The Legend of Zelda protagonist Link is one of gaming's most iconic heroes, but he's something of an enigma - an intentionally empty vessel for the player to inhabit instead of a fleshed-out character.
Rather than being a negative thing, this has led to Link becoming one of the most drawn and imitated video game icons, with countless pieces of artwork, fanfiction and cosplay created in his (or even her) likeness.
We've already seen what a dark and mature Zelda adventure could look like, and now 343 Industries (Halo) senior character artist Kyle Hefley has created a realistic take on Link.
Link has lost the elf-like grace that his Japanese designs tend to show, and has gained a rugged appearance which is more in tune with western RPGs. What do you think? Would you like to see Link appear like this in a future adventure? Let us know by posting a comment.
Comments 93
I'll take my Link made by Nintendo thank you!
That Link met with a terrible fate in the Ugly Deku Tree dungeon.
Love the concept. Not-so-good execution. A Zelda with realistic-ish graphics sounds enticing, but that character model... really doesn't look too good. I think a realistic-looking Zelda title would be great if they kept Link's toonish design, kinda like that Kakariko Village in Unreal 4 we saw earlier. But as it stands, I'll take Twilight Princess HD over a Zelda title with this character model any day of the week, even if the port seems lackluster.
Why's he so ugly? Otherwise a nice model, though I like the more Japanese look Link has had recently.
@Goob Agreed. I like the concept, but the execution leaves a lot to be desired
If were lucky Nintendo will serve him with a cease and desist IP infringement claim. Otherwise Link could end up being distorted hideously with American Machismo like Samus was into Master Chief.
I'd rather Linkle than this.
He looks ready to scream ''well excuuuuuuse me, PRINCESS'' from the top of his lungs.
Pretty awesome art, to be honest. Other than the 'far too old-looking for the character' face.
hes ugly...
Yuck.. o.O
Love the Zelda series, Halo is my favorite entertainment franchise (though 343 seems intent on changing that), but I don't care for this design at all.
Yet Navi looks the same...
That looks kinda cool!
brb lemme grab my barf bucket.
This is an excellent rendition of somebody cosplaying Link.
I think it looks great. All of you need to take a step back and appreciate what it is: fan art. There is nothing wrong with the execution.
I'd prefer my HD Link to be a little less photorealistic like Nintendo showed us waaaaaay back at E3 in 2011 about 4 1/2 years ago.
But still more HD than the TP HD update. That one is still wanting. Can't believe it took them 4 1/2 years for that minor of an upgrade. You'd think in 4 1/2 years we could have gotten the above.
Oh well, I do like the look of Zelda U. Name needs an update though.
I prefer my nintendo style Link. I mean it's cool and all what the artist did...but it's not really my cup o tea.
the elder scrolls > legend of zelda
The model looks great (I mean, 343 is pretty damn good with realistic models), and all things considered, it's a great tribute, despite the fact that it looks like it's coming straight from the Uncanny Valley
Looks East European. No Offence
Hideous, like really just no.
Looks about the same as the current Link we have, but with the face from the cartoon series.
Wow... That looks terrible. Probably doesn't matter if the game is good, but definitely not something that gets me excited about the "possibilities".
That's... Really ugly. I'll stick with Nintendo's rendition of Link.
The frame's good, but the face looks too old. It's like there's no youth in him what so ever. Also, why is his hair curly? Ech!
So much for the Bishōnen look he should have.
If Legends of Zelda was being developed by Microsoft and 343. it look like this.
not sure what else to say afterwards.
Looks like decent cosplay haha. I like the unpainted model better.
Really makes you appreciate how well considered the Nintendo aesthetic is
Hey that looks pretty awesome!
I'll stick with the Nintendo take over the overly brown dressed man with Spock ears attached. This is why I hope a live-action Zelda never happens. The character design just doesn't translate well. However, I will take an animated version.
Prefer Nintendo's versions for sure but I am old school tho lol.
The grey sculpt model looks fantastic.
The colored art on the bottom, not so much.
That looks like someone dressed up as Link but that is not Link . No just No ..
That looks like someone dressed up as Link but that is not Link . No just No ..
Link shouldn't be ugly!!! That guy is not attractive. He's kind of gross.
This is precisely why I'm thankful that Nintendo doesn't blindly follow western trends.
Not bad.
Not bad... but that face...
Looks like your "single by choice" uncle crashed your Zelda-themed birthday party.
Oh dear.
That face, looks way too old D:
It looks okay, love to see something in action. Movement and such.
It feels like the nose looks bigger than it actually is because of the lighting.
Oh hey, it's the generic brown-haired 30-something protagonist dude from every mature game ever.
One word. Ugly.
It's literally some random dude with a Link outfit.
Lol, the wavy hair makes him look like a greek mythology character.
