Zoda's Revenge: StarTropics II is, naturally, the sequel to StarTropics. As you might have guessed from the title, the villain from the first game, Zoda, is back - He is trying to steal the Tetrads, ancient puzzle blocks (Yes, they're Tetris blocks), which are rumoured to hold an ancient power. The catch is that these blocks are scattered throughout various time periods - Mike will have to travel through time to stop Zoda this time. Along the way he'll meet people like Sherlock Holmes and Leonardo da Vinci, who will aid him in his quest. The control in the dungeon sections is also much improved, for those who hated it in the original - You can now walk in 8 directions instead of 4, and you can jump anytime you want!
And that's the last VC game this year! On WiiWare you will now be able to get the long-awaited Maboshi's Arcade, and Pool Revolution: Cue Sports.
Comments 129
I've been looking forward to this one.
i wasn't expecting this since it wasn't on the coming soon list. i've never played it.
I started doing this last month. And this is the month that was December 2008:
01 - Metal Slug 2
08 - Sonic the Hedgehog 2
15 - Enduro Racer
22 - Phantasy Star IV
29 - Star Tropics II
A shockingly bad month. The only good games (Metal Slug 2 and Phantasy Star IV) were already on a collection elsewhere so didn't quite capture people's appreciation for them that much. Star Tropics II isn't quite a classic and the Master System games were quite poor. Five games in five weeks is just no good but I fear this to be normal from now on, sadly. Even on weeks when a good game was released, it was still the only game and is the slowest possible way of Nintendo putting out games. If you didn't want nor willing to try the game of the week then you were pretty much screwed for that week. This practice of Nintendo's is really pitiful.
Ugh. The original is at least enjoyable in a quirky, oddball kinda' way. StarTropics II, however, features a joke for a story (Cleopatra stuffing down that entire pizza still makes me cringe and Sherlock Holmes' "deductions" regarding Zoda are laugh-out-loud dopey), gameplay made worse by the addition of more freedom of movement (feels too constrictive with Mike's stilted jumping and herky-jerky walking), and simply some of the most awkward moments in NES adventure history. It does feature some enjoyable dungeons, at least, and the game does become a challenge in the latter chapters, but I have honestly never been able to stomach the idiocy of the script to even remotely enjoy anything that might be good about the game.
Eh? I wasn't expecting this. Well it sounds good and i might get this if it comes over here since i quite liked the original.
Okay this I'm very unenthusiastic about.
Boooo. Glad no one bought me any VC points for xmas.
Well, it's no surprise this is another one-week game, but the game itself is a surprise. Startropics was one of my favorite NES games, and if this one is as good as the first one, it should be worth a look. Plus, I've never played it, so this looks like a good way to spend some Christmas Wii points
i think nintendo is jus gonna do 1 vc game release from now on to get ppl to buy more wiiware games cause there new and there will other other games coming out
I think to finish off the year with Nintendo games are good. But man, I hope Nintendo releases a bit more games into 2009 for VC (and WiiWare of course!)
Wow though for WiiWare this week...hot games!
I demand the VC gets the same treatment as Japan Nintendo of America. It's their new years revolution!
Plus where is Gradius Rebirth?
And thus ends the year that had the most single-VC-game-weeks so far (or, in short, the FAILingest year yet.) Not with a crash or a bang, but a thud. Hey Nintendo, I have a New Year's resolution for ya: try taking the US Virtual Console seriously again!
On second thought, I loved the first Startropics... so I might get this... #&!%ing Nintendo.
I got Star Tropics II for Christmas back in 1996 or 1997 from my younger brother.
Star Tropics II is a good game imo.
I will not download the game. I still own the cartridge.
I will not download a of new vc game releases anyway since it appears like Hudson will not release anymore turbo cd games on the vc.
I will not download the game. I still own the cartridge.
Sell the cartridge, download the game. You probably don't bother getting your NES out much to play it whereas having it as a channel is much more convenient. I didn't get into the first game so I won't be getting this though. And I too am wondering about the TG16's fate.
I didn't finish the first yet, but I'll probably still download this.
At least it sounds like it should be a worthwhile game, something we haven't seen enough this year.
"Yes, they're Tetris blocks, which are rumoured to hold an ancient power."
I can verify that rumor. Tetris blocks do hold an ancient power. I think its life or death or maybe the power to end the world. It's something like that or maybe its the power to put smiles on the faces of gamers all around the world
"it appears like Hudson will not release anymore turbo cd games on the vc."
I hope Hudson got some coal in their Christmas stocking. Shame on you Hudson and I may not buy your Wii Ware games because you have abandoned the VC
Yeehaw! This is a great end of the year present. Thx N.
Shucks. I was hoping for Castlevania III on VC and Gradius Rebirth on WiiWare.
This blows, still no Castlevania 3!
I guess it's nice that Nintendo surprised us with this game but I've really been wanting to play Castlevania III. It seems as though it'll fall into the same abyss that some of the other "Europe only" games have. ESWAT and Crackdown I can live without but to not release one of the finest NES games ever in the US is a just plain wrong.
Why is everyone assuming Hudson has dropped VC support? It's not like a huge release gap hasn't happened already here in the states. Remember summer 08? I'm sure we'll see more english TG16 games as well as imports (Rondo of Blood HAS to be released per the demand, afterall) soon enough. It just blows that we're down to a single game release every week as that means it'll be an even longer wait for the games we want but it's better late than never I suppose.
It's true - Hudson has told us they have no more plans to release anything on VC outside Japan in order to focus on WiiWare. We're sort of waiting for an official statement on the matter but if they don't release one soon we'll probably just do a news story on it.
@Bass XO
I wouldn't sell the cartridge a first place for different reasons.
1.)I still play me nes time to time and my younger brother and I own over 100 nes games.
