It's time to take a look at the most popular DSiWare titles available on the DSi Shop. If you're feeling adventurous you can even take a look for yourself by simply logging on to the DSi Shop, heading into the DSiWare section and then viewing by "Popular Games". It's that easy!
We compile this list using the USA region DSi Shop, so if you live elsewhere your list will probably be quite a bit different. Please feel free to post your region's findings below as always.
Keep in mind that the list below is based on the total number of downloads made recently, not an overall total of downloads since the game's original release.
Here is the list for the 3rd of June:
1 (-) - Nintendo DSi Browser
2 (-) - Paper Airplane Chase
3 (-) - Dr. Mario Express
4 (-) - WarioWare: Snapped!
5 (-) - Photo Clock
6 (-) - Bird & Beans
7 (-) - American Popstar: Road to Celebrity
8 (N) - Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Minis March Again
9 (-) - Mighty Flip Champs
10 (-) - Art Style: PICTOBITS
11 (-) - Real Soccer 2009
12 (-) - Master of Illusion Express: Deep Psyche
13 (-) - Clubhouse Games Express: Card Classics
14 (-) - Animal Crossing Calculator
15 (-) - Master of Illusion Express: Funny Face
16 (-) - Brain Age Express: Math
17 (-) - Master of Illusion Express: Shuffle Games
18 (-) - Mixed Messages
19 (-) - Animal Crossing Clock
20 (-) - Art Style: AQUIA
* (N) - Denotes a brand new entry in the Top 20
* (-) - Denotes a game that was not on the Top 20 last week
Well pretty much as expected, the Nintendo DSi Browser is still on top of the Top 20. That's not likely to change any time soon since it's free and an application that most DSi owners are going to want to make use of from time to time.
As far as actual games go, Paper Airplane Chase remains the most popular DSiWare game release so far, with Dr. Mario Express hot on its heels and WarioWare: Snapped! right behind it.
The brand new Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Minis March Again DSiWare release managed to jump all the way up to #8 in its debut week. Not too shabby considering it was only released two days ago. It is a bit surprising to see that Mighty Flip Champs hasn't climbed up higher on the chart as of yet. It was also a bit disappointing to see Art Style: AQUIA so low on the chart, especially being beat out by the various clock applications.
Since there are only 20 DSiWare titles currently available in the US, no games have fallen off the charts yet, but we should have our first DSiWare casualty next week if we see a new DSiWare release.
Comments 42
This is the FIRST article of its type, you say?
Nice to see the clocks are selling well!
Yeah, this is the first DSiWare chart, I believe.
Unless I'm mistaken, Brutus was surreptitiously announcing that he achieved first comment. Sly chicken.
And the WiiWare Top 20 will still come later today. We thought we'd give readers a chance to comment on the DSiWare chart before we put up the WiiWare chart.
Cool, Marvio VS, Donkey kong is SWEET!
But it only came out to days ago so...
I am surprised Photo Clock is so high.
I hope Mighty Flip Champs! makes it into the top 5 next week. It will be interesting to keep an eye on how the first decent indie DSiWare performs.
Mario vs Donkey Kong is good, and I've already collected half of the gold stars. As for the downloads, too many of them were made using the environments of the first floor (no desert maps or magnetic strips yet). It seems that users rushed to create content to be shared (not a bad thing) but once more gamers unlock more construction maps more variety can be added.
It's the measurement of recent downloads, not sales since the DSiBrowser is free.
Just an idea, wouldn't it make more sense to, you know, combine WiIWare and DSiWare into one easy-to-reach article. Ya know, just an idea
@Corbie: Oh God, new non-evil avatar! FLEE TO THE SHELTER!
Price is obviously a key factor for DSiWare users. Otherwise I would expect Mighty Flip Champs to rate quite a bit higher than Paper Airplane or even Wario Snapped.
For everyone who downloads the browser, don't forget to check out some of the cool websites.
@Bahamut ZERO: Non-evil? Do you not SEE the scythe in that lobster's claw? Old guy's really lost it...
