Well, it's happened, and it's quite a landmark for the Wii U and 3DS eShop and a few key developers. The latest Humble Bundle - which groups games together and allows you to pay what you want to unlock some or all of what's on offer - is currently offering up the Humble Nindie Bundle in the Americas; unfortunately gamers in other regions can't join in. Nintendo of America and key developers seem to have been the driving force in making this happen.
As you can see in the image below you can pay any amount to receive Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition on Wii U, and also Woah Dave! and Mighty Switch Force! on 3DS. If you pay more than $10 you also receive Stealth Inc 2: A Game of Clones and both the Wii U and 3DS versions of SteamWorld Dig. If you pay over the average, meanwhile (just over $9 at the time of writing) you also get The Fall, OlliOlli for both Wii U and 3DS and also Moon Chronicles. More games will be announced in the future, too.

The key thing with Humble Bundle isn't only that you pay what you want, but you also choose how the payment is split up between the designated charity - in this case Code.org - Humble Bundle itself and the developers.
The bundle is already proving very successful, shifting over 5000 units after little over an hour and raising nearly $50,000 at the time of writing.
It's quite a surprise to see eShop games in a dedicated humble bundle, which mainly focuses on PC, Mac and smart device games. It's a particularly progressive move by Nintendo of America and its partners.
If you want to grab the bundle you have just under 14 days to pick it up from the official Humble Bundle website. Will you be grabbing these games and supporting a mix of charity, Humble Bundle and developers?
[source humblebundle.com]
Comments 188
They need to do something with first party games too.
I just picked this up. I'm not big into indies but for $10, I figured why not?
Oh, hey, there goes my wallet.
I fail to see the logic in it only being available to America.
Aw man. Awesome for NA.
Enjoy guys. Hopefully it'll be successful and future sales will come to other regions too.
I love Humble Bundle and was psyched to see this, until I noticed it was North and South America only with no love for europe, considering Humble does not normally have region locks on its offers this turns this from an absolutely awesome bundle, to a MASSIVE letdown for non american fans,
For just $10 I finally get Guacamelee, Stealth Inc, and Steamworld Dig. I don't care for the other games so much, but I'm sure I can trade the codes for a Don't Starve code ot something.
Awesome deal.
Seems almost perfect timing after $20 S&S2 last week.
@kamifox1 licensing.
They've cleared it in NA (probably with ninty North America) but not in other regions. Some games have different publishers in other regions who may not want to play ball ( not sure if this is the case here).
I can understand it. I don't like it, but I understand it.
Can you trade the codes? I already have some of them.....but there are a few in here I want.
@VortexTraveller Sadly, unlike Steam, Nintendo has a HUGE differences in sales+marketing between NoE and NoA, so it couldn't happen. BUT, the fact they made a humble bundle with 3DS/WiiU games is a good sign it will happen in the future, and this time highly possibly with Europe.
You get a download code when you purchase them so yeah, you can give people codes if you want. EDIT: You get a download code for each individual game, that is.
Anyone know how often more games are added to these bundles? It says more games coming soon so I'm kinda curious what the precedent is.
@nacho_chicken ummm...it's only $10.
I have all of them but Woah Dave which I am not interested in.
WHAT!!!?! I'm so sold. $10 for a bunch of games. I'm sold.
I wonder now when Sony and MS are going to follow suit with this because... well, Nintendo did it.
Great idea though.
I already have all of them xD
@QuixoticRocket Thank you, its great! I hope you guys get it too.
Wait, so you only need to pay at least $10 to get all these games? That's pretty neat if so
This is just awesome...
@rjejr: and a $60 incomplete Splatoon this week.
Loving the idea, hoping for something similar for Europe.
This is definitely a step in the right direction. Hope to see more Console developers doing this (including Nintendo).
But why only in the Americas? I'm tossing my money at the screen and nothing is happening!
You cannot gift these, I repeat, you cannot gift them. The only way to gift them is to check the gift box before you pay for it so it is basically all or nothing.
