychic type....
@Nintendo_Ninja It's from a game based entirely around fighting, why are people even concerned about this? Gengar fights with it's tongue and by summoning a huge mouth in the floor. If they can do that for it then they can make a cool move set for Chandelure.
It'll likely use a combination of fire and ghost attacks, maybe some spinning attacks with it's body or whipping with it's tendrils.
Chandelure is awesome but I'm curious how it will even fight. This was an unexpected addition to the roster though, a good thing if you ask me. Gives me hope that we might actually see Stunfisk added!
I was one of the people expecting Swampert, but Chandelure made to work in a fighting game sounds incredible. I really like the hype they are generating with all these updates. If they keep it coming they may actually sell me on the game.
@Dave24 magikarp was just revealed today as a support pokemon with pachirisu.
Chandelure is an odd one, I may get the game just to main it, but idk. I like usual characters and chandelure is one of my favorite ghost (if aegislash or doublade makes it in here I'm definitely sold)
Know give me Greninja, Raikou, Zorok, Shaymin, Vincinti, and a few others.
Nice to see some unorthodox picks like this, can't wait to see how it fights.
I LOVE Chandelure so this is very welcome news.
@IceClimbers Yeah, it's payback time after all the abuse that chandeliers have suffered as interactive objects in other fighting games!
We need some Haunter up in here!
@SmaMan They most likely won't make any brand new Pokémon, probably just forms like Shadow Mewtwo. As far as a Pokémon based on Tekken, they've basically done that already as Pikachu's moveset in Pokken is mostly Heihachi's moveset from the main Tekken games with electric effects and a few different moves.
I love it!
I just want Gothitelle.
Amazing choice!!!
Greninja, Hawlucha, Alakazam, Gallade, Bisharp, Zoroark, Emboar, Rhyperior, and last but not least, Feraligatr. Gen 6 has enough with Chandelure
@Zach777 Zoroark and Alakazam would be so nice in Pokkén!! Pangoro would be cool as well
Pangoro would also be a great addition! There's so many Pokemon now it is easy to forget them... Now that I think about it so would Hariyama... He could be the E-Honda of Pokken Tournament!
So is the number of Fighting type Pokemon in this Pokemon Fighting game still 1?
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