Masahiro Sakurai continues to increase his daily picture to tease ratio for the upcoming Super Smash Bros. titles on Wii U and 3DS, with yesterday bringing a new item reveal; the Director's Room on Miiverse shows all, and we'll summarise as always early next week. Occasionally his posts tip over from being a neat feature to something particularly interesting, like a new stage.

Today's post, below, shows a status of Palutena overlooking an arena.

Palutena Statue Miiverse

Intriguingly, this screen is for the Wii U version, and likely shows a previously unseen stage. It only adds to rumours that Palutena will be playable — yes, we're very aware of them — that have circulated via supposedly "leaked" 3DS screens. The legitimacy of the images are debatable, but it's certainly not beyond possibility that Palutena will eventually be a playable character; we shall see.

This does point to a Kid Icarus-themed stage on the Wii U, though, which should cause some fun speculation as each version of the game is planned to have unique stages; this seems very different from the Kid Icarus: Uprising-style stage already shown on multiple occasions for 3DS.

Oh, Sakurai-san, you tease.