At least there is no button for me to.
Doesn't matter how much it was.
My wallet still jumped out of my back pocket - WITHOUT PERMISSION, I MAY ADD - and glued my credit card to the screen until I typed the information in.
This looks pretty nice, I may have to get a prepaid credit card because this is pretty hard to skip.
If you give someone the download code anyone should be able to redeem them. There's also an option to gift the codes to somebody else when you go buy them.
This is awesome. Really a landmark day for the eShops.
I'd get it, but I already own almost every single game on offer. I almost feel like contributing anyway, but I guess paying full price for those games at launch already makes me feel good enough about supporting the developers.
@nf_2 and now I feel dumb... I never thought of that... lol
I am used to just seeing that gift box beside the game.
My wallet! Nooooooo!
This will be my first Humble Bundle purchase, they only game I own for Nintendo is Mighty Switch Force.
My kids are BIG BIG BIG Time into code.org.
I'm definitely interested. I've been getting Humble Bundles almost since they started, but I rarely play the games I get because they're on PC.
There are some awesome games in this bundle. I have Guacamelee, Steamworld Dig, and Mighty Switch Force already, but I'd love to get some of the other games, and I can't wait until they add more in a week.
You all can redeem your codes and download directly to your consoles through this site: https://eshop.nintendo.net/redeem#/
Just sign in and add the code.
I'm having lunch at my job, and I'll be playing three new games already downloaded to my Wii U once I get home. So nice.
Hey, I want Nintendo to keep doing stuff like this and I get a couple games I've had my eye on, plus some stuff I wouldn't try otherwise, so that's worth $10, especially since it says I'll get some stuff next week too or whatever.
Cool, if this was in Europe I'd be getting it
This makes me wish I hadn't JUST bought Guacamelee recently, though Steam World Dig is totally worth the price if anyone hasn't played that on 3DS (or WiiU)
Well this sucks, got my hopes up for nothing! Lucky I didn't actually buy yet!
@DarthNocturnal I just said the same thing to my friend about Shovel Knight 3DS, haha. This is a bunch of games I've had mild interest in playing but no real interest in buying, suddenly available pretty darn cheap, but the one similar game that would seal the deal still isn't there...
@Ryno - It's not incomplete, it's "Splatoon: Summer Subscription Service"
Region lock is a flawless business practice that is absolutely not outdated and archaic at all.
@kamifox1 yeah what the hell
I hope they have a Europe only Nindie Bundle at some point...
I already own most of these games and paid a much higher price, so do I get some sort of reward as well?
Aww not for Europe Does this mean that you guys in NA can stop saying that Europe gets better stuff now
You give an email. I'm not sure what you have to provide if you pay through Paypal or Swype, but I paid through Amazon and they didn't even ask for my name.
@rjejr: You must be in PR or marketing?
Actually for olli olli and steamworlddig, you can download in both 3ds and wii u system :3
Got it for the few games in there I don't have. Either way, it's quite a deal.
Will wait to see what more games are added.
@ikki5 Why!?
@DiscoGentleman - that was me but I bought it anyway. The codes I don't use will be going to my nephews. Free games for them and a few random things for me to test out
@Thecoolmana777 the american should stop saying "Europe gets better stuff then in america."
It's absolutely brilliant! I wonder how involved Nintendo was in this bundle (if at all). Hope it becomes a trend, everybody wins!
I'm really tempted by this even though I have too little time to play all the games I already have.
$10 well spent.
did europe get moon chronicle already on the 3ds and if it did, how much does the game cost? (just checking)
If I lived in NA I'd be picking this up for guacamelee and the fall.just picked up steamworld dig last week but i defo recommend stealth inc 2 i found it fun ,challenging and replayable.
Really weird that this is region locked as I've never seen that with Humble Bundle before, but I already have the games I want anyway, so not too frustrating this time.
Spent the $10 - might as well when the average is $9.20... Thanks Nintendo Life!