2.) I have been collecting video games over 20 years besides playing videogames. My younger brother and I own over 600 games as a result.
3.) My younger brother lives with me and he owns a nes also. He also plays nes games.
4.) My younger brother and I have 3 tv sets that are made to play video games and having a nes hooked up isn't a big deal for us. We a lot of video game systems hooked up as a result.
5.) While I can download vc games at will right now, the shop channel will be gone sooner than later.
6.) My younger brother and I only download games that we don't the systems for, games that are to expensive for us to buy, or games that are imports.
7.) Owning games before they make to the vc means that I am saving money in the long run and it saves room on my Nintendo wii.
It means I can use the money that I otherwise spend on a wii point card for Sega Saturn games, lynx games, Atari 7800, 2600 games and any other system that I still want to buy for.
8.) Nintendo will not keep up the shop channel on the wii forever. It means I would have to buy the cartridge again if I sell the cartridge. While I save the vc games on my sd card, I am not able to upload them on my wii.
I bought Startropics last January, and still haven't finished it. I'd forgotten how difficult it could be at times, which makes me play it once every two months.
Think I'll pass on Startropics 2. It got bad reviews then, and I don't expect it's gotten any better in 15+ years.
If you liked the first Startropics You will like the sequel.
It's not as good as the first but still not a bad game.
Be warned though. It is a bit harder. I sorta wish they didn't end it after part 2. I was hoping for another one. Startropics 2 is also quite rare. It was released in 1994 and by then most people had moved on to the SNES. Many people probably missed it. Give it a chance.
This came out of nowhere! Great finish!
The only TG16 game I am waiting for is Parasol Stars but the NES version is okay.
Hudson better not be totally dropping VC support. All I want is Rondo of blood. I will be very outraged if that game never comes to the U.S. The demand should be huge. They can't ignore that.
If Hudson does abandon it they are leaving some key franchises off of the VC. I for one really wanted to try the Legendary Axe games
I sure hope Sega continues its VC support
I demand at least Bravoman and Ordyne for us Europeans!
WOO-HOO! Isn't it crazy how they released this RIGHT after I'd just started a conversation about it a few days ago? Not that I'm stupid enough to think they were paying attention to us...
Sorry to everybody who doesn't like this game, but at least the WiiWare releases today look like quality stuff (people have been waiting for Maboshi for a while, right?). I do still agree that there should've been another game alongside this one, but as one-game releases have been going the past couple months, this gets my vote for the best.
Normally, I like Casual games, But Usually the ones I like are from nintendo, Now All the Greedy Casual Game Creators are Hogging up the Wiiware attention and not only delaying Blockbuster Titles on WiiWare, Thier also turning Companies interest AWAY from the VC.
This trend must come to a halt. VC Must be Revived!
Dang! I used my last 500 points for Super C (not that its a bad game, though). Once I get another card, this is #1 on my downloading list.
I'd find it pretty dumb on Hudson's part if they really gave up on the VC entirely. I mean, didn't Alien Crush on the VC sell so well that they felt it worth making a good sequel on WiiWare? The guys might find they have another gold title waiting to be released. How could they give up on that potential?
I'll get this as soon as I finish the first one... which can take some time damn the thing is hard.
On the Hudson issue, what a shame, I like Wiiware but it shouldn't be more important than VC; I mean why can't they just release fewer titles as Nintendo at least? Is silly to lose a market in favor of another one when you can keep both with just a little effort.
I demand at least Bravoman and Ordyne for us Europeans!
Another one game week......sigh. And it's a somewhat poor sequel, to boot. Oh, well.
I was hoping the year would close with Castlevania III or Kirby's Dreamland, but this is still a nice surprise. Now to DL the original Startropics.
Even though this is a pretty good game, it sycks to have yet another one-game week. This should be Nintendo's New Years resolution: Less one-game weeks and less mediocrity.
On the contrary, this looks like its going to be normal from now on.
It's one game week, but it's an nintendo game! No Stupid sega games!
I'm sorry Drake but until they do make it official, I just can't believe that Hudson would give up on the Virtual Console like that, at least perminently, especially considering that their support in Japan is still going strong. I also find it suspect that I haven't heard this rumor anywhere else but on this site, not to discredit your contributions to the world of VC or anything, as I do greatly appriciate everything VCR does but it just seems wrong to me.
As for Rondo of Blood I heard the ball was actually in Konomi's court on that one so even if Hudson has dropped support, there is still hope for that title. Of course we should probably get Castlevania III first. (gives Nintendo the stink eye).
What a pleasant surpise! I never got to play the second game. This should be intersting. Hopefully next year, we'll go back to two games a week.
Maybe Hudson feels it now has enough software on the VC to make the kind of money it wants. The TG16 is one of the best supported channels behind the Mega Drive/Genesis.
It's particularly dissapointing news for EU gamers as the TG16 is the only VC channel that consistently supports 60hz.
The Mega Drive could have 500 titles available for all I care, I wouldn't buy them barring the odd must have due to the appalling conversions.
Hudson will really be missed.
I think Hudson may have almost run out of their own TG16/CD games and are trying to space them out. too bad though, there were some good games on them.
The key word is almost. Hudson should not drop the VC until the finish the TG library. I guess Hudson is a quitter
I'm definitely giving this a dl eventually
Single-game weeks became the norm, and now Hudson is most likely gone... geez. Talk about going down in flames. While every week recently brings me closer and closer to abandoning the VC for good, the irritatingly persistent hope that they may return to two-game weeks keeps me coming back. GRRRRRR. Since at least one highly-anticipated WiiWare game came out this week, who knows what next year holds for the VC. Maybe Nintendo of America will get their $#%t together. Or, most likely, not.
well you know, the optimism I hold on to is that the more known crap or otherwise undesired (several may like Star Tropics 2 but I know I won't be downloading it) that gets released, the quicker we get to the good stuff. but with these one game weeks, the pace has been been slower than a snail's. i don't care about quality, just release more games!
