Ninja Commando, not to be confused with the also available Ninja Combat, is an overhead shooter/action game similar to games such as Mercs, where you play as one of three ninjas and attempt to make your way through a variety of stages filled with arcade action.
Art of Fighting 2 is quite obviously the sequel to Art of Fighting (Also on VC), featuring the same huge detailed characters (Plus more) and "zoom" mechanic, where the camera/zooms in/out depending on how far you and your opponent are apart. The game is in pretty much every way an improvement over the first, so if you liked that, you should enjoy this even more.
This week's reviews are both live now!
Sadly that's all this week! One can only hope that next week we get both VC and WiiWare games instead of just WiiWare, or the week after we get 5 VC games!
Comments 200
Cracking release, I'm happy with that, not as good as recent weeks but still pretty damned good.
Great release
Ooh... that's unfortunate.
Seriously though, I don't mean to further the rivalry between Europe and North America as this poor update is probably bad for the BOTH of us. Obviously these two Neo Geo titles will be among our next few releases as well, along with Break Out, Chase HQ and Star Parodier. Not much room for any surprise games, is there? It would seem Nintendo hates us both equally, all the while Japan is fattening up on VC titles at a break neck pace. Bravo for ruining the Wii's best feature Nintendo, bravo!
Very disappointing. Might download Mega Man 2....
oh well... 2 games :/
cheer up chaps!
Its summer over there... try going outside or something this week
At least North America knows their next two Neo Geo games now.
At least vc owners can't complain about Ninja Commando being another Neo Geo fighting game since it is not.
@ timp29: Britain has been battered by torrential rain and thunderstorms for the past two weeks. Go outside? We're barely safe indoors!
There was even nearly a tornado near where I live, oO;;
Balls release. See ya'll next fortnight!
Sorry guys. That stinks.
Geez. Can the Neo Geo hurry up and die?! If you don't like fighting games (like me), then (nearly) any time you see those words, you're #$%@ outta luck, and thats all both sides have been getting lately. Hmm...putting it that way makes it seem that N.A. and Europe are at war on VC, but really we are at war with the ones who are screwing us, the infamous NOA and NOE!!
Why have you Farted???
Surely you don't mean the VC release, having downloaded them both and had a bit play around on them, I'm very happy with the games we have. Both 2 player and Ninja Commando is Co-op, keeps DEMON happy too.
WTF...we waited 2 weeks for 2 games? how crap is that? screw you nintendo, im sick of you treating us like crap. On the psn and xbl you get new games and content every week without fail and its good stuff too, not the gaming equivilant of breadcrumbs that you throw to us miserable wretches you call your loyal customer base. i wouldnt mind so much but the w(ank)-ware channel has given us nothing but crap as well. i give up.
(Goes to play Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions on his PLAYSTATION Portable for the next two weeks.)
@ diablos
Nope, sorry you're wrong there, the PSN has been shocking recently and we are still waiting for games like Twisted Metal and Castlevania SOTN that have been on the US PSN for ages. As for the XBL:A, I agree it's probably the best service, just a shame the console doesn't work long enough for you to play on it (I'm on my 5th X360)
On the VC / Wii Ware we get games EVERY WEEK, you may not like them all but we still get games every week. When have we ever had a ZERO game week for VC / Wii Ware?
You guys waited two weeks for two games? That stinks! What the heck is up with all these Neo-Geo games? Nintendo needs to give us more variety instead of fighting, fighting, and, you guessed it, more fighting.
Ha, ha! 'W(ank) Ware!' That's genius! Your definatly the funniest person I have ever seen! You're an amazing comedian! The way you replaced the word 'Wii' with another word beginning with 'W' is absolutely hillarious! Hold on, let me try... 'W(est) Ware'. Hmm... not as good and original as yours unfortunatly. I wish I was as funny as you .
Since when was Ninja Commando a 2D fighter anyway?
But I do agree, after a two week wait and a settled routine for five per fortnight, this is disappointing. I have nothing against the Neo Geo as I'm sure there will be people who will appreciate both of these games very much, but after a month of settling into a routine, we get this thrown at us - complete lack of variety, as I referred to in an earlier thread.
Now, I have no understanding on the future release routine for the VC, given that we've had to wait two weeks for two games. >.>
I don't think we've ever had a routine, people just call similar weeks routine.
We're still getting VC>WW>VC etc... though, so I suppose that's routine. It'll take more than 5 weeks though to convince me that it is.
And as you've so rightly said, NC isn't a Fighter, so 1 Fighter and what W/E it is (Action?), is still variety.
while there is nothing for me this week but when i do get around to topping up my account with more points at least i know what to get “My pokémon Ranch” .
Im also be waiting for Commodore 64 games to be released here in Australia .
btw Rexy where did you get your avatar from .
Well you got the same amount of vc games we did in those two weeks.
Ugh, another fighter.
I think everyone interested in the genre has already downloaded one of the many fighters available to date.
And more NeoGeo games?
Can the other consoles see some love too?
But what if you're either a large fan of the genre or the series? Should they maybe only release 1 RPG, 1 FPS, 1 Beat 'Em Up etc... And just say "FPS fans get this 1 game, RPG fans etc..."?
Oh, and BTW that RPG wouldn't be SMRPG, Chrono or Earthbound.
pikachu- get a visa debit card and change your region to uk... thats what i had to do.
Also, any fighting game is a poor substitution for tekken (although i have never played brawl), hence my dismay at neo geo fighters.
Anyway, now i have to wait for diablo 3... that and rondo of blood are like the gaming lights on the horizon.
Tekken?! *shudders*
What's wrong with Tekken, DEMON? I thought 5 was a great deal of fun.
I'll give you Tekken advance and 5, but the others don't come close to SFII. Hell those 2 don't come close to SFII, but they are at least playable.
