As the NX's presence becomes more prevalent in the minds of many, it's understandable that some fans are both curious and concerned about Nintendo's next move. Shigeru Miyamoto has suggested that the Wii U's downfall was down to the console being outshone by the growing tablet industry, and that is a lesson to be learned from, though some would suggest the lack of third party titles has also played a role in decreasing the Wii U's success.
Luckily for Nintendo fans, the business magazine Fortune states that the NX was pitched to third parties during E3, and gauged many of the "insider" reactions as "positive". Fortune also spoke to Shigeru Miyamoto and Nintendo's Software Planning and Development's general manager, Shinya Takahashi; Miyamoto stated he is a step back from the NX in order to concentrate on gaming projects.
I've pulled myself back out of some of the hardware section and I'm really focused on some of the software that I'm involved in — for example, the new Star Fox game. Of course I am observing and looking at the hardware, but I am not actively participating and making decisions.
Nintendo is keen on taking on feedback for the new system, too, as Takahashi-san explained.
For us, the next step is to think about what is going to be that element that is really going to catch the attention of a large number of players again and get them excited.
We're constantly thinking about this idea from the perspective of the players and the needs of the players in terms of what can we can do with our ability and our technology to capture that excitement and passion.
Nintendo has stated it will be revealing more information on its new console, codenamed NX, during 2016.
There are many rumours as to what Nintendo's new console might be, but what are your hopes for the NX? Let us know what you'd like to see from Nintendo in the comment section below.
[source, via]
Comments 141
Sounds good but Nintendo games are the most important part.
Lets just hope there is enough for them to stay around if they do support it initially. History says otherwise, but would be great if they did.
I feel that it primarily needs to be easy to work on and port to for third parties to be interested in supporting the platform. While I am happy with Nintendo's own offerings, its the third party titles which will make or break the console and its popularity.
Know what made me fall in love with Nintendo. A box and two controllers. Take it back to basics. Stop wasting time on gimmicks and put out a console that will bring the fan boys and the 3rd parties back.
I would wait and see before we get excited about this. Remember at the Wii U's birth EA announced an "unprecedented" relationship with the console?
Yeah, we all know how that turned out.
Here is an idea, Nintendo:
Ask gamers/3rd parties what they want and actually GIVE them what they want. I'm not just talking about current Nintendo supporters, but all of them in general.
I'm sure the first thing they won't say is "great 3rd party games like Raving Rabbids and dancing games from Ubisoft."
Here is another idea, 3rd Parties:
Make great games for all platforms and release them all at the same time. Don't release a game for XB1 and/or PS4 then complain and pull support because the port doesn't sell on NX when it's released 1.5 years later.
Just a few thoughts.
If the NX has decent hardware and is easy to port too, and can run WiiU/Wii games as well as Valve/Steam/Android would be my dream consoles. But I doubt that will ever happen. Sadly.
I'm sure they did all of this with the Wii u as well.......I really hope that more 3rd partys rejoin the Nintendo bandwagon. However, they might need to rethink allot of strategic partnerships as they got dropped quickly by supposedly loyal support before! Imo they need to put cash into subsidising and funding releases, maybe just to get momentum, from some companies to make sure they are on board 100%.
Let's use gta5/far cry3/4 and tomb raider as high profile games we missed at key points in the Wii u launch phase which might have gained more consumer respect!
Just pitch it to me, Nintendo.
Dream on.
As long as it runs Unity, I'll port my game over.
Just make the NX powerful, maybe if they can,as a PC, get more third party studios and combine them with first party titles, and make the gimmicks and things add-ons.
It's good to hear that they're at least talking to 3rd party developers. I love Nintendo games, but I also love 3rd party games. If the NX has a good selection of both 1st and 3rd party games, then I wouldn't hesitate to buy it.
Really don't want to hear about third parties being positive about NX because they were positive with the Wii U when it was first announced. And here we are almost three years later with Nintendo already pitching a new home console.
Hopefully this time things don't go down the toilet.
Watch Reggie say the same thing he said about third party when the Wiiu was shown. "Were bringing back the third party!" Yeah they left the first year but who can blame them? They knew that ship was going to sink before Nintendo ever did.
As much as they say they don't want to talk about NX, they sure talk about NX a lot!
I personally want backward compatability with Wii U. I'd like for the GamePad to be able to be used as a controller, but not as the main one. The main controller can be a variation of the Gamecube pad. I hope the console has PS4 level specs so that 3rd parties will take it seriously. I hope Nintendo does something unique, but not with the controller or hardware like they have with the Wii and Wii U, but rather with the software under the hood. Some kind of really cool interactive software that integrates into all of your nintendo devices from NX to your smart device to whatever the next handheld will be.
But most of all? Launch it with must-own games. Come out swinging. Look, Nintendo Land and NSMBU were good, but no one is buying a console for those games. What NX needs to succeed is some heavy hitters launching alongside it. The next 3D Mario game has to do this, no question. But don't stop there. Metroid Prime 4 could be a launch window game. Revive F-Zero and launch it with NX. Or a surprising new IP. Whatever. Just give us games that can't be missed.
There are a few things of interest in this article.
Firstly Shigeru Miyamoto said he is stepping back from development of the NX. This is both good and bad. It is good because he is a game designer so focusing on games is a good thing for him to be doing, not hardware. However, it was because of Shigeru Miyamoto's demands that the New 3DS actually had the new and better 3D technology which was initially not to be used, which could mean something fundamental or beneficial could end up now making it into the hardware because he isn't on board to demand such things.
I am a little bit concerned by the following statement "For us, the next step is to think about what is going to be that element that is really going to catch the attention of a large number of players again and get them excited." If they are revealing this next year, and they've been talking it up so much that its going to be a game changer, shouldn't this "element" that grabs the attention of a large number of players already be known and sorted?
Lastly, "We're constantly thinking about this idea from the perspective of the players and the needs of the players in terms of what can we can do with our ability and our technology to capture that excitement and passion." If this is true then you know that PS4 hardware should be the minimal specs you use for the NX, ideally double that. Gimmicks should be an after thought, and even then only used should third party developers actually want it.
The NX has to have more power than the ps4 for starters, it has to be easy to port to for the lazy ass developers to bring their cut & paste games over, backwards compatibility with the wii u games in order to get the wii u faithful to upgrade at launch but it needs a better os as well with party chat, cross game invite ability & better notification than a flashing blue light on the home button, as for gimmick an improved gamepad that would allow you to stream games from your home to the gamepad so when you are in wifi range you can still game. That's just what I'd wish for, but I won't be rushing to buy the system this time as I'm sure when it does launch plenty of people will post about it on miiverse if they aren't all banned by then.
