Sonic Chaos is the third Master System Sonic game. The Chaos Emeralds have been stolen yet again, so Sonic and Tails will have to travel through six zones to get them back and beat Dr. Robotnik/Eggman, just like in every other game. One of the biggest changes for this game (Compared to the other Master System titles) is that you can now play as Tails as well. He controls entirely different from Sonic and even gets a different amount of lives. Overall, however, the game's just more of the same. If you've played other Sonic games, this one will come over as decidedly average and as such we can't really recommend it.
That's it for VC, see you next week! On WiiWare, you can grab Hudson's Snowboard Riot and Nintendo's Lonpos later today.
Comments 111
Another suprising week. It looks alright but this doesn't excite me as much as the Mega Drive versions.
yeah i guess thats cool, i would have prefered sonic&knuckles tho
looks alrite prob will not b gettin this waitin 4 next week 2 get lit on wiiware
I'll pass on this one...I have it for Mega Collection Plus. Kind of disappointing to wait for the announcement. Off to school...
I have Sonic Mega Collection, but I don't remember playing this one. I guess I go try it again later today and see how it is
Sonic and Knuckles would be nice. Mercs would be a good choice for this week too. I'm also hoping imports like Twinbee come out soon.
this is a gd game
Nifty! Though I ve still yet to download Sonic 2. T.T
Remember folks, the compilations only have the Game Gear versions of these games. The VC ones are SMS versions and more fitted to TVs! ;D
Bummer again.
Neat! Still need to play Sonic 2 on SMS though....
Meh. I was worried my Wii is in a box and I would not be able to get to it in time for Monday... I guess the Wii can spend another week in its box
Remember folks, the compilations only have the Game Gear versions of these games. The VC ones are SMS versions and more fitted to TVs! ;D
Except Sonic in Triple Trouble which was Game Gear only and so was designed around that screen (no cheapness like Sonic 2s first boss to be had there).
"The streak of high-profile releases for the US continues
this one will come over as decidedly average and as such we can't really recommend it."
This is a rather contradicting update.
The VC was the sole reason I bought my Wii - Nintendo just lost me.
"The streak of high-profile releases for the US continues" - that was a joke, right?
The game is alright, but still a pretty crappy update in all. Another 1 game week. Japan gets 10 games a month, we get 4. How does that make sense?
@ Draygone: High-profile just means it's well-known. It is a Sonic game, is it not? It doesn't mean it's good
Sonic Chaos is, for all intents and purposes, Sonic 3 for the Master System/Game Gear.
I merely played the Game Gear version of Sonic Chaos; I do agree that it seemed a little lackluster in comparison to other titles in the series, but it still sure as hell brings back good childhood memories
I too wish that Sonic & Knuckles would eventually see the light of day, but since it might not, the Sonic Mega Collection could be seen as the best option there is for now >.>
Damn, I was hoping for Super Punchout or just about anything on the Super Nintendo or Nintendo 64. Why can't they put first party games out from their own systems?
Japan gets 10 games a month, we get 4. How does that make sense?
I think the fact that there were more video games in Japan in the first place might have something to do with it.
Two Master System games in a row? Come on, Nintendo, I thought you might be providing a little variety into the system for a change. Sinse we didn't get Smash today our two week grace period from it's release in Japan is gone, so I don't think we'll see it for a good while.
Sonic Chaos is an okay game gear game.
It is one less Sonic game that needs to be released the vc now.
Kind of a disappointing week. Maybe Nintendo is just screwing with us, and from this point on will release several incredible games per week.
Yeah right...
@14. Mike
A lot more video games were release in Japan than in Europe and North America back in the day for most systems after the video game crash.
Translating would take a while to translate some game like Rpgs for an example. Even if we get the games that don't need a lot of translation, we still wouldn't be getting as many games as Japan does.
This game actually sucks pretty hard. Now if we had a second release this sh*t sandwich would be easier to swallow. Oh well, just wishful thinking....
sh*t sandwich indeed!
i havent bought any wii points in months
At least it's the first lame game to be released in the last month.
Being a Sonic fan I'll probably buy it at some point anyway.
I have played worse. How about Sonic 3-D blast? You wanna talk about a Sh*t sandwich.
This week releases= Garbage!!!!!
Hey punchout87.....nice avitar
No Smash Bros. or Super Punch-Out!! today. Damn. Oh well, looks like I'll have to wait and see what next week has to offer.
