The world has seen its fair share of monumental crossovers: DC vs. Marvel, Jetsons meets the Flintstones.
And now, Mario meets Mario in a game of the same genre but technically in another universe because one is made of paper and, uh…
The specifics of how this all happens in the story likely doesn't matter, even when taking into consideration these are the only two Mario titles that typically have a defined narrative.
But for those who still want to know, the demo for Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam begins with the Mario & Luigi cast in the castle before discovering among them a paper version of the princess. "Is that….YOU?", everyone exclaimed. Bowser, too: "Even your insults are knockoffs!" screamed Bowser at Bowser.
All that really seems to matter with Paper Jam is that its very premise is the perfect vehicle for delivering the self-referential humour both titles are known for. The demo wasted not even one second to reaffirm that the humour was not only back, but likely to go into overdrive with in-jokes and irreverence.
One of the three demos available on the show floor featured a giant, robotic Mario held up by little Toads. They were in battle with equally sized, robotic Goombas. This was not the demo I played, though others seemed to be enjoying themselves quite a bit when forcing several kinds of cartoon explosions. I instead asked to play a level that more reflected the core gameplay, and thus was handed the challenge of navigating an RPG party of three to discover 7 toads lost in the desert.
For those familiar with the Mario and Luigi games, you're already familiar with Paper Jam. If you're wondering whether this game is more Paper Mario or Mario & Luigi, the demo gave the impression the title is, at least, 60/40 greater Mario & Luigi – maybe more. The terrain and all of its inhabitants were rendered in 3D, and the perspective followed more closely that of Mario & Luigi. Conversely, the game did often feature folding effects into the matches, more reflective of the Paper titles. As I wandered the desert, I was given 15 minutes to search for Toads "hidden" behind massive blocks, in the clutches of wandering Flyguys, and desperately avoiding quicksand. Sometimes I just (strategically) walked into the enemies in order to enter into battles, other times I solved springboard puzzles. All the basics should be familiar to fans of virtually any RPG; if you aren't familiar, it's doubtful this game would trip you up.
Most new to the series are the card decks. "You earn cards by gaining points", my rep curtly stated during my playthrough. I gathered that a large star meter in the top left corner may have been what they were referring to.
Up to three types of cards take up the entirety of the bottom of the touch screen. Clicking them ahead of your turn will add an effect to the battle, such as making you stronger, disarming your enemy in some way, or more.
"These cards are kind of like a Hearthstone element?", I asked the Nintendo rep.
"Yeah, sort of."
The cards may not be nearly as in depth as the virtual card game "Hearthstone", but their inclusion is certainly in consideration of the trend. Truthfully, I did not end up using them much during my hunt, though they appear to be a compelling addition. What did end up being a huge game changer, however, was Paper Mario himself.
Like the source material, the options of items, jump and hammer attacks, specials and run are all still in order. Unique to the Paper Mario character was the option to add multiple copies of himself (like the clone jump sticker), allowing for greater attack strength. I found that Mario and Luigi's physics have changed to be a touch floatier than in their respective series, while Paper Mario came down hard and fast on his foes, also a touch faster than his respective series. Besides this being strangely ironic, this also massively improves upon a major gripe of both Sticker Star and Mario & Luigi: gameplay felt more varied and much more character specific.
This difference hit me by the time I had gotten about five of the seven toads. After having played the third Mario & Luigi title Bowser's Inside Story, and certainly by the time of Dream Team, attacking between Mario and Luigi became mostly just a difference of character values. But in Paper Jam, I had begun my plan of attack to synergize Paper Mario's special abilities in tandem with (regular?) Mario's all around attack, followed with Luigi's hammer abilities.
This felt like an actual RPG team.
Especially after the sorely missing team element of Sticker Star, as well as Dream Team's more repetitive nature, this made the whole experience much more engaging by comparison. Nevermind that otherwise, the game was similar in almost every other way: Mushroom houses, levelling up Mario poles after matches and identical items, all retained wholesale from the Mario & Luigi predecessors.