Wow, I have pretty much every game in this bundle but I'm still very tempted to get this anyway so I can give the repeat buys to my brother for his 3DS.
Do you get codes through an email or somethkng for all the games and you're free to give the codes to anyone?
It says 9.21 average for all 8 of them. I figured it out and that's close to $90. Is The Fall, Olli Olli and Moon Chronicles that good?
does anyone know if using the wiiu olli olli code lets you download the game on 3ds (without having to redeem the 3ds code). i thought this game had cross platform buy, which is why I'm wondering if i can give the 3ds code away.
@ikki5 haha I thought not Only in my dreams...
Awesome news! Bummer that other regions can't get in on it but it's only a matter of time I'm sure.
Already have several of these games, but I spent 10 bucks anyways for the few ones I didn't! And boy is this bundle easily worth that price even for just a few of these games. I feel regretful as I often do for buying the games I did already have earlier, but alas, it happens and I can't know when sales come (and I support the indie developers anyways!). I certainly didn't expect it to happen for eshop games though! Oh well, I'll send all my extra codes to friends, I have plenty that will enjoy them
Where is RUNBOW?! Common 13AM I'm dying here.
being able to gift codes makes this totally awesome since i already have a few of these.
This is such a fantastic surprise! I never in a million years thought that Nintendo would get into a Humble Bundle.
Even though I have a few of the games, definitely getting it for the others and to support the idea. Hopefully we see Nindie Bundle 2 someday!
Like some others, I already have some of the games involved but I still dropped the ten bucks. Will pass on the duplicates to others because who doesn't like a nice free game.
This is fantastic. Though I own many of these games on Steam, it's great to have them on Nintendo systems.
I hope that this is a sign of things to come in terms of restructured pricing for Nintendo games. I hope that this won't just be limited to indies...
I picked it up almost immediately. Really awesome to see this. I hope other regions will be able to join in soon.
Apparently Nintendo tried to make the bundle global:
Boom, bought for $10 and now I can die quite happy! I already had most of the 3DS titles, but none of the Wii U ones!
A great deal! Glad this finally came along!
I usually love the Humble Bundle. However, I have two of the games already and have no desire to play the other games. So I'll pass. Thanks, HB, but no thanks.
Just checked the stats. It has currently made over $126,000. Does anyone know how much these typically make by the end of their sale?
I'm afraid of buying these and adding them to my backlog and playing them months after I download them.
Awesome deal for those who don't own any of these games yet. As others have said, Guacamelee alone is worth at least $10, so the rest is just sweet, sweet icing.
But man, it sure does suck for those who have them already. XD
I have a couple of these, and I'm still getting it. My duplicates can go to my kids' 3DS systems, and at least one person in my family will probably play the WiiU games, so great deal for me, and it will only get sweeter next Tuesday. Thanks, Humble Bundle!
Neat Idea but I own 80% of the games. I hope they might do this in the future and bundle other software as well. But its a brilliant idea to save consumers a few bucks. **hats off**
What about Europe?
When queried, Nintendo's Dan Baker had this to say on Twitter...
"Yep, it's only a Nintendo America deal. Tried for months to make it global but we'll get there eventually!"
Is this available in Canada?
I actually have all of these games, but I'll pick up the bundle to support developers I like and then gift the codes to friends/randos on the internet.
Totally awesome to see. I got the usual Humble Bundle email....clicked to see the games and saw they were all for Nintendo eshop. I had some of the titles already, but went ahead and purchased it. After all the titles are unlocked it'll average out to less than $1 a game which is just crazy and that doesn't even include the fact that a few titles give both the 3ds/U versions.
I've been a big fan of humble bundle for getting cheap steam codes, so its great to see Nintendo work a deal like this with them. Hopefully more deals like this come in the future as well! For those with even a moderate interest in any of these titles...jump on board! You get a lot of bang for your buck and some of these titles are very good. Plus....so....cheap!
