At the time of writing the first DLC pack for Mario Kart 8 — The Legend of Zelda x Mario Kart 8 — is just hours away. It won't stop there, either, as next May will bring a second pack to the successful Wii U racer. Yet as we eagerly anticipate blasting around Mute City while playing as Link on the Master Cycle — humorously called the 'Eponator' in Germany — we can't help but let our imagination get the better of us. What if this is just the beginning and more packs could be release later in 2015 and beyond?
With that in mind we've come up with some packs we'd like to see, following the same format as Nintendo with the exception that we're listing four tracks instead of eight. Sharing their dreams are editorial director Damien McFerran, managing director Anthony Dickens, editor Tom Whitehead and news reporter / reviewer Alex Olney. Alex has already played the first DLC pack, the lucky devil, and given the full lowdown in a preview.
Below are the results, all a pretty accurate reflection of the respective writer's tastes.
Damien's Pack: Sega x Mario Kart 8
Being a massive Sega fanboy, it was almost inevitable that I'd put together a pack which well and truly scratches my nostalgia bone. However, putting this selection together wasn't as straightforward as you might imagine — thanks largely to the fact that Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed has already mined Sega's past pretty effectively. With that in mind, I've allowed myself to go a bit mad and pick some truly obscure elements from Sega's illustrious back catalogue.
- Scooter (Alien Storm) - It's always amazed me that Scooter (also known as Slammer in some parts of the world) hasn't been featured in more games. His "can-do" attitude and access to an endless inventory of replacement bodies should stand him in good stead when it comes to hitting the race track.
- Duke Oda (Cyber Police ESWAT) - Another lesser-known star from Sega's past, Duke is your average law enforcement officer strapped into a state-of-the-art robotic exoskeleton, which should provide adequate protection whenever a Blue Shell is deployed. Whatever you do, don't mention Robocop.
- Harri (Space Harrier) - You could argue that the lead character in Sega's insanely popular arcade shooter would be a poor fit because he doesn't need a vehicle - his gun appears to provide all the propulsion he needs. I'd ignore such criticism purely because I want to hear him shout "GET READY" at the start of each race.
- Three Seven Speedway (Daytona USA) - One of the most iconic tracks to grace any racing title, this oval course would need a bit of modification in order to fit within the crazy, upside-down world of Mario Kart 8, but it would be worth the effort just to hear that amazing theme song.
- Dolphin Tunnel (Scud Race) - Scud Race is home to some amazing tracks, and this legendary course is one of the most eye-catching, thanks to its aquarium theme. It's a crying shame that Scud Race never got an official home conversion, but this could be the next best thing (assuming you don't own the Xbox version of Outrun 2, which boasted many of the arcade game's circuits as bonus tracks).
- Fantasy Zone (Fantasy Zone) - The world that Opa-Opa is attempting to liberate in the Fantasy Zone games is a colourful, cartoonish environment which scrolls in an infinite loop. This might not offer the best template for a course in a racing game, but it would allow the developers a bit of creative freedom, at least.
- Grand Prix of Monaco (Super Monaco GP) - Due to the limitations of the technology available at the time, the Monaco in Super Monaco GP actually bore very little resemblance to the real-world course. By including it in Mario Kart 8, Sega and Nintendo could change this and add some fantastical anti-gravity sections to make it even more winding and challenging.

Hornet (Daytona USA) - That iconic red-and-blue livery is sure to stir up nostalgic feelings in all seasoned arcade-goers, and we already know that the Hornet is capable of withstanding plenty of punishment.

Alien Busters Van (Alien Storm) - I always thought the Alien Busters Van was criminally underused in Alien Storm, so it's high time that it was brought out of retirement, fitted with a more powerful engine and allowed to do battle with Mario and company.

Ferrari 330 P4 Type Prototype (Rad Mobile) - While many might pick the Ferrari Testarossa from Out Run, for me the car in Rad Mobile (ported to the Saturn as Gale Racer) is an infinitely more interesting prospect. It looks cooler, for a start.

