We’ve just passed the fifth anniversary of the Wii, Nintendo’s current generation console. With the Wii U likely to arrive in late 2012 these are the final months for the Wii at the forefront of Nintendo gaming in the home, with the recent release of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword providing a much needed boost to the ageing machine.
To talk about the Wii as an ageing console may seem premature, and this will be addressed in the section of this feature focussed on the technology behind the Wii, both modern and old. The Wii is about so much more than technical specifications, however, as it introduced motion-controlled gaming to the mainstream market, bringing countless millions of new gamers to the industry. We'll look at some of the accessories that have been released, as it's a console that has evolved and produced some quirky products. It’s also a console that has dealt with a number of pre-conceived ideas, some fair and some unjustified, that have shaped the image and reputation of Nintendo as a whole.
The Nintendo Revolution
When the Wii was first teased in 2005, it was expected to be named the Nintendo Revolution, which would have been appropriate considering the impact of the console’s control scheme. Prior to the Wii Remote and Nunchuk, motion controlled gaming had been restricted to unreliable, inconsistent and annoying peripherals – the Power Glove being a well-known example. The name Revolution was dropped in favour of Wii, a decision that baffled many gamers and, perhaps, provided the first clear indication that Nintendo was targeting new audiences, such as families. Wii is the sound of fun, when you think about it.
It was in 2006 that much of the mystery behind the Wii technology, and those innovative controllers, was finally dispelled. Demonstrations of Wii Sports showed, with remarkable clarity, what the Wii Remote and Nunchuk were designed to do. The concept of playing with a traditional gamepad was part of the past, and the future involved interpreting actions literally, bowling a ball or swinging a golf club with an imitation of the motion. Nintendo emphasized that gaming was now for everyone, complexity replaced by intuitive simplicity.
The control scheme of the Nintendo Wii revolutionised gaming, as the copy-cat efforts of Sony and Microsoft’s own innovative take on motion gaming prove.
Beyond Wii Sports, the Wii Remote has been used to swing swords, steer vehicles and shoot enemies, to name just a few activities, all using a mixture of tilting, shaking of pointing at the screen. The Sony Sixaxis Wireless Controller, used with the PlayStation 3, also included motion controls; it didn’t, however, provide the same gameplay experiences of the Wii Remote and Nunchuk. The control scheme of the Nintendo Wii revolutionised gaming, as the copy-cat efforts of Sony and Microsoft’s own innovative take on motion gaming prove.
The GameCube 1.5
While the controllers were a bold step forward for gaming, the graphical technology within the Wii certainly wasn’t. That’s not to say that the Wii couldn’t produce graphics superior to those on the GameCube, but it was the limited enhancement, and the standard-definition 480p output, that led some to brand the Wii as GameCube 1.5. In some respects this stance is understandable: in comparison to the HD performance of the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 the Wii is a long way behind. As the HD consoles find ways to continually improve visuals and performance by providing games on multiple discs or with installations on hard-drives, improvements to Wii visuals are more a result of ingenious development tricks.
Another downside to the ageing Wii technology, even since its launch, has been the titles that it has missed. There is an entire category of cross-platform games on the HD consoles with no equivalent on the Wii. Due to the similar capabilities of the Xbox 360 and PS3, many developers produce their blockbuster titles for both platforms, while the Wii is excluded: titles such as LA Noire and Batman: Arkham City, to name just two examples. Some major franchises do arrive on Wii, scaled down to accommodate the limited processing power.

Those are the negatives, but the decision by Nintendo to remain with standard-definition output has contributed to the astonishing success of the Wii. Primarily, limiting the processing power meant that the console could be sold, at a profit, at a highly attractive price on the high street. At launch it was significantly cheaper for consumers, a factor that immediately increased the product’s appeal. Experienced gamers could be drawn in by some of the high quality titles that hit within the first year, such as The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess or Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. For non-gamers the attraction of motion-controlled gaming — an exciting and original prospect in 2006 — was combined with the realisation that these experiences were available at a sensible price. There will always be those who look at the Wii and say that it’s last generation technology, but domination of this generation in terms of sales and impact says otherwise.
