Yesterday was April Fool's Day, and that meant plenty of joke news pieces which caused a few chuckles but were otherwise ignored as false.
However, one story slipped through even the Nintendo Life "Fool Filter", and that was the revelation that The Binding of Issac: Rebirth is coming to the Wii U and New 3DS. Yesterday, a post went up on developer Edmund McMillen's site which stated that the game was coming to Nintendo formats, but the tone of the post was so intentionally amusing that it was assumed to be a joke by many news outlets - this one included.
In the post, McMillen details the various ways in which he will make the game Nintendo-friendly - including referring to God as "Dog", covering up Issac's junk with a fig leaf and swapping out Christianity for "a more publicly ridiculed religion", namely Scientology.
However, today it has been confirmed by McMillen that the game is in fact coming to the Wii U and New 3DS:
Furthermore, it would appear that none of the content has been censored, despite McMillen's post. Nintendo has traditionally taken a dim view on games which feature real-world religion, and has blocked the release of the game in the past. Despite this, Nicalis' Tyrone Rodriguez - who is working on porting the game to Nintendo systems - has tweeted:
We have Dan Adelman to thank for this amazing turn of events - it would seem he pushed the project through just before he left Nintendo:
So there you have it. It started as an elaborate joke, and turned out to be true. Believe!
Are you excited about finally getting to play this cult classic on your Nintendo console after all these years? Let us know with a comment.
[source digitalspy.co.uk]
Comments 138
I already have it on PC, but I'll get it on Wii U so I can curl up warm and comfy while Isaac suffers.
If this is real, it's great news. I also have it on PC. Will get the 3DS version.
@Aeruon Well spotted
We're getting confirmation that it's New 3DS only.
Oh great, this game. It's good that Nintendo stopped being pansies, but that doesn't change how gross the game is. I don't care about the RNG-enslaved gameplay, I don't care about the possible backstory - this games is just disgusting for the hell of it, no context, no point, no interesting design choices. It's one of these games that is simply idiotic in the visual direction, and not even the best gameplay in the world could make this title less childish.
@Kaze_Memaryu Childish is dedicating significant portions of your day to complaining about stuff you have no interested in and doesn't affect you in any way.
I'm not sure which version to get yet. I'll wait for reviews.
Geez that back and forth about when it was coming over was driving me nuts.... At least it's over. Wonder why its N3ds only and not the old model?
That game has no artistic right to exist.
YES! FIANNLY! Always wanted to give it a try!
I'll be buying it for both Wii U and N3DS just to show my support for the game.
@CaviarMeths You mean like complaining about complaints? Not really a strong point you have there.
Well already got it on PS Vita, so will probably skip the 3DS version which will [most likely] have lower FPS (hell even the Vita-version has some framedrops). I am however going to buy the Wii U version if it runs on the gamepad. It really is an utterly fantastic game btw.
This and Don't Starve have been two indies I've been jealous of PS gamers for. Glad they're both coming our way.
Awesome, I be getting it on both Wii U and New 3DS.
Can't wait. I love this game on PC, so being able to play it on 3DS is perfect.
Will get on Wii U.
@MrMario02 why on earth would you say that?
Yes! Finally. It's going to be awesome. Definitely picking it up. Oh...wait...
"For New 3DS"
@Kaze_Memaryu Are movies bad when they have nudity too? haha. Let people enjoy what they enjoy. It's a little gory, but that is half the fun. Glad to see Nintendo letting something like this onto their systems. Have it on Steam, but will scoop it up on Wii U for certain.
Cool, I still don't know if I'll get it for WiiU or New 3DS but I'm sure I'll buy it.
@MrMario02 what your saying makes no sense
@Kaze_Memaryu I'm glad nintendo is allowing it as well, it will good to have more mature themed titles on the system. I have no interest in this title either, it seems to want to be provocative just for the sake of it. No thanks.
I've heard plenty of good things about this game, so I'll be sure to put this on my wishlist.
I fail to realise the appeal of this game. Got it for free on my PS4 and played for half an hour. I still don't know what's so great about it.
@Kaze_Memaryu So you're complaining about Nintendo being a little afraid of releasing a gory game and you're going to call it gross because it is gory? Wat
I may pick this up on the Wii U. I do already own it on Steam, but my preference for handhelds/consoles over my terrible laptop might mean I actually play it for in excess of an hour this time.
Definitely gonna give this a try.