Very, VERY angry this is America only. I really hope they release a subsequent Bundle for Europe. I already have some of the games but would have been happy to contribute a bit extra for the initiative. Call me selfish, but after I've read it's region-locked I don't feel so supportive
are you telling me I could've bought guacamelee for a dollar? smh. I got it on sale though so I guess I'm just a little salty.
My jaw is still on the floor...paid the $10 and since I haven't picked up any of these games yet I got a really good deal. You actually did something consumer friendly NoA! GOOD JOB!
@Tops - "Why not single out any of the other $15-$20 eShop games?"
B/c S&S2 is the only one of the $20 games I want to buy and would have purchased for $15 but they decided to roll the dice on $20.
And I'm ok w/ the $15 price point now, it's pretty much become the norm, it's only the "new norm" $20 price I have an issue w/. For $20 it should at least have online vs. When they ported the first game to PS3 5 years ago it was in HD, had online vs, steroscopic 3D (TV and glasses required of course), Move support or normal controller support, and only cost $10.
This game seems barely equal w/ no online and no Wii pointer support, yet they doubled the price. That's why I picked on this one.
OK, haven't actually commented on this despite my many comments on this thread.
This is a really impressive and bold move by Nintnedo. Neither Sony nor Microsoft have gone this route. I've been complaining a bit of late about the DDP and Club Nintedo closures while we wait for their DeNA replacement, but this is certainly a nice intermediate step.
See @Captain_Gonru Nintendo can do nice online things. It's not impossible, just extremely really rare like getting hit by lightning, but it happens.
@Lizuka do u have a spare code
I own a couple of these games, but I'll still buy it... And I just bought 2 bundles the other day.
@majincubyan can i h ave an olioli code please [email protected] one code gets me 1 game on ds and wii u
I highly doubt that this has be something to do with region-locked issue because after all Xbox Live and Playstation Network also has each own region kind shop for that, so my 5 bucks sez that this is something to do with one of Europe legal system that Nintendo always takes seriously...
@Ryno 10 is too much to pay for junk games
@The_Dude_Abides I second the montion Europe is a dumb country dont need games
@WaluigiTime, enjoy it.
@MajinCubyan You must be rich to waste good money on garbage games
Awesome move Nintendo! Too bad it's region-specific for those that are in Europe, but alas.
Apparently Damon Baker contributed $500!
@joemama93, hahah, nah I ain't rich, just saw it. Most went to charity. If it makes ya feel better, I also bought Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate today. Good money to a great game.
EDIT: Sounds like ya need to have a talk with Damon.
I bought mine. It stinks that my router decided to die in the middle of trying to redeem, but lift is not without difficulties.
Too bad I bought all the good games in that list already...and most were at full price...
Love Humble Bundle, and Code.org is a great organization. I will be paying more than the average price, just to support such an awesome project!
I think I now own Guacamelee on every platform.
Well, anyone else having trouble getting the eShop currently? Getting a 111-1006 error and the download is stopping and starting for the one game I managed to redeem.
Love the Humble Bundle i always get a bundle for PC or Mobile if it looks good just a shame its not for Europe at the moment hope that changes though, i have to say this is a very BIG feather in the cap for the Nintendo ecosystem it really is.
Jumped all over this. Great deal.
Just paid $1
I only have MSF, so I could definitely get these games if it's for $10!
"The Humble Nindie Bundle is region-locked and can only be redeemed on North, Central, and South American Wii U and 3DS consoles (with the exception of Brazil). See full list of countries here."
Sad time to be Australian
This is awesome! I'll be getting the games that I don't already have: Woah! Dave, Stealth Inc. 2 The Fall and OlliOlli. The latter of which has cross-buy so that's a bonus.
This is fantastic. I already own over half those games but I'm going to give them $10 anyways. I was just reading an article about these developers not making enough money to break even on the eShop. I really enjoy getting these kinds of games and want to see them continue to come to Wii U and 3DS. I will be directing 100% of the funds to the developers.
