Nintendo kicked off the first of five Start! Heart Walks with the American Heart Association on September 11th in Dallas with more events planned in the coming weeks.
Events currently scheduled will be held in San Francisco (9/17), Chicago (9/24), Seattle (10/2), and Atlanta (10/30) for anyone looking to join in on the fun.
Nintendo was kind enough to send over photos from the event in Dallas and you can check them out below for a taste of how it all unfolded and what you can expect from future events.
Comments 12
I didn't know about it or I would have been there, to think Nintendo would through an event in my home town.
I would attend one of these, if it was in my area. To bad there are never any cool events around where I live.
Man Nintendo is everywhere!
Did not know Mario was so huggable.
Come to NYC one day, will ya?
Of course, that's typical of any event like this to only be held in special cities, which generally translates to the usual "We only care about the west coast and east coast and south coast, including Washington, California, Texas, NY, and Florida." That's like if 200 special theaters run a marathon of movies like lord of the rings, with 150 of those theaters being in California alone. Why is there NEVER any Mid-west love!?
Come to Philadelphia, Mario! Everyone here wants to hug you!
I never see any Nintendo stuff in Orlando....
I wish I still lived in New York...
I'm 28 years old and I would still give Mario a hug if I saw him like that.
@9: I'd footstool jump off his head.
And who said that Nintendo consoles were dying?
It was captain confusion,
he confused the Wii with the PS3 again.
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