I'm pretty neutral about this game at this point since I know nothing about it expect for the controversy.
I played it a bit on PC a while back. The art style reminded me of those flash games I used to play on Newgrounds years ago (there was this beat-em up I really liked starring a purple kid with a mask going around beating up other kids, I think it was called Dad & Me?)
Edit: Oh and Castle Crashers on Xbox Live Arcade, which was awesome. I'd like to see that game on Wii U.
I will grab this for wii u.
It's cool that nintendo is letting this into their systems. I'm on the fence about getting this though.
Gross. This was one game I was hoping would never come to Nintendo's systems. It's disgusting and insulting, just for the sake of being disgusting and insulting. Needless to say, I won't be getting it.
Nope. Not paying $14 plus w/e Nintendo is asking for for this game. I own it on pc already anyways and it sucks. What Nintendo should do to make more money is a Five Nights at Freddy's 1,2,3 dl combo pack for $20 and I'll be forever content with my console until NX.
By all means: Define art.
It's great news that Nintendo finally put on their big boy pants and accepted this one. It's a charming little game that never lets up on the shocks and is rife with content. I'm terrible at it, but I just haven't played it enough. I have it on the PS4.
For you guys complaining about the content, seriously, get over it. If it's not your cup of gore-drenched suicide, then don't download it. But don't act like you've got some kind of superiority complex over, particularly if you know nothing about it. It's meant to build on gross-out gag and tongue-in-cheek humor, and at the same time, paints an interesting commentary-backed story.
Basically, if you like the way South Park couches brilliant and biting criticism in parody, sarcasm, and gross-out gags, you'll love this.
It's not for everyone, but seriously settle down. Zelda is not everyone's cup of tea, either. Nintendo needs the variety on it's platforms.
What's insulting?
Well, seems like im amongs the few people who really really enjoys this game.
Well, i understood Nintendos decision not to feature it because, as @Kaze_Memaryu put it so beatiful, its disgusting for the sake of being disgusting.
It features religious themes, lots and lots of pee and poo, blood, guts, child death, deformations, deseases and disabilities for...whatever reason.
It basically set off any alarm old Nintendo policies set into place.
But now, that they slowly but surely open up to more varied ideas and concept, its a good addition to the overall lineup. But i do understand why people cant stand it.
I, though, am a sucker for roguelikes and Isaacs completely random gameplay is a great timewaster when played in bursts.
Great game, don't listen to the haters. Awesome music, super challenging and rewarding gameplay. It's like Zelda meets the top-down levels in Blaster Master. Already put 30 hours into it on the pc and will be getting it for the 3ds without hesitation.
The religious aspect.
This game misfires on all cylinders.
But it sets the all important precedent of zero censorship soo yey? golf clap
Seems like a bit of a crappy game really, not sure it can compete with the awesome indies already on the eshop, but will see.
Yeah! Finally!
Wanted it on my old 3DS since I can't afford the New one though...
@Swiket Even the Vita version has trouble? Yeesh!
I believe this is second kind of game that we meet a dark humor & bloody gross violence with poop game on Nintendo systems.
What's first, you may ask?
I'll give you a hint: Rare
I'm in on a Wii U version or two, but now I'm going to be a little bummed at the lack of a censored mode. It'd make for the perfect secret unlock.
@Gobelee Wait, are you comparing gore to nudity? I already said before that it's not the gore itself, but how pointless it is. Never in the game is there even a remote mention of why this stuff is there, it's just... there.
@Chaoz Do I? It's the principle that counts: Nintendo allows a game that very clearly has a strong following to be released on their platforms. The fact that it's The Binding of Isaac is a personal gripe, that's all. Both statements still hold true, just like some people hate paparazzi, but still defend the freedom of press in general.
@Einherjar That's the thing that really irritates me, though: the gameplay is actually quite fun, even though I absoutely despise it when my chances of survival itself depend on the RNG-Goddess. Every run is different, every situation has differing difficulty - the replayability for this title is based on a very simple, yet thrilling core mechanic, and it actually works.
Yay, I'm very glad that this is coming to Nintendo consoles. This game doesn't appeal to me, but I really despise corporations deciding what content should be restricted. It's great that Nintendo are now starting to be a bit more relaxed about what games they block.
Did they change the name of the game? It was known as Binding of ISAAC: Rebirth, not Issac. The imbedded tweets seem to think it is still Isaac, but I guess Nintendo Life has other information. ; )
Nice this is one game I have been waiting for! Looks like I will be playing it on Wii U!
