Recently we did an interview with Retro Gamer magazine about the success of VC Reviews and our thoughts on the Virtual Console service so far.
If you are interested to read it why not pick up the magazine (issue #53) and take a look for yourself? It is available today in all good newsagents such as WHSmiths in the UK.
For our many international readers, we would hate for you to feel left out so our pals at Retro Gamer kindly agreed for us to host a scan of the interview for you to have a look at here:
VC Reviews is no stranger to fame of course. Our longstanding readers may recall our interview with GamesTM way back in Feb 2007 or even when the site featured on German TV show WiiMotion.
Aside from our interview this month, there is lots of other great stuff to entertain any self-respecting retro gaming geek or otaku in this issue, including our very own Damien McFerran’s retrospective on NEC’s PC-FX system. There is also a nostalgic look at Konami’s key franchises along with features on Alex Kidd, Marble Madness and the Star Wars series of games. Basically more great retro stuff than you can shake a stick at!
Comments 49
Congratulations with the interview.
Sounds like quite a cool magazine. Congratulations!
good work vc reviews! a retro gamer magazine?...thanks!
Yeah, it's an amazing magazine, and I suggest all who can start preordering as soon as possible.
I wish they had that magazine here. I want to read about Marble Madness!
@Tides - Corbie told me his local comic book store in Texas actually imports Retro Gamer so he picks it up now and then. It might be worth emailing them to ask if they stock it in certain stores in the USA.
VC Reviews really is the best place online for the vc. Yeah, I'm sure I'd enjoy it but I don't have much money to spend on video game mazines - I only get NGamer and NOM these days. The rest goes on comics and Transformers - I'm not even buying as much games these days like I used to. Surprisingly, I'm playing Tingle's Rupeeland on DS more than I am Smash Bros. Brawl even though I got both about the same time.
Why didn't you mention me!?!?
Awesome congrats on the interview. I always like to have the odd glance of Retro Gamer in WHSmith, though i always find it quite expensive so i end up not getting it.
A retro gaming magazine!? Why doesn't America have this? Why haven't I emailed them already about this?
@Dazza - whereabouts in Texas? I happen to live there, that's why I thought I'd ask. I may email them too; I bet I would really enjoy that magazine! I spend more time playing old games than I do new ones....
I picked up a copy of the previous Retro Gamer at McNally Robinson. You might want to checkout one of your larger bookstore retailers for the magazine as they might have it. And yes the magazine is wicked.
lol'd at the "old! where normally stands "new!"
Congrats VC-reviews. I've picked up this mag a few times in the store, actually. I saw that comment about Zelda 2 . . . that's a good fight.
I'd had a thought for a while about something. Everybody has their games' list on their profiles along with the rating they gave each one. Why not make it so we can check out each others' individual lists?
Congratulations - I managed to read through the article and I must say it was very apprehensive.
Now, let's shoot for 200 comments in less than a day thanks to the promotion
I live in the Midland/Odessa area and the Hastings store here carries the Retrogamer magazine as well as J.S. Comics. We have two Hastings stores around here and I've seen the magazine at both stores fairly frequently. There are a couple of other UK gaming mags there as well, I just can't remember their names.
BTW: If you love classic games, Retrogamer is the best mag out there. It's really the only magazine I still read with any type of frequency.
I bought and love the magazine, and was surprised to see this site at it.
You do a great job, keep at it
retroGAMER is the only magazine worth buying anymore.
I was hoping that my favourite retro mag and website would mention one another, but I didn't realize Damo had already written for them. Turns out he did their 'Making of StarFox' article way back. It's a good 'un too (it's compiled in Vol.1 of the Retro Gamer collection 'bookazine'; get it!).
Anyway, I'll be popping into town to pick this baby up tomorrow. Good stuff.
RetroGamer is a great read, I just had to pick up the Manic Miner issue, a two page spread of all the levels! Brought back some great frustrating memories
I used to always read Retro gamer in my mall because it's so expensive I didn't buy it.
VC-reviews is no doubt the best site for retro games of vc fame... unfortunately tho, nintendo has let you guys down lately with a fairly significant slowdown in content
Still I read the news posts like a forum troll, so kudos to you guys, congrats!
