In recent weeks and months we've seen the emergence of a few titles clearly inspired by Minecraft, the phenomenon now owned by Microsoft that's been released on all platforms bar Nintendo's. Block building open-world adventures with primitive visuals are popping up as confirmed or prospective titles, and one such project on Wii U has already endured a troubled history.
UCraft, from Nexis Games, makes bold promises of substantial online play, content and world building, which are particularly ambitious in light of the studio's limited development experience to date. Originally announced as a Wii U exclusive due before the end of 2014, that release date was subsequently pushed back before a Kickstarter campaign was then launched; that crowdfunding effort failed, closing with just 49 backers and having reached $1,283 of its $20,000 goal.
The developer then recently announced that UCraft will now come to PC as a paid Beta (apparently costing less than the full final game) before coming to consoles in 2015 — that looks set to include PS4 and Xbox One. Surprisingly the project is still called UCraft, branding that'll seem out of place away from the Wii U, not to mention the fact that Minecraft itself is already hugely popular and dominating its genre on other systems. Posting on its official website in a reaction to some criticism, Nexis Games cited financial realities and Nintendo processes as the primary causes of the changed plans.
Our primary reasons for launching the UCraft Beta on PC are testing and debugging. We choose this path solely to avoid Nintendo’s lengthy certification process each time we need to make an update because at this stage in development we know there will bugs. For example if we were to launch the beta on Wii U and a bug was discovered it would take weeks for us to patch it and redo all of the paperwork Nintendo requires, on PC it will be instant and I wouldn’t have to waste time filling out paperwork that could Be used for coding instead. This approach guarantees a polished and perfected product for console owners in 2015.
In addition to testing and debugging, launching UCraft on PC will help with funding for the development of UCraft. Funding for this project is vital to us at this point because as you know the Kickstarter we launched to help cover these costs was unsuccessful.
...In the gaming community when a title is set to be exclusive for one Platform, Platform holders normally provide financial assistance to developers. This is done because of the massive amount of revenue developers lose by skipping other Platforms, unfortunately this is not the case for UCraft as it is being developed and funded entirely by Nexis Games (Me) and sadly I am not rich.
...When we made this decision we had no idea that Nintendo owners would care so much about UCraft going Multiplatform as long as it made it still made its way to the Wii U. We are not 100% against the idea of keeping UCraft on the Wii U/PC but in order for that to happen we will need your help. If there is enough interest we will consider relaunching another UCraft Kickstarter to keep UCaft exclusive to the Wii U.
UCraft has, so far, been blighted by a series of big promises followed by changes of plan in the form of delays, sudden crowdfunding and now the move to multiple platforms. It seems like a project that needs a deep breath and a more considered strategy, though we'll see whether it does arrive on PC by the end of the year as planned; that seems to be an extremely tight schedule.
Comments 58
XBO/PS4/PC already have Minecraft, I don't think he's thought this through very well.
Not going to lie, I was expecting passive aggressiveness due to the negativity this game got. Kind of surprised.
No...this is more about their inexperience than Nintendo's policies. I hope I don't come off as an ass saying this, but even I know they (and all console makers) have a certification process. They also probably shouldn't have expected Nintendo to bankroll them when they are a complete unknown without anything to really show anyone yet.
I wish them well, but the lack of thought that seems to have been put into things on their part doesn't bode well for the project.
Let's rate their process up to now and give them a 2-10 for effort or lack there of.
Cue Nintendo fans being personally offended by a game they weren't supporting going multiplatform to have a chance to succeed. How very Rayman Legends all over again.
I don't think he'll get far on XBO or PS4 (and question if he's actually been approved for either), but going to PC for Beta is a smart move. Nintendo needs to create an "active beta" program.
Not sure what you mean by the reference to Rayman Legends?
Ubisoft's delays, move to multi-platform, and six months worth of free (beta) version to Nintendo WiiU owners combined to hurt sales on the platform.
After playing daily challenges for free for six months, why would anyone shell out $60 for the game? It was too much of a make-up gift from Ubisoft, which probably would have been better served to have released on time on the WiiU, then renamed the game for other consoles (to get around Microsoft's competition-killing us-first requirement to access its platforms — which was still strong in force at the time.).
why would you buy a ripoff when you can have the original? this game will only sell on platforms that dont have minecraft. if at all
So, they are now directly compeing against Minecraft ? Seriously ?