I finished the first Startropics after about six months - it's SADISTIC. Sometimes, the bosses shoot so much ammo at you, it's like running into a blizzard and dodging snow. I can't how many times I got a game over just before finishing a dungeon and had to start the dungeon ALL OVER. Yet, overall, I enjoyed the game.
The whole reason I became interested in the VC was for tons of under-appreciated games available at the click of a Wii remote. I don't like RPG's or shooters, so weeks in which the only choice is Enduro Racer or Boogerman are particularly rough.
After weeks of hearing about it from him, I only came on to see what Stuffgamer1's reaction was to this week, and I couldn't be happier for him. As for me, I'm shoving off towards WiiWare.
Easy Nintendo releasing 1 VC Game a Month from now on may have something to do with Hudson's possible state of mind when it comes to their VC Releases.
But as for me having 1 VC Game a Week now is getting out of hand i was happier with at least 2.
@Virus: Why, thank you. Really made me smile to read that.
Regarding StarTropics' difficulty: I agree that it's brutally hard, but it's just one of those games where you have to learn how it works. I beat the first StarTropics in one five-hour sitting when I first downloaded it on VC, but I have experience. I've beaten it on NES before. Just give it time, practice, and keep trying. For my money, StarTropics is FAR less infuriatingly difficult than Castlevania, due to the fact that I generally find top-down games easier than side-scrolling (when they're well done, anyway).
I have a couple other notes about Zoda's Revenge that I posted on its review thread. Go take a look if you're interested.
Wasn't particularly looking forward to this one, but I suppose I'll give it ago once I've purchased and beaten the first StarTropics.
We need more Super Nintendo and N64 games on the VC. I`d love to be able to download Earthbound, Super Mario Kart, Majoras Mask, Megaman X, original star fox, etc.
1 VC game is really getting to me too.
especially when its something I've never heard of, hate, or have no interest in
I know I would lol
Stuffgamer said: give it time, practice, and keep trying.
Its not with just that game-actually its with a lot of games such as the Mega mans, Star Foxs, and sometimes Zeldas or Metroids.
The games I've been looking forward to are Castlevania 3, Chrystalis, M.U.S.H.A., Shadow Dancer, and Last Resort, and considering the games we've been getting recently, I'm rather surprised that they haven't been released yet.
Edit: Now that I think about it, I'd also be interested in any Square-Enix Action RPG, but considering the rate at which SE's games are appearing on the VC, I'm not holding my breath.
No offense, but who cares about Super Mario Kart and Star Fox...
Actually, a lot of people care about those games. Sure, some of them will probably be disappointed in the end, since they are easily the weakest games in their respective series, but still they are highly...wanted, I suppose(damn it, where's a thesaurus when you need it!).
Edit: Actually Super Mario Kart is debateable, since everybody seems to have their own opinion on which Mario Kart game is best. Personally, I find it to be the weakest in the series, with the worst controls, and worse stages.
Edit again: Desired, there we go! Super Mario Kart and Star Fox are greatly desired, even is they are the lesser games in their series.
@Rurouni. I care about SMK. And kinda care about Star Fox. They're only 2 of the SNES's most defining games and all....
how...how can you say that?
this a joke right?
sorry to burst your bubble but those 2 games are some of the best on the SNES and yet they turned into AAA titles for Nintendo!
EDIT: @mickeymac
super mario kart did have weak stages in all(when you compare `em to the later installment`s) but they were pretty darn fun. Controls were fine but the drifting wasn`t so helpful unlike as it is in MK wii or DD.
But truly i really wanna know everyones favorite Mario Kart.
Blah. How is Castlevania 3 not on VC by now?
You know, all this talk about castlevania reminds me that I had completely forgetten to get Castlevania Chronicles X for the PSP! Oh well, guess I'll just put it on my birthday list.
My favorite Mario Kart game is Mario Kart DS. It's the only game in the series that I actually like.
@Terranigma: Yeah, of course that's your #1. You've got it relatively good on THAT game, though (even though you got screwed on several others), since America never got it on SNES... Seems to me that Squenix knows they can't really remake classic Quintet games, seeing as Actraiser was their first foray into the VC. But they do seem to like releasing games out of nowhere, so maybe we'll see Actraiser 2 or Soul Blazer come outta nowhere (say...next week? Yeah, like my luck would run like THAT... ).
heres my top 10 unrealeased list:
1: Super Smash Bros.
2: LoZ Majoras Mask
3: Earthbound
4: Star Fox
5: Super Mario Kart
6: Super Punch Out!!!
7: Kirbys Dream Land 3
8: Super Mario World 2
9: Mega Man X
10: Mega Man 4
I couldn`t decide were to put Pokemon Stadium 2 so i just left it out
Yes, and because they're the first in their series, their's a very good chance that they haven't aged well. I'm certainly keeping my expectations low when/if I play Star Fox 1.
Also, while we're all posting our top 10, Mine is as follows:
#1. Seiken Densetsu 3
2. Terranigma
3. Soul Blazer
4. Secret of Evermore
5. Illusion of Gaia
6. Crystalis
7. M.U.S.H.A.
8. Castlevania 3
9. Shadow Dancer
10. Last Resort
But since my #1 will never happen, my actual #10 is Earthbound. However, if Seiken Densetsu 3 does come to the VC, I'll be the happiest gamer in the world!(Edit: scratch that, my actual #10 is a tie between Gaiares and Thunder Force 3.)
I say that because for Super Mario Kart... I got a copy of it still AND have a computer rom of it... Plus... Dude... Come on, you got Mario Kart Wii, or you got 64 on VC, or DD on GCN or DS on DS... Don't really need SNES one...
