We've recently seen the western release of the New Nintendo 3DS hardware, but the system's release in North America and Europe had been held back following its launch Japan last year - a "difficult" choice which, according to Nintendo's Satoru Iwata - was due to limited stock.
Speaking to investors, Iwata said:
Regarding New Nintendo 3DS, the quantity that was produced before the end of last year or the amount that was delivered to consumers, was limited.
Overseas, in Europe or the US for example, it takes longer than in Japan for the products to be produced in China and to actually arrive and be lined up in stores. Hence, we had to make a difficult decision on whether it was acceptable or not to cause a worldwide shortage of New Nintendo 3DS.
As a result, (based on the different diffusion levels of the preceding models), we made the decision to launch it in 2015 in Europe and the US.
Sales of the New Nintendo 3DS in the west have been brisk, but Iwata admitted - when questioned - that more consoles could have been retailed had Nintendo decided to push it to North America and Europe in time for Christmas:
In hindsight, the actual results and the reactions to the launch of New Nintendo 3DS tell me that you are absolutely correct in assuming that the results would have been different if it were launched within 2014.
Do you think the decision to hold back the western launch of the New 3DS was the right one? Let us know by posting a comment below.
[source eurogamer.net, via nintendo.co.jp]
Comments 75
I think some people are going to read the title and think this is about the US getting the "new" regular size 3DS at a later date.
It's amazing he can say all that and not even mention if or when the US is getting the smaller size. Hey Iwata, if you want to sell more consoles, and faceplates, you have to put them on sale first.
I still think that it has to do with them sitting on lots of Nintendo 3DS XL units, which now became obsolete with the New Nintendo 3DS XL. I mean, they are even at the same price, so why would someone buy a Nintendo 3DS XL now...?
Super Smash Bros. 4 was a good way of selling through the old 3DS models, before they released the new one(s).
@rjejr I sure did until I read the article.
They didn't want to create a worldwide shortage of the N3DS and yet you can hardly find the N3DSXLs anywhere in the US. Seems like that plan backfired over here.
@Flanktwo I already own 2 3DS XL's and I am contemplating buying a 3rd one. The Nintendo Store online has a whole bunch of refurbished ones for between $135/$140.
I have no desire to spend $200 for something that is only marginally better.
@TourianTourist the old 3DS XL is now sold for about $170 while the New 3DS XL sells for $200.
And we get more yada, yada, yada.
Nintendo's got to get their act together and start producing more. They are almost literally printing money.
Yeah, that's what I started excitedly thinking. Then, just as I was about to click on it, I realized it said "western release," which would include Europe as well. But yeah, would've been nice if he'd given any info on if/when the standard size would come here . . .
Ha, I love your picture! I'm a Zelda fan (which you likely know, assuming you're the same TourianTourist on GameFAQs), but also Lost is my all-time favorite show, so I got a kick out of the Dharma logo, heh.
I foolishly put off looking for the New 3DS on the first two days of its US release because I did not have time those first two days. On day 3, I struggled to find one anywhere within a drive-able distance from my home. I lucked out when I had to make a quick run to Walmart at 10 pm on that Sunday night as they had started unloading the truck for the next day, and I was able to snag one. Even just calling and driving around for one day reminded me that I'm glad I'm not trying to collect Amiibos where I could have that experience every week.
I thought it was to do with the fact Nintendo had loads of leftover 3DS XL stock they wanted to sell? Anyway, why didn't they produce enough stock for a Christmas release?
@Rocky2418 @bstoppel - Now that I look at it I think my own confusion was caused more by the photo caption subtitle than the actual title:
"Nintendo boss Satoru Iwata describes "difficult" decision"
I doubt it was a difficult decision for him to hold off on bringing on the new 3DS XL west until after all the old stock sold out over the holidays.
I do wish he would more thoroughly address the decision to not bring the new 3DS to the US. That HAD to be a difficult decision based on faceplate sales alone. And the 2DS should get an updated model just so kids can play w/ amiibo, or release that portal already. bah
Well it's still a hint that the regular size will come since they focused (but still short) on making the XL first (which sells better).
@rjejr I was reading it that way, too. Though he didn't say it, that could be a reason US didn't get it, as well. In fact, I think everyone on here so far is basically right.
