3DS has got a pretty promising line-up of titles from third-party publishers, with day one support from Capcom, Konami, Sega, EA and more, and plenty more to come in the future. That said, we put our thinking caps on here at Nintendo Life to think of which titles we want to see from publishers in the future, starting from Nintendo's old rival: SEGA.
The blue company only has two games confirmed for 3DS: Super Monkey Ball 3D and the inevitable, ever-looming presence of Sonic the Hedgehog making his presence known with an ill-advised 3D platformer. We've picked just 10 titles from the company's rich back catalogue that we'd love to see dancing their way to that glorious 3D screen.
NiGHTS into Dreams
One of Sega’s all-time most beautiful games, NiGHTS into Dreams introduced analogue control to Sega gamers and invented a new genre in the process: score attack. A blend of racing and platforming, all played out at Sonic-level speed, it’s renowned as a masterpiece and one of Sega’s finest ever games. The 3DS’s Circle Pad is ideally suited to the game’s tight control, and the 3D effect would add plenty to the experience.
The long-awaited NiGHTS sequel NiGHTS Journey of Dreams was rushed to market, but we still believe Sonic Team could create a game worthy of the NiGHTS name.
Shining Force
One of many Sega franchises dragged through the dirt since the company left the hardware business, there hasn't been a true Shining Force game since the Sega Saturn's magnificent Shining Force III trilogy, only the first instalment of which was translated into English and released outside of Japan. Since then the Shining name has been applied to hack-and-slash GameBoy Advance games Shining Soul and its sequel, Japan-only DS real-time battler Shining Force Feather and PSP love-sim RPG Shining Hearts, none of which feature the same acclaimed battle system that brought the series close to gamers' hearts.
Although an RPG may not make the best use of the 3DS's new features, the close-up battle scenes employed in Shining Force would undoubtedly look superb on 3DS: the series' famous summons spells would be outstanding in 3D, for example.
Unfortunately, Shining masters Camelot had a severe fall-out with Sega over the handling of the Shining Force III situation, and the company now creates the Golden Sun games for Nintendo. It's unlikely the team will ever return to the series that made its name, but it's nice to dream.
Jet Set Radio
(Known as Jet Grind Radio in North America)
Not counting the strangely good Jet Grind Radio on GameBoy Advance, Nintendo gamers have largely missed out on this amazing combination of style, skates and spray paint. The Dreamcast original is credited with introducing cel-shading to the world of gaming, and its incredible soundtrack and buckets of style keep it in many gamers' minds to this day.
You don't need us to point out the possibilities for the 3DS's touchscreen, nor the beauty of rushing through a neon city in 3D while a quiffed-up Police offer shoots you with a ridiculously large handgun.
Headstrong Games pitched a Jet Set Radio game for Wii to Sega a few years ago, and although that project never got going we still hope Sega will let gamers revisit Tokyo-to one day.
Wonder Boy
Wonder Boy is another Sega series that’s never really taken off, but it’s still one of those overlooked titles that many 16-bit era fans still go back to from time to time. Monster World IV, a game many claim to be the pinnacle of the series, never saw a release outside of Japan so that might be a nice place to start in bringing the series back to life. Of course, the thought of a brand new Wonder Boy release sounds equally tantalising, especially given the visual possibilities 3D brings to the series’ vibrant graphical presentations.
Fantasy Zone
Fantasy Zone has long been a fairly overlooked title for Sega, but the cute ‘em up has accrued quite the loyal group of shooter fans over the years with its sugary cute visuals and high level of challenge. Sega put the series on the backburner years ago, even allowing Sunsoft to create the amazing Super Fantasy Zone for Mega Drive, so it’s high time we see the great developers at Sega resurrect the adorable Opa Opa in full 3D glory on 3DS system.
Crazy Taxi
Yeah, yeah, Crazy Taxi has seen release on virtually every platform able to run it since it’s original arcade release in 1999, and frankly we’d be a bit surprised if Sega didn’t wheel this one out at some point in the 3DS’s lifetime. But that doesn’t mean that Crazy Taxi 3D has to be just another farted-out port.