As for Star Fox... I hated the SNES one... too confusing and graphics just bother me. XD
This is just me though.
Since it appears like no more tg-16 or turbo duo games will be making it on the vc, my top 10 unreleased dream VC list is way different as a result.
My top 10 with tg-16 or turbo duo games is the following:
10. Master of Darkness
9. Mischief Makers
8. Megaman: The Wily Wars
7. Pulseman
6. Terranigma
5. Power Strike 2
4. Panorama Cotton
3. Recca
2. Parodius Da!
1. Pop'n Twinbee
I bet most of you never heard of most of the games on my dream list.
I really hope we get to see some Sega CD games some day, so I can play Robo Aleste, the Lunar games, Snatcher, and other lost classics.
@7th lutz
Ack, I completely forgot about Pulseman! That game replaces Shadow Dancer at the #9(technically #8) spot. Shadow Dancer now takes the #10(#9) spot, while Last Resort is off the list, since I just remembered that it's on a collection.
Hey at least the big N gave us one of their games for the last update of 2008, and I've been wanting to play this game for some time now...
Good week for me
ya i think your right but the pokemon games on the VC right now arent so hot but hey its pokemon.
nice list man!
I do miss Secret of Evermore sigh
actually i have all of those lol
but sayin` that is like saying the original Super Mario Bros. sucked (which it doesnt btw) because we have Super Mario Galaxy, Mario 64, Mario Sunshine, and so on and do forth
Thanks man! cheers up
Emulating games on VC may be a cinch technically, but Nintendo has to limit how many games each publisher can release each month lest they favor Hudson over others. If they have a lot of WiiWare games in development, it makes sense that they would cut back on the VC support (as much as we might not like it) in order to ensure the timely release of their new games.
While I understand Nintendo's business reasons for limiting releases, I do think they're being too tight now with VC. One game a week isn't that bad if they plan to support the Wii beyond the typical four year cycle, but they should cut back on the fluff releases at least somewhat, not that this month was particularly bad (nothing I like, personally, but oh well).
I think the next Nintendo console will also mostly likely support the VC, which is another reason for them to take it slow on releases. Still, one ABSOLUTE CLASSIC per month should be a requisite.
I just think you could ask for much better games out there...
While I usually ignore the problems the VC experiences from time to time, one has been troubling me increasingly: the absense of third-party games in the Nintendo 64 catalogue. I know most of the good games were developed/published by Nintendo, but looking at your guys' wish lists, I'm missing some of those third-party games (Silicon Valley in particular...). I'd be happy for a N64 for game to come finally (thank you, SSB), but I still hope Nintendo starts working on that.
I'd love to see goldeneye on the VC, but I think that was devoloped by rare and nintendo doesn't own rare anymore. I want Kirby Superstar to come to VC, but they just released Kirby Superstar Ultra on DS, so I doubt it will come to VC anytime soon. I also want all 3 mario parties to appear.
Nintendo needs to release a hardrive so I can actually buy these games.
You hear me, Nintendo? I'm not giving you money because your limited memory is a pain in my butt! Fix it!
Nintendo needs to release a hardrive so I can actually buy these games.
The Wii's memory doesn't invalidate your credit card.
I'm glad I don't have all these problems everyone else is having.
But then I only keep six games on my system at any time, so maybe I'm just not as needy.
While we're at it, I'll add my top ten:
#1 - Turtles in Time (was SMRPG)
#2 - Contra
#3 - Super Punch Out
#4 - Super Smash Bros.
#5 - Return of Double Dragon
#6 - Gauntlet
#7 - Karnov
#8 - Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
#9 - Mutant League Football
#10 - DuckTales or Chip N' Dale Rescue Rangers (Ya, I know their licensed games)
I own Majora's Mask, but I would like to see it on VC. It makes it easier to have it as a channel. imo
I'm going to leave two comments here, one which reflects my view, and one that I believe reflects people who like to over react for no reason whatsoever.
1 - Zoda's Revenge! I loved the first Star Tropics game so I'll definitely get this
@Alex: I'm also glad that I don't need to have more than 20 games I don't play at once on my flash memory either.
my top 10
tmnnt 4 turtles in time
friday the 13th
lilttle nemo the dream master
super punch out
super mario world 2
smash tv
splatterhouse 3
super mario kart
wrestlemania 2000
Hopefully this surprise means that Castlevania III will come out by this time in 2009, of course it would be much better if it came out in Janurary.
My top 10:
1) Terranigma
2) Super Adventure Island II
3) Soul Blazer
4) Illusion of Time/Gaia
5) The Lost Vikings 1 and 2
6) Zoda's Revenge (For Europe)
7) Wrecking Crew '98
8) EarthBound
9) Mario Tennis
10) Jaki Crush
Some of the games I hope to get see in 2009 include Genesis favs Super Monico Gp, Pro Wrestling, Outrun, Contra, Afterburner, more Castlevania games, and more NES Mega Man games.
As for whats released elsewhere or ESRB rated I hope to see Castlevania 3, Life Force, Smash Bros., Mercs, and Clayfighter.
Edit: two of my dream titles would be Batman (NES) and X-men(Genesis). What we don't need in 2009 is another Street Fighter or Wonderboy game
Oho! Perhaps I'll actually download a VC game this week!
...Still waiting for Pro Wrestling tho. And let's be different and throw Monster Party, Little Nemo, and Legacy of the Wizard in there, too n_n
... And don't even get me starte don the SNES wishlist (coughSoulBlazertrilogycough) lol
Good VC update IMO, so in the words of Cartman, "Quit yer bitchin'"
Little Nemo is too bogged down in licensing issues to have a chance of getting released.
@Drake: Wrecking Crew '98 would be AWESOME! I heard it's much better than the first, which I consider a classic, but never released outside of Japan...
