E3 week is upon us, and as a build up to Nintendo's Digital Event showcase we naturally want to do one thing - fantasize about our gaming dreams coming true. This is that blissful early period where Nintendo's reveals remain secret, and we can allow our imaginations to run wild on what the week will bring. We've already had loads of Super Smash Bros. DLC and a glimpse of Blast Ball on 3DS, but there's much more to come.
As a warm-up, then, some of your humble Nintendo Life writers have shared their E3 hopes below; we'd love to read yours in the comments.
Tom Whitehead
I'm going to leave my colleagues to do most of the dreaming over games and franchises, as they cover most of the bases that I'd suggest. I will, though, highlight one game that I want above all others - Metroid Prime IV by Retro Studios.
Beyond that, I'll look at the week as a whole. I just hope that Nintendo shows the same wit, enthusiasm and dedication as last year. The Digital Event should be entertaining and informative in equal measure, but it's also key that - perhaps unlike its rivals - Nintendo maintains momentum over the week as a whole. The Nintendo Treehouse streams will be vital to this, and they can provide access and footage to thrill dedicated fans.
Like last year I hope one or two surprises are reserved for later in the week, too, again to keep us interested.
Last year I praised Nintendo's spirit, innovative approach and dedication to the cause of entertaining fans watching from home - more of the same will hopefully be delivered.
Alex Olney
At the moment I feel I can only really be excited for a handful of games that can be expected, such as Metroid and Star Fox. I'd love to be blown away with something totally unexpected but I feel I have to remain slightly pessimistic in order to fully enjoy the experience of E3 this year.
Last year's E3 was the first one I ever actually followed properly, and considering I had no idea what to expect at all it made the process utterly magical. Now that I'm in a position where I'm constantly privy to all the news and happenings surrounding the Big N I have to take measures in order to prevent setting my hopes too high.
Anyway, I'd like to see that port on the bottom of the GamePad finally get some use; I can't think what it would be used for but I'm sure if Nintendo has any ideas they're going to be magical. As stated before I've got my money on a new Metroid game, but I have no idea whether we'll be seeing it on Wii U or 3DS. Frankly I'd be happy with either! I hope Retro's the company working on it, but at the same time I'd be really interested to see what else they could do with other franchises.
I'm also gagging to see some more Splatoon content; I know we've had all the new stuff so far, but I want to see even crazier stuff that feels as fresh as Splatoon itself, perhaps a new weapon class. No doubt we'll be getting some info on the game but we'll just have to see what form it'll take.
Lastly I'd love to see something new in the Pokémon series. I'm not expecting the announcement of a new main pair of titles, but some sort of significant spin-off in the vein of Pokémon Snap or Pokémon Stadium would leave me champing at the bit. The most recent entries in the Pokémon spin-off library have been pretty good, but they don't really manage to capture the magic that we had back in the N64 days.
Also, am I the only one who wants to see new Deadly Creatures game? That thing was off the hook.
Ron DelVillano
I haven't spent too much time fantasizing about what I want from E3 this year, but the past few days have brought with them information that I can't ignore. Probably the biggest leak so far has been the Hyrule Warriors 3DS trailer, and it made me realize that it's absolutely a game I want. I had to skip the original Wii U release last year, so having a second chance to pick it up is more than welcome. The other bit of recent information that piqued my interest was the Diddy Kong trademark filing in Europe. While Mario Kart 8 has a commanding grasp on the home console kart racing genre, I would love to see a another story-driven game in the Diddy Kong Racing series pop up on the 3DS. Beyond those, I'm really just hoping for small enhancements. I'd love to see Inklings announced as DLC for either Smash Bros. (challengers, not costumes) or Mario Kart 8, but I'm not holding my breath.
Tim Latshaw
With rhythm games clawing to make a comeback and Nintendo growing more comfortable with DLC, I think it's prime time to see one IP return to the spotlight: Elite Beat Agents. This is, hands down, the most joyful rhythm game I've ever played. The tap-and-slide style of gameplay has been matched by no similar game since, and the comic-like stories built up around each song added plenty of ridiculous yet empathetic motivation to do one's best. The 3DS definitely possesses the capabilities to not only run a new-and-improved base game, but also bring in packs of new songs each month to keep things fresh. Building a plot around each new song might take more effort than adding new music to Rock Band and Guitar Hero, but I would be first to dash into action the second Commander Khan said, "GOOOOOO!"
