Whatever your view you it is hard to deny that this is worth a look for a mere 500 Wii points. This game introduced the blue bomber’s slide move, Rush the dog, Proto Man in addition the usual gang of crazy end of level bosses. If you have any doubts, you can check out our Mega Man 3 review to see if this is a game you'll want to add to your Virtual Console collection.
In other news there are two games up for grabs on WiiWare today. Gameloft’s excellent Brain Challenge which is a good alternative to the Brain Age games on the DS and a surprise game called Yummy Yummy Cooking Jam. Head on over to WiiWare World as always for the very latest WiiWare news and reviews.
Comments 188
Nice...but why only one dl again?!
You lucky lucky people. I hope it doesn't interfere with Secret of Mana and Super Turrican 2 been released this week.
Europe will have to wait a year before they get this game. Kidding of course or am I ???
Anyway I am dissapointed there is no Castlevania 3 and I don't like these 1 game weeks.
So Lame They could have easily put out Mercs today
I already own the MMAC, but if you have never played Mega Man 3 its worth a download for sure. On that thought just download all the NES Mega Man games because they are all good.
#2: we also have Mario Golf and Donkey Kong 3 that we should be expecting soon. #3: Castlevania III will probably be released alongside Castlevania Judgment.
Another one game week. I'm pissed! I own the MMAC so there is no need to buy Mega Man 3. Damn it, I wanted Castlevania 3 today. On a side note, Mega Man 3 is an awesome game, so to those that have never played it, buy it today.
Ah, Mega Man 3. Nintendo's current release strategy seems to remind me of fasting with a small snack after the sun sets. Of course, the snack is pretty decent.
You're probably right Bass about next week. Is it next week or the week after? I don't remember as I'm not getting Judgment. I can't wait to download Mega Man 3 later today.
Finally, I have been waiting for this a long time! I wonder if the trick of holding right on controller 2 will work? Holding right would let Mega Man jump to the top of the screen, and he could jump in pits and survive. Even with that trick, this game is pretty difficult, but awesome!
Whoa. Mega Man 3 outta' freakin' nowhere? Sign me up! This is a must-download... as if everyone didn't know that already.
I think Megaman 3 will not be the last Megaman game to be release on the vc this year.
Megaman 3 is one of the top 2 Megaman games on the Nes imo. I will not be downloading this game since I all ready own it.
One game vc release weeks aren't bad as long as the game is decent.
@ Bass I really need to download this titles i said. Those other games you mentioned really needs to come out too, but i don't need Mario Golf since i already own the N64 cartridge and i am not really interested in DK3.
You guys should get Castlevania III by this month but you can't complan about this weeks releases even if it's just another 1 game week.
Release just one game like this every week and who cares how many.
"It’s another one game week for the Virtual Console this week, but who can complain when the game is as good as Mega Man 3?"
Watch me.
Wow, three one-game weeks in a row. It's like a triple-layer-of-fail sundae! Bowlers would refer to it as a "turkey."
Is it good game? Yes. Is it really necessary to release only one VC game in a week? NO. Nintendo could easily release at least two. They're just being irritating for the sake of being irritating. Thus, they fail.
remember, wii anniversary is next week. Eventhough monday doesn't fall on the 19th, but the 17th is close enough.
Edit: Here's hoping
I've never been a huge fan of Mega Man.So I'll give this a skip.
@ Dead battery
LOL its funny because I agree. Especially when they are withholding Castlevania 3 from me.
I would not say this game came out of nowhere. Check Japan's release schedule and it gives a good indication about what is headed our way.
So "this" is a good week we shouldn't complain about, but when something else is released that's available on a collection (read: most Neo Geo games) that's grounds for complaining?
@Tony: And Kirby's Dream Land 3. I'm getting really itchy about them releasing that and Dracula's Curse. Mega Man 3 should tide me over for a week, though.
God damn it, Nintendo. Three one game weeks in a row? How f***ing lazy can you be? The issue isn't the quality of the game (although I always was a bit apathetic towards MM3), but the fact that you could easily have stuck at least one of your less important games along with it. I'm sure apologists will argue that we shouldn't complain because MM3 is a good game, but that misses the point.
At least this week is a lot better than last week. Nothing personal to Space Harrier fans, but Mega Man 3 has aged a lot better.
Mega - Man - 3!
Sweet, even if it's one game then that's one that surely everyone should pick up. I'm getting that on the EU VC as soon as it gets released, that's for sure.
An awesome week for us Europeans would be Mega Man 3, Secret of Mana, Super Turrican 2 and Mario Golf 64. I've love this to happen but its very unlikely.
Im gonna buy a mega man game. But im waiting for Mega Man 4.....TOADMAN is the best!
Why no, I don't want arguably the greatest Mega Man game in the series. I'd rather complain because I didn't get [insert obscure SNES RPG here]. Nintendo obviously doesn't care about their fans because all they do is put out great classic games week after week. If only they put out seven import J-RPGs a week, then I'd might let them pass until I complain about the hard drive issue.
Honestly, some Virtual Console fans can be the most jaded bunch of gamers around.
It stinks that we're back to one VC game a week and it stinks even more that Space Invaders Get Even wasn't released either. The saving grace is Mega Man 3. While it won't hold a special place in my heart like Mega Man 2, the game is plenty of bang for your 500 Wii Points. Plus I know a lot of people enjoy Mega Man 3 more compared to the rest of the Mega Man NES entries.