F1 Car (Virtua Racing) - This boxy wonder will have been the first polygon-based car many of us older players ever stepped into, and despite its primate appearance and fragile frame, it should prove swift enough to leave many of Mario Kart 8's other racers in the dust.
Anthony's Pack: 2000s x Mario Kart 8
Whilst I have a huge amount of nostalgia for the 16bit era it's actually the GameCube and Wii that are the source for my picks of DLC goodness. I've got a mixture of some of my favourite games from the years 2000-2009, so sit back and open your mind to my choices:
- Samus Aran (Metroid Prime) - It's obvious right? Now Nintendo has finally embraced other franchises within Mario Kart it's only a matter of time until this bounty hunter gets her way for some high octane racing action.
- Jody Summer (F-Zero GX) - Another heroine of mine, Jody Summer from Nintendo's neglected F-Zero series. Piloting her fantastic White Cat surely there's no doubt that she'd win?
- Amaterasu (Okami) - Stretching my imagination now, but would it be cool for a wolf to be driving a Kart? I think so.
- Good Egg Galaxy (Super Mario Galaxy) - Ever since Nintendo first showed off the twists and turns of their anti-gravity track design I've been dreaming of some Super Mario Galaxy race locations, racing around planetary spheres sounds good to me!
- Varrigan City (MadWorld) - Just imagine... a track complete with its characters... transformed into the Sin City-esque graphical vision of MadWorld.
- Phazon Mines (Metroid Prime) - Deep behind enemy lines of the Space Pirates is where we should travel for an out-of-this-world race track.
- Tokyo Megaplex (SSX Tricky) - Forget Mount Wario, it's the Tokyo Megaplex we need... delicious jumps, delightful grinds and lots of secret passageways as we all speed our way to the finish line in style.

Epona (The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess) - Yes we've got Link, yes we've got his Master Cycle but what we really want is Epona herself to carry Link to victory.

White Cat (F-Zero GX) - We can't have Jody Summer without the White Cat, my preferred vehicle of choice from F-Zero X would make a fantastic choice for all you speed demons.

Wii Balance Board (Wii Fit) - Wii Fit has developed into franchise in its own right with it's recent appearance in Super Smash Bros. so why not bring in a flying Wii Balance Board into Mario Kart 8?!

Ice Cream Van (House of the Dead: Overkill) - I know it's a long shot but Agent G and Detective Isaac Washington wouldn't be seen ****ing dead in Mario Kart 8 without their trusty ****ing Ice Cream Van.
Tom's Pack: Ready for Battle
I'm not doing a crossover — 'x' — branded pack because I'm a rebel, and because my theme is games with battles, action and possibly futuristic guns; I'm not actually bothered about actual Battle Mode DLC, though, so apologies! These are all games and franchises that I love, so their appearance in MK8 would make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
- Pit (Kid Icarus) - A particularly popular character, with a cheeky persona that was evident in Kid Icarus: Uprising, he could have some particularly cool stunt animations.
- Reyn (Xenoblade Chronicles) - I'm shunning Shulk in favour of the beefy co-fighter who is both lovable and intensely annoying at the same time. If he shouted "it's Reyn time" during every stunt, TVs would be broken by hurled GamePads.
- Isa Jo / Kachi (Sin & Punishment 2) — The Wii sequel in this short-lived series is one of my absolute favourite games, and with the two protagonists I'll cheat and have them both available.
- Bionis and Mechonis (Xenoblade Chronicles) - The terrific RPG takes place upon two enormous Mechs that actually each represent sizeable inhabited lands; as pure fantasy it'd be amazing to race across and around these machines with the larger world swooping by in the background. It's Mario Kart 8, so I don't give a monkey's about scale.
- Space-Pirate Ship (Kid Icarus: Uprising) - Scenes from Uprising have already made it into Smash Bros., and this would see the proud tradition of outer-space Kart races continue against a backdrop of a dramatic battle.
- Urban Ruins (Sin & Punishment 2) - Early on in Treasure's action title you do battle in a worn down city which, naturally has plenty of highways running through the chaos; this would have plenty of high-octane thrills.
- Coliseum Nascar (Fire Emblem: Awakening) - Take the gorgeous Fire Emblem setting that's already appeared in Smash Bros. and bring back the basic Nascar-style race, with 8-or-so short laps as the crowds roar you on.