Nintendo wanted to clear the old stock and keep inventory tight by limiting new stock to what they know will sell quickly. For Nintendo, returning to sustainable profits has been understandably paramount. Same reasons for tight Amiibo inventory and it has been worse there because I have a feeling the estimates on demand were way off. I can just see the board room meetings: "don't they know how limited the functionality is? Why do they keep buying these?! Do we make more or is this going to dry up once people understand it better?"
I hope Nintendo can get some profit confidence going here soon. Can't imagine what methods it would use if it had to launch a completely new piece of hardware right now.
Guys, guys, if Nintendo hadn't held back a western release until it was totally ready, those scalpers would be having a field day! It's better this way. It is unfortunate that not enough stock was ready though as it would have been nice for a worldwide release...
@rjejr "I do wish he would more thoroughly address the decision to not bring the new 3DS to the US."
What's important now is that we finally got our hands with the new ones and that's all that matters.
This directly contradicts their earlier statement saying something about it not being the right time to sell the system in the US.
@TourianTourist they are NOT the same price. GO to any store and you'll see the old XL has been dropped to $270.
Now, to me that's a no brainer for an extra $30 you buy the better one, but some people will buy the old one.
Limited stock always seems to be a recurring theme when it comes to Nintendo products.
Well at least he told us why and not kept silent about it.
If the New Nintendo 3DS wasn't region locked this would be less of an issue and we could import a small New 3DS. Not that that would be the cheapest option, but at least it would be possible.
We're not. NoA already confirmed that, and explained why. Based on the North American market, the XL sales account for the vast majority of purchases, Ada apparently their products sell best when there aren't an abundance of models. Which I'm guessing is why the original 3DS, new3DS and Wii U Basic is not for sale in the region.
well, you have an excuse to import a Europe or Japanese unit now. Collection and import game purposes....
Still a pretty vague explanation with no follow up. Is he talking about the smaller New 3DS, or the product line in general?
This is still the usual spiel. There's still no way we can be certain that they'll ever release the smaller size in North America, which is what they want us to think it would seem.
If Nintendo wanted to produce an appropriate amount of stock, why not make new models/merchandise obtainable through special order within a nintendo account linked to one's identity? Even charge extra, maybe a month's wait, with a logical limit(1) per customer and we wouldn't have issues like stock, region lock, operation faceplate and scalpers.
The value in their products would increase, since there would be a variety of sales from "custom" orders.
Whereas of course most of us know that it was a cynical attempt to sell old stock to people buying Christmas presents. Still doesn't explain the bizarre decision to only release the XL version of the New 3DS in NA, the territory where the Old XL had dominated the market the least. I know the profit motive is sometimes the be-all and end-all but not at the expense of long term fans. Nintendo are walking a tightrope.
Looks like my theory is becoming more and more real. Just wanting for that April announcement (fingers crossed)
I think the old systems should be even cheaper now. Like you said, they're around $170; but IMO, I wouldn't pay more then $125 for the old one now.
Unfortunately I am holding back purchasing one of these because there isn't any real reason to other than Xenoblade Chronicles 3D. Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate works perfectly fine on the 3DS XL I currently use.
This is a good way Nintendo can really piss people off.Seriously,they need to just make more stock for the products that make them tons of money.It's simple and is just plain common sense for a company that WANTS to generate revenue and WANTS to please fans.Restocking would just make everyone happy,including Nintendo.
Instead of relying on China for there production, why can't they make it over at Japan. Hence it would be expensive but it would be better.
@ultraraichu I'm really hoping for an announcement too. Recently Nintendo has been releasing info on the 13th, and I hope either for March or April, we'll get some good info instead of vague answers.
@Drobotic Yes, because it's so easy & cheap. Right?
You guys obviously have no idea what it takes to bring a product to the international market. How much stock would you make? BTW: if you overestimate demand, the profit margin disappears into warehousing and inventory costs and you will be fired.
...Thought this was about the normal-sized New 3DS. >.> lol
This whole "article" is misleading and really doesn't tell us anything new.
@Flanktwo: I agree, total bs. I didn't fall for it though.
Nintendo held back?
To be honest, I wish I had held back.
So they're finally starting to tell the truth?
