Nintendo made a lot of sales in the week running up to Black Friday: Mario and Zelda both hit record sales and the company sold over 500,000 Wii consoles in one day. The 3DS also hit a milestone on Saturday, overtaking the entire first-year sales of the Nintendo DS.
Reggie Fils-Aime confirmed to Time that in its first eight month on sales, the 3DS has surpassed the DS's 12 month total of 2.37 million units across North America alone.
That's not enough for Nintendo, though. Fils-Aime spoke to Fox Business and acknowledges the need to keep this momentum going, saying:
In the next five weeks, I need to sell a lot of Nintendo 3DS, Wii and software.
Sounds like a good business plan, but we're no experts.
[source techland.time.com, via foxbusiness.com]
Comments 36
The real question for me is, how many of those in total were sold after the price drop.
Good to see the system is picking up, and hopefully more good software will come.
At least now they should know that not everybody screams "Hooray, Nintendo releases a new system !" for no reason. Even after a really successful Wii and DS momentum it's the system sellers that count. (Be they remake or not.)
Is that Justin Bieber in the photo?
Yes. Yes it is.
i love my 3ds but i kind of wish that I had waited until the Zelda bundle had come out. I really want that 3DS lol
How many do you think are going to sell once Mario Kart 7 hits?
That may be true, but they're currently selling it AT A LOSS.
@AtomicWaffles It's definitely a girl, but beyond that I'm not sure.
@Spookybif Too heavy on the sarcasm there. Or you need your eyesight checked.
@Spookybif That was never confirmed. also that.... thing in the picture is justin bieber. I wasn't sure whether it was a boy or girl at first XD
Lock n' load! Well played Nintendo, well played. B)
Go Go 3DS!
My god... ITS JUSTIN BIEBER!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I see that trashing Justin Bieber is still just as fun as declaring that your Wii is collecting dust (at IGN).
Its good to see the 3DS' sales picking up so much.
Looks like Nintendo's price butchering has paid off.
Once Mario Kart hits here, 3DS is gonna skyrocket.
Once Monster Hunter hits Japan......yeah I don't need to say it.
Thats good to hear. The 3DS games are looking better and I think its a good time to own one.
I wish they would've at least held their prices until the two mario games came out... I really want to know if it was the outrageous price drop or the great titles. it's really sad.
@Aviator: I woudln't worry about that question. A 3DS takes $100 to make. There is a significant profit with each one. And you know they make money one every game sold, too. I woudln't worry too about Nintendo's profits this season if pace keeps up through the year. A weak year can still finish strong.
I suppose we can thank the celebrity marketing along with the price drop, Christmas and the games, I bet the Bieb already had one like Dillon & Cole already played pokemon and dragon quest.
Great to see the 3DS Sales picking up steam, and with Christmas coming up I can't wait to see the full 12 month sales figures for 3DS!
I didn't think Justin Bieber wanted a 3DS! XD Anyway, woohoo for the 3DS!
2 3DSs Justin, really?
How do we know he isn't putting them back?
Nintendo posted a link to Bieber's new video (the one in the picture) on their 3DS Facebook page. There's a good 10 seconds of the video devoted to it.
Yay!!! OK. this RIGHT HERE is the only reason to some-what like Justin Bieber.
Yay 3DS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm one of those owners i <3 it
Yeah pretty blatant product placement in that film clip.
Yep thats a girl, so it must be Justin Bieber. Nintendo getting Justin Bieber for an add?
Well, that's very encouraging. Hopefully, it can duplicate this feat in the coming years.
cool well duh 3ds sales beat ds sales cauze 3D+DS=3DS which makes gamers <3 it sinze its on 3d.lol XD.
@33 Um. What?
Justin Beiber just gained a bit of my respect.
now we now why the 3ds didn't sold well at first because of the price and games at launch now a price drop and better games like super mario 3d land and look at the results
the nintendo 3DS is nice, but better with an update.(I got an update)
I want a 3DS, but is it worth it?
Should I just get a DSi?
If I get a 3DS, what color?
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