Just this week came an announcement that fulfilled a much cited demand from some Wii U owners - Pokkén Tournament is coming to Wii U. Its early 2016 arrival is both expected and a surprise, with plenty of logic in porting a major Japanese arcade release to a global console audience, but likewise there'd been a fear that Nintendo and Bandai Namco would shy away from the porting costs.
The announcement and arrival of Pokkén Tournament in Japan over the past year often brought cries of "why isn't this on Wii U", "doesn't Nintendo want my money" and so on. Fair comments, too - a Bandai Namco fighter featuring Pokémon is certainly tempting, and it'll surely be roughly 100% better than various dodgy fan efforts that can be found online. There is, surely, a sizeable market for a game like this?
Yet the question is, will it sell as well as hoped? Its free movement arena fighting, with various technicalities, grabs and combos, certainly looked promising in the recent Invitational from the Pokémon World Championships. Yet it's still a spin-off, arriving on a home console with improving but underwhelming sales - will the 'mon crowd come out in force?
It's hard to tell, though plenty have commented on seeing gamers sharing plans to pick up a Wii U for the brawler, though we'll see how many follow through. There's also the question of whether fans will be keen to jump on board, or whether the online demand and chatter will fail to convert into sales.
We want to know what you think ahead of writing a little more on the topic. Are you expecting Pokkén Tournament to be a hit, are you excited about it? Will it provide some vital continued momentum for the Wii U into 2016? Share your thoughts in the poll and comments below.
Comments 114
Watched the stream yesterday (wanted to watch Worlds but it was kinda forced upon me), not really my thing.
Make Eevee playable, make it happen Nintendo!
This is a type of Pokemon game people have been wanting for quite some time. I'm sure a lot of pokemon fans will want the game, and hopefully the game turns out nice.
Looks cool, will keep an eye on.
Not really the type of game i was waiting for but at the same time i do like the combat style so ill pick it up when it releases
I think I want it, tho I don't play Pokemon
I am sure that it will be big for the Pokemon fanbase, but I don't think it is going to take the fighting scene by storm. It may inspire some die-hard Pokemon fans to purchase a Wii U, but it isn't going to change the fate of the console.
@Fernink Unfortunately, Eevee is one of the support Pokémon, not playable. Sucks, I know. :/ With any luck, one of its evolutions could be playable? That would certainly be better than having two Pikachu - that's two too many, in my opinion!
It'll boost WiiU sales for sure but it's not like it'll be a permanent major boost for ages. Just the usual new big IP game boost that always happens. I want this game but not day 1 unless it accidentally happens. The hype seems pretty low though... pokemon fandom looks forward to Pkmn Z or next gen now, so it seems to me anyway.
I don't think it'll be much of a system seller, but it looks really fun.
Not really a fighting games fan. I like em but I'm terrible at them. I'll stick to smash.
I'm calling it, This game will not move much for the Wii U.
The Pokemon game people have been waiting for and still are is a Pokemon game, full 3D adventure RPG on a console. Now whether it is a new region or old... or all of them, most don't care, that's just what we want.
If this wasn't made by NamcoBandai, or had anything to do with Pokémon except for the characters, I wouldn't be so negative towards this. But everything I found out so far screaams "FFXIII effect" - great visuals, the rest is just awful.
I'm not interested myself but I'm delighted it's coming
@ikki5 Well yeah of course, that's why I said "a type", as in just one of many.
Pokemon + Smash Bros.....kind of? + Tekken= HYPE.
Not too excited. We already have a bunch of fighters and platformers on the Wii U.
The release I have been waiting for is Animal Crossing U (and not that amiibo game).
Whether the game does well or not, I believe, comes down to what separates it from the arcade experience and makes it a full-fledged retail game for a home-console. I'm talking about online connectivity, a story mode, amiibo support, more characters, DLC, and maybe some cameo appearances from Tekken characters. I don't doubt that the game will cost $60, so gamers better get their money's worth.
I'm not to excited for this game as of now, but I'll keep an eye on it.
