It's only been a few weeks since Wii U owners got their hands on the brilliant Super Mario Maker, and already Nintendo is showing strong support for the title via a series of updates.
The first was delivered on release to speed up the arrival time of in-game unlocks, and now a second patch has been issued under the veil of update version 1.10. Below is the official word from Nintendo.
Update Details:
Ver. 1.10 [Released 09/23/15]
Note: This update requires about 223MB of storage space.
- Adjustments have been made to make for a more pleasant gaming experience.
This update is now live across both North America and Europe, and can be prompted by simply booting up Super Mario Maker from the Wii U HOME Menu.
Tell us below if you've spotted anything of interest in the latest Super Mario Maker update.
[source en-americas-support.nintendo.com]
Comments 85
It would be nicer if they stated WHAT adjustments...
Hearing rumors of angry sun in the patch files or somethin'. I suspect DLC is on the horizon.
Looks like the 3DS may have a rival for stability updates!
It's a relatively sizeable update; it'd be great if they told us what the actual changes were.
@Platina Not even close.
Invincible glitch gone and file updates?
No slopes or checkpoints, no thank you.
What did they do? -_-
I would LOVE for them to add an option to sort through the automatic "don't touch anything" levels so I never have to play them again. I admit they're cool to watch once or twice but in my last 100 Mario challenge half of the levels just required me to not touch a button. I want to play this game, not watch it.
Sorting the bad levels from actual well designed levels would be great.
There's a guy making fun courses with true Mario level design. You should follow him. Here's a couple of his courses:
This game just gets better and better.
@Aneira thanks I'll check them out. I'm afraid that even if they added a better filter for the games I would still be forced to watch a bunch of "don't touch anything" levels because for some reason those ones are getting tons of stars. I'm also trying to make actual levels that challenge players, but are still (hopefully) enjoyable. Here's one and you can check out my others if you like it.
I would like them to make it easier to unlock all of the costumes.
@LinktotheFuture no, then what would the point of amiibo be?
you can do easy mode 100 mario challenge a few times tell u can nolonger get costumes, figs let you unlock costumes asap and not have to shroom pick the costume you want every time u want it.
@jahasnell I totally agree with you. The automated levels in 100 Mario Challenge prompted me to make a parody of them in which you actually have to push buttons in order to clear the level.
The only thing worse than the auto-play levels are the ones with absolutely no design aesthetic. Anyhow time to plug my levels so everyone can judge me. Other levels can be found from my maker profile.
Hopefully the inconsistent spawns of power-ups has been fixed.
@Nego awesome! I was thinking about doing something like that too. What's the code? I'll check it out.
@Crunch85 I'll definitely give your levels a spin tomorrow. I'm very eager to play the levels of people who actually take time to make something cohesive and challenging.
@jahasnell It's 39AD-0000-0060-9194. It might be a bit hard but it's definitely not unbeatable.
If you found that too difficult though, you might want to check out my other levels which are more like your typical Mario levels. Here's the code for three wall jump levels to get you started:
I'll give your levels a try the next time I'm able to play (which sadly might not be before next week).
I personally think mario maker is slightly quicker.
As for auto play levels, I know you guys don't like them, but I did make one, as ever it got a bunch off cheap stars. It's not something I would make a habit of uploading those type of levels, but having the one to help push up the star count has been helpfull as it's hard enough to get people playing my levels, let alone putting a star next to them.
Anyway, here's a few of my level codes, should anyone want to take a look.
I don't want to come across like I'm begging, but I'm 10 stars short of uploading my next batch. There's a couple of gems waiting to go up amongst them. As time goes on, I'm finding my level designs are progressing well, which is a good thing.
Edit, link sorted.
@dizzy_boy am off work today, will try out some of your levels and throw a few stars your way.
Edit: I'm having trouble finding your courses on the NLife page you linked, is there an easy way? Perhaps if you put one code here I can use that to 'follow' you in-game?
Here's some levels that feel like real Mario that I've found from the first creator I decided to follow:
SMB3: D185-0000-004C-BF4B
A very clever and unique NSMBWU Ghost House: 576E-0000-004B-3589
SMB3: 6205-0000-0030-6AF6
I'm not her agent, but I found these and really liked them. I hope she makes more.