Conor McMahon
Tragedy struck at E3 this year, as the sacred vault of secrets was mercilessly punched full of holes, causing some tremendous leakage. As a result, the build-up has been dotted with even more rumours and early reveals than normal, which is fantastic at face value but does feel a bit like cheating. The entire Smash DLC pack was old news by the time Sakurai himself got the chance to talk about it, for example, so the hype surrounding such major announcements can take a pretty big hit overall.
This is why I'm so looking forward to Nintendo's Digital Event on Tuesday, which for the most part seems to have remained packed full of secrets. I can't wait to get caught up in the instantaneous and resolute moment of surprise that comes from seeing something like Splatoon for the first time, or the first teasing glimpse at Star Fox Wii U. Last year's event was a concise, effective blast of information, so i'm expecting something very similar this time around.
With that said...
Give me a new Metroid, a Wonderful 101 sequel, Paper Mario, and tell us what on earth Retro and Next-Level Games have been up to lately. Please and thank you. If we're to use Mario Kart 8 DLC as a digital prophecy, then I'd put my money on some Animal Crossing action for Wii U, but I'm really hoping that we get to step into the Blue Falcon for a proper spin as well. On top of all that, Pokémon Snap 2 is still forever on my E3 wishlist, though the real obscure gem I want to see rise triumphant on Wii U would have to be Mario Strikers. On GameCube it was great, but the Wii sequel in particular was a multiplayer titan, and I want every bitter loss and ecstatic victory rendered by the full HD follow-up it deserves! If I get all of that...then definitely consider me well and truly surprised.
Liam Doolan
It's clear what we need – a new F-ZERO game for the Wii U. The clues have been there all along. From the mini-game in Nintendo Land right through to the ongoing stream of F-ZERO themed content in Mario Kart 8 – all of this is such an obvious tip-off! I want to see Nintendo collaborate with SEGA's Amusement Vision once again and announce a stunning sequel to the 2003 futuristic GameCube hit, GX. Give me split-screen local play, 30 players online, a detailed first-person cockpit view for each of the 200 speed machines, track customisation, and a deep and meaningful story mode with multiple romance side quest pathways for Captain Falcon and you can knock this one out of the park, Nintendo.
If you can't make do with that, then I'll understand you have delayed this idea until the next E3 and will settle with the return of Super Mario Sunshine. I don't care what form it comes in – be it a Virtual Console title or a HD lift like Wind Waker received – just give it to me! After splashing about in ink in Splatoon, it's become apparent I need this GameCube classic back in my life. It was the original three-dimensional master of ink, starring the mysterious Shadow Mario. Although I have an inkling the actual identity of this character was Bowser Jr. Better yet, how about a sequel? That would be lovely. You shall publish it on both of your systems as well because that is just how you operate in modern times. See leaked figure 1.1. Hyrule Warriors for 3DS. So let's see it happen, Super Mario Sunshine 2: Attack of the Octolings.
Lee Garbutt
My biggest hope for Nintendo at E3 is for it to carry on the upward momentum from last year's event. The success of Splatoon has proved that there are still a great deal of new ideas (and new IP) left in the company, and I hope that the "new generation" of Nintendo developers have something new up their sleeves that they can show.
But of course, we are all drooling at the prospect of some old favourites returning. Clearly, there'll be a lot of talk about Zelda and Starfox, but it's the ongoing chatter of whatever Retro Studios is up to that has my interest piqued. While it would be nice to see something completely new from them, I not-so-secretly long for something Metroid-related from them. Whether it's a Prime-style FPS for the Wii U, or a traditional 2D game for the 3DS, the return of Samus is always a welcome sight.
Finally, I really hope that Nintendo has looked at what others are doing in the Toys-To-Life genre, and give us a real reason to use our amiibo beyond the unlocking of on-disc content. Mistakes have been made with amiibo, but now's the time to put things back on track with a promise of more stock and more support.