As we look back at five years of Wii graphics, it seems pertinent to observe that processing grunt isn’t everything; game design still goes a long way. Even looking beyond the imperious visuals in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, titles such as Super Mario Galaxy and its sequel, Muramasa: The Demon Blade, Monster Hunter Tri and Donkey Kong Country Returns, to name just a few, demonstrate that art design and skilful programming can produce visual feasts. Nintendo have always stated, with utter conviction, that gameplay experience takes precedence over flashy lighting effects and HD textures: as demonstrated when nine Nintendo Life staff voted for 50 separate titles in our top ten Wii games, we tend to agree.
Accessories, Accessories everywhere
One legacy of the Wii that stands tall is the abundance of accessories and peripherals that are available. By introducing a new control scheme and audience to the industry, Nintendo has encouraged a lucrative market in accessorising. Some are clever, useful or add to the functionality of the console, while others are decidedly less so.
To start with official products, one of the most influential add-ons has been the Wii Balance Board, released with Wii Fit. While some may have scoffed at first when seeing the balance board and Wii Fit, Nintendo has the satisfaction of the sales figures that it has generated. While Wii Sports helped to encourage families to play together, Wii Fit took the aspirational goal of keeping fit and made it a comfortable experience within the home. The original title has sold over 20 million copies, which means a lot of balance boards sitting in homes. Although the balance board hasn’t always been utilised well in other titles, its impact on the health games genre has been significant.
Without MotionPlus, it becomes apparent that the Wii Remote is limited to detecting quick movements... the term ‘waggling’ was born as a result
Another major peripheral is the Wii Remote MotionPlus add-on, an additional section clipped onto the controller: The Wii Remote Plus has followed, with all of the new technology built directly into the remote. In many respects, MotionPlus delivers what was expected of the original Wii Remote, with accurate motion detection that comes extremely close to 1:1 fidelity. Without MotionPlus, it becomes apparent that the Wii Remote is limited to detecting quick movements, without a particularly accurate perception of the direction or speed of the gesture: the term ‘waggling’ was born as a result. MotionPlus undoubtedly takes waggling out of the equation, forcing gamers to actually recreate accurate motions to achieve the right results: Wii Sports Resort was a top-class example of the device’s capabilities.
The biggest issue for MotionPlus is the lack of Wii titles that utilise the increased accuracy. Red Steel 2 requires the peripheral, while other titles such as Conduit 2 include optional support: it hasn’t been called upon often. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword makes excellent use of MotionPlus for sword-play, aiming, flying and puzzles. Some may argue that it represents the epitome of how the Wii Remote should be used, albeit five years after the console was released. Intriguingly, E3 2011 showed that the MotionPlus may have a new chance of success, as an additional controller for the Wii U.
An alternative control option was also produced in the form of the Classic Controller and Classic Controller Pro. Brought out initially as an accompaniment to Virtual Console gaming, it has been included as an optional control scheme in various retail releases. Not all accessories, meanwhile, require technology to work, as some are basically plastic shells. The Wii Wheel, brought out in conjunction with Mario Kart Wii, is simply a piece of plastic. Though it is possible to ‘steer’ with the Wii Remote minus this add-on, we’d wager that playing with the wheel, or one of its many copy-cat equivalents, makes the game a little bit more fun. That brings us to the Wii Zapper, another plastic shell designed to house the Wii Remote and, in this case, the Nunchuk. Much like the wheel it doesn’t enhance the controller in any way, but at least feels more like holding a gun.

Some other accessories are certainly quirky, one being the rather marvellous Let’s Tap box: the basic idea is to place the Wii Remote on the box and tap a rhythm to control the action. There have been plenty of plastic extensions that demonstrate far less creativity, designed to make Remotes look like tennis racquets or other sporting equipment. A special mention must go to the House of the Dead: Overkill hand cannon, a gun peripheral that is unabashedly crude. Check out the picture if you don’t believe us.
Long live the Wii
So there you have it, a look at some elements of what has made the Wii the most successful console of its generation. We haven’t even addressed the extensive game catalogue, which is far broader and substantial than the shelves of your local gaming store would suggest. As the Wii enters its final months before the arrival of the Wii U, it deserves recognition and credit for bringing Nintendo gamers memorable experiences, while re-shaping the gaming landscape and changing it forever. Its original code name says it all, this console has revolutionised gaming.