Let me get that straight: To develop for other consoles, you need to get their dev kit, which costs quite a bit of money for such a small studio.
What in the world are they thinking ? I mean, the game itself wasnt the most brilliant idea to begin with, but having the original at their throat now is just stupid.
I would not even buy this...This looks like one of those fakes you see on the Playstore on Google. Curse you Microsoft for taking Minecraft.
Yeah going wii u exclusie lromised some following due to lack of co.petition but going multiplat I see as allowing the other 3 wii u exclusive block builders to surpass it. Best kf lu k but hes looring mo ey into an emlty hole.
No one on Playstation/Xbox will give a crap about UCraft, and I highly doubt many on PC will.
If you have to defend your point, that means you are admitting your point is flawed and therefore you have just forfeited the argument.
Wait, so they did a kickstarter, which proved that no one wanted their game, and now they're putting it out on platforms that already have the juggernaut that is Minecraft, expecting to have a better turnout? Are they insane?!
Lol, I love these gifs.
@LunaticPandora So you won't bother defending that point when I begin pulling it apart, seeing as there's no possible way it would ever make sense? That's no fun...
This is clearly BLOX . . . .
I don't claim to know much about coding video games so this is just a guess; wouldn't a potential Wii U and PC version have some different lines of code and programing? So finding a bug in the PC version might not mean that the Wii U version has the same, and vice versa.
Also the bit about platfrom holders funding parts of games simply because they are exclusive.... I don't think that is true at alll. Platform holders might help advertising sure, and i'm not denyin that they may sometimes help with funding, but they won,'t give you money simply for being exclusive to their system.
With all do respect, this guy seem very unexperiend with all this.
they did this to avoid certification? They are gonna hate microsoft then.
Well, at least this'll guarantee some dev drama reports for next year.
It never ceases to amaze me the number of excuses that Nintendo fans have for not supporting 3rd party games. I never played the challenges, but I did buy Rayman Legends, and it is handily one of the best games on the system.
Nintendo fans got all butthurt when the game was delayed to go multiplatform, and I'm quite certain that if Nintendo released six months worth of Smash Bros challenges, they wouldn't pulling excuses like "well, we had too much free game" for not buying it, because we all know they'd buy it for the Nintendo logo and pictures of Mario and Link on the cover.
You know, the only reason Nintendo fans bought a game in either the Warriors or Soulcalibur franchises.
Ubi moving Rayman to multiplatform probably hurt its sells. I remember that despite Nintendo fans being upset and insulted about having a finished game delayed to port to other platforms, the game still sold best on Wii U. Had they released Rayman on time it may have done much better, as the game was due to release during the drought of 2013. When Nintendo gamers were thirsty for any quality games. I for one bought it and still play it.
@Quorthon I'd be right there with you...if it wasn't for the ocean of garbage third party multiplats on the Wii U.
It's not that Wii U owners don't want anything that doesn't have Mario, Link, or any of Nintendo's other main figures; it's that we've come to know that if we want a high-quality, non-gimped game, it makes more sense to get a Nintendo game than anyone else's or a game built from the ground up on the system.
As for Ubisoft specifically, I wouldn't be upset with them over it...except that was a game that could have gotten Wii Us moving early in the system's life. Ubisoft making the game a multiplat hurt starting Wii U sales by a fair amount. On top of that, the game was already done for the Wii U and there was no reason to delay it so it could release on time with the other versions. Wii U owners don't get that luxury. In fact, just look at Watch_Dogs, a game that showed up six months late on ONLY our platform.
wow this sort of makes me angry at nexis games this is why nexis games isn't that popular because they keep on changing their mind they said it would be a wii u exclusive but now they bringing it to the PC wow how disapointing, also it looks like their rushing the game and that their really lazy so I'm not sure if I'm going to trust Nexis games and buy u craft they seriously let me down...,d.cWc&psig=AFQjCNGpKe8Y9ZqxBTa_iB7GwTlxsl61GA&ust=1416509326820593
Every single new console launches in exactly the same manner as the Wii U--ports from the previous/current generation, many of them somewhat inferior (the Xbox 360 launch featured many ports of PS2 games that almost universally reviewed worse on the X360), but only Nintendo fans seem to take this personally.
