The Wii U was a big ace up Nintendo's sleeve at this year's E3, but president of Sony Computer Entertainment America Jack Tretton doesn't see the console as much of a threat to its current generation PlayStation 3.
Tretton spoke to Forbes about the E3 reveal of Nintendo's new console and had this to say:
I didn’t see anything about Nintendo’s announcement that said ‘Oh, we’d better get working on rolling out a new PlayStation here pretty soon.
Our attitude is kind of ‘welcome to the party.’ If you’re looking at being a multimedia entertainment device, if you’re looking at high def gaming, that was 2006 for us.
Last year Sony launched its PlayStation Move motion controller and this year sees the release of its touch screen-wielding portable console, PlayStation Vita.
[source blogs.forbes.com]
Comments 302
Why does SONY PR people always speak as if they are lacking maturity and reason?
lol, here we go again.
Playstation 4's controller will have a big touchscreen...thing....just watch.
i love how sony does this every time nintendo releases something new and different. Welcome to motion controls Sony! that was soo 2006, touch screen controls? wow ur a little late to the party there Sony!
can he not see how they always trend behind nintendo?
Playstation 4 controller will be a Black Wii U controller with a PS Move Glowing Ball on top
Did anyone hear how loud that smack was?
But the real question is, was the WiiU created to be a threat in the first place? I don't feel like Nintendo is trying to upstage anyone with this console, but, I guess Tretton does.
In b4 100 comments of rage...?
We can say the same about touch screen control on the Vita. "Welcome to 2004, Sony."
But to be serious, they have a point about HD, but I think the Wii did excellent with SD. And with their strategy this generation, they made a load of money and now release a HD console which (according to rumors) is 50% faster then the PS3, a lot cheaper then the PS3 was in the past and innovate gaming again by adding another screen.
@Epic:....With more buttons. xD
Yeah, I'm sure technological powerhouses with innovative interfacing technology doesn't really compare on the threat level as endless hackers, identity theft, public relations nightmares, stockholder unease, and the mighty mite system that's been kicking your butt for five years compares, oh, wait, you still have all these problems AND another system popping up!
Jacky-boy, let me lay a hard truth on you. Yeah, you pretended you grew a set and got on the E3 stage to apologize for the blackouts and the hacker attacks. Meanwhile, you face multi-million doller lawsuits and your biggest competitor, the one who HAS threatened your existance, coming into your back yard to use your dog as a flail to beat your pompus face in, and you have to deal with the backlash of your own product getting booed off stage at E3. Sony, you have no idea just how much in real trouble you're in.
The hackers, the backlash, the lawsuits, the 3DS getting going, and now Wii U, who is a very serious threat to not only dominate your market but continue it's stranglehold on it's own? Don't get me wrong, you'll keep your head above water, but careful. Here comes Microsoft on a motorboat aimed right for your bloated head.
Does ANYONE at Sony actually know how to run a video game industry? I mean, seriously, they got by two generations because they didn't have any serious competition, but when Nintendo woke up and Microsoft finally figured things out after the first X-Box, we came to realize that the emperor that was Sony had no clothes. And if you want my opinion, Sony still hasn't fixed that problem.
Again, u see why they sell so poorly globally (relatively speaking). They don't understand the market and are quite upperty about their Sony "brand" (which has declinined in the television market as well as the console market). Isoaltionism is their way.
Anyway, what about the Sony's failure - the Move - lol
I could criticize Tretton's attitude towards Nintendo, but I won't because I know that the people above me already are and the people below me likely will.
I will say to some extent he is right. If Nintendo was hoping to compete with the 360 and the PS3 as an HD gaming console, Sony and Microsoft will have a 6-7 year head start by the time the Wii U launches.
I don't think Nintendo will fail by any means, as their loyal fan-base (myself included) will undoubtedly adopt their new console.
herp derp
The Wii U was touted as a multi-media device, when? Also, way to miss the entire point by singling out the fact that Nintendo have "finally" gone HD. As if that's what the Wii U is really going to be about...
Sony guy said something mildly disparaging about the competition! LET'S JUMP HIM IN A DARK ALLEYWAY AND BEAT HIM UP!
@16: HD doesn't matter anymore, its all about Blu-Ray lol.
I'm surprised they remember 2006 — was one of their more derpy years.
So motion controls on Sony consoles aren't new either? Way to think of the future
WHEN will Sony stop acting like total n00bs? Oh wait, that's what they are
I'm starting to think James gets a kick of of seeing the reactions to these articles....
@Swiket @turtlelink KILL THEM ALL!
Yeah...that's so 2006. Just like the touch controls on the Vita are so 2005...
"If you’re looking at being a multimedia entertainment device..."
Personally, I hope Nintendo is not looking to be a general multimedia device, and fortunately the current evidence is on my side (no Blu-Ray or DVD support).
If you guys haven't read that sony's Playstation Vita can do the same thing the Wii U controller and what I mean is that you can play your PS3 game on the vita, but developers have to include that option on the PS3 game
@30. See, Sony copy all Nintendo's ideas and then say THEY'RE unoriginal
I've been saying that since the damn thing was announced.
@32 I really don't care who copies who I just care who does it the best like if it is more powerful, more creative etc.
Said the president of the company who still uses the Super Nintendo controller...with control sticks. And the Wii Remote...with a ball on top.
well im still thinking of moving my multiplatform buying on ps3 to the wii U when it comes out so sony you got about a year or so of getting money from me on multiplatform games
@29. Me too, guv. Me too. I just want it to play games.
@31 Sony like to whip things out don't they?
It's true technologically, speaking. The WiiU is not that big a jump from the PS3 compared what we generally see with console generations. Didn't Sony confirm a PS tablet that would be compatible with PS3 too back in the spring? So they can't be accused copycatting, but I'm going to guess Ninty's still going to be the cost effective option.
That being said, I'm still angry at Tretton's "apology" for their network outage at E3. It was pretty much "we're sorry that we still have so many sales and good games and our customers are so loyal that we can turn this into a marketing spiel instead of an actual apology for our lack of online security and customer service."
@Sadsack, actually, it was announced it could do that a few days the Wii U was even announced.
I would like to see this battle in hardware.
says the company that copies nintendo
Jack Tretton is the Man
Silly Nintendon't, you will never beat Sony!
Hearing these people diss Nintendo when Nintendo is hardly dissing back is really immature and making me start to hate Sony...
He kinda has a point...although as someone who was thinking about getting a PS3 with Move, but is now waiting for the Wii U...he's wrong if he thinks it isn't a threat
Notice how Nintendo never never says anything bad about its competitors...
yeah playstation move umm whats that a rip off of then the wiimote face sony hates nintendo since the playstation 1
edit face it
"Last year Sony launched its PlayStation Move motion controller and this year sees the release of its touch screen-wielding portable console, PlayStation Vita."
...I see what you did there.
He has grounds...This time.
The Vita could easily be used as a substitute controller to the PS3 that acts like the WiiU remote. It would actually include more features too, if Sony decided to do that.
Though he said it was a multimedia system when we all know it'll have Netflix and that's it, no DVD/Blueray and I doubt it'll have a music player.
