Surprisingly, servers re-opened shortly after the session was due to close, with connection issues initially intermittent before performance improved to near-perfect levels. Nintendo formally extended the session to 5pm Pacific / 8pm Eastern / 1am UK / 2am CET, with that extra hour largely running as smoothly as the original three Testfire sessions.
Original Article:
When Nintendo ran three Splatoon Global Testfire sessions over the course of a single weekend they went impressively well; aside from occasional disconnections the performance was reliable and gave a good impression. Unfortunately the 'final round' somewhat betrayed those positives with sustained connection problems that shut down most of the session.
During our live blog play went down after less than 10 minutes, though Nintendo's official network status timed the error at 13 minutes in; the following message was posted to acknowledge the issues.
Due to a high amount of online traffic, network services may be intermittently unavailable. We apologize for the inconvenience, and thank you for your patience.
Social media certainly exploded with the bad news, as tends to be the case, with #SplatoonGlobalTestfire trending on Twitter.
The servers remained down until the close of the original hour-long session, and it's unclear at the time of writing whether Nintendo will schedule another Global Testfire to appease fans and, also, re-test its servers. Beyond the obvious disappointment for Wii U fans, it raises concerns ahead of the title's launch - a further test could benefit Nintendo in multiple ways.
Splatoon is due in stores on 29th May, so there's not long to arrange a replacement Testfire session if that is on the cards. (Now unlikely, see update at the top of the article)
Were you trying to play in this 'final' Splatoon Global Testfire session? What are your thoughts on its problems? Let us know in the comments.
As an extra note, thanks to the witty folks on Twitter for the tagline.
Comments 160
I got a grand total of one match in. :/
What a horrible night to have a server issue.
@MrL1193 Same
It's disappointing for sure, but at the end of the day, these were tests on the server capacity for Nintendo's benefit, and not really for ours. It's possible that since things went so well last time, they tried cutting the number of servers. If it had gone well again with less servers, they could have saved themselves a little bit over the next couple of years. I'm sure on release it will all be fine.
Eurgh. Really annoyed me. It's so late. I have work in the morning and I stayed up just for this. Even cancelled on a party and going to the cinema just so I could be back for 11. Not happy
That's some bad press a week before launch huh.
I played 2 matches to see if I'd like using the other weapons. After deciding I didn't, I guess I couldn't have a fun match...
Didn't really go too well, but I'm still happy like no tomorrow! The hype remains as strong as ever!
I got in a match and and actually won without looking at the TV. Although I want more, but at least I got to try it again.
I got one match in shortly after it started. Let's just say I'm sick of Squid Jump already and the game hasn't even launched yet!
Just got on lmao
Stayed up til midnight. But we're suddenly all connecting....!
It's up!
People are probably gonna blame Lizard Squad over this — and then Lizard Squad will probably take the blame even if they weren't behind it just to gain notoriety — and I don't blame 'em. All three previous testfires went down perfectly. Odd...
Arg, this sucks. I only got one test fire before this one, and we're they to re schedule I'd never get to play it. I hope this is a one time deal.
I tried to play, but didn't even get in one match. I got stuck at the page were people are joining your game. It wouldn't let me out, so I had to shut off the console.
Getting a match now?? Seems like one maybe starting.
@A01 I think I got to level 24 or so. That was when the fast-moving clouds and conveyors became too much for me.
Still gonna buy the game, but I'm very frustrated at the hour I spent on my phone instead of playing. Hopefully they fix this and make it worth our while.
Eh...it happens. Glad to get it figured out now...May the 29th be with us! Splat👀n On!
This is worse than the loading screen, so much hope
I got one match in and then rest of the hour I staring at - "searching for battle join screen"
Disappointoon! :/
It was good(gameplay) but the server is very disappointed today and I only played one match. I repeat, one match 😬
Global backfire indeed.
level 21 squid jump. can`t play nooooooo!
I just joined now!
I connected to a game at 4:05pm!
Got to play one game. After a while I gave up and watched Eurovision
Need one more person in my waiting room
Yep got another match now.
Ready for launch!
Pathetic. This better not happen in release day.
It's working get back on it NOW!
Didn't manage to get a single match, gave up after a while and went back to eurovision.
1 match for the whole hour for me too, it was a huge disappointment.
