Nintendo has just lifted the lid on a new Wii U eShop promotion aimed at driving interest in some of the console's forthcoming indie titles.
Nindies@Home runs from today until June 22nd and features demos for 9 different titles, all of which are being showcased at E3 in some shape or form. Downloading any of these demos entitles you to 15 percent off the price of the full game when it launches later in the year. The promotion is available in both North America and Europe.

Here are the titles included in the promotion:
- Extreme Exorcism
- forma.8
- Freedom Planet
- Lovely Planet
- Mutant Mudds Super Challenge
- Soul Axiom
- Runbow
- Typoman
Here's the full PR:
Not everyone is able to attend the E3 video game trade show in Los Angeles. That's why the Nintendo eShop is offering a special deal so that people at home can be the first to play some of the hottest upcoming indie games on Wii U. For a limited time only, the Nindies@Home program lets people download free demos of nine upcoming Nindie games from the Nintendo eShop on Wii U between now and 8:59 a.m. PT on June 22. Best of all, once the full games launch, players get 15 percent off the price of each respective participating game they demo for up to one month after the full game launches. Note that the same Nintendo Network ID must be linked to the Wii U system and Nintendo eShop account prior to the download in order to be eligible for the offer.
"Independent developers continue to impress us with great digital games and experiences for the Nintendo eShop on Wii U," said Damon Baker, Nintendo of America's Senior Marketing Manager of Publisher and Developer Relations. "We want to give people at home a taste of the fun of E3, along with the chance to try some amazing games before they launch later this year."
Games and developers participating in the Nindies@Home program this week include:
Extreme Exorcism from Ripstone: In this paranormal Wii U platformer, every move players make comes back to haunt them. After each round players survive, a ghost will appear to mimic their every move from the round before. The longer a player survives, the more extreme the game becomes. The game offers 20 ghostbusting weapons, 50 challenges and co-op or deathmatch battles for up to four friends. The full game is scheduled to launch in Q3.
forma.8 from Mixed Bag: In a distant future, the small exploration probe forma.8 is stranded alone on the surface of an alien planet. Players must explore a huge open world to help the probe acquire 10 different power-ups and recover a powerful energy source deep under the surface. The game includes an area exclusive to the Wii U version. The full game is scheduled to launch this fall.
Freedom Planet from GalaxyTrail: Players fight their way across the celestial world of Avalice, where cats are green, motorcycles drive up walls and monster girls do most of the butt kicking. This cartoony, combat-based platform Wii U adventure pits a spunky dragonoid and her friends against an alien attack force. The full game is scheduled to launch in August.
Lovely Planet from tinybuild and QUICKTEQUILA: This first-person shooter gun ballet for Wii U is set in a cutesy abstract world. Players jump and shoot their way through five worlds full of treacherous enemies with your trusty semi-automatic. The game offers 100 levels to master and five worlds to discover, with multiple secrets hidden deep within each world. The full game is scheduled to launch in December.
Mutant Mudds Super Challenge from Renegade Kid: This platformer picks up right where the original Mutant Mudds left off. The game, which is exclusive to the Nintendo eShop on Wii U and Nintendo 3DS, includes 40 new dimension-bending levels and epic boss fights designed for super players. The full game is scheduled to launch this summer.
RIVE from Two Tribes: This metal-wrecking, robot-hacking Wii U shooter combines old-school gaming values in a new-school execution. With intense 360-degree shooting and platforming action, players learn to alter the behavior of their robotic enemies by collecting and uploading hacks. The full game is scheduled to launch in November.
Runbow from 13AM Games: Up to nine players can join in the colorful chaos in this Nintendo eShop exclusive. The world transforms before players' eyes with each swipe of color, so think fast to stay alive. Go head to head in Run, Arena and King of the Hill, or play as the ColorMaster and manipulate the environment on the Wii U GamePad controller. Players can take on challenges alone or with friends in Runbow's Adventure Mode. The full game also features guest characters from other Nintendo eShop titles. The full game is scheduled to launch in Q3.
Soul Axiom from Wales Interactive: Soul Axiom is a haunting cyber-thriller, combining elements of exploration and puzzle solving with a compelling storyline. In first-person, the player will explore more than 40 unique locations, using powers to interact with cryptic logic puzzles and making psychological decisions to unlock the secrets of your identity, your story, your mystery. The full game is scheduled to launch in December.