#25 - nobody is doing that here. the only valid complaint is that its the third week of a single game. Castlevania III will come when Nintendo & Konami are ready.
I was hoping for Castlevania III but this is just as good, imo. Sucks we're down to what seems to be a single game a week now but as long as the games are as decent as this I see no reason to complain really. Yay for Mega Man 3!! I hope the "holding right on the second player controller" cheat works in this version. ^^'
First anniversary update brought us Sonic 3D Blast, Super Air Zonk and Wrecking Crew.
One sorta popular, one sorta not, one sorta on an obscure console.
Maybe they'll at celebrate by at least bringing back the 3-game week.
Absolutely awesome, hopefully Mega Man 3 will also be release on this Friday in Europe =).
Yes! The second best main-series Mega Man game! Will download as soon as I get home!
You guys are hilarious. Let me show you why:
Comments because the release is 1 game (Mega Man 3): "Dammit, Nintendo you guys suck!!!! Gimme more games!!! WAHHH!!!"
Comments if the release had been MM3 and two completely crappy games: "Yayyy!!! A 3-game week!!! But the only thing here that really interests me is Mega Man 3. Guess I'll just download that one. But GREAT JOB NINTENDO!!!!"
I agree, I'm not sure Mega Man 3 and some crappy game is any better than Mega Man 3 by itself.
so instead of a Mega Man 3 & Space Harrier week, you would rather have a Space Harrier week then a Mega Man 3 week? really, the more games a week the better
@post 32
Well, Waxxy, since you have missed the point, although me to point something out. Not everyone likes MM3, but since that is the only game released, they're stuck. If however, they had released at one other filler game, not only would those people at least had another option, but "crappy" is subjective. All games seem to have at least one fan, no matter how disliked by the majority of gamers.
Multiple game weeks are good for offering variation. So if you don't like Classic Mega Man (I'm a bigger fan of the X series as its dashing, walljumping and someitmes multiple playable characters make it feel less dated) there would at least be something to look at.
Still I hope this isn't a bad omen. Euorpe gets the first 2 Mega Man games eons ahead of everyone else (for a change). Japan and America have Mega Man 3...does that mean Europe gets it eons later to balance it out?
You can't please everyone, even if you release 10 games a week. I still want Castlevania III, TMNT II, Final Fantasy I, II, and III, Dragon Warrior I, II, III, and IV, and Super Mario All Stars. I probably have a long wait ahead of me for all of these games to be release too.
Of course, I still wish they would release 10 games a week!
I wouldnt expect Dragon Warrior 4 for a long while. Or FF2 and 3. Or FF4 and 6, just to cover all the bases.
wanting a second virtual console game a week is not the same as wanting ten games every week. two VC games has been done before and should continue.
As I already have the MMAC (much better value for Americans), I don't want to waste $5 on just Mega Man 3. So the lack of a second game of any kind is disappointing.
@Waxxy: It makes perfect sense to do like you showed in your example. If Nintendo is going to insist on releasing the less popular games sooner or later anyway, it only makes sense (from the consumer's point of view, at least) to release them alongside one popular game instead of only releasing the one game. Sure, people can argue that the second game would be overshadowed by Mega Man 3, but there are always people such as myself (more of us than sometimes, due to the collection situation) who just don't want to download Mega Man 3, so we're stuck with nothing.
I didn't mind one or two crappy weeks, but this is getting old fast. I sure hope Nintendo can get back into the releasing zone they were in a month ago soon! And please note, I call this week crappy because of only one game YET AGAIN, and it's one that many people won't want because of a collection. I respect those of you who want it, but even some of you say there should've been another game.
Right now, I don't expect any games, and I am happy when I get at least one that I want. I wasn't excited about Earthworm Jim or Space Harrier, but Mega Man 3 is a good week for me. I know 10 games isn't going to happen, I was just trying to make a point that Nintendo can't please everyone, but sometimes it seems they aren't trying to please anyone.
3 one-game weeks in a row! That's bullocks! And we still don't have Castlevania III or Devil World!
Still better than what we wre getting in summer, but this trend is still getting annoying.
Well at least there is one decent game released this week. I was begining to think that we would never get another decent game ever again!
I have a feeling Castlevania III will be the only game released the week that it comes out.
"does that mean Europe gets it eons later to balance it out?"
Hopefully not...
The more games they put out a week the closer it is to getting the games you want. I love Castlevania 3, but once its out it means they have to think about putting out Bloodlines or Dracula X next.
One Capcom love <3
Yay, i didn't expect it so soon, please bring it to Europe!
"It’s another one game week for the Virtual Console this week, but who can complain when the game is as good as Mega Man 3?"
I can. One game per week is a joke when they have thousands (yes thousands) of games available to put on the VC.
This feels like the beginning of Virtual Console 08 again. Remember January to February where us PAL owners got Super Street Fighter II, Adventures of Lolo 2 and Lords of Thunder? All 1 game weeks in a row so i hope nintendo doesn't do this to us again since we have loads of catching up to do with the american VC.
Nintendo needs to start releasing so more heavy hitters, because Christimas is coming up. Releasing some must have games will get those points cards selling pretty good as gifts.
This release caught us a bit off guard. We'll have a review of Mega Man 3 up in a bit.
That was fast... I'm still need to finish Mega Man 2 and 9.... I'm gonna hold off on this one for a while... Looks like I'm downloading Earthworm Jim today!