Well, I might as well do some shameless promotion.
Here are my Mario Levels. I think that they have the Mario feel down pretty well. Feel free to let me know what you think!
March of the Giants(NSMB U Style)
Land of the 8-Bit Giants(SMB Style
Did they remove the invincibility glitch?
I wish we could look for a specific user. I wanna play my friend's courses, but they're to lazy to communicate the numbers.
That, and blocking other users so I don't have to see Kaizo-levels ever again.
And since I'm here, here are some levels done by wife and I: generally pretty short, pretty tough, but never unfair.
Forteresse de Megaman (91F4-0000-0012-3F33)
Manoir Court (D1FC-0000-0015-89B1)
Don't let Bowser see you! (1CF1-0000-0015-AEEF)
And clearly a crazy roller-coaster level from Hell... Pas de panique... (2798-0000-0015-E47E)
Let me know what you think of them.
@Trikeboy no they did not
Try my Zelda level! 1053-0000-0067-22B2
@luke88 I dunno what's going on with that link, it works fine for me. Maybe it's one of those user only pages. ß[
Anyway, Here's a code to one of my levels, 0640-0000-0013-D22F. You can go from there if you wish.
Don't feel that you need to star levels becaused I asked. Star them if you think that they deserve it.
In my personal opinion we need a fourth level setting that can be toggled on or off for the 100-Life/10-Life runs. These masochistic course designs are nice and all but grouping them in with plain 'hard' courses is just silly.
@dizzy_boy haha, yes that was my plan 👍🏻☺️. I'll play some this afternoon.
"Adjustments" couldn't fill a tenth of those 223 MB. Millions of bytes of adjustments? Adjustments would be data values in byte-size, not megabyte-size.
Why can't they release update notes like many other developers?
It would be very nice if they fixed the auto-star thing, where you automatically star a level if you comment on it after updating.
Also, a better way to find/follow people and friends would be great, instead of having to write down and manually input lengthy codes.
I'm excited with what comes next to Mario Maker - it's addictive just to boot it up and check who's played your level. A filter I agree with, and also - Wii U notifications? Why don't we have this?
Try my level though guys - took me two hours (god knows why) but I'm chuffed with my 'simple' mario level.
3C0F 0000 0059 A856
Think I'll check out some of these courses it's fun playing a course by fellow Nintendo Lifers!
@jahasnell Tell me about it.
@Captain_Gonru Yes, I'm aware of that. :] But it's a hassle that way and takes more time.
Also, the auto-starring causes bad levels to gain stars (sometimes thousands), when people comment about out how bad/lame it is. The more stars it gets, the more attention and the more popular such a level/creator becomes. It's a broken system.
I couldn't agree more about the "don't touch" courses. Maybe they could have a separate category?
Also, my game updated automatically, it was there already this morning.
Here is my newest level. It's a challenge, it can be beaten quickly if you figure out how to skip some of the level. This makes it kind of a puzzle level in a way. I am very proud of this one.
SMB3 Castle
@Platina 223 MB stability update.
Probably trying to block Tubehax :^)
@Kosmo If they are friends of yours on MI I verse every time they upload a level the system auto posts the title and code, so you can just go and get the code yourself in your activity feed. You still have to write it down and input it manually though, no link or copy paste. Of cause this won't help if they are real life friends and not Wii U friends, but it gives you an excuse to make them friends and use Miiverse.
Agreeing with a lot here that the automatic levels need some kind of filter. I had 4 of them in 1 100 mario challenge once. The amount of them seems to be increasing as people see them on the top 50 list :C
But on topic of the actual update, is it possible this is setting the stage for DLC? None of the game breaking glitches actually got fixed. (The invincibility glitch and the going through walls thing)
I also dislike the auto-play levels. I feel a lot of people get stars they don't deserve. I worked hard on this level and it has a horrible completion rate.
VR32 Land: 6 Golden Coins DX! (D3C5-0000-0045-2A7C)
Its made for real Mario fans who like a rewarding challenge.