Typoman from Headup Games and Brainseed Factory: Change Words, Change Worlds! Typoman is a two-dimensional puzzle platformer distinguished by a unique game world. Be the HERO and set out on the journey to become whole and gain the powers you need to defeat the giant evil demon that rules the world you are trapped in. The full game is scheduled to launch exclusively on Wii U in Q3.
The promotion starts from today, so let us know which titles you download and what you think of this approach.
Comments 81
Downloading them all, this is pretty cool and I always love a discount. Some of them I've had my eye on for a while, like Soul Axiom and Runbow, while Freedom Planet I have on Steam but have yet to play. Think it'll be a gamepad + bed job for comfy 16-bit inspired gaming.
I just saw this on the eshp and I'm now downloading WHAT A GREAT IDEA!
I'm not too sure about any of them. I'll download and try them out anyway just in case I change my mind.
That is pretty cool, people have been asking for demos on miiverse for a few years now.
This is already the best E3 since...(if you dont count Nintendo in 2014) forever.
I'm still recovering from last night.
None of these are indie games I´m waiting for but it's great to have DEMOS ON WII U.
Is it in Europe?
I didn't even know that Freedom Planet was coming to Wii U. I'm getting it for sure!
I'm glad I just hooked up a 2TB HDD to my Wii U. Here goes!
@Inkling Yes, has a nice banner on the front page of the eShop too.
Great idea!
Heck yeah!
Superb,I'm downloading them all right now.
@AyeHaley : It's been amazing so far for Nintendo, but I did stay up to watch Bethseda's show last night. It was such a stark contrast with what Nintendo was doing earlier. The crowds going nuts watching Ryu face off against Kirby, but the audience watching demons get dismembered during Bethseda's show were really going crazy. Like blood thirsty crazy.
Awesome. Freedom Planet. Can't wait
Did not expect this to also be available in Europe, awesome.
Nintendo has answered my prayers. Ok, I would prefer demos of all games at E3 but this is a start. Nintendo have done a great job so far. The fack the eshop proves it. Everyone dashed for their consoles after it, eager to download the DLC for Smash and Earthbound Beginnings. So far, Bethesda interested me with Fallout but I haven't felt that "GOTTA GET THAT NOW" feeling I had after watching Nintendo's shows.
Sweet. I'll give them all a try.
@Captain_Gonru - See Nintneod can offer "discounts". I think this is a positive sign for the new Club Ntinedo (wish it had a name so we could stop calling it that).
Oh, here's my kid's comment to me watching the NWC last night - "Good thing you didn't make those t-shirts, you would have spelled Nintnedo wrong."
So 9 demos, all at once, w/ a 15% discount to follow? All on Wii U?
I just finished the Soul Axiom demo and despite its low frame rate I really like it!
Surprised to the see the Runbow demo is over 800mb,I assumed from what I have saw of it before it would be smaller.Doesn't really matter but thought I'd mention it.
Yes! I´ll try all of them out! You never know what you´re going to find with the indie titles. It´s always good to have demos, specially if you get a discount in the price downloading them!
@Cyberbotv2 Haha I'm normally not for violent games but that Doom footage did get me excited, probably cause it looks gorgeous. But the most awesome part for me was Fallout...Its probably my favorite non-Nintendo franchise and to think I can build whatever I wow.
Mind you, I was already beyond hyped after watching the amazing Nintendo Championships and seeing how amazing Super Mario Maker looks.
I have a feeling Nintendo will absolutely kill it tomorrow.
Sold on the idea! Will have to check them out. Nothing like a little "discount bait" to make people try what Nintendo qualifies as a great "Nindie" title.
@Cyberbotv2 - "It was such a stark contrast with what Nintendo was doing earlier."
I had a similar experience last night. I haven't watched the Bethsheda show set - still don't have a PS4 - but I did watch the last hour of the NWC, figured Miyamoto would hand out the trophy after Iwata twittered his photo last week, and Miyamoto just lights up a room.
So it's over, and I'm all happy for Ntinedo. and put on the NBA finals game 5. About 30 minutes in they have a commercial for Arkham Knight. I'm not a big fan of the Batman series but the commercial was blockbuster movie incredible. Then after the game MVP Steph Curry is walking down the hallway to hug seemingly everyone in the arena and the walls have giant "Greatness Awaits" Sony ads painted all over them.