Andrew Karklins
With the biggest gaming showcase on the horizon and competition fierce, Nintendo needs to separate itself from the competitors with big announcements and great games. Toys-to-Life range amiibo, the big N's fastest growing new property, is creating big bucks for the Kyoto company, yet causing quite a ruckus in the American marketplace. Hopefully production of rarer figures will continue to be pushed to the NA market to help out those unable to stay up til 3am to preorder. Also, please make Pokemon amiibo cards, then my life will be perfect.
Moreover, Nintendo's biggest game of the 2015 calendar year will undeniably be Star Fox for Wii U. But besides Zelda in 2016, no other big mainstream titles have been revealed. With that, Nintendo will surely unveil the newest instalment in the main series Mario franchise. Perhaps a Galaxy sequel, or Sunshine 2 is in the works (personally I'd prefer the latter). Anyways, Nintendo, you got our attention with the Smash Bros. presentation and an epic NWC, now's the time to show what you've really got cooking.
Alan Lopez
~Mario Maker trailer fades to black~
An 8-bit, tiny Mario walks from the left side of our screens to the middle of an empty, black void. The camera pans back to reveal that iconic, yellow question mark block floating just off to Mario's right. With a trail of familiar sound effects, Mario paces over and jumps up to predictably smash the block.
Instead of producing either a coin or a powerup, however, the block stunningly changes from an 8-bit animation into a lush, illustrated caricature of itself. Mario jumps again, and he, too, turns into a lush, flowing animation - his face fully formed, clothes rippling, and mustache bouncing. Again - a jump - and trees and bushes begin to pop up all around himself with every manic hop. First greenery, then the yellow tinted earth beneath him. A blue sky forms, followed by puffy, translucent clouds dotted with curious, black eyeballs. Flying Koopas fly past in the background after another smash, their wings exaggeratedly flapping like a saturday morning cartoon as Goombas scuttle along their shadows beneath them.
Finally, with one last hop, the block bursts with an explosion of glistening, cartoon coins exploding out like a firework, covering our entire screen.
Without ever breaking from the sidescrolling perspective, our screen changes to a frog Mario swimming in sea-blue orchestra of donuts and squids. Then, an angered sun chasing and swooping down onto an exasperated Yoshi who is just out of reach. Everything sings like a marriage of Rayman Legends with a touch of Fez. Tied together by a score of the Star powerup music, scenes old and entirely new begin to pass by in a blazing montage, like a flip book made up of entirely different images. The manic star music grows louder and louder until, after a mad rush of frames, we fly back to our black screen once again. Finally, a loud THUD of typography:
Super Mario Bros. 4.
(Only on Wii U!)
Comments 80
hopefully so >
Metroid. Metroid. Metroid. Metroid. METROID.
I'll be happy if that's all they talk about.
Super Mario 4, only on Super Nintendo and every VC known to man... Because that was Super Mario World.
I'm actually OK w/ Nintneod's previously announced current line-up, but we really could use some dates. I know Zelda U is MIA (Which is seriously a pity, we've seen almost nothing of it, NOTHING, so why not at least show us a 3 minute trailer?) but what about Star Fox U and Zenoblade X? Yoshi in NA? Super Mario Maker has the rumoured 9/11 but I like it when things are official.
And I bought my Wii U 2 years ago so it wouldn't help me, but my kids would like some of their friends to have a Wii U as well, a price cut could go a long way to help that. (And explain why the Spaltoon bundle in the UK is coming out after E3, 3 weeks after the game.)
And 1 surprise. Nintendo always has 1 surprise at E3. If it's Animal Crossing U that's fine, I know it's been rumored but it hasn't been announced.
So I'm basically in "don't screw it up" mode, and like TW I want it to be fun. Fun is good.
But the one thing that would make me happy would be dual Gamepad support above everything else. 2 player couch co-op online Spaltoon would be incredible. Star fox as well. but I'm not expecting it, that's purely pipedream. I'll settle for Super Mario Galaxy 3 or Sunshine HD.
