As you all know, The Ballad of the Goddess from The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is in fact just Zelda's Lullaby played backwards. If you're just discovering this for the first time, We'll give you a minute to let you come to terms with it.
Done? OK, then catch your breath and prepare to be dazzled once more! The main theme for the upcoming Nintendo 3DS exclusive, The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, also hides its own little secret. Played backwards, you can clearly hear a section of the Hyrule Castle theme from its spiritual predecessor, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. Pretty cool, huh?
Also, if you play Tingle's Theme in reverse, it summons a hateful demon from the seventh layer of Hell who will bring endless pain and suffering to the mortal world. This also works if you play it forwards.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 25
So, This is why Zelda isn't a Game on yearly basis...
This won't mean much to me as I've yet to play Alttp.
Shocking I know.
this is amazing!!
I play Tingle's theme EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. B(
That last line got me laughing pretty hard!
Tingles theme lmao! XD
Haha that's pretty funny! However I wish Koji Kondo was still making original Zelda music. If I'm wrong about this please tell me otherwise.
He wrote one of the songs in Skyward Sword, I think it was the song that plays during the opening cutscene.
Ah, and my love for video game music only increases as the days go by.
It's a neat idea but, personally, I didn't care much for the Ballad of the Goddess. These melodies are best played forward.
Don't go ruining my f*****g stereo to prove a point! - Bill Hicks
I like Tingle, but that joke is so funny I'm going to let it slide.
The song sounds nice! I wonder how many times they can do this before I get sick of it.
Poor Tingle is only a grown man who never let his inner child die and who can be annoying and useful on occasions.
Which reminds me of several Nintendo Life users, myself included
Tingle has a theme?
I saw Majora's Mask in the trailer when they're playing Ravio's theme in the music trailer!
Woah. I had no idea about the Ballad of the Goddess thing.
I love this kind of things; that adds a drop of esoterism to the fairytale
Tingle is an angel, and a blessing. How dare you.
Never knew these things thats pretty cool to know, being the zelda fan i am lately i have had the windwaker tune in my head everytime i leave the house on a quest.
I see...
no video game tune is better than The Ballad of the Wind Fish!
Yes children, they even rehash their theme songs.
@Morpheel Even has his own game(S in Japan).
@Stimpy "... Awaken the dreamer, and Koholint will vanish like a bubble on a needle."
I remember crying when I read this as a child. Where would all those kind folks go then? The final battle was tough, both as a fight and due to knowing it'd all end afterwards...
@Shambo i know that, but I don't think he has a theme (in the main series, at least)
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