It's under a week until Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded reaches North America, but if you're absolutely desperate to get your hands on the latest Disney/Square-Enix crossover you can get it early at a special Nintendo World Store event this Sunday.
Hosted at the Nintendo World Store in New York, the first 300 people to get in will also walk home with Kingdom Hearts artwork, with a special green screen also set up so you can take your own pictures of you looking suitably heroic.
Here's the information below if you want to take a trip, or alternatively wish to complain about why no exciting events are ever held in [insert your city name here].
10 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, NY 10020WHEN:
Sunday, Jan. 9, 2011
11:00a.m. to 3:00p.m.
Comments 15
Why aren't events held in Mississippi?!
Oh wait, a city? How about Memphis
It's too bad that these events are not held in Texas.
Generic complaint #3.
Dang NYC.... It gets all the good stuff. WHY DOES WESTERN NY GET NO LOVE!?!?!?!?!
Nothing in Albany either. It's the freakin' capital for pete's sake!
I have nothing better to do Sunday anyway...
@#3 i agree man
Cant wait to get my copy when it comes out on the 11th. Will be an awesome day.
Okay, make or break for me guys... any word if Tifa Lockhart is in this game? <3 ^^;;
I'm not into waiting for a game, but I'll wait for this one.
Not buying this anytime soon. I'm sick of these spin offs. I understand that this is a remake of one we never got in America, but I just can't take anymore. BbS was just too good, it makes the rest look like crap.
@smashbrawler331: Do you have any idea how many people from other places think of New York City when they hear "New York?" I sure do...I sometimes forget there's a whole rest of the state attached!
Anyway, I reserved this with Amazon, so I'm not expecting it at release, much less early. That's okay, though...my easily distracted nature leaves me not having finished Birth By Sleep yet.
I went to the Mario 25th event, maybe I can do to this one... hopefully.
I'm passing on this game. Might pick it up later on, but KH 3DS will be my next KH purchase.
D: You guys should make a Nintendo store here in Hawaii! All the fans in the islands would be very happy if you did. T_T I mean we do get games slower than the rest of the states do anyway.
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