It's extended @ThomasBW84
This feed goes to show how few people on here take time to read other people's comments in between enjoying the sight of their own! Servers came back on after midnight - quit moaning, start splatting!! 😂
still working!!
I'm still playing
This was the only testfire I was able to try, and it went down after I played one match. I might cool my jets on this game until I get confirmation that the official release doesn't have these issues.
@Ralizah or you could just go on now and let the fixed experience convince you?
I got in, still having some problems, but it happens, I'll keep my pre-order, but a good idea is to not let this happen at launch
Yeah this is great, glad the sever is working now.
As of right now. It's still letting me TRY and play. Haven't got a match going without an error though....
Yeah, still having some issues. I think I'm done for now. At least the game played great when it worked. I'll definitely get it soon if the full release works better.
Finally got kicked off, got in a bunch of great matches though. I really can't wait to play this next weekend! Splat Charger is my favorite weapon type currently.
The servers are working great by the way.
I'm still playing. Just got into another game. But
It was annoying to lose that first hour. That's why it's a TEST though. So glad they extended the play time so far. I would have been very disappointed anyway.
If anything this made me more hype, I was excited to play then I couldn't and I need the game released now... I need it so bad
It's so good they extended it out. Still playing and having a blast. Very little time between games but I'm afraid to change weapons.
Noticed that rollers are not as dominate as they were. People are getting used to defeating them.
Didn't even get a chance to gave it a go sad day
Finally got in a match after an hour of frustration but after 1 minute the connection was lost and the game stopped. i had to reset my router after that. Get your act together Nintendo or I'm not buying this!
I have also managed to get a grand total of 1 match in and it was at 11:00pm on the dot.
I was then greeted by error messages from after that match until 12:00am.
I hope you guys who are still online enjoy the rest of the Splatoon Testfire, but I am going to sleep now as it is 12:58am for me...
It is strange that this time was so bad when the other 3 sessions were practically flawless...
But good on Nintendo for extending the session. Definitely takes away some of the bitter taste from earlier.
Glad it happened today instead of launch day. Much unrest would ensue if it was launch day.
Officially over now; glad they extended it an hour.
AWESOME, After a a very very Bad start the Servers got running and wow this game is fun!!! Glad I put my preorder today (Including the squid-Amiibo)!
Ack! Didn't look at the time, and got kicked after the last match before I could open the tutorial!
All games I got in ran smooth and without connection problems at all.
It was fun. But now it's over.
@Kaze_Memaryu that's okay you must be tired of that tutorial by now. That was a good idea though.
Well, I managed to get my full hour in after all. I'm glad they extended the session, but it seems the servers still need a bit of work. Let's hope launch day goes better than this.
It took ages, but I really liked what I played. I'll get it at launch.
I'm thinking the hype gave them a massive spike they couldn't deal with. The extra hour went great.
Well they extended by another hour! Now I'm sleepy...
I'm kind of glad they had some issues and extended it as I was sleeping until half an hour ago.I managed to sneak in a few games though there and it worked perfectly.Great game!
I tried everything to join battle, but I was unable to connect partner's device.
So I got home and tried to get online for a game at around 11:30pm. No luck! Tried a few more times with the same results. Looked on here to see you were having the same problem as well as searching on Twitter to see similar problems. Was seriously considering cancelling my pre-order.
But then saw a tweet from Nintendo UK posted 14 hours ago saying that the Global Testfire would be happening at midnight, rather than 11pm I had seen reported elsewhere. Logged on at midnight and just finished an hour of solid, no drop out, online gaming.
Was this really a server problem or just a communi ation problem as go what tine the Global Testfire would be happening??
extended it for a hour! got in with ease!
I got a match in before the server problem. Then I got up to level 25 in Squid Jump. Then I played several great matches! All in all it was a good session and I can't wait to get the game when it launches. XD
I managed to get one match in before I started experiencing problems and the rest, as we know, is history.
However, once the original hour-long window had closed, the extension proved to be much smoother then expected. I no longer had any problems whatsoever. Initial problems or not, Nintendo certainly made up for it with that extension. And now that they know what to expect, I imagine they'll have it all done and dusted by release day. So good on them for doing the testfire.
Completely off topic: Little Devil Inside is coming to Wii U!
@Peach64 My take, too. Agree 100%.
@IronMan28 Nintendolife already put up an article on it.