I feel like it's s little late to do this but if Nintendo made a system with similar specs to competitio it would do extremely well just for the fact they could get a tremendous amount of third party support and Nintendo games all in one system. Most people that want this but two systems.
The reason I think it's too late for this though is I think most people don't think of Nintendo as a direct competitor of Sony and Microsoft they fall into their own niche category. It's like ouya, it's a gaming console but doesn't really have the same games as other consoles and is different for many reasons you don't really consider it a main competitor either.
I think Nintendo still should innovate with cheaper hardware and hope that their niche audience (like myself) will keep playing games!
@inky_bob I do agree with a lot of what you are saying but I don't think Nintendo will be returning to the gamepad for the NX. After what they said how it never took off due to various reasons, I can't see Nintendo wanting to try that again, plus that goes against the idea of easy porting. On top of that, when Nintendo says the NX is starting back at 0, I take that to mean it is not connected to the Wii U or the Wii branding or hardware. A brand new start.
Super Nintendo 2
This is how the conversation went...
Reggie - "So we realize that your games sell like crap on our consoles, we are coming off the massive flop known as the Wii U which has destroyed consumer confidence in our home console brand, and that when the NX comes out both the PS4/Xbox will have a combined 60-80 million owners and still be going strong.
However...we would like you to invest money and resources into producing games for our newest console which has no owners. What do you say?"
Third Parties - "I think we will take a pass"
@Pigeon Yeah I agree. I do see potential in there more willingness to loan out IP To 3rd parties (Skylanders and Hyrule and the rumours regarding wanting Criterion for F Zero). We know first party IP sells and Nintendo can't service all those fan bases, therefore 3rd parties realise risk is mitigated if there are likely to sell £500k plus
Q) There are many rumours as to what Nintendo's new console might be, but what are your hopes for the NX?
A) First off, that it doesn't come out until 2017. I feel the Wii U to be a great console, and it deserves to have it's minimum time of 5 years, out and about. If the NX releases before 2017, I won't be getting it on launch, regardless of it's games library.
Secondly, for it to not be a mere replica of it's competitors. I like the unique ideas Nintendo have brought about as of late. My personal hope is that they expand upon the ideas that the Wii U brought forth. I love the Wii U gamepad and feel that it's possibilities could be further expanded with improvements such as allowing multiple gamepads to be used at once.
If the NX does not include an evolution of the Wii U's ideas strictly, I'm quite intrigued by the concept of Fusion. I can see how it could work, as it's concept would effectively be a more advanced and evolved version of the Dreamcast's, except replacing the Memory Card's interaction with the game with that of a handheld. This seems ideal to me, as when the Wii U was first rumoured to have a touch screen device for the controller, I thought they were actually going to incorporate the 3DS itself as the Wii U controller (or capable of being used as a substitute).
Power wise, I really don't mind. I wouldn't mind being able to play the odd 3rd party game that I do enjoy (outside of Dead or Alive, Sonic, Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm, and BlazBlue, there are not many 3rd party series I tend to follow, it's usually the odd 3rd party game here and there that interests me) on the NX, but I consider the Wii U's biggest obstacle it has faced in that regard to be it's difference in architecture rather than raw power (given many of the PS4/Xbox One games have had PS3/360 releases, I really don't consider power to be the main issue the Wii U has faced in regards to 3rd party ports, or at least for most of the games). So, whilst I do not care for how powerful the NX is, making it easier to port to for 3rd parties would a nice gesture.
As for the games launch library; not too bothered really. It would be nice for the NX to have backwards compatibility, as when I had my fill of fun from Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed and Lego City Undercover, I went ahead and picked up Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. That pretty much became my solution when there a lack of games I was interested in for Wii U, look back to the Wii library and play that until the next Wii U game that interested me came out. The lack of backwards computability on the PS4 and Xbox One was also the reason I waited on purchasing either of them (I now own an Xbox One, there was a bundle with Sunset Overdrive that captured my attention). So I'd like the NX to have backwards compatibility... or a mainline Kirby game at launch. The latter would certainly be a nice thing to have at launch for me, and it seems most people's requests for launch line-ups (3D Mario like 64/Galaxy, new Metroid, new Zelda, new F-Zero) would do little to interest me.
Rather a box and 4 controllers
This could be a good thing. Miyamoto is certainly in his element in software rather than hardware. Make a new way to play the game, not a new way to play the game system
@WingedSnagret Well it was unprecedented. Unprecedentedly bad.
I want a powerful portable/home console combo. It should be backward compatible and use blue tooth so it can support all Wii U supported controllers including the pro which is perfect as a traditional controller for those that don't like the gamepad for whatever reason.
It can use Blu Ray instead of priority disks and since it will also support digital of course. When taking it on the go when the disc drive would not be used or for just all of the time you can upload a game you buy on disc to internal storage.
I would be hoping for a system design like the gamepad but other controllers would be usable for the cry babies.
Plus for Wii U owners there would finally be enough processing power to use more than one gamepad as a controller.
Local death matches in COD or the like without the splitscreen or the tv.
Well every new console technically has "no owners"
When the Wii was first unveiled in detail, third party reaction was quite negative. with many third party publishers criticizing the gimmicky controller interface, underpowered hardware, and desperation that Nintendo must have been in after poor Gamecube sales. When the Wii started flying off of shelves, the reception changed almost overnight. Take-Two Interactive issuing a public apology to Nintendo regarding the lack of Take-Two Wii launch titles, with the promise to move Gamecube software development to Wii. Similarly, Capcom decided to move the development of their next Monster Hunter title from PS3 to Wii (that game ended up being Monster Hunter Tri, the best selling third party Wii game in Japan).
When the Wii U was first unveiled in detail, third party reaction was much more positive, largely because nobody wanted to be on the wrong side of the fence in the case that the Wii U repeated the Wii's groundbreaking success. That's why Nintendo + EA's "unprecedented" partnership was created, so EA could swim in cash if the Wii U (and EA's Wii U games) flew off of shelves. When it became clear that the Wii U would struggle more that any previous (non-Virtual Boy) Nintendo console, third party publishers waved good-bye, and that is the situation we are in right now.
NX's positive reception surprises me. I would assume the reaction would have been much more mixed or even negative, in light of the Wii U's poor sales and the commercial failure of (most of) the third party Wii U games that made it to the console before third parties waved good-bye.
@Souldin Actually, the Gamecube/Wii/WiiU all use PPC processors and AMD Video Cards. Xbox 360 uses the same architecture. The main reason the WiiU is 'difficult' is because they need to take the gamepad into consideration, and that is lacks the power of PS4/Xbox1 especially in memory bandwidth.