You bet your arse it is.
Given proper online functionality, this game could actually be tons of fun.
Since I'm not too concerned with anything Pokémon related this is completely uninteresting to me.
@ikki5 I don't do much 'moning, but it's something I've never understood as to why there hasn't been a proper Pokémon game on a console, I'd imagine fans would lap it up like barn full cats to cold milk on a hot day.
3D home adventure + cross play on a portable system for Pokémon on the go + Pokémon amiibo figure/card support = a cash cow to me. The money would practically print itself!
Maybe not on the Wii U, per se, but perhaps a NX launch window title. (assuming the NX is a hybrid console of sort)
I really like the look of this, will probably get it on day one. Let's face it, there won't be many other Wii U games competing for my attention next year :'-(
I have been dreaming of a Pokemon fighting game for my whole life.
@Sir_JBizzle - Congrats for being the first to mention NX.
Not sure what role Nitnedo will play in this, but "spring 2016" for them would mean August. That's after E3, so NX could be announced and months away from release by the time this comes out, so that could be a huge factor regarding and additional Wii U sales bump this coudl potentially bring. And lord knows we've been waiting a long time for a proper Wii U price cut, so who knows. Maybe a Wii U Mini could be bundled w/ this depending on what "Spring" means. Spring for the US is mid March to Mid June so technically after E3 anyway even if it isn't delayed.
And I'm not sure if this is the game the Wii U needs, but it was the game that could have made the E3 NDE not suck so much. Spring 2016 is even w/in Nintnedo's "soon" timeline I believe. Really makes me wonder when and if Wii U will ever see Zelda if this wasn't talked up by somebody at E3.
And of course, how will this be released? After Metroid Federation Force, amiibo Greatest Bits and AC:aF who knows what they'll do w/ this. It could be free but need amiibo to unlock all playable characters. Online? Voice chat? Nintnedo is all over the place these days w/ free-to-start and pricing and amiibo support, nothing is a given.
We will likely get this, and enjoy it, but the shadow of NX overhangs everything.
As an older gamer who enjoyed Stadium (and to a lesser degree Colosseum), I wished the full combat of Pokemon would arrive on a Nintendo system. Now that it has I'm defo on board for getting this & promoting this to fellow fellow Nintendo fans .. This could be the game that will even draw me back into the 3DS versions that thus far I have avoided - they ate my life!
The new Splatoon? One to watch methinks.
Of course I'm buying day one, the game looks mega-fun, simple as that!
I'm pretty excited for this but I still want to see more playable Pokemon and content. I'm not really sure if I'd justify a $60 purchase just from what I've seen so far, but I'm sure they'll add more to it by the time it's ready for Wii U.
Good for Pokemon fans, but definitely not for me.
I hadn't heard of this game until now. As someone who never really understood the whole Pokemon craze but is a fan of Tekken, I would definitely be interested in this game. This might be a Pokemon game I can get excited for and would probably bring in others like me, who never really were interested in Pokemon before. Could be a big success, especially from an eSports standpoint, like Smash Bros and Splatoon.
Watch Zygarde become DLC
Not overly interested. I like fighting games but this isn't for me. I hope it does well but may be for a niche audience.
Aaand, second game worth buying a WiiU for, as far as I'm concerned. Genei Ibun Roku will be third when it hits Europe.
Since Ridley was too big for Smash I hope he's in Pokken
My poke body is ready I'm ready for a new home console game for Pokemon. But I'm still hoping for Pokemon Snap and Pokemon Stadium for virtual console...
is it Spring 2016 already? Also I want Heracross (with his Mega form) to be playable as well.
Needs a very large roster
Certainly an interesting concept but its really not going to be an essential wii u title imo
It's epic!
Certainly an interesting concept but its really not going to be an essential wii u title imo
I love Pokemon and I love fighting games. No brainer for me since the day it was announced.
i'm excited yes.
is it going sell so much. not really, but might be fastest sale just as splatoon was.