Either way, I'm sure both the lovers and the haters will go nuts with this statement, just like his statements on the Wii.
there is no edit sign on the right
That's cute: It's like Jack Tretton and Reggie Fils-Aime are competing to see who can spew the most sh*t out of their mouths.
This would be pretty sad if it wasn't so predictable.
Oh Jack.....words simply can't quite describe how short sighted and ignorant you really are.
2005: Touch screen on a handheld!? How ridiculous! And look at those graphics! PSP is gonna wipe the floor with DS!, 2011: Introducing the PS Vita...Its got a touch screen!! We're so innovative!
2006-ish: Wii? That's not a REAL game system. Motion controls are for little kids! Sony owns the living room and Nintendo owns the closet! Oh and those graphics, what a laugh!, 2010: Intoducing Playstation Move! Look! Its got super innovative motion controls plus a goofy ball on top! We are truly market leaders!
2011: Wii U? That thing is no threat! Welcome to 2006 Nintendo!, 20??: Introducing our new controller! Its got a big touch screen on it! Look how new and amazingly innovative this thing is! Oh yeah, and here's the PS Vita 2! Its got.....a 3D screen...,WITHOUT GLASSES!! And just look at those shiny graphix!!! Take THAT Nintendo you un-innovative children!
Tsk tsk Sony. When will you learn. Oh, and those last couple lines in the article were great! They really say it all
I think the Wii (and the DS and it's family) has proven you don't need processing power to dominate the market.
Just more sabre rattling from Jack Tretton.
MOVE away from the veteran games and console makers please or we will have to set sega onto you lol
playstation customer service sucks that is why i will never buy sony again, nintendo always will fix their equipment free or reasonable. to get a psp repaired it is like 90 bucks.
My responce:
"Hey, Sony, remember motion-control gaming? That was ALSO so 2006."
I don't see how he is mistaken this time.
It doesn't seem that the Wii U will much more powerfull than PS3 and not many people will buy it to play HD games if they already have a PS3/xbox360.
Vita may be used as a PS3 controller but someone can control PS3 via network (home or internet) using PSP via remote play and you can even stream some games such as Blazblue and play without a TV.
If Sony doesn't copy at least one tiny thing for their PS4 that Nintendo did first (and this time it must be the controller with a screen), that would be the first time in Video Game history. Bloody copycats!!
What's with the mud slinging Jack? It also baffles my mind how he can say these kinds of things about Nintendo when Sony is the most notorious for taking their ideas and making them their own. Nintendo introduced analog sticks and BOOM, Sony added them. Nintendo did rumble and BOOM, Sony added it. Nintendo introduced a very specific split type motion controller and Sony blatently released there own. The similarities on the latter, I might add, are so rediculous I don't think anyone could say Sony was being original in that regard. In addition to all that, Sony didn't even pioneer online and HD gaming either, so these comments are so wrong here Jack really comes off as pretty arrogant and ignorant at the same time.
Been watching Game Overthinker also eh
http://screwattack.com/videos/TGO-EPISODE-39-The-Emperor-Has-No-Clothes for those that havent seen it.
It does seem like he's been very cocky, but can we honestly say someone like Reggie or Iwata wouldn't say the same thing if it was Nintendo that had the powerhouse system and Sony or MicroSoft was just coming out with a new system that barely surpassed Nintendo's own?
2030: now our new console the nintendo i will be nothing like youve seen before, now you actually be in hyrule feild, you can now be inside the mushroom kingdom because our new console actually turns your surroundings into the game, you will be mario link luigi or even a pokemon trainer as you your self are the game character..... back stage jack: are you noting this down.
2031: erm nintendos new console sucks yeah
2040: the playstation U you can now be in the game the surrounds will be hy.. i mean COD MW45 this has never been done before
face it sony you cant do anything with out someone else doing it first
@Acerocks: Alas, its true, I am not psychic and cannot predict the future. I can however look back in history and make an educated guess at what the future will hold.
Nintendo couldn't hear Sony's comment because their money printing machine was too loud!!!!
@11 Hi Game Overthinker lol. But seriously, Tretton's comment doesn't even make sense. Playstation Move. Welcome to 2006. Touchscreen. Welcome to 2004. Plus I really don't think that Nintendo really is trying to upstage Sony. Sony has it's own problems now, and I think Nintendo could care less if Sony thinks that WiiU is outdated before it launched
I'm tired of people saying that people won't buy the Wii U to play HD games if they already have an HD console, that's ridicilous, since when is gaming tied to the type of video output? did those guys only have one composite system? one S-Video system? that's just stupid
Confucious say: "Insults spawn from Jealousy". Plus, after the millions Sony lost from the Hacking Incident of '11, I'm suprised they even think they're still in the game...of making games.
Time for Jack to get the second backlash!OH BOY
sony.....go away! please, just go away!
I could only watch about five minutes of the Sony E3 conference because of this man. It's his voice. It's so whiny. If I had watched another minute there would have been a fist shaped hole in my PC monitor. I'm not so sure he should have made jokes about the PSN issues. An arrogant individual.
"Last year Sony launched its PlayStation Move motion controller and this year sees the release of its touch screen-wielding portable console, PlayStation Vita." That is why I love you James
@Acerocks: I think someone is being just a bit too serious. Obviously jtr235 was joking with that statement about that fact that Sony takes nearly all of Nintendo's ideas and makes them their own even after running their mouth about how stupid the ideas are in the first place. And the comment about MW45 was just a jab at how they are just constantly churning out COD after COD after COD and 45 was obviously just used as a humorously high number of where we will be in that franchise by 2030. Get it? Jokes! funny.
I really wish Tretton would put a lid on it. I enjoy the PS brand and think it's good enough to stand on its own. Tretton can talk it up without having to constantly bash Nintendo. It's especially hilarious considering they basically ripped off the remote/nunchuk. At least MS did something different for its motion control device. Sony's people, they just copy then act like they invented everything.
well, it's kinda true, how sucky you look at it . Xbox 360 and ps3 has been around for 5 years now and they have had the games and the graphics, and with motion they just added on. With the Wii you got a "updated gamecube" with no hd (seriously bad) and motion controls (which at first weren't one to one) and up till a couple months ago, wii was $209 and 360 was only $199 for the 4gb, to some people the 360 would look better. Maybe Sony now feels more threaten than ever and is trying to play with your mind and get you to get a ps3?
@Acerocks: Yes, exactly! But wait....I'm confused....when was it that you made a joke? Sorry, I must have missed it
They say it isn't a threat, but the problem is they have no idea what to do for there next console. So they must copy Nintendo again.
So, Jack, when is Sony planning on copying this?
Better late than never, Jack. Besides, when the Wii U's sales begin to rise, Sony will copy the idea like always.
Anyways, this is a bit more innovative than what we were seeing in 2006. Was any developer releasing a controller with a screen in it? I don't think so! I think Jack is just jealous...