Comments 50
I didn´t but this at launch like my cousins but I bought mine 5 months later from my neighbour who became more interested in XBox360. I already had played Zelda TP on NGC so I had to wait over 6 moths for Super Mario Galaxy, the first great game after TP on Wii (sorry, I´m not much into Metroid).
Five years already. While the Wii did miss alot of games I would argue it had the best exclusive's as it had alot of off beat games that never hit the HD systems or the sequel did.
Most Wii Games today look good. look up mario galaxy or Donkey Kong Country returns in 1080p and it looks amazing.
The Best thing about the Wii U as it set the stage for some of nintendo's lesser known properties to come back. (the Excite series,Pitt,Donkey Kong Country,Punch-out)
Hope they continue this trend in the Next gen with a good mix of old and new ips.
does anyone know who own's the rights to sin and punishment?
Man did that go by fast!
I remember hooking it up and showing my Dad how to play Wii sports.
He hardly touched a videogame in his life but there he was at 56 hooked on the bowling game.
He started hogging it everyday and I almost had to hide it from him.
The Wii gave me alot of great gaming memories. Can't wait to see what Wii U brings to the table.
@shingi_70 what do you mean look up?
Wow its at its 5 year anniversary the wii,cool.Well its a great thing nintendo is makn wii u because of its controller and it will be alot more better than wii but still the wii is awesome.Cant believe nintendo made the wii which is the first ever motion(or whatever u want to say to this system)system where u use da control and move while usn it.Im like ah cool cause its kinda wierd when I waz usn the wii with all the movement and stuff,I wasnt usw to it until I got the hang of it.I hope the wii u will be the best just like the wii.Its just great times on the wii...
I was initially excited about the Wii and I still totally agree with its general philosophy (simplicity, accessibility, etc.), however I quickly became very disillusioned with it, mainly as I realized that I find motion controls (on the whole) really clunky, awkward, annoying and tiresome. I just never found shaking, miming and flailing to be very fun, intuitive or immersive. You say that "Prior to the Wii Remote and Nunchuk, motion controlled gaming had been restricted to unreliable, inconsistent and annoying peripherals". Personally I don't really think much has changed on that front.
However, recently, as it bows out, I have kind of warmed to the Wii a little. I understand why it had to be done and it does of course have some amazing games. For a period I was incredibly anti-Wii and incredibly melodramatic about it, which I look back on with great embarrassment.
sin and punishment star successor was developed by treasure but published by nintendo. great game it was too!
@Atomic Otaku
The Lava level is the most apparent one. Its upscaling Wii games to 1080p. Looks so good.
Gives me Hope because the Wii U will be able to pull off x10 times that.
The Wii did cause a revolution. Everyone bought it, especially ageing ex gamers of the NES era. People that hadn't played many video games since the NES or early SNES days were back into gaming because it simplified it and made it a social experience. This is where other consoles and PC's fail miserably. COD is not a social game. There are some benefits to online gaming but the change from real-life multiplayer to virtual took a hit on a lot of the fun factor. Graphics aren't the most important aspect of a game though they can really affect your experience. I'm an avid Minecraft player and that game has very simple graphics but it is addictive, can be quite social, and really brings out your creativity. On the other hand I just started playing Skyrim and I'm just blown away by the attention to detail and immersive environments. Simple graphics weren't the Wii's biggest problem...
480p was one of the biggest issues for me though probably didn't affect some of the casual buyers. 480i is fine on an old CRT screen, in fact it looks great. On a modern TV it looks pretty bad though sitting further away helps. You do get use to it but still...I don't mind the low polygon counts, or lack of atmospheric effects it's the jagged polygons on a high def screen.
The other issue was lack of support especially over the past year +. There have been some great games even some of the best in that time but there were few and both VC and Wiiware also suffered. It seemed like Nintendo was focused elsewhere (on their new system). Perhaps Nintendo saw the fan base was waning anyway but abandoning your customers isn't the best move for future relations. It's unlikely I'll get a Wii U (or any other console) next generation but only time will tell. Usually I wait at least a year for better pricing and more games.
Wii U will be 10x more powerful? Any proof?