Alan Lopez: in 2015, after everything Nintendo has done up to this point, especially on Wii U.... your Hopes and Dreams for Nintendo's E3 is another side scroller Mario platformer?
@rjejr you can forget dual Gamepad support. The Wii U can't even run MK8 at 60fps when it's uploading a replay video to Youtube.
The console is just THAT underpowered, man. It really is.
Alan Lopez! Yes! That's the game I've wanted for years! Only, it would be Super Mario Bros. 5 since World was technically 4.
Metroid please and thank you
My dream: Golden Sun 4 and Isaac for Smash Bros.
'Nuff said.
'Super Mario Bros. 4.
(Only on Wii U!)'
Omg yes I sooo would love this, cartoon Mario game!
I want them to reveal some sort of Mario Game, probably one where you get to make your own levels and what not. Then maybe put Ryu in Smash Bros. I know it's all over the top, but I'm just expecting to be blown away.
In all seriousness, I can't wait to see tomorrow's reveals. I know Nintendo has some cards kept close to their chests, but I wanna know what that is.
I would love couch co op online Splatoon, dual gamepad or not. I would drop the super jump (that I never use anyway) in order to have that. Splitscreen would be fine for me.
"30 player online races", That's is a lot too ask for but it would be amazing if it was true
I'd love some Super Mario Sunshine content in any form, specifically a remake or sequel.
So far i haven't found myself bored with any of the other press conferences. They have done a great job so i just hope Nintendo has fun with with the Digital Event like last year and has a lot of great reveals. But they have to step it up with the reveals as so far there were huge demonstrations like Fallout 4 and the Hololens
Biggest disappointments for me would either be (1) no Metroid, or (2) a Metroid on 3ds but not Wii U. Metroid belongs on the big screen!
Here's what I would like (somewhat expect) to see:
+Mario Golf World Tour- Wii U (I believe this is why they have left golf out of the new M&S Olympics game for Wii U)
+Super Mario Maker- Story Mode and Amiibo Support Details
+Star Fox (gamepad accessory bundled with game that allows you to dock the gamepad onto it and use it as a yoke for steering)
+Preview of a new Zelda title for 3DS using the existing Link Between World engine
+Splatoon for NEW 3DS (with functions that work between WII U and 3DS)
+New Club Nintendo name and membership program details. Subscription Service?
and some Pipe Dreams:
+Lego Nintendo World! (sandbox style game where you can do anything)
+Amiibo Land game using all Amiibo as playable characters
+Dr. Mario Miracle Cure for IOS ( I know they stated IOS games won't be revealed at E3, but this one has to be one of the firsts when they do)
As well as many other surprises! Bring it ON!
Knowing Nintendo it'll certainly be full of surprises so very much looking forward to it. I have my doubts of course but I'd personally love to see or hear about:
Some news regarding a sequel on Rhythm Thief and the Emperors Treasure please!
More Captain Toad &/or Bayonetta goodness.
WarioWare 3ds or a new Wario Land game.
Footage/gameplay on that Pokemon fighting arcade game.
HD remake of Super Mario Sunshine.
& of course any footage or news on Starfox/Xenoblade Chronicles X or reveals on new Metriod/Paper Mario/Animal Crossing would be fab too.
@A01 @gatorboi352 -
I also like the idea of the F.L.U.D.D. weapon and Isle Delfino integrated into Splatoon with the inclusion of a new game mode where one team lays down ink and the other team has to clean it up.
@gatorboi352 No, a GOOD Mario platformer.
shots fired
I do believe F-Zero and Metroid are a serious possibility. Just based on all the teases. Animal Crossing is even more likely, though I would love it if it could integrate with New Leaf in some way. Kind of like how Capcom did it with Monster Hunter. Hey I can dream can't I?
A new Advance Wars for 3DS is my top wish.
Paper Mario and WarioWare!
@rjejr I have to agree with the Wii U thing. Hardly any of my pals, or in general people at my school or near me have a Wii U. Around 6 people have one in my year, which is quite devastating. We need something big to move everyone from Xbox and PlayStation to Nintendo!