Also, his facial features remind me of a certain squidward:
Looks like Link spent the last ten years homeless in Las Vegas.
Looks ugly. I'm too used to pretty-boy Link.
Nice character model. I prefer the stylized artstyle but this is still good one.
I don't see anything wrong with it. I wouldn't mind having a less androgynous Link.
@RupeeClock This is exactly what it looks like
Don't let this guy make a rendition of Mario, please...
"an intentionally empty vessel for the player to inhabit"
Source please. I'm sick of seeing this parroted in game articles. My research indicates that Link was never created as an empty vessel and I don't think Nintendo has ever called him that.
No fudging way. Heck no.
Link looks rough, like he had too many drinks at the milk bar last night. The concept is good, but the execution could have been better. He looks too mature (way past young Adult Link) and brooding for my tastes.
I'll stick with Nintendo's Link depictions, thanks.
Looks very well done to me, except the face looks too old. Interestingly, the untextured face looks like a much better fit, though. I wonder if any of the facial features were adjusted between the two models, or if the texture just makes THAT much of a difference.
Honestly, I dont like it at all. Link has lost the innocence and childlike demeanor I love about him. I'd never like to see Link like this.
If I want Skyrim I can play Skyrim. What's this obsession some people have with making Zelda something it's not?
I acknowledge and admire the skill this render must have taken. But I really intensely dislike the outcome.
My goodness, this comment section is absolute cancer. You may not appreciate the art but at least appreciate the gesture.
Ugh, why can't some people just enjoy a different artstyle? I can understand not wanting a Zelda were Link looks like this, but come on! This is good! Stop with the norrow mindedness.
I don't think I would like to see Oldman Link just yet. The Artwork is good and a glimpse of a possible grown up Link for the future. Who knows maybe Link will never get out of his Teens.
I'm not sure if its just the face that makes him ugly, his whole head, including hair should be chopped off. I like that idea, skyrim zelda would be a cool spin-off. Im not surprised he has a gross head though.
Meh, he doesn't get the character. It looks more like a hobbit than like Link.
How awful.
Ew lol, I think its link's innocent face that has always made him more s more appealing hero. In a way him looking soft and then being a badass fighter also has a better effect on him as a character imo. I find it hard to root for a link who looks as though he wants to beat a moblin to death with the pommel of his sword lol, rather than a hero trying to save everyone from evil.
i like it lol XD
Here we see how everyone jump on the "ew" bandwagon, I personally think this is well done.
Awesome art, but that ain't Link.
@CrazyMetroid "I don't like it so it's a bandwagon!"
No, sorry. You're on a Nintendo site full of people who love Nintendo. Go to IGN or some other sorry cesspool of entry-level gamers if you want to find people creaming their pants over boring edgy interpretations of great characters.
@MrRight I simply see it as another artists view of Link. We all have different interpretations of him, so why hate on another?
I think he looks pretty cool. Though they should've redesigned more than just his face, otherwise he just looks like some guy doing a TP Link cosplay.
Definitely a Western look. It'd be interesting if one iteration of Link was like this... though... he'd be a very different kind of hero, I'd assume.
I thinks it look like a really good western adaptation of Link although I think he could look a bit younger.
@CrazyMetroid "so why hate on another?"
Because there's no imagination or creativity behind this at all.
Looks ok until you get to the face. Why did Mr Hefley feel the need to give Link the face of a goblin?
I actually really like this mock-up. He looks kinda ugly and doofy, but let's not forget that that's kinda what he looked like in the artwork for the first four games. Like, I think Zelda 1/2's link would look like this grown up. It's a far cry from the borderline bishonen we see from Adult Link in Ocarina upward, but hey. that's what fanart is for, cause I don't think this would fit into the canon series at all.
The face scares me. >.>
Just another proof that realistic Zelda can never work
Impressive work. But something is not quite on point that I can't seem to figure out. I think it's the nose. Maybe the whole facial expression.
I think it's quite amazing that they took their time to make this.
You people disgust me, with your narrow minds /:
(Not all of you of course)
I don't understand this western fetischism with realism.
I think the whole point with a game is to experience something unreal.
Doesn't look feminine enough to look like Link.
I think the reason Link looks gender ambiguous is so that he can represent both male and female players.
@nick3529 Agreed.
All these people are pretty pathetic not being able to appreciate what it is. It isn't bad. It's great. My only criticism is the coloring is a bit too dull.
@nick3529 Perhaps you could try being open minded to peoples narrow- mindedness?
@theberrage ... Oh you xD
@LUIGITORNADO #93 Lol. I find your comment to be laughable (not in a good way).
That is hideous.
ewwwww. Link looks ugly. everything else looks fine but what happened to his face? It's so ugly. it's western, skyrim, ugly.
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