I hope there's more to the final game than just the fighting tournament mode. There's got to be more modes in this game for it to be worth a purchase. Maybe an adventure mode? Mini games mode? Boss mode against legendary Pokémon?
I highly doubt this game will be an instant success, but I'm not saying that this could be one of the best Nintendo games of 2016. Yeah, of course the hype is real!
I've been waiting for the small new 3DS. OH WAIT...!
I don't think the game is going to be defining enough to boost sales of the wii u, or become extremely popular among st the pokemon games. The wii u has a fighting game, which is smash, but an actual more serious fighting game may become either too hard for younger audiences to play at all, or be too easy for serious players to get into.
I really can't see myself getting this game.
Not really hyped, but I'm just not in the mood for buying any Wii U games at the moment anyway. Will probably get this in the future though, but only if they have AT LEAST 40 playable characters.
Also, this is an arena-style fighter/combat game. It's almost nothing like an actual fighting game like Tekken, so it's not like this will have a high learning curb for kids.
Because Weavile!
I've been a Nintendo fan since the days of the NES and have just within the past three months had the pleasure of becoming a Pokemon fan it started with the free to play Pokemon Rumble World for 3DS and I have to admit I'm addicted to that title and so I've downloaded the FTP Pokemon Shuffle a fun pick up and play and so the other day I went and got a copy of Pokemon Alpha Sapphire which is awesome but this new title coming to the Wii U looks AMAZING and I have to say the kid in me is EXCITED
It's neat that we're finally getting a Pokemon fighting game and I'm sure it'll sell decently, but personally this isn't very high up my list of wants.
@HyrulianOfHyrule Any laptop can emulate those these days for free. I cut purchasing N64 vc with DK64. I am really incensed with Nintendo's refusal to allow the game run in widescreen and Dolby surround - two modes DK64 supported natively on the N64.
Well, they are bringing it in Spring 2016, but if they really want to sell some extra Wii U's, then a better date should have been Late Fall 2015, like towards the beginning of December.
I know that it takes a lot of time to do the translation and whatnot, but the Wii u could really use a game like this.
Tekken characters is a no-no. I don't think Nintendo will entertain that idea for a second.
I don't like pokemon but I am looking forward to this. A few people that I know that had no interest in a Wii U are thinking they will get a Wii U now.
Make a decent priced bundle and have some sort of connection with the latest pokemon games(a stadium mode for the console version) it would make a lot of sales.
I am over ten years old so I am as excited for this as I was by Splatoon, not even a little.
Not so. Spring for the US means mid February to mid May. I think i sthe same for the Japanese (I lived there for three years, and Spring starts in early March, with the cherry blossoms, I think).
Zelda is the Wii U release I am STILL waiting for!
You should see a psychologist for that.
@SetupDisk Apologies for not liking something you think I should, how dull would it be if we all liked the same things?
Well, I have literally been waiting for Pokkén Tournament to come to home console since it was announced for arcade last summer, but I don't think any single game can save the Wii U, there needs to be a massive boost in 3rd party support for that to happen. Most rumors suggesting the NX is to replace the Wii U doesn't help the Wii U's chances either.
Wish fulfilment?, only if Meloetta appear and also, I will buy this game in Day one, XD
yes, I still pray that appears, XD
It's inevitable that Nintendo will give in and let their IP used on other franchise, Dynasty Warriors being the other case. Times have changed, but if it helps them survive then why not?
I hope they expand the roster for the console version. What they have now is good for an arcade game but it should be bigger for a home release. Characters like Snorlax, Hawlucha, and Poliwrath would be nice additions.
@liveswired I would just like it on the big screen with my Wii U but yeah I don't use computer games
I'm just stoked for a new fighting game on the wiiu...there is no such thing as too many fighting games.
I like it. I'm not really sure where I stand on liking Pokemon after loving X and Y but not liking ORAS. But I think this looks great. I'll be suprised if Greninja isn't in this.
Meh, not for me. Good for the Pokemon fans and people who are really into Tekken/fighting games in general.
F-Zekken Tournament, make it happen!