"A lot more video games were release in Japan than in Europe and North America back in the day for most systems after the video game crash."
True, but NOA can release movie based games like Batman Returns, Home Alone, Bugs Bunny Rabbit Rampage, Road Runner Death Valley Ralley, etc. on the VC. Anyway, I don't see what's there to complain about this week's release. It's a Sonic game and a platformer. It may not be great but sure beats Sonic Unleashed, Sonic Heroes, and other 3D Sonic junk. The really good ones will be here on the VC don't worry.
No Gradius Rebirth...
Sonic Chaos isn't a bad game, just very average.
@Don I actually LIKED Sonic Unleashed, and would probably like it better than this.
Aside from review sites, I have heard word of mouth from people that liked Sonic Unleashed. At some point I may give it a rental to try it. Then again most review sites hated Wii Music, but I actually enjoyed the game.
Well, we had a good run of it. Hopefully this doesn't signal a return to 'meh' or crappy one game weeks.
How about Sonic 3-D blast? You wanna talk about a Sh*t sandwich.
I actually really love Sonic 3-D Blast.
True, but NOA can release movie based games like Batman Returns, Home Alone, Bugs Bunny Rabbit Rampage, Road Runner Death Valley Ralley, etc. on the VC.
Don't be so sure. Given TMNT (Konami and whoever owns the TMNT rights these days) was 600 points and we've not seen any more I have a strange feeling the liscence holder wasn't happy with getting 100 points per sale (well minus the Nintendo royalties etc) and charging anything more than 100 points is ludicrous.
Of the games you quoted Nintendo have pulbished a total of zero and even if they had I'm sure their attitude would be "Why bother? Mario will sell more".
So who owns those games. 3rd party publishers who are either dead (and its a nightmare finding out who owns what of them) or have shown no interest in the VC. Weather that is due to NOA taking a wait and see approach rather than a "lets get these people on board" is another matter...
I actually really love Sonic 3-D Blast.
I would have if:
-It had a save system
-Wasn't a sonic game (its too slow paced for that)
Not too fond of any of the SMS Sonics...really Sonic the Hedgehog for the Genesis was the only one I actually played and beat
"Don't be so sure. Given TMNT (Konami and whoever owns the TMNT rights these days) was 600 points and we've not seen any more I have a strange feeling the liscence holder wasn't happy with getting 100 points per sale (well minus the Nintendo royalties etc) and charging anything more than 100 points is ludicrous."
Eh, if given the choice of either paying, say, 800 for an awesome NES game like Batman or Duck Tales, or not getting the game on the VC at all, I'd guess quite a lot of people would accept the increased price as a nessecary evil.
I'll just find a copy of Sonic Adventure DX for this.
Also: Gigalopolis
Is Bass really sittin this one out? Peace. shrekheadz
It's also Groundhog day. Back in the day Sonic 3 came out on this day. Sega called it "Hedgehog Day", so I kind of expected a Sonic game. I have a filling Super Punch Out won't come out until the Wii one comes out, and that's like in July, Smash bros. probably won't until April. I hope I'm wrong though.
Didn't see that coming.
Still, neat game. I personally most likely won't buy it though.
Hopefully Feb. continues to be good.
Japan gets 10 games a month, we get 4. How does that make sense?
Nintendo is basically a Japanese company, so they get more than the rest of the world. Also they get every single Nintendo made/published game.
@ tsquared: me either
My guess is that Sonic & knuckles won't hit the VC til Sega/Nintendo work out how theyr'e gonna get sonic 3 + knuckles on there.
I've never played this game I don't think but Europe will properly get this on Friday. Some people have posted a desire for Sonic & Knuckles that would be a great update!! Hopefully we're get a good update this week.....
It is not as easy as you make sound for releasing movie based games.
1.) the possible asking price for the movie companies or comic companies is too high. It has be a big problem toward Batman and Spider-man based video games on games found on the vc. Spider-man and Batman are very high in value at this time. A spider-man game on the Genesis might even cost over 2000 wii points or more.
2.) The games companies that released games based cartoons, movies, or comics may no longer own the video game rights to the game. That issue has affected companies like Capcom and Sega a lot. It is one of the reasons you haven't seen Revenge of Shinobi on the vc.