Lightning Chariot (Kid Icarus: Uprising) - It's fast and looks rad, this made a brief appearance late in Masahiro Sakurai's 3DS title.

Kachi's Hoverboard (Sin & Punishment 2) - This would need a bit more development than a typical kart, but rather like Anthony's Balance Board suggestion this would shake things up.

Pegasus (Fire Emblem) - These winged creatures are extremely elegant, albeit a massive liability against archers, and would make for an attractive kart design.

Big Bad-Ass Mech (Xenoblade Chronicles / Xenoblade X) - We've seen the flying mechs in the footage for Xenoblade Chronicles X, and we want the satisfaction of rocking one around the track. You could sit within the mech as its arms hold weapons, for example.
Alex’s Pack: Super FX x Mario Kart 8
Back when I was a nipper there was a time when 3D gaming was something that flatout didn’t exist for me, but all that ended once my grandmother got an SNES in the mid-nineties. I can still remember being utterly blown away by the lowres, borderline textureless graphics the SNES could produce with that little extra chip in the cartridge.
There weren’t many games that utilised the hardware, but I think I’ve been able to rustle up some interesting choices.
- Fox McCloud (Star Fox / Starwing) — It couldn’t be any other way, when people think of the Super FX Chip, they immediately think of this victorious vulpine. If we can have Link, we can have Fox.
- General Pepper (Star Fox / Starwing) — One of those characters who was shrouded in mystery when I was young. You never saw him beyond a static sprite, and it’s about time he was a playable character in something.
- Kamek (Super Mario World 2: Yoshi’s Island) — A staple of the Mario series. This Magikoopa was one of the primary antagonists in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi’s Island, and has appeared in most Yoshi games to date. Honestly, it's surprising we haven’t seen it already.
- Aqua Tunnel (Stunt Race FX) -- This level blew my mind as a child, with precarious halfpipes, underwater tunnels, dolphins, this track had it all. It was arguably a bit too difficult for a second level, especially considering you could die with very little effort, but because of this it was extremely memorable, and it would be a crime not to see it in HD.
- World 1 (Super Mario World 2: Yoshi’s Island) -- Despite not having a real name as far as I know, World 1 was the first glimpse of the gorgeous hand-drawn style of Yoshi’s Island we got, and it was beautiful beyond anything we’d seen before. A track in this style with the Wii U’s graphical upgrade would be a sight to behold.
- Ice Dance (Stunt Race FX) — A track from the less conventional ‘Stunt Trax’ portion of the game. This slippery course was infuriatingly difficult to negotiate properly, and Mario Kart 8 is in dire need of some more infuriating ice levels.
- Space Armada (Star Fox / Starwing) -- One of the more unique levels in Starwing, Space Armada required you to fly through a swarm of enormous spacecrafts and even enter the ships themselves in order to thin the fleet. We only have three tracks currently set in space; this is not enough.

4WD (Stunt Race FX) -- This big, blue monster was the best choice for beginner drivers and was generally the first vehicle you could get away with using whilst getting used to the unusual physics and controls present in Stunt Race FX. Bulky, heavy, great grip but slow speed, this chap is the heavyweight of heavyweights.

Coupe (Stunt Race FX) -- This little yellow number was the car I used the most in my childhood. 4WD was too slow to beat my brother but FType was too hard to control and I was sent to the scrapyard in most of the races I tried to use him in. Coupe was the oddball of the game, a sensible, inoffensive little machine amongst the fast and the gargantuan.

2WD (Stunt Race FX) -- Frankly the craziest vehicle in the main game. You couldn’t steer with 2WD in the traditional sense, rather you had to use the shoulder buttons to shift your weight to get around corners. Controlling this two-wheeled menace was more luck than judgement for a child under ten, but a great machine nonetheless.