I have to say that I was disappointed with the Wii. Gamecube remains my favorite Nintendo console ever. Hope Wii U is going to replace it. Huge hopes for next Nintendo's console. HD and a screen controller... MMmmmm
it should have been called revolution. that name revolution would have put more fear into sony and microsoft hearts. but the wii for me was a great system, i enjoyed playing some great games on here and i still have more great games left to be played. ive always told my friends that the money ninty makes from the wii that their next system will be great. i still say that its easier to play sports games and shooting games with the wii remote and nunchuck. and im sad for all thoes newbies who broked thier tvs playing like crazy animals with the remote.. lol..
The 360 and PS3 were considered X10 (i.e full generational leaps) above the consoles that came before. Going by the logic that the Wii is weaker than those systems and the Wii U is rumored to be a 50 percent more powerful than the Ps3 than it has to be x10 the power of the wii.
No it wouldn't. They changed the name for a reason. From a marketing standpoint the revolution wasn't easy on the tongue and lacked the brand recongtion that the xbox and PlayStation had.
Wii was the best as you could explain the concept in name. We would like to play.
oh man... the first time i played red steel...
so nostalgic right now, can't post anymore :')
Can't believe its only 5 years. Wii got me back into gaming after a break of nearly a decade. Now its my main interest. I've even started developing some small games of my own. Thanks Nintendo.
i got mind at launch but it was in december i think.was the past anniversary from the japanese release date?
I remember calling local retailers and checking the dates they receive shipments so I could be there early, in case any Wii systems came in. Those things sold out quick!
For me, the Virtual Console and GameCube B/C was a huge lure. That and the fact that I was consistently whooped at Wii Sports boxing. I had to get my hands on a console so I could train!
Playing Wii Sports for the first time will always be a good memory. Hopefully the Wii U will create some more good ones.
My favourite console and I'm a gamer since the SNES era. Why? It enabled me to enjoy the great hobby of gaming with my family. Also I bought and played more games on this console than any other. Amazing.
Gotta love the wii...
PS I can't be the only one who thinks the wii U looks bulky and remake of the wii with an ipad as a controller... I'll pass...
You aren't the only one, and that certainly isn't the first time someone says it looks like a bulky remake of the Wii with an iPad controller - and that they'll pass. ;p
I ain't one of 'em though.
iPad controller would mean non-stylus encouraged touch screens - which I (personally) can't stand due to me having very noticeable fingerprints (I have a warmer body, and interaction with anything warm makes my hands warm up quickly... which makes for VERY easy fingerprints). Seeing that it is stylus encouraged (though obviously you could just use your fingers if you wanted), and the fact that there isn't a working CPU in the pad itself (it just transmits information, not saves anything or produces anything) --- it hardly is anything like the iPad.
What I don't get is: People are willing to miss out on great Nintendo games that people KNOW Nintendo will make top-quality just because it has a pad? ...did you guys miss out on the DS too? Those had awesome games. The Wii U is like a big DS (top screen TV - bottom screen pad) that plays home console games. How is that a bad thing exactly?
@Skotski: Why would I want to use a stylus while holding a controller though? This is what I never understood about the DS. Two screens is also a gimmicky feature, focus on the games not strange peripherals. This is the problem with iOS games. The touch interface works for a number of genres just fine but the majority of games are shallow, the Wii was a step up from that but still had a lot of shallow games, the PS3 & Xbox360 sure had a bunch of bogus overrated games but they also had/have epic games of mass exploration.
That said I'm not against the screen on a controller idea, I think that's a great feature if it can be used as an alternative to a TV. I also look forward to see what PC modders do when they get their hands on it.
Ah, the Wii. I often turned a lot of heads stating that it was my favorite current gen console (also owned an Xbox 360). It just had the most intriguing games considering I haven't cared for shooters since I was 18. I love the ingenuity in game design that the Wii demanded. Also, the Virtual Console was like a dream come true that we often now take for granted. I was blown away when I realized I could play NES, SNES, N64, and Gamecube games on this console. What a legacy.
The Wii is my favorite current gen console too. It doesn't have the awesome racers or RPGs that you find on the PC, but it's still my favorite.
