Hotel Dusk: Room 215 was a great little mystery game for the DS. Set in a hotel in 1979 Los Angeles, developer CING combined mystery text adventure with a graphic novel style while crafting a decidedly DS experience.
And now it's getting a sequel. Quietly announced by Nintendo, Last Window: Midnight Promise takes place yet again in LA one year after the first game.
It's got a release date of January 14 in Japan, and hopefully won't take too long to break out of the motherland.
[source ds.ign.com]
Comments 23
I keep seeing Hotel Dusk for cheap, maybe I should finally get around to playing it.
Hotel Dusk, eh? Sweet, I loved that game. I don't care much for the murder-tasticly hard gameplay.
The original is great, a mix of PW and Myst. Although it does get a little slow in the middle, it's definately worth its low price of admission.
Day one! I loved the first game.
The first was great and moody game, can't wait for the next!!
Cool. I'll be getting this to wet my appetite for AA: Investigations.
Loved the original and I love this poster. So I look forward to this one.
Great news! I loved the first game and I absolutely cannot wait for this sequel!
W00t! Lets hope it gets released outside Japan!
YES!!!! I am so pumped for this now!
Looks like Kyle lost a few pounds between games.
awesome. Really a great game. I'm guessing these screens are from the first one, right? Can't wait to play it. The first is a must play classic.
@jave, yeah, he seemed to wear that over coat non-stop. Definitely a self-couscious over eater.
Hope this game doesn't meet the same fate like cing's other game, Another Code R for the wii, here in America.
Hooray! I loved Hotel Dusk!
Cool, I loved the whole style of the first game.
This was one of my favorite DS games, and I'm glad to see it have a sequel. I will definitely buy it if it comes in the states.
@JayArr-This is coming in January in Japan, whereas Investigations is coming to the US in Jan/February.
@abe8812: AGREED! I want Trace Memory 2 in America, Nintendo! On the plus side, though, this is on DS and can be imported as long as it's released in Europe (like I did with Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland). The Wii gives no such option.
The first game was pretty good but somewhere between an interactive novel and a game........and then ending up not being quite either. I still enjoyed it for the most part though parts of it were a real slog.
Another Code DS and Another Code R were great too.
These ppl know what they're doing with these kind of games.
Oh my god!! I had to sit down when I saw this news! I loved the original and can't wait for a sequel! I hope it uses the camera! Exclamation Points!!
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