Arwing (Star Fox / Starwing) -- In its original polygonal glory, the Arwing was the first taste the world got of 3D gaming on a Nintendo home console. Whilst today the iconic starship has more detail and style, the original holds a special place in my heart.
So there you have it, four packs we'd like to see, though some may be too ambitious or silly to even be possible. Nevertheless let us know which is your favourite in the poll, and list your own Mario Kart 8 DLC hopes and dreams in the comments below.
Which of these Mario Kart 8 DLC packs do you like the most? (248 votes)
- Damien's Sega Pack
- Anthony's 2000's Pack
- Tom's Ready for Battle Pack
- Alex's Super FX Pack
Please login to vote in this poll.
Comments 126
Awesome ideas!
I was hoping epona would be one of the vehicles already.
Just let me see Stunt race fx again.
I voted for Anthony's pack mainly because of F-Zero representation that isn't Captain Falcon. Jody Summer was actually one of my main pilots for F-Zero GX GP mode.
Samus and Shulk. That is all.
Alex's pack is the only one that may have any chance of feasibility.
Not really fond of any of the picks.........but I'm not sure I could come up with something better
anthonys pack cuz wii balance board would be so funny
Went with alex's because of kamek.
why no sanic?!
I want a Kiby pack that comes with a City Trial mode! Or, at least a City Trial track!
You people went a little too over-imaginative if you ask me.
As long as no one votes for @Damo's I'll be happy
@Azooooz we weren't going for realistic
Went with Tom on the vote, because Kid Icarus.
Though bias aside, I'd prefer Alex's overall. The rest are a bit too "silly" for my taste.
A SEGA pack without Sonic? Quit daydreaming, lads.
I voted for the Super FX Pack because it's the most feasible of these.
I'd want a Mega Pack. It'd have 6 characters (Captain Toad, Bayonetta, Mega Man, Sonic, Pac-Man and Bowser Jr) and 8 battle arenas (including DS Cake Top, GC Pipe Plaza etc)
It's Reyn Time!
Personally I would prefer Isaac time, but that is not in the realm of possibility at this current time.
@Samurai_Goroh It's not really about feasibility, but about fantasy. Feasibility is boring!
Battle arenas! That's all I want... Also Captain Falcon!
You are all thinking big. I just wanna see Pikmin + Minish Cup (pun intended) Pack where everything, tracks and obstacles seems ... erm... Big.
A year ago there would have been "lol you're mad" comments if we'd said Zelda DLC would be a thing. Wish we'd predicted it now...
Alex is the only one on the list that actually makes sense. Everyone else went a bit overboard on the cross platform stuff.
I doubt we'll get more MK8 DLC after these two. I hope they do, though. But I wouldn't bet on it.
@antdickens I just don't see how Epona herself would work in a karting game...
On Topic: Those selections of yours were just plain horrible. I don't mind having a character or two from other series but even going as having only sega and other companies tracks is just stupid. That's just make the whole franchise lose its focus.
I prefer Tom's ideas.
And the Ice Cream Van? They would rather go on foot and arrive faster.
Good Egg Galaxy is quite possibly the best idea in this whole list. Give that man a job at Nintendo!
I don't like these franchises maybe because I have never heard of them before. How about just Zelda world and Kirby world and that's it? That would be awesome.
I just simply want retro tracks as DLC.
But some of these would be good also :3
Or you know. PROPER battle tracks.
I would gladly dish more money for that. Because the current battle system on tracks suck.
@damo a Sega track pack without the Lancia Delta and Sega Rally tracks is sacrilege.
Ok here goes my list.......I'm going to make it a Punch Out theme
Characters - Little Mac, King Hippo, and Doc
Karts - Doc's Bike - Boxing Glove Kart - Boxing Ring Kart