@Yorumi Only America has the problem with the very limited stock most of the time. Despite five amiibo figures, which were sold out fast in Europe, the only other understocked item was the Gamecube controller adapter. The rare amiibo figures mentioned above could be pre-ordered for weeks and even have been available on release day in all major consumer electronic chains. NoA is the problem here. They have to get their poopitypoop together.
I'm rather tired of explanations at this point. I just want to see results.
So... New 3DS still isn't coming?
It almost seems like the US got the XL and Europe got the regular size one as an easy way to divvy up the inventory. If that is the case then as they make more the other models will become available to everyone.
@Syrek24 Okay, bye. I'll just look at my shelf that doesn't have a Marth amiibo or a MM3D New 3DS XL.
@WaveBoy I sure as hell don't like them either, ha. I've tried the XL out and, though the 3D(among other features) is great, good grief it just further confirms how much of a pixel-y mess I figured it would be in comparison(got rid of my og XL in favor of a 2DS a ways back).
Majora's Mask(as an example I've used before) looks a heck of a lot better on my 2DS than it does on the n3ds XL. I, too, wish they would get rid of the region lock so I could just simply import one rather than hear the nonsense they keep babbling.
@Rob_mc_1 ...but EU got -both- models...
@JaxonH "NoA already confirmed that, and explained why. Based on the North American market, the XL sales account for the vast majority of purchases"
Even more so is that the case in all the regions that did get the smaller New choice:
@Rob_mc_1 "It almost seems like the US got the XL and Europe got the regular size one as an easy way to divvy up the inventory."
While NA only got the XL, Europe actually got both options.
To be entirely fair, this makes a lot of business sense.
Sorry, friend, but you're sounding just like him right about now.
I'm glad they waited until 2015 for the launch. Otherwise I might not have had a chance at my MH4U New 3DS. I am pretty greatful just to have one, furthermore a special edition, which I've never had before. IF they eventually release the standard model, I may end up getting one of those anyway as its what I originally wanted.
@JaxonH - Do you mean the explanation when Damon Baker said the US would have 3 models, 2DS, old 3DS, and new 3DS XL, even though there isn't currently any stock of the old 3DS? That didn't explain anything, it just confused the matter more. Japan also sells many more 3DS LL than the smaller size yet Japan got both sizes. Of course it never got the 2DS. And the 2DS hasn't had a hint of getting the new hardware revisions, so nobody on any continent who likes the flat non-clamshell model can play XC.
Nintendo can do whatever they want, it's their hardware, but I do think they need to do a better job of explaining things.
Since I didn't expect Nintendo to release the standard N3DS in America any time soon, I just got myself a 2DS, and I'm loving it. Of course I'd love Nintendo to announce if/when the standard N3DS is coming, but at this point I'm just happy I got a 2DS.
Whenever this comes out the black casing with those SNES buttons together = a thing of beauty
I heard that the reason why there are so many limits is becuase of a strike on the east coast. Than again, nintendo did get an increase in profits. Also, are we seriously complaining about somebody complainingg about complaingings?
I think Syrek24 makes some valid points about fans of Nintendo in general, but stock issues aside, I think there are some valid complaints about what Nintendo has done in the digital market. I just hope DKC (for example) comes out in North America before they abandon the virtual console entirely. And they should definitely release the rare Wii games like Xenoblade Chronicles and Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn, if only so more gamers can play them. Nintendo seems to take 1 step forward and 2 steps back and upset everyone in the process. But I tend to agree most of the criticism is unfair or uninformed.
@3DSWiiUFanatic The only thing I'd really like from Nintendo is for them to talk to us. It's very hard for media companies in the 21st century to withhold the way they do. Talk to us, let us know what's going on. If you don't have the production capacity to do something, fine. Just let me know. Can't bring the regular N3DS to NA for a bit? Just tell us that. It's the conflicting answers and silence and confusion that gets annoying.
@Yorumi Er, did you view my comment as negative?
Do you remember release Wii Consoles being scalped?
P.s. I never buy from Scalpers. .
With all due respect, your three posts seem to be the most negative in this entire comment section, and you're grossly over-exaggerating other peoples' responses. You being antagonistic towards others won't solve anything.
Your not alone, I read it that way as well at first too. I think it may be a bit of both. If they were expecting supply issues then it would make sense to prioritize the most profitable product, and meanwhile they can try to clear-out old stock.