I don't think Nintendo is ever going to get large 3rd party support. Making a game on a nintendo console even if its popular (Like the Wii) means you have to compete against Nintendo franchises.
I think for the NX to be the success Nintendo needs, they will have to make it VERY different to current consoles, not just try and match their specs.
A powerful Nintendo console coming to the market late won't do much to sway PS4/XB1 owners, and it won't fly off the shelves in great enough numbers to hold on to the third party devs it would need. It has to be something else entirely.
Listening to what Nintendo has been saying in other areas there are a few buzz words that have been popping up like 'fun' and 'social'. So I expect their re-newed interest in e-sports will play a significant role in whatever NX turns out to be.
The best thing Nintendo can do is step away from the current gaming model entirely and create something fresh and new (start from zero?).
So, what might that be?
I'm not sure, perhaps it will be a personal controller that hooks up to a global online network that isn't bound by a home consoles spec? This may be playable on any internet enabled device (yep even mobile and WiiU?) ...
Though I guess that isn't a new idea...
Whatever it is, it will need to be better than just a more powerful system that plays Nintendo games.
I'm pretty sure they said the same positive reaction when Wii U was pitched, so I doubt this info really matters at all. By the time NX comes out, X1 and ps4 will have a big library of games that ppl want that will make the NX unimportant, except for the Nintendo games, but their games are basically always the same.
I don't have any hope for Nintendo in the console market anymore.
I really hope that this manifests into actuall games after launche from 3rd partys AND some kind of interaction between Nintendo's hardware-department and 3rd partys.
To be honest, I would like to see Nintendo make a somewhat standard console with specs slightly higher than the PS4 with a totally new concept of an OS. One that binds every piece of hardware running it to one marketplace, one software library and one community. Scaling visuals up and down depending on the power of the hardware and making a transition from one gen to another a thing of the past by standardising the architecture and the OS, both of which will only be updated, but not replaced.
This would mean, that new hardware inside these standardised lines could run every game of the older hardware.
But I really don't know how easy/hard this would be to be honest.
I'm glad they're trying to be competitive again.
I love the gamepad, personally, and do not find it a gimmick at all. That said, I feel like the next console should bring in the gamepad, but as a peripheral. The early Nintendo consoles had a bunch of peripherals that not all games used, and that was fine. However, when a system is dependent on it, it makes it hard for 3rd parties to port or use it properly.
@bloodycelt While I was aware that the Gamepad also had an effect on the ability of 3rd parties to port their games to the system, I was not aware of the similarities that the Wii U had with Xbox 360 in terms of architecture. Thank you for informing me of that.
On that note of Nintendo never getting large 3rd party support, you did kind of bring up the Nintendo system that in recent years did have a large 3rd party support, the Wii. Whilst there was quite a few major 3rd party games that skipped out on the Wii, the Wii was also blessed with plenty of amazing 3rd party exclusives such as Muramasa: The Demon Blade and A Boy and his Blob. That said, I'm unsure on how well these games sold, and in regards to your point of them having to compete with Nintendo's franchises, it doesn't seem that many people remember these great 3rd party games that did arrive on the Wii in comparison to the 1st party games.
If the next console is to have its best chances it need third parties, maybe they should get a COD game exclusive to the system, just imagine the outcry of fans then, they'd have to get a NX then, MUHAHAHA!
I've always had the idea that if Nintendo really wants to make a good first impression of the NX, they need to announce that Half-Life 3 is coming exclusively to that console at launch. Imagine the uproar that would cause.
But when a new home console launches, they usually come at the end of another systems lifespan, with all the companies putting out new hardware within a year or so of each other.
Nintendo seemingly releasing a new console while their competitors machines haven't even peaked yet is a new scenario for them.
We just need a console that on the same level as the PS4 and Xbox One with traditional controllers. If Nintendo does that with the NX, they win.
Good to start them on it, but Nintendo has always had issues with third parties, for a LONG time. zero reason to believe this will be any different.
Here's how it will go: we will get ports, some good, some not, of games that have been out for PS4/Xbone for 3 months to a year, and they wont sell because... people already have them! Third parties companies will declare failure yet again, bemoan how they tried again, and go back to business as usual.
If Nintendo is trying to go head to head with MS and Sony, they need to get into their console cycle and have comparable specs. if they don't, then we'll have another Wii U, which has a lot of good games, but doesn't get the "core" gamers, and ends up being a console people have along with their PS4.
Heck, why would anyone buy a game on NX that is on the PS4 anyway? I'd expect the DLC to be missing (thanks WB!) or half-arsed (thanks Ubisoft!). Account systems? Heck, do we get another half a decade of VC drip-feed, of the same games we have already been drip-fed?
Point is, if the NX is supposed to "turn things around" they have a LOT of work to do. If they can't pull it off, then there should be zero rush to put out this system. I don't have high hopes which is why I hope this is a Christmas 2018 system rather than 2017. I think we all know new systems are around the holidays now (well, November/December range)
Keep it small, unique and launching with good titles. Attractive titles. Ones that last a LONG time.
Sony and Microsoft will probably go for raw power, which wouldn't lead to profits.
@aronatvw Yes I don't get what is so hard for them to understand. Nintendo games and great 3rd party releases all on the same system. The best of both worlds. When they under power the console you then need 2 consoles to get the best of both worlds. Most people will go with the 1 console approach and have XBONE games with great 3rd party support or Sony games with great 3rd party support. Spend less on gimmicks and more on hardware specs and more people will end up buying an Nintendo console. The Wii was a stroke of luck for them, they shouldn't expect that to ever happen again now that tablets and mobile phone gaming is so prevalent and cheap for casual users to fool around with.
JUST GIVE ME FREAKING POWER!!! Screw 'innovation'! Nintendo's amazing, quality and creative SOFTWARE + a console of theirs with kick-ass graphics = top seller!
@JakeOfAllTrades Except that's EXACTLY what MS/Sony did this generation and it worked...
As long as it's easy for third parties yet we still get the quality Nintendo games, I am completely satisfied.
I actually have a really good feeling that they finally understand. Just make it easy for 3rd parties. Don't give them an extra peripheral with added cost of porting. Make it a simple, cheap, clean porting process for 3rd parties, add a 21st century online infrastructure for achievements and social interaction, and Nintendo will win by a landslide supported by the best software in the business.
@LilC They've already said they're aiming for affordability so I wouldn't get your hopes up for PS4/Xbox parity as far as graphics are concerned.