It was then that I remembered its Sonys world, Nitnedo just plays in it. Even if Nintnedo "wins" E3 - which they will - PS4 will still continue to outsell Wii U and people will continue to be more impressed by Sony games.(Edit: I'm guilty of always being more impressed by Sony's games as well, it's just that Ntinedo's games tend to be more fun. ie The Order:1886 vs Splatoon)
These all look great. Great promo as well.
What a great idea!
That's awesome. Getting all of them when I get home tonight.
This is awesome. Ever since digital games became popular, I've wondered why nobody did something like this. Companies can literally bring E3 demos to everyone.
On topic - Wow, some of these aren't due out until Oct, Nov, Dec and we get demo's now. Why can't Nitneod learn from the indies and put demos on the eShop for Splatoon (world 1 in single player would work nicely) or Yoshi's Wooly World or really anything. What's the last Wii U game w/ an at home demo? Bayoentta 2? (Target has MP10, Capt Toad and several others.)
I hope the 15% discount doesn't mean all these games will have jacked up prices to compensate. If we start getting a lot of $6.99 and $11.99 games we'll know why. I still haven't purchased $19.99 S&S2. Haven't redeemed any of my Humble Nindie bundle codes yet either, I've been busy.
Those 2 negatives aside, this is still a great promotion for those games, hopefully it pays off for some of the developers.
This is a wonderful idea, I'll be downloading them after work. Keep it going Ninty
Don't let Axiom Souls framerate stop you from playing it! It has a lot of potential.
Also, Mutant Mudds challenge is SO HARD. Thanks, Jools <3
that pretty cool i'm gonna try runbow first before getting any other preview
@rjejr : I was watching the NBA Finals too! I hate LeBron but what he's doing is epic. I hope it at least goes 7. Would love to watch an NBA Final game on Friday again, like back in the NBA on NBC day. Back on topic though, I saw a piece of that Batman game commercial, and it does look epic. Then I checked into possibly picking up a ps4 and the game....and the pre-order stuff is ridiculous. There's different pre order DLC with different retailers, and that confused the heck out of me. But yes, it does feel like Sony controls and owns everything.
@AyeHaley : That Fallout customization is excellent. And the Doom footage in Hell was actually a little scary. The game reminds me of Turok back on the 64.
The eshop is really stepping up their game!
I'll be giving Freedom Planet a go, been hearing a lot of good things about it.
I thought this was a really cool idea!
Then I saw the list of games...
Freedom Planet!! That's awesome
Awesome idea, Nintendo is really deliviering a lot of E3 directly in our homes, trying out all the demos will be fun
I only hope these demos won't do a good job, else my wallet will cry XD;;;
This makes me wonder if we'll see the club Nintendo replacement at the digital event. The time is ripe for its announcement. I've been waiting to try soul axiom.
I was already sold on Runbow from trying one of it's early builds but now I'm getting a 15% discount just for downloading the demo? Winning! =)
@Cyberbotv2 - "and the pre-order stuff is ridiculous."
I wouldn't even consider picking up a Batman game until the 2nd release, whether it's "Definitive" or "Directors" or "Complete", you just know w/ this Batman game there will be a 2nd release.
LeBron and the ex-Knicks, that poor triple-double 40 point beast of a man. Curry was lighting it up like Reggie Miller playing the Knicks. Hopeing for a game 7 as well, but the King is going to need a Queen, or at least a Jack.
RIVE! Kreygasm
@Captain_Gonru - "If only they spent some on original software..."
But really, why should they? Build the hardware and let EA, Bethsheda, Squenix build the games seems to be working for PS4 so far. Though PS4 and X1 share the same games it doesn't really seem to be working out for MS too well. (It really bothers me that Wii U and X1 are so close in sales yet Wii U is the certified disaster.) I think MS is more concerned w/ promoting Surface than X1 though.
That said, I won't buy a PS4 until Sony's 1st party games release, U4 and the R&C movie tie-in reboot.
Oh and don't feel bad about wasting 10 minutes on PBG, I'm going to waste 3 hours tonight watching Sony promote it's next 3D display, PSPgo, Move, Wonderbook in Project Morpheous. "several hundred dollars". Yeah, right.
@vitalemrecords wow same.
saldy best buy had 3TB for $10 more. only got the HD for Art Acadamy: Home studio
Nice! Some of these games are really interesting, so I'll get busy on the offer soon enough!
runbow and freedom planet for me then!
Freedom Planet is AMAZING!