Its on-the-clock premise and over-the-top driving through the hilly streets of San Francisco make Crazy Taxi pretty much a no-brainer for quick hits of portable goodness. Give us a new city, a new lick of paint and an enhanced version of the multiplayer found in the PSP’s Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars and you’ve got what sounds like a perfect afternoon.
Cute 'n' fluffy Nintendogs + Cats are fine, but the ultimate virtual pet will always be Seaman, the creepy-looking, ill-tempered amphibious creature with a human face. Watching it evolve and repeat the words that you taught it was a joy only matched by that of hearing the melifluous narration of Leonard Nimoy, as himself. Who wouldn't want to revisit this Dreamcast gem and let that weird little fish thing swim all around your face? Not to mention the excitements of 3D dirty aquarium gunk.
Toejam & Earl
Good grief, are these aliens funky! With an (insert turntable sound effect) in their steps they entered the atmosphere of Earth, or, rather, a series of floating platforms covered in giftwrapped power-ups, giant hamster balls and mad scientists known as Earth. In the sequel, they traded their randomisable top-down action for quirky sidescrolling and hilarious intra-alien conversations and subplots with raucous success. (Let's not mention that third game, heh...). Whichever of the first two games they modelled a 3DS adventure after, you can bet your Hyperfunk Zone that it'd be a blast. Can you say bouncy fungus and spring-equipped sneakers in 3D? You'd have to be nearly mouthless not to say "Wow!"
After Burner Climax
After Burner was an arcade smash back in the 1980s, and long-awaited sequel After Burner Climax is every bit as good, with glorious blue skies, barrel rolls and the constant threat of losing consciousness due to gravity.
Released on Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network in 2010, After Burner Climax is a quintessential Sega arcade game, based on fast action and spectacle above all else. Its incredible visuals and speed would be an overwhelming display of the console's graphical capabilities, particularly with its 3D screen, and either the Circle Pad or touchscreen would be ideal control methods.
Planet Harriers
This sequel to legendary Sega title Space Harrier was released in arcades nearly ten years ago, boasting a two-player sit-down cabinet to let a pair of aerial aces fly through the skies together, locking onto enemies and blasting all-comers with massive weapons and lasers.
It's never seen a home conversion, a crying shame considering its obvious appeal – you need only see Planet Harriers in action to understand its perfect suitability for 3DS. If Kid Icarus: Uprising is possible on 3DS, so is Planet Harriers, which would be perfect as part of a Sega 3D Shooter compilation with Panzer Dragoon and REZ. Okay, now we're just dreaming.
Bonus 11th game! No list of Sega must-haves is complete without the usual call to the great publisher to resurrect Yu Suzuki's legendary homage to 1980s Japan, Shenmue. Rumours indicate the game cost nearly $70 million to produce, which meant that every Dreamcast owner on the planet needed to buy two copies just for the game to break even. Nintendo's 3DS should have no such difficulty finding an audience, and now is the perfect time for Ryo Hazuki to return, particularly with the renewed interest in the game surrounding Sega and Yahoo!'s Shenmue City.
Not only does the 3DS have the graphical grunt to do justice to Yu Suzuki's vision, the game's still-stunning detail would reach new heights using the 3D screen: its cinematic direction, fast-paced fights and facial expressions are all ideally suited to the 3DS, and there is untold potential for StreetPass and SpotPass features.
Of course, these are just some of our choices, but a list like this could go on for ever, so don't be appalled that your favourite game isn't in here; many of our favourites aren't either. Let us know in the comments which Sega games you'd love to see come to 3DS and why.
Comments 76
No Chu Chu Rocket?
Well, I like Fantasy Zone!
Quite a few of us pitched in a couple of games. Collective effort FTW! Fantasy Zone and Wonder Boy were my two.
KNUCKLES CHAOTIX!! Imagine that in 3D! It would look beautiful!
Outrun 2, I'd never need another portable arcade racer...
The return of Jet Set Radio is way overdue!
We only need one Sega game for The 3DS, and that is SeaMan
Toejam & Earl, and SetJetRadio sound good too
i would definitely get toejam & earl
After Burner Climax on the 3DS would be jaw dropping!
How did Outrun 2 get snubbed?