Having said that, I'd love to see Digital Foundry or someone investigate whether the price on graphics chips has fallen enough for that to happen... hint hint
I'm almost sure that Nintendo would lose a large following if they just imitated Sony and Microsoft. I'm not saying don't put power into it, but instead make it affordable and profitable.
@SneakyStyle Haha, that would be a dream come true for me. Having my two favourite platforms combined (Nintendo + Steam). But as you said, 99.9999999% sure that's never going to happen.
@Souldin Sega mentioned sales of its games on the wii were adequate but that they tend to have a slower curve, less initial sales, but a steady amount over a long period of time. That's actually a problem for many AAA studios since they lack the cash to just sit there and wait for the revenue, ideally they want the bulk of sales in the first week, so they can recoup the cost of making the game.
we got this song and dance before the Wii U launched, too. Wasn't it EA and Ubisoft who promised an "unprecedented level or support"?
Isn't the NX supposed to be a third pillar instead of replacing the Wii U? (and please don't tell me about the Nintendo DS because I know you all will...)
What I'd really like to hear is that all eshop purchases will import to NX seamlessly without any cost. If Nintendo confirmed that I'd be very happy.
@Boidoh I don't think they've ever said or hinted at that. It would be very hard for them to support 3 platforms concurrently, they don't have the resources.
@JakeOfAllTrades I think affordable power is the way to go. But tbh, if it's not marginally more powerful than the Xbone 4, it'll just be ridiculed to death like the Wii U
Time to keep expectations low, that way ANYTHING about the NX will be a surprise. We've had these types of 3rd party approval and promises to recapture players from before 3DS and Wii U and look how those turned out
Well considering that the Wii-u isn't doing all that bad in Japan, I think the NX is going to be targeted toward western audiences. There is a good chance, like with all big name consoles produced by rival companies, it'll have a bunch of useless chicken nuggets added to it to try to justify its existence outside of a time killer.
Just as long as the damn thing has the same kind of capture technology as the PS4 and xboxone I'll be happy.
@EverythingAmiibo Except that is not what Sony and Microsoft did. They did not release powerful consoles at all. The XB1 and PS4 are underpowered, outdated tech. What worked was Sony's PR and having hype and the media on their side.
Getting sick and tired of this illusion that Sony and Microsoft went the power route this generation that so many people, particularly Nintendo fans, seem to have.
@Hordak Here's the problem with asking what third parties want.
Powerful graphics because they apparently are a bit lazy to adjust with technical limitations. Then there's the problem with lack of gimmicks added. Some say that just playing the games with a basic controller is good enough but really.....if that were the case, then there's really no innovation added at all. Imagine Star Fox Zero was made with just the pro controller in mind. would it really be that innovative compared to 64? No.
I agree with Nintendo that innovation is the most important part for their games. I also agree that graphics isn't something that they need to spend huge money on. The reason why the Wii U failed isn't because of lack of third parties but because of the poor sales of the Wii U. The 3DS was also in this trend but apparently with games like 3D Land and Uprising, it sold HUGE!
How many dedicated home consoles are there?
Of those, which is the most powerful?
When people say the PS4 (or Xbox) are the most powerful, they are only comparing those three consoles. No one believes any of those systems is more powerful than a PC, so you constantly bringing up that point is meaningless.
The PS4 IS the most powerful current home console. Deal with it. It is a fact.
@Squiggle55 This!
@Squiggle55 Super Nintendo 2 - This!
A Mario adventure, Metroid game and Zelda at launch...F-Zero, Animal Crossing, Mario Kart and Smash within a year, and many more games to a new Kid Icarius, Kirby Adventure, Donkey Kong 3D game. Also, bringing back Eternal Darkness (even if an HD remake) and bringing back some of the classics (New Kid Icarius, Startropics and more). Also, some Mature themed games, more third party games and some new games from Sega (A better Sonic Adventure, Super Monkey Ball) and maybe some new Rabbids games. They also need more of a, basketball, football and various other sports (not compilations or kid-friendly versions), more racing sims, simulation games (Animal Crossing would help) and some strategy adventure games (bring back the last 3x pikmin titles and throw in a new adventure in the series), and bring some new IP's to the table too. Also, make sure the new E-Shop will be open with all of the past NES, Super NES, N64 titles that have been available on the previous systems, but also some new goodies for the systems (The Goonies 2, Adventures of Bayou Billy, Battletoads, Rocket Robot On Wheels and more). If nintendo does this, and doesn't show games that will be coming out years down the road (Here's looking at them showing games that are to be available at launch only to be thrown back almost a year after the console comes out), then I'll be in for it and ready for it.
The other thing that they need to look at, is the price. With the Xbox One down to $350, and the Playstation 4 probably going down in price this holiday season, they're not going to want to charge more than $350, or they're going to find themselves with another flop. They need to advertise the heck out of it (Television adds, magazine adds and web), talk it up, advertise some exclusive 3rd party titles, call it something different other than having 3D or Wii in the title, show it as not just a kid-friendly system, have a regular looking controller, and show that they mean business to compete with the competitors. The system also has to have at least the graphics capability and running power of at least the PS4...maybe even better, or they'll find themselves behind again.
I really hope that when they do show off their next system, they show it off in a good way with no gimmicks. My Wii U is collecting dust from the lack of many things...just like my Wii did after a year and a half, and I really want to be on board with nintendo again.
Another thing they should add...trophies or something like it (Player Coins instead). Sony has trophies and Microsoft has achievements...even though it's not a big thing, it's fun to play the games over and over again to earn the games more replay value and letting players (on a new Miiverse) show off their achievements in certain games. Add something like this (they kind of did this with the Street Pass games on 3DS).
@HollywoodHogan All three consoles are underpowered and weak. No, that's not in comparison to PC either. The PS4 is the most powerful of 3 weak consoles. That is a fact. Deal with it.
Don't jump to the MS/Sony defense force. Anyone who thinks that Sony and Microsoft went with powerful hardware is being tricked and deluded, and is therefore in no better position than the fanboys.
It isn't meaningless to bring up this fact. People keep saying that Nintendo needs to make sure the NX isn't an underpowered console and to be "at least on par with the PS4 and XB1" - they keep saying to "go the power route like Sony and Microsoft did". There's the thing though - if they release a console like that, Nintendo has already failed because the PS4 and XB1 are very weak hardware, and therefore would be underpowered. They need to release a system that's 2-3x (+) more powerful than the PS4.