Looks interesting! I'll check it out!
@faint @AhabSpampurse There is no room in the gaming space for the demonizing of organized religion.
only for the new 3DS?
damn i really wanted to get this
Such a great game. And perfect on the small screen. I often play it on short bursts while listening to some podcasts....and of course I'd much rather play it on the 3DS than the Vita which I'm doing right now
@MrMario02 Huh, interesting. I thought the gaming space was for free expression of ideas and opinions.
Wow, this game has really divided everyone. I know of this game, not sure if I would play it, but I'm an open minded person, yet I don't play just any ol' game. I'll look forward to a review and will do some research. I will say though for the record that everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I think both sides have made valid points. In my opinion, Nintendo is due us (i.e. the gamers) the biggest diversity of gaming library possible so that we may "select" which titles we want to play and have as big of a range to select from. Violence/gross-outs/sex are in ALL forms of media, and if you aren't in to these types of themes, please, do NOT buy them, but don't condemn the right for others who are interested in these themes from engaging in them. That way, we ALL win. Food for thought, people.
I don't see how more variety can possibly hurt the wii u. I'll admit I don't know much about the religious element of the game but it's not something that would bother me,I'm only religious when it winds up the away fans at football.
That was an April Fool's Day joke. The game isn't actually being censored in any way.
Interesting: an indie title that gets the New model exclusivity treatment — I'd expect that from a major release (like the upcoming Xenoblade 3Dmake). In any event... YEEESS!!! This will be a day one purchase for my N3DS! Thank you, Mr. Adelman for pushing against Nintendo's crusty, draconian ways. I can just imagine the internal politics he had to put up with in general but especially trying to push this game thru... I never really understood why they were so against this game based on other mature titles on their platforms. And there are Nintendo games with religious overtones in them as well (of course not like this game apparently but that's comparing tomAtoes to tomAHtoes).
@Barbiegurl777 You do realize Nintendo made the game Devil World right?
told you guys
Awesome! I can't wait to finally be able to play this game!
Depending on the price point, will get this for N3DS.
Fans should check out the Game Theory on it:
@Kaze_Memaryu I'm a christian and I'm not even offended by this. There is no reason to not be offended by this because it a made up, nonserious, game.
I already got this game for free on the PS4. It's a good game and definitely worth playing. However do keep in mind this game is not for everyone....it's pretty creepy. Not silent Hill or fatal frame creepy....it's those kind of creepy that makes you go ewwwww....wat....
The Old Testament is the foundation for the New Testament. Christians believe both. Besides, he said "organized religion", not specifically Christianity.
For one thing, religion is literally sacred to its believers. Besides that, there's a difference between criticism and insult. Criticism resulted in the Protestant Reformation. This game twists Isaac's story, and drops it into a world even fans call disgusting.
I bet this will be on the news. It'll be like the Manhunt 2 incident.
@dereq What? I wouldn't buy it if it discriminated ANY of the groups you mention. The point stands.
@TrueWiiMaster Then ignore it. The game won't affect you if you do so. I find religion fascinating, and this was one of my games of the year for 2014, it's just a matter of playing it, understanding it, and reading articles on the internet about it.
In case of rapture, this Wii U will remain where it is.
I won't be getting it for sure if it is only the New 3DS.
Exciting! I've always wanted to get into the game but the keyboard controls on PC never felt fluid enough for that type of game for me. I'm looking forward to playing it on WiiU!
Damn, some of the people here need to calm down. If you don't like the game, don't buy it then, you don't need complain about the game's existence to everyone. As for me, I'll be getting the Wii U version the moment it comes out and once I get a New 3DS, the 3DS version as well! It's such a fun game.
OK but when will they be released?
"A more publicly ridiculed religion". Lololololol.
@Barbiegurl777 Not trying to offend you or anything buddy. But there are a lot of different types of people playing games and some of them might enjoy this game. I certainly did on the PS4. A person's junk maybe another person's gem. I know this game may not be for you but to call this game a shovelware is false.
@Kaze_Memaryu Except, you know, the game has a legitimate message that the creator has confirmed on several occasions. Its not just sick for reaction. The game's message relies heavily on the aesthetic.
I know it wont change your opinion on the game, but don't assume things without being fully aware of them, haha.
No thanks.