Of note, I noticed that every enemy I encountered on my travels came complete with a text box beneath them that displayed what level they were. As an example, a level 7 sand monster was all the more intimidating than the sand monster from the beginning of the demo. Whether this bodes well for those hoping for deeper RPG mechanics in these games, myself included, is yet to be seen. But I was definitely excited by the prospect.
"Oh my gosh. Only one other person the entire day has actually found all 7 toads!" Exclaimed my rep. I was 20 seconds away from the end of the demo, and both remaining Toads were in sight.
I don't mean to brag, but I definitely did what I had to do.
"Wow, you're the second person to ever get them all! Good job!"
If the final game ends up being anything like our time with Paper Jam, I plan on getting way more than just those seven Toads after its release date.
Comments 74
I hope it's not a rehash or reskin for Dream Team. I see too much similarities between assets, would be nice if they brought some original content too. Series really deserve a better treatment than previous installments.
did you say exp?!
joking wise, this seems sorta interesting i need know more of what there doing although im glad Paper Mario back in RPG elements
I'm looking forward to this... 😀
Getting this.....If I can that is.
I just finished FE Awakening - and they put out Sacred Stones - I'm chewing hard on the Mario and Luigi series - I'm hoping for a rerelease of 1000 Year Door. That would be NUTS!
Everybody get up it's time to slam now
We got a real jam goin' down
Welcome to the Paper Jam
Here's your chance do your dance at the Paper Jam
Shame that the quality of these games is being overshadowed by Nintendo's Event. Also, the most interesting thing I gained out of the trailer for this game is that Paper Mario does indeed take place in an alternate universe.
I'm a huge fan of both series, and honestly probably like the Mario and Luigi slightly more. I always enjoyed the interaction between the brothers. So I'll definitely pick this up. I just wonder what other elements from the Paper Mario series they brought over.
Looks awesome to me, no complaints on my end.
@KO-Cub NO!! No Space Jam-references allowed in here! Ever!!!
The game looks nice, tho. (facepalm at Bowser's trash talk in the picture lol)
This was the only new announcement from this E3 that really excited me. Definitely looking forward to this crossover of two great series.
@MightyKrypto - IT'S MAH JOB!
@Dr_Corndog Same here. I always wondered how that worked.
it's your job to make obscure movie references? I WANT THAT JOB!
"typically defined narratives" Well, except for Sticker Star. That barely HAS a narrative!
I'm really looking forward to this! From what I'm seeing, it looks to be a Mario & Luigi game with a paper theme. The paper characters just happen to have the Paper Mario models.
I got Dream Team on my 3DS for free and I'm struggling to play through it like all Mario RPG games (except the SNES/Square one). I find them to be way too wordy and I instantly lose interest in the story when two characters are yapping about nothing for 5 minutes. Just when the pace of the game kicks up, they put on the brakes with more campy dialog.
tl;dr Nintendo RPGs have a pacing problem.
Mario & Luigi RPG games are the funniest Nintendo games. Beginners should try Bowser's Inside story first, it's less wordy and the best of the bunch.
Not too sure about this. I may pass because I have begun to get bored with the Mario & Luigi games after Dream Team, and the last 2 Paper Mario games were not the best. I really wanted a Mario RPG with more people on my team other than Mario & Luigi (and Mario). That's one of the things I LOVED about Super Mario RPG, Paper Mario, and Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door. That added so much more variety, and so much more to the story(ies).
The Mario & Luigi games are running on fumes now, imo. Adding Paper Mario doesn't help much.
I've never played this series but like Paper Mario. It at least gets me interested enough to pick up Superstar Saga.
Nintendo is eating itself.
This was definitely one of the best reveals in the Digital Event. I'm almost a complete virgin to the RPG side of Mario, having never played a Mario and Luigi game and only briefly playing Paper Mario: Sticker Star before getting annoyed with it and selling it, so I should probably catch up first. People seem to really like The Thousand Year Door on Gamecube, so I'll probably start there. I'm assuming the Paper Marios don't follow some kind of larger narrative, right?
Getting. I love the series.