@aaronsullivan - Yeah, you know me, Im quick to condemn and at the end of yhat first hour I was ready to write this off, but the hour of extended time went so smoothly I don't think it had anything at all to do w/ their servers not being able to handle the load, some circuit breaker just clicked or something. The SuperBowl lost power for 20 minutes a few years back, it happens.
Now, had that hour not happened... but it did, and it worked perfectly. So glad it did.
Oh, that comment you made about the rollers no longer being OP as people have figured them out, I posted that same sentiment in the live feed during working part of the test.
There are people vastly overreacting out there. You have to think this is not indicative really of what's going to happen at launch. They were very loud about this TestFire and the scheduled time of which there was purposefully only one of. Most everyone I knew that missed TestFire two weekends ago wasn't making the mistake again tonight. Every person I know that has a Wii U was on tonight.
In short peoples playtime and log on time will differ on full release and the servers won't be as taxed as they were this evening. Overall these server stress tests went remarkably well, and I've been in my fair share of them across other games that did much worse.
Can't wait to get my hands on retail copy. See you all on Friday!!
We were anticipating a half page rant on your behalf during the first hour, I told Sinalefa you were NOT going to be happy. Then it started working, perfectly, and what an hour it was! That was my first time playing the game and it was excellent!
I do think I sent you a Miiverse message saying I couldn't connect at first though
Overall it seems that Testfire was a success. Having only one of the four sessions have errors is pretty impressive. Hopefully there aren't any major issues at launch.
This was a total disaster for us. I got up early, and woke the kids up (it was 8am here). This was our first session and the kids were really excited for this.
The tutorial was great ... but after playing it 3 or 4 times, we had enough.
The networking and matchmaking was a total disaster. No feedback, no way to abort, you can't even go to the home menu!
After 5-10min waiting to join a game, we got a random error each time. The whole hour, not a single game.
Gave up before the end, had no idea it was extended (and couldn't try more
Either got "Unable to connect to partner device" or some other generic error.
A almost certain purchase has now turned into a almost certain non-purchase.
I can understand having server issues ... but having this level of feedback to players (i.e. within the game!!) in this modern world is just a joke.
Yet another potentially great Ninty game ruined by half-baked network architecture and design.
</rant off>
You guys are lucky, I got 1 tutorial and nothing else, and I'm not sure I even like the controls!
I had loads of fun. Splat jr. was more fun to use than the Roller for me. I feel like I had more fun this time using it.
I didn't get to play a single match. They should have moved it to another date instead of extending it, I didn't know about the extension until after it was over. At least I got to level 15 in Squid Jump.
Aw, I wish I hadn't given up!
So basically at the end of the hour when people gave up all hope of it working it finally worked for the few people that stuck around. That's still no real test that it will be functional on release day when people won't just stop trying to access the game after an hour. The only good that came out of it was I got to play Squid Jump for an hour, lol.
Chill out people, betas, demo and test fire are for this, test the servers and the game on heavy load, hopefully Nintendo takes everything they got from this and work the problems out.
As of now it looks promising
You did better than me. I waited with my girls (who would've tried it for the first time) the entire hour with no play time.
As a stress test, I'm hoping this taught them a lesson, and I hope tomorrow will run smoother.
You know, what online-heavy games haven't had problems at launch, let alone their "test" sessions prior to them? Just be grateful that whatever the problem was got fixed, and that it will lead to a more stable launch.
@rjejr Glad you stayed on.
Sad for all those who gave up and I can't blame them.
People really needed to take the Test part of TestFire seriously, but the whole hour being a waste is pretty bad. If that extension didn't happen it would have been a total disaster.
Just imagine the stress of those running the servers. This actually felt like different problems than happened on that first test where I had problems. It was totally down, it felt like. Plus, then the server couldn't handle the load and had too many connections. Near the end it got what I consider the worst of the errors when you get stuck in the waiting for players mode and you have to shut off the system to get out of it.
Anyway, at least when the server goes down in the real game, you can just give single-player, 1v1, or customizing your character a go. It would seriously help.
Got 1 match... then water a Houre... then it was all good! got to do lots of matches and had grate fun!
I can't wait until Friday... This game is pure fun !!!
@Rhydas Yeah, sorry 'bout that.
On topic: I can't wait for this game, too bad I missed the last testfire.