Off of that list, I'd expect that #6 would happen first (if an import period comes soon enough). At least it's the most likely to happen sooner or later. I'm not so sure they'll bother with Mario Tennis now that they're releasing New Play Controls Mario Power Tennis in March, though.
1) Earth Bound (Mother 2 - SNES)
2) Super Mario Kart
3) Secret of Evermore
4) Earth Bound (Mother 1 - NES)
5) Forsaken 64
6) Mega Man IV
7) Mega Man V
8) Mega Man VI
9) Tetris Attack (I would think they could just change the name and release it fine, but what do I know)
10) Mother 3 (GBA -- yea, I know it's hopeless)
If my top two came out, I would really be satisfied and never complain about Nintendo again, but since everyone's doing a top ten, there are some more that I would certainly buy if released.
1. Tetris Attack (SNES)
2. Life Force (NES)
or at this point, honostly, just give me any decent co-op shooter
3. NBA Hangtime (N64)
or NBA Jam, but Hangtime is juicier
4. Boy And His Blob (NES)
or just a white blob that shapeshifts according to jellybean flavor, that would be a fine substitute
5. Earthworm Jim 2 (MD/SNES)
@ Terranigma
I think it's near hopeless, anyway. They seem to be only doing mini-games on the DSi shop. But if they do, I will get a DSi just for that even though I don't like handheld gaming.
@ lockelocke
I badly want a co-op shooter, too. I got Gyrostarr on WiiWare recently out of desperation... it's pretty disappointing. Too bad Gradius Rebirth is single-player... I don't understand why co-op isn't included in more of these games. Seems like it would be a pretty simple addition.
Here's my top ten of games I'd love to see hit the VC
#1.Wild Guns (SNES)
#2.Zombies Ate My Neighbors (SNES/Gen)
#3.King of the Dragons (SNES)
#4.Nam 75 (Neo Geo)
#5.Robo Army (Neo Geo)
#6.Joe and Mac 2 (SNES)
#7.Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3 (NES)
#8.Mutant League Football (Genesis)
#9.Ninja Warriors (SNES)
#10.Contra Hard Corps (Genesis)
Sadly, most of those will never see the light of day on the VC.
@The Fox
Actually, asside from #7(maybe), most of those have a pretty good chance of appearing on the VC. How long it'll take, however, is another question entirely.
@The Fox
Someone wants Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles too!
for fun:
6. Zombie's Ate My Neighbors (SNES/MD)
Thanks for the reminder, Fox
7. Star Fox 2 (SNES)
yeah, yeah, a total impossibility; however, I just finished this game on emulator, and considering how awesome it is, I just have to throw a vote at it.
8. Metal Gear (NES)
9. Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake (MSX2)
Another impossibility, as it was only released on MSX2, but I can dream. This is the REAL sequel to Metal Gear (directed by Hideo himself) and it falls right before MGS in the whole Metal Gear plotline.
10. Earthbound
Most of you have probably never heard of this one, it's a fun little RPG for the SNES ;-P
2 - Stunt Race FX
3 - Majora's Mask
4 - Super Mario Kart
5 - Kirby Superstar
6 - Megaman IV - VII
7 - Uniracers
8 - Super Punch-Out!!
9 - Super Mario World 2
10 - Super Smash Bros.
I know right. It must`ve been a week ago I was just talking about the DSi VC but I wasnt talking about Mother 3 I was talking about my need to play Metroid Fusion!
Secret of Evermore prolly won`t come for awhile so dont be counting on it anytime soon. And Square Enix should really put a Final Fantasy on the VC. A couple games I saw that I really appreciated are Earthbound and the Megamans.
NES TOP 10 LIST(not yet released):
1: Blaster Master
2: Ikari Warriors
3: Jackal
4: Ducktales
5: Mike Tysons Punch Out!!!
6: Mega Man 5
7: 1943
8: Gunsmoke
9: Mega Man 4
10: Final Fantasy
Okay i downloaded it, it is pretty awesome. The story is so dumb that it is hilarious.
Dear Nintendo, I promise to buy these when you grow a heart and a brain and try to release them:
1. Ducktales (NES) (It's a guaranteed hit, you clods!)
2. Starfox (SNES) (Come ON, Nintendo! You own this!)
3. TMNT IV: Turtles in Time (SNES)
4. Kirby's Dream Land 3 (SNES)
5. Animaniacs (Genesis)
6. Aladdin (Genesis)
7. Marko (a.k.a. Marko's Magic Football in U.K.) (Genesis. Nobody remembers it, but I'd REALLY like it on Wii)
8. Beetle Adventure Racing (N64) (Hurry up!)
9. The Lion King (Genesis)
10. Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (Genesis) (Hey, I'm curious!)
I just realized: This year began AND ended with the Startropics series! What's up with that?
Anyway, since everyone's putting up their most wanted VC games list, I'm going to join in on this too.
My most-wanted VC games, in no particular order:
1. Earthbound (SNES)
2. Kirby's Dreamland 3 (SNES)
3. Gargoyle's Quest II/ Demon's Crest (first one was awesome, now I want to see the sequels!) (NES/SNES)
4. Blaster Master (NES)
5. Zombies Ate My Neighbors (SNES)
6. Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island (SNES)
7. Cotton (TG16)
8. Rayman 2 (N64) (this game rocked on PS1!)
9. Castlevania III (NES)
10. Mega Man X & X2 (SNES)
Honorable mentions: Revenge of Shinobi, Rolling Thunder 3, Sonic & Knuckles, Mischief Makers, Tecmo Super Bowl, Twinbee, Devil World, Parasol Stars, Phantasy Star, Alien Syndrome, Super Mario Kart.
I'd also like Taz-Mania for the Genesis, but due to licensing issues, that one is a pipe dream.