It was well noted that hefty effort went into Mass Effect 3 and Arkham City, and Ninja Gaiden 3 was the best version of the (admittedly not very good anyway) game. Call of Duty: Black Ops II was actually very solid and showed that the Wii U was very capable online--but Nintendo's failure to include an actual harddrive made developers wary of DLC (where are they gonna put it? We can't count on them buying external HDDs), and indeed, what DLC was offered didn't appear to sell anyway.
You can't make a blanket statement about ports, inferior or otherwise, when this is what always happens to every console at launch. No offense, but get over it. The Wii U also got the director's cut of Deus Ex (a personal favorite), and that went multiplatform because Square-Enix realized that sales of the Wii U were not picking up and Wii U owners seemed uninterested in supporting third parties.
At the end of the day, it's Nintendo fans making excuses and being personally offended by what are, for better or worse, standards of the industry. New consoles get ports, sometimes bad ones. Just keep in mind, for every excuse that's made to ignore a third party, that's one less complaint you can make for when third parties take their business elsewhere--because they'll go where the money is, and if there's no money here, it's no wonder they left. You want better third party support, start being a little more understanding and less snide towards the developers (not a personal statement towards you, a general point), and start supporting them.
I was looking forward to playing a lot of games on the Wii U. But other Nintendo fans apparently wanted none of that, and bought nothing, so now we have almost nothing. I'll be playing Fallout and Witcher and Call of Duty and Doom 4 on my PS4.
Also, the bad ports the Wii received were heavily Nintendo's fault--since the console couldn't handle the game engines used by most devs at the time. The only reason it got the support in the first place was that Nintendo managed high sales with the casual crowd early on. I know hardware doesn't make the game--but it's time to face facts, when Nintendo's hardware can't handle modern game engines (like Unreal 4), then Nintendo has failed to give it enough chances to succeed.
I'm happy to see I'm not the only Nintendo fan to understand this. (I loved Splinter Cell: Blacklist on the Wii U, by the way.) The way Nintendo fans treat the company is more like a third party publisher, not a console maker, since they only want Nintendo games, it doesn't matter the hardware.
I don't buy a console just to play the first party games. I buy it to play a lot of games, because I want variety in my life and my gaming, and I'm not going to get that with a sea of Mario and Zelda titles.
And this perfectly illustrates my point about the butthurt, personally offended Nintendo gamer who sees malice when a game company makes a decision to benefit the company when releasing on a single low-selling console is clearly not going to benefit them.
@Quorthon I' a bit confused why you discuss titles by Ubisoft and other large 3rd party companies in connection with this article...
People are actually interested in this game?
@9th_Sage Guessed they figured that if they could do it for Platinum, they should do it for them, fair assumption, right?
I don't know how this will sell, but best of luck to Nexis.
I think this guy has good intentions but has no idea how to present himself and has shown an arrogant attitude before. This seems to be a problem with some recent one or 2 man development teams and by some I mean this guy, the guy who made The Letter (who seems more ignorant than arrogant), and Mike Maulbeck of the recently reformed Code Avarice who made a game you may or may not hear of called Paranautical Activity (which is a decent roguelike FPS, if not very remarkable). This project seems like it will either be doomed or not worth playing even if it comes to consoles.
Quite curious how successful will this be considering other consoles got the real Minecraft. As for me, after seeing all of the Minecraft clones, I just decided not to buy any of them since I'm not that interested into Minecraft anyways.
This just makes his job harder and of course people would care about this going multiplatform this game started as a Wii U exclusive because Nintendo gamers never got Minecraft. Doing this just takes that all away
stop writing articles about uCraft pls
thanks you
Yeah, who cares about this.
We wanna hear more about Kenji: Rise Of A Hero!
EDIT: What the heck!? I was just joking and I thought they'd scrapped the game, since there hasn't been any word after the initial announcement around July 25.
But now from Kotaku ( ) there's news that it should be coming on November 25! Might it just be a placeholder date?
I don't get you sometimes. At times you offer good points, at others you come across as a bit of a troll. Rayman Legends has a the best attach rate on Wii U. Before you bash me, and say how the attach rate doesn't mean much, note that not many people bought Wii U in the first place so it's not a 1st party/3rd party thing that many would suggest.