We had joy...disappointment...and then rapturous joy...6 folks played here at our house in Midwest USA...my daughter and wife played and even asked to play several more times each. I gotta say Nintendo, no one, and I mean no one can get my wife and daughter interested in a "shooter" type game. However...you did...thank you! (Hence my two Wii U's already purchased, the Splatoon Deluxe Wii U from Best Buy preordered, two E-shop preorders of Splatoon, and 3 preorders of the three-pack of Splatoon Amiibo...if you can't tell, my family is liking your Inking game!) Splatoon On!
Wait so who is a kid now and who is a squid now? Show of hands guys.
Squid Jump is trending on Twitter hahaha
its sad they extended it after I gave up But know I'm even closer to getting that new armor in MH4U!
I gave up rigbt before the session got extended. Ah, well. I tried it out a couple weeks ago already. I have my copy pre-ordered, and next weekend is gonna be great.
I wasted at least 20 min. trying to get a match. I made it to level 10 of Squid Jump and I eventually just turned it off. I only got ONE match in. I swear if this happens on release day; there ain't gonna be some happy campers.
Splatoon Global Misfire is also a good pun.
I loved the game once I got in. During the downtime I managed to get to level 20 on squid jump lol. My girlfriend who isn't very fond of online games couldn't get enough of splatoon.
@Captain_Gonru - "that won't matter to those that want to find fault."
Yeah, it's very fortunate, extremely important, words can't describe important, that Ntineod got that hour in, and that there seemed to be plenty of people who stuck around and played it, flawlessly on my end, so that when those articles do pop up, and they will, and deservedly so, it was down after only 8 minutes after all, and it took Nintedo 50 to get it back up again, but at least now Nitneod can say - "Look, we had a malfunction, we fixed it, everybody got to play for an hour, and that 2nd time around we showed we can keep it up." (sorry, can never pass up the easy double entendres)
Had that hour not come along - and I think the fact that it came up right at 8 and lasted an hour means they had it under control w/ some type of reset button - had they not got that hour in, or had that hour been filled w/ disconnections and down time, then this thing would be unsalvagable. Plus they had 3 showings 2 weeks ago which were fairly spotless. I really think this was just a freak thing. They'll take their lumps, but it's not the disaster it might have been.
Also, 9.42m Wii U had access to the demo, ALL at the same time. Even if Spaltoon sold 1m Day 1, Japan gets in the 28th, EU will get it while all of the US is sleeping, it's on a Friday so people have work and school. Their servers won't be as hammered as this "test" was. Even if the test failed their mulligan got an A. I'm surprisingly OK w/ it.
@JaxonH and @aaronSullivan Sorry guys, it's late, I'm calling it a night, but I think that covered everything anyway.
Played a match. Then it kicked me out...
Was nice, The first hour suck, the second hour was normal and nice
Today was the only time I got the chance to play the demo. I woke up early for it and got in (yay!) but only got to play the tutorial and mini-game (I liked it) but after an accident with controllers, I couldn't get into due to too many in there. So I gave up and did my routine. Then I tried again and I managed to get in a decent number of matches. I won some, lost some and then it finished. Can't wait for the game!
Because it was extended for an hour I got to play the whole time as it finished at 9:30 am.
It went much better than the first 3 sessions by the time I logged on, even on my slow degraded copper.
I can't wait until release!
@mariovslink62 Any campers won't be happy with Splatoon.
Oh, not what you meant?
Sorry, I couldn't help the dig at campers, and I'm glad that Splatoon makes it obsolete.
Played 2 matches before I got booted then spent the next 45 minutes goofing off in the tutorial. Searched on twitter to see that everyone else had the same problem. I had a feeling Nintendo would extend the Testfire as would be the right thing to do so no need to overreact or give up. Then I had a good seamless hour of serious and fun playthrough. May 29th cant come quicker!
Luckily when it's released there will be less players and games will be 24/7 and not just a one hour window for every Wii U owner.
It coped with the millions in the 2nd hour quite well, so it should be able to cope with launch day just as well, and they may get some more servers up for launch week.
I am happy to have helped test the servers. I played one match in the first hour, but plenty of other later on.
I finally tried the splat roller and I have to admit that it is fun, but overpowered in my opinion. Also, I am looking forward to new game types and maps Friday!
I actually missed this one completely. It wasn't perfect at the start so does that mean they were testing something new? Guess whatever it was didn't work out.
I missed this 'misfire' session but gotta say after playing a couple of other sessions i'm most excited about the one-player aspects of the game. That way i won't get pwned by everyone online
I was going to attend,but forgot as I started falling asleep - looks like I didn't miss much!