Hmm, a game just potentially good enough to make a one-game week palatable. Even if the game is not as strong as Startropics I in the intangibles (music, story, ambiance essentially), it's one of those relatively unplayed games by a great many that is just good enough that it needed to be made available to folks. And Nintendo VC at least delivered on that. I'll download it, but perhaps not immediately. Not good enough to demand immediate attention, but still important to not be set aside entirely.
As for the lists dejour that seem to be the thing at the moment, I can pull from others who've already posted for some of my games.... (only one person listing Chrystalis???????? And no mention of Faxandu yet?? ):
1. Bionic Commando (my favorite game to trot out and beat on an annual basis)
2. Goonies II (guarenteed to drive you nuts with the Cindy Lauper song while still enjoying the experience)
3. Starfox (SNES) (I promise this WILL have aged well....or at least to me. This is very playable and just purely well done action fun. Plus it netted me a free jacket and a tee shirt back in the day )
4. Final Fantasy (and II and III (SNES) .....though #2 is OBVIOUSLY the best ever, based on the redemption story..... with #1 being just a great bizarre twisting story and philosophical mindbender)
5. Pro Wrestling
6. Metal Gear I and II (and by "II" I'm asking for Snake's Revenge....which'll probably get me lynched clean out of here, but I really REALLY warmed up to the mix of styles and the boss situations and even the overly intracate infiltration bit at the start.....it's fondly regarded by me)
7. A Boy and His Blob (still got the cart, but would buy the VC version in a heartbeat)
8. Blaster Master (one of the games I love that has defied my attempts to beat it, but with a VC save point that could change )
9. Chrystalis
10. Faxandu
10.1 (CAN'T be left off......) Rygar
With Super Mario Kart (SNES) and Batman (NES) being FAR too cool for Nintendo to fail to get them out to VC. And I wouldn't mind seeing Willow, Clash at Demonhead, Ducktales, Caveman Games (I'd RATHER have it on the system I originally played it on, the C64, but either way), Shadowgate, Double Dragon II, Strider, Dragon Warrior, Golgo 13, Karnov, Gumshoe, TMNT: Tournament Fighters (SNES), ..........and C64 capability for NA along with Raid Over Moscow, Gi Joe, and Silent Service all rolled out soon after.
And that's my belated Nintendo VC Christmas list. Heck, if Big N would do any one of those in the next 6 months I'd shut my yap for a month. Any 2 of these in the next 6 months and I'd shut my Nintendo criticizing cake-hole indefinitely (unless they later did something just too heinous to stand by and watch without comment).
I sincerely hope Nintendo doesn't put up the NES versions of Metal Gear 1 and 2. The MSX versions are far superior, and as you might know, Japan has the MSX on VC, so there's always a possibility of it coming here (It was released in some European and American countries after all).
The MSX versions are the ones on the second disc of MGS 3: Subsistence, right? In which case, I'm good on those. But I know they didn't make enough copies of that game, so I'd be happy to see them released on VC if they ever bothered to bring out the MSX at all.
This listmania is getting CRAZY! I will say that imo, Star Fox did NOT age well. I've tried to play it on SNES since playing Star Fox 64, and it's nigh impossible to enjoy. Still, it's wanted enough on here that I'd be happy for those who desired it if they ever bothered. Was it official that the super FX chip was presenting a problem for that and other games, or is that just hearsay? Same question for N64 expansion pack and controller pack games, actually...
Because I don't really want a lot for a home consoles, my top 10 is probably my ONLY 10, but I'll list them anyway.
1. Majora's. F-ing. Mask.
2. Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island.
3. Earthbound.
4. Mother.
5. Kirby's Fun Pak (or Super Star, whatever they release it as)
6. BS Zelda: Ancient Stone Tablets (For the Satellaview).
7. That other Satellaview Zelda.
8. Duck Hunt (Wiimote = Zapper).
9. Star Fox 64 (Not Lylat Wars, I want proper voices to tell me about Barrel Rolls).
10. Megaman 64 (ie Megaman Legends, even if they have to go through the other sub-series' first)
If SF64 doesn't count for you, replace it with Smash Bros, 'cause otherwise it'd fit at 11, and if the Satellaview stuff doesn't count for you... replace them with Superman 64 and the entire Atari 2600 library
That reminds me, I still have to track down a copy of Metal Gear Solid 3:...um, whatever version isn't Snake Eater, since the Collection didn't come with the bonus disk that contained the MSX versions of Metal Gear 1 and 2.
Edit: Subsistence, there we go!
Here's my top 10 most wanted VC games
1. Final Fantasy III (SNES)
2. Final Fantasy (NES)
3. Castlevania III (NES)
4. Super Mario World 2--Yoshi's Island (SNES)
5. Final Fantasy II (SNES)
6. Tetris (NES)
7. Super Mario All-Stars (SNES)
8. Super Mario Kart (SNES)
9. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II--The Arcade Game (NES)
10. Pro Wrestling (NES)
Hm. Games I want to see on the Virtual Console. Can't be bothered doing a top ten in order of preference though.
Mighty Final Fight (NES)
Final Fight 3 (SNES)
Rainbow Islands (NES, European version)
Parasol Stars (NES or TG16)
Secret of Evermore (SNES)
Illusion of Time (SNES)
Stunt Race FX (SNES)
Donkey Kong 64 (N64)
Earthbound (SNES)
Probotector (NES)
All these games should be able to come out without any licensing issues (there were some Rare games I wanted to say but didn't because we know they wouldn't appear on it).
Ditto to Stuffgamer's reasoning on the MSX versions of Metal Gear I and II. I'm covered, but some folks probably aren't, and additional systems on the VC is ENTIRELY welcome (though if it's MSX OR C64........sorry, MSX just doesn't have the value to be the one if it's an either/or), and I'd like to have them more convenient than to pop in a disc into my PS2.