In no particular order the following would make me happy:
Mario strikers U would be amazing.
Nintendoland 2 : Amiibo Land - needs to happen as the dlc use is beginning to tire.
Mario Sunshine HD / 2 / Galaxy 3.
SNES remix.
Mario Kart 8 dlc - Classic battle mode.
Diddy Kong Racing 3ds.
Metroid Prime 4.
Stunt Race FX vc release.
New club nintendo reward details.
Wave Race 64 HD.
Star Fox U release date (2015).
Super Mario Maker - includes an over world map to add your own levels to - have to build a boss level for the end. Like Mvs.DK Tipping Stars have to complete first before you can share.
Nintendo x Universal : Theme Park Builder U
More 1st party demo's available.
@sinalefa @rjejr
Combine price drop of Wii U with hopes of dual GamePad support... and a TV and an extra copy of Splatoon... and you get what you want! Sort of.
In the back of my mind where I seldom look there is a place where a second Wii U setup in the household is a reasonable option... hidden under a blanket there is a 4 Wii U setup option.
The championship has proven that Mario Maker should be the big anniversary Mario game this year. It's a perfect tribute, really. Next generation consoles can be home to a big new take on Mario.
Metroid, however, needs at least one great game this generation. Since Other M was so controversial, let's get one new game for 3DS and one for Wii U. That way one of them can make up for the other failing.
(Oh, and that Battle Ball game doesn't look remotely suggestive of Metroid to me. I read the article before I saw the game and I wondered what everyone was talking about.)
It would be swell if Star Fox looked like a must play, but I feel like it will be more like a "that's pretty neat" game. Those who want an epic updated sequel matching the potential of the series will probably have to settle for something different and fun, but not epic. Miyamoto's one modern failing, in my estimation, is that he is missing the gaming audience's love of storytelling. To many younger people, games are where they get half of their stories from — if not all of them. Nintendo shouldn't be dismissing this phenomenon.
Anyhow, I'm fighting a sinus infection for the second time so I'm prone to ramble and I'm just going to end this here. By the time I'd finish, tomorrow's event would already be over.
Apart from the big hopes of a new Metroid and a new Mario Sunshine (with the old one being released immediately after the Direct), I have small hopes like Zelda Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword coming on VC to ease the wait for Zelda U.
Another hope is something that shouldn't be too far off, a sequel or huge DLC expansion for Codename S.T.E.A.M.
And something new and unexpected like Splatoon
Where is Alex's opinion on this?
Smb 4!!!
@Captain_Gonru - What a feelin'.
The announcement of a trailer for Bayo 3 (like the first one in 2012) or the spin-off with Jeanne.
SNES for 3DS virtual console or 3D classics. Square NES,GB,GBC games and some more Game Gear on both 3DS and Wii U games and Turbo Grafx 16 for 3ds and Wii u. Dreamcast and Game cube,GB and GBC for Wii u virtual console.give people mother 3 so they can be quite for awhile.With vc cross buy and Mario Marker 3DS with some surprises.
Super Mario world was Japan's Super Mario Bros. 4
Great list !! Also hoping for ; Excitebike U with track editor ; Pokken Fighter U confirmation ; NintendoLand DLC ; Geist sequel ; Pilotwings U ; Fast Racing Neo release date and information on what Retro , Next Level , Platinum and Tantalus have been working on.
@andrew20 I don't think Mario Maker on 3DS would work due to the touch screen being to small for levels
WiiU: Wave Race, Animal Crossing and Fire Emblem plz.
My hopes this year for E3 is some metroid for Wii U and 3ds.. I just recently started playing Metroid Prime which I downloaded from the eshop a while ago and as somebody who just doesn't enjoy First Person games, its safe to say i'm already hooked! It is such an incredible game and i'm so excited to explore the rest of Talon IV. I think now as a growing Metroid fan i'm beginning to understand the duty that Nintendo has to bring Samus back.
Karrrnn NINTENDO!!!
Also some more Mario Kart DLC, Animal Crossing for Wii U and a trailer for Zelda U would be nice...