3.) Some of the companies that made movie based games, cartoon or comic based games no longer exist or don't support the Wii.
A sonic import!
looks like Nintendo has started the month well
#41: Oh I wasn't interested in this release. I didn't really have much to say.
I have never really gotten into sonic games except when they first came out and they were better then most of the other stuff out. Still it does seem that everyone has thier personal favorites that everyone else thinks is crap. I am afraid one of my favorite games is despised by most gamers even though I enjoyed it: FF:Mystic Quest. So since I know what it is like to enjoy a game most others do not like at all, I give others a break who like a game I think is utter garbage.
Hoping for better next week.
i rather spend more $ for the games i really want than to jus keep gettin so so games tmnt 2, ducktales, batman, chip n dale resuce rangers, tmnt 3 & 4, cool spot the list goes on & on & on i think nintendo is pushin wiiware more than the vc cause of the liscence issue
I wish everyone on this board would use spell check: license, seems like everyone gets that one wrong.
@42, love the groundhog day info, Love that movie with Bill Murray, too bad we are going to have more winter because of Phil and his shadow this year.
@Steven: Nintendo lost you because of this week? And you haven't bought Wii Points in months because why? One game a week or because you're honestly not interested in ANYTHING that came out since Enduro Racer (only one of which was 3 stars and that was Kirby's Dream Land 3).
So what games are you waiting for exactly? There's 278 games out on it now, honestly there's gotta be something to your liking on the service you haven't gotten yet. I guess I'm more open to sh*t sandwiches than everyone else
@Tragickingdom: I always wish people could just put some commas and fullstops so I can actually read their posts. But you get this everywhere.
Bill Murray rocks!
@Tragickingdom--I liked Final Fantasy Mystic Quest too. If it came to the VC, I would download it in a heartbeat.
I liked Bugs Bunny Rabbit Rampage and Road Runner Death Valley Rally. Okay, I'll give DVR's high difficulty, due to huge maps and maybe collision-problems (due to RR's stick-like figure), but it was still way better than Home Alone (just crack your fingers entering a 76-lives code and it shouldn't be too hard).
44: (Smart answer ) Japan still hasn't gotten either StarTropics game, and I think there might have been a couple NES Zapper games,
NES Tetris and SNES Wario's Woods are debatable (the NES cart was US/EU only, though they got Bullet-Proof's "Tetris 2 + Bombliss" which used block physics similar to Nintendo's (and had 2-player), and I think they got the SNES Tetris & Dr. Mario as seperate games. If SN Wario's Woods came out, it was a satellite-download only.)
Also, is this the last Sonic SMS game?
I believe there is Sonic Blast, but it sounds like that would be an unofficial port (TecToy, Sega's licensed Brazilian distributed ported several GG games), so I suppose that won't show up.
Knock it off with the spell check nonsense..... this AINT english class. if you cant stand the typos and improper grammer stop reading the comment section!!!
Also, is this the last Sonic SMS game?
Game Gear games will be released as Master System games on VC, so no.
@LittleMac: Not that I can't stand it, sometimes it's just hard to figure out what point they're trying to make that's all
@Drake: Unless Sega changed their plans and are bringing the Game Gear Games to some (fingers crossed) virtual handheld on DSi in the future
too bad we are going to have more winter because of Phil and his shadow this year.
Uhh, you realize that is an old superstition, right?
Hate to break your strong attachments to Phil, but in no way can he tell the weather.
He's right about 39% of the time which is horrible considering he only has to guess between two choices. lol
I still think that he is more spot on then my local weatherperson...lol
This game is toooooooooooooooooooooo underrated. The Master sytem version was prety good, The gamegear version was ok.
All I have to say is what everyone seems to say. "We don't Sonic Chaos, we want Sonic and Knuckles!!!"
On a side note, I got Sonic 3 recently to dull the wait, so that when S & K and Sonic 3 & K come out I'll be halfway done already.
I still think that he is more spot on then my local weatherperson...lol
Oh I'll agree with that.
A meteorologist is the only profession you can be wrong 95% of the time and still keep your job.
Unless you are one in san diego, why they get paid at all is beyond me. "Today it is mid 80's and sunny, oh and tomorrow..80's and sunny."
"Your 10 day forcast coming up next hour...oh what the hell I'll go ahead and tell you now...80's and sunny"
enjoy your quick buck nintendough
I adore most of Sonic's games, even the notorious Sonic '06. But to say that I adored Sonic Chaos would simply be a lie. I concur gishagos, this title is garbage.