@Barbiegurl777 The nes. It was released in Japan and Europe but skipped the US due to religious sensitivities.
@faint In regards to Devil World, Nintendo of America's policy throughout that day was that no religious symbols of identifiably practiced religion could be featured in games released on its consoles, especially when Nintendo themselves published those games. Devil World wasn't released in the US because it was violent, gory, or insulting to religion (it's none of those); the game was not released simply due to the fact that it contained popularly identifiable religious characters and symbols as part of its theme (which Nintendo was obviously unwilling to invest the time and resources into changing, in the mid-80s, for various reasons I'm sure). How does a non-violent game that simply features and/or re-imagines the use of religious-themed characters and settings become a scapegoat for a game that grotesquely and openly mocks beliefs that billions of people find sacred, much less for no reason at all?
Tl;dr: Your defense of Isaac's content to @Barbiegurl777 consists of a highly inaccurate comparison and over-generalization.
Ow new 3ds only :/ Then I just buy it on pc :c
So many people whining about the controversy...If you keep complaining about petty, insignificant institutions that will fade with the extinction of humanity, I'm going to buy this game just to spite you.
Ugh, I'm sick of the political sheeple trying to muddle their misguided affairs with my most cherished pastime.
@BinaryFragger Save for a contemporary name for a passage in it and names for some of the characters and settings of this game from it, what parts of this game are based on the Old Testament? Also, how is purposefully changing the loving God of the Bible (even Abraham, the father and "binder" of the biblical Isaac knew that God would take his son from him, but that God would "provide HIMSELF a lamb for the burnt offering (of sacrifice) (Genesis 22:8)," which words Abraham used to comfort and reassure his son of God's intent (i.e., obedience of Abraham and Isaac) and purpose (i.e., to demonstrate the importance of sacrifice and the price to pay for that sacrifice) of this event) into a manipulative and arbitrary psychopath not offensive to Christianity, especially since the main characters are explicitly stated and shown to be Christians? If you're still willing to challenge that notion, please read Ed McMillen's own statement on the game's content:
"I wanted Isaac to embody this duality I experienced with [the Christian] religion. I wanted it to show the positive and negative effects it had on me as a child — the self-hate and isolation it instilled in me..."
Yay, I am happy! (and sorry for those non-3ds owners)
Well at least Xenoblade 3D is no longer alone....
@Chaoz Missing the point. I never said I'm offended (nothing in this world offends me), I said that I find the visuals of the game pointless and gross. That's something completely different.
@CrabGats If you mean what @Gauchorino mentioned (that it reflects on McMullen's personal experience with christianity), that STILLL doesn't explain anything except for the "plot". The design choices are still pointless.
I'd like to hear these complaints from god himself instead of his angry mob.
I tried this game once and didn't see the charm but it's a "maybe" from me. Good to see the game on Ninty platforms though.
About a crazy religious mother tormenting her child? Or the fact that the game is based on an a Bible story?
I think it's far more "insulting" when it (religious-motivated tortures and trauma) has occurred in real life.
All things are rife for mockery. And that which proclaims that it is above mockery or criticism deserves it the most.
There are no sacred ideas, words, or concepts. Ideas do not have rights. Stories do not have rights. And if one group or idea is suddenly propped up as "so special that it is beyond criticism," then it is probably because that idea cannot actually stand up to it.
A giant lamb with an inverted cross carved into it's skull
The Lamb is also a name for Jesus Christ.
And how do you get to him? By killing angels!
Also, you can make deals with the devil!
What the hell do you base that on?
If we can use Greek myths for fodder in our games (God of War, Apotheon, etc), Norse myths for fodder in our games (Max Payne, Too Human, etc.), Egyptian myths in our games (Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris), Buddhist myths in our games (Far Cry 4), Japanese Shinto myths (Shin Megami Tensei), then we can use Christian myths as well, like Dante's Inferno.
Every form or medium of entertainment is a form of free expression, and it has the right to use, abuse, mock, celebrate, or criticize whatever the hell the artist so wishes. It is not art if it is stifled.
If a religion can move mountains, then it can stand up to criticism and satire. If it can't handle criticism or satire, then it is worthless.
I'm curious if you played Bayonetta.
And if you know who killed more people in the Bible--God, or Satan?
I actually didn't realize it was based on an Old Testament story until today. Now all that violence makes sense, ha! Anyway, I thought it was "inspired" by people like that woman, Andrea Yates, that drowned her children in a bathtub "because Satan."