I know i'm getting greedy now
Guys Guys Guys! Remember! Metroid prime was stated to be a trilogy
Even the DS games technically doesn't counts for them. Yeah! they'll keep making metroid (one for the 3DS i hope) but it's not going to be from the Prime subseries
(P.S. Sorry if someone pointed that out already)
As for hopes, a NEW ORIGINAL Zelda for the 3DS wouldn't be bad, this tima taking the worlds of the Oracle games and incluiding the third oracle (that be nice); more strategy games and RPG on the WiiU are always welcome and nevertheless, F-Zero... Come on! Everyone is expecting that one!
Super Mario World is Super Mario Bros. 4. Respect the veterans who knew it as such. Nintendo's COO is an puppet ha ha ha, and just keeps on getting lighter and lighter in complexion oh the humanity.
Just F-Zero for WiiU, and that would be the BEST DAY EVER!
Here's my hopes and dreams... fingers crossed for any:
@RegalSin Only in Japan it's consider Super Mario Bros. 4. In America and everywhere else Super Mario World is considered it own thing.
This is all the digital event needs to make me happy.
-Mother 3 worldwide Virtual Console release: NO CENSORING, even if they have to make the game rated M.
-Animal Crossing U: Expands what ou can do as mayor of your town, introduce a lot of new elements.
-Bayonetta 3: Can't think of much they could do for this one.
Metroid U, Metroid 3DS, or both by Retro Studios: 2.5D gameplay for 3DS and full 3D gameplay for Wii U.
-F-Zero U - 30 players in one race, over 30 tracks, online multiplayer, ect.
-Star Fox U: Infromation, release date, and demo
-New NIntendo Club like program: As long as it better than Club Nintendo.
-Paper Mario U: A return to the old Paper Mario JRPG combat.
There is no way Mother 3 is not censored in the west through Nintendo. Eventually it will come up and be posted on Gamefaqs.
"Super Mario Bros. 4"
When someone says: "I want a new Metroid prime", they mean that they want a first-person Metroid again. Made by Retro again, with puzzles, visors and stuff. Everyone knows that the Prime series is over, but they can still continue with SPOILER the Sylux ending END OF SPOILER!
I sure hope Nintendo doesn't get blown out by Son--
Metroid Prime 4 (WiiU) and Advanced Wars 3ds.
@Technosphile Yeah Sony just blew everyone out. The Last Guardian, Final Fantasy VII remake, and Shenmue III in one conference. They win. Not even Bethesda can compete with that.
@Technosphile With a random remake that not even going to be a exclusive and Shenmue 3 which is probably will become vaporware in due time? Sony did have a good E3, but saying that they already won when Nintendo Digital Event hasn't even started.
UGH, why did you have to say "Elite Beat Agents" to me? It somehow managed to fade from my conscious mind, but YES YES YES, I need this. Imagine this biz on 3DS (or, heck, as a cross-platform title under their new unified network thing), with DLC to keep the kicks comin'. OH BABY.
@Chaoz Someone's in denial.
@IceClimbers : Sony had an interesting conference. I found it very odd they were promoting kickstarter to fund Shenmue. Why not just pay the money? Also, most of their first party stuff is coming next year, in Last Guardian and Uncharted. I'll have to let this info sink in.
@Project_Dolphin : I see what you're saying. My interest level was low for Sony's stuff because it was majority 3rd party and I could get all that on PC anyway. Microsoft's conference was much more entertaining. That elite controller and push of exclusives was well done. Plus I enjoyed the Man of Steel intro music
Shenmue 3 announcement has officially convinced me to get a PS4. I love my Wii U but the lack of major 3rd party support is just taking it's toll on me. Not to mention the FF VII remake. I just can't take it anymore =) These games belong on a Nintendo system!
I just want a Solar Striker HD.
@IceClimbers In denial? Let's be honest here, besides the Shenmue 3 and FFVII confirmation nothing was really interesting. I didn't even find those 2 that interesting. FFVII is literally just a remake. Nothing to get real hype over. Shenmue 3 while good looking, will, as I said before, will probably become vaporware.
@Chaoz And what makes you say Shenmue 3 will become vaporware?