Textures look great! And I'm sure it will sell very well
Not really my thing, but I'll keep an eye on it.
@Will-75 I've enjoyed everything Nintendo since the nes day's as well. I also never got into Pokemon. Guess it's time to give Rumble World a go.
I'll probably eventually get it
There's nothing left that can save the Wii U. It has almost all of its big titles already, and I'm satisfied with the experience. I'm about to get an X1 to go with it, so I won't be hurting for games.
I'm not really interested in this since I'm not interested in Pokemon (and have Tekken Tag Tournament already), but I do hope for the fans that is doesn't become a DLC fest.
As it is the character roster is way too lackluster and only a few of them are even ones I could try. It needs to at least double the size before I could care at all.
I'm excited, it looks great. Mario Maker, Woolly World, Xenoblade, and now this.
Question. Nintendo is against region free and is also against (for the most part) spending money on porting Japanese games to the rest of the world. Don't these two problems kind cancel each other out if Nintendo just reversed it's thinking?
Definitely helps 2016 big time, as Zelda was the only Wii U game I was looking forward to get until now.
@andyg1971 Oh, kids these days...
I'll get it if there is a roster of at least 20 pokemon. and Pancham/Pangoro better be one of them. With over 700 pokemon 10 is a terrible roster, heck 20 is too. there are just too many for everyone to have one they like to be playable.
If it's Pokemon, it will sell.
I'm excited for this. I love Pokemon games and occasionally like fighting games, so this game will be worth giving a try.
As for "is this the Wii I release you've been waiting for?", then no it isn't. The release I most want is a full 3D pokemon RPG where you can see pokemon in their natural habitat in the wild and choose to battle them. You want something more realistic? Fine, Zelda Wii U then.
I'm excited for this too, even if I'm not a fan of fighting games in general.
I doubt it'll significantly move sales on the Wii U compared to a 3ds version. That said, it looks good fun, stylish & a nice alternative to Smash Bros (..& it's more Pokemon so can't say no to that).
2016 is shaping up pretty nicely on the 'mon front with this & Super Mystery Dungeon for us in Europe. Certainly day one here
Not the for not liking, your bizarre and limited reasoning.
Actually looks alright for a full 3D fighter so I am going to keep my eyes on this. All Nintendo need to do is make it Amiibo compatible (scan amiibo and unlock the Non pokemon character in game) for a sure fire Wii U hit. The Pokémon fans will get it for Pokefights an the Nintendo fans will get it for an Alternative to Smash (Captain Falcon versus Weezing e.g).
It's looking more and more likely the NX is Going to be a Wii U handheld with a base unit for home storage and use on TV. Instead of the base unit doing the processing and transmitting it to the gamepad, Instead the Controller will process it all like a handheld and beam it to the base unit plugged into the TV when your at home. The Handheld will be able to connect to Wii Us and act as additional second screen experiences in Multiplayer games, local Splatoon likely being a launch title.
That is my educated guess.
No, not interested. I have already tekken tag and smash bros as brawlers, and a real pokemon game would have been better.
WiiU needs other stuff... Such a proper Mario Strikers...
No, not interested. I have already tekken tag and smash bros as brawlers, and a real pokemon game would have been better.
WiiU needs other stuff... Such a proper Mario Strikers...
Any news of new game releases is welcome. I'm sure it'll be a laugh. Even if it doesn't look like the world's great fighting game, it is good to know there's still stuff happening for Wii U next year.
Q) Are you expecting Pokkén Tournament to be a hit, are you excited about it?
A) I'm not excited about how this question has been phrased, particularly when the first half of the question is pretty much asked a second time with the latter question. As such, I'll only answer the latter half of this question.
Yes, I'm excited for Pokkén Tournament. I enjoy fighting games, I enjoy Pokémon, and as someone who didn't enjoy Super Smash Bros for Wii U, has not been able to enjoy much Pokémon fighting action as of late. So naturally I'm overjoyed at the prospect of this game coming to Wii U.
Q) Will it provide some vital continued momentum for the Wii U into 2016?