I have to wonder if the people who take a stand against this game even know anything about it?
The game doesn't "mock" Christianity at all. What it does is condemn the actions of people who misuse Christianity.
Which I'm sure is an issue that people of any background can get behind.
@DroothR Fighting and killing a symbol of the central message of Christianity as the the final boss of the game is demonstrating how people misuse Christianity?
Everyone's freely open to their opinions and tastes. There's nothing wrong with that at all. However, what IS wrong is when you try to deflect criticism of the content of a game based solely on the fact that you like it or because you don't understand why someone is offended by the content of the game.
In any case, just like Castle Crashers before it, this game follows a strong, established type of gameplay, but is covered with a juvenile and angsty Newgrounds aesthetic (despite the age and experience of the creators). I'll wait for NL's review, though.
@Gauchorino I was referring to the game's premise.
A bible-black woman using God as an excuse to torture and abuse her son.
It's an awful thing that happens all too often in our world, and this game references how awful this is.
I guess it's cool that this is coming to Wii U/N3DS for the people who wanted it, but I'll pass. Doesn't look appealing to me at all.
I plan on doing just that.
The fact that it takes a Biblical story, twists it to mean the opposite of what it originally meant, and drops it into a disgusting world.
You'd call that insulting? I'd call it tragic.
What makes something deserving of mockery, exactly?
If this game was criticism, and not just insult, you might have a point there.
"it has the right to use, abuse, mock, celebrate, or criticize whatever the hell the artist so wishes."
That's true, but people have the right to respond to that art in kind, too.
Only for the new systems, that's stupid. But I'm glad Nintendo is allowing this on there stores. I'll be looking for it soon.
I'm absolutely shocked how many people in this comments section are pro-censorship for art forms and aganist freedom of speech.
If you don't want to buy something then, by all means, don't buy it. To try to say it has "no artistic right to exist" or something to that degree is simply disgusting though.
Hope you don't like reading books, watching TV or playing video games whatsoever, because if we follow the ideals you're pushing forward we may as well get rid of all of those mediums in their entirety right now.
If God is asking someone to kill their child, you can hardly spin that into "worse" and how anyone can find anything good in that is beyond me. Nothing is more reprehensible than harming a child--especially your own. That's about as bad as it could get. Even if there was a deity who could talk to me or send me to hell, if commanded to kill my child, I would respond like the late, great Hitchens. I'd tell that god, "no, f**k you." My kid's life is worth vastly more than whatever some selfish, pissant deity may wish.
What makes something deserving of mockery? Well, I'd say this story certainly does--anything that "celebrates" the murder of a child is deserving of that. But beyond that, what deserves mockery? In the famous words from The Wild Bunch, "whattya got?"
To put it bluntly, if you can't take a joke, the problem is you.
And even more bluntly, if god wants you to kill your child, that "god" is not worth worshiping. At all.
Did you buy Xenoblade Chronicles or Bayonetta?
Applause, sir. Applause.
@DroothR You made a declarative statement, saying that the game doesn't mock Christianity, when it clearly does. It ALSO provides an example of how Christianity could be misused. Whatever the premise of the game may be, it still clearly and unashamedly mocks Christianity.
@KoiTenchi In this context, it sounds like @MrMario02 was using figurative language when he stated the game has no right to exist, as if he was criticizing what he perceives about the game as ridiculous.
But who here has argued for censorship? It sounds like you're jumping to conclusions. Rather than censorship, several people are concerned about the irreparable state of this game. People have a right to express their opinions and distaste about anything, just as you have the right to disagree with them and challenge their views. However, when you try keep them quiet by pinning something on them that isn't indicative of what they've been saying, you are guilty of the same thing you criticize others for: censorship.
@Gauchorino Please read through the thread.
It's clear he was NOT using "figurative language" because he not only made the first post I mentioned but also followed it up with a second post saying: "There is no room in the gaming space for the demonizing of organized religion."
He truly believes this game should not exist and that there is no room in the gaming space for it.
He was not the only one either but I am not going to go through 100+ posts a SECOND time just to pull quotes for you when it was clear you didn't even read my very post that you responded to.
You said in your post: "People have a right to express their opinions and distaste about anything, just as you have the right to disagree with them and challenge their views. However, when you try keep them quiet by pinning something on them that isn't indicative of what they've been saying, you are guilty of the same thing you criticize others for: censorship."
