Club Nintendo sometimes gets criticism for not providing regular updates of neat collectibles, but the latest arrival in Europe and Australia may satisfy those with some Stars to spend — there's now a Mario Kart 8 badge set.
A rather nice presentation box, pictured above, contains three metal badges based on the Super Horn, Boomerang Flower and Piranha Plant; you can see them in close up below.

At the time of writing these aren't available in North America; the set costs 4000 Stars in Europe and 2500 in Australia.
Are you tempted to splash your Stars on these badges? Let us know.
[source stars.nintendo-europe.com]
Comments 70
INB4 USA Club nintendo is terrible
I have just under 10,000 stars so may bite and get these
I want that!Why can't we ever have nice things!
Nice stuff.
Sold! To the man in the bikini! Mine are on their way!
Is the value of Club Nintendo stars different for Europe and Australia or something?
What? I just checked Club Nintendo a few minutes ago, didn't know they were that new. Anyway, I'll pass, I need just 1000 stars more for the Game & Watch Ball.
Nice options and congrats on the cool rewards to you European and Australian gamers.
4000 stars is a little steep, for 2500 I would've splurged on this.
but it is terrible. The only regions that worse than NA for Club Nintendo are the regions that don't have it.
@Yosher I think it's down to how many products there are that can be redeemed in Australia. Less download games etc.
I had 2,650 stars, so just enough to get the badge set It's a little small, being only 3 badges that I'll probably never wear but it's free, I love Mario Kart 8 & there may not be anything else cool & new added to the club nintendo website for a while so I went for it.
People seriously think stuff like this is more exciting than free games? I really just don't get it.
argh even if i register the codes left on my desk here i will not have enough stars i think
I would agree with you IF we could choose the games being given away. As in giving away eShop credit so we can buy what we want.
The games in NA are usually not that awesome and they cycle through the same over and over.
Club N USA has a tumbleweed, a used napkin and I think I saw a cockroach.
@Krambo42 To each his own. I think this appeals to diehard collectors. There needs to be stuff on there that anyone and everyone can enjoy.
The North American Club Nintendo has been dry of physical rewards for a long time (aside from that Smash Bros poster set). I'm not sure I would get this, but it would be nice to at least have the option.
@sinalefa Well, I've never had any issue spending my coins, but I suppose I can see how somebody would struggle if they buy more games than me. Still, I'd rather get a game I've never heard of that got mediocre reviews just to try it out than a pack of pins, shoelaces, posters, etc. I mean, maybe I'd like it! The fact that we like to play games is the reason we have coins to spend in the first place.
@ericwithcheese2 Yeah, to each his own is absolutely right. I'm glad that these will make some people very happy. But I just get confused by all of the people who do nothing but complain about NA's Club Nintendo. They're like, insulted because Nintendo tries to give them, video game fans, free video games. Sure, some people are collectors...but they're gamers as well.
@Krambo42 To people who collect stuff, yes, especially when it is a dismal choice for games and those people who have the coins to get the games, probably already have the games that are worth getting as that is how they have the coins to begin with. Plus it seems they cycle through the same games over and over. But seriously, Digital games really don't have much value vs a physical object. The value of those games is pretty much the cost of what those games would be, or even less when the code is actually used as you cannot move the games to different consoles and they are stuck there. Then you have the physical rewards, once they are no longer available, they drive up in value where as the Digital games stay the same or reduce in value.
But you also talk about how people do nothing but complain about Club Nintendo NA, well, it is because they cant really do anything. It is either they spend their coins on crappy or mediocre (mostly crappy) games they don't want or their coins expire. For Example, I had coins expire last year and I am looking at some expiring this year too because there is literally nothing to spend them on except for games I already have, or games I just don't want. I am ever so tempted to buy a few more poster sets to just have them sit until they are no longer available and then sell them on Ebay or something because if I don't, I lose the coins. This is why we complain, other regions get periodic consistent updates where we get crappy of mediocre games we don't want and the games that we would want most already have anyway. You guys at least have the option to pick and choose you games though for a greater cost, but the choice is still there.
@sinalefa I thought the same thing! Believe it or not, they have only duplicated a couple of titles (I was PO'd with this months picks, so I did the research). Yeah Pilot Wings and Vegas Stakes are from the Wii Shop and were not available for the Wii U, yet. In a loose sense, they seem to be re-releasing old Wii shop titles (already offered as CN prizes) to the Wii U eShop not a good look Nintendo.
@Thats-what-shy there must be life, for there to be roaches...
4000 stars? ouch...
"Club Nintendo sometimes gets criticism for not providing regular updates of neat collectibles" Club NOA 101. Whenever I see the words "items" and "Club Nintendo", I know the words "not in North America" will soon follow.