In order to be able to compete in the PS4/XboxOne/smart device market with a launch within the next year or so Nintendo has to do one thing with the NX and that is make a flood of games immediately accessible to it. Whether that occurs through Android, Steam, or architecture and power combined with early porting through 3rd parties only Nintendo knows. Nintendo games alone will not be enough to make the NX viable due to the burns early adopters of both the Wii U and 3 DS are still nursing. Perhaps it is common knowledge to most gamers not to purchase a console within its first year of release. I have supported purchasing every console Nintendo has ever made as early as possible. That unlikely to happen again. I currently own a Wii U that sees more play from my children with Lego Games and a NN3DS with only one game that is currently matched to its hardware. This gamer is in "wait and see" mode with Nintendo.
How about a real control pad for the first time in years, no second screens for the sake of it and definitely no wii motes. Ditch backwards compatibility and concentrate on the future with nothing holding it back. Finally it will have to be at least as powerful as PS4 or don't even bother as 3rd parties won't stick around and most gamers will not be interested.
As you just admitted, the PS4 is the most powerful of three weak consoles.
So when Sony says 'we have the most powerful console', they are telling the truth.
Glad you finally understand.
"Miyamoto takes a step back from NX discussions"
Let's be honest, it won't matter much unless they work with major third-party publishers to build the machine, and we all know that won't happen. It's going to be like GCN, Wii, and Wii U all over again, relatively bad third-party support that looks worse next to the competition. Owning 2 consoles will seem less and less attractive, Nintendo has its work cut out with them for whatever NX is. I wish them the best, but I feel like I did before Wii launched, which is not good, only this time it's much worse because there aren't two other consoles launching around the same time as NX (assuming it IS, in fact, a console and not a hybrid or handheld).
To get back in the game I think Nintendo needs to offer some cracking hardware at a loss in terms of cost. Everyone keeps saying how much money Nintendo has in the bank, use a fraction of it to make the NX absolutely compelling. If it doesn't get off to a great start then people will get jumpy and edgy and back away from it due to the Wii U history.
Nintendo will try to make a new wii succes, and the key to that is making something casual that everyone enjoys. Something new and gamechanging. Something simple and easy to use. I think the wii u is great because it can apeal to both hardcore and casual gamers. I think the failure about this console is lack of awareness. Yes nintendo would do ALOT better with more 3rd party support, but making a powerhouse won't nessacerely get them that if big N can't ship consoles. The NX is a new handheld imo with a different controlesceam than the 3ds, or maybe a streaming box with a controller you won't hold but ware.
I'm kind of sad that Nintendo has already established themselves as the company that has the "lame and easier" versions of big releases on their consoles. At least it seems to be that way in the view of the general public. They're going to have to present something pretty dang good with the NX to change that view around.
Knowing how much of a sellout Ubisoft and other third parties turned out to be, the NX is between a rock and a hard place. On the bright side, it's a good thing that Nintendo showed developers their next console. On the other... well, that's where the "sellout" part I mentioned kicks in: kiss Nintendo's desire for rivals not to steal their ideas goodbye.
Makes me wonder if this is real:
Perhaps they got the video from the 3rd party presentation. It's probably fake but it's a really nice looking one in the least.
@Kevlar44 As much as I would like to believe that is real, I would be amazed if Nintendo would have not spotted that camera filming the whole presentation. Also how is it still on YouTube? Nintendo would be all over it. And finally, I very much doubt Nintendo is in any position to have such a lavish presentation ready at this point.
An interesting implication could be that Miyamoto is stepping back from hardware 'decisions'. One could say perhaps that all Nintendo's consoles since SNES have been driven by his vision of what the next generation of Nintendo games would be about. The implication in this brief article is that he has become more of an spectator with NX.
Well, developers had a "positive" reaction to Wii U early on as well and then promptly dropped it as soon as they saw the PS4/X1.
@Haiassai If we have any hopes of NX being backwards compatible with the Wii U, they're going to have to bring the GamePad (or a redesigned equivalent) on as a peripheral. I would hope that the NX is backwards compatible with the Wii U, especially with how much Nintendo appears to be shrugging off their current console so early in its lifespan.
@kantaroo I agree with your assessment. Miyamoto has always been involved with the design synergies between hardware and software... Until now. This time around, those synergies are being decided by others. (Probably influenced by DeNA).
@IceClimbers Because Nintendo's hardware was top notch xD Watch Dogs Wii U is a wonderful example
@PlywoodStick Oh God if DeNA are involved it'll be a smartphone/tablet that runs mobile games only, and Nintendo will call it the new generation of dedicated consoles. We are all all doomed.
@Kevlar44 If that presentation turns out to be true, then we may be heading towards another "is Wii U a tablet for the Wii?" moment again. I can see it now...
"Is the XDS another model of 3DS?" "Is the XDS a new model of Wii U?" "Is the XDS a Wii U and 3DS put together?" "Does this mean the new hardware is not much of a raw technical upgrade?" "Is this thing going to fit in my pocket? And if not, why isn't it a dedicated home console?" "Are my hands going to get tendonitis from holding this thing for hours?" "Banana?"
Its a Nintendo console. It could rival SkyNet in terms of technical premise and publisher would still come up with ways to shun away from them.
There is just not enough bribing and advert money in them as it is in Sony / MS.
@FragRed LMAO! It probably will run some mobile games, or at least synchronize with Nintendo/DeNA mobile games. But I doubt it will only play those and older hardware titles.
Maybe Nintendo are secretly buying into shares of all the large publishers as part of their plans to make buyouts or mergers, and thus force all games to be Nintendo exclusive forever and ever, starting with Call of Duty: NX. And from then onwards Nintendo becomes the most powerful game company in the world!!
@PlywoodStick Nope its gonna play Flappy Mario and Angry Inklings plus above view pay to win Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros where you need to wait 24 hours to make a move. Im calling it now. This is the future
@EverythingAmiibo Never implied otherwise. Watch Dogs in general is a bad example of pretty much anything except disappointment. Same goes for Destiny, the difference for me being that I actually called Destiny being a disappointment, so I didn't buy it.
Here's my dream: NX is essentially a SteamBox, and can run all the games I own on Steam, taking advantage of Steam features (screenshots, achievements, chat, etc.) plus it runs Nintendo games. Only the console itself can run Nintendo games, including full backwards compatibility with Wii, Wii U, and all eShop purchases.
More likely to happen: They'll release a console less powerful than XBone and PS4 with some marginally enjoyable gimmick. This alienation will prove - again - to run developers away from Nintendo and leave them treading water.
@Kevlar44 While that is an...interesting idea, I'm gonna be bold and say that's fake.
No thanks to the Steam integration / Steambox idea for me. That would seal the deal for me to never buy it. I'm too conscious about DRM-free principles and physical media retention to buy any more than a few games on Steam, such as Civilization 5.