Did you not read my post?
In my post I stated simply: "If you don't want to buy something then, by all means, don't buy it."
I am not trying to force people to like this game or even to buy it. I am AGREEING that people have a right to express their opinions and distaste but this game has a right to exist just like those people have a right to dislike it. What those people DON'T have is a right to try to decide the game has no right to exist and that thus NO ONE should be able to play it.
If I wanted to do what these people were trying to do, I would instead have simply responded to your comment with: "I disagree with your post, please remove it." That would be censorship.
Would you care if it mocked Norse mythology or Islam?
Okay, did anyone here, who is against Binding of Isaac, actually play Xenoblade Chronicles?
See the religious part bothered me the least, its actually based on a story from the bible which is the story of Abraham. Which the game just kind of tells a modernized comical version of it. I'm Catholic, but it honestly didn't bother me at all, I didn't think it was making fun of me until other people started bringing it up and even then I still think its an over-exaggeration. Its also based on feelings the creator himself felt from growing up with a very religious family.
Correct me if I'm wrong, that's just what I've gathered.
In honesty, I want it because I played it with my friends and loved the difficulty. Poop being on the ground took some time for me to get over haha.
@Barbiegurl777 Uh....I think you might be confused on what the definition of shovel ware is.
The 12 Days of Christmas on the Wii...that's shovelware, Binding of Isaac is definitely not shovelware. Its okay to not like the game, but the game is getting super high reviews, you can't say it is of poor quality.
It was a test of faith. No child was hurt. That's partially how BoI twists the story.
That depends on the joke and its context. If the joke is meant to insult or hurt others, the problem is the joke.
I agree. Thankfully, that doesn't describe the Christian God.
The problem isn't just that it uses Biblical themes (though that is also a problem, because of the way it uses them). It takes a major Biblical story, and reverses its meaning. While the original was about strong faith, BoI is about misplaced faith, and/or faith relating to insanity. It then places that twisted version of the story in a disgusting game.
....Technically the exact same thing happens, an angel comes down to stop Abraham and tells him that he has shown how strong his face in. The game has the exact same thing with the book representing the angel. The story really isn't that 'Twisted' of a retelling as some of you guys are making it out to be.
The game is gross, there is no getting around that. If you don't like all the gross art in it I can understand, but I just can't see this game as all that offensive.
(Spoiler Warning!)
@Kaze_Memaryu Honestly, it does. Isaac is a young boy being raised in a Christian home with a curious, creative mind. This leads him to experiment with a lot of things that are taboo in his religion. You can see in between levels that he crossdresses, and thinks about suicide a lot (perhaps due to the constant bullying he receives in those same intermissions). He also is scared of his own body (sex organ, specifically), as his mother or one of his Christian peers has demonized it.
He fears becoming consumed by these things that are evil in his religion, and it comes out in the form of the grotesque, deformed monsters he combats, as they all typically have something to them that is taboo. They're either obese, naked, sick, filled with parasites, gored, leak some type of body fluid, or resemble a sex organ. Anything not after him was murdered, or committed suicide.
Everything is overdone because he is a child with a big imagination, and even bigger fears. The dungeons he goes through aren't actually real, these are moreso a story he's written of himself struggling to fight that which his religion deems evil, and, at the end, having to accept the fact that he cannot escape them and is therefore evil himself. No matter how much he fights, he is constantly corrupted by items he finds in his journey, attaching to him like leeches.
(End spoilers.)
This isn't spoon-fed to the player, and you have to go out of your way to realize it. That was McMillen's plan all along, and he's admitted to it. He didn't even want anybody to pay attention to the message, as it was solely a release for himself. So if you're not a fan of that, I completely understand. Abstract art isn't for everyone, especially if you can't relate to it.
I hope I don't offend anybody with this post, by the way. I'm not trying to imply Christianity is unhealthy, although it can be and has been to some due to extremists, which every social group contains. Its different for everyone. I'm simply stating the message Edmund was trying to express through his game.
@CrabGats Huh, that's an interesting perspective. If that really is the point of the visual design... sigh... guess I gotta play the game now, even if only to get a better grasp of this backstory. Thanks for the enlightment, mate!
As for now, visual criticism revoked.
@Gauchorino I was merely pointing out that it was made at all. BTW What is the binding of Issac about? I know due to completing it but you don't seem to so I want you to tell me what it's about.