I Love the wii, my favourite part of the wii experience is downloading the V.C games and bowling on wii-sports. I love wii-sports resort it plays so well, also for users in the UK the iplayer is great! I'm looking forward to the launch of Wii-U for me it's a portable wii! However unless Nintendo 'do' a new Mario wii game the console I feel will lose it's shelf life soon. Doesn't matter how many in game packs they do, I feel people who want a wii has one now. Nintendo will sell some units over Christmas and dare I say this.... Easter then that's it. Sorry Nintendo if you guys revamped it and kept Gamecube playbailty then I think people would buy it, that includes people who own the oringnal version.
I will say I was somewhat disappointed by the lack luster promotion of both the Virtual Console and WiiWare. Many people who bought the Wii were from the NES or SNES days. I know Nintendo had some difficulty with 3rd party support, which explains the VC being primarily Nintendo only. There were games from the NES and SNES I would have loved to play, but was stuck playing my favorites using an emulator on my computer.
To those who think the DS or 3DS is gimmicky with 2 screens, I introduce you to the Game & Watch series. You know, those devices Nintendo made prior to the NES. If you can get you hands on those, they are worth money, and many still work great 30 years later. Nintendo always uses ideas from their past and improves on them. The Wii U (a name I cannot stand) will make use of the 3DS as all of the software Nintendo will pump out in the next year will be for this system. Just waiting on release dates now for Kid Icarus and Luigi's Mansion 2.
Well, I have to say, now is the perfect time for Nintendo to go hi def. The technology can't advance much further given the materials used...
I'm not one to nitpick this kind of thing usually, but...
Aging. Aging aging aging. Not ageing. Aging.
5 years? Wow, it seemslike just yesterday when I won a Wii in Bingo at a party.
This was a good read and really made me start thinking of the many games I still have to beat and the tons and tons of games from wiiware, vc, and retail that I still want.
Honestly, like both PS3 and 360, there's a lot of gaming to be had with this console. It's really going to be hard to move forward with game consoles after this considering this generation, between the 3 systems, you get so much bang for your buck. Seriously though, I can play so many games between the 3 consoles from previous generations and have such a huge selection of games available to me through both retail and downloadable markets, it will be extremely hard to justify a purchase of new consoles.
After 5 years I still love playing Wii Sports
@47drift UK English — which we use here at Nintendo Life — prefers ageing: BBC English guidelines.
@James Well boy howdy, I really do learn something new every day. I had not once seen it spelled that way before. Thanks for the tip!
@James So this is a UK site?
Skyward Sword has shown just how much potential there is in this motion control technology but I still think both the technology and the user experience, in terms of how designers are implementing these motion controls in their games, has a little way to go before it fully realizes it's potential and is truly intuitive, satisfying and fun for everyone.
The amount of crappy peripherals has been a major sore point for me too, especially when you consider many of the official Nintendo ones like the Classic Controller were actually requirements just to play certain VC games.
The one thing I'd love to see is a single controller, or controller set-up, that does not require any extra costly peripherals to play all the games on the system. Kind of a one controller fits all would be absolutely perfect. Unfortunately we're already off to a bad start on Wii U, with the basic console utilizing all the Wii's previous controllers and peripherals along with it's own custom controller. Not good for people like me who want to take up less space and have less crap lying around, not more.
The highs and the lows of the Wii, as I see it 5 years later;
+Both launched and ended it's career with Zelda games.
+Not one, not two, but THREE Mario platform games, all excellent.
+The Metroid Prime Trilogy proved the controller's worth for FPS games quite admirably.
+Brought Punch-Out!! back finally.
+Virtual Console (the games that got released)
+Home to the best sidescrolling platformers sinse the SNES.
-The graphics, while tolorable in the beginning, have aged horribly.
-Teathered classic controller. Seriously, couldn't this have been its own unit?
-Online well below the standards of the competetors.
-Motion control became waggle due to creatively bankrupt 3rd party developers.
-Lack of support in general, outside of Nintendo.
-Virtual Console (the games that never made it out)
-Home to the broadest array of shoddy mini game collections I've ever seen.
One thing is clear, Nintendo did software really well with this system; I'd even argue it's the best they've ever done. The hardware, however, was gimped to the point where 3rd parties couldn't take it seriously, in spite of it's major success, and thus left many gamers to rely on a second system for their 3rd party fix. Overall it's one of my favorite systems ever, just for the awesome 1st party and classic games you can't get on Sony and Microsofts machines, but Nintendo needs to make the next one appeal to everyone else too.