2006 had a screen on the controller that reads from the TV? I must be living under a rock
@Acerocks: Ah, I see. Well, egg on your face I suppose. It does tend to be very difficult to win an argument when you are in fact on the losing side of said argument. Oh, and also, your last comment had an error in it. You see, I am actually 18 so you must have missed the "1" key as you typed. Its ok bud, fair mistake
EDIT: awe man.....you changed your comment. That isn't fair! Now I have this whole great response up there and now people will be confused as to what exactly I'm responding to. Well for anyone following along, Acerocks original comment was something like: "My joke was thinking I could win an argument against an 8 year old (you)." That was what I was responding to above. Now that he's gone and changed it my response is now this:
But....you said "stupid jokes from stupid people" so I had obviously assumed that you were referring to yourself. My mistake. Sorry bud
THIS right here is why I can't take sony seriously as a company. They Are just awful. This and how they havn't had any original ideas since, well.... Never.
We need more Sony hate on this site. BoogerEater290 has the right idea.
@Acerocks: I feel like we have reached a misunderstanding of sorts...You see, its not a score its just that you're here trying to defend this turd named Jack Tretton so I feel that puts you on the losing side of this argument. But that's just my opinion so I guess just keep going with your bad self!
Yes, let's encourage more users to act like children. What a wonderful idea.
It is amazing how this one guy can make a comment that may or may not be accurate, and all of the users on here start devouring each other like a pack of ravaging wolves. Kind of sad, really...
Wow, over 100 comments in just two hours. That's...sad.
yep sony being sony
Three years later:
@Acerocks: Ah! Clever. I see what you did there Well let me assure you, if Nintendolife ever writes up an article about Reggie spewing utter nonsense and mud-slinging at Sony, I will be sure to comment on that thread so that you can come in and shoot that comment right back in my face. And when you quoted my comment you forgot the "" at the end. The open-mouth smiley is a very important part of that comment and you probably should have included it. In fact....you don't seem to have any smileys in any of your comments....what's wrong? Not in a very smiley mood? here, do it with me:
@108 LOL totally
Why are people so sensitive to their favorite brand? These mega companies dont give 2 sheets to the wind about you. I am glad Sony is competing with Nintendo, because of this I benefit with access to better technology and video games.
@Acerocks: I spy a smiley at the end of that comment! See? That wasn't so hard! I'm glad I could help you become a bit happier today. No thanks are needed, just knowing that I helped is enough Now if only we could do something about that Sony fanboy problem....
@65: PS3 does not give you the option of motion controls. Only a handful of games actually support it, which is of course the problem of releasing perephrials, as oppossed to having a "standard" conroller. Nintendo made the Wii Remote and Nunchuk the "standard" controller to make sure it was universialy supported. The Classic Controller has always been then since the begining, but was very rarely supported. In stead of designers coming up with interesting, well thought out, or intutive control schemes, they instead went with horrid poorly programmed controls and blamed it on the Wii Remote. Some where just plain bad design choices. Waggle to jump? Who in their right mind ever thought this was a good idea? Game designers always had the option to support the classic controller, and given that dual analog has been around forever probably could have been very easy to program for as opposed to the Wii Remote/Move.
Same reason why people are sensitive to their favorite Band or their favorite sports team. They treat it as a part of themselves, and defend it as they would defend their selves.
That's my hypothesis, anyways.
@Acerocks: Oh....you're not a Sony fanboy? Well it was an honest mistake after reading you comments in this article. I apologize, I must have misunderstood. But please answer me this: Why is someone so seemingly opposed to Nintendo a user on a site called: Nintendo Life? You know, Movemodo and Kinectaku are right across the street. Perhaps you should try there?...
...ah, competition. So kind of sony to be rude to the great Nintendo~ bakas.
"Why is someone so seemingly opposed to Nintendo a user on a site called: Nintendo Life?"
What better reason to knock some sense into people than because it's in an area where sense is severely lacking?
Just going off what he said, he's actually absolutely right. As odd as it is to agree with Jack Tretton, the Wii U doesn't really pose a threat to the Playstation.
Of course, as per the usual, Sony is the biggest threat to the playstation.
Well, that's enough out of me. You may return to flogging/fellating your companies of choice.
@Tretton Don't make me hack a b!tch.
Douchey, but spot-on. If the Wii U had been the Wii, maybe people would like/buy it..... As it stands, they're releasing the Nintendobox 360 w/ screentroller 5 years too late.
1) True
2) Well...duh. It is called NINTENDO life after all. Surely you had to know the general consensus of the users here would be: Nintendo=good, Sony=bad. I admit Sony has a couple innovations, the back touch pad being the most significant in my mind but they DO rip off A LOT of Nintendo's stuff and comments like this from Jack just make them look so bad when we've all been through this song and dance TWICE!
@MickeyMac: I don't really understand what your saying....is that comment for or against me? Please clarify...
Looking at your own statement that you just made, what do you think?
@MickeyMac: I honestly don't know! Your comment has kind of a negative vibe to it so I'll go with it being against me but the the way it is worded I literally cannot ascertain what it is your trying to say...
I'm not going to say anything because it definitely won't be nice.
I'll never feel the same about Sony as I do other videogame makers because they just come across as arrogant and always seem to go the route of putting down their competitors rather than promoting their own product. I like some of their games but cannot stand their men in suits.
Sony 2006 - hahaha that 'Wii' thing is no threat to us, it's just a novelty.
Nintendo goes on to outsell the PS3 like crazy with the 'no threat' Wii. Sony hastily releases a Wii remote, I mean Move remote.
Sony 2011 - hahaha that 'WiiU' thing is no threat to us, it's just a novelty...
I agree with sony copying Nintendo on A LOT of stuff.
PSone controller= SNES controller with grips
Vita=DS with HD
Move= Wii Motion Plus
the only thing Sony hasnt copied and Nintendo didnt do (for good reasons) is DVD/Blue-Ray.
It's not "nintendo = good, sony = bad" here. It's "nintendo = main thing to talk about, sony = occasionally relevant". There's been plenty of negative comments about nintendo, such as the barebones online and download service, and there's been positive reception to some of sony's things, such as the Vita's price (and I for one am jealous of the Little Big Planet franchise).
Sure, we're (me, other posters, the writers) not always completely objective, but hopefully we're also not Animal Farm type sheep.
(Say it with me now, "Four letters BAAAAAAAAD, two screens goooood")
If you took every comment with a lack of maturity and sense on these controversy articles and laid them out next to each other, they'd be twice as long as the Great Wall of China.
..........just saying.
@acerocks @bboy2970
Let's all just try to get along, right? You're not even arguing about the topic at hand any more. And I'm not sure the general consensus here is "Sony=bad" but "Nintendo=more loved". Or something...
@wanderlustwarrior: Fair enough. But my point still stands that the consensus around here would obviously be more in Nintendo's favor and it would be foolish to think otherwise.
I made an attempt to clarify it, but at this point I no longer care.
the only thing sony cant copy is nintendo's classic world famous characters sony will never become an original game company like nintendo theyve been around for like 200 years
@Mickeymac: Ok then
Once again, this doesn't effect my life in any way.
to conclude or what ever nintendo FTW
The PS3/PSV using cloud based game saves to continue a game on another device is very different to what the WiiU controller does. The WiiU can have the same game on both screens at the same time, with one screen even offering a different viewpoint. It can overlay images to the controller screen, so that the controller almost looks like a window inside the main screen. It can instantly communicate and link the actions from the controller screen and TV together (as seen by the throwing star and photo demos). The PS3/PSV combo cannot do any of that yet and I doubt that it ever will be able to.