@Kaze_Memaryu No problem, dude. Yeah, there's a lot I didn't mention due to huge spoilers, so it definitely doesn't end there. My post is already kind of a spoiler as it is, haha. If you do end up purchasing it, I hope you find some enjoyment in it!
@KoiTenchi I certainly did read all of your post and I thought I'd covered all the thread, originally. I apparently overlooked MrMario02's statement about how pro-censorship he is, though, so I apologize to you for that. Other than many people expressing their disgust for the game's content and design choices (for this alone I defended those people in my rebuttal to your first comment), however, I read no comments that were pro-censorship than those by the aforementioned commenter. It's very possible that I missed something else, though, so if you don't mind, I'd appreciate it if you would provide me just a few examples of comments from this thread that encourage/demand the ban of questionable content in video games.
Agreed. Religions should stand to criticism. I'm a Christian myself, and I'm not getting the game for my N3DS because IT will have framerates issues, like in the Vista (or even worse).
Look at it the other way, my man. Maybe the voice the mom is hearing is the Devil's, misguiding her. (it has happened before).
Very well put!!
I'm a Christian myself and I find that it shouldn't offend Christians whatsoever, just those that are not sure of their beliefs.
@Quorthon I never cared about what this game mocks. Every person has the right to mock whatever they want to mock. I'm completely fine with developers having complete artistic freedom in designing any kind of media, despite whomever their products may offend. I have never questioned this in my previous posts, but only pointed out and argued against inaccurate information certain commenters were stating in regards to this game and illogical defenses used to deflect criticism of it by other specific commenters.
@faint So you were informing with a random fact someone who was upset that the game mocked religion? Why?
Your question for me is irrelevant to the content of my previous comments, but God's arbitrary measures of first forcing Isaac's mother to kill Isaac, then knocking her out at the end of the game when she nearly and purposefully does so, mocks both the biblical God's consistent purpose of teaching Abraham and his descendants to have faith in God in TELLING Abraham (not forcing or hypnotizing him) to sacrifice his only son, Isaac, while also mocking the actions of Abraham by making Isaac's mother actually intent on killing her son no matter what happened, as if Abraham didn't care about the life of his son (whereas in the Bible, Abraham comforted his son to have faith in God to be consistent about his purpose of life for those who love him, not death, and to wait upon God to fulfill this purpose (see Genesis 22:7-8)).
Whether or not this game is an artistic masterpiece (and @CrabGats certainly provided an excellent defense for this reasoning) is irrelevant to the fact that it contains copious amounts of deliberately offensive content to many who hold Christianity to be true.
@maceng I get why Christians get offended by it. Implying their religion is unhealthy (which is a fair reason, but it really is more so about how religion isn't for everybody and can be misused), and the various elements within it that are considered evil by Christianity could offend on their own. This game isn't for everyone, and I respect those who have no interest in it 100%.
As somebody unaffiliated with a religion, I don't really find any reason to be offended by it in that case unless you're easily disturbed by gross imagery. I honestly relate to McMillen and the story he's written here and absolutely love the game for it.
Also I want to add Nicalis and McMillen have gone out to say that this game will be running at a solid 60fps, so if the framerate was the only thing making you wary, it might be a purchase worth considering.
Thanks for the heads up regarding framerate. I hope that my large backlog does not get in the way of acquiring this game (although the price might be an issue).
@Gauchorino If you read my post, you never would have made up some nonsense that I was supposedly "supporting censorship" by telling people that they do not have to buy the game if they do not want it but also should not try to have it removed from the eshop (which several of them suggested or implied they wanted). Because what I was suggesting was literally the OPPOSITE of supporting censorship. I mean, I thank you for your apology for your overlooking of MrMario002's statement but I am going to need some type of explanation or apology of your slandering me and trying to say I am pro-censorship because I am completely aganist that.
And to help you out with another example, here's one from Barbiegurl777:
"More so appauled at Nintendo for them even letting it get this far to where the game developer can even publish this garbage."
I'm assuming I don't have to explain the above quote but she is outright saying she is offended Nintendo did NOT censor this game and deny it being released.
@KoiTenchi I think this is a case of mutual misunderstanding.To be clear, I read through your comment quite thoroughly, multiple times, even before I wrote my first response to you. I obviously and with little excuse did not read every other post with as much care, however, which I why I misunderstood the intent of your original comment. I was under the impression that you were simply criticizing those who expressed disgust over the content of this game, rather than criticizing those who legitimately desire its annihilation. I ask for your forgiveness in this entire matter, as I, myself, made a careless judgment and accusation concerning your words.