What doesn't make sense is Damon Baker's explanation, so something somewhere is off, hopefully its just some miscommunication. Nintendo is also known to artificially limit stock too, so who knows, it could just as easily be the boy crying wolf.
@WaveBoy Hey WaveBro! I just now saw your comment. TBH, i haven't really been playing my New 3DS XL a lot. Losing all my save data upset me so much that I resorted back to some oldschool gaming. I've been playing nothing but my GBA SP and these games since I got that lame N3DSXL. Older technology seems to be more reliable these days.
I kinda agree with Syrek24 when it comes to Nintendo "fans" (I find it bad for me to call some people Nintendo "fans" when they complain about "oversize pixels" and the N3DSXL looking like a "pixelly mess", you know who you are) but I do think there are legit complaints about how Nintendo marketing and how it do things in general.
Thank you! Yes, I'm the same as on GameFAQs, too bad they don't have avatars there.
Nintendo is really clueless to release a system without a charger. Hey let's sell a toy without batteries! Not to mention you need a screwdriver to put in an sd card. Wow. Did they really have to pair each improvement with a disappointment ?
I love Nintendo but their last 5 years can be defined by "missed opportunities".
How long has Nintendo been in business? If they can't judge the reception their products are going to get by now, there is something seriously wrong with their management. They have been thru this process a few times.
Seems like the best solution is to GET MOAR FACTORIES. Its probably not that simple though :/
@rjejr Yes, he can just click his magic fingers and have more stock ready to sell so everyone can get the consoles, amiibos and Wii U Gamecube Controller adapters they want.
Limited stock means picking and choosing which lines to sell in which regions.
As I replied above: How long has Nintendo been in business? If they can't judge the reception their products are going to get by now, there is something seriously wrong with their management. They have been thru this process a few times.
ditto that.
Wait, you mean still no news of the normal New 3DS coming out here? laaame
I'm guessing Europe got the smaller model but in limited quantity. Well because Europe is a smaller market and they can sustain the demand. Some EU Amazon sites needed to restock their smaller 3DSes (now available again). I still think the regular N3DS will eventually come to the US after they resolve the stock issues.
@WaveBoy Whaaaa? You haven't played Fusion or Zero Mission? Aren't you a 3DS ambassador? I guess not or your would have Fusion downloaded already.
If you have a Wii U I highly recommend downloading Metroid Fusion ASAP! I wish they would release Zero Mission on the Wii U here (I heard it's already out in Japan, figures).
If you remotely like the Metroid franchise then those two gems are definitely worth your time playing.
According to Iwata "in hindsight it would have been better to launch the console before christmas in the west".
Gezus!! It must take a degree at Nintendo's business school to figure that one out.
EVERYONE want their brand new shiny consoles out in time for christmas in the west these days... but not Nintendo.
Stock should have been no issue with intelligent planning.
All I hear from Nintendo these days is stock issues. Yet the new 3DS hasn't broken any sales records and amiibo is not exactly selling like iphones.
@MadAdam81 - But it would take less than a click of his fingers for him to open his mouth and say DEFINITIVELY which amiibo will be restocked and if and when the Gamecube adapter will be resupplied. Everyone understands it takes time and money to make and ship these things, but it's up to Ntinedo to tell the people what is coming and when.
@Zombie_Barioth - "so who knows"
That's always my biggest problem, not knowing, I'm a stickler for details. I don't care as much what they do as long as they tell us what is going on.
Nintnedo has a lot of clout and support built up over years of great videogame making, but I feel like if they just formed 10 years ago w/ the Wii people would be abandoning them in droves. 120mil Wii vs 9mil Wii U extrapolated to the entire company.
I can't figure out what Nintendo is thinking these days.
Amiibos are hot yet no one seems to know if they are even getting ones that were reserved, retailers seem to make up the release dates, Nintendo has never 100% said what or if some might only have one run or when they might come back or something or yeah.
Limiting a variation on a handheld that fans want and Nintendo is still the King of the handheld market.
Staggered release dates on Virtual Console games for no reason other than making it up. Remember Kirby 2 on the 3DS?
I don't think too many of us are genuinely upset but confused and Nintendo's half answers are not helping.
Screw all this nonsense! Nintendo, just pull up your skirt and release the friggin' thing in NA already!
@Syrek24 I don't like Negative Nancy nearly as much as Positive Polly.
Just sayin'.....
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