@FragRed LOL I want to see all of those in action, just out of morbid curiosity.
Making the right noises, it is a start. First sign of a gimmick and all hope is lost if you ask me.
@Gunnerholic So no exclusive games? That is a gimmick as well ya know
All I want from the NX is a console on par powerwise with Sony/MS's next console's and non gimmicky normal controllers or better yet some updated GC controllers.Since The Wii era I've owned Nintendo's system and a Playstation for 3rd party games,Id love nothing more to only have to get the NX.
I've been reading this next console as Nintendo "X" for a while, like that's the placeholder name. The more I think about it, I feel it will be the Nintendo "Cross," as in cross platform. A system characterised by being accessible over a number of different devices.
The needs of the players is third party support. Sorry Nintendo, but even if NX has a really neat thing going for it, if it's under powered or hard to develop for we'll have a Wii situation on our hands at best. Good for profit and casuals, but a sad story for the consumer.
We all know that Nintendo and co will shout again that THIS TIME the third-party's are on board/stay on board. Don't believe them immediately, and just look what will happen. If you believe them 100% you might get dissapointed again!
Third Party support till the numbers on consoles sold are nowhere near what was anticipated and then there will be no third party support.
We been here before #justsaying
@minotaurgamer Yeah, I love the guy but his vision on things is very dated. That said, Miyamoto not being involved doesn't mean there won't be other guys making dated, poor decisions.
Hopefully new blood is taking care of this. Or experienced people that can also get on with the times and truly grasp what the strengths and weaknesses exactly are at the moment, and how to tackle them.
^ This ^
Add an "o" to the end of the hyperlink embedded in the growing tablet industry link, and it will work! Right now, it goes to a 404 not found page.
@PlywoodStick When I say Steam, I don't suggest that the NX should be digital only. In fact, I envision that you could take PC DVDs and install them (Steam Boxes can do that, right?) as well as, of course, Nintendo games.
Steam integration would unquestionably and quite easily solve the third-party problem. Of course, this is very unlikely to happen.
@carlos82 It would be a shame for Nintendo to drop backwards compatibility with Wii U for two reasons: 1) There are terrific games that haven't gotten the wider audience they should have. 2) new consoles usually have a skinny library so it would help to beef up the library day 1.
'NX was pitched to third parties during E3, and gauged many of the "insider" reactions as "positive" '
Well, nothing wrong with that.
@Mr_Zurkon That's why they do remasters. Probably would come to their benefit if they had a remaster of Smash 4 and maybe Mario Kart 8 or Bayonetta 1+2 ready for the NX's launch.
@bloodycelt You are so wrong. In no way is it solely Gamepad that is holding back devs. If they want they could just not stream anything as with DKTF.
It's because it has different archetecture
Third parties don't matter. You can't trust them and they're irrelevant. Nintendo should see how they're making another Wii like success. Then third party exclusives will come but multiplatform not gonna happen. Better ignore them.
"I'm almost sure that Nintendo would lose a large following if they just imitated Sony and Microsoft...."
How much bigger a following can you lose when your home console sales go from 100m to 10m? Maybe they should have followed Sony and MS.
There is no "large following" to lose from the Wii U pathetic fanbase.
In console terms base on last gen a large following would probably consist of over 50m user base. The Wiiu can't lose what it doesn't have.
Xbox 360: 3.2 GHz PowerPC Tri-Core, 500 MHz ATI Xenos (Similar to Radeon X1800)
WiiU 1.24 GHz Tri-Core IBM PowerPC, 550 MHz AMD Radeon "Latte" (Similar to R700 )
Source: Wikipedia
The only recent system that had radically different architecture was the PS3 which requires developers to juggle its 7 processor units.
The only difficulty of PPC vs x86 is endian-ness, that is where the sign-bit is located for an integer. And that only comes up usually when decoding binary data from one system to the other (It was a pain for Mac/PC online gaming when mac had a PPC processor).
Architecture isn't the reason. Nor do I think having the NX use x86 architecture will have any impact on bringing third party support. The ONLY reason Microsoft has had compatibility benefits in the past is because they use DirectX the same API Windows games use, so yes... the Xbox One would require in theory only a recompile for a PC game to make the leap.
Dreamcast is the only non-M$ console AFAIK that had DirectX support. I suppose Nintendo could work something out with M$ to get DirectX on NX, but I could only see that happening if Microsoft wanted out of the console business (or at least reduce risk.)
@IceClimbers I would be very surprised if Nintendo went the route of remastering last gen games on their new console. Anything is possible though.
@Mr_Zurkon if NX isn't BC with the WiiU, it would be a fast way to buff up its library. Though I would think it would be digital only, and more of a port. Similar to how Sony handled PSP titles with the Vita.
In fact that would be a smart thing to do... at launch or close to it, port as many of their eShop titles to work on the NX, and let people who bought on eShop transfer their licenses to the NX.
@Mr_Zurkon I completely agree with your points and wouldn't normally advocate such a thing but I think nintendo has made it necessary because of the gamepad. As nice as it is, it has proved to be holding the Wii U back. Looking purely from a price point buying the console new plus the necessary wii remote to be able to play all Wii U games is almost the same price as the other 2 consoles which are considerably more powerful with many more features.
Then the question of the NX even if it could play Wii U game discs where would you get a gamepad from to even play them? If the plan is to try recover market share the majority of their potential customers wouldn't have one and I don't see them paying around £80 for one just for this purpose or £50 for a wii remote and nunchuck to play Wii games for that matter. The latter of which I feel was a big mistake on Wii U when the Wii games were released on the eshop, if they had have adapted them to work with the gamepad I would have bought all of them as it is I haven't bought any because I have no way of playing them without spending even more money.
@carlos82 any WiiU game that could be run with just the gamepad (many of them), could run on the NX should it keep BC, but forego a WiiU gamepad-like controller.
Considering both WiiU and 3DS have a sort of dual-screen setup, however I think the NX might also keep that given it is a successor to both.
@bloodycelt it's entirely possible that they could keep a dual screen like system but I doubt it for 2 reasons.
1. Cost, as I mentioned previously because of the gamepad the relatively modest Wii U is not that much cheaper than its considerably more powerful competitors. Meaning a new console would be considerably more than them when you factor in that most won't accept a substandard screen again and the increase in power in the console.
2. Many won't want to admit this but the concept has been a failure with very few games using the second screen in any meaningful way.