Not that continuing a game from a console to a handheld isn't a great idea, because it is and would be a great feature if it became widespread; just that it is a totally different concept to the WiiU.
wii shall not wii shall not be moved handbags at dawn and things but nintendo still rule lol★
As I've mentioned before, the Gamecube/GBA and the PS3/PSP had console to handheld connectivity similar but lesser to what the Wii U has. Remember Sony's terrible 2006 E3 press conference that's already been mentioned on this page? That same conference used the PSP as a controller for Ridge Racer with a different viewpoint.
@Acerocks ..... you just got pwnd
Wow, and here I was thinking that my last post would seem slightly out of place due to ninjaing.
Also, I wonder why you could've possibly been banned? Whatever were they thinking?
Just Jack being Jack. Just like Reggie's "those glasses" comment while Sony was across town showing off their 3D PS3 games. Gotta love a good jab, no matter how silly it is. LOL
@turtlelink #8 you were right
@Corbert: I hope Penny Arcade says something about Jack again. Those are always hilarious.
There should really be a Tretton and Thompson sitcom.
I personally don't see anything wrong with his comment. I think that the Wii U is the system that the original Wii should have been. It is five years too late and so far it doesn't seem to offer anything that the PS3 or the Xbox 360 offer besides a tablet controller. It is still early and I am sure that Nintendo has other things up their sleeves for the Wii U. However, if I was just going on what I saw of the Wii U at E3, I have to say that I wasn't very impressed by it either. I think Sony and Microsoft are taking a wait and see approach with the Wii U. Most people are still confused by the Wii U and not sure what to make of it. I'm not surprised that Sony would say that they don't see it as a threat. Well, not yet at least.
Funny because if it was the other way around, non of this would have happened
Sony's so stupid, they think it is the year 2006.
i am not a sony fan-boy. in fact the only sony consoles i ever owned were the ps1 and ps2. seeing that both those systems are broken gives me a reason to hate on sony for a while. both my ps1 and ps2 died of things that i did not do to the system. the chipset on ps1 got fried but it was a used one so there could always be other stuff that caused it to break. and disks wont read on my ps2 because the latch that tells the ps2 that the disk lid is shut broke off and that maybe happened from slamming the lid of my ps2. my point is i started wondering if all sony game consoles are cheaply made.
but now im starting to see the exact opposite this generation. now i do not own a PS3 or a PSP just do to shear cost of owning multiple consoles so i try to keep it simple. but there is something about the free market that i really like. its called competition. other company's trying to compete to survive aka(social Darwinisim) i have tried out the playstation move it it seems far more accurate then the wii remote plus. in other words that glowing ball on the top of the controller makes the controller itself far more acurate by way of the playstation eye tracking light and including a built in compass,gyroscope, and accelerometer. so in that case sony took what nintendo did and made it better. but the games for playstation move do not say the same for how innovative the controller is sadly. i would say the same thing goes for the psvita. took what made an already great 3DS excluding the duel screen and made it better but the games will determine the sales
As if this bozo decides when sony release a new console. He runs nothing.
I agree, Reala.
Jack Tretton is more awesome than Reggie!
Tretton only even opens his mouth when he's worried.
Jack Tretton knows what he's talking about. I'm so glad someone who knows what they're doing is in the industry. He deserves to be President of Sony.
Hey Sony, remember when the PS1 only had 2MB of RAM while the N64 had 4MB of RAM (even had an expansion device to double it to 8MB of RAM). You sure where behind then!
@160, but now is now Then was then!
Is Sony even in a position to talk about anything at all, since they're still playing clean-up from the various hacking successes on their services? Nintendo hasn't exactly dropped a ball to match THAT little debacle.
Foolish Nintendon't
You will always be a gen behind!
How petty... I expected more from such a world class corp. All I can say is Mastergraveheart's post nailed it on the head... you've got comp now, so put up or shut up, that's that name of the business. No more eeeeasing your way to the #1 spot from now on Sony, EARN it.
P.S. His caption makes a nice Dart board... then again, I think I'll scan his face in FaceRaiders and destroy it, lol
His statement is true. Right now the PS3 is established. It has a solid game library that upon the Wii U's launch will have nearly 6 years worth of releases under its belt. Wii U will be practically starting over from scratch. You really can't expect that all 86.1 million Wii owners are going to immediately upgrade to Wii U's. Also worth noting is the fact that all that has been revealed for the new console are ports of games that will already be available for the PS3 and some basic tech demos. After some new games are revealed at next year's E3, then he can start to worry. Why should he be concerned about the Wii U at this point? I'm a huge Nintendo fan and I really don't see too much reason for him to be concerned at the moment.
He still doesn't know what he is talking about and never will
Yeah, I quoted Game OverThinker a couple times, but only because it's shared sentiment. =P
But I didn't have to watch that episode to have that opinion beforehand, y'know?
I'm looking forward to that PS3U Sony. Don't disappoint me now.
Here we go again... can't Sony keep their arses away and NOT start a fight? Afterall, all Sony have done is copy the Wii Remote and the DS with the touchscreen capability... nice way to innovate Sony!
I wouldn't be surprised if we see a PS4 with its very own WiiU controller copy in two years time, that's how every thing goes. Ninty innovates, Sony copies.
@Demon, Does it matter who copies who? As long as its better, it really doesn't matter.
@MasterGraveheart Yeah I know what you mean. Sony is honestly just not doing all that well now now that there is compeition in the gaming world (I would actually argue they're doing better than the 360, but I digress). My opinion is that Sony will continue to bad mouth Nintendo, and behind closed doors they'll be constucting a WiiU mock up or trying to make one thats more "hardcore".
Two words.
Yes, Tretton you are right but you will have to excuse us Wii owners for being so sensitive to being duped by Nintendo to purchase a Wii which is a little more than a GameCube with motion controls.
The "mockup" is closer than you think. All Sony needs to do to make a Wii U is sync the Vita to work with the PS3.
What's with the bolding?
It makes it stand out like your smiley Also there are a lot of Nintendo fanboys on here and I want them to see some people actually like both Sony and Nintendo. Plus, I think Jack has a good point.
Wii U Mad?
Yes, Wii U very mad, it doesn't like criticism.
So many fanboys. What ever happened to the times where I would go over to my friends house to play his playstation and him to my house so we could play my nintendo. Times when people cared about the games and not about the label on the console?
No such time. Ever heard of the SEGA genesis and SNES? There has always been fanboys. And there always will be.
Jack needs to Jack off because he's a Jack @$$ who doesn't know jack about anything
Jack got hacked
Even Sony fans have to admit that Jack Tretton is the biggest slime ball ever. When did Nintendo ever say "Hey Sony, suck on this one! You're dead!"? Nintendo acknowledges Sony as a company that produces a competing console, and respects them for that, and those idiots at Sony don't show any respect! They ALWAYS try to one up Nintendo (no pun intended). They never do, but they'll say things that try to convince people they are.Well jokes on you Sony, because when you act like a whiny little kid, no on will take you seriously! Go back to making TVs. Jack Tretton, "People like you, are the reason God doesn't talk to us anymore!"