E3 demos are what I wanted. The more of things like this the better. And Soul Axiom was pretty cool. I will dive into a few more today. And the rest during the week.
downloading both runbow event preview and freedom planet event preview as well as mutant mudds sc event preview
@DEAD You will love Freedom Planet. It took me +/- 15min to beat the level, its just so much fun collecting items, finding secrets, platforming and dragon boosting/cyclone like crazy! I hope it comes out soon cause I need more. NOW.
This is really nice, why couldn't Nintendo do this last year?
Wow...RIVE is sublime!! I feel bad saying this but I'm glad Toki Tori failed so they had to be inventive and create something amazing as this game.
edit: OMG Story by Niels 't Hooft!! my ex-colleage! He ate my amateur Sushi haha!
This sounds awesome.
Even a demo hater like me is excited for this. Demo + discount is great!
And kudos to your kid for inheriting his father's sense of humour.
BTW, we are in the week of leaks, so when do we have a leak on your birthday? Just 15 days away, embargo should not last much now
Such a fantastic idea! Can't wait to download.
that's an awesome idea! I'll be downloading some or all
@sinalefa - I'm not telling anybody when my birthday is, ID theft paranoia. And besides, why have a birthday when I can have a birthmonth? I like to celebrate all month long.
And you're no demo hater, I cured you of that infliction about a year ago. OK, maybe it wasn't me, maybe it was Cereza.
Downloaded all the ones that looked like something I'd enjoy. I want to check out Rive ! It looks pretty cool.
@rjejr This is sweet but we just opened Splatoon and this week is very busy, so not sure how much we'll get to play. Still, it's a great move. (Loving Splatoon)
@Tsuzura What's wrong with the games? It's a pretty solid mix and look like some of the better Indie games yet on Wii U.
I might download the demos of Freedom Planet, Typoman and Soul Axiom at some point, but most of these don't look that great in my opinion.
@aaronsullivan - Splatoon
If you need any pointers come join us in the forum.
Only touched RIVE so far but played through the demo a bunch of times - loving this game (sold!). There appears to be some audio issues (only output via the gamepad?), though everything else is pretty great.
Most of the games have framerate issues... I tried them all and i absolutely LOVE Typoman... it's a little bit like Limbo but with more interesting word puzzles!
This is really brilliant. And I'm downloading every single one of them.
Freedom Planet <- Definitely.
Might also try Lovely Planet and Soul Axiom, I guess. Got nothing to lose, at least.
Sweet! Mutant Mudds was a day one purchase for me anyway. Now I get 15% off? Icing on the cake!
Freedom Planet is legit, makes me feel like I'm playing a Sonic game again. Of course, I don't have my older sister yelling at me for not giving her the controller now.
these are all i love e3 week! Rive and Runbow are my two faves so far. .especially Rive...never even heard about it..def day one purchase for me now!
Downloading soon.
RIVE, Freedom Planet, and Mutant Mudds are the must-plays, IMO.
Typoman is really creative. It's definitely not going to be for everyone, but it's quirky, atmospheric, and full of smart puzzles. It's like they turned the morning Word Jumble into a puzzle platformer. Very cool.
The music alone in Freedom Planet is what will make me buy the game again!
@AyeHaley i did enjoy freedom planet. but I did speedrun on one stage
Yay, RIVE!
@Uberchu The Wii U is only capable of recognizing 2TB of that HDD - and you can't use the left over space for anything - so yeah - I just got a 2TB. I was going to get a larger one - and transfer everything from my old 2TB onto it - but I figured spend less money - and spend less time transferring files - later on I'll get a nice big HDD.
Can the demos be played after 6/22?
I'm going to attempt to try them all out today. I started off with Soul Axiom and I was thoroughly unimpressed. The graphics are okay for an indie and the OST is good, but the puzzle solving was obvious and tedious. The former, i.e. obvious, I can somewhat understand because it's a demo meant to ease people into the gameplay, but the latter is kind of damning. I didn't have fun putting it together and it wasn't because it was too easy.
Oh well, off to try Freedom Planet.
@vitalemrecords yeah it recognizes up to 3TB but only does 2TB...
I would of boughten 3TB any way just coz $10 isnt a lot... tbh. That and I get RZ points at best buy.
makes me wonder if I'd have a full 2TB if i got 3TB.
@Uberchu Right - I'm saying 3tb can be connected to the Wii U - but the Wii U is only going to be able to access 2tb of it. So that 1tb is unused.
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