Without a second screen (assuming that happens), it seems like a lot of effort create backwards compatibility for the few games that don't require the gamepad to function. A better solution would surely be to port them to the eshop and remove gamepad features that way. Of course I may be wrong and they keep the dual screen setup in which case keep bc, though I'd still ditch the Wii
3-D technology...Touchscreens...Dual Screens...Motion Controllers...Cameras and Microphones....Steering Wheels...Pads and Boards for your feet...Zappers and Robots with Gyroscopes...'s all been done in the name of 'innovation'.
There isn't been much being told about the 'Quality of Life' initiative, lately. Do you think the NX console is going to be a branch of this obscure 'thing' they were talking about last year?
Nintendo...what are you up to?
In all truthfulness, those clamoring for the NX to be backwards compatible with Wiii-U will be sadlu mistaken. The Game Cube, Wii, and Wii-U all run on PowerPC architecture, which for all practical purposes is dead in 2015 and beyond. The NX cannot be backwords compatible if it runs on something else. That leaves either x86 or ARM, and Nintendo will likely choose ARM since x86 is power hungry and expensive.
Nintendo also stated that the NX will be a fusion of console/handheld, and possibly run as a third pillar for a while to Wii-U and 3DS. I envision a redesigned Gamepad (tablet with buttons), an HDMI out, and backwards compatability with 2DS (if it runs ARM). ARM is gaining power with each generation and there's a good chance it could be comparable to Xbone/PS4 in processing power by 2017 or whenever this thing drops.
ARM NX would be the perfect platform for indie developers to embrace. Nintendo could even create a tablet sized and smaller portable NX, with unified account system so gamers with two consoles (one for home and one on the go) can sync games and save data between them. I could also see it utilising the Wii-U Pro Controllers as well for multiplayer.
Much as I'm afriad to say this, there's a good chance games for the NX will be download only, as both Wii-U and 3DS are slowly gaining sales toward digital. Disc drives are expensive, although NX cards utilizing the 3DS slot may become a possibility. BluRay currently holds 50Gb and chances are good that game cards holding this much data will be affordable withing a couple years. I could picture an additional tap on both sides of the 3DS card to prevent insertion of NX cards into a 3DS.
@carlos82, @StarDust4Ever The NX is supposed to also succeed the DS family, so if BC has a shot, its most likely going to be with 3DS games. And Dual screen has worked for the DS/3DS titles rather well.
As for WiiU BC, they could as I said before recompile their digital titles and offer them for NX, even allowing people who purchased games digitally to transfer them.
Well if Nintendo is reaching out to third parties and talking to them about the hardware perhaps this time around they can't use lack of input as an excuse not to make games.
Hmm, I kinda find it hard to believe that Nintendo would present their new system (privately, behind closed doors etc) to publishers at such a high profile show like e3 (a leak of it would clearly happen, in my eyes anyway), they prob have been presenting the NX to publishers privately over the past 3 months.
Also they may be impressed with what it is, sure. But if it doesn't fly off the shelves in the first 6 to 8 months then they will lose 3rd party support again in the first year, so it better be a beast of a system with a standard controller.
No more gimmicks Ninty, please!
as a bit of a fan-boy, I just want it to be a hit. It's obviously going to have more power, so I don't need to hope for that. It's obviously going to have another unusual Nintendo twist, so I don't need to hope for that.
Even if the leaked footage (could be false) is real then I wouldn't be surprised at all considering that Nintendo have been hinting at this fusion system for a few years now and they have stated that this NX thing will have an entirely different concept as opposed to just a hardware update.
On a quick note the NX still surprise us in new and exciting ways that we haven't even thought of yet.
I don't care particularly about the specs. The important thing is that Nintendo improve their publishing processes. Also making the build pipeline easier - Ideally the ability to deploy builds straight to retail devices once the console launches in stores. Unity support is also a must for me.
This is all assuming they'll still let random indies like me onto the console. May be they are a lot more selective with their dev program for NX than they were with Wii U. Be interesting to find out
The day they go 3rd party is actually the day they quit gaming for good and that will mark the end of the industry as we know it. Get your facts rights man.
No, it's not because of "competition from the tablet industry", it's the fact that the WiiU is a considerably weaker console than the PS4/XBone.
They were so concerned with besting the PS3's specs that they failed to realize that their main focus should've been matching or surpassing current*PC specs, especially that late in the game.
All I ask is for the NX to have Kingdom Hearts 3. That's all I want.
Where did I say I would quit gaming? I stated that as soon as Nintendo leave the console business they will leave the games industry as well with all their innovation.
Without Nintendo to keep the rest of industry in check the 3rd parties will destroy it along with them selves just to make a quick buck. Meanwhile Nintendo will be laughing all the way to the bank in their new line of business.
This has multiple explanations, I think. People who bought into the Wii U want more Miyamoto Magic, so he does need to focus his efforts.
In the other end, I would understand if third parties were fearful of a new system spearheaded by Miyamoto, that either it would play out as a casual fad, with completely unpredictable sales, or be too intricate for the common market, like the Wii U.
I've always thought one of the biggest obstacles the Wii U had to overcome from the start is people not actually knowing it's a new games console. Many of the casual gamers that picked up a Wii, the sort who don't follow gaming that closely (except maybe when the next FIFA or CoD is out) simply didn't know that Nintendo had a new console out. I spoke to people of that kind right after it was out, when it was being shown on TV, and they thought it was just a new controller to use with the Wii. A bit like Sony bringing out a Dual Shock with a big screen in the middle...or what actually happened, them bringing out the PS Move controllers. Many of the people who made the Wii a success, didn't get the memo that said there's a new console to invest your money in.
I'd say tablets are a scapegoat, since they never directly competed. One is a portable computer, the other is a weird controller that's a bit too heavy for it's own good.
I'm definitely in the 3rd party camp. Nintendo's systems will probably never die because only Nintendo has been able to produce a games that give a That Nintendo Fix (tm).
The downside with Nintendo trying to be so clever with the hardware is now they're boxed in. Sure, 3DS doesn't have an issue if they decide to dump 3D for good, but the NX has to support the Wii U Tablet, and the Wii Remotes, if not for backwards compatibility then for the NX eshop, which will get a lot of attention if we see another post launch dearth.
@Mr_Zurkon Remasters of last gen games aren't something I would normally advocate (in fact, I'm kinda getting sick of them on the PS4/XB1), however, there are times when it makes sense, such as The Last of Us Remastered or the remaster of Bayonetta 1 on the Wii U.
I personally feel that a "Definitive Edition" remaster of Smash 4 with all of the DLC included would be a smart idea. Smash is a desirable game, and let's be honest, the next Smash probably won't come out until the end of the NX's lifespan, possibly even receiving the Twilight Princess treatment. Getting that remaster out for the system's launch would give people the chance to play Smash in the mean time.