@minotaurgamer and everyone else who likes to throw the old SMW Japanese subtitle around for pointless arguments: They could simply call it Super Mario World 2 in Japan. Done.
This old argument is simply tired. Stop being pedantic.
Sin & Punishment and F-Zero, please.
@IceClimbers They win? They win what? They win the fanboy nonsense you people like making? Every single year? My goodness E3 is suppose to be about games,not about your kiddy BS. I except better from you. Edit you're the type of person who would actually do this. Reply to me saying you're not a fanboy,make me laugh please.
@abbyhitter I've been busy losing recorded footage and sleeping.
No. 1 I want is Prime 4. I've just finished playing the trilogy and amp itching for more. They need to show starfox Wii U. Xenoblade X release date would be nice as well. I also want Galaxy 3.
I have hope for Nintendo but there is a part of me that believes that Nintendo did not expect so many "never going to happen" things that are actually happening.
Smash Bros. update in August to add tournaments. Splatoon update in August to add better friend match making. Is it just me but doesn't this all point to the new all singing, all dancing Club Nintendo replacement coming in August? And no one predicting a showing of Nintendo's mobile game?
An epic exclusive NEW Nintendo 3DS title would be great. That's what I'm hoping for.
Mario Strikers, sequels for all of the great Mario sports titles, Metroid Prime U(4), a new Mario, Luigi's mansion U, ACU (Not Unity, just U) and finally, SUPER... SMASH BROTHERS... MELEEEEEE!!!!! (HD)
I agree with what @Cyberbotv2 says about Shenmue. I thinks it's shocking behaviour from Sony to use Shenmue to promote their brand but are not even funding it. Although I will buy a PS4 just to spend weeks collecting toys from egg machines. Hope there's also an updated Arcade with the likes of Virtua Fighter, Daytona, Sega Rally etc.
On topic, hoping Ninty release cross system VC, and new F Zero
So Sony have "won" with a PS3 game , a remake and a kickstarter ? LMAO.
There is no way Shenmue 3 can be made for two million dollars ; not to the scale of the previous games anyway. I fear for The Last Guardian as well ; games that spend so long in development rarely live up to expectations.
@Ootfan98 I'm pretty sure Sony is funding it, it just that Sega want to use Kickstarter to fund Shenmue.
I dream about Starfox, Metroid and F-zero. ^^
Girls Mode 3 localization and more animal Crossing related stuff!
@TheRedCap30 - Not in the US.
Wii U at launch $299.
Wii U Sept 2013 $299 w/ Nintnedo Land or some other game.
That's not a "price cut". A price cut is when you lower the price. Putting more in the box for the same price is not a price cut. Wii U has never been less than $299 in the US, and it was $299 in the US when it launched. Therefore no price cut.
Wii U has been out for nearly 3 years, anybody who wanted to buy a Wii U for $299 has had every opportunity to do so. Only people still left to buy are a few holdout Zelda fans and people waiting for a price lower than the launch $299 price. Until its less than $299 whatever they put in the box at that price is still not a price cut.
You gave us Mother 1 and Lucas as Smash DLC. Now give us Mother 3, and announce the development and western release of Mother 4. I'll take it for whatever console you decide, Nintendo. Let's take this 20th anniversary of the release of Earthbound as far as it can go.
Nintendo knows that the die hards want this. Remember last year's E3 presentation? I hope Reggie doesn't hit me with a fireball.
Obvious choice - Metroid.
On a more obscure note, I think Battalion Wars could do with another chance. The action / strategy combination never quite meshed for me on GC and Wii, but the Wii U could be the perfect fit. Strategy on the GamePad, action on the big screen. Unlikely, but would be interesting to see.
@TheRedCap30 - "The basic set was 300$ then they dropped it down to 250$"
I live in the US and I'm in stores that sell Wi iU a lot but I can't recall ever seeing on sale anywhere a $250 Wii U.
You can look over this list of google links but I coudln't find one that said that and I clicked on a few. I think it's possible you imagined it, b/c it does make sense, but Nitneod never officially did it. By the time of that price cut on the deluxe I don't think there were any basics left in the US.
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