Are you ready for 20-something seconds of gameplay from Pokémon Black & White 2? Let's do this.
Nintendo put out the most teasing of teaser trailers during its Nintendo Direct conference, but now you can watch it at your leisure to pick out the new gym leaders and areas that make up the sequel.
The game's out in Japan now (curses!) but it hits Europe and North America later this year.
Comments 33
I still cannot for the life of me understand why they are making this for DS and not 3DS...sigh....
@kobe1724 The DS user base is larger than the 3DS user base.
I still need to but Soul Silver and White first.
So many games, so little money.
I'll pass. I already have this game.
@Radixxs Unless you're a time traveler, you do not.
I'm kind of looking forward to this. I will have a very busy fall this year, so I will probably only play this. I love games where you can save whenever and wherever you want! All games should be like that.
@mastersworddude A lot of people who pre-ordered it got it today in Japan, since it was supposed to hit stores on the 23rd which it came for the 22nd for pre-ordering people.
@Marakuto Well derp.
But I'm still pretty sure he meant it as a jab, thinking this is an updated re-release, when it is indeed a sequel.
@mudjo I seem to remember Reggie says you'll get past Pokémon earlier; think I saw a Marill in there. But yeah, weird that after one game of "no old Pokémon until you finish!" they'd do a sequel and reverse that choice.
Regigigas is also going to be in this game too.
By that logic, there should never be any 3DS games because DS has a larger group of owners; there should never have been DS games because GBA had a larger amount of users when the DS arrived, the list goes on and on.
My best guess is that they probably wanted to keep the sequels on the same system as the first Black and White(so they wouldn't be separated by 2 different systems obviously) or they had already been in development for some time.
Fall seems so far away...
its cause at the end of black and white older pokemon just started to migrate to unova so it kinda makes sense
Short and sweet,just how I like them.
Wow, the graphics are a good bit better than pokemon diamond...
Still waiting for some more new info...also, this trailer seemed kinda pointless, lol.
@Eureka Yeah the trailer was pointless.
Well since i don't want to play as the boy who has never seen a razor in his life,i'll be playing as generic girl this time.
@Shotgunryugan His hair isn't that bad. Just view it as a deflated Afro.
Also there is a new champion. Regigigas, Cresellia, Latios ,and Latias will be in the game as well.
STILL sticking with Platinum... 5th gen creatures are the worst designs of any gen, by far. I used to think Game Freak couldn't do worse than 3rd gen...
I really like the character designs!
Why so short? Well, we will know everything about the game now that it has been released.
@Emaan The legendaries, starters, and humans look good. The rest are just...
@Eureka Go to Serebii.net for tons of new info including a very surprising new Champion.
@Shotgunryugan You mean the "generic girl" with a hairstyle crossed between "A New Hope" Princess Leia and Sailor Moon?
@GreenDream Tynamo is an electric eel, for crying out loud (well, a levitating electric eel)! There are no dirty implications to it like you seem to think there are.
The rival music sounds great!
I can't wait for this game, but I'll be playing SoulSilver and White till it comes. Gotta do alil catchup -_-
Darn, I blinked.
This looks...uncreative. Please stop recycling old content Nintendo.
So Homika's English name is Roxie? How very apt.
GamerZack took one new piece of info he didn't know about from that trailer
Nintendo 3DS Link
The final part of the Unova Link feature is probably to be the more commonly used. This feature allows you to bring in the items and Pokémon you have captured in Pokémon Dream Radar and have them come to your game. This is vital to get Pokémon with their Hidden Abilities as well as the special Therian Formes of Tornadus, Thundurus and Landorus
1. Magnemite
2. Voltorb
3. Grimer
4. Remoraid
Get your blind nostalgia out of here, Gen V is great enough.
@rafaelluik 1. Magnemite SEEMS simplistic in appearance, but the ways they hover using Earth's magnetic field, "evolve" by magnetizing, and were probably created by humans, are all logical.
How those stooges "Klink and Klank" hover is beyond me. (Although the same could be said for many aquatic water types...) Their "evolutions" are just extra pieces bolted on...
2. Again, despite their simplistic appearance, Voltorb have some possible implications as to their origins... an offshoot experiment of pokeballs to be used as sabotage weaponry? A prototype alternative energy source? The first Pokemon to be experimented upon to test the capabilities of pokeball storage, just to usually be abandoned due to their volatile existence?
Foongus and Amoonguss, on the other hand... are just silly. How or why would they have pokeball patterns on their bodies? The given "lure" description is bogus.
3. Grimer and Muk are simple slimes in appearance, but they embody the vile results of industrial pollution and waste, a testament to humanity's wanton destruction of the environment; particularly of watershed habitat ecosystems that our municipal sewers now taint.
Trubbish and Garbodor... one could say they embody the throwaway culture in wasteful industrial societies, such as the USA, of tossing our garbage together into putrid, decomposing heaps. Rather than dutifully recycling metal and plastic scraps, and composting organic material, we toss them in wasteful plastic bags, only to ignore the creation of hulking mountains of filth. These 2 pokemon were born in a similar way as Grimer and Muk... but rather than at least looking simple, they look STUPID!
4. Remoraid is an interesting case in the Pokemon world. It has 2 possible "upgrades" of it's lone existence. In one case, it evolves into...an octopus!? The idea of a spitfire fish becoming a spitfire octopus was a whimsical rendition of Japanese caricatures of little octopi. In the other case, instead of evolving, Remoraid attaches itself to Mantine! They form a symbiotic relationship, uncommon in the Pokemon world.
Eeelektross is an interesting mix of electric and lamprey eel. But... seriously... Tynamo... they didn't need to go with a LITERAL tadpole! Especially with the Poliwhirl line already existing... Then again, 5th gen makes good use of literal creatures. (Tirtouga, anyone?)
Gen 5 has some interesting creatures, but overshadows every previous gen regarding inane and shallow creature designs.
I'm getting White 2. I'm a huge Pokémon fan, and I've watched the anime since they started sending it on TV when I was eh.. younger (I was already too old to be called a kid) and I still watch it! I dream of Pokémon generation IV for 3DS, but that won't come anytime soon. I like how the new girl character look. First day buy for me (^_^)
I see what you did there. Couldn't have said it better my self.
I agree to a certain extent. I facepalmed when I found out that they made snow cone and trash bag Pokemon.
i cant wait im already planing my team
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