@ Demon212-
Ehhhh, not exactly. We're getting fighters on a consistent basis, you can't say the same for other genres.
The only reason they keep coming, is because Nintendo knows people will play it for a short while, then buy something else.
While RPGs keep people entertained for a while.
But how many fighters until people want more variety?
There's about 30 something fighters to a whopping 10 RPGs.
You can't use the "everybody gets one" argument when fighting games are significantly outnumbering other genres.
Well this is definitely smelling like SNK trying to press Neo Geo games before the release of the Classics Collection... When is it coming already so we know when to expect something not Neo Geo (hopefully)?
This really is a great time for Neo Geo fans...
Just look at America's last two weeks.
June 30th- Fatal Fury 2
July 7th (my birthday, wooo)- King of the Monsters
And thats it.
Two fighters, and one isn't even that great.
Hey Nintendo, variety much?
Ninja Commando is a fantastic overheader shooter in the vein of Ikari Warriors. If you like old school shooting titles, it's one to take a careful look at.
Well this is definitely smelling like SNK trying to press Neo Geo games before the release of the Classics Collection
Neither of these games are going to be on the upcoming Classics Collection if that means anything....
Also unless Nintendo plans on doing a double whammy Turbografx day we'll most likely be getting Turbografx for the next 3 weeks.
Basically, we're ready for constant disappointment. Wait, if we're ready for it, is it truly a disappointment?!?!?!? HEAD EXPLODES
@x.SuperMario.x: "There's about 30 something fighters to a whopping 10 RPGs."
SF2 + SF2T + SSF2 + EC + FF + AoF + WH + KoF94 + SS + FF2 = 10
Hey look, we have 10 of each. What was this about balance again?
Mario, KOTM isn't a Fighter. Also, I take it you've played it to know that it sucks?
And you've completely misread my above post.
I wasn't saying on a weekly basis get 1, I was saying maybe if we had 1 period.
No SMRPG just BOF II. No Art 2, just SFII. No PPL just Puyo Puyo II. 1 game per genre, period.
@ Adamant. I've been told there's also close to 100 SHMUPS, lol.
@ Objection. What's wrong with TG? Oh, that's right, it's no Ninty.
Any chance you guys can leave the whinging in your own threads? (It seems that the majority of people complaining at this release are in NA)
You shouldn't say this is a bad week, especially since you tell Americans every Monday that we shouldn't complain over our releases.
It's funny how a lot of people in Europe get a bad update and all of a sudden they complain just like America. And yet the people from Europe say we are whiners.
However, both America and Europe can camplain because Japan has 339 games and we have 234.
The Super Nintendo has been abandoned...
I have no interest in anything from the Neo Geo. This week is utterly horrible for me. I want more SMS games dammit.
I just had a thought. I wonder if you guys only got two games because Nintendo plans to stop alternating weeks in Europe. I guess we'll find out next friday. Also with the latest news about Mega Man 1 and 2 hitting the North American VC soon, I can't imagine we'll have to suffer nothing but Neo Geo titles for much longer so maybe these are signs of better things to come for everyone. Of course I'm just speculating and Nintendo could easilly just makes things even worse than they currently are, which I'm sure none of us would find the least bit surprising, sadly.
Also, I'd like to add; Nintendo, if you're going to keep releasing Neo Geo games, at least make one of them Windjammers and/or Bust-a-Move. Those are the only NG games I want.
How can you have no interest in anything ever released on a particular console? Thank makes zero sense at all.
Silly fanboy logic.
Rexy never said it was a bad week, he said it was disappointing. If you expect and hope that a game gets a 10/10 but it only gets a 9.9, it's not a bad score, but you'd most likely be disappointed.
I'm disappointed that Harrier, IK+ and Chase H.Q didn't come out, but IMO it's still a good week. And as I mentioned before, a lot of the whinging isn't coming from us.
We have about 35 fighters on the VC right now.
We have 11 RPGs.
Now what about that balance thing?
@ Demon212-
There must be some English-British translation error, because I don't quite remember saying it sucks.
I did, however, look at the VC-R review, and see it wasn't spectacular.
As for us Americans, we're *whining* because we'll probably see these games soon.
And after having fighters for the past several weeks, the thought of another just doesn't seem all that great.
@x.SuperMario.x: agreed
It's still whining, and whining that could've been kept in the NA release post.
Please name these 35 fighters. As Adamant has a U.S Wii and only named 10.
VCR thinks all NG games suck from the scores they've been giving. I can't wait to play these so called truly spectacular games as while Stars 2 is great, I wouldn't say it's leaps and bounds better than most of these so called 2 Star games. And Shodown, the other 5, stinks when compared to Fatal or Art.
Umm, yeahhhh.
Click here son,
Care to count all the fighting games?
A lot more than 10, ehh?
Well, I feel bad for those of you who find this week a bad one and happy for those who are fine with it. I wouldn't mind getting these two games on Monday mainly because there would be two games released and Ninja Commando seems intriguing to me.
@ x.SuperMario.x
I don't want to go against your logic and I do think we may have been getting too many fighting games recently, but I think your "opponents" are considering beat 'em ups and fighting games two different genres.
SM, firstly, less of the Son, as I'm not yours and I'm not the one whinging like a child. Granted Sons don't have to be children, but it's usually used by the elderly talking to young people, but that's a whole different topic.
Secondly, Beat 'Em Ups are considered by most totally different to Fighting games. And while to me I call them all Beat 'Em Ups, Side Scrolling BEU's like SOR are TOTALLY different from BEU's like SFII.
What does the VC class all these as? Because as the VC is the VC, and the VCR is not the VC, what the VC classes them as, are IMO what they are.
Although sometimes it's flawed, as for a long time, Sonic 2 was a puzzler.
@ Virus.
Where was this attitude last week?