@dizzy_boy You linked https://www.nintendolife.com/super-mario-maker/my-levels when you should have linked https://www.nintendolife.com/super-mario-maker/users/dizzy_boy
I like the auto-play levels alot, if you've tried to make one they take alot of work to get things to work properly so I can appreciate them especially after making my own. Which out of the 6 or 7 levels I made it took the longest. Now I also enjoy regular levels. I like watching people die on the super ultra hard Kaizo style levels, but I sure don't like playing those they are just frustrating.
@jahasnell This is exactly how I feel
Someone spotted out what this 1.1.0 patch brings ?
I'll never understand why Nintendo is so deliberately cryptic about their system updates.
I would love Super Mario Bros. 2 USA template DLC
@Tamara thanks for letting me know.
Also, has anybody had SMM take ages loading between screens on the course world section? I've had it a couple of times since the update.
Yeah, a different category for automatic levels would be nice. I like to play my games, not just watch them play themeselves.
If I wanted that, I would've bought a PS4 or Xbone.
Autoplay levels would be easy to identify, at the upload time. The app could check if a button was pressed or not during the validation course just before upload. It could then tag it with "autoplay level".
To my mind, it's a lot more difficult to identify after the level is uploaded...
Am i too late to shamelessly post my level? And i agree that auto levels are stupid and the auto star with a comment is also also annoying. Commented on a bad level and i starred it......
4484 0000 002A 49AA
Not too hard but you gotta be good. Would appreciate feedback as im also trying to make not hard but not brainless levels. Ive almost fi ished another but i need to beat it XD
Am i too late to shamelessly post my level? And i agree that auto levels are stupid and the auto star with a comment is also also annoying. Commented on a bad level and i starred it......
4484 0000 002A 49AA
Not too hard but you gotta be good. Would appreciate feedback as im also trying to make not hard but not brainless levels. Ive almost fi ished another but i need to beat it XD
Am i too late to shamelessly post my level? And i agree that auto levels are stupid and the auto star with a comment is also also annoying. Commented on a bad level and i starred it......
4484 0000 002A 49AA
Not too hard but you gotta be good. Would appreciate feedback as im also trying to make not hard but not brainless levels. Ive almost fi ished another but i need to beat it XD
When you say Mario Maker has been out for a few weeks, you mean 13 days, right? Are you trying to make the game sound like old news?
Anyone test if this update fixed the take-no-damage glitch recently found? That seems like a hole Nintendo would prefer to plug, especially if people were already designing levels meant to exploit it.
It seems a SMB2 template would require a lot more than the others unless you just wanted the visual style. To do it justice you'd also need more vertical space than just 2 screens high, and it would really conflict with the ability to swap game styles (I don't recall being able to yank radishes out of the ground or create magic doors in any of the other styles) .
I'd just be happy with more templates for the ones we have. Star Road, Forest, Desert, Snow, as well as one with a water level. (like SMW 1-4).
A few more enemy types, too. And another thing I'd realy like to see is some shake options for the tracks - shake once for a simple thin line, shake twice for invisible tracks (dotted lines while editing).
@jahasnell Cheers dude. I'm sure you wont be disappointed. Except for maybe that one level.
Is anyone else tired of the "don't press anything" levels dominating the leaderboards? ersevere:
...So...it's now 1.1 and nothing big changed...wat?
Hope they fixed the invincibility door glitch.
the new update makes wii remotes more responsive when playin the game..mine would lag a tad but the gamepad would play fine...now both are smooth and play fine..this game is the only one with issues i had but the issues are gone sense the new update..its not hd lag for all people who say that cause if that is the case then all games would do it..this update tightened the contols up..good to see nintendo workin hard on this game ..i hope new content comes soon....
A tag system would be great. The creator could tag their levels (automatic, classic design, funny, crazy hard, unique, etc), then maybe players could suggest tags for levels as well.
The one thing that I really want in an update for Mario Maker is checkpoints. I hate it when you're so close to completing a level, and then die. It takes forever to get back to where you were, and a lot of times, I don't retry it since it would take too long. I feel like the completion rate of levels would skyrocket with checkpoints. This would lead to more stars most likely, too.
@Filmoreo I had the same idea... And then when you play through 100 mario challenge, you can filter out levels you don't like (ie auto) and filter in levels types you do.