Another 1 game week dang atleast its a good game.
We already know its going to be a five star game. I won't get more points solely because of this but if Secret of Mana and this is released this week, I'll get both. I also just realised that these one week games have closed the gap more from American games to European games. America just has five games more than Europe does. Less this Friday.
Mega Man 3 is one of the great NES games. I do find it odd that they're releasing it so soon. Anyway, I'm not so much bothered by the Virtual Console these days as I am by the fact that Nintendo tried to pawn WiiMusic off on us.
Great to see the three first Mega Man games on VC! IMO it started to get worst from there (opinion, not fact, thank you).
I also have to agree with most people here that whining when we get 1 game a week even if it's MM3!!!11 makes sense because, like many said, if you don't like the game even if it's 11/10, a must-have, etc., you're screwed. If you get 3 OK games in a week and like none of them, you're being picky, but at least you can't argue you did not have choice. I'd rather have a 3-OK-games week over 3 1-AAA-game weeks in a row because of variety. I'm bound to like at least one of the 9 OK games, and I'll have a game to play for a week or two. And if I choose not to download anything, I'm the one to blame, not Nintendo. If I like none of the 3 AAA games released in 3 weeks, I'm pissed and at loss because I've had nothing to sink my teeth into for three weeks in a row. Makes sense no?
The Americans get Mega Man 3 before the Europeans? DOES NOT COMPUTE!
Some of us own the Mega Man collection which makes this 1 game week a little hard to take.
Like I said they could have paired this with Mercs, Metal Slug 2, Enduro Racer or Fatal Fury Special and it would be a week of awesomeness.
Okay the Mega Man 3 review is now up. Enjoy.
Downer: Only 1 game (again.)
Upper: It's MEGA FREAKING MAN 3!!!
I have always thought Mega Man 2 was a little overrated, it is a little too easy in my opinion. I like Mega Man 1 and 3 better. Mega Man 9 is a little too difficult for my taste. I guess I need to play it more to get better at it.
Did Europe get Mega Man 4 - 6? I don't think we did so we have to wait for Hanabi
Whoa! I bet Europe is pissed.
When I saw this my draw dropped with dispare.
This was OFLC rated! We were ment to get it first! WAAAAAH!
Is it just me or did they yank Mega Man's pose on the title screen. Its there in the anniversary collection but not the vc version. Was it like that on the nes cart? Its been so long since I've owned the cart I can't remember. I'm going to do Mega Man 3 as one of my first video reviews so I want to 100% accurate about this particular comment when I review it.
I remember that eu version of megaman 3 on the nes there was megaman and rush standing in middle and the eight robot bosses heads was floating above with dr wily in the middle.
My all time favorite Mega Man title at last has arrived.
I already have the mega collection but I still intend to get this. A true classic.
Not a very exciting week. Even though it probably will never happen, I wish they would release KI Gold for the N64. I love that game so much, man! It's awesome! Anyway, just my opinion.
You know, I thought of something that might be kind of neat. Nintendo should allow you to "return" VC games you've already purchased for half the Wii Points you paid. This way, Nintendo would make a profit, and you could make use out of the games you download and didn't end up liking all that much. What do you guys think?
Interesting idea. But they will most likely never do that.
Yeah that was a Rare game. Microsoft owns them now.
Probably not. But it sure would be nice.
@Badknux. Or they can just let us play the game for free at the shop for 5 or so minutes...
Im not suprised many americans aren't that thrilled by mega man 3, they have the anniversary collection (unlike the europeans). Unless nintendo's plan is to release this in the states to let the hype build up in europe and thus garner more downloads when it is eventually released, releasing this game in the states (by itself too) before europe is a retarded decision.
I would really love to see how the nintedo of americas and europes make these decisions on what to release and when.
I'm annoyed, that it was a one game week again, and I was really banking on Castlevania 3, but I can't complain. MM3 is my favorite MM game. Instant buy!
I really don't get the whole Mega Man thing. I downloaded the first one and got to the last level but it just didn't seem like any fun.
I don't mind hard games but games that are cheaply hard just leave me cold. This can take its time reaching Europe as far as I'm concerned.
Saying that, the PAL conversion didn't help.
Yeah, there you go! Good idea Mr. Cheez!
Not going to get it, again, I have the MMAC on GAMECUBE (Which I don't mind the switch).
Though of the NES games, MM3 is my favorite with MM4 at second.
@Atlantis1982- GameCube games play on Wii, so there's no need to switch.
On a side note... Give me an "M"; give me an "E"; give me an "H". What does that spell? Meh! I already have this on MMAC, but I definitely recommend it to anyone that doesn't have access to the game.
Oh, and the Pikmin is the last of my new avatars. After a while I'll likely switch back to Luigi.
Alright! Mega Man 3 is awesome, it's the longest in the series, and introduced the slide ability, I'm getting this one sometime tonight, good week for me.
@Betagam. Try the second one. It's got a pretty fair difficulty (on normal at least) and it's a heck of a lot more fun.
Wow, this came as a pleasant surprise. I figured Europe would get this, then we'd get it like a year later. About time we get something before Europe.
Anyways, I think there is way to much vitriole in this thread directed towards Nintendo. In case you didn't notice, there were two other games released:
"In other news there are two games up for grabs on WiiWare today. Gameloft’s excellent Brain Challenge which is a good alternative to the Brain Age games on the DS and a surprise game called Yummy Yummy Cooking Jam."