That's the type of post I can respect & appreciate
Thank you
At least for now we can be almost sure that the change on release schedules was in order to have the same number of games on each region, so just maybe both can expect best releases comming, not about quality but in quantity at least.
I really hoped for IK+, better luck next time. I might check out Ninja Commando as I like those kind of games.
At all the people whining: Those games (Nintendo exclusive titles) you want so bad will come, just wait and see.
Heh, wait till Monday rolls around, my diplomatic behavior seems to run dry those days.
Here's to anger management (no promises though!).
You don't have to be a child to whine, surely thats something you know by now, with a couple years under your belt.
But anyway, you can separate the games into specific genres, but in general, they're considered fighting games.
If we want to get into specifics, then fine, I'm tired of Beat 'Em Ups and fighting games. There's a reason nobody's clamoring for next week's release to fall into the fighting genre. That's all we've been getting recently.
For all the people who aren't fighting/Beat 'Em Up lovers, it's a bad time. I haven't downloaded anything new from the VC in quite a while. Do I care if the Wii gets a new fighting game every Monday? No.
But if it's the only thing we're getting, then it becomes a problem.
@ Jon- It's not even Nintendo exclusives I'm hoping for.
It's the other great games that'll probably never be released.
There's a few games I can think of that I'd download in an instant, but there's a problem.
These games aren't the type you play with for a few minutes, then forget about.
Unfortunately, thats all Nintendo wants to release, that way more people will spend more money, and Nintendo can remain atop their pedistool.
Not that bad.
It seems like a bad week for NOA and NOE with Spogs Racing and this.
Cheer up Nintendo are always fails in my books.
Just. Want. Some. Pilotwings.
Maybe we get 5 Wiiware games next week, since it was always 5 VC and 2 or less wiiware games?
But I guess it will be only SPOGS instead shudders
Nice. If I have the money, maybe I'll consider Ninja Commando. I just hope Gyrostarr comes to WiiWare next week.
@DEMON212: You took the words right out of my mouth concerning Mike's post. BTW, I'm a female.
I'm expecting King of Fighters '95 to appear soon. I already have the PS1 version so I won't be getting it though. Not interested in either of these games.
not really interesting, I'm gonna safe my points for next week
Quite a cool week. I also predict KOF 95 to be rated soon too and hopefully the 96 version will come quickly (well i hope at least).
Art of Fighting 2 is great, you get to play as Ryo's sister, Yuri!
I think its safe to say we will see World heroes 2, Fatal Fury Sp, Samurai Shodown 2, and Neo Turf masters before the summer is done.
There's no telling what the release schedule will be now. The lack of games this week may be a sign of NOA and NOE having released the same amount of VC games. Now, all they have to do is release the same number of games each week. Who wants to guess how many games there will be next week?
Regardless of what games are qualified as "fighters", the fact remains that there are genres that aren't being represented, while others have more than their share of offerings. It would be nice if Nintendo could find a balance.
Someone was talking about mega man in the states... why are americans excited about mega man 1 and 2... cant they get a megaman collection for gamecube off ebay?? Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think that was realeased for PAL regions, just USA only. Seriously yankees, save your wii point money and pump it into megaman collection on ebay
If it was released for PAL, I'd be tracking it down
Always glad to see Neo Geo games, I don´t understand why some complain about them. Ninja Commando could be a cool shooter... and I am at least a bit curious about Art of Fighting (2). There is no guarantee that we will se the "superior" sequels on the Neo Geo series, but I do hope their very best fighting games will arive in time.
An okay week after all.
"Who wants to guess how many games there will be next week?"
I think this Monday in the US we will get 1/2 of a game. We might get the first 2 levels of Mega Man and thats it.
Or we will get just the sound for the levels with a blank screen. lol
Man that sucks for you guys, and in response to what somebody said earlier, I don't think that Chrono Trigger will be released for the VC because they're about to come out with a remake of it on the DS this fall. That's why I think Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island won't come to the VC, because of Yoshi's Island DS.... but I could be wrong. I hope I am at least.
Everyone cried in their soup when a month went by with no Neo-Geo games. Now look at them!
What does being a female matter? All I ask is on Monday when we get our garbage Neo Geo game, just don't tell us not to complain or be disappointed either. I just wish the Neo Geo would go away!
Yoshi's Island DS is actually a sequel to the original SNES game, NOT a port. Also Nintendo is not one to limit the sales of any game to one single medium anyway, which is why I still firmly believe we'll still see Kirby's Super Star on the VC, albiet a good while AFTER the DS version is released. Yoshi's Island is likely not on the VC yet because they have to work out all the technical issues with the FX chip emulation as is the case with a lot of other SNES games. Nintendo knows they're important to us, however, so no doubt they are working on it.
Yes, we do have the GCN version of Mega Man Collection but it's not as great as it sounds. First and foremost, the shot and jump buttons are reversed, rendering the gameplay unintuative and awkward. Also the emulation of the games isn't nearly as pristine as the Virtual Console what with motion scaling, sound glitches and whatnot. Some people might be able to live with those things but there are many of us that would prefer a truer version of these classics.
@ Mike.
I said "he". I said "he" to Rexy whom happens to be a "she". That's why she mentioned it, to inform myself whom called her "he".
So to Rexy, I apologise, didn't know, won't happen again
Now, back to Mike. Rexy wasn't whinging! You were, she wasn't. Super Mario is, I was not. Get it?
And I'll go one better, I won't tell you lot to shut your yaps whinging in your posts, if YOU DON'T COME INTO OURS TO WHINGE!
@ Tony, MM has 7 levels, so you'd get 3 and some sound.
@ Rapadash.
I hate collections myself.
Is "whinging" even a word?
Or is it a British thing?
Because when he says I'm "whinging", I really don't know what he's talking about.
If he's referring to whining, well thats just not nice.
