Following the release of version 4.0 earlier this month, Nintendo has updated its unconventional but addictive multiplayer shooter, Steel Diver: Sub Wars, to version 4.1.
The latest update reverts changes made to submarine diving and surfacing angles to an earlier state, after feedback from the community’s player base.
The changes in version 4.1 have been explained on Miiverse by the 3DS eShop title's director, Takaya Imamura:
Today, we are releasing Version 4.1.
In this update, after receiving feedback from many players, we've changed the submarine's diving and surfacing angles back to how they were in Version 3.0.
We had originally adjusted the submarine's diving and surfacing angles in order to avoid the problem that even when you surfaced to evade a torpedo coming from the front, it would still hit the back of the submarine as it came up. However, we got a lot of comments from players saying that as a result of this adjustment they can no longer evade attacks as before, or that the evasion techniques they have perfected are now useless.
Based on this feedback, and after carefully discussing the issue and doing some more play-testing, we decided to revert the change. We thought this would be the best solution for the majority of players, and allow them to make use of their evasion techniques and tricks.
We apologise for making frequent changes to the gameplay, but we hope you'll be happy to hear about this one!Please continue to enjoy Steel Diver: Sub Wars!
Let us know in the comments what you think about the changes in version 4.1 of Steel Diver: Sub Wars if you have had the chance to test it out.
Thanks to Ryan Millar for the tip.
[source miiverse.nintendo.net]
Comments 14
i honestly havent felt much of a change for the diving angles in update 4.0
i hope they will work on a sequel some day
Is that the reason why I kept on losing? I knew something was fishy when I just took the shots like a tank and couldn't do anything about it. Have they reunlocked that Chat Function now? How could I tell my teammates to gang up on someone if we can't even communicate!! D:
chat function worked on the last update (4.0)
It's always good to see developers listening to their audience and simultaneously are quick about the fix.
How about implementing a switch for that ? Or make it a stat of certain subs ?
This back and forth thing is a little annoying.
I think the support for this title is great.
I've known about this game since release but seeing continuing developer support has finally pushed me to download this game and check it out.
Reminds me that I really need to get back into this game.
The outrage over the change was silly to me. 4.0 didn't change the Dive/Surface speed, just the angle. I kind of liked it because it made it easier to see incoming torps. I think it made people /feel/ like the D/S was slower, so they complained.
Still, I love this game and it's great to see it continually get support. Hope 5.0 is in the works.
Nintendo listening to fans instead of throwing stuff at us and expecting us to buy and like it? Oh how they've grown....slightly.
Wow, so many updates to this game. Did many people buy it?
@ollietaro It's F2P (the first on 3DS)
Funny, I kept losing because I was terrible at the game. I was pretty good the first week. Not anymore.
i haven't played lately but i think having customizable text shortcuts during a match would be a good update
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