Power Up!

We've moved to a brand spanking new server, "Slow Mondays" should be a thing of the past.

Thanks to all you guys, 2009 has been a fantastic year for Nintendo Life. We've grown a lot since the fusion of Nintendo Life / Virtual Console Reviews / WiiWare World and frankly our popularity was causing our server to suffer.

It's been considerable planning behind the scenes, but if you're reading this (which you are) we're on our brand spanking new server. This machine is completely dedicated to Nintendo Life and therefore should give us plenty of growing space for the coming months and years. Hurray!

Who are our savours I hear you ask? We've elected to work with the geezers at dx.net, a London-based company who specialise in online gaming servers and host the odd website too: EuroGamer anyone?

We hope this new server will solve any of the 'Slow Monday' issues we've had in the past and also allow us to re-focus on the actual features of the website, rather than simply keeping it afloat. We anticipate some problems with the server move (there's always something) so please be patient and feel free to report any abnormalities to us using the comments below or contact us.

[source dx.net]