Um....you know how theres color and colour?
Ahh, so he is referring to whining.
Wanting gaming genres to be equal, which would benefit a lot of people, doesn't seem like whining.
Now if I went from post to post describing my unparalleled love for RPGs, then it'd be whining.
But I guess anything other than the "I'm happy with what we get" attitude is considered whining, ehh?
What was the point of releasing the Master System on VC??? Demon was right with the expect disappointment thing. The only reason I check the VC releases anymore is Saturday Night Slam Masters, Super Punchout, WindJammers, Puzzle Bubble, and the SMS version of Populous. That would be sweet. WIIWARE BLOWS... except for LostWinds
I suspect Nintendo is up to something special. They might have only released 2 games this fortnight in preparation for releasing somthing in particular in 2 weeks. I reckon its going to be...
more of the same boring crap, because they hate us seems to be a pattern that when it looks like thier about to screw us, they do. Nintendo could at least give us a kiss while they do us or cuddle us after.
Let's Get Dangerous!
Oh dear two games?? What.....what happened to the five? Nintendo keeps fuc%ing with my head stop it.....stop it now.
@ Quimby i feel your abuse. They are so cold.....so very very cold! If nintendo were married i'd feel for its partner.
Partner: Whats wrong Nintendo why wont you open up to me?
@Quimby: I bet down the line, the same would happen to the SMS as what happened with the Neo Geo. Months back, quite a few people I knew were disappointed with its library. Now it's being inflated like Hell, and no one wants it. I can see it being a deja vu for the SMS in a few months' time, though this time it'll be worth waiting for Sonic 1's variant there and the original Phantasy Star.
@DEMON212: You got it there yet again. May I also add one more thing though - at least when things don't go our way, we at least don't cry out loud for one or a few games in particular; like I said in an earlier thread, we'll be constantly let down if the game we want the most fails to turn up week after week.
Whichever happens, these two games released may not even be my cup of tea but I won't call it a bad week if someone will appreciate them. I was just shocked by the lesser numbers in comparison to previous weeks, that's all.
@ Kreegs07
That will be 500 points for the blank screen and sound effects
Maybe we will just be able to download the title screen to Mega Man 2, but the actual game won't be availible until 2009
Stupid Wii Browser. Anyone got the contact number for Ninty?
Sick of that thing wiping my text. Forgotten what I wanted to post now as well.
Anyway, whinging SM, is basically complaining. But it's ultra complaining that serves no purpose and benefits no one at all. You are complaining to a site that has no conection to Nintendo at all. Therefore every word you type is utterly pointless, as it's not serving a purpose, nor is it ever going to get you what you want.
And can somebody PLEASE! Give me my Mod powers back, because that's twice now that Uncle Smuck has posting things that need either editing or tagging.
@ Rexy.
Exactamundo my fair lady.
It's so irritating to see so many people whinging about no NEO-GEO games, and now they're whinging because that's making up a large portion of what we're getting. I swear down if NA does this with SMRPG I'll scream.
And that's what I used to do myself. I was waiting for ZAMN for so long, that while I was loving the weeks we had, I was still disappointed at no ZAMN. So do you know what I did? Bought a SNES with ZAMN.
And on a final note, I love how quickly people find an excuse to whinge. Last week SM was annoyed that they got a 2 star game, this week he's building himself up to self destruction with anger over a 3 and a 4.
It really is showing that all he wants are Ninty's AAA titles. Because any other AAA title must be like an F- for him.
Re: The talk of beat-'em-ups further up
Mortal Kombat Trilogy. Street Fighter Alpha 3. Tekken Tag Tournament. In my eyes, everything else can sod off.
These three games are the last of their respective series before they got crap.
Re: The above VC release
I don't mean to sound like a whining SMRPG fanboy here, but take into account the fact that I'm not hoping for SMRPG over everything else because it's at the top of my Virtual Console wish list, I'm hoping for it because it's the only game on my Virtual Console wish list for the time being. I want it because I consider it to be an epic game that Europe was sadly deprived of, and all Virtual Console releases will be varying degrees of disappointing to me until I get the one and only game I want. It's why I haven't really said all that much about recent VC releases. I mean, why bother commenting on something when it will always be a complaint? =P
I'm not saying that the above games are crap or anything, I'm just saying that they don't float my boat.
On reflection, I'm basically just reiterating what Rexy has been saying for weeks, but it has been my stance pretty much the whole time. As I said two weeks ago when SMRPG didn't appear in the midst of everyone going nuts over it, I wasn't, and continue not to be particularly arsed about it. Yes, I want it very much, but yes, I can survive until then (especially due to the fact that Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions is very rapidly reeling me in).
The above rant was brought to you out of the blue and for no reason whatsoever.
Good day, =)
I bet there'd be no complaints if Nintendo decided to give us nothing but SNES games for a few months. Problem with Neo Geo is that there's not enough variety in it's game library to offer us much more genres of games besides mostly fighters and beat em ups. Obviously due to the nature of the platform. In fact I'd say any other console on the service would be better in this reguard than Neo Geo but, alas, that's the system they chose to do this with, and it really bites.
@ Lynk.
That's what's so annoying IMO, we never even got SMRPG, so if anyone has the right to whinge about it, it's us, and I commend you for not coming on to do a weekly whinge
Because it's so easy for NA to get it on e-Bay, and before anyone says "it's too exspensive", seeing as SMRPG seems to be about the only game you want on your Wii, a SNES and SMRPG is cheaper than a Wii.
So why buy a Wii in the first place?
@ Rapadash.
Mate, no-matter what there'll be complaints. Because IMO we needed more Beat 'Em Ups because of how many times I've beaten the ones we already had. I don't care about RPG's because FFIII killed my love of the genre. But we do need more.