Oh for crying out loud rjejr just buy the game already lol...
You've been talking about Swords & Soldiers as long as I can remember. That tells me it's one of those rare few that you really did love. I know it may be a blow to your wallet's pride, but come on, if you love a game that much just buy it.
I would honestly gift you the game if they allowed that sort of thing. I really would.
Great to see but they need this for PAL as well..
I actually want all games on this list... shame I'm in UK
Nice to see RCMADIAX contribute $100. That was generous of him.
I gave $10, 100% to the devs. Even for Ollie Olli alone that's worth it. I would have given more but I owned pretty much every game on the list, bought at full price too.
I already have the two games that interest me the most, Guacamelee and Steamworld Dig. However, I'm going to chip in some $ to support the developers and promote more bundles in the future.
Please, no begging.-Morpheel
@ikki5 Hehe.
On a completely unrelated note, @Morpheel is a moderator, now?
I live in NA
its byotiful
Just dropped $20 and put a bit more than $15 toward the devs.
Never paid attention to Humble Bundle before.
I hope to see more of this. I would shell out some money but I already have three of the games available.
This is so cool! A shame it's not for us Australians but progress is progress!
I can definitely get behind this...I can't wait to see the bonus games! Just pledged my support and gave most to the developers. What's awesome is you can choose how much to give to code.org and the Humble Tip as well as the developers of the games.
had all but Stealth Inc 2, The Fall, and Steam World Dig Wii U (have 3ds version tho) $10 bucks for 3 games still a good deal, like the cause too. I can't wait too see the other game/s next Tues
If this wasn't for charity, this would be the most idiotic way of devaluing games next to premium subscriptions and Steam...
Already own all the WiiU games, but for $10 its a steal, and I can share some of these great indie games with friends.
For those of you complaining - this is a collaberation between NoA and Humble Bundle. NoA.
That's why it's not in Europe.
Just about clicked buy... then I noticed that it was indeed too good to be true... for US only
I love New Zealand.. but sometimes it sucks games wise
@QuixoticRocket @kamifox1 Not to mention some of the games are not out yet in some regions.
Shakes fist at the Moon
It kinda sucks, but yeah, it's understandable, and hopefully, depending on the success of this one, maybe they'll have more regions available next time.
A single dollar for Guacamelee on Wii U and Might Switch Force? Count me in!
It is indeed a pity that they couldn't get the bundle to be region free. Hopefully they can fix that (or take away region lock) in the future...
That said I'll buy this bundle, even if I already have most of the games on it. It's a milestone for the humble bundle as this is the first time they're doing one for consoles, and for the eshop too? Class.
@JaxonH Or he wanted his name on the page. He did put his URL after all.
Then if you download Ollie Ollie in Wii U can you download it in 3DS for free too?
@JaxonH - "Oh for crying out loud rjejr just buy the game already lol..."
That was actually funnier when I thought it was about DKCTF, which I'm pretty sure I commented on recently.
My wife however, who is always reading over my shoulder, knew exactly what game you were talking about and was very amused. (Edit - she says she doesn't always read over my shoulder, just sometimes, like now)
Oh, and if there was gifting @sinalefa was going to buy it for me last week as an early birthday present. Man I think I'm sticking to my morals but all I end up is looking pathetic Have I mentioned I'm buying Splatoon on Friday for $60? Can you cut me some slack now, please.
If you pay that amount once, you get all of the games for just those nine bucks. Did you understand that?
@QuixoticRocket I'm sitting here crying in the UK
Why you no like UK??
@Ryno - Sociology actually. But we do a lot of PR and marketing of ourselves as real scientists.
Thanks for the info, this is my first humble bundle purchase (though I've heard of them before). I paid the 10 to get the extra couple games. I shared the codes for the games I already have with friends and family, and also recommended they check it out. This is a fantastic deal for Wii U and 3DS owners, even at that 10 dollar price point. I believe Guacamelee alone cost that much originally, and is worth it.
These are the times when I really get reminded how much I hate region locking.