Just ordered mine.
I have 2400 points in NA Club Nintendo... please give me something to spend them on. Or bring back the Luigi's Mansion statue that I was 200 short to get. lol
What would be the conversion of this to stats if it came to NA? Finally a collectible gift I would blow coins on!
Hm..I just spent 2000 stars on the Kirby Triple Deluxe Soundtrack. Better value I'd say.
I think you can add Super Punch Out to that list since I know it got that same treatment. I got it the first time for my Wii.
I love pin collecting, but these are pins based on items I despite in the new game.
Still waiting for something good on the NA shop. The posters aren't good enough, too focused on female characters, and these European badge aren't very attractive either. No complaints though.
Ordered. They are cute, and nice box too.
Meanwhile in Club Nintendo of America...
Looks great but I won't have enough due to having bought the Kirby Triple Deluxe and Super Mario 3D World soundtracks.
The NoA situation is pathetic though, sure they got Smash a week early and a bundle which actually contains the game, GC adapter and GC controller but the poor VC representation as well as bad Club Nintendo rewards is not good enough!
The way the badges are designed reminds me of the Mario pin badges they did for Mario's 25th Anniversary.
Fab, I had 3500 stars and enough pending product reviews to push it up to 4200 so my set is ordered!
Hooray America
Club Nintendo NA sucks so bad. We need more physical rewards!
Of course NA doesn't get this...
Even if this did come to North America I still wouldn't have enough coins to get it. It is pretty neat though, and having a Mario Kart 8 collectible is very enticing. Helps that they look super cool too.
@Allx360 INB4 INB4
Sees that it's for Europe, shakes head. Not surprised.
Yes please! Ill be getting these.....oh wait, I live in NA. No I won't. At least I can get Clu Clu Land over and over again.
Atleast you guys have Club Nintendo...
4000 star points Nooooooooooooooo = 16 games
I would definitely get those if they were available in NA.... but alas.
argh, I spent most of my stars on the Zelda pouch - even counting future purchases, there's no way I'm going to have enough credit to get these before they sell out...
Count me as another North American who would get these if they were available here. Oh well. Maybe I'll just get Pilotwings.
Also, they should put special edition Amiibo on Club Nintendo sometime in the future. Those things would clear out very quickly.
Gotta be honest, these are sick.
@ThomasBW84 That makes sense.
Those are nice. If NA doesn't get them I may go on ebay.
Meanwhile in NA, we have 4 physical rewards to choose from, including Nintendog postcards and those Smash posters. Sure, we get more games available, but they're always the same games that get recycled; most of which I already own.
I'd totally complain less if eshop credits were made available, that way I could buy the games I want. OR maybe just throw some Amibo figures up there. I'd shut up then.
Um, I'd like to point out that the only criticism Club Nintendo gets is in North America, where it's completely warranted.
These are cool - but overpriced as usual. Considering it's only the 3 and not 6 or even 8.
Theyre nice and all but not 4000 stars nice
I second that!
no us of course
Actually, it is only 3 physical rewards. "Grill-Off with Ultra Hand!" is a digital game that has been there for several years now.
I just got mine, a little expensive but at least I got them
Europe and Australia only? Of course.
its so rare when something awesome comes to US Club Nintendo. obviously, something awesome comes to club nintendo, but yet again its not for US...
Here comes the 'Why does North America never get this, aww man, Europe is so lucky.' and the 'But you got loads more limited editions though' etc etc...
4000 stars for a few tiny badges is really pushing it, the box looks nice though.
@Allx360 USA club nintendo is terrible.
For those wondering why people have so much beef with club Nintendo of America, its that we don't have much choice. There are a lot of people who like physical collectible items, but they've done away with much of that. We don't mind having the option to have digital game purchases, its a real nice feature, but they recycle the same games every month. This is about the 3rd time we've seen Vegas Stakes, Starship defense comes up every other damn month, Metroid 2/Kirby Pinball have been there multiple times as well. So most people already own the games, and consistently have the same titles thrown in front of their face with no alternatives in which to burn coins on.
With NA being arguably the biggest market for game related sales, it adds some salt to the wound that we get the least options at times. That goes double for the fact we don't get any collector's edition games from Nintendo over here.
pretty cool, my coins are collecting dust in my NA account, because there are literally no rewards, and the software selection is bleak. sadness
Does NOA even get rewards anymore? They really scaled back ever since they handed out download codes to platinum members last July. There isn't much point to the reward system anymore.
Meanwhile, in America:
NA Club Nintendo is disappointing, can't wait to for the Platinum Rewards this year <EyeRoll>
Even though it's kinda cool, I hope this was not their suprise for club nintendo, I want them smash bros posters ;-;
4000...2500... No it should be the same everywhere !!
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