Tracks - Punch Out Arena going around the ring and up into the crowd, Bowsers tower off of SMB3DW because it's like Vegas and all big fights take place in Vegas, The Parking Garage outside of the Punch Out Arena racing to get out of the garage after the fight, and finally Wario Stadium from N64 cause i want that to be playable in MK8 even though it really has no tie in to this list
We're getting SNES Rainbow Road. I'm satisfied.
Oh Tom, we all remember how much you love Mario Kart 8. (flashback to Mario Kart8 un-boxing video)
Racing on part of Bionis sounds awesom, sign me up!
I want a Pikmin pack that comes with Olimar as a playable character, a race track set in the Pikmin world, and a vehicle that looks like a bulborb.
@antdickens Are NL going to run some (for fun) dlc MK8 tourneys?
Yeah, right... And I want Chase McCain in Smash Bros. I already know his victory song and he could be a good grabber....
I'd love Epona and.... Pegasus, but it would be so funny to see them drift.... As well as the flying vehicles Arwing and Mech, but that would be solved by attaching wheels to them.
I want to see a Kirby Meets Mario Kart 8 myself, as well as Advance Wars Meets Mario Kart 8. Complete with Pop Star and Black Hole Territory as one of the stages for those series respectively and Dragoon and a Large Tank as vehicles.
"...some Super Mario Galaxy race locations, racing around planetary spheres sounds good to me!" Comma splice Try a semicolon next time
Also I would love these stages! Metroid Stage ftw
@Jazzer94 yes
Okay here are a few other packs I'd like to see and their characters:
3rd Party Retro x Mario Kart 8 (Classic Sonic, Pac-Man in his Smash design and Mega Man in his Smash design)
Kirby x Mario Kart 8 (Kirby, Dedede and Meta Knight)
Bayonetta 2 x Mario Kart 8 (Bayonetta, Jeanne and Loki) because why not
DK Crew x Mario Kart 8 (Cranky Kong, Dixie Kong and Diddy Kong)
Mario Racers Pack (Captain Toad, Boom Boom, Pom Pom)
@antdickens Are you doing those tomorrow? Because I'll join!
I think before seeing too many new crossover characters I would rather just have Nintendo Kart. Playing as Samus would be pretty sweet, though.
Sports pack
Wuhu Island retro 3DS
1080 Avalanche
Peach ice garden (super sluggers)
Dolphin Park (wave race)
Rob Haywood (1080)
Birdo (mario strikers)
Fly Guy (mario hoops 3 on 3)
King Hippo (punchout)
Punchout glove ATV
Baseball bat bike
Wave Race water ski styled kart
None. They are all no good
Why all these unfitting ideas? It's not that hard to come up with ideas for DLC characters that fit into the cartoony nature of Mario Kart.
The Unusual Pack
Race Tracks:
Retro Tracks:
There, it's not hard to keep a theme.
Wii Balance Board would be hilarious!
@Inkling probably on Friday evening
@antdickens Ok, will there still be a Day One competition?
We all know there is going to be something from Kirby, ever since Rosalina's trailer it has been screaming for it. That and Starfox.
I'm a big fan of including packs themed around other Nintendo IP and hope it continues Star Fox seems like such an obvious choice with a bunch of characters and karts based on the starships. Maybe throw Samus and some Metroid tracks in there too as I'm not sure there's enough suitable characters to fill a Metroid pack on it's own.
Oh God, I feel bad for you guys because we all know most of that ain't gonna happen, so it's just kinda a bit like self torture lol
@Kirk We can dream
A Sega pack wouldn't feel right without Sonic.
I would love to see some Sonic CD love too. Stardust Speedway just screams to be made into a track
I like the Super FX idea a lot.
Metroid themed course with Samus in a Gunship cart. That is all I want.
I must admit there's some great ideas floating around though.
PS. I liked Damien's pack best with Alex's second.
@Kaze_Memaryu Aside from the fact that your "unusual" theme actually is anything but - they're all Mario related!
@antdickens Sweet I'll be playing then.
Gah, Metroid characters and tracks would be amazing.
Xenoblade world in mk8 would be awesome,it will be the longest race with 7 segments.As for Reyn lol,"what a bunch of jokars!"
Cool ideas, but what I really want is for them to fix the Battlemode, aka at the very least provide an arena map pack (no matter the price at this point). This would do wonders for my enjoyment of the game, and it's longevity.