After reading your own take on the original Star Fox, I'm set upon by a curiosity, which one did you play first in your gaming career, Star Fox or Star Fox 64? I've got a standing theory about first in later generation game experiences being detrimental to leter exposure to earlier generation console predecessors of a franchise.
(e.g. People newly on board the Final Fantasy franchise with VII not being capable of seeing the ultimate truth of II and III (US SNES) being the best FF of all out there. )
After reading some of these posts I have come to a conclusion.
I hate licensing issues. They are keeping good games off the VC.
Yeah, thanks to those license issues, people will never know the awesomeness that is NBA JAM, not to mention the super-duper-stupendedness of Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers.
If not for licensing issues, Marble Madness would knock Evermore out of my top 3 most wanted VC games. Stupid Rare has to ruin everything. Oh, and Goldeneye and/or Perfect Dark, of course.
And two of the best N64 games will almost certainly never be on there either due to those issues, Banjo and Goldeneye (3 if you count Banjo Tooie).
Probably more great games made off of big (and problematic) licenses than otherwise. There really should be boundaries, or at least statues of limitations on using likenesses. Or originally granted authorizations to usage being irrevocable. Or something...... I'd thrill to having my NBA Live 96 (SNES) downloadable before my cartridge fails (in my opinion the last fun console basketball game).
News flash everyone Banjo Kazooie and Goldeneye 007 are never gunna come to the VC for only 1 reason-Rare is owned by Microsoft! Banjoo Kazooie is never gunna be on the VC nor Goldeneye 007.
Banjo Kazooie wasnt that great of a game anyway especially when compared to Mario 64 or Zelda Ocarina of Time and Goldeneye 007 didnt deserve its fame it should`ve considering it was 1 of the only FPS on the N64. Not to be harsh
@shadows: I don't know how exactly Rare can stop Nintendo as long as Nintendo do business with Activision (who own the rights to Bond). Rare don't have the Bond license, and they don't have the license for Goldeneye either (last time I checked EA released a Goldeneye game). To the best of my knowledge Nintendo didn't have to give squat to Rare to release Donkey Kong Countries 1, 2 and 3.
News flash everyone, no one in this thread expressed the idea that Banjo Kazooie or Goldeneye WOULD be coming out for the VC anytime soon.
And considering the number and variety of manuvers for Banjo-Kazooie in their game vs Mario in Mario64, and the detail and parallels of Goldeneye between the game and the movie, along with the missions and the fairly interactive environment for a FPS........I'm gonna have to give very little weight to anyone's gaming views who chooses to stomp on one of those games, much less both.
In other words, I heartily disagree.
@chunky droid
yeah i think you might be right on that but only reason we have Donkey Kong Countrys 1,2, and 3 is because Donkey Kong is Nintendos, not Rares but banjoo kazooie is rares and not Nintendos. Microsoft now owns Rare in the sense of they own Banjo Kazooie and last time I checked X-box live arcade has our Banjo K.!
@captain konami
everyone is wishing/hoping that Banjo Kazooie would come to the VC. But its never gunna because once again i'll say it Microsoft owns rare
Sorry, just always thought the Star Tropics series was a good concept with bad controls and put on top of the Zelda engine.
I try not to speak up often when I don't have anything good to say about a game, but I'm just always thrown off as to why people love the games so much.
Meh, I didn't like Goldeneye much, then again, I didn't like the movie either. Back then, I didn't really dig the missions, nor the weapons, and I really didn't like how I had to get ammo and weapons from my enemies, instead of a shop. Nowadays, I don't mind taking the waepons from the cold, dead hands of my enemies, but I still hate the missions and the weapons, and now I also hate the controls. Really, if I had to pick an N64 FPS, it would be Turok or Perfect Dark. However, I personally wouldn't play any console FPS from this era -- I'm too used to being able to run 'n' shoot to go back to the old stop-in-the-line-of-fire-and-fiddle-with-jerky-aiming-controls-until-one-of-us-dies.
As for Banjo & Kazooie, I always felt that was "okay", but never anything mind-blowing, or what have you. Although, these days it's been slightly less "okay", since now it's childishness comes off less as "charming" as it does "annoying".
But hey, we all got our own opinions here, and I respect those of you who do enjoy it, and of those who have yet to play it, yet would like to.
This lists are basically our "Dream Lists", so please, don't stomp on our dreams.
It's an interesting thing. Before Goldeneye, I was even more against FPS games, as well as unhappy about the bizarrity of the N64 controller. But it was the time I spent with Goldeneye that essentially trained me to more fully use the N64 controller and appreciate the flexibility and power of the design and button set.
As it turns out, the more elite levels of playing Goldeneye actually don't rely on the "stop-in-the-line-of-fire-and-fiddle.....etc", but rather use the 4 directional yellow buttons in coordination with the joystick and the trigger to simulate the current dual joystick controllers (ultimately aiming by weapon barrel rather than activating crosshairs). And since I've always preferred D pads to analog sticks, the 4 gold buttons have always seemed preferable as a second directional control. Anyway, I'm not sure Goldeneye is as entirely more limited than current FPS games as people may think.
And ironically, I feel the same about Turok as you do about Goldeneye, Mickeymac. The environments were interesting, but the objectives just felt lacking. But I'd say Perfect Dark made a strong contrast to Goldeneye, so I'll go along with that pick.
And I always felt that Kazooie's attitude helped keep Banjo Kazooie from being too overboard with the childishness. It was slightly dark at times, frequently enough irreverent, but also kid friendly with oversized creatures and wacky events.
But I can certainly see that both games are heavily stylized along their own vein, so interest will vary. But I'd like to say that regardless of taste, they were both really well done, IMHO.