IMO we need some proper sports games too. We have Blades Of Steel, but where's the other brill Hockey games? Where's Super Soccer and Super Tennis. The VC is crying for a Footie game. Where's Sensie Soccer Euro Champs?
But the fact of the matter is, they can't sort it out all in one go. If they release 50 titles in NA, if so much as one of them is a Ninty game, the other 49 will be overlooked.
So they're not going to do that.
i wouldn't start "whinging" about not having SMRPG...unless you want Rexy to lecture us all for the next five days about how mediocre it is compared to other SNES rpgs.
Dude, I wasn't whining before. Personally, I don't care if Europe gets games at all, as long as America still gets them. If people in Europe love Neo Geo games so much they can have them, just give America NES, SNES, and N64 games instead. I understand Nintendo's logic releasing the crap games so far in 2008, but I don't have to like it either.
That's fine dude, stay out of our topic on Monday, I'm sure most Americans will miss you. (sarcastic laugh)
Hell I get the feeling that they could release 50 games in NA on monday and if SMRPG wasnt one of them then they's still flood on here crying that Nintendo hates them and the release was crap.
A lot of this makes me laugh, a comment above said that people play fighters for half an hour then stop whilst an RPG gives hours of joy, surely that means we don't need as many RPG's because you're getting so many hours of joy, the fighter fans need more games.
I also love all the talk of the Neo Geo games being crap, The Neo Geo and it's games were so damned expensive I cannot imagine you have played all of these games and you are judging them crap without trying them.
Lets me put it as clear as possible, If you don't like the games being released then write to Nintendo, or e-mail them, or phone them, just don't clog up this board with your whining little posts because all you do is get on peoples nerves and acomplish nothing, other than establish a reputation for NA gamers as a bunch of spoilt brats that wouldn't know a good game if it came up and bit them on the butt.
@ Tony
Or the game could be fully functional for 500 points with the exeption that mega man's gun doesnt shoot. Run Mega man Run! Best of luck with that boss!! (DLC: Shooting available in 2009 for an extra 500 points)
I love every game that is released. ...Except SMRPG is mediocre compared to other SNES RPGs.
Even though it's the truth, I won't do the whole lecture thing again. If people want it, then there's no stopping them. But what I DO get annoyed about is people boycotting Nintendo just because they won't get what they want.
Someone in an earlier thread raised an interesting point - Nintendo may release some good games across a wide amount of consoles, but sales may dwindle if they aren't what people want to see, and this could have become a knock-on effect to the lesser VC releases as of late - them thinking that the VC service might not have been picked up well upon.
Furthermore, the VC spans a wide amount of consoles for a reason. It's true that I'd take interest in some future SNES releases namely because I never owned one in the past. But the same can also apply to the NES, Nintendo 64 (which DEFINITELY needs a lot more love), Sega Master System, Commodore 64, Turbographx AND the Neo Geo. There will only be true happiness with the VC if the service makes a firm balance in welcoming not only retro Nintendo gamers, but also those that were similarly passionate about the other systems represented.
Even if they released one game a week, but cycled through all the consoles in turn, I would be very happy. At least you could think to yourself - "Crap, its a Neo Geo week, not my cup of tea, BUT next week is an N64 week so I can look forward to that"
heh heh, JK. [not really.]
Edit: actually Ninja commando looks pretty cool. Would probably get it when it reaches America.
A console cycling will be good, I agree with that. That's how I do my VC purchases too - look for something good on one system, then when done look for one on another, and so on and so forth. The variety issue might be a little slower/unpredictable though, but if that happens then that can do some good for future VC releases.
@ Rexy
Totally agree, When I first heard about the VC I expected it to be purely old Nintendo games and I was a bit sceptical about it. It's gone on to totally surpass my expectations and turned into the only reason I still have a Wii. Personally I think there is a huge ammount of choice on the VC. Between us, DEMON and I have more than 170 VC titles, of which we regret less than 10% of the purchases. A large quantity of our games are games we have not played in the past. There are tons of games on various platforms that I would love to see come out, some of which I've bought on cart having purchased a Snes and N64 in the last 12 months. However I still see the recent releases as pretty good.
I guess there is no pleasing some people.
@ AtTheDriveIn.
I wasn't whinging, I was say if anyone had the right to it's us.
@ Mike.
Well seeing as I wasn't involved in this weeks post and there's over 50 comments less, I guess they will miss me
But I take it then that that will be your last reply in this post?
@sadpanda. whoa. you and Demon212 have downloaded over 170 games already? Jesus christ. I bought about 30 as of now, and I thought I was being a spendthrift...
How do manage all that? Do you buy mostly smaller games that take up less space? How do you fit all those in w/ wii retail releases?
Oh yeah, Demon212.
You sure got me.
I'm clearly the only person "whining" on this site.
It's not like anyone else is displeased with the VC.
"Re: The talk of beat-'em-ups further up
Mortal Kombat Trilogy. Street Fighter Alpha 3. Tekken Tag Tournament. In my eyes, everything else can sod off."
Please play King of Fighters '96, '97, '98 and '99. I'll bet you haven't already. I paid about £40 each for '98 and '99 for PS1 and throughly enjoyed them. I forget what I paid for KoF95 - 97; it was some three pack box. And Mortal Kombat Trilogy tells KoF98 to sod off? Really?
"I bet there'd be no complaints if Nintendo decided to give us nothing but SNES games for a few months."
I'd complain. I already own a Super Nintendo with a full library. Right now, I'm only interested in NES, Genesis, and TurboGrafx CD games.
@ barbra the demon.
