Digital paper

The Wii U eShop may still be a mystery to us — a Nintendo Direct broadcast to show it off wouldn't be a surprise — but there have certainly been plenty of developers queuing up to share optimistic viewpoints on the platform. The latest to do so is a young studio called Nyamyam, founded in late 2010 by two former Rare employees, Phil Tossell and Jennifer Schneidereit. Their upcoming first title, Tengami, is currently slated for iOS, PC and Mac, but the developer has now teased a release on Wii U, while speaking of positive discussions with Nintendo.

Chatted with Nintendo Europe today. Really excited about Nintendo's plans for the digital WiiU store. Very indie/small dev friendly.

Would you like to see Tengami on the WiiU?

Tengami's promise is highlighted by its status as a finalist at IndieCade 2012; it appears to be an adventure title with a heavy emphasis on exploration, with some puzzle elements included. Its pop-up story book visual style and Japanese design are certainly eye-catching, and it's easy to see why the developer and Nintendo have already met. You can see Tengami's trailer below, so let us know what you think in the comments section.
