Splatoon seems to be rather well received so far by many that have been splatting each other online, but it's arguably somewhat light in online content at launch. There's the single player campaign, yes, but in online matches we're currently limited to one default mode in the 'Regular Battle' category - 4 vs 4 with random teams.
It's an oddity of the release that Ranked Battles are still locked, though this was confirmed as the plan well before release. You need to be level 10 to access it, which will likely take a good few hours to achieve, but the mode is still locked for everyone until - apparently - a fixed number of players worldwide have reached the relevant level. As for what the Ranked Battles are? It has different internal rankings between matches and the one game mode (until later in the Summer) will be Splat Zones, in which both teams battle it out over a smaller designated area.
Nintendo of America is being a bit of a tease, however, tweeting a 'Splatometer' that apparently shows the progress of worldwide players getting ranked up.
There are multiple theories over what this delay is all about. On the one hand there's logic to it - as the developers made the choice to only have matches with live players (no bots) it's sensible that a certain user threshold is hit to try and ensure plenty of players are around to fill lobbies at all times. With that said, however, we're getting matches almost immediately around the clock at the moment in Regular Battles, and there seem to be plenty of players, perhaps a majority, that are now beyond level 10.
Another theory is that this is a bit of narrative to cover a careful phased roll-out of modes, to manage servers and avoid too many issues.The online component seems to be solid right now, so this may be timed simply to allow the technical side of things to settle down.
When will Ranked Battles be unlocked? We're hoping within the next 24-48 hours, but in truth we simply don't know.
In our current Poll article for Splatoon, at the time of writing a slight majority feel that the amount of content in Splatoon right now is "pretty decent, though the online component needs to be beefed up".
Hopefully we'll have some extra online variety soon.
Comments 56
It's a bit like the wii before launch, experts said it was going to fail but the wii became one of the biggest selling consoles ever.
"there seem to be plenty of players, perhaps a majority, that are now beyond level 10."
As the matches are configured to group player's of similar ranking.....doesn't this simply mean that Nintendo life are ranking up, not the whole user base??
As of yet , I've not completed a match without being disconnected due to my dodgy internet . Well frustrating I can only have a chance between 1am-6am so I need a day off work and brownie points with the missus to even try!
It's not only a testing method, but a marketing strategy. Getting more people playing at a time will increase word-of-mouth advertising and will help develop Splatoon as a brand. Smart move, tbh.
While some extra modes at launch would've been nice to help diversify the online a little bit, I personally feel like the game is fine in its current state. We have loads of free content updates on the way with not too long a wait, and I'm sure Nintendo will probably announce even more at E3. I actually support and approve of the idea of waiting until enough people are at level 10 before ranked goes live; there's nothing worse than sitting in a lobby waiting for enough players to join a match. Plus, it helps newer players learn the ins-and-outs of the game before getting into the hardcore stuff like Ranked Battle, so, in a sense, it'll help make sure everyone is on an even playing field when it comes to skill and time spent on the game.
I'll be getting the game in a few hours today, I'm really excited for it!
I don't have the game, but for the sake of those who do and the reputation of Wii U I hope they get it up soon.
Sounds like a lack of content put off the gate that annoyed reviewers will jump on, not to mention its Saturday, and many of the user base won't be happy to wait until Monday to be able to play a new mode.
Mine was shipped Thursday from Costco. Will probably get it at the end of the week if my last order is any indication. Just wish Costco actually stocked the games in their stores so I could have just picked one up.
I do not think that matches are currently being grouped by strength. I was level 2 going up against level 6 7 & 9. I still beat them though. Strongest man on my team getting around 900 to 1100 points per game.
I'm currently Level 9, but I got sidetracked by Octo Valley and my GamePad's batteries Today is the day I do my part!
This game makes me want a better gamepad battery. I'll probably be ordering tge double capacity one soon...
Did my part, reached level 10 today!
I thought I played too much, but there are people way beyond me. For my sake I will ignore this fact and play at my own peace XD
@SuperWario #6 is probably the most sound argument I've heard about the "lack of content" it actually makes a lot of sense.
Getting enough folks in the lobby quickly is surely the reason you can only play two maps at any given time.
I'd play all day if I could, but I can't. I keep getting error code 118-0516... I called Nintendo 3 times and went through the proccess thrice and it still gives the code. I was only able to play 4 matches, and I tried all day today since 7am.
@ULTRA-64 imo it doesnt group people by level very well if at all. im lvl 7 and i have had a person around lvl 20 in every match last night. ive also seen the game put 4 less than lvl 4's on a team versus a group of 5+
@Boidoh Any problems with other online Wii U games? I wonder if its unique to Splatoon...but idk much about troubleshooting that stuff. :/
It's very weird that - a heavily focused online multiplayer game - has such few modes to play online. Of course, they confirmed more are coming (that "capture-the-flag" style mode looks awesome), but I wish it would have had a few more modes at launch. I hope the rest are released very soon. Odd choice. Maybe the game needed to be rushed out.
Half-way there.
Got to level 13 earlier today, and I'm getting paired with over all 10+ with some 7+ levels. And one more thing. Aerospray MG/RG OP
@bluecat All Wii U and 3DS games.
In most multiplayer games they pair you with equal ability players. Just because someone is level 7 and you are level 4 doesn't mean anything. You may have got to level four with less matches than the level 7 did.
I SIMPLY CANNOT STOP PLAYING. This game is like a drug. Nintendo has got me on an addiction. Just as well it won't cost me too much money. Just my social life
It didn't need to be rushed out nor was it
Is this a news article or an opinion article?