In case you haven't noticed, Nintendo now considers Wii-ware releases and VC releases one and the same. The fact that this site distinguishes between the two is irrelevant. Consider if Nintendo released 3 VC games and 3 Wii-ware games a week. How many people could actually afford to keep up (not to mention the hard-drive space issue).
So to those of you "looking for another option," how about looking into the Wii-ware?
@BadKnux - Or they could let you rent games like iTunes lets you rent movies.
Guess I wasn't clear: I mean the button switch that people love to whine about of the Gamecube version.
I'd love a 5/10 minute time limit on games at the shop, Smash Bros. Brawl style. Megaman 3 is a definite purchase for me . But Nintendo won't fix my Wii >
Megaman 3 makes up for any other week with two "nobody" games we have had...
This game rocks, if you can download it now besides complaining! If you don't dig a VC release like this i really don't know what else could you want.
I don't think Europe/Aus will have to wait that much for the game, i think they will get it in the week or next week.
That would be good too Clayfrd!
@ theDude: This is a website where people post their opinions. If you don't like what people have to say about Nintendo, tough! We're the consumers, so we decide what disappoints us and what doesn't. As a matter of fact, the only thing irrelevant around here is your input (just my opinion).
Oh, and you misspelled vitriol.
I'll take a slightly nicer approach than Badknux, theDude. We had this conversation with a different guy last week on the "USA VC Update: Space Harrier" comment thread. Rather than go into all that again, I ask that you read it.
Oh, Badknux: Why are you correcting people wrong? It's always been "one and the same" when I'VE heard it, none of this "one in the same" business. Either you're wrong, or both are used commonly, but in different parts of the country.
While I'm on a mild rant, why are you dissing Wii Music, firebrand? It's a great game! I know almost nobody here believes me, but it is... You just need to understand the purpose of the game, which involves having a high interest in musical appreciation, and not necessarily just traditional gaming. So I put in one of only three votes for Wii Music I've ever heard from core gamers.
Cool. I'll DL this right away! Now we only need is Mega Man X-X3 and I'll be happy.
You know something Stuffgamer1, you're absolutely right! Thank you for pointing out my mistake.
@Atlantis1982- Oh, sorry. Yeah, that doesn't bother me either. It could be because I first played Mega Man on MMAC. I find the regular setup a bit more natural, and I have the configuration set to the normal setting on MM9, but the Cube configuration really isn't bad. If I can beat Mega Man 1 & 2 on the Cube version, anyone can. I'm still working on 3-8, but I'll finish them one of these days. I've actually been working on finishing some Cube games I failed to beat back when I first got them, like Pikmin and Sunshine (my copy was broken, so I was literally 1 shine sprite away from accessing the final boss stage. My disc started to freeze on the cutscene where Shadow Mario steals Mario's F.L.U.D.D. right before I beat the last FLUDD-less stage). Actually, I beat Sunshine and Pikmin a while ago, so it's really just MMAC and Metroid Prime (also broken, thanks, GameStop) I need to catch up on.
where are the megaman X games?!?!?!?!
No complains from me, these 1 game weeks were to be expected, actually I believe this is gonna be usual; MM3 is nice, but I have the MMAC, so no vc game for me today.
Way to somewhat speak my opinion.
Since some people are tirelessly voicing their opinions against these one-game weeks, so shall I. Like theDude, I urge people to also consider the WiiWare releases when counting up all the games that came out this week. I know people want more than one VC game a week, but I don't think asking for four games is fair or realistic. Sure, we did get a few four-game weeks a month ago, but we were extremely lucky those times. Like I said last week, I think Nintendo limits those large weeks because they do not turn out a maximized profit.
@Badknux- Comment #91
I don't usually call people out on this, but I believe you should be wary of your own words. When you responded to theDude, you said "this is a forum where people post their opinions." Didn't theDude do that with his comment? He was a bit forceful, but it was just his opinion, correct? I do not mean to make you mad but please, do unto thy fellow poster as thy would do unto thyself.
do unto thy fellow poster as thy would do unto thyself.
What in the world?
Are we starting the Ten Commandments of the interwebz?
Or is that already one of those main ten?
On another note, I'll buy this one eventually.
But now we're entering the time where I stop buying things for myself, so I can give people a list of things to buy me.
So I might just wait till' Christmas.
Oh, here's a cool math problem...
This is a forum where people post their opinions
As a matter of fact, the only thing irrelevant around here is your input
= Me not knowing what's going on around here.
According to Wikipedia it's the Eleventh Commandment. Go figure.
I've stumbled upon a very strange announcement. On the Nintendo Channel, F-zero is listed to be released on the VC on the 19th of this month. It's highly unusual that they would announce stuff like that at all, but this game came out on the 19th of November TWO YEARS AGO at Wii launch! So why on Earth does Nintendo seem to think it's just about to come out? Never mind the fact that the 19th is on a Wednesday this year... I would assume this was some weird glitch in Nintendo's system, but I have no way to know for sure. Anybody have any thoughts on this strange phenomenon?
"where are the megaman X games?!?!?!?!"
. . . on the friggin "Mega Man X Collection."
Unless, you're super-finicky about emulations (which I am). I don't even like playing GC games on a Wii.
@ Betagam7: I have to agree with Mr. Cheez, try Mega Man 2, it's much better than the first one.
Yeah I saw that as well and scratched my head...