So many good games I haven't had time to try yet, I can't believe it's been 5 years already. I'm ready for HD, definitely, I've been playing on a giant HD tv and all I use it for is Wii and Wii netflix; it's ironic and a little dissapointing since I love Nintendo's designs and games the most. Even seeing the upscaled screens is almost saddening considering the potential.
I'm glad the WiiU will carry on the motion plus controls, I really love what's been done overall especially after playing Skyward Sword. I don't want anymore buttons than there are. The tablet is ok as long as the remote can still be used.
The Wii will still have a place on my shelf for a long time, especially since I'm still catching up on some gamecube classics.
I've tried the Kinect and it's kind of overkill. I like interactivity but I don't always want to jump around like an idiot just to play a game for a while, the Wii is a great middle ground. It really refreshed my love of video games that I had given up on after the Gamecube launch. Many fond memories already, but the WiiU is really overdue now if they want to stay competitive.
I love the Wii. I never understood the appeal of the other consoles - I think the Wii is just perfect, with its many diverse games and of course the Virtual Console. Granted, it's been weak for a while in terms of number of games released, so for those gamers with no backlog and that play a lot, it's understandable. For other, waiting for the Wii U seems more than enough, because honestly, having played PS3, the Wii isn't missing a not, definitely not in some 'online something something' that people exaggerate about, and the graphics either are also pretty spectacular on some Wii releases (MH Tri, SMG, RE:DSC etc).
@shingi_70 - don't understand what you said there... The Wii is more powerful than the PS2 obviously, and it's also not true that the 360/PS3 is 10x more powerful than the PS2, at least not in any way that was apparent in terms of games quality.
@stromboli, you never seen HD games, or did you?
I got my Wii fairly late. I hadn't owned a console since the Sega Genesis. My cup of tea was computer gaming, but when that well dried up, I looked at the consoles. Super Smash Bros. Brawl had just come out and I had so many great memories playing the original with friends on the N64, it just made sense. The first game I bought was Super Mario Galaxy and I knew, right away, that I made the right choice.
Even though I sometimes long to see what the big deal is with all those "big name" games for the other consoles, I've been very happy with the Wii. I've played some amazing games, both with great motion control (Okami, Red Steel 2) and without (Little King's Story, Kirby's Return to Dreamland). I spent the first year or more with my Wii just catching up on games and I still feel like there's games I need to play that I haven't had a chance to try, like Muramasa.
I'm intrigued by the Wii U but I'm not sure if I'll get it. I want Nintendo to be committed to the "hard-core" gamers. I want games that take upwards of 40 or 50 hours. NOA's decision regarding the Operation Rainfall games will play a large part in my decision-making regarding the Wii U.
@ 41. carb.
you said "I got my wii fairly late," but you also said "Super Smash Brothers Brawl had just come out".... by fairly late I vision 2010 or later... the wii came out in november 2006, brawl came out in march 2008.... i wouldn't consider a year and a half coming in late
Man, 5 years already? A lotta great memories with the little guy =)
i just hope us US customers get some good rpgs for 2012 before wii u comes out
I remember my wife bought the system for me as a christmas gift way back when... yeah wii doesn't have HD which means I miss out on dragon age, mass effect, batman...
but hey Wii offered me a way for me and my wife to get back into shape with EA active, we played wii sports like crazy, and of course the old VC games from sega and super nintendo brings back memories for us....and we still play super mario world and super mario 3 from time to time
I still put on the weight gloves and do a couple of boxing rounds on the active game.. got the balance board which my wife uses when she's bored sometimes...the karate game is fun....
the point is I love my wii because it offers me more ways to entertain me besides HD visuals.
Hopefully with Wii U nintendo will allow me to have my cake and eat it too!!!!!
As usual a nice write up there.
I cant believe its been 5 years already. I remember hearing about the shortage of Wiis all over the place when they first came out. Heck I even remember a local radio station having a contest where the winner of the contest was the person who could drink the most glasses of water in a certain time period would win a Wii. Sadly a contestant died and the radio station got in big trouble for the contest.
That shortage was the main reason I waited a few months to pick one up. I happen to be in Walmart one day with my mom when I happened to see one Wii left in their glass case so without hesitation I whipped out my Visa card went up to the guy at the counter and told him I would take a Wii.