Tom, you won me over with the Lightning Chariot and Fire Emblem Coliseum combo. Circus Maximus huzzah!
@TheRegginator it's called fun, y'know, like your username and avatar.
I don't really see any of this happening. I'm not even sure if we are getting any more DLC. But if there is, here're my ideas:
Yesteryear Pack
Characters: Bowser Jr, Diddy Kong, Birdo
Kart: Red Fire, Poltergust 4000, Super Blooper, Turbo Yoshi
Tracks: Waluigi Pinball, Toad's Factory, Sherbet Land, Vanilla Lake, Ribbon Road, Mushroom City, Rosalina's Ice World, Double Dash Rainbow Road
NES Pack:
Characters: ROB, Ice Climbers (either one.), Duck Hunt Dog
Karts/bikes: Excite Bike, Polar Bear Kart, Balloon Rider, Piranha Pipes
Courses: Mach Rider, A course modeled after the Donkey Kong arcade game, Subcon, An Ice Climber stage, Balloon Fighter, and for returning courses I'm not too sure.
Nintendo Allstars Pack:
Characters: Pit, Kirby, Captain Falcon (I was tempted to put Ness there, but that'd never happen, no matter how awesome it'd be.)
Karts: Exotank, Warp Star, Arwing, And the Virtual Boy
Courses: Nintendo Land, Maka Wuhu, Corneria, Skyworld, Dreamland, Planet Zebes, A Pokemon course, and...I don't know what the last one would be.
I don't really see any of these happening ever, but they're just ideas I had.
@Ralek85 a real super mariokart style battle arena is what this game is missing and would be amazing online. One of the most legendary and iconic multiplayer games in history is super mariokart battle mode. Its a serious misfire that it isn't in mariokart 8
What are you guys smoking?
These...are kind of terrible ideas in my opinion. Okay, so Link and Animal Crossing are in, but any more crossovers, and I'd have to draw the line. It's still Mario Kart after all. I realize this was just for fun, but still...
And as for Epona, how would you even make that work with underwater and anti-gravity sections? Not to mention hang gliding sections...
Personally, I really doubt there's gonna be more DLC after May though.
I'm hoping for a Star Fox X Mario Kart 8 (pack 3) and Splatoon X Mario Kart 8 (pack 4). Plus instead of 2 cups each pack comes with 1 Cup and 4 Battle Arena's and coin runners mode added for battle mode, i'm somewhat surprised they left out coin runners in MK8 to begin with.
More Wario Ware characters! And the drilldozer from, well, Drilldozer. Also, Django from Boktai (has a bike too, in Boktai 3), Mega Man since he became a Smash bro as well, and by all means: more Monster Hunter felynes wherever they may fit, and Tingle. Yes, Tingle.
Oh, and Chase McCain (Lego City) and Maxwell (Scribblenauts). Could go on for quite a while actually.
Hey I wanted Goku for Smash! The Dragon Ball SNES game was the last Dragon Ball game I've played.
I picked Anthony's 2000's pack. For me it was the best combination of realistic and ambitious.
Tom's pack looked the coolest but I'm not sure anything would actually make it into Mario Kart except for Pit.
Alex's Pack is probably the most realistic but I'm not sure if it's ambitious enough for me.
Damien's pack is somewhere near Anothony's pack. I'm not sure Damien's characters would ever make it to Mario Kart but I could see most his tracks and cars in Mario Kart.
Overall they were all great ideas and I'd be happy to see any of them in Mario Kart.
Always vote for Fire Emblem, go Tom
they should make a DLC pack called the ones we left out and it would have diddy, Dixie, cranky, king boo, cpt falcon and samus (and battle arenas because lets be honest mk8's battle mode sucks) and karts could be the gunship, the poltergust 4000 (mkds) and the hovercraft (diddy Kong racing)
All of those games mentioned released on VC would be better (sorry for being off topic)
I voted the second one but I rather have the option of 'I hate them all' because I really do. They all sounded sickening, but I know people are just dreaming.
Tom's pack is awesome!
@Alex Kamek never got into Mario Kart? Well a MagiKoopa almost did in MK64:

I actually made an article like this a while ago on my blog, and it got featured on the front page of IGN, as well as in podcast NVC.
I love Alex's Super FX x Mario Kart 8 pack idea! I loved Stunt Race FX even if it horribly dated. My ideas:
Kirby x Mario Kart 8
Characters: Kirby, Dedede, Metaknight
Vehicles: Warp Star, Dragoon, Mini Halberd
Tracks: Dream Land, Yarn Land (or whatever the name was in Epic Yarn), Halberd, King Dedede's Castle
I agree. Keep it simple and limited to actual Nintendo stuff, not everything that's ever appeared anywhere.
Imagine if they still had the rights to Banjo Kazooie. Racing around as Banjo & Kazooie throughout Spiral Mountain or Grunty's Lair sounds incredible!
Is there going to be an Update for Mario Kart 8 to install the Pre-Ordered DLC, or will it install automatically??? Answers will be most appreciated...
Tom's ideas made me smile the most although OMG Ammy in a kart growling at people who overtake her would be amazing....
A Sega racing pack without OutRun. That's like making a platformer list without Mario.
I liked the Super FX one the best because it seems like the only way we'll ever see those games re-released in any form.
I wish we could get more fun physics.
More fun in a few hours of playing the Mario Kart mod for Sonic Generations in single player than all my time playing MK8 so far.
I'm surprised nobody mentionned a new battle mode, with good old-fashioned arenas. Don't even need new ones, just bring the snes and n64 ones. I just don't understand the new battle mode. It doesn't have any sense ! I remenber those days spent on the battle arenas of the original snes version... What a delight ! This new mode, on MK8 ? I have tried maybe one or two times. Then I got bored. I don't remember : does MK7 on the 3ds has real battle arenas ?
@Bobobiwan Yes, Mario Kart 7 has Battle Arenas, however, there are only like 7 or 8...
None of them actually made me interested. Lots of cool characters and everything, but they don't have enough appeal for a Mario Kart game, or don't fit in properly. It would turn the whole thing into something else that's not MK8.
Let's be realistic here. Nintendo will want to promote (future) current games. I'd expect DLC packs maybe for Kirby or Splatoon.
"Big bad-ass mech" lol...
Ya, now you're talking my language!
@Damo Well, yeah, that's what I'm going for: keeping it Mario. But they're unusual Mario characters, and aside of Birdo, haven't made any other appearances despite their weight (Geno is a much-demanded fan-favourite, Imajin is the rarest influential character I can think of that Nintendo has).
None of these sound interesting. And really, I'd rather the next DLC take on a different format than the first two, anyway. Obviously, proper battle arenas would be great.
@Takerkaneanite6 Great question. I think if you have purchased it, it is already installed on the Wii U. I know when I purchased mine I had to wait for something to download and install. I could be wrong though.
I'm assuming there will be an update tonight/tomorrow that you have to install as well to enable the DLC and possibly turn on Amiibo functionality. I'm not sure why Nintendo would release 2 updates for 1 game in 8 days so I think Amiibo functionality will also be included in the DLC update. That is unless Amiibo functionality has already been turned on for Mario Kart with the latest Wii U update.
Sure if you want a way to destroy Mario kart you couldn't go wrong with any of those packs, but frankly I like my mario kart not going too far from its source.
Has anyone else managed to download the DLC? It's not showing up for me :S
Alex's pack! StarFox and Stunt Race FX! Anything with Stunt Race FX is awesome.
Alex's pack destroys all others. Stunt Race FX was a great game, though I can't remember why? I just know that twenty years ago, 7 year old me thought SRFX was the coolest *#$^ ever.
Looks like nobody is waking up anytime soon with the dreams they have, lol.
@antdickens Tokyo Megaplex. YES YES YES. Anthony, that would be a 3 lap track since you blast up to the top every time you enter the tube. I'd also want Mercury City Meltdown. Aloha Ice Jam would be cool too since there'd be underwater sections and at the end of the track, you could take a tube above the tunnel and glide to the finish line, instead of jumping off the icebergs.
personally I would love to see Bayonetta taking to the tracks mainly because it would be hilariously out of place.
Speaking of packs, does Mario kart dlc come out at midnight?? I cannot wait any furthermore!