"by Nintendo Life Staff"
Conclusive proof that NintendoLife is written solely by James and his many sockpuppet accounts.
@Raylax: Aha!
Jet Set and NiGHTS are my big picks.
James IS one of the sockpuppet accounts.
Panzer Dragoon, Streets of Rage, Chu Chu Rocket. I want Shenmue 3 but not for a handheld.
I'd love to play Phantasy Star Portable/Online/Universe in 3D.
Streets of Rage would be awesome. Also Sega Rally and Outrun.
Thanks for reminding me about After Burner Climax as well.I'd forgotten about that ,gonna download it tomorrow!
I wanted to love Nights on the Wii but there were too many things getting in the way of that. I never had the chance to play it on the Dreamcast. So a non-rushed version for the 3DS, without the stages that you play as the kids, would be my choice. Seriously, Sega has so many great franchises. Let's see some more brought back with the same quality as Sonic Colors!! (Billy Hatcher was actually decent too.)
No Phantasy Star?
The utter lack of Panzer Dragoon here is a grievous oversight.
lol i had crazy taxi as one of my first gameboy games!
Next you should do 10 capcom games you want to see on 3DS. (MONSTER HUNTER 3D! fill out this quick survey and make it happen! http://www.capcom-unity.com/snow_infernus/blog/2011/02/17/have_a_minute_take_our_monster_hunter_survey)
Phatasy Star? chu Chu Rocket? how about Samba De Amigo or HoTD for 3DS
Remakes of the 4 Phantasy Stars,.Chu Chu Rocket(Maybe call it Chu Two Rocket?)
Nights would be amazing and I would hope that Sega simply port the 2 games over with 3D effects.
Samba de Amigo? Streets of Rage? Phantasy Star? Panzer Dragoon? ChuChu Rocket? Madworld, possibly?
Whether it be a remake, port, or a sequel to, give me Jet Grind Radio and I'll be VERY happy. I'm glad you included it on the list, as it is a FANTASTIC game.
I've never played After Burner Climax before but for some reason I want to now. Probably because that screen shot reminds me of Star Fox.
Of all of those, I'd probably only buy Jet Set Radio... probably.
Actually a list of good classic games (For the most part)
I approve of these ideas
On the list, I would definately buy NiGHTS, Jet Set Radio, and After Burner.
Fantasy Zone FTW!
I would love to see Bayonetta on the 3DS. But I guess you need dual analogue sticks to pull that one off
Also Outrun would be nice as a downloadable title or something.
From your list Shenmue most appeals to me.
Wonder Boy, Seaman and Shenmue for me.
A shining Force 3 translation called Shining Force 3DS would be amazing!
Shining Force and Jet Set Radio pleeeeeeeease~
@13: Really? ...The plot thickens.
Streets of Rage!
Well they aren't exactly Sega but Platinum is associated with them, so i would love to see a Platinum game on the 3DS. How great would that be?
Wait. Wheres Chu Chu Rocket?
I'd never heard of Seaman before. Do want!
They could even let you change the face by way of a 2d/3d picture!
I'd rather have a new Outrun game than any of the games listed!
Im old, does anyone else remember DragonForce (no not the band kids ) for saturn. To bad that was never expanded on.
No Phantasy Star? Blasphemy!
(unless that's been announced)
I have heard that 5 franchises are coming on 3DS, 2 of them new (one is likely from Sonic Team), 2 are revisits of older IPs and one is obviously a Sonic game.
What? You add Space Harrier without OutRun as well? Blasphemy!
It would be great to see ristar and HOTD on 3ds. Bayonetta looks awesome too and it would be great if that came to 3ds too.
Space Channel 5 yo!
Can't believe you forgot Ulala D"
Out of those games I'd like to see Nights, Shining Force, Afterburner and Planet Harriers.
@33: Agreed. I would probably crap my pants if that happened.
I saw a video of Wonder Boy IV and it looks great. Would love to play that one.
I'm thinkin there should be Doodle Jump on the eShop
You should see our shortlist for this article - it runs to about 60 games, but we had to trim it down of course. If your favourite game isn't on there, it isn't a personal slight against you, it's just a matter of us running out of time and space!