And soniczelda dude, I had a question. Why not purchase the Sonic Mega Collection? For roughly twenty dollars, you get what most consider to be the golden age of Sonic the Hedgehog.
Sonic Tiple Trouble was better. Was that even released on the Master System? or what about Tails Adventure that was the best GG game in my opinion.
Tail's Adventure? Really? I tried that on Gems Collection briefly. Maybe I'll give it another shot.
I sure hope anybody who really likes Sonic gets a chance at Sonic CD (like, on the Gems collection for GC). It sure doesn't look like Sega CD titles will make it to the VC.
@71, Cally
Why do you think Sega CD games won't hit the VC?
@marktheshark - Memory constraints? Just guessing...I'd be surprised to see it too, though.
Sonic Triple Trouble wasn't released on the Sms.
Pro: You can use Tails.
Con: Yet another Sonic game.
Eh, I have it in the collection. So I don't need to download it.
Yeah, score! I've been waiting forever (Okay, since the first Sonic SMS game hit, which was only a couple of months ago, but to me, that was forever!) for this game, and it's finally here! I loved the GG version, but the screen was too damn small. Thankfully, this shouldn't have that problem.
Only in Brazil.
Terrible. Just f**cking terrible. I think it's time to sell the Wii.
@occipital: ouch, and I thought everyone was used to these one game weeks. Sorry Nintendo doesn't put your top 10 games on every week
@ occipital (#77): "Terrible. Just f**cking terrible. I think it's time to sell the Wii."
Because of one game? Yeah, then you SURE have to sell your Wii!!1
Eh, I don't think this game was that bad personally. I'm glad to see it get a VC release, especially sence I've onley played the Game Gear version.
I thought the 8-bit Sonic 2 Master System game was much worse personally. (And yet, that game seems to get fewer complaints on this site, wich surprises me to no end.)
Oh goodie, we're releasing more games you can get for <$20 on a collection! Nothing beats VC games you can play elsewhere. What's that? The game wasn't even that great on SMC+?
"Also, is this the last Sonic SMS game?"
There's also Sonic Spinball and Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine, if you count them. They're different enough from the Mega Drive originals to warrant a release.
I have downloaded both Sonic 1 & 2 for SMS from VC and enjoyed both, as I did back in the day. I had moved onto the Mega Drive by the time this was released so didn't get it.
The gf got me a TV plug-in thing for Christmas that has various SMS and GG games on it, this being one, and it is pretty poor. The screen is very close in so I reckon it may be the GG version though.
It also had Snail Maze on it, remember that?!! Very basic but great for a bit of nostalgia.
Is this the same as the Game gear version? I kinda liked it but it is (logically) not nearly as good as Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and 3 on the Mega Drive.
"Is this the same as the Game gear version?"
For the most part, except the screen isn't as zoomed in, so it plays better.
There's also some subtle differences in the music and interface, and one spelling difference in the second zone title (for some reason, the SMS version is Gigalopolis, whereas the GG version is Gigapolis). Aside from the different intro music and Gigapolis zone music, the other changes probably won't be noticed by most people.
@Occipital. Oh great, you're another one of THOSE people...
"My guess is that Sonic & knuckles won't hit the VC til Sega/Nintendo work out how theyr'e gonna get sonic 3 + knuckles on there."
You think they're working on it? They don't care. S&K will be released if something accidentally happens while Nintendo is working on something else.
I wouldn't mind seeing "Ikari Warriors", but I'm not holding my breath.
Memory constraints? Just guessing...I'd be surprised to see it too, though.
Not just that. Emulation. SEGA have never shown an ability to emulate the Mega CD. Before you throw Sonic Gems collection at me that is what we refer to as cheating. It is a port of the PC version.
I never had a chance to play the Sonic games for Game Gear or SMS, I already have Sonic 1, 2, and I'll get this game, I'm trying to get all the Sonic games on the VC, but theres still more ninty can release, when will they release Sonic & Knuckles, it's been rated for over a year now...
Ian Daemon-That sounds about right in regards to Sonic 3...
Except for Startropics.
@LittleMac - Or... perhaps you could clean up your "grammer" (it's spelled "grammar"). I guess since you're a conservative, changing is beyond your capacity (see? Isn't it annoying to be stereotyped based on party alignment?).