@Ralizah Aside from a few cameos and Easter eggs, they're completely separate.
@Ralizah I suggest playing the first Paper Mario on N64 first. Thousand Year Door improves on it in basically every way, so it's much more satisfying to play second. It's easier to appreciate all the new features.
I misread the title as Mario & Luigi Pearl Jam at first, thought Eddie Vedder might be the main sad that's not true
I heard you can skip tutorials in this one, so that's good
Welcome to the Paper Jam!
Definitely looking forward to this game.
I'm not going to lie; this preview makes the game look really promising. An actual party-based system sounds like it would be really fun provided it doesn't get out of hand and the return of what appear to be actual RPG mechanics is great. I'll definitely pay attention to the game when it releases.
@OneBagTravel Hmm... Interesting. I also own Dream Team but haven't gotten around to it yet. I've played a tiny bit of Superstar Saga, which I thought was really good (the morsel I played, anyway). But I did notice a lot of dialogue in the game. And just like you, that's something I could do without. A little exposition here 'n there is fine but unless there's a riveting narrative happening, I gloss over and just mash the A button.
One thing that bothers me is that you have to monitor three characters instead of two. Two characters were enough, but three just slows things down, in my opinion, especially when you get to an area where there are a lot of cliffs (of course, this game is only in its beginning state, so I wouldn't know if this game would have a lot of opportunities for the characters to jump up or over obstacles). Overall, not bad so far. Paper Mario himself does have EXP and has inconsumable Jump and Hammer attacks, those which are to hopefully pat Intelligent Systems on the back for their next installment in the series.
When have we ever seen a Mario & Luigi game rehashed? Or a Paper Mario? Sticker Star may not have been the best, but it was original.
I have no doubt this game will meet or exceed standards set by previous entries
@Ralizah There is a narative, but it's minor enough that you don't have to play them in order. You may miss out on a few jokes, a few cameos, and a few small recurring villians that say "ok, this time we got him!" but you won't feel lost.
I like the overworld in papermario way more than the Mario & Luigi one. I will settle for this game eventhough my hearth was set on a fullblooded papermarvouless -
Sounds awesome.
Yeah, I'm totally getting this. How do I give Nintendo my money faster?
@OneBagTravel What?!
Nintendo gives us RPGs.
Seriously? What good is an RPG if it doesn't have a good lore behind it? It's not like it's Mario that can be perfect even without a story.
Whatever, though. I'm so pumped for this game. I loved Dream Team, so I'm very sure I'll love this too!
This game was definitely the highlight of the presentation for me. I haven't had the chance to play the other Mario & Luigi games but I have played all of the Paper Mario games and (mostly) loved every one. I hope this has the 3D effect that Sticker Star has because, in my opinion, Sticker Star has the best 3D graphics of any 3DS game so far.
Reminds me of Super Paper Mario where everyone complained that the characters talked too much. lol
Hopefully this game learns from the mistakes of Dream Team. Way too much padding and tutorials in that one. Easily the low point of the series.
@moomoo My favourite one was the third one.I loved playing as Bowser!
This was absolutely the highlight of Nintendo E3 for me. I LOVE these Mario&Luigi RPG games.
@moomoo No that was Partners in Time. That game was just bland.
"The terrain and all of its inhabitants were rendered in 3D..."
Judging by what I've seen so far, this game looks a lot like Dream Team. During special events the characters are sometimes 3D, but believe it or not, during normal play the characters and NPCs are all 2D pixel art. I bring this up not to nitpick, but just to point out the amazing artwork of the people at AlphaDream.
Check out the Iwata Asks for Dream Team (the section labeled "Pixel Art Craftsmen"). AlphaDream's strength is in pixel art, but because Dream Team was on the 3DS, they wanted the characters to look like they had depth. So, they crafted the 2D characters to look 3D. The effect worked so well that when Dream Team came out, I noticed a few reviews stated that the characters were polygonal models.
Sorry if nobody else finds this as interesting as I do.
Anyway, Dream Team was easily my favorite Mario RPG since Thousand Year Door, so I'm definitely looking forward to this.