I know this is regarding comments long ago in this thread, but the only problem with owning the Anniversary Collection is not having a PS3 to play it upscaled on my high-def, widescreen television. Since neither the PS2 nor Gamecube Anniversary Collections support progressive scan, the Virtual Console is the best thing guys like me have... at least until I feel like dropping $400 on a PS3.
Another side note regarding the VC release of Mega Man games versus the Anniversary Collection is the authenticity of the original emulation of games, including continuously looping music, which is something the Gamecube/PS2 versions obviously lack, being CD-based. There's also the issue of playing the games at a considerably lower resolution for a much more authentic old school look; playing them upscaled on a PS3 gives them a much glossier and exaggerated look. The Wii's low resolution output keeps them looking true to their 8-bit roots. Minor quibbles? Perhaps. But pretty important stuff to an old-school gamer like myself. I love the Anniversary Collection but if I can have the games emulated the way they were intended to run, I'll take that method of play any day.
I understand some people not wanting to get it because of the anniversary collection but I personally never liked using the gamecube controller's controls. I'll take the wiimote sideways over the gamecube controller anyday.
The Gamecube controls are horrible. If they had the option of changing the buttons, then it would be cool, but I need the buttons to do what they did in the good ole days. That is why I love being able to download the Mega Man games.
we're going to have this exact same argument every time a Mega Man game is released in America aren't we? at least we europeans are grateful for them on VC
Probably so.
Would anyone else buy a NES Advantage that plugged into the Wiimote if Nintendo made one? I would love to be able to play the Mega Man games with a joystick and turbo again!
@ AlexSays - Isn't that the 'Golden Rule'?
This is what I meant about at least offering a decent game on single game weeks. MM3 is brutal, but I figured the hardcore MM fans and platformer fans would be digging on this. MM2 IS infinitely more playable, and I believe that was also the series creator's favorite of the series as well. That doesn't stop MM3 from being a good hard-core platformer. I am surprised by the anger I'm hearing when I could have sworn I'd seen a few comments asking where MM3 was.
I still don't buy the whole Wiiware=VC exchange rate. Sorry, but 2/3 of Wiiware should be renamed shovel-ware. And there are a few non-games as well. If anything, I would be REALLY pissed if I included them. Partly because I resent Nintendo trying to shove this crap down our throats knowing full well that we have no place to store it, and they have no intention of giving us a REAL storage solution instead of the entirely BS lie that they are 'launching' (I'd like to friggin' launch it) next year. Partly because it's mostly crap and doesn't hold a candle to the games available on PSN and XBL Arcade.
@ LinktotheFuture - For you and anyone else that would like to use their old-school NES or SNES controllers on the wii, here ya go! Not wireless, but cool!
And for the intrepid hack/mod crowd, here's how to make your old-school pads wireless! Provided you have the money, resources, time and aptitude.
http://www.hacknmod.com/hack/how-to-wireless-retro-controllers/ (vid of units in action)
http://www.ppl-pilot.com/ (step-by-step instructions and supply info)
@ Manicfatty - Awesome!, I will have to get one of those!
I wonder if the Zapper would work on Virtual Console Operation Wolf.
I wish they would figure out a way to get the zapper games to work. I would love to have Duck Hunt. Simple game, but fun memories.
I'm really conflicted - while it's a good game, it's yet another one-game addition week.
It's really sad that as weeks go by, my interest in the Virtual Console wanes. Maybe its the lack of a storage solution, or maybe its a lack of games that aren't games I played 15 years ago that I want to play again to have a 5 minute nostalgia kick. The best games on the VC, in my opinion, are the ones I never played, or couldn't play, like Sin & Punishment and Ys 1 and 2.
I'm not trying to be a downer, I'm just saying. I'm probably the only one that feels this way regardless.
Hey, you may not like the solo game weeks but you still got a wider choice of games than we do - you only have five more games than we do which is going to significantly decrease when we get VC games this week. I'm expecting we'll get about four.
I like to look at the fact that there are a lot of great games on the VC right now, the Zelda games, Mario games, Mega Man games, Castlevania games, with Castlevania III looking like it is coming out soon, Donkey Kong Country games, things could be a lot worse. There are a lot more games I want too, but a lot of great games at the moment.
@waxxy: Then those two games still need to be released in future crappy one game weeks.
When they started this VC service, they released three games a week. Across four platforms, I worried that they would not be able to get to a FIFTH of their catalog.
Now? Six systems, and one game a week. Whoo. I worry they'll get to 1/20th of their back catalogs now.
I wanted my Wii so I could download any game at any time. I thought, well, not right away, but one day by golly! I'll be able to download Mega Man 6 at 4:30 am without waking up a Gamestop employee! But this whole release schedule with their slacking has made me question why I bought a Wii in the first place, when I could just hook up my NES and buy any game I want off Ebay for 2 bucks.
Mega Man 3 is a great game, and they've released a few classics in the past two months, but ultimately, there's no way I'm ever going to be able to play something off the charts like, I dunno... Day Dreamin' Davey on my Wii, now is there?
And that disappoints me. Not that game specifically, but y'know... like... I'd love to grab Little Nemo Dream Master or Blaster Master or tons of other games that fell through the cracks years ago.
Think they're not gonna keep falling through the cracks now?
We should be getting six games a week. 3 from VC, and 3 from WiiWare. They should be handled completely separately, but they're not, and it's not like we can change it.
I'm just voicing my opinions by refusing to buy the games I would have bought had I been happy with the service on a whole.