This game is surprisingly tight and addictive.
Honestly, I'm disappointed at the games current content. I completely understand that there are more modes in the works. Hopefully, there will be some additional surprises like an obstacle course,or time trails. But as this game currently stands, it has $30 written all over it. I am a strong supporter of Nintendo. I'm confident that I will not regret my purchase in time. ( Delifino Plaza course anyone? ). However, the game I played today feels like a tech demo.
I'd prefer it if I could have ranked battle mode as soon as I'm level 10 instead of an arbitrary number of people needing to be level 10, though there's likely a reason why they needed to limit it for now. Still, new game modes would be great, but I'm still really enjoying this game.
I've just hit rank 12
plus completed story mode and got all sunken scrolls.
But loving everything about it and can't stop playing!
I was level 2 and it was my second or third game. I don't think it works that fast. Or that level 9, 7, 6, & 3 team never had a chance against me.
I'm still level 7...
I'm at level 8 right now, will do my part tonight hopefully!
Trust me, it's going to fill up right when I get to level 10 and I will have done it all for nothing.
I did my part, level twelve and climbing!
Already done. Level 20.
Level 7. . .I'm trying, you guys!
It that where that picture came from? I saw a much fuller 1 today in the forum. I was looking all over Inkopolis for it, they really should have msde a big statue model of it in a corner of inkopolis somewhere.
Levels dont mean all that much. Ive been at level 5 abld to beat down much higher players. Ive seen a kevel 1 run roughshod over a team w/ a level 17. All Level really means is how long you've played the game, which seems to have little bearing - for the most part - on how good a player is.
And I am looking forwRd to the ranked batyles opening and all those higher level guys going there. Not b/c level matters that much, but the realy hood players will go there leaving turf war to the new players.
And the level 10 thing is matketing, it gets people to play constantly to reach level 10 so the games are always full. W/o that big level 10 incentive I bet a lit more people would play single player mode, of spend more time shopping. So its all about the incentive to keep people playing and reward us.
Anybody else sick of the watehouse level? Aftet the other ones that one plays like a traing area. Whenever its back up Im playing single player.
Im going to play now, I havent played that one big area yet. Wish me luck.
I reached level 10 yesterday so I already gave my 2 cents. Hopfully more people will do the same.
Level 16. Today I bought gear for 50000 G.
They do not match your rank on the standard online match. That's the ranked match that has yet to be unlocked IIRC
Yeah, I've reached Lv. 10!
I got the game today and I'm level 5. I've bought some weapons and gear, but the splattershot Jr is better than the rest of them imo.
I'm a Level 7 ... Got the Game and I'm Loving it ... Nintendo has a Big Hit on there Hands can't wait to get back at it Tomorrow.... This is a Fun , Fresh & Colorfully Addictive Nintendo Game !!!!! Love My Wii U & Splatoon
I'm at Level 11 but haven't been playing much. My rating is "So Hawt +9.0"
Update: I have now finished Octo Valley (with several Scrolls left to collect) and reached Level 11! I hope the rest of you get up to the Level 10 threshold soon.
Hi @Boidoh, assuming that your ISP provided your router/firewall have you spoken with them to confirm that its default settings are suitable for online gaming? Do you have any other consoles, such as PS or Xbox and if so do they work properly online? On your Wii U / 3DS, can you browse the Web or connect and download from the Eshop?
At the least I agree with @Tsurii897, it most likely an in issue with your router settings - whether you need to replace it will depend on whether you can change any settings that allow it to work for online gaming... Good luck
Has anyone noticed all the Squidward memes
I really really hope they don't hold this as an e3 "and is available shortly after this presentation" thing because I can't wait 4 that
@Thatguywhoeats Getting tired of them myself
So is it full yet? Lots of people playing on Saturday.
Of course who can tell if Ninteod is even keeping track of level 10's or they just have a set time to turn this on, like Monday morning when everybody is back at work and school?
There are still plenty of players who are in the low single digits so more time is definitely needed to build up a community of 'experienced' players. Not everyone has time to play around the clock.
Its weird. In the poll I put "fairly disapointing" for content because it IS ridiculously low on content. But with that content I am having the most fun ive had with the wiiu for months! And I think its nintendos plan to get us hooked to this one simple mode before renewing freshness and hypewitb additional content like ranked battles and new stages. I for one am VERY excited at playing ranked battles. Ive seen this drip feed of content before with Destiny and it WORKS
@ULTRA-64 interesting that you are being disconnected. I have a DSL 20 Mb down 768 kb upload connection and played for hours yesterday and was only dropped once. In fact during the first two trial weekends we had two Wii U systems playing and were only dropped maybe twice.
I just hope the game is well supported for a few years. If not we are picking up a second copy to play the friends mode with our two local Wii systems. Hopefully there won't be much lag and it would be nice if a local LAN mode was later supported, kind of like Double Dash but for Wii U with WiFi.
I was pretty tired yesterday, but I decided to start the game at around 11pm. I only planned on playing for an hour, but I had so much fun that I didn't even notice the time! I'm around level 7 as far as I remember. It shouldn't be too long 'till the ranked mode is unlocked.
I bought it last night, hit level five a few minutes ago, so far Splatoon is a lot of fun and definitely has wide appeal. My 5 year old daughter and my 65 year old father both sat and played a bit of it. Here's to another brilliant Nintendo franchise.
@Charlosa I can't even speak with them. Everytime I call I basically get no where, being told to call back at a time, and when I do, they don't even pick up. I can surf the web and download games on both my Wii U and N3DS XL, it's only online matchmaking that's the problem.
same problem here ...
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