I hate to admit it, but Jack is right. I've always loved Nintendo, and still do... no matter what they release, I will always be the first to buy it. That being said, we should have had HD when Wii was first released... there was no excuse. SD is for poor people.
^There's no way I could not take offense to that.
Yeah there have always been fanboys... infact I was a SEGA fanboy up until the Dreamcast (best console ever), but at least in those days they did respect each other and I think that is what makes the Mario & Sonic games special because of the MASSIVE rivalry but the upmost respect for each other. I think on the whole Microsoft and Nintendo have a lot of respect for each other as they seem to target different parts of the market. But Sony, well its representatives at least, just tries to prove its better than everyone else and doesnt accept the facts that its competitors may be better at some things than they are.
Let's see...the Move? Motion controlling? That was 2006 too Sony
"SD is for poor people." D: Aw man, seriously? Pulling out the "poor"-card? Not cool!
I still can't see the problem with that. It's just marketing. Ignore it, like you would any other advertisement.
Well, obvious Sony- or at least, Jack Tretton, would speak non-sense.
Remember: Sony makes other products besides Playstations. Sony is trying to take over everything pretty much besides... well, Cars.
I have more respect for Kaz Harai than.. This Tretton troll.
Don't know why people are taking this troll seriously lol
Never feed the troll. I bet he lurks around to see reactions and that makes him feel better.
That's a theory, though
Jack is 52, looks 70 and acts 13.
Oi vey.
Checking in again and I see that the Nintendo fan boys are still taking way to much offense to Jack's correct statement.
I like my SD for my retro games, does that mean I am poor?
SD for poor?
Ive spent thousands of $$'s on SD games and $0 for HD
In b4 200 rage comments...? I have a feeling...
Typical Tretton ignorant comment. Same bat time, same bat channel. Yawn. I wish he'd say something relevant for once other than just tearing down the competition with ignorant, cheap and petty comments.
I think it's pretty clear at this point that Tretton says these sort of things purely to rile up us internet nerds and spark message board debates/flame-wars. Honestly there's no other reasonable assumption for the uneccesarily baiting comments time and time again from one of the leading companies in home electronics.
@Ryno You can stop bolding every third word in your sentence. It isn't helping getting any point across.
Anyway, as for this HD SD thing that came up, Wii was released when HD wasn't necessarily big deal. It was still commonplace to see SD TVs in homes (hell, it still is). HD doesn't automatically make a game look good. A game looks good when the people creating it put tons of work into the way the game looks. HD might add polish, but it sure isn't necessary.
Calm down.
I really wish NL would stop posting these articles. All they do is make people angry. I mean, who wants to hear about Tretton whining when all Sony will do is copy Nintendo down the track?
what doesn't jack like about nintendo, he's just a moron
Alright, everyone who has become worked up over this statement line up for wedgies. You know you've been asking for it.
I just got a HD TV this past December, so where was my "welcome to 2006" BS from Trenton. It's more than just graphics moron. It's the fact they innovated technology again and you're going to be stuck copying.
And last time I checked, even the current Wii stays online every day.
Oh please, you've got to be kidding me NintendoLife. Why is this BS "Featured News"? All it does is get the fanboys riled up and pounding idiocy on their keyboards. This is IGN worthy stuff right here.
i am not trying to be mean nintendolife but why did you even post this technically this is not news. Plus who cares what anyone from sony says. This is "NintendoLife" not "WhatSonySaysAboutNintendoLife". Plus modt of the time they take ideas anyway.
Can this guy ever give Nintendo any credit or good job or anything?
He's right, sorry to say. Plus it never dawned on many people that Nintendo just ripped a page out of Sony's book with the Wii U controller. Sony did rip off the motion controller but Nintendo essentially just ripped off the PSP's (and soon to be Vita's) remote play feature. Except you need the Wii U in the general area for it to work so they kind of ripped it off just to make it work worse, lol.
If you're wanting page hits and flame wars you should post a Featured News item titled "Nintendo Sucks" with a subheader "Sony is better"
That's not exactly ripping it off. It'd be a complete rip-off if they worked the same way (even with slight alterations), but they don't. PSP and Vita may stream, but they wouldn't interact with the PS3 the way the Wii U's controller would. I doubt you could play a streamed game seeing entirely different angles (much like running a different module of the same program) on the PSP/PSV while other play what's on the screen. To do that, the PSP and PSV would need to download something (making it play an entirely different game that's interacting with the game on the screen. So that's not one program, that's two separate ones).
Oh and for this topic in general: Isn't it great how much attention these topics get?? I mean, from a blogger standpoint: This kind of news is perfect to get hits for their site!
The only thing PS3 is good for are FPS!!! Wii-U is a threat to Sony and their console's, they all ready do feel threatned by it. I bet one day they join forces....
@210 - well if you go by that logic than you can say sony took nintendos touch screen idea. They technically announced at the same time. You can't just say nintendo copied vita because of a slight time difference.
Judging by these comments, Tretton is one of the most successful flame baiters and trolls in internet history.
I love this website.
I thought that was Nintendo - because even if they say something nice and agreeable, Sony and Xbox fanboys explode with rage and spamming.
Nintendo fanboys tend to stay within their designated areas - Sony and Xbox fanboys don't...
Reggie and Tretton should fight at next year's E3.
What I don't like about the fanboy thing today is that it leads to this entire mind set that all first party games from so, and so, are worthless. Well... Not as much games so much as hardware. The Wii and Playstation 3 have their own ups and downs as do the handhelds!
Nintendo= Good Games
Microsoft = games that aren't all really my type but are ok and Computers
Sony= TV's,Alarm clocks, Computers, laptops, cameras, gaming phones, oranges that double as a time machine, ballistic knife, and a toaster and everything else
Can we just confirm that the irony meter broke?
shoots himself
goddammit microsoft! just buy out sony and nintendo and even apple with the billions that you guys make every day!
...though my PS3 is really just for the exclusives. inFamous, Demon Souls, and LBP are delicious exclusives. ....... but I like how Achievements look better than Trophies. Trophies look bland to me. ...funny that I take that into consideration, considering I don't really aim for Achievements except for the games I love.
Honestly though, if it weren't for the exclusives, 360s and PS3s would just be underpowered PCs. At least Nintendo tried to do something different from PCs... seriously, the local support for the 360 and PS3 is poor and sad. I had to buy TWO PS3s just to play my favorite games with my gf (and yes, I have two tvs in my room because of it)! ...and if it weren't for RROD, I'd still have a 2nd 360 to play with my gf on link-play.
Mind you, most of the titles I want to play with my gf on the 360 and PS3 aren't really considered party games - but it's still ridiculous how much I have to invest just to basically pay for a fun experience with her. Underpowered PCs that are VERY costly.
They wouldn't be able to. Last time Microsoft was a Monopoly, they got torn and split into pieces... which is why Microsoft Office isn't pre-installed into most computers these days. Makes them less appealing = more competition.
The article is pretty spot on. Nintendo needs to step it up and get with the times. Stop giving us outdated software and give us the graphics we want!
@ Kain thats a joke right?
Personally I'd expect this kind of thing on this so called "news site".