I mean, I wanted my Wii to house my entire collection of old school games. Considering we'll be seeing a new generation probably within the next five years, I just DO NOT see that as a possibility.
And without knowing if I can take my VC lineup to my new system, I'm going to hold off on buying any more games for it.
@ Virus / AlexSays:
I defend my post, even if it's contradictory. His input was irrelevant, to me. Like I said at the end of my post, it was just my opinion. Plus, he did misspell that word.
Oh, and what's the deal with the font being so tiny?
You defend your point that this website is for posting opinions, but it's not okay for certain users to post their opinions?
That must be a lonely platform in which you stand upon.
#120: Take the time to scan through a list of videogames for a particular console. Tick off all those that you know are impossible or unlikely to come to the VC. We will definitely not be getting all games from a past console no matter how long the VC lasts.
To name two companies I do know about, Rare do not put their own games on Virtual Console and Square Enix do not particularly like the VC but does support it a little (very little). Licensed games based on movies, comics, tv shows, cartoons etc... will not be coming to VC except in the case of rare circumstances (like NES TMNT where Konami still had the license at the time). Also, those games endorsed by celebrities - in particular sports personalities or those games which feature real life people (i.e. football games which have the names/appearances of real life players... Tecmo Bowl removed the names but its the only VC game which needed to hence the improbability of such games appearing often). And finally there are those companies who are no longer around and no other company is interested in picking up their games.
Also, check out the list of currently rated games. There's usually only around 50 at any point.
So yes, we will see very little of the total game catalogue. And just keep your Wii. Nobody else is worrying about transferring their current VC games to the next Nintendo console.
That was fast. Wasn't this game rated a week ago?
Oh well, I already have this game on the collection, so there's nothing here for me.
@Manicfatty- That is amazing. I need one of those adapters for NES controllers.
Oh, here's a cool math problem...
AlexSays + Badknux = Pointless argument. It's happened before, if I recall. Just let it go.
And I see the font has returned to normal.
Oh and to people who ask why other people on these forums want a lot of crap every week - its for the simple reason so that it won't get released later. I'd rather have five crap games released over the period of two weeks than i would over four or five weeks. The more crap that gets released now, the better the future looks. Obviously we all want good games now but we all know Nintendo can't and won't do that so if they give us a huge amount of crap then they'll run out and be forced to give us good games regularly instead of making us wait for them even if the good games do come out at a ratio of once a week.
And I think Nintendo should look into editing licensed games they can't normally use into games they can release but in the process releasing them as WiiWare titles.
Take NES Popeye. Nintendo don't have the license for Popeye anymore so how about they replace everything related to Popeye; names, appearances and audio with Mario characters (for example) while still keeping the exact same gameplay and release it on WiiWare for 500 points, the same it would cost on the NES VC?
Good point Bass. I just wish they'd get around to releasing TMNT III for the NES. They haven't even gotten to the second one yet. Hopefully it won't be too much longer, although it seems like it probably will.
Nice week, but maybe they could release a second game also? Even if it is just a bad game, I wouldn't care. In fact, if we only get one week releases, and Europe gets 2-4 every two weeks, then Europe will have more releases than us in a matter of 4-6 months.
(Not that anyone actually cares, anyway).
AlexSays + Badknux = Pointless argument. It's happened before, if I recall. Just let it go.
An argument occurs when two sides have conflicting view points.
You tried to make someone feel bad about posting their opinion, and proceeded to say this website was all about posting opinions.
I think that's funny. There's nothing to argue about.
Although, I don't think calling people's opinions "irrelevant" is really necessary.
It's a shame a couple members on here seem to think what they have to say is somehow more important than that of others.
I heard Nintendo is making a Wii HD system. Supposedly it will allow Nintendo to make HD games and allow them to be played on HD TVs. The release date is sometime in 2010. It will probably cost alot of money too. I think it would be pretty cool if Nintendo remade the orginal Contra with some new gameplay addictions to it for WiWare.
I heard Nintendo is making a Wii HD system.
Everything you just said is a rumor.
None of that is confirmed to be true.
The release date is sometime in 2010.
Stop spreading rumors.
Unless you have some top secret source you'd like to share with the rest of us.
Actually you didn't even get the rumor right. lol
People have said 2011. Not 2010.
You didn't even pull the right wrong date out of your magical hat.
So to avoid confrontation with the almighty users of this site, who're clearly above others, we should put thisisjustmyopinionpleasedon'tflameme at the end of all our posts.
I cut his opinion down and said it was irrelevant
That's textbook trolling on a lot of forums.
Be glad VC-R has such a kind, lenient staff.
lol badknux, at least we're seeing you type something other than 'this game sucks, not interested' for a change. LOL!! opinion indeed
I had that thought too, but it was DuckTales lol. But make it Ryu's adventure or something retarded like that . And you forgot Konami had to make a new deal to release TMNT, I believe we had a discussion a few weeks ago about it.
And I had a thought about Goldeneye, Nintendo didn't have to pay a damn thing to Rare to bring out Donkey Kong Countries 1, 2 & 3. So why the hell would they have to pay them for Goldeneye? Wouldn't it only be Activision + MGM? Never really thought about it until then, Rare don't hold any of the license anymore, and they haven't since Tomorrow Never Dies.
I thought Ultra was the company that put out the TMNT games? Is Ultra a division of Konami?