@Gauchorino Honestly, I think you are correct about it being a mutual misunderstanding. I completely understand and am sorry as well if I became a bit overly defensive. I don't really want to continue to push it in that direction and I do fully feel at this point that neither of us meant any harm and accept your forgiveness competely. I am still kind of frustrated with some of the people who are suggesting censorship is the right answer to dealing with themes in games that they do not like (as opposed to simply not buying those games) but I do not think it helps anyone for me to continue to complain about that and I do not think it is right of me that I feel I misplaced a lot of that frustration on you after your first reply.
Sorry again and no disrespect. I think I will step away from this thread/article to not dwell on the whole topic. On the heels of that Nintendo Direct, I feel there are much more positive Nintendo-related things that I could focus on.
Wow, I can't believe that this is actually going to be coming to the eShop. I remember everyone hoping so when Rebirth first came out, but now that it's official...
The Binding of Isaac is a great series though, with Rebirth being really fun. While the gameplay might look a little boring/lacking, it really isn't. Each of the rooms and dungeons you enter are randomized, making no two runs on the game exactly the same. There's also a bunch of content that you can unlock, meaning that you'll be able to spend 50+ hours enjoying the game to get everything out of it. It's challenging but once you get better at it, you won't be able to put the game down. I'll see how this runs on the N3DS, and hopefully I'll pick it up again.
I just hope that Nintendo doesn't take this title down after release because of the controversy it will probably cause. They should have a disclaimer on the eShop to warn people about this, as I can already tell that there will be stories about how children bought this game while they're un-approving parents were "completely unaware."
@Gauchorino a random fact that nintendo them selves delved in the use of religious imagery You and I have a very diffrent viewpoint of this games meaning. For me God is never talking to isssac's mom. She uses religion to hide her madness as well as a scapegoat to torture her son which affects his mind and fill it with false illusions.
@Gauchorino I did make a declarative statement, because I know what I'm talking about, which is something that I'm not at all certain that you are.
"You made a declarative statement, saying that the game doesn't mock Christianity, when it clearly does. It ALSO provides an example of how Christianity could be misused. Whatever the premise of the game may be, it still clearly and unashamedly mocks Christianity."
I've not seen any evidence while playing the game (on PC), nor heard any potential explanation from you as to how the game "clearly and unashamedly mocks Christianity". Can you please enlighten me with your perception of how your statement holds true?
@faint "For me God is never talking to isssac's mom. She uses religion to hide her madness as well as a scapegoat to torture her son which affects his mind and fill it with false illusions."
^ Which is exactly what the narrative is. [thumbs up]
I actually bought the original Binding of Issac on Steam mere days before Rebirth was announced and kicked myself square in the... well, you get the idea. At least now I have a reason to buy Rebirth since it can be on my 3DS which I take pretty much everywhere now.
@misogynistic I found the one person who thinks Freddy's is better than Isaac! Freddy's is OK, but Isaac is like game of the year material. Everybody who thinks they're above it, try it. Once you get into it, you won't even care about the debate.
Actually, the deity I referenced is the god of the Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Yahweh, God, Allah, whatever.
God commanded a man (Abraham) to murder his son (Isaac) just to prove his "loyalty" to that god.
That is not an admirable character in any regard. That is a monster.
I could go on, but there's no point here. You should just read your Bible. It makes GTA look like Rayman Legends.
Okay, so no one wanted to respond and mention if they actually played through Xenoblade Chronicles? Because Spoilers follow:
I was curious if anyone here lambasting Binding of Isaac's religious satire and criticism had played XC because that game is also very anti-religious. It paints gods as selfish, self-centered, egotistical windbags. The whole climax of the game is a battle to free humans from the psychotic, over-bearing presence of a god. You literally fight to kill god in the end.
Xenoblade Chronicles ends with a positive point where all races are now living at peace--implying that this was possible only with gods removed from the picture.
The game is a biting critique of religion and gods in general.
I have the original on my laptop, but I might think about snagging the Wii U version of Rebirth.
Wonder if it will have off TV Play?
This is how you do spoilers. Replace these {} with these []
{spoiler} this is a spoiler {/spoiler}
Those words within the brackets will cover the spoiler.
Oh, why thank you, sir.
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