There are games to be made!

Last year, CIRCLE Entertainment brought Bookstore Dream to DSiWare, a management sim which saw you run your own bookstore. Next week North Americans will be able to download the next title in the series: Publisher Dream.

CIRCLE Entertainment posted the following tweet confirming the game will be available on 9th May:


Publisher Dream has you running a company called "Triangle" that publishes games on the "cShop" - a much better name than CSiWare we're sure you'll agree. Essentially you must work on development projects and create a lovely harmoneous working environment for your hard-working staff.

CIRCLE Entertainment has also confirmed Color Commando - which is already available in North America - will be coming to Europe on the same day:


The puzzle-platformer was developed by Goodbye Galaxy Games and we were very impressed with it, as we explained in our Color Commando review.

Are you looking forward to downloading either of these games? Let us know in the comment section below.