@Otaku, I hope not because I agree with him. Nintendo needs to learn something from this.
Sony, grow up and be original.
It seems they are always ragging on Nintendo.
Lol, now watch the Playstation 4 have a big screen on the controller.
By the time the WiiU is out my PS4 will have 4 times better graphics. Hell, I'll walk outside and say real life looks like legend of zelda windwaker. March on, Sony!!!
The Wii U has much more then just HD graphics.
@ColorsOfSonic: The Wii U looks pretty interesting. I can't wait to try it out somewhere, like a demo at retail. And using your 3DS as a controller is a +. I want to try that out also, haha.
And doesn't it have motion control?
Sorry, but Sony only copies good ideas.
This is just one of the reasons I don't like Sony as a company, they just always come off as ignorant pricks and really don't seem to understand video games at all.
Nerd fight
chants look at the sales figures clap clap clap
@235 are you saying Wii U isnt a good idea?
I'm still going to buy both Nintendo and Sony consoles/games.
Nothing like good old smack talk though.
All I have to say is someone should have used their brain before their mouth.
@Otaku (assuming you're talking to me)
I'm saying the gaint controller which is essentially an iPad with analogue sticks isn't a good idea.
Jack Tretton, be on your guard! You may laugh at the moment, but what if Nintendo scoops away all good third-party support (and the hardcore crowd)? What you're gonna do then?
Who knows, it could happen!
Also @ anyone who keeps arguing with each other, well you won't change their mind. So just stop ok. This guy messed up with a pot kettle black situation.
Nintendo would have said the same thing when the Move was announced
Come my little NL users O.O rant, rant like you've never ranted before! Mwuhahahahahaah!!!!!!!!
LOL, Sony PR is the only news that gets this many comments. I have a hard time believing he actually thinks all the stuff he says is true. If he did, then he would be Sony's biggest problem. The Wii U definitely has its work cut out for it, but his pretentious, condescending attitude makes him sound like a little kid saying "Sony > Nintendo" who doesn't really know what he's talking about. I mean, I'd have a little more respect for him if he actually presented an argument instead of dismissing their competition without a second thought.
Well, I'm not gonna badmouth Sony, both because I enjoy the PSN store on PSP and, to an extent, they are kind of right. Ninty is a bit late when it comes to HD gaming. However, it IS 50% more powerful as well as cheaper than the PS3, so Sony may need to watch their backs.
Now, if this were Microsoft badmouthing Nintendo, then I'd have no choice but to flame them to death. I quite simply DESPISE Microsoft.
@246 exactly
wow, that's a ton of comments
Anyhow, I hope it's like 2006. If so, Nintendo is about to unleash a new vision of the home console that will change the face of gaming while leaving its competitors far behind.
I'm surprised by a couple things. Not the content of the article itself, because this is nothing new for Jack, and I've already said, he has a point this time, instead of his usual crazy smack talk.
No, I'm surprised by the, the amount of anti-fanboyism, persistence of fanboyism, the number of people who've called out NLife for making this a featured article, and the fact that Nintendo Life actually made this 3 sentence statement from a known PR machine, who has less relevance to the site than Cammy Dunaway did, a featured article.
Maybe it's just a slow day and this is what we've got to talk about, since the WiiU is still a year away, the Wii is practically a zombie, and the 3DS has had most of its upcoming games covered already.
The WiiU isn't 2006. It's 2012.
Get it right
My calendar NEVAR lies.
I'm not sure what's more SHOCKING, a site wanting views or Nintendo fanboys on a Nintendo site. My shock is different from a regular shock. It's like my shock is in the top percentage of shock!
Yeah, I was going to edit my last post to say I realize I could come across as 'holier than thou'. I don't intend to, but I also don't care if I do. I made my opinion in an earlier post, so they can delete that last one if they want, and I should probably stop coming to this article, because I don't really have anything to add.
Video games are fun and relatively harmless in and of themselves.
Why do companies always have to rag on each other and consumers always have to take sides and argue among themselves, sucking out that fun?
tl;dr: can't we all just get along?
He's got serious balls to talk like that after they launched Move. Also lol @ comments above.
@Qwikman_Bass I hate Windows as much as the next guy, but it's hard not to like the Xbox since it so obviously picked up where the Dreamcast left off.
What? I thought his job was to praise the next Nintendo console and consider it a viable threat. Since when do companies try to make the competition seem silly?
Not sure what I shake my head at more, some people commenting or the site for publishing this article.
Can't Nintendo say the same thing to Sony about their motion controller?
"Motion based controller eh? Lulz!1! Welcome to 2006 Sony!"
I'm going to start titling all my reviews "Sony: Nintendo is for children's birthday parties" so I can get 260 comments
Sony Representatives really just need to learn when to shut, especially when they have a tendency to copy an idea a few years later themselves. "Welcome to 2006"? Really? How bout in ten years when you finally come up with something bold and original that isn't just a rip-off of something that's previously done, Nintendo say's "Welcome to 1985, when ROB, one of our greatest examples of Innovations that sparked the gaming market, was created. Congratulations on finally adding innovations to the market."
They wouldn't do that. Why? Because Nintendo actually respects their competition rather then bagging it mindlessly and then doing the same years later and calling it brand new.
I prolly sound like a huge fanboy don't I? =p
Sony always needs a whole generation to catch-up with Nintendo's consoles. Why???
Please Sony, release a tablet controller soon and rip off all of Nintendo's cool features.. will ya?!
Now that Sony launches a touchscreen handheld - seven years after Nintendo DS was released - why did it have to take so long? AND WHY DOES IT HAVE NO 3D?? Sony, I hope you're kidding us all - There's a 3D handheld out there and you release a touchscreen handheld - with only one screen? In 2D??? You can't be serious!!!!
Also, why did they need four years to rip off the Wiimote? They have to steal the big ideas faster, before the novelty runs out, dammit!!
Poor old Sony, you only live on your graphics and at the mercy of brandloving third parties.
What has become of you? The glorious days are over...
And we still have no PS3 Balance Board...
What will you do when the Wii U is out?
Maybe it's best for you to drop out of the videogame hardware business and develop titles for Nintendo or Microsoft, because your ideas alone don't add much to the competition unfortunately.
When you start developing for Nintendo again, can you port Ico to Wii U and release your old SNES games on VC? I want to try Equinox.
huh??? what ?? how?? 2006??
sony pls stop i dying from laughing XD
this guy is an idiot lol wohooo
Sony, seriously get your act together and say welcome to yourselves. You are the ones who copied the Wii, no? Say what you want, it has a controller where you move things with your arms all motiony and stuff. When I heard of Playstation move, I laughed and said: Welcome to 2006, Sony. But they're still stuck as if they're the age of 4. Seriously Sony, get over yourselves, you're not funny, it isn't mature, and you're not getting a reaction from Nintendo... All you really do is make the company look like a bunch of jerks...
Wow... Sony hates Nintendo, Nintendo hates Apple, Apple hates Microsoft, and Microsoft hates Sony. Sounds like some sorta "Hate Square".
Welcome to 2006? Last I remember, 2006 doesn't had a console that introduced a controller with a touch screen.