Yay, people know we exist!
A magazine devoted completely to retro games? I'd like to take a gander at this magazine! Never saw it in any American bookstore before.
Sweet. Im a RG Subscriber so ill read about it when it comes in my postbox. Also Mr Cheez its a UK Mag so thats why you probably havent seen it.
I finally read the interview and it was pretty good. I need to look around some for this magazine - I bet I would like it a bunch. I wonder if they allow American subscriptions....
Nice work. As others have said, it's a shame there's no equivalent in the U.S.
@Sharecrow: Yes, they allow worldwide subscriptions. Be aware that it's going to seem rather pricy to an American, though, since Britain has far higher wage level than the US. A year's subscription will cost you 160$.
^$160 for a 1-year subscription? YIKES!
@Adamant - not too bad.....probably worth it. I'll look into it after I move into my new place....
I mean jeez! I could get a good three Wii Games or 15,000 Wii points and a couple energy shots for that much!!
@Mr. Cheez: No, really 80£.
a) It's a niche magazine. They're not cheap.
b) It's being shipped halfway across the world. That's not cheap. UK subscribers pay around 100$ a year.
c) Britons are richer than you and have more money to spend. Would you buy factory-new games for 100$? They would, gladly. Would you accept a job for 10$ an hour. They'd spit in the guy's face. This is a British magazine, so the price is tailored to their economy.
So, if we remove 60$ for extreme shipping costs, then halve the remainder to accomodate to your lousy economy, we got 50$ for 13 issues of a relatively sizy niche magazine straight to your doorstep. That's not too bad, is it?
Well, now that you put it that way, no. I guess it's not too bad. Those damn Brits.
I'm pretty rich anyway, so I guess costs aren't a huge problem.
But I'm sure my parents would still blow a gasket if I paid 160 dollars for a subscription to a magazine across the globe.
Thanks for the free economy lessons!
...actually, I think I'll just send my butler to fetch a copy.
GDP - per capita us $45,800
GDP - per capita uk $35,100
would people please stop repeating this myth that people in the uk are richer than people in the us.
Cool. Didn't even know such a publication exists! Shame you don't get it here in Germany... although I might check out the international press store at Munich's train station. They feature quite a good selection of magazines, maybe I find myself a hardcopy of the retro gamer
You also got a little mention in Gamesmaster magazine. Did you ever get that scan I sent you?
nice write-up. For vc reviews of games I haven't played or forgotten about, I definitely consider this site a top resource.
@William - Yes I still have the scan of the Gamesmaster shout out!
Awesome stuff, now whos next?
I just got Retro Gamer issue 50 this week,
that is because of the 3 month delay that I have to wait for a UK Magazine
Anyway, I am so thankful for the Virtual Console because it reminds me of a time when Videogames never had to please anyone just to be important.
Because to gamers like me, Videogames are always something spescial because Videogames were great by just being themselves.
and that is fun.
I just feel that even though the Wii is appealing to the casual audience, it sometimes feels like Nintendo has never listened to those like me who wish for some good quality RPG action that I always wanted for a long long time.
Actually, this magazine is available in the States (at least at a book store where I live). I'll check it out. I actually have a copy here at my house with Street Fighter II as the feature/cover. I had no idea a subscription was $160!
i have seen this magazine on sale at Borders book store and Barnes And Noble the only problem is the issue they have is a few months old you would have to wait a few moths for them to get this issue
I've seen them also at Borders book stores.
Too bad Retro Gamer cost as much as an average Neo Geo cart here in Sweden. It´s a fun magazine.
Wow, how well has retro gamer done out of this thread?
@TBoneTony: whered you find it in aus?
Congratulations on your interview =).
£80 for 13 issues shipped to the USA? Hmmm. It looks like a fun mag, but eighty quid?
My fave magazine. Got every issue since number 4..... my daily bathroom reading
Go VC Reviews
This awesome magazine has been published in Italy (in italian language) for several months. For some reasons (maybe due to the low amount of sales), the publishing house has discontinued it. Too bad.
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