Marketing and branding are often about aspiration - look at the shiny thing and the photogenic people with the shiny thing, and look at their amazing living room. Nintendo and many game companies follow this 'how to advertise a game 101', and Activision is no different with its efforts for the upcoming Guitar Hero Live.
In addition to aspiration it's hitting us with star power, recruiting real-life rocker and actor Lenny Kravitz and actor / writer / director / whatever he feel like doing man James Franco. They exchange 'banter' and play the game, jumping around in a lovely dust-free sitting area that's just like the one in the Nintendo Life office (not really). Actually, if you don't have big hardcover books titled ART on a side table - they're there, look closely - what are you actually doing with your life?
It's certainly a big budget marketing campaign based on the personnel, as Activision hopes for a second coming in the age of plastic guitars - it's also competing with the new Rock Band, which sadly isn't coming to Wii U.
Let us know what you think of the commercial and whether you're excited about rocking out in Guitar Hero Live.
Comments 18
I feel as though I'm the only one on the internet who is excited for this game. The new guitar looks interesting and I like the varied soundtrack. The microtransactions may damper the experience if they are forced upon us, though.
I think the ad is great. :]
I mean, yeah the books are props, the place is a set and actors are paid - but they look like they're having fun, which is what most people want out of a game like this. Its also guitar hero. If it's not fun it literally has no other cards up it's sleeve.
I would love this game, but sadly (or not?) Lego Dimensions is going to bankrupt my video game fund for awhile...
lol, that ad is hilarious!
He's just hatin cause he ain't him
Is there a left-handed guitar for lefties like me??? I really want this game but I have to figure that out first.
@spacejump I'm just teasing an advert, not everything is 'hating' (My living room isn't too bad, though my fancy hardbacks are in a bookshelf and my bike's in the garage!)
I'm torn on Guitar Hero Live. I loved them back in the day and am unsure whether to dive in again but, who am I kidding, I'll probably get it.
@bezerker99 I think in the old one you could set to left handed in the menu and just flip the guitar around. Hopefully they'll do that again.
@ThomasBW84 I looked on the internet and one site said left-handed option has been confirmed but that feature wasn't playable (yet) in the early version they had.
Thx for responding, rock on bro!
@bezerker99 That's good, they'd have been fools not to include it so that's not surprising. Weirdly I'm left handed but play sports, guitars etc right handed. I think I just got used to 'getting by' at school as a kid!
I tried to enjoy it as a game on the Wii, but my guitarist head just can't get around that the game wants you to metronomically follow- which isn't playing music.
I actually own those exact art books! I keep them in my bedroom though.
They are 'Art of the 20th Century' books I & II, if anyone's interested in achieving 'the lifestyle' and are published by Taschen and available in all good book shops (probably some rubbish ones too).
Ha too funny ~
Id play though !
I'm looking forward to Guitar Hero Live and after seeing how Splatoon handled the 'always updating/free DLC' approach, GHTV could work brilliantly.
@ThomasBW84 I was playing on Franco's line in the interview, just a joke
@spacejump Ah, haven't seen it. Want to at some point though!
Man, I hate when I play video games when James Franco pops up and makes fun of me. IT GETS OLD JAMES.
@wiggleronacid I wouldn't call them microtransactions. It's true you can use the tokens for vanity items, but it's not like a pay-to-win type of system. Me, personally? I'm going to be using tokens for GHTV tracks. I may not have permanent access to the tracks, but at least my DLC library won't end up like Rock Band's where all of my previous purchases failed to carry over.
I feel like I wasted all of that money on those export packs...
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