You guys should take note: Featured articles tend to get more comments.
Sony does make it easy
It was the way ya phrased it that gave it away, not the opinion.
Ha, I love you guys for these comments. Keep 'em coming!
It's awfully funny, because I've been a fan of Sony and Nintendo ever since they started. They were both so good back then. Now (As everybody's ranting about) Sony is just starting to rip-off Nintendo. Lately, it's been "Heh, look. PSMove. That looks so familiar... " Now PSVita? Psh. Screw it, Sony. Why risk getting your identity taken by your cruddy networks when I can be worry-free and by a shiny new NINTENDO WiiU? If you think about it, buy one companies' console for all the attachments and the other's just for their games. Now, Microsoft on the other hand...
our rage is James' entertainment
@Energy686 Now I really want an orange that doubles as a time machine!
Ahh, an article about a statement from Sony's version of Reggie ~ This article is very familiar to me. lol
@ 219 GuardianAcorn: Now that you mention it, that would be awesome. Esp. if they knocked each other out.
Seriously, there's no need to argue. Co. bigwigs, & suits always mudsling. Always have, always will. Reggie does it, & Tretton does it. Bill Gates does it, too.
As for his statement, if the Wii U is only gonna be approx. 50% better than a current gen console that was introduced many years ago(XB360), & technology has had years to advance since then, what will the horsepower, & feature set of Nintendo's competitors' systems be like in comparison to the Wii U, esp. considering that generally system successors are twice as powerful as the system that came before them in their hardware line?
Next item ~ It is possible to be a fan w/o blindly supporting your favorite whatever, while simultaneously blindly bashing another whatever. I'm a Nintendo fan, but I call them out on whatever I feel they need to be called out on, & when I feel they need to be. Likewise, Sony, & MS deserve have not only done their own cool stuff, but b/c of the nature of their existence, in relation to Nintendo, there is competition in the video game industry(my favorite hybrid pasttime/hobby), & thusly, there is more for me to possibly enjoy @ my discretion of purchasing, or not.
"Welcome to 2006, Nintendo" - that is kind of cool and funny i think.
But we'll see how well the U is doing.
Nearly 300 comments for all of you to basically say the same things? Rarely have I seen so much activity (there should be more on other posts). Sony ripped off the SNES controller, Micro$oft ripped off Sony only to revert back to letters (seriously, invert and turn the placement of the four face buttons and it's the same position) and added a bunch of stupid useless extra buttons. That's all that needs to be reminded. Now, because I know no one will read this.... WOO NINTENDO FANBOIS UNITE WE ARE A BEST PERFECK!!!
Typical Sony response. Big talk for people who can't even outsell the 360 despite buying exclusive content for their multiplatform games. How has 3rd place been treating you, Sony? You've been there nearly 5 years.
Sony may copy Nintendo, but Sony perfects Nintendo's original flawed version. It's like if I just wait a little while I know I will be playing the polished and superior version that Sony offers. I am glad that Sony takes the time and care to make their products beautiful and mind blowing.
@Kai isnt the move as powerful as WM+ and not anymore powerful like they said i was going to be?
also waiting for a better version.... yep thats me, cant wait to play MGS 3D
To be fair, his response isn't all that insulting, and is what you should expect from asking Tretton about Nintendo.
I think he better NOT remind people of Sony's position back in 2006, however, when their system cost $599, a development kit cost $20.000(!), and the only Blu-Ray film they felt appealed to young people was Talladega Nights.
More like welcome to the party with that move device that Nintendo introduced in 2006. Sly remarks as always.
I'm sick of this guy!
Most comments in a NLife article ever?
^ If not, this article's comment section looks to change that...
Touch screen portable gaming console? Welcome to 2004 Sony!
This is why I hate Sony, they're so full of themselves. Immaturity is just... annoying.
They can keep their "hardcore" graphics loving, FPS obsessed fan boys, but please just shut up about Nintendo and quit trying to compete.
Sorry to rant... I'm usually not like that but I'm not in a good mood today.
Haters gonna hate~
@PSICOffee Microsoft didn't rip off Sony. It's clear where they've been pulling their controller ideas, triggers and all.
@Kainard I haven't seen Sony improve on anything that's been done before them.
it's ok guys.. they are trying to motivate themselves on the steep uphill road to catch up with nintendo sales! ;D it's ok, let's be the better people wii are and let them do that.. in fact we should help too! they desperately need a hand.. let's all do the facepalm thing..
For the record, my "SD is for poor people" comment was a joke.
1. Touch screen gaming - welcome to 2004/05
2. Motion sensing remote gaming - welcome to 2006/07
3. PS1/2/3 controller = SNES controller with analogue sticks and useless buttons
All pointed out by previous posters on several occassions because its these are GLARING points that pop into everyone's mind when Sony Man said this. Like I said, no wonder its doing so poorly relatively speaking. Hypocrisy added to soulless, isoaltionist gaming philosphies....a joke...
Oh and LordJM - your man outta know
293 comments.WTF?! Why do you people even listen to what these guys have to say? I really don't understand this banter between video games coporate departments.You never hear other companies slagging each others products off. Its weird.Just ignore them and they will go away
In b4... 300 comments of rage? Holy crap, I'm on a roll.
I love how some people getting mad at Sony when its just Jack Tretton making the comment.
And besides, Nintendo copied SEGA with the screen in the controller!
It's the 3DS all over again...
I am laughing so hard. So hard. Sony just is not in the right timespace to critize Nintendo these days. Good old Sony just using Nintendo as a punching bag in the their dark times.
Some how sony trashing nintendo doesnt surprise me lol
Nintendo never trashes anyone! And is just mak3s Sony look bad!! I want to stab him in the face.
Haha i knew it, 300 comments! @Gamesake sorry, how could I forget Sega ripping off Nintendo aswell (albeit a little obvious).
Sony still lets this joker talk. How could he have so much confidence when the Wii clobbered the PS3 (and I own both systems so no fanboy here).
Because we all know 1080p shaped the gaming industry.
Ok this guy is a total troll!! If the ps4 comes out between 2015-2017
You know Nintendo will be hitting the next HD Console in 2017-2018 a 5 or 6 years apart. Which makes Sony like nothing. We are head of them in Handheld Market and Console. We may be in 2006 Graphic but what about Gameplay, Controls, and 5 Player Multiplay Gamse like Chase Me. Super Smash Bros 4 will possibly have 5 or 6 characters in one battle. Sony only Focus on the same games and graphic. Watch Wii U comes out an beat their sales downs. They gonna try to make their own they did with Motion they gonna do it with this. Plus Wii U will have more games cause we got Nintendo Franchises, First Parties, Third Parties, and the other such as movie games, and kid and family games. PS3 or Vita won't have that Nintendo Wii U has everything except Sony and Microsoft games.
Another thing he damn ugly and has people of Sony ever been impressed no he don't like the people of Nintendo who saved Video Game Industry from being Dead.
dont be suprised jack is just being the same way he always is a jack
Didn't they (sony) think the same thing about the wii and ds? Didn't they get pwned by nintendo then?
I really dislike how smug and overconfident Sony always are. They always takes unwarranted jabs like this at their competition and this is exactly why so many turned against them when they first announced the PS3. At least Microsoft have some class.
