Time to get wet?

“It was in the Great Medes Monastery, in 1412, where Martin I “The Human”, leader of an Order of the Temple and long-time resident of the island, was buried. The secrets of the Order were also buried with him, where they would be sealed in the same crypt and kept through the centuries. But two hundred years later, an earthquake split the island in two and the crypt disappeared into the depths of the Mediterranean Sea.”

This is the start of the story that will take John Sanders, the hero, on an adventure through the 10 levels that make up the came “DIVE: The Medes Islands Secret”, a Platform/Action game that is rooted on the Medes Islands, a fantastic protected natural landscape located at the heart of the Costa Brava in catalonia, Spain.

Dive: The Medes Islands Secret recreates underwater scenes from 10 different real locations from around the world, with large levels filled with enemies, mazes, dangers and treasures. It contains an economic system that will enable players to exchange or upgrade their diving equipment, which is required to reach the deepest mysteries

Cosmonaut promise "spectacular graphics" for Dive with a total of 10 levels and 3 difficulity settings. You'll also be able to mange your diving equipment via shop/upgrade system required to reach certain areas of the game. Enemies will include everything from giant Octopuses to Sharks, as well as Barracudas, Jellyfish or Manta Rays.

Teaser Trailer:

Prices and release dates are still to be confirmed, keep your eyes glued to Nintendo Life for updates and maybe even a preview of this aquatic adventure.

[source cosmonautgames.com]