I am sad to see the clocks and junk doing so well. That's not going to do much to convince them to stop making more. If Aquia is the first game cut from the top 20 instead of a clock, it'll be an even sadder day. I fear those Master of Illusion rip-offs will stay in the top 20 for quite a while due to low price and clueless customers, as well.
Last night I downloaded Pictobits, Flip Champs, and MvDK. I'm pleased with them all.
Nothing very exciting on the DSiWare yet..
Poor Art Style Aquia... It's getting less sales than the apps! And I just knew Pop Star would be a success.
Down with the clocks! Up with the champs!
I think Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Minis March Again will go up to the top soon, especially with its DLC
I guess Mighty Flip Champ, Art Style, and MvsDK do nothing for you?
An app at No.1 and No.5? Interesting...T.T
I feel fairly certain that the $2 games are being given a disproportionate boost due to the pricing strategy -- you'll buy your points in $10 increments, and everyone has at least one $8 game they want, so they end up grabbing something with that last $2.
Personally, I just let those $2 sit there until I add more and purchase something I really want. Why feel the need to clear your balance at all times? I've always got a positive balance on Nintendo's download services; calm down, impulse buyers
I'm sure we can expect MvsDK to be just below the browser in slot #2 in no time, probably to stay for the long term.
Good call, warioswoods. I work my points the same way.
@warioswoods That certainly explains why the clock apps and Master of Illusion demos are doing so well.
@anthonyb Apparently you're a smart buyer. You downloaded the three (arguably) best games on the service.
Art Style: AQUIA, still one of the best games on DSiWare is number 20. Really? Anyway, Mario vs. DK should jump up the chart considerably in no time, and MFC! will hopefully also get a download boost. Hey, maybe PICTOBITS will start doing better, too.
It's terrible to see games such as WarioWare Snapped! and the Photo Clock better Mighty Flip Champs like this, although that's probably because due to the hype, most people that wanted it would've bought it last week.
Here in the UK, things are a bit better, with PiCOPiCT doing particularly well in comparison to you guys. Here's what the chart was like the last time I checked.
Corbie, I think you should make the virtual console top 7
Wow. I guess people like clocks.
Personally I don't think freebies should be on this list.
Well if we eliminate the freebies, it won't be a Top 20 anymore. It will be a Top 18 or Top 16, depending on how many freebies are on the chart at the moment since the popular titles only displayes the top 20 DSiWare releases.
We need Pop Plus and yes I agree that freebies kinda mess up the list. But if Nintendo includes them I guess you have to include them as well
@Corbie - We'll never get a true #1 with the DSiWare chart unless Nintendo start charging for the web browser download
Yeah, but maybe at some point everyone will have picked it up. I'm probably the only one that hasn't downloaded it.
I'd take the web browser off the list because it's free. But it's great to see a top 20 list.
I agree with jones2929, take the browser and all freebies off the list and please offer more games Nintendo!
The Nintendo DSI is a definite improvement over the older Nintendo DS because it has bigger dual screens and two integrated 640x480 cameras.
You will also like the integrated web browser because the touch screen and dual screens allow you to surf faster than on the Sony PSP.
Corbie, you haven't downloaded the DSi browser?? Why, pray tell, not?
I've got a great web browser on my Macbook and since it goes where I go, I don't need a clunky, dumbed-down DSi browser.
I'd like to see the actual sales figures of these games
Well of course the Browser is at the top, its free.
I just downloaded mighty flip champs and Mario vs DK.
I think both of these games should be in the top five.
This is why NA doesn't get more Artstyle games, you prefer clocks and calculators
am getting mario vs ds friday
@Corbie - I'm hurt! You don't want to check out the gaming goodness available through the browser? For shame!
I shall poke you with that ancient tool of journalism - the pointy stick - until you relent! Take that! And that! **poke** **poke**
I'm a firm believer that gaming and productivity should be separate. I don't use my computer to game and I don't use my game consoles to browse the web, send email, or type documents on.
@Corbie - How does playing web-based games designed for the console violate that creed? You're not "browsing", you're not sending email, and you're not typing documents. You're gaming, just as God (and Nintendo) intended.
You don't know what you're missing. Relent! **poke** Relent!
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