@post 137:
Ultra was a company created by Konami to get around Nintendo's limits on how much software that could be released at once by a company during the NES days.
@ The Fox. Thanks for the info.
@ Link to the future
Ultra had some cool games too. Lets hope can put more out on the VC. I for one would like Kings of the Beach and Skate or Die
@Alexsays. You crack me up. You can carry on the stupidest, most pointless arguments sometimes. People have opinions, which they are entitled to, and they don't have to listen to or care about anyone else's. Why can't you just admit you're wrong for once and leave it at that?
As for the "Thisisjustmyopinionpleasedon'tflameme" comment, you're the only one here doing the flaming as far as I can tell, bud.
@ Tony - I agree. I would also like to see Acclaim bring games to the VC. I would love to have the Wizards and Warriors series.
^Yeah! Then we can finally get Turok!
I think Ultra also made Base Wars--baseball with robots, you could also get weapons, like guns and swords. It was a good time.
Isn't Acclaim no longer around? I don't know who would bring their games to VC.
I have no idea if Acclaim still exists. I hope they do.
Just checked Wikipedia, and Acclaim Entertaiment was bought out, and is now Acclaim Games. So I guess there is a chance their games could come to the VC.
i just brought a Wii Points card today (i usually buy points in the Wii Shop itself but I had store credit I wanted to use on a card). How long have they done away with the CD case packaging? The new packaging is completely cardboard. I always thought it was wasteful to keep having to throw away plastic cases. This new packaging is a step in the right direction but is still a lot of packaging intended to be thrown away when all you get is a small card. Nintendo should really give us cards that we can top up with credit at game stores.
All right, nobody else took care of this? I guess I will...
Awhile back someone asked about F-Zero being listed as coming out on 11/19/08? I think you answered your own question. Its just a slip on Nintendo's part. When they were enterting dates they accidently listed F-Zero as 08 instead of 06.
This isnt the first time it happened, Ghouls N Ghosts was listed as 08 when it really came out last year. Its nothing more then a slip up, they dont think the game is coming out anytime soon.
Which brings me to my ONLY dislike about the Nintendo Channel, the extreme lack of VC updates. At least over here anyway...we've had the same list of games since the channel launched and even then it wasnt up to date! The only time it DID update was for SMRPG.How am I supposed to rate my experience with Renegade now?!
@Bass -- I got a Wii in April of this year, and Wii Points cards have been in a plastic case the whole time, not a cd case, but sort of a plastic bubble around the card.
@ LinktotheFuture I think you guys have different Wii Points packaging to us Europeans. Didn't notice that the PAL version of Wii Point cards are different until now. I just buy my Points from Ebay nowadays since i can get them £2-£5 cheaper than the shops.
@slangman--Must be different packaging for different regions.
@LinktotheFuture Yep, and a complete waste of packaging of you ask me.
@slangman--I agree.
Slangman, I can't find cheap wii points cards on Ebay.
@Bass I communicate with the seller to email me the code along with free postage costs. Works like a charm every time.
It does depend on how much the actual price of the cards are though. I was lucky enough to get 2 cards for £10 each this week
Oh right, okay. With shipping, it usually brings the cost higher than in store.
I was just wondering if they still sell the USB Wifi Connector in Europe? They stopped selling it here awhile ago.
@WarioFan63: Yeah, that's basically what I figured. The only reason it really seemed noteworthy was that it appeared in the upcoming games list, which NEVER happens for VC games (stupid Nintendo...).
I, too, am very annoyed with the lack of VC updates. I would LIKE to give my ratings for my VC games, but they never add them to the channel for some reason. Glad to know I wasn't just imagining that problem...
How many blocks does the Nintendo Channel take up? I never downloaded it because I wanted to save room for games.
@ Wariofan63 I am also disappointed with the Nintendo Channel not updating or promoting VC games. And it still will not let me rate my experience with Final Soldier, Street Fighter SCE and Sega Bass Fishing even though I have played wayyyyyyy over an hour. Nintendo is missing a good opportunity to do more with the Nintendo Channel.
@ Link to the Future -I think its over 200 blocks
Sounds like a waste of 200 blocks.
Why can't you just admit you're wrong for once and leave it at that?
For not liking how a member on this site was ridiculed for posting his opinion?
I appreciate how you think this would be my first time being wrong though (if there's even anything to be wrong about).
That means you think I've been right EVERY other time I've posted about something, which is quite nice of you!
@ theDude- I'm sorry members of this site seem to think it's okay to post their views, stances, etc., but when you post it's "irrelevant".
I encourage you to share your input in the future, as we should all embrace other people's opinions.
So don't be discouraged by this show of immaturity. After all, there's quite a few kids on this site.
I look forward to hearing your opinions in the future, and have a great day!
It is amazing how one persons opinion manages to creat such turmoil on this site. I definitely belive that if someone must point out the flaws in another members comment it should be done tastefuly not out of anger. As the posts after the on in question was posted seemed to be. @theDude I do hope that you will feel free to post again. Most posts never draw such fire it apears to me that someone was not having a very good day. I hope that everyone who reads this post will think about how they word a response in the future. Have a great day everyone.
@ LinktotheFuture - It's cool if you have a NDS; you can download demos that are stored until you power down your DS. It's also not bad for people just starting out on the VC who haven't had exposure to classic games. I just think that there are better sources for the latter. Having it as a channel is convenient for those who don't frequent videogame sites.