As for UCraft, I think it's best he goes multiplatform. I still think the bulk of sales will come from Wii U, but he will likely make revenue off other consoles as well simply because it has the word "craft" in the title.
It's not officially scheduled to come out until Q2 of next year based on Nexis' twitter account.
Attach rate is kind of a buzzword. It sounds good, but ultimately has ulterior motives, for instance, making Rayman Legends look better on the Wii U, when in reality, it has evidently had better overall sales on the PS3. Rayman Legends was also the de facto sales pitch for the console for quite some time, and I'm quite sure I'm not the only one who's first hands-on time with the console was that game in a GameStop. It really deserved better than it got, and indeed, Ubisoft stacked the odds AGAINST the title by releasing it amidst a sea of overly-strong competition, effectively making the same mistake they made with Rayman Origins.
The only thing to "get" about me is that I love gaming every bit as much as I love skepticism and scientific reasoning. Facts are like candy to me. As Suicidal Tendencies said, "I'd rather feel like sh*t than be full of sh*t." I buy Nintendo first, and have been a fan of the company since I was a kid "way back when," but I am not pleased with their current direction and uncompetitive policies.
I figured it would become multiplatform after the Kick Starter announcement. Still looking forward to it. Meanwhile, why aren't we(or this weak site) talking about Stone Shire? It's still releasing this year and development is going great for Finger Gun Games.
Edit: Also, for you 3DS Master Race, I think Battle Miner comes out either this Thursday or sometime this month on the 3DS eShop.
Ah, a realist, that's cool. Skepticism is good, but it's cool to be optimistic sometimes to. I just don't like it when people, even if they have justifyible opinions, tend to regularly post negative comments just to disrupt current or persistent positivity.
When they not only due that but also reply negatively to many positive posts, that's when it becomes trolling IMO.
You're right, it's this Thursday. I've been following it as well. I'm a bit skeptical about it considering your only enemy appears to be ants. I don't even think there are animals to hunt.
"Don't forget,we did it for U,PC,PS3/4,XBOX 360/One,Vita,OUYA,Virtual Boy"
This guy is completely delusional,he is going to bankrupt himself if he keeps going the way he is.Every article about this game seems to be a contradiction of the last.As I've said before you cant knock the guys passion,unfortunately the same cant be said for his logic!
Something tells us once this game launches all will be forgiven Thank you all for your comments
Yet another article on this Minecraft clone??? Does this guy have compromising pictures, or do you owe him money...
Seriously, what's the relationship between Nintendolife and Nexis games? There are tons of other indie games in development that get nothing on here, but this failed kickstarter gets weekly updates.
@brandonbwii "I just don't like it when people, even if they have justifyible opinions, tend to regularly post negative comments just to disrupt current or persistent positivity."
Unfortunately you're going to find that everywhere, especially in video gaming news related to Nintendo.
As for Battle Miner, yeah I'm hoping they will release future updates to add more enemies. I just want to try out creative mode for now.
I will never give another dime to them for pulling that BS
Well but he is true about the time it takes to update a game or to patch it, when the creator of unepic wanted to fix a few things and add more pets what happened? it took like a month of waiting just to be approved by Nintendo ugh...
@Yorumi Interesting. Thanks for the answer!
Why would we even complain about this. Nintendo players didn't give support, so the players don't get support back. Simple as that
I'm more baffled than anything else that any Nintendo fan would complain that the game goes multiplatform. As long as we still get it, what's it to you? It's not like it's a console pusher anyway, the Wii U owning players who want a Minecraftey experience on their favourite home console get uCraft while other consoles get to choose whether they pick Minecraft, uCraft or any other clone that might be out there.
I'm even more baffled that people who haven't touched the game yet, nor seen everything that it's capable of pulling off in terms of a similar experience to Minecraft (or different for that matter, what it could do better with any luck) are already calling it a turd. Since when do we judge a book by his cover? Oh wait... that's always been the case .
Its not just a Wii U thing. Nintendo owners have been ignoring third-party games for years, even when they seem an ideal fit for the platform e.g. Spacestation Silicon Valley, Rocket, Okami, Zack and Wiki
@brandonbwii "It's not officially scheduled to come out until Q2 of next year based on Nexis' twitter account."
I was talking about the Rivyd game Kenji, which I was joking about.
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