As far as other Wii U games, the only ones that I could see are Bayonetta 1+2, Mario Kart 8, Xenoblade Chronicles X, and Splatoon. Those ones I'm less sure about. MK8 would allow them to have a MK for the system's launch, but at the same time, the next Mario Kart probably won't take that long to come out, or at least in comparison to Smash.
@IceClimbers Makes sense in that context. To dovetail on your point a bit it would be nice if Nintendo at least revamped/resurrected the Nintendo Selects line to include "GOTY" type editions. Of course that all depends on how successful NX is to see if that is even feasible.
Wow, so many disillusioned Nintendo fans in here, who thinks it’s all about the specs and being as powerful as PS4 / X1. Why haven't you guys switched to Sony or MS long time ago???
Nintendo games does not really need that much power to be great. Thier art style and gameplay work perfectly well with less powerful hardware. I am very satisfied with the performance of the Wii U, and I think Mario Kart, Smash Brothers, Mario 3D World, Donkey Kong, Pikmin and Splatoon turned out to be great games, with beautiful HD graphics in 60fps. What more do you want as a Nintendo gamer???
I also love the hardware invention from Nintendo. Being it Wii’s motion control or the Wii U GamePad. I simply like their different and unique approach to gaming.
PS4 and X1 are almost identical machines, offering the same kind of content. I like them both, but I do not need my Nintendo console to offer the same stuff. I buy Nintendo consoles for their unique games, and you simply can't find similar stuff anywhere else.
But I would love it, if Nintendo implemented some of the features from the other consoles. Like a better and universal account system, Achievements, and greater online gaming functionalities. Nintendo are really behind in those areas, and they need to do it better.
Nintendo would not have gained anything, if they just tried to compete with Sony and MS on pure hardware specs. They actually tried to do just that with the GameCube long time ago, and that was not a huge success.
There is simply no market for three consoles, competing for the same niche audience, that is the “Core male gamer” between 14 - 45 years old. There is absolutely no growth in that consumer segment, and the competition is enormous.
The Playstation and Xbox brands are also much stronger when it comes to that segment, where Nintendo has a more “Family friendly” and “Childish” image. This makes it more difficult to compete in that market.
Since the NES and Gameboy, Nintendo has always tried to appeal and make games for everyone. Both casual and core gamers have always been among Nintendo consumers, and their "Family friendly" approach have served them very well. For decades Nintendo almost had the casual and family gamer market for themselves. And they have made huge profits of it.
When Sony and MS entered the console business, and captured almost all the core gamers, Nintendo looked elsewhere. Instead of joining the arms race, they tried to expand the whole gamer market by targeting everyone else but the core gamer. They created the DS and Wii, and those where a great financial and consumer successes for Nintendo.
But in the last 7-8 years or so, a new competitor has entered the gaming market. Smartphones and tablets have captured the casual gamers and kids, who all played on Nintendo DS and Wii a few years earlier. But this have also expanded the gaming audience to new heights, where people who never played games before, know are playing everyday on their smart devices.
This is both a problem and opportunity for Nintendo. While they have lost many consumers to smart devices, this fast and ever growing part of this gamer segment also promises great financial success for Nintendo, if they can get back into the “game”, and become relevant again.
Miyamoto recently said:
“I think unfortunately what ended up happening was that tablets themselves appeared in the marketplace and evolved very, very rapidly, and unfortunately the Wii [U] system launched at a time where the uniqueness of those features were perhaps not as strong as they were when we had first begun developing them.”
The above statement tells us, that Nintendo doesn't see Sony and MS as their main competitors anymore. Apple and Google are the new competitors for Nintendo's main target audience.
I think, that the Wii U will be Nintendo's last dedicated home console, and the NX will be a hybrid console that will both replace the Wii U and 3DS over time. It will probably be some sort of tablet console, with a conventional controller built in. And it will probably offer some sort of content streaming technology, that also would make it work as a home console.
The NX will either be build on a forked Android foundation, with the e-shop as only “App store”, or at least provide an Android compatibility layer. This will help developers to port their mobile games to the NX platform, and provide it with a huge amount of content.
Parents will again buy a dedicated gaming console from Nintendo for their kids. Because it will provide them with Mario and Pokémon, as well as cheap touch based mobile games like Minecraft and Clash of Clans. At least the sales of the 3DS have showed us, that the demand for Nintendo games and content still exist among consumers.
Hopefully all this will bring back the much needed profits for Nintendo. And we can all continue to enjoy their great games in the future.
@bloodycelt so why do devs always complain about Wii u being so slow and underpowered yet Other devs create beautiful games that look graphically demanding and run smooth.
Why does Wii U have zero 3rd party support? Is it solely the low install base?
@WindFish, it is underpowered compared to PS4 and XB1, especially with memory bandwidth, megatexture based games are popular now... and they do poorly on the WiiU. But it is more powerful than the Xbox 360, which they still port games to (until recently).
The main reason is it has a low install base. The console's lack of power compared to PS4 and Xbox One impacts customer's buying the system. So yes NX will hopefully have a lot more power to make it seem like a good buy and therefore get a large enough install base.
My original argument was that switching to x86 for the NX will have zero impact on 3rd party support either way. They simply need to make the NX worth buying via power and price, and good launch titles. And... not use something widely difficult to program for (Like PS3 or Saturn), which is doubtful since x86, PPC, and ARM are all easy to develop for, and are very popular, and I doubt Nintendo will go for something exotic.
Certainly a good move, I wonder what Ubisoft had to say about it since it seems they have a schoolyard bully mentality against Nintendo at the present.
Good third party support is huge for me so I'm interested to see how this turns out. We were also told how wonderful third parties thought Wii U was and then they couldn't drop the system fast enough. I'm cautiously but I need to see results first. Third party support on Nintendo consoles has been terrible since the SNES era ended. If they are actively engaging them this time around, that's a good thing. Hopefully it brings better results than more recent ones.
He was also responsible for some boneheaded decisions with other consoles as well. In particular going with cartridges for N64 over cds, which while there were some advantages there were also some obvious disadvantages.
@T1m That box and controllers was a gimmick as well. The controllers were weird at the time as they weren't joysticks. It only sold in the beginning because it came packaged with a robot and a sci Fi themed gun.
I'm terrified that third parties will see the next Nintendo as a platform to dump kid oriented/family games. Even though the original Wii was a huge success, it seemed like third parties only released kid-oriented games. Even Square held back their regular RPGs in favor of the cutesy Crystal chronicle games. Give us the same games that the other two consoles get and the NX will thrive.
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