@Manicfatty--I don't have a DS yet, I am trying to hold out until the DSi comes out. I am hoping that it will be possible to download old GameBoy games on it, hopefully in color. It sounds like the channel could be used better and updated more often from what people are saying on here.
@LinktotheFuture: It's not as bad as we make it sound. The channel gets updated quite regularly for retail and WiiWare releases, just not VC. We don't know why. I've never experienced the problems that Tony mentioned. My brother did gain the ability to rate a game that had barely been played a few months after the fact, though. Weird.
Regarding the whole thing with theDude: I never meant to insult him or come off as an idiot. I was just a little annoyed to have this question come up two weeks in a row like that. We discussed it last week, with me trying to be fair about it (I think so, anyway), and I didn't want to have to do that again. I offered a simple solution and no more. I have nothing against people offering their opinions on this site, but we should try to explain our opinions as politely as possible instead of arguing about it like so often happens. So I'm sorry if I offended anybody. I was actually trying to be the level-headed mediator here. Maybe it didn't work so well...
@Stuffgamer1 I guess I will have to check out the Nintendo Channel. I can delete it if I don't like it, right?
@ LinktotheFuture - Sure can!
@Manicfatty--Cool, thanks!
@ Alex Says and Badknux: Personally, I don't want to get involved, but you two seriously have to stop this. This has been going on for a stuupid reason. Who cares about what people's opinions are, this is just a stupid reason for the both of you to have a reason to post a thousand comments just so you don't sound crazy posting pointless comments.
So, what's the whole problem here? =]
So, what's the whole problem here?
The economy, lack of funding to our school systems, foreign relations, you name it! Oh you mean here here?
The inability for people to post without being shot down by people who think of themselves as popular ol' veterans of the site.
But I'm taking care of that one!
Who cares about what people's opinions are, this is just a stupid reason for the both of you to have a reason to post a thousand comments just so you don't sound crazy posting pointless comments.
I care that people feel able to post their opinions without worrying about any repercussions.
And posting thousands of pointless comments make someone seem less crazy? lol
Well you're not getting involved so I won't worry about your logic there.
Regarding the whole thing with theDude: I never meant to insult him or come off as an idiot.
And you did neither.
You responded politely while expressing the same idea as another.
And I'm glad you even recognized how insulting that other post was...
I'll take a slightly nicer approach
No need for everyone to dwell on this incident.
I just hope the people on this site can prevent such an incident in the future.
don't make me look like I'm acting like a bigheaded veteran of the site
How am I making you look like anything?
None of my posts are even referring to you as being anything. lol
@ AlexSays: I don't care much about you writing back, but don't make me look like I'm acting like a bigheaded veteran of the site just because I wrote a comment to you and I have commented a lot in the past. But, I also don't feel like fighting with you like I did on the US release of Super Mario RPG.
Also, I said that posting thousands of pointless comments makes people sound more crazy, not less.
Back to Mega Man now. lol
After grieving over the death of my two fish, I decided to buy myself this game.
So that's one less thing someone will have to buy me for Christmas!
@ Alex Says
I am sorry to hear about your fish . Hey at least Mega Man will live on forever. If thats any consolation. By the the VC forums are doing a VC/Wii ware Secret Santa. Just FYI
I just found out that Rare is the company that developed the Wizards and Warriors games, Acclaim is who distributed them in the US. Anyway, looks like they won't be coming to the VC anytime soon.
@ AlexSays: Sorry to hear about your fish.
Also, sorry for starting with you, I wasn't in much of a good mood yesterday.
Do you reckon half of these posts are about mega man?
Oh it's okay.
We're all in a bad mood at one time or another.
As for my fish, they had a good run (at least I think, not too sure what a "good run" is for a fish).
Maybe now I'll look into buying My Aquarium. Nothing ever happens to those fish!
Oh, and the Secret Santa thing is pretty cool.
Thanks for letting me know, because I haven't checked the VC forums in a while.
I guess I'll be signing up sometime soon.
Awwww... I was waiting for a bitch fight.
On the subject of mega man 3 (ignoring Wiiloveit's stupid comment)
Hey i found this funny video of mega man 3 on youtube, if any one wants to see it, here is the URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dL30lU26egw
@Alexsays. I was gonna reply to your response to my comment, but no point in doing so since no one's fighting anymore and everyone got back to MM3. Sorry about your fish, by the way.
I think a "good run" for a fish would be about 1-2 years. I had a betta a while back that lasted a good 3 or so years before it died. Haven't bought another fish since.
Does anyone know if My Aquarium includes bettas? Cuz then I wouldn't have to worry about feeding my fish or seeing it die.
The only thing lacking from Mega Man 3 that I liked in the later series is the mega buster. Besides that, it is a very good game.
When did Nintendo sell Rare to Microsoft.
@Devastator: Six years ago. you didn't know that?
@Stuffgamer. I thought they joined in 2003.
@Mr. Cheez: The article I read said November 2002.
I knew the sale took place. I just did not know when.
Ah. Comprendo.
Wow, almost 200 comments? Well, I guess MM3(good game) + 1 game week = a bunch of comments both rejoicing and complaining.
Hi there! Long time reader, first time complainer.
WHERE IS CASTLEVANIA III??? Seriously, that game, Rondo, and the SNES Final Fantasy games (not likely) are all that I'm waiting for, and those are the only games that Nintendo and the third party devs will get any more of my money for. Really, what the hell is the hangup?
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