That said, they do have a point. As much as I love Nintendo, I've never been able to get behind the Wii, at no point did I feel like it was a console that was designed or aimed for me.. So finally releasing something that brings them on par with the PS3 and 360 is nothing to cheer for, it's what we should have gotten six years ago.
Looking forward to seeing what they do with it though. They're certainly going to be playing catch up, especially when it comes to online content.. I was expecting the 3DS e-shop to provide a much more modern service, but so far it's been as bad as ever.
Derpa derpa derpa... nintendo should support sony with 3d.. derpa derpa derpa
really this will be a good system and then sony will copy the idea and this is why i like nintendo and microsoft beacause they go their own way and sony just copies like motion control and touch screen on the vita and then they will just make all their money on nintendo's ideas and before they made fun of it he's the traditional sony bitch
really you have to admit that nintendo hates apple but they dont call their stuff like sony does to nintendo
He should really stop talking, it's fun how sony also tries to steal apples success by adding 3G on vita.
What you fools don't know is that James gets one dollar for each comment posted on his threads!
Look who's talking.
Read this everybody.
We all know Super Mario Bros for the NES save the gaming world right!
What has Sony saved?......... Nothing had they made any surprises on the console or handheld........ No. Here thing about the names of the console and handheld do they mean anything about the future of gaming or the current gaming?............No. Playstation 1, Playstation 2 wow increase number my lil sister know who to do that, Playstation Portable wow can't think anything that define handheld beside the overused word portable a shame. Playstation 3 what with the number call it Playstation Advance or Hardcore something that not number for once. Playstation Go...really...really aren't we already going with psp that doesn't have better games than DS yeah.PSP Go is a dang slide up PHONE no wonder they called NGP the Playstation Vita trying to make sound more like a laptop phone. Now the games Sony only have good FPS, Shooters, Action/Adventure, and Fighting games. No good rpgs beside Final Fantasy XIII, ModNation is just Mario Kart with customization which we got now for 3DS. LittleBig Planet is just Mario and Kirby combine and possible Scribblenaults DS don't how it spelled sorry about that. Overall
Sony welcome to 2004 Touch Screen
Sony welcome to 2006 Motion Controls
Nintendo Wii U is maybe in 2006 Graphic but Sony has a lot of games reach FULL 1080p on PS3 name one someone.
Nintendo is in 2006 or possibly 2007 or 2008 Graphic but Graphic doesn't matter.
Welcome to the new world of 2012 Gameplay, Controls, and Hardware Nintendo may the Third Party support you and not Sony cause they will find that their Developing for Wii U is more fun and better than they did foor PS3 and it's crappy PSN. Hope you learn your lession Sony.
@Infernapeking it was ROB with Gyromite and Duck Hunt with the zapper that saved the gaming world, because it was considered a toy and people didn't trust video games back then after the crash. Only when kids played the system was the console in demand, and SMB became popular.
Also the "gaming world" didn't need any saving in Japan. It was already quite a strong presence there. Other than that, everyone has clearly stated everything else you said repeatedly, and I'm sure in another 100 comments people will unknowingly repeat what you said.
No have heard of Kirby Tilt N Tumble for Gameboy color. Nintendo planned it all along Kirby Tilt N Tumble was created to move the gameboy color not d-pad. Go see the commercial on YouTube.
Sony will never learn.
@abgar: quiet, you fool! don't spoil it
@322 I think its because of all the 2's and so on in PS systems
Nintendos names arnt that stupid and I like Wii U, 1st time in 20 years nintendos done this with a console. and from what ive read, Videogames were going extinct before nintendo popped in.... sadly it seems like they might almost go again the way the industry is now days.
"We all know Super Mario Bros for the NES save the gaming world right!" <- Nintendo's cheap propaganda and history manipulation. That might saved Nintendo, if any. Europe, at least, was quite safe with MSX, C64 and Spectrum, and later with Amstrad, Amiga, Atari ST and Mac, all of them with many more titles available than NES/SNES, as well as better quality. And Konami being the most inovative gaming development company followed by Pygnosis few years later. Might be the story was different in USA.
We all know Nintendo dominate Sony, so what is all the commotion about? Let this air-head say whatever he has to say to let him sleep a night. If we know Nintendo will continue to beat Sony, let's just end this flame war. Let's just go play some 3DS instead of all this fighting.
3DS > war
Video games will never go extinct as long as Nintendo is around. Nintendo adds much needed variety and innovation into an industry that needs it. Without Nintendo, the gaming world would be a boring, repetitive place.
And then there are some coming here to shut fanboys down. Almost like farming. Because some- if not a handful of comments are targeted towards those reacting to Jack Tretton's comments but not what Jack Tretton says.
Yeah, welcome to 2006... when NOBODY wanted a PS3. Shut up, Jack, and get to work making sure I don't have to go another 2 months without PSN service. If it happens again, I'm going to have Reggie kick your ass.
@327 ok true I just see people going after COD all the time saying its the best game ever and a month later say it sucks
Sony says something like this every time Nintendo releases something new.
Sony says something like this every time Nintendo releases something new.
Well the Wii meant something to gaming and Wii U meant something to gaming. A dude on YouTube end calling the Wii U- Wii Ultra which kinda sounds great cause many words begins with U are great. By me saying don't care if Nintendo console have stupid names I was referring to the people who said it has stupid names on other sites.
@316, wait, if Sony owns FPS, shooters, action/adventure, and fighters, what does Nintendo have?
Sony fails again and again to understand why Nintendo doesn't make all of their consoles state of the art. You see, Sony lost so much money this generation alone, due to the exorbitant cost it takes to make a PS3 to the much lesser cost of buying a PS3 ratio. Nintendo is intelligent when making their consoles. They use affordable parts to construct them, so that they can make them available for a reasonable price, and still have a satisfactory profit margin.
Sony might have released there PS3 pre-maturely and such, but in all honesty, the PS3 is now the system with the upper hand, even with Wii U on the horizon. Basicly Nintendo is doing AGAIN what they did with the Wii, releasing an underpowered system with a gimicy new controller. It really all depends on your money situation and what games your into I guess..
But look at it this way: Nintendo shakes things up with the Wii and both Microsoft and Sony can't get similar devices out fast enough. Now not long after both devices have been out, Nintendo yet again do something different which the compititors might have to copy. Sony could get away with using Vita as a similar controller to Wii U's, but what could Microsoft do?
I think that Sony is stupid. Nintendo starts the trend all the time. They started touch screen controls, they started motion gaming, so why does Sony and Microsoft think their so good. If you ask me, Nintendo is what starts trends.
Ironic, I see under age kids playing M rated games on the PS3, while those morons from the Sony's staff, and they don't seem to get charged for immaturity or bashing In it's Illegal action laws towards an other game company.
@SigourneyBeaver Microsoft has Windows Phone 7 devices that already communicate with Kinect and Xbox 360. Kinect news.
people like jack tretton are immiture that never been educated
@blackace98 Foul words! But you are right, they have no right to talk to Nintendo like that when they steal all of ninty's ideas.
No wonder this guy retired from Sony. Good to know he's had a chance to eat his own words.
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