Where's the option to pick none of them?
You guys definitely got plenty of ideas for DLC.
@kidwalrus It's 1am here and it's still not available :/
More Wii, MK7 and DS tracks and for characters: Kamek, Shadow Queen, and Duck Hunt Dog.
@emiingham dang!!! Well I hope it snows for you guys too for a truly magical Mario kart 8 wonderday (:
Just make a F-Zero pack.
The pack might not be available until 4 am Eastern because of scheduled maintenance tonight
@emiingham did you try downloading it from my menu - my downloads in the e-shop?
Isa, Kachi, and Reyn? If only Nintendo loved me that much...Imagine a Reynmobile or Kachi riding that space donkey...too amazing T_T.
I could totally see Pit getting in though. And we might see a small Xenbolade reference. Monolith as been getting a lot more (much deserved) love lately.
I'd love to see Stunt Race FX return... in any form of playability really. Don't leave it buried in the past Nintendo!
What I'd really like is a battle mode DLC pack.
Battle Course 2 (SNES)
Double Deck (N64)
Battle Course 4 (GBA)
Luigi's Mansion (GC)
Funky Stadium (Wii)
Wuhu Town (3DS)
That can't be too much to ask for, especially since we got no new battle mode courses in 8.
I want a DLC pack with the amazing, the almighty, the legendary CHEESE LAND!
horrible idea. Save for Ammy
Nope, nope, nope and nope. Almost all ideas would deviate way to much from the original Mario Kart concept. To me, they would feel really out of place. Let's see how things work out with the first two DLC packs. It's the first time that characters outside of Mario games are going to be introduced to a MK game, let's not get all overboard by adding more. Nintendo should be careful with it's franchises as to not dilute them.
It's good to be king.
I agree. I know I'll probably get accused of being a "whiner" or "they're optional" or something, but having non-Mario characters/worlds in the Mario universe makes no sense, and while yes, it would be silly to take Mario canon too seriously, some of us do at least take it somewhat seriously and treat it with some respect. Plus if every Nintendo game becomes a mess of crossovers, it devalues/dilutes the USP of their big crossover franchise Smash Bros. Having said that, I don't have too much of a problem with it, but I can't deny it does bother me a little.
As my profile pic would suggest I'd love to see some Mega Man Battle & Chase DLC even if it was only available with Mega Man's Amiibo:
Mega Man's companion Rush has a Submarine, Jet & Car mode (in Mega Man 8 he also has a Bike form) + in the cartoon back in the 90's he had a glider form too
2 is enough for this game and no Sonic? Plus with Amiibos we are getting Mii suits based off of Nintendo characters people want in
@phantomsir123 I second your comment! I was going to post that they should have included the DKC:TF sidekicks, & King Boo; and classic battle arenas. Your suggested karts sound cool too.
Some of the suggestions seem like they would be out of place but I think some that could easily work would be any Pokemon, Kirby, or the StarFox team. I honestly thought they should have gone with Toon Link instead of the Link that they chose. As much as I like Little Mac, Samus, and Captain Falcon; they seem like a stretch.
I really NEED a Bowser's Castle DS version REMASTER! Now!
#bestbowserscastle ever made...at least my opinion XD
DK summit remake might be nice too, and maybe wario colosseum
With project Giant Robot coming... they could get a Robot Pack together with ROB, Chibirobot and GiantRobot.
I give you, the reasonable, realistic, and what we all want MK8 DLC pack:
Diddy Kong
Warp Star
Poke Ball kart
DK Barrel Kart
Arwing Kart
No new cups or races
Instead: 8 Battle Arenas (4 classic, 4 brand new)
I'd like to see Zelda take up the wheel now that Link has. Also a return of Diddy Kong and Dry Bones.
For courses, again, it's gotta be Wario Coliseum from DD! I'd love to see a new course in the vein of a Mario Galaxy-style planet and for a fourth there should be a new ghost mansion, in the same style as the SNES version (as opposed to Luigi's mansion style).
New vehicles, meh not bothered but it'll be kool for them to have a new style of racing... Double Dash style
All I want is characters and courses from the Mario RPGs. you know, those awesome Mario games that get neglected in everything but Smash. How cool would it be to race as Fawful through Castle Bleck?
Mad World... in Mario Kart. I want to see that!
Also, Falco has to be playable in Mario Kart someday.
Shy Guy Bazaar
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