I tried to play at the end of the original hour it was scheduled and couldn't log in for about 10 minutes. Right when I was going to give up, I said I'll try one more time and it finally worked. I was able to play from then on with only one issue when I was kicked out at the start of a game. Other than that, when it finally worked, it worked pretty good. I'm still looking forward to the games release. I hope they learned from these tests so that we don't have problems like we did today at launch.
was fun, got into a session right off and we won and i spilled the most ink, haha. go paintroller! then the server crashed or whatever and i couldnt get back in for like 30 or 40 min but then it worked again. pretty fun, though i could generally give less of a toot about multiplayer anything so what we were allowed to play for the demo would have very little replay value for me. but it was fun so i guess im somewhat interested in the full release now.
Once it started working again, it was flawless. So I'm hopeful that it was just some fluke that took them off guard.
@Cathousemaster In fairness this was just a test for their servers and this last one was only given because they made some alterations to the servers and they wanted to test the stress levels which based on it they reduced how many servers they used compared to the last 3 test fires but that's just my thought on it even though i only got to play the very first test fire which was amazing and flawless. Also did you play it after that one hour of problems?
Erugh, dang you UK time zone.
I missed all 3 Testfires.
Well, at LEAST that gets me more hyped for the full version...
Couldn't get a game :/
i'm glad the overwhelming majority of opinion on this is supportive of this issue as a testing one... i was afraid it was all going to be doom and gloom.
Too bad, I went to bed 5 minutes before they extended their generous demo. Nothing was announced due to their great communication skills.
Thanks for having wasted my time, Nintendo, and good job cutting cost wherever you can! No more Splatoon for me, I guess.
@Dr_Corndog Ditto
Didn't realise about the extension and had headed off to bed
C'est la vie - can't deny I was disappointed as I was looking forward to playing, but I'm certainly not about to cancel my order over it...
Looking forward to splattering some of you Inkling's next weekend
In other words, they did something with the servers to most likely try and reduce the upkeep costs, and tested how it will do in the game itself. As it didn't work out they returned to the previous servers and that's it.
I thought oh well there having a few issues I'm going to bed instead and ill just play the the game when it's released properly. I mean why would you not still buy the game it will be fine
@A01 same 😊
@Shinnos Interesting, you got a great experience because of Nintendo UK's mistake. The testfire was midnight CET (Central European Time) so this mistake is a result of Nintendo UK and Nintendo of Europe's twitter messages always being identical.
My biggest issue is the poor communication once the extended hour was present, do you really think everyone is going to constantly try and search for a match with constant disconnect issues for a whole hour? I really hope sales aren't affected much by that first hour...
@PewnyPL it's just that people from last three sessions now joined one session. It was the final test to try out server code and performance and this told them to work a little more. I bet everything will play well on release.
Got one match in. Although I left as it was picking up (I'm UK) I am so glad the second hour proved a far improved experience. Disappointed by the issues in the hour I attended but overall its a far better picture for launch now and thats the main thing. Should hopefully appease the naysayers...
People are overreacting to this. It's pathetic. It was a small blip in what was mainly a successful test event. Something went wrong and they fixed it. Get over it.
Wow, I totally got my days mixed up. Missed this session
I didn't even try, the full game won't connect to the servers :/
@emiingham The full game's servers aren't available until launch and before you ask, the review copies aren't identical to the full game (not usable at all from launch onwards) so the only servers up are the review copy exclusive ones.
My question is; is the single player mode on its own worth the purchase price. Or is it the online play that will sell this game.......
I tried to connect about 30 times during the hour but could not. From thinking of buying Splatoon I am now thinking of not buying it.
I hope that they see this as a sing to upgrade their servers, because I think, that the Servers would be even worse off after launche ....
I think, that even more people than the mass that tried to play last night want to play it after launch, so their servers would be massivly overused and couldn't keep up as they are now.
I know that Nintendo is kinda slow when it comes to stuff like this, but they have 5 days left to ramp up their Servers-recourses and power and they really need to do this.
@Grumblevolcano I know the servers aren't up and the reviewers have their own server. I tried to go online yesterday.. I meant it wouldn't connect to the demo server.
@zool I'm starting to think not, I have one boss left, then I've finished 1 player and I only got the game yesterday.. Unless more unlocks after you beat the last boss? :/
I couldn't get through...