Ha ha ha...... Uncle smuck will never be silenced ever!!! ha ha ha
I hate the VC! it doesn't forfill my VC needs and until it does i will complain!!! I have spent over a grand on my wii and they haven't delivered!!! Must go i hear a baby lamb being sacrificed!!!! ha ha ha !!!! whoop
I vote Sega Dreamcast for next VC console!
holy jesus yes drive in!!! sega dreamcast would be like the second coming only with more wires!!! or less im not sure!
the wii isnt powerful enough to emulate dreamcast games and 1 dreamcast game alone wouldnt fit in the wii memory I would love the game boy to come to vc though
@Demon212: Wow, you sure are popular...
@uncle smuck: You paid £1000 for a Wii? I know that there were stock shortages, but you didn't need to go THAT far
@Rexy Maybe he's also referring to the games, accessories he's invested in as well in that (incredibly high) figure.
@Gamerwizz. YES! GameBoy! I'd love that! Gameboy was the only thing I played until the gamecube came along (I played my sister's PSone occaisionally, but not that often). I can hear the shrill, high-pitched melodies of Wario Land playing in my head as I speak! Dreamcast would also be cool if it was possible. We need our own system to compete against Japan's MSX and Europe's C64 anyway.
"Well seeing as I wasn't involved in this week's post and there's over 50 comments less, I guess they will miss me."
I doubt it.
Also, Demon212, when you said you should be the one who has the right to "Whing", I say that since you have over 170 VC games, you have no right to "whing". BTW what the hell is ZAMN anyway?
Whichever happens, these two games released may not even be my cup of tea but I won't call it a bad week if someone will appreciate them.
See now, THIS is the type of mindset Id be happy to see more of.
just give America NES, SNES, and N64 games instead
Hey, dont speak for everyone! Id love to go through missed Nintendo classics as much as the next guy but Im also interested in seeing classics on other systems.
BTW what the hell is ZAMN anyway?
Zombies Ate My Neighbors
I've never played a Neo Geo game in my whole life. I probably should, but I'm playing other stuff right now (and waiting on other stuff too)....
O Yeah. I want that game too. Sorry I'm so stupid.
@Uncle smuck. £1000? I think you got ripped off. =D
I actually got one more post. I agree with Rexy's comment on Post #89. She said that it's really sad that people boycott the VC because the games haven't been as good. Now that really is sad. Just as sad as people who say they won't download games because of the storage space issue. Believe me, the Wii does have a small memory storage, but using an SD card isn't that big of a deal.
You know what I would love on Monday; one of the classic TMNT games.
@ SM.
You love twisting my words, don't you? I used you as an example, that's all. I know you're not the only one.
@ Mr. Cheeze.
I meant Europeans, not me. I never whinge about the releases anymore (Since most of the games I complained about I now own and love).
And as for storage, what Mike just said.
SD = more games. Sure it's a pain, but I don't care.
@ Andrew.
On the forums I am, mainly because I've been told that I'm a damn good Mod. And mainly because people are more tollerent of each others opinions there.
Hell, I pretty much have the rep of being a hardass (Because I'm strict )whose never happy with the releases (Early VCR posts will confirm that I was too a whinger. I just learned some things along the way). And as I hate SM 64, people joke that I have no taste in games.
But while all this goes on, I still get a lot of respect from people as I'm always trying to help, and because of all the work I put into advertising this place.
And I do all of that because I love coming here and because it really helped me with VC purchases. In the same way that I now try to help people with my Youtube vids (Over 260 games reviewed. All 180-ish VC & WW plus others and almost all advertising the VCR, VCF and WWW).
Search for DEIVION212 if you're interested in seeing them (Somebody already had DEMON212 ). They're not perfect, but I've been told by about 700 people that they really help
I've actually learned to work w/ the SD card method, after whats-his-name's infamous "geek and Otaku" comment. The only problem I have with it is that it takes forever to copy channels from the SD card to the wii and vise versa, especially w/ larger games (Toki Tori took like 20 minutes to copy). That, and suspension points can't be saved to the card, so I can't move data of games that don't save like Gunstar Heroes and Ninja Gaiden. But Other than that, I think I'm fine without a Hard Drive. After all, I don't plan on getting as many games as Demon212 does anyway.
thanks for being a total dork
lol at the bitch fight erupting on this thread!
this stuff is gold... we should make the angry ones play neo geo beat em ups against one another to decide who is right!
PS Tekken Tag Tournament best fighter I've ever played... I havent played king of fighters etc, but reversals and chickens etc... tekken has the most depth and realistic (within reason) dynamics of any fighter I have played (not that I've played that many). But seriously, it beats the early SF's and mortal kombats and samurai shodown etc (but only in my humble opinion )
Tekken realistic dynamics? You really need to play a Virtua Fighter game.
It could always be worse...we could've gotten no games at all.
@ rexy
Yeah what i meant was i've spent a grand on games, accessories and the VC and really i expected Nintendo to really push the boundries. They haven't... i know everyone loves Zelda, Mario Galaxy, SSBB mario kart ect. But wheres the new ideas? Where's the new concepts? And i don't see why us Europeans should respect them as a company when they screw us over time and time again. a six month wait for SSBB? why? A eight or nine year wait for sin and punishment! and don't forget the haloed SMRPG! The way i see it Nintendo either doesn't care about europe or hates europe....So it gets right up my jakobs when europeans defend them. Don't get me wrong some europeans may see it completly differently to me and fair enough but i've totally had it with nintendo.
I relise that this site is solely for the VC and most of my rants are totally irrelivant but its better to look at the bigger picture to try to understand the whole anti-european thing.
@ Demond you raise some good points about the VC and i respect your opinion's.
Make slow scummy love people not war
If Nintendo hate Europe, then they are at least treating us better out here than Sony IMO in terms of promoting the actual hardware. I don't know what's the perspective with Microsoft though, but I've never been intested in XBox game libraries to notice. It's true that they threw us off guard for the wait for Brawl and that is one thing that DID get my goat, yet I put it all down to "European localisation" or some crap like that. No worries though, everyone finally has it so there's no need to get uptight anymore.