A) I think Pokkén Tournament will sell very well, and I think it will give the Wii U some momentum, though I do not think it will have a long lasting affect on sales. As in, there will probably be a big boost in sales for the first two weeks to a month, and then it will simmer back down to a more steady, smaller level.
I've wanted a non-RPG fighting game with Pokemon for over a decade. Not that I don't like the main games, I just think it's a great addition to the franchise!
Day one for me!
I was hoping this would get announced for Wii U, glad when I heard it was. Can't wait for this game.
No, the Wii U release I've been waiting for comes out in 19 days.
if its a good fighting game i want it anyway because there arent that many on wii u as far as i know(if anybody knows a good one,please tell me:)...)that its a pokemon themed game is a plus for me but im sure lots ofd fighting fans will think verry diffrently about that
No, I'm waiting for mature third party games.
@SanderEvers why would that happen?
I'll get it eventually, for sure, but I'm not that excited for it.
But yes, the game will sell. It has Pokemon. The end.
This looks like the type of fighting game I COULD potentially buy, but I need more information on how the game's combat works first. If it happens to be more like Street Fighter where performing moves requires a combination of button presses I won't be getting it since those aren't my type of fighting games. I prefer games with accessibility and ease of use like Smash Bros, but I understand that not all fighting games have to be like Smash. If it ends up being a more technical fighter like I mentioned above it will be a pass. Thankfully, all of the information I have read about this game points to it being more accessible for players of all skill levels. Both casuals and hardcore gamers alike should be able to enjoy this game.
Not really that into Pokémon but I could be persuaded to buy it if they have a Direct focused on it or something like I was with Tomodachi Life.
I glad it was announced but I'm still curious as to if their gonna add more characters/ modes or is the game even gonna be a budget title or the full $60
I think this will sell well but wont shift extra wii u... however I said that about splatoon and look how that turned out
@miiandmario I cant remember where I saw it but I am sure that I read that there was 5 extra characters along side lucha Pikachu (who seems to be more than just a costume), no word on modes though. I'd be surprised if this is a full priced game here in the UK none of Nintendo's recent outings have been full priced
Ahhh Nintendolife surveys, where users are always super optimistic.
Optimistic in Surveys, yes; In Comments, almost the opposite. XD
Can you give me the "true definition" of ""mature games""?
This will be my first Pokemon game I will buy
@LUIGITORNADO not always. Look at the poll for Metroid Prime Federation Force. Last I saw it, over 80% said they weren't looking forward to the game at all.
Had a chance to play this at World Champs Boston, believe me, it's awesome
@Dpullam From what D1 (Smash commentator) has said, the game's controls are pretty easy to pick up. The game seems to be accessible enough for newcomers and casual play, but technical enough to support higher level play.
I will defintely pick this up, if it is a good fighter and it gets a positive response.
The jab at fanmade Pokemon fighting games was unnecessary, but yeah I'm looking forward to this game.
I think Poke-fans will get this and may enjoy this. I'm going to try it for my own opinion, but I think the game is a little... Bogus. It's quite slow and like slower than Smash Bros 4. Very limited controls, plays more like Naruto said from some. Haven't seen a lot of other content and plays nothing like Tekken.
I swear half of the people commenting on this post are super good looking and loveable. Of course this will sell, it's a Pokemon fighting game which is what fans have been clamoring for since Stadium. I do agree though it needs a bigger roster but I think they'll beef it up before release on Wii U. Definitely getting this day one.
@SakuraHaruka Games with content and themes that are not suitable for children. Of course there are games like that already on the Wii U. Just not very many. Now 'Devil's Third' is coming out but it seems that most reviewers think it is a mediocre game. Hopefully Project Zero 5 will be good.
I'm kind of excited for this as I've been wanting to actually FIGHT as the character for years. My big selling point will be the # of characters. Right now they've released ... what. 8? 10?
As unreasonable as some may find it this would need quintuple to get my interest. I see no point in a Pokemon fighting game that only uses 1/200 of the actual roster.
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