It was great that they managed to get the servers up and running again, but this actually has me a little worried. Is it going to be like this in the proper game? I certainly hope not, but I can't be certain...
Did anyone see the E3 sign in Walleye Warehouse, Splatoon updates confirmed for E3 as expected!
I just ended up giving up on waiting at 12am.
Nintendo, release a proper demo with or without limit(i don't care) because i(and some other people) need to try out the game before the game release or to try out the game when the game release
i hate the global testfire demo idea because you need to join in at a specific time to join in(which is okay but it is very pointless to download it and not playing it in a certain time) and it is very unfair for people who will not have the time to try it out or to avoid sleeping(UK or some other country)at least we can try out the game with the demo(which is now pointless except if Nintendo announced another round before the release[in which it is not going to be possible])
@DEAD If the global testfire demo idea didn't exist then what happened yesterday would've happened at launch instead and damaged the game much more.
@aaronsullivan Actually, no. I've come up with ways to make the tutorial a bit more fun than it already is!
and that's another reason I won't get this game.. maybe when it's on sale
I assume that because Nintendo advertised the session well in advance, more people cane to play.
I'm pretty annoyed because all I've played is the tutorial in 4 sessions
Still less problematic than Halo MCC - even today Halo MCC is buggy and frustrating.
@MarceloKamui This single hour had many millions of people trying to play, and they still got it working. On release, there will be less than a million. So the teething problems are all gone now, it should be smooth in release, when everybody can instead play 24/7 instead of just one hour.
Even though this might have sucked for the customers, it gave Nintendo an opportunity to obtain vital data, and enable them to better the service before launch. I hope.
Yawn, I wasn't planning on staying up to 1am. Still, it was great fun and worth it. Hopefully Nintendo can learn from this and make sure the servers are sufficent before launch.
Wow, that's incredible. Sure, all of you guys interpret this as a bad thing, but I was ecstatic to see that it was up after the initial hour was over. I thought I'd missed it, 'cause my lady was taking forever with our errands (and I was constantly bugging her to hurry up, lest we miss the demo).
When I was able to select a character and stuff, I just thought they'd extended it, or that I'm just stupid about time zones and such. Either way, I got to play, and I was super happy about that.
It went on for an extra hour! I did not know that.
I only got one match in and I didn't know about the extension. So yeah, that's awesome.
Well, now they know what they need to be ready for!
@aaronsullivan - " or customizing your character a go."
Or just hang out w/ the drug peddling street urchin. I hope that guy says words of wisdom like a Zen buddhist. Or the purple ranger RJ in Jungle Fury.
Squid Paintball anyone.
@Grumblevolcano i was not talking about the "global test-fire demo should not existed in the first place", i was talking about my honest opinion about the global testfire server/game play and i want to tell Nintendo to release a proper demo(special demo to be exact[just like monster hunter 4 ultimate special demo]iso you can play the game online at any time and try out some mission) .now don't get me wrong but i did like the game play and how the game is played in the demo but you know (cough,cough, time schedule cough,cough!)
you are right, it will damage the game reputation if the splatoon global test-fire demo didn't existed in the first place. i do wish that Nintendo should release a normal or special demo before or after the game release if people haven't try out the global testfire on 9/5/15 and 23/5/15(before the game release) or if someone who haven't got the game(when the game release) want to play more on splatoon
i would understand if Nintendo don't want to release a normal/special demo if they have certain problem with the development of the demo or something like that
splatoon global missfire*
@edgedino no I didn't get any games in.
My issue is less with the experience and more with the network code and uix design itself. Hopefully the demo is not representative of the game itself. But now I'm going to have to wait for reviews... This is the make or break for the game.
No feedback to players. No way to abort or choose servers. No idea how close a game is to starting. You can't even go back to the home menu. No idea if there are server issues or it's working as expected.
This is 2015 not 1995.
@Cathousemaster well it does represent the gameplay and because it was a stress test they might not have included all the online features that they normally would have but I do plan to wait till June 1st before I get the game but this was as I said a stress test type demo so they don't really have to tell us anything but this will probably be their infastructure but atleast now they know what they need to do besides the servers probably won't be as bad since r 9 million people had access to the demo to play and i don't think all those people will be getting splatoon and accounting or time zones with the game out people will just play when they can instead of every1 on at the same time.
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