And concerning the games, you can be right in saying that new ideas from first party Nintendo developers seems to be slim right about now. But let's not forget that the system's predecessor, the GameCube, was equally slim on that department and having to rely on the first party franchises for it to hold up against the competition. There were some new ideas that came through eventually like Animal Crossing, the whole Toon Link saga (read: Wind Waker) and the re-invention of the Metroid franchise through the Prime series, true; but it's those kind of foundations that Nintendo needed to have if they had to go up against other game systems that have had other capabilities to their name (the case of the PS2 being able to play PS1 games and DVDs and the original XBox model similarly allowing for DVD playback).
Heck, now that we're looking at games like this, once upon a time I totally dispised Mario - not because of the intense rivalry with Sega or Sony at the time, but rather because in terms of setting most of the games in the entire saga were completely unoriginal. It was one of the reasons why I refrained from New Super Mario Bros on the DS for so long as well, along with the reason of its stupid name tag (it won't be new for THAT long, wouldn't it?). But it's through those kind of experiences that make me think something - at least Nintendo are consistent enough to actually make games that are either FUN to play, give you the drive to keep playing, and/or provide enough challenge to make gaming worth it again.
And looking at the bigger picture, I can't even see any further senses of originality from Nintendo's rivals either, so whatever console we support, no one is going to be better off with one system or another - it's all about personal tastes on what you as a person want to play.
Oh man, people... Everyone stop complaining before the VC just shuts down globally lol At least we're all getting VC/WiiWare releases in some form each week, even if they do suck or you don't like them. If something gets released on the VC that you don't wanna play, don't forget your Wii plays Wii games, too! Even GCN games! Go try another NEW game instead of pining for the past all the time! It's alright to be frustrated, but don't let it deter you from other great games...
Plus Chrono Trigger's coming out on the DS this winter, so no one should be complaining about anything =P
Haha, that's GOLDEN. You folks get two games and still have the audacity to complain? When we get our one overpriced crap release on Monday I'm actually going to look forward to the hypocritical nonsense from across the ocean.
@el cabarto: These two games are two weeks worth of VC releases for Europe. They get biweekly releases, not weekly. Plus, they pay twice as much for their VC points. We're on the same schedule number-og-games-wise, but you pay less for them and still call them overpriced.
1 game a week at US$9 when it's a game that's about to be released in a collection where each game would cost less than US$4? Yeah, that's overpriced. Don't even try to act like you guys aren't being hypocrites.
I'm trying to find alternatives to the VC recently, so I recently bought Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz for $10, and I went to a retro game store and picked up Pilotwings for the SNES. Both games are pretty good.
Adamant has a point though. VC games out here are paid to the equivalent of £7 (almost $14) to 1000 points, while across the pond one would pay $10 (just over £5) for the same amount. And as stated before, not every single Neo Geo release as of late is going to be on that collection so don't see every release for that system to be "pointless".
assumes position for America's Monday release
After some, uh, 'playtest investigations', Ninja Commando seems pretty awful. I'd rather play Guerrilla Wars on the NES, if we're choosing top-down shooters. As for AoF2, I'm too picky with Fighters to bother shelling out money for that, if it hits America. Regardless, I don't mind the NeoGeo trend as long as they throw in some familiar mainstream faves (see: other systems) occasionally.
Oh, and Virtual Console is not serious business. Everybody calm down.
No, Rexy, I have a point. You guys are hypocrites. You tell us not to complain and then here we are. I'll see you on Monday but you can expect me to laugh at your nonsense.
You can't call us hypocrites when most of us aren't even crying out for a strict selection of titles like some of the Americans do half the time. We take the news like men - if we don't like the games, then we don't assume it to be a bad week if there ARE people that actually like it. Call our opinions nonsense all you want, but don't think that namecalling without reason will make you feel better.
Amen el cabarto.
For some reason, they try to make us seem like the bad guys.
Face it, everyone complains at one point or another.
Whats the point in having an opinion if you can't express it?
*We take the news like men*
Oh my.
So all Americans act like children?
And all Europeans act like mature adults?
Glad we cleared that up.
Gotta love the community on this site.
*You can't call us hypocrites when most of us aren't even crying out for a strict selection of titles like some of the Americans do half the time.*
And that makes those people hypocritical how?
And once again, this is only an American thing right?
Because Europeans are perfect?
Well I apologize for anyone American, on this site, expressing their opinion.
As soon as I see it, I'll take care of it right away.
I said "some" for a reason in the above post. Not all Americans like that, but if the past few news stories are of any concern, it makes it sound less like you lack maturity but more like you're more picky over what you want to play. That's to be understandable given that Nintendo gained total dominance in the American gaming market pre-1995.
1 game a week at US$9 when it's a game that's about to be released in a collection where each game would cost less than US$4? Yeah, that's overpriced.
How many times must it be pointed out that NEITHER of these games are in the upcoming collection?
Also arent we technically paying a bargain for NeoGeo games considering what they used to cost?
Uhhh, I know our English is a little different....
But wanna read this again?
*We take the news like men*
Thats assuming the "other side" doesn't take the news as well as their masculine counterparts.
"Some" was in a completely different sentence, so don't try to emit damage control.
*then we don't assume it to be a bad week if there ARE people that actually like it*
Once again, you're assuming all Europeans are like you.
And that all Americans are little children.
And didn't your mom tell you what happens when you assume? Or is that an American saying?
Europeans complaining about Americans complaining.
Ironic, huh?
"Oh, and Virtual Console is not serious business. Everybody calm down."
I think it doesn't help matters that we haven't had a major Wii release in North America since May. I used to think one of the main reasons Nintendo came up with the Virtual Console to begin with was to keep fans happy while they were waiting for the next big Wii game.
"Europeans complaining about Americans complaining.