Thousand Year Door was superb, while both Bowser's Inside the Story and Dream Team were great. Yep, Sticker Star kind of sucks... Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam looks like another great game.
@Tony_342 Thanks for pointing that out Tony! The artwork really is amazing.
To the point of Dream Team however...for as visually GREAT that Dream Team is, I find it to be the antithesis of an RPG: almost everything you can do is entirely linear. Leveling up brings with it little consequence. as you are virtually always the level you're supposed to be at any point in the story. And most importantly, the game absolute bludgeons you over the brain with tutorials...even THIRTY HOURS IN! Incomprehensible.
That said, I still tepidly enjoyed Dream Team, but its the only Mario & Luigi game I've never finished.
@Pandaman Boring tutorials are the worst thing in that game, yep.
I've played them all and for me the best is Bowser's Inside the Story in the Mario & Luigi franchise and The Thousand-year Door in the Paper Mario series.
The worst ones (for me) are Mario & Luigi Partners in Time (boring) and Paper Mario Sticker Star (poor gameplay).
@Pandaman Definitely valid points! As @VanillaLake said, tutorials are the worst thing in that game. Although, interestingly, I think you may have just defined exactly why I tend to enjoy Mario "RPGs" while not really being a fan of RPG games in general. It's never really occurred to me before, but I think the linearity actually makes them much more approachable for me. It's understandable why that would put off many people, but to me, I think it's the biggest reason why I play these games while avoiding most other RPGs.
Still, if they can find a better balance between the accessibility of previous titles and deeper RPG mechanics (as you say in the article), this could be quite special, indeed. Great article.
@Tony_342 You have a point, I enjoy RPG genre but some of the classics are very frustrating. I loved Secret of Mana but I usually got lost playing similar games like old Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest games (although I liked some of them). Playing Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga on the GBA was great because it was clear what I had to do and I enjoyed that.
It's not considered RPG but my first Zelda game was Ocarina of Time and I am not able to play The Legend of Zelda 1, it doesn't matter how good people it is. It's not for me, perhaps because I didn't grow up playing it, or perhaps my brain can't figure it out. The only 8 bit games I'm good at are the Super Mario Bros. trilogy.
I remember The Thousand-Year Door as one of the best games I've ever played.
A the same time, I hate how some modern games tell you EXACTLY what to do and WHEN to take breaks. Yeah, I'm looking at you, Nintendo. Oh, Fi, shut up, I'm starting to hate the game you are in.
Hey, Master, there is a dungeon up ahead. I think it should be convenient that we get in and sort out the puzzles inside.
Hey, Master, I think you should change the batteries in your Wii Remote. When they are dead, the game pauses, but I think it could be dangerous, anyway.
Hey, Master, I think you have been playing for 30 minutes, I think it's time to ruin your experience, do something else, and when you have forgotten what you were doing, come back to my game, okay?
I just wanted a true Paper Mario game like they had back with the Gamecube. This announcement saddened me.
@Nintendian I Like the Superstar saga a lot too but it's easier to get a DS cart to play on your 3DS then a GBA but I recommend them both.
seems like a nice game but i also skipped on dream team but I loved inside story and the quirky campy writing always make me smile where most RPG's have dramatic stories mario rpg's tend to have silly stories with lots of silly side characters and selfreferential humor.
I still need to get Dream Team so I think I will play that game before I think about getting this one, though it looks pretty darn good as well. The Mario and Luigi rpgs are some of the best on the 3DS and DS and I welcome a new addition to the family.
I'm more excited for this than ever. I'm probably going to pick up dream team this weekend on sale now. Then again I think I was leaning more toward fire emblem... Ugh... Just when you think nothing is out for Nintendo! Gotta love 'em...
I feel like I have a bipolar relationship with them, I'm all up and down with Nintendo but overall I love them.
I love what they are going for with this game! I'm honestly surprised an idea hasn't popped up like this before. I am only beginning to imagine all the possibilities for the gameplay of this game. So many different fun concepts can be achieved when you mold two amazing franchises like Mario & Luigi, and Paper Mario! Loved the trailer too. The game really looks like genuine fun.