I really hope they do a Europe bundle next or it will be all for nothing.
Also makes me pissed to see Moon Chronicles and Woah Dave! in that list since Europe has got neither of those even though Jools Watsham promised to release Moon Chronicles immediately after all episodes are done and released in Americas.
They apparently tried to get it global for months, but were not successful.
I would spend the $10 to only get the games that are available in my region.
@Priceless_Spork Read their privacy policy, fin out what country the business is headquartered in and look up the privacy laws of that nation. If it's an Australian organisation and they have a good privacy policy, then they can't seel your details without your express permission. I don't know aout other countries though.
I see some hating the game selection. Some hating the region lock...
Well, it is nintendo's fault we still have region lock, but it's not like they could correct the whole problem in mid of gen without a GIANT change in their business model and the hierarchy between the regions (they are most likely equals I believe).
The big thing here is not about THESE games... It is about the f****** concept, one day we have Nintendo with the worst promotions and in the next we have them participating in this promotion system that most of time surpasses steam while doing charity. I sure hope they do a workaround to make the next one "regionfree" (or sorta), or at least separate releases of the bundle for each region. Being however it is, the most important thing will be if this is going to be a isolated case or if this is going to be returning in the future. This might even be one sign of DeNA's influence.
@Pokefanmum82 It means the average price people pay is 9.21 and if you pay more than that, you get the extra games. And if you pay 10 or more, you get the whole lot. But only for NA
I'm temped to drop $1and see if I can use those codes here. If not, no biggie I'd give them away to NA people.
This needs to happen more often for platforms other than PC. Nice to see something unique and unexpected like this finally happen.
Very cool. I found some of my favorite PC games from humble bundles - games I never knew I wanted. I hope this is successful enough to warrant future Nindie sales in the future for Humble.
Have 2 of these already, and got 2 others through PS+, but $11 donation is more than worth it!
I have bourght this pack, but any of the code was working. Only after that I realised, that it's only for a north america.
Why have NA so many actions and Europe is always behind?!
Considering that I already have Guacamelee, the only one of these I'm interested in is Mighty Switch Force. That said, this is a really cool promotion.
Region locked! Thanks Nintendo, always working so even a good thing leaves a bad taste! Because region lock is a great thing.
...I JUST bought most of these games last week :/
I wish the eShop could have something like a "On sale next week" section or something similar.It would make purchase decisions easier for me
Well, I'm an idiot! Bought this before realizing it's only usable in America ;-;
@DrScottnik you could give them away
So you are buying Splatoon after all? Right on! Alright alright, fair enough. Too bad team battles won't be ready at launch. Guess that'll give us time to practice, right?
Once Tower mode gets patched in, me and Sina will serve as your goon squad, escorting Captain rjejr to the endzone with militarily-like precision. You just blanket bomb the playing field with everything you've got!
Seriously? WHy is that AWESOME idea region locked? This is BULL... Those are CODES, dammit, how could they be, WHY could be locked?
This would be great! Shame they can't do the same for Europe.
I hate region locking so....awfully....much!!
But why did Humble Bundle do this? Why not set up an equal EU deal? They limit themselves to serving only half of the Western markets, their biggest customers. They also leave a lot of people disappointed.
I need Tetris Puyo Puyo right now. Please stop the region lock.
If the Mighty Switch Force games for Wii U were included, I'd be on this!
@DrScottnik You can ask for refund. I hope, they will send the amount back to me too.
I've already got "Moon Chronicles," and the only other game on the list I want is GSTCE, so I'll go ahead and pick it up (and a couple bonus extras) for a dollar.
grumbles about SD card storage capacity
Already have most of them, so no need for that, but thanks =)
Is this the work of Mr. Bowser? Bravo to him if that's the case!
Uuh, so jelly right now
This is an awesome good deal, too bad a lot of buttholes will probably just pay 1 dollar and try to sell all their download codes on ebay.. :/
Best deal ever! Can't wait for next week what games they will add!