And @shadow262:
The reality though is that desire for games to come out can (and is for many people) be entirely NOT dependent on the likelihood of those games showing up. People like what they like and will want what they want, and if it's not possible that'll be a bummer for them but it doesn't require them to stop wanting it.
@captain konami
why wish for something that you know aint ever gunna happen?
The why is because it has that much value to me (and perhaps others as well).
Please allow me to introduce you to the concept of the lottery ticket.
And besides, no one can be 100% certain what the future holds. People can claim to know for sure, but no one really does. So there is additional hope in that fundamental truth as well.
@Captain_Konami #120: Actually, I DID play the original SNES Star Fox first. But this is one instance (alongside Super Mario Kart and) where it's just too hard to go back due to questionable controls having gotten used to the much better sequel. I do agree with the basis of your theory, though, as I find N64 FPS's totally unplayable (learned the genre on Xbox 360).
@Captain_Konami #124: They do have limitations, but they last too long for the games to be released on VC for quite some time. They last at least 50 years, I THINK (could be totally wrong, and don't feel up to trying any research this late at night), so licensing issues are a massive problem because of this. I THINK (again without any research to back it up) that modern licensed games may in some cases be getting made with foresight that the old classics never had, potentially preventing this kind of problem from occurring on the VC of 2020. That's more than likely just wishful thinking, really.
@Kenryoku_Maxis: You can't really quantify people's love of games. I love StarTropics but hate early Castevania (the non-Metroidvania ones). There are those who hold the opposite true, those who love both, and those who hate both. In most cases, it's just not worth trying to understand why people do or don't like what they do or don't like, and you're better off just accepting the differences in taste. This becomes a problem when discussing releases, as there'll always be SOMEBODY who was looking forward to almost ANY game (though I don't recall seeing any such statement about Enduro Racer ). My goal here is to hold Nintendo in contempt for bad releases when they are games that the vast majority of users won't want (especially on single-game weeks, and slightly lesser if it's a game I want...I am human, after all, and selfish to some degree, I admit).
Here's my wanted list:
1. Soulblazer (SNES) - surely a decent chance with Square Enix on board
2. Waverace 64 60hz - I already own the inferior 50hz borderfest cart, not going to pay 1000 points to play the same thing with new adverts.
3. Beetle Adventure Racing (N64) - how long has it been listed for now?
4. Pop'n Twinbee (SNES) - game I always wanted
5. Any of the Goemon (Mystical Ninja) sequels (Snes)
6. Adams Family (SNES) - with live pause I might finally be able to finish this.
7 Plok (Snes) see above, awesome platformer no ablility to save!
8. Pilotwings 64 60HZ (N64) - Nintendo you stuffed up me buying Waverace from you again, please fix the horrendous borders on this before you release it.
9. Jurassic Park (SNES) another cool game that was spoilt by no ability to save or continue from where you left off. Live pause will fix that
10. Hunters Moon (C64) like a multidirectional uridium with puzzles
11. Future Knight (C64) because it just popped into my head.
DoReMi fantasy has got me realising all over again that there were alot of great SNES imports that I missed out on. Because of the delay I'm thinking about just chipping my SNES and fitting a PAL 60hz switch and getting the carts off ebay
Here's my Top 10 list, although almost all of them probably won't ever come out. As long as half of then ever came out, I'd be happy.
1. Castlevania 3
2. Super Smash Bros.
3. TMNT 2
4. TMNT 3
5. Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness
6. Donkey Kong 64
7. Banjo-Kazooie
8. Banjo-Tooie
9. Conker's Bad Fur Day
10. Duck Hunt
Mike... I think only two are definite to come out - Castlevania 3 and Smash Bros. The rest seems to have one problem or another preventing them from coming out (licensed game, third-party N64 game, expansion pak game, Rare game, adults only game, Zapper game). Turtles could eventually come out since there's already a Turtles game on the VC but it might now be unlikely. Only Nintendo published N64 games are appearing on VC but this could change some point in the future. And they may yet release the first exp. pak game.
Here's my top 10 most wanted:
1. Shadowgate (NES)
2. Beyond Shadowgate (TG-16)
3. Shadowgate 64 (N64)
4. Uninvited (NES)
5. Deja Vu (NES)
6. Crystalis (NES)
7. Faxanadu (NES)
8. Silent Service (NES)
9. Sunset Riders (SNES)
10. Dracula X (TG16)
I think all of these other than the first 4 and Silent Service (Rare) have a chance of coming out
@brooks83, 138
How is Uninvited unlikely to come out?
Anyways, here's my top 10 games I want to see on VC (no particular order).
10. Snowboard Kids
9. Snowboard Kids 2
8. Samurai Shodown V Special
7. Mortal Kombat 1 (Genesis version)
6. Rampage World Tour
5. King of Fighters '95
4. Romance of the Three Kingdoms 1, 2, & 3
3. Mega Man 7
2. Castlevania Dracula X (PC-Engine version)
1. either Salamander or Sapphire (Both are for PC-Engine)
And where in the world is KOF '95?!
Uh, Your forgetting Mortal Kombat 2 For the SNES.
Anyways, Its the new year, And this Months Japan VC list looks promising, Lets hope for the best.
This was a decent game for a near-the-end-of-NES game. Entertaining RPG. Won't DL it, already used to own the cart and beat it. (with game genie of course, of which VC needs to incorporate)
My Top Games that Id like on VC have an incredibly non-existant chance of happening. Like Home Improvement for the SNES, Labyrinth for the NES, and Super Back to the Future 2 for the SNES. Those last two are Licensed AND Import. Thats gotta be some kinda nightmare!
Slightly more realisticly, I would love to see this Otocky game sometime.
Jestes polakiem? =]
(In English if you don't understand): Are you Polish?
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