50 comments, and no-one's mentioned Skies of Arcadia.
That's the biggest surprise.
If any of the following games come out we should all be happy that Sega listened to Nintendolife viewers. (Because we know they are watching this site secretly :3.)
Daytona USA 2. Scud race. Then I can retire
Yakuza is coming out on the new psp.
By the way, those sweets were delicious.
Edit I'd also love to see a 3DS sequel to Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood, though let's face it, there's more chance of Shenmue 3DS happening.
I hope the 60+ list included Vectorman 3 and Ristar 2! Haha
Wow, yeah, it took 50 comments before someone MENTIONED Skies of Arcadia, I gotta say, that's a little upsetting! A Skies sequel would be on the same level of awesomeness as the Megaman Legends sequel we're already getting!
I would like Crazy Taxi and Zombie Revenge (I loved that game...too bad I got rid of my DC and it's games. )
I want a new Sega Rally and After Burner Climax seems like a good idea but i wouldnt push my luck for Shenmue.
what 9 said
I would REAAAAAALLY love a Shenmue on 3DS.
Fantasy Zone is freaking awesome and Seaman is the creepiest game EVER made!!! ^^
Fantasy Zone is freaking awesome and Seaman is the creepiest game EVER made!!! ^^
seaman looks like fun, even if a bit creepy maybe adding an option to cross breed real animals (dog with tenticles!) would be fun
crazy taxiiiiiii
Chu Chu rocket 3DS port would be magnificent. I'd love them to make a sequel for the system.
Hopefully the make something new too and dont just warm up the old stuff with a few 3D effects
My sega alltimeclassics are
Daytona USA
House of the Dead
Virtua Cop
Dynamite Deka / Die Hard Arcade / Streets of Rage
Panzer Dragoon
Hangon / Outrun series
Shinobi Series
And the lots of Arcadeonly racinggame "crazytaxi games" titles like
Emergeny, Scud Race, etc
Bro, we need Vanquish.
"who wouldn't want [Seaman] all around your face?"
Really? Going for the South Park joke there?
Bro, we really need Madworld.
@wanderlustwarrior Believe it or not, I didn't even think of that when I wrote it.
Planet Harriers is an inspired choice, but I would suggest Panzer Dragoon Orta instead. The on-rails shooter should get a nice little boost from 3D depth - one of the few genres I would think would. But between the newest Space Harrier (if you don't count Sin & Punishment 2, which I do, because it resembles SH more than the first S&P) and the newest Panzer Dragoon, Smilebit's game wins, hands down.
Really hoping SEGA supports the 3DS - and the NGP for that matter, as I don't hate - with a nice mix of new games and ports from yesteryear. With the new power of these handhelds, they can finally start dipping into, and recycling, their PS2 era classics. Under-rated games like Gunvalkyrie, PS2 Shinobi (or Nightshade/Kunoichi), and Billy Hatcher. All of which deserve greater exposure.
Though I wouldn't mind them bringing games of their current output. People love to slam Sega these days it seems. Yet Sonic Colors, Vanquish, Valkyria Chronicles and the Conduit are all good games. In fact, they run the gamut from good (the Conduit) to world class (the rest of them). Do hope for some great support from Sega on the 3DS.
Streets of Rage please SEGA, old school style....
Crazy Taxi and Toe Jam & Earl for the win!
as you can probably tell from my Avatar, I'm a massive Shenmue fan.
Would be amazing to see it on 3DS. Jet Set Radio also. 2 classic games.
Nights,shining force,and jet grind radio,and shenmue are good places to start but how come theres no panzar dragoon or phantasy star ect? i guess we will have to wait and see what sega has in store for the 3DS,eather way they cant loose on the 3DS
Sonic 4:Episode 3 and a remake of Alex Kidd.
Some people did not see that
_Deep fear,panzer dragoon,sega rally,torrico,virtual on,daytona usa,nba action,golden axe dual,shinobi,lost souls.
jet grind radio, shenmue, virtua fighter 5 or 6, bayonetta, anarchy reigns, panzer dragoon, toe jam and earl, space channel 5, chu chu rocket, nights for the 3DS from me
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