I think I might get this game. I really like the 8-bit Sonics a lot.
Awesome release! But I already have this unlocked on Sonic DX for the Gamecube.
By the way there is a really good article on IGN comparing the VC releases to the new Genesis collection on 360. Alot of people on this site might find it interesting to read
I don't know what is so interesting in this article. I mean, it is clear that the collection is much better that downloading every single game.
I LOVE THIS GAME!!!!! but where the hell is clayfighter and earthworm jim 2?
@Tony - I plan on getting the new Genesis collection. It'll save me a lot of money seeing that it's priced at just $30 and is full of brilliant games.
I wonder when this'll break into the Popular Titles listing. I'm sure it will eventually, since even now Sonic 2 SMS is at 13 and Sonic 1 SMS is 19.
97. Tornado Man The ClayFighter game that was re rated was ClayFighter 63 and 1/3 by the ESRB. So the only one who knows where it and Earthworm Jim 2 are is Nintendo and maybe Interplay.
I would settle for ClayFighter for the Genesis or SNES if either 1 were re rated by the ESRB but they are not.I want SSB and Tetris Attack.But SSB has the better chance at coming out sooner instead of later since Japan has it.We could get SSB as early as March of this year maybe March 2nd to March 9th at the earliest.
Heck i'd be happy if Nintendo would wake up and give us Super Mario Kart.
I'm more upset that Japan gets 10 plus games per month and a release list then i am of what VC Games get released.While NOA seems to play the wait and See game on it's fans.
I've also noticed that every time i get a VC Game i've put on my wait to get list then end up getting it they say hey so and so got those games now we can finally release the other game on his'her most wanted list now that he/she no longer have the Wii Points to get them.That seems to be how Nintendo has always thought with the Wii Shop.
I hope we can get something like ClayFighter or SSB or Tetris Attack soon.
I wonder when this'll break into the Popular Titles listing. I'm sure it will eventually, since even now Sonic 2 SMS is at 13 and Sonic 1 SMS is 19.
I always believed those did well because people assumed they were getting the Genesis version for a cheaper cost.
The ClayFighter game that was re rated was ClayFighter 63 and 1/3 by the ESRB.
I always believed this was a mistake on the ESRBs part and they meant to rate Clayfighter 1 for Genesis that day.
I actually liked this game. I already unlocked the Game Gear version in Sonic Adventure DX: Directors Cut.
Why is that "cheating"? What do you miss because of that? I knew they used the PC version of Sonic R--which made it look a LOT better.
In my wildest dreams, I'd love to see Sonic CD on the VC with the Japanese soundtrack. Memory compression worked for TG-CD stuff (though almost entirely for music). . . who knows? I suspected that Sega CD games mostly took up a lot more disc space, especially the actual game data file . . . prolly couldn't get it under Nintendo's limits. Plus, Sonic CD has a few anime cutscenes which are REAL space hogs.
@Cally - Starwolf_UK meant that SEGA found a way around emulating the SEGA CD.
The only reason I metioned the article is because it compares the collections. Plus it give a pretty good idea of some games that Sega has on tap for the VC. I am OK with 800 points for the VC versions, it does not bother me that the collection will be out on other systems and not Wii.
I just want Sega to continue strong support for the VC and not backout like Hudson.
@ Tornado Man
Clayfighter is rated for Europe so hopefully it will be out soon.
I'll most likely end up downoading this within the next month...or even this week! I can't wait to play this. There are other games I want first though.
Clayfighter is rated for Europe so hopefully it will be out soon.
Funny you should say that as it just came out. Can you say something along the lines of "Earthbound is rated for America so hopefully it will be out soon." in the European comments on Sunday
@ Clayfrd + Starwolf
Oh . . . sheesh. I don't know why I had a hard time understanding that comment. O_o
They're better off making a Mega Man 9 style Sonic game with all new material, same concept. I think that'd capture my attention at least.
But this can also be said about MANY classics...
Hopefully MM9 was foreshadowing Nintendo's future
@Wii is MYcrack - I've been saying the same thing for a while.
On the same topic..
I've been playin' Kirbys Adventure for VC...
And I swear it has some powerups I do not remember.
No chance that it's added content I figure ??
Just my poo memory??
can u save in this game or do u have to start completely over like the other games
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