I have to say the main reason I bought the Wii was for the VC but with great games like Mario Kart Wii, GoldenEye, NSMBW and now Skyward Sword I have not been disappointed with it. Truthfully the Wii is what made me come back to Nintendo after a long time being away. I hope the Wii U will continue the greatness that the Wii brought.
I agree with others here that the Virtual Console was a great feature offering years of Nintendo's excellent games in one place. I have to say I have quite enjoyed my Wii and though it doesn't always get used I will never get rid of it, I have a good selection of games, retail, Wiiware and VC. My biggest disappointment was the WiiSpeak which has to be the worst supported official peripheral in history. I feel if Nintendo and more developers had got on-board we could of had a better online experience whilst playing against friends/family. Friend Codes were a big annoyance and helped kill any chance of the Wii growing an online community.
In reference to the lack of Wii's processing power, I think the Wii U needs to be, at the very least 2x to 4x as powerful as the current 360/PS3 tech (which is from 2004/05)
A) To be enough of a difference to warrant being purchased alongside the aforementioned consoles, and even to be considered as a potential 'stop-gap' console.
B) To stay relevant enough to keep closer to the imminent releases from SONY and Microsoft. The Wii tech looked dated far too quickly and sat closer to Gamecube/PS2 than it ever could 360/PS3. Very few multi-platform games gave you the same experience as their HD counterparts with the exception of Rockband 2 and 3 and DJ Hero 1 and 2.
I'd like to see a wireless 'Nunchuck Plus' and or a second analog Wii Remote Plus, working in connection with a camera similar to Kinect. I really hope Nintendo don't mess up with the Wii U, if they have learnt their lessons from the Wii/3DS and from their competitors it has the potential to be great.
A good start for discussing the Wii here. A continuation somewhen would be great.
About the graphics i have to say that what i see as the best titles was very close to perfection imo. Of course they're more based on style than realism and there's the occasional bad texture but all in all games like De Blob, Zack & Wiki, Metroid Prime 3, Super Mario Galaxy, Sonic Colors, Punch Out! and so on don't have to look much better in my book. And while No More Heroes didn't look mazaing it had edge and was good enough for me. And the great thing about it were the game prices. I just hope that the U doesn't stand for Unaffordable. If so i'll most likely wait for price drops on a lot of games.
For games more based on realism there's always the question if the devs didn't / couldn't invest enough time or if some things just weren't possible on the Wii. I hope the WiiU won't have the same problem and get the best possible support through its entire lifetime.
In a whole the Wii to me is the second best Ninty home console behind the SNES. If the WiiU has all its strengths and never ceases to get better third party support it may even give me the best gaming time I ever had.
PS: Concerning accessories I think Guitar Hero 3 deserves a mention too. Iirc it sold better on the Wii than on the other platforms and shows quite well what casuals were searching for on the Wii.
@Johnny117 It's based in the UK, yes; the directors and I are all English, but obviously we cover Nintendo news the world over
Playing Wii Sports for the first time was one of the greatest experiences of my video-game life, which dates to the pre-Atari days. It's kind of sad that a console that has sold nearly 100 million units has been so poorly supported by lazy third-party developers. I will always have fond memories of this console, and while I'm looking forward to Wii U, I have enough unplayed Wii games left to last years.
@Burning_Spear re: '' It's kind of sad that a console that has sold nearly 100 million units has been so poorly supported by lazy third-party developers.''
yes, if there is one gripe about the wii, it is that. the wii was never taken seriously by the likes of SEGA, capcom, SNK, konami, namco to name, who released big titles for the PS3, x box 360 and either ignored the wii or who put out crap games for it.
but for every 4, 5 crappy 3rd party wii titles, there was some great gems as well so it's not all bad..
my favorite peripherals are the AMS hand cannons and the light saber. The hand cannons when used in conjunction with HotD:O provide one of the funnest experiences on the wii (especially when the hand cannons are used in the game) and the loading motion is pure joy. They are front heavy, so if you play for an extended period of time your wrist begins to weaken.
The light saber attachments bring out the inner child in me and make playing force unleashed that much more fun. It is also a peripheral that the PSMove could not pull off (because it would result in there being an ugly ball between the hilt and blade)
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