I can't wait to play this game. I love Paper Mario and Mario & Luigi series. This seems like it will be a fun game and one of the best 2016 games for me.
That's a very good point, and one I've often made myself. Personally I really couldn't care less about "innovation". New does not always mean better nor does it always mean more fun. And following the formulas of old do not necessarily mean it won't be fun.
I was just pointing out that the series isn't just retreading old games. That each one has indeed been innovative, since the original comment I was responding to was implying that was a concern.
But just flat out as far as fun itself goes, none of these games have ever disappointed. Sticker Star perhaps being the one exception, but even it was still a decent game. I think people were just bothered how far the game had strayed from Thousand Year Door's amazing precedent.
From the video footage this looks just like dream team which is a game I didnt enjoy. oh well , I suppose the wait contines for a true follow up to thousand year door. ..
One day they will make their version of FF12 - and it will be a glorious day indeed! Quests - hunts - character trees - It will be mine. Oh yes. It will be mine. (coffee is working)
I wonder how they'll do the Paper Luigi cameo in this game, you know it has to happen. At least like the ones in Sticker Star where you just saw him in the background every so often or maybe where you can talk to him like in the console Paper Marios.
Anywho, I can't wait for this game. Seems fun. But everyone is going to try and ruin it by using the word "gimmick" and "confirmed" over and over.
@Aozz you had me at exp. Gawd I was on the floor and everything!
@rushiosan Did you read the article?
This for me was the best thing to come from this years E3 (that we hadn't already seen). I really hope though, that it has more focus on the Paper Mario world too, perhaps they travel between the two locations or something? I just don't like the visuals for M&L:DT whilst PM:SS looked beautiful, even if it wasn't the most popular.
Oh well, we'll see. Good to know it plays well though, I did enjoy Dream Team in spite of my dislike for it's visuals.
I'll be picking this one up
I wish we had another Mario RPG in the style of Legend of the Seven Stars again but more in-deph and epic. Playing too many Mario Golf, Mario & Luigi and Paper Mario way too much makes me feel those series are more of the same.
I'm very excited of this title, as I played almost all of the other ones. And I sure have to say, the Mario&Luigi Series is better than the Paper Mario Series.
Dududude. Looks like a whole lot of fun. I always love these games - they're so kooky.
Partners in Time and Super Paper Mario are easily my favorites. Partners in Time has the best story and is the most fun, and Super Paper Mario has the best story. It has romance, adventure, plot twists, and basically everything. Paper Mario follows in a close second for my favorite in the Paper Mario Series. My favorites in order go like this: 1. Partners in Time 2. Superstar Saga 3. Bowser's Inside Story 4. Dream Team-1. Super Paper Mario 2. Paper Mario 3. Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door 4. Paper Mario Sticker Star. I only have two fears for this game though, it's art style and it's STORY. I prefer the Partners in Time art style and I really don't like the Dream Team art style. As for it's story... I hope the story is a good, and my most important fear: IF IT ACTUALLY HAS A STORY!!! It may have an intro and short cutscenes but so far in all the demos all I've seen are QUESTS. I REALLY hope it's not just quests. I hope there are other main villians other than just Bowser and Paper Bowser but if there aren't, I'd really hope to see the Bowsers in competition with another villain (like Fawful and Bowser or Antasma and Bowser or Bowser and Dark Bowser). I also hope Mario and Luigi meet characters from the Paper universe that only Paper Mario recognizes. (COUGH COUGH Dimentio COUGH COUGH) Although it's OBVIOUS Paper Luigi is not a playable character, I'd like to see him as an NPC that actually TALKS. Also, I hope they cross universes and go to the Paper universe too instead of just staying in the Mario & Luigi Universe. I'm also hoping to see a LOT of cameos. I have high expectations for this game. If Nintendo does this right, I think it'll be qualified as a great success and the 5th installment of both series. Although Nintendo made mistakes in the 4th game of BOTH series (seriously though, don't hate on Super Paper Mario just because it's not a RPG. It IS a part of the series and it has the best story and it is a really nice platformer), I think this game will make up for those. I hope this game cleans up the sour tastes left in the mouths of the loyal gamers of these series. Although Nintendo has made many mistakes in their games, I love them overall. (It took me from 2:30PM to 9:30PM to beat Elder Princess Shroob. A 7 HOUR boss. That game earns some respect for THAT. I was underleveled my first shot at the boss but I went back to all the times and leveled up. So on the third shot that I beat her, I wasn't underleveled. It was my last item, a trampoline, that ended her. I failed the trampoline and Baby Mario fell on her head last harmlessly bouncing off and only doing 1 damage, and THAT ended her. Anticlimatic, huh? She paused for 4 seconds and I'm waiting for the striking blow that would end me but she exploded in a black explosion. I love Partners in Time)
Top 5 Hardest Boss Lists:
1. Bowser Jr.
2. Elder Princess Shroob
3. Fawful (Superstar Saga)
4. Cackletta's Soul
5. Dark Fawful
Top 4 Mario and Luigi RPG Final Boss Music:
1. In the Final- Bowser's Inside Story
2.Cackletta's Soul- Superstar Saga
3.Dreamy Bowser -Dream Team
4.Elder Princess Shroob -Partners in Time
Wait... the 4th installment for both the Mario and Luigi series and the Paper Mario series both had a shiny glowy Bowser for a final boss.
Dreamy Bowser
Paper Bowser
They're both shiny glowy Bowsers except one is paper...
In Paper Jam the two Universes crossover and Bowser meets Paper Bowser...
Could Paper Jam have been planned all along?!
@Aozz It seems you really like Mario...
Here are the Top 6 worries for this game:
6. This is more Mario and Luigi than Paper Mario
5. No Paper Luigi
4. The never-ending cutscenes
3. The game will take place in the regular Mushroom Kingdom which is a boring setting compared to the other games
2. Two Bowsers as the villains which is a dull selection of villains
1. Since Paper Mario is coming into this game and in his last game, Sticker Star, there was no exp, does this mean there will be no exp system in Mario and Luigi: Paper Jam?
Well I can respond to all of those
6: Well, they way I see it, if this crossover mainly took place in the Paper Mario Universe, this would be another Sticker Star. Now, this doesn't mean I don't want Mario and Luigi to go to the Paper Mario Universe sometime in the game. In fact, I'm crossing my fingers and wishing for that. I just don't want the section to where they go to the Paper Mario Universe to be only Sticker Star based.
5: Unfortunately, it's pretty much confirmed that Paper Luigi won't be playable in the game due to the X button making the characters run. I still believe they'd make Paper Luigi a NPC or at least a cameo (but the cameo idea was kinda used up... 5 times in fact in Sticker Star)
4: I have heard that cutscenes are skippable. Cross your fingers, folks!
3: Yes, yes, the setting does seem a bit dull compared to the settings of Paper Mario, or Rougeport, or Flipside, or levels, or The Beanbean Kingdom, or The MK of the Past, or Bowser's Body, or Pi'illo Island, BUT Nintendo isn't stupid. They should know that if they have a setting like this, then some seriously awesome things better go down. Like if you're gonna make the setting boring, at least make it that you can go to an altered setting, like the Mushroom Kingdom to the Paper Mushroom Kingdom, or at the least have some interesting characters/villains. Even ones like Paper Fawful or Mario & Luigi Dimentio, which leads me to the next number.
2: Yes, having two Bowsers is gonna be dull, but I hope they will add some side villains or other villains that may not be the main ones like the Bowsers but they ARE tied to the plot. (Such as Paper Fawful, or Mario and Luigi Dimentio)
1: Yep, it's confirmed by the gameplay. There is exp! Paper Mario is back in true RPG elements! Everybody celebrate! Paper Mario levels up the same as Mario and Luigi do. People who have played the 4 games of each series, and love the exp system, this is a must-have for you!
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