The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past features one of the most vibrant game worlds ever created for any video game, and now you can gaze longingly at it using your humble HTML5 web browser.
The peeps at Jadsdsengine have created a living, breathing replication of the game's overworld which can be viewed via your computer, tablet or mobile phone. It even comes with all the right animations and there are enemies and non-player characters in place, too.
You can view the map here - let us know if it sparks any fond memories for you.
[source kotaku.com]
Comments 16
AMAZING, truly beautiful!
Is this a joke?
Is it down yet?
I can no longer look at that w/o thinking Game of Thrones.
Cool, but I don't think they should call it a "live" map, as most people are going to translate that in their head to "interactive". They should call it "animated" instead, as in "animated gif" or cartoon tv show. I kept clicking on things hoping a little box would pop up telling me what they were. I never played the game so I don't know. "Live" reads too much like "clickable".
Good start though.
Shut her down, boys.
Nintendo should co-op this and put it on Zelda.com
This isn't weirdness... this is awesomeness! The best Zelda game
We've obviously managed to exceed the page's bandwidth or something, it's no longer working for me and I just get amessage from the web host instead.
I am a little bit disappointed that NintendoLife has not even researched anything on this matter and only posted it as quick as possible. By just searching Google your able to find out that this is old news. Everyone is already able to browse the map since January 2015. On 13 March 2015 the light world was fully completed, as posted by the creator on Zelda Dungeon.
It still is a awesome map by the way.
My phone is too stupid to be able to show this, so I'll definitely check it out when I get home
It is taking forever to load in on my Computer!
Completely useless. Completely awesome.
It says at the top, "We are having problems due to high internet traffic."
Please re-file under "Coolness" vs "Weirdness"! Looking at this map feels like looking at a map of my hometown. So many sleepovers with friends as a kid playing together to get through these dungeons as a kid!
I appreciate the fact that it must've taken an incredible amount of time to create this. Instead of Google Earth, it's Google Hyrule!
VGMaps did this years ago, albeit not animated.
You know, this is exactly the reason why Ganondorf hates the internet...
...it has too many links ^_____^
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