Ninty would have to make a unique way to recognize specific courses. Hard to gather data on anything other than clear rate and the amount of people that played the course.
Slopes and checkpoints are needed.
I love having a more pleasant gaming experience!
They are ninja injecting dlc so that when they announce it simply unlocks, no need to download a thing (because you already did). Hopefully this includes desert levels and checkpoint placement. Another thing I would love to see is a way of having a boss battle that doesnt include the axe/bridge mechanic. I want to destroy bowser not give him a bath. Another thing I hope for is search filtering, I want to wipe any remnant of auto play levels off my console for good, they suck, anyone that does them is stupid, its not clever to make an auto level, it takes zero skill.
I doubt slopes are coming ever.
@dizzy_boy I'll star your levels if you check out mine Here is the first level i created and I have more that would love some stars.
@dizzy_boy The link you posted just takes a person to their own levels page.
@CB85 Yes I found the auto-star annoying at first, but I feel it was a very "nintendo-like" way to avoid comments that are made to poop on other people's creations. Super clever, when you think about it.
@redherring13 I've sorted the link.
Also, I've just gone through all your levels and stared them. I did that to help you towards your first fifty. Don't feel that you need to do the same for me.
The three LoZ themed levels you made were really good, they're not the sort of levels that I'm good at planning. I find that mine are a bit random, but still fun to play. So, if you do try them out, have fun.
@jahasnell I was JUST thinking this exact thing this evening while I was playing! While it's cool to see how they pulled it off to get the level to play itself, I want to play this game not watch it being played for me. Now I swipe as soon as I see a title like "Don't touch anything!!" etc.
Don't touch my levels, They are all rubbish, you have to press buttons and stuff.
@dizzy_boy thanks! I will for sure play your levels. Thanks for the feedback. I am working my way through the temples, I've decided that I might skip the spirit temple until they release a dlc with a desert theme. I also had some recorded Zelda sounds in my levels but just now realized that they don't actually upload online. Maybe if you download my levels you can hear what was intended.
You guys seemed to like the last level I posted, so I'll share one more here. This one isn't very long but it can be a little challenging.
I present to you "No P In the Pool"
I proudly present to you all :
DuckTales NES - Amazon 250 Coins
A recreation of the Amazon stage from DuckTales on the NES. Layout is as close to original as possible! Can you find all 250 of Scrooge's coins?
ID : FA6F-0000-0069-F5E6
Please try my new level called, flappy bird is the word. It just took me 2 hours to complete just so I could upload it.... Its a take on flappybird, it's fun and in my eyes pretty hard even based on its simplicity.
A60C 0000 0077 BB4F
Please try my new level called, flappy bird is the word. It just took me 2 hours to complete just so I could upload it.... Its a take on flappybird, it's fun and in my eyes pretty hard even based on its simplicity.
A60C 0000 0077 BB4F
@dizzy_boy I played some of your levels over the weekend and starred the ones I played. Good stuff! Also, I re-created my Fire Temple Level just a bit. I realized there was an optional side mission that I created just for nostalgic charm but then decided to make it mandatory for completing the level (as it is in the actual fire temple). You can play it here if you want? https://miiverse.nintendo.net/posts/AYMHAAACAAADVHkfA__LDA
I hated to delete my uploaded course online since it had 3 stars and 19 plays but I think this version is much better.
I am currently working on the Shadow Temple and this is is tricky
@redherring13 I see your name come up in the notifications, glad you liked them.
The last few longer levels that I've made are getting more into where I want to be with what I'm trying to acheive, especially in regards to balancing difficulty and playability.
I've never been able to focus too much attention on one particular thing, so I get bored after a couple of hours of making one level. I've learned to save it and give it a day or two, then go back, play it and make any additions or changes if necessary.
My shorter levels are just ideas I have trouble fleshing out. As long as they work fine as a stand alone, quick play through, I'm happy to let people play them and get some inspiration. There's no point holding back an idea if somebody else can try it, like it, and re-apply it.
Try my level 5d3c-000p-007c-f9c1 - it's old school Mario and difficult (haven't been cleared yet, just by me) please give me feedback thank you
Sorry 5d3c-0000-007c-f9c1
@Rikaria bummer...
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