"On sale next week" Good joke. Nobody will buy this games before sale.
This will cause them only losses.
And all this promotions/sales aren't promotions/sales at all.
Why games like Fire Emblem Awakening, Super Mario 3d Land, Kid Icarus: Uparsing, Mario Kart 7 still got same price in eshop? They have taken from them enough profit.
Only Monster Hunter 3 got sale in September 2013 (from friday to end of sunday). Cut by 50%. Good deal but no online mode, and game is about same as wii u version. And Kid icarus uprasing got too in 2014 (September? August?)(By 33%?)
Humble Bundle, finally. Good decision Nintendo (even if only in NA) but why so few good decisions? This is your first good decision.
I told you I can still send you a code for an eShop card. Then have your wife buying it so you wont dirty your hands.
Thankfully she will let you have Splatoon. So see you in the splattlefield along with Jax.
Nintendo should learn a little bit from this pricing. Just a little bit.
Whelp. I know what I'm doing as soon as I get paid Friday. I've got Guacamelee on Xbox One, but if I can get it on Wii U, screw playing that version.
Nice promotion Hope we get something similar in Europe too at some point.
@sinalefa - "Thankfully she will let you have Splatoon"
um, actually, she hasn't said yes to that yet, I'm still working on it. She'd rather I spend the money on S&S2 and be done w/ it, b/c $20 is still a lot cheaper than $60.
Here's my logic - S&S2 is offline only. It doesn't matter if I buy it today for $20 or 5 years from now for $1, its still going to be exactly the same game. Actually that's not true, if I wait a few months they may add in Wiimote pointing, which is how I really want to play it, b/c I don't think they will be adding in Move support.
Splatoon is an online shooter. The longer I wait to get that the further I will be behind everyone else. Wait too long and there may not be anyone else playing anymore. For me Splatoon is Day 1 or forget it. (Though I appreciate the people who are waiting to see how it goes for 3 reasons - do the servers work, are there enough peopel playin git to get a quick 4v4, and will Ntineod actually get out all the pieces they said are due this summer. We still don't have a Miiverse level in SSBU, that's 6 months late.)
hmm, think I just figured out how to talk my wife into Splatoon, thanks Sin .
@JaxonH - I almost cc'd you on my reply to Sin above. Guess I should have.
Cool, I guess, except I already own all of them.
So as a person that has never bought a Humble bundle I have a question: They mention more games coming soon, does that mean that if you wait longer you get more games or do some games drop out of the bundle and are replaced by other games? Also if you buy now and they add more games to the bundle do you get those as well?
Cool idea. I've already got half of the games though, which sorta spoils the appeal.
My pleasure, I hope it works
And since your grudge is for $10 extra, then I can give you a $10 eShop card, no remorse.
@sinalefa - Thanks, but I'm good. I may let my kids each buy me a $10 eShop card for my birthday so I can get this. And by "let" I mean when my wife takes my kids to Target - we have a family Target addiction - I'll recommend to her that's what they get me. It's on my calendar
Reviews up.
Edit - Oops. sorry about that bad link.
I already have the majority of these games.
I only own Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition at the moment so this was an easy buy for me. Even though I don't know when I'll play them, I've always had my eye on Steamworld Dig.
@Folkloner That would be really great.
BUT, why is everyone assuming it doesn't work in Europe? Has anyone tried?
I mean, I can easily log into the US eshop from Europe (with a separate account, after you change the Wii U's location in the system menu), buy games and download them and then play them on my European account.
So my guess is, it works everywhere, but they didn't officially announce that.
I'd try it myself but I already got the games from the bundle that interest me.
@Ryu_Niiyama if you pay the average or more right now, then you'll get that extra game when it's revealed later.
Just guessing Tuesday's update...
-Little Inferno (Wii U)
-1001 Spikes (Wii U & 3DS)
-Moon Chronicles DLC (3DS)
EDIT: And I just got my paychecks a day early!
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