Ironic, huh?"
You'd think something like that (complainers about the VC) would be easy to ignore if it was as painful to read as some say. There are plenty of posts around here that have next to nothing in the way of actual points, that I don't care to filter through the mudslinging, and I just scroll down.
I think I counted a few disgruntled European posts at the top, btw.
Edit: I mean some people are (at worst) blowing off steam about the Virtual Console, and the other side is whining about the posts.
Looking at it this way, who's the worse whiner (seemingly able to put up with less)? Those upset with VC-releases, or those upset with said posts/opinions/rants that they don't like to read?
"Oh, and Virtual Console is not serious business. Everybody calm down."
A year and a half after the Wii was touted to have this uber-backward-compatibility, we have an average of roughly 25-30 old games per old console. Japan hasn't put up with quite that level of nonsense, apparently. And, speaking of cultures, the Japanese are quite well-mannered yet would clearly not put up with this level of nonsense--their loud complaining about the PS3 sixaxis not having rumble support, for instance. Sony: "But we can't have that and motion control" Japanese: "figure it out anyway."
Everybody won--everyone got happy. How about some rants about how whiney the Japanese are, then, and how that came to nothing but annoying some people who'll put up with pretty much anything?
I know for sure that the VC isn't meant to be serious business but rather a form of entertainment medium, and that's how I ended up seeing it - a great way to explore games of the past. I'm just a little annoyed that some people only want certain things and thus adding some form of pressure - whether in sales or written commentary - to the Nintendo staff marketing it.
Some people need to open their eyes a bit more. We are offered a multi-system retro gaming machine built in a modern games console, and life is way too short to tear it all apart. I may be different as I haven't been with Nintendo home consoles for much of my youth, but I just wish people could at least appreciate what they're given and have patience for what they desire most.
Concerning the Japanese, all it tells me is that Sony at least listens to people out there, even when pressurised - not to mention them usually getting what they want (understandable given their huge population). But I weren't expecting them to keep complaining to Sony about something as trivial as a game controller setup. Where did you find the info out anyway?
LOL, rexy takes it like a man!
x.SuperMario.x vs. Rexy
who will win this week!?
"Where did you find the info out anyway?"
An old report from famitsu--some Japanese friends. Sony was highly "criticized" for not having a rumble feature in the controller. Also . . . <digs out old issue of EGM>
Looks like I'm into it after all, I guess, so how about an interview with Peter Dille titled: "A senior Vice President talks about a 'Sony that listens' in '08 . . ." "Sony first claimed rumble wasn't important." --EGM, issue 226, pg. 53
Peter Dille (Vice-President): ". . . but we heard loud and clear that rumble was important to gamers and took the necessary steps to make it happen."
Does that suffice, Rexy? It sounds an AWFUL lot like Sony (and their reputation in general with the PS3) did some moves, the people made "loud and clear" that they were unhappy with them, and Sony fixed them. But then, I'm just paraphrasing the quote above that I sure hope gets the point across. The full quote (not posted here) also does a good job of nailing this entire argument about how "Nintendo can do what it wants and we're just lucky, lucky, lucky," yeah, any business can ignore its consumers or whatever else if it wants to go belly-up.
You think something is "trivial" and let it go, fine . . . you won't get it. Those who are unhappy may complain. Maybe sometimes it won't help, but sometimes it does, doesn't it?
. . . and how about that phrase in the above quote, "loud and clear"?
EDIT: Personally, I wasn't one of the complainers about the rumble feature, though I'm really happy it's there now (MGS series always had a "rumble director," even, making sure it was well-implemented to excellent effect). But it sure looks like I reaped the benefits from those that did complain, no?
It sounds like Americans also contributed a great deal. My mistake. As a matter of fact, I remember the American gaming press and audience giving Sony a lot of flak about it from the outset.
Oh Well I hope we get something else on Monday but w/e Hey guys I just Sharted from laughing... ur all too funny... if NOA ever gets a system down for this Im all aboard but for the crazy heres three words 'Xbox, Splinter Cell, and Linux'...
I personally Have not downloaded for a while since Elink and DS...so Wii for me!!! I hope NOA Gives the hardcore fanbase our "props" soon because we were here before "family gaming" and we will be here after too... but at least Ninty did good with DS.
W(onder)Ware all the games have gone?
"Wii" should all write Ninty and "whine" as team... nah.
Rapadash6="Bravo for ruining the Wii's best feature Nintendo, bravo!"
what about motion controls?
I really hope Nintendo realizes that they've ruined VC Mondays by releasing only 1 game each week and the worst part is it's a game we don't even care about. What is going on with the Virtual Console? I thought Nintendo's main purpose for the VC was to release old school games from the mid 80s-late 90s but instead they're abusing their own feature. I really look forward every Monday to seeing games we actually care about but instead we get crap we never even played when they were originally released back in the day.
My money is on x.SuperMario.x, He knows what he's talking about.
Hahah. At this rate, the Wii won't be a Nintendo console anymore. The other old consoles will take over the VC soon enough.
@ Madman.
Yeah, shame he doesn't know what we're talking about.
Not only does he twist words, he inserts them too.
@ el cabarto.
Please show me where the EU-ers whom have "lectured" you about VC releases have complained in this post.
Also, I question that you really do have a point. Other than flame baiting that is.
Twist words, and inserts them?
It'd be nice if these mature European posters on VC-R would actually come up with a valid point, instead of trying to criticize others.
Because of his reviews, I actually had respect for Demon212, until I saw some of his posts.
As Cally previously stated, there's just as many people complaining about posts on this site as there are people complaining about the VC.
In my opinion, it's more annoying to read posts whining about other users.
What's equally as troubling, is the sudden impression that Europeans believe they're more mature than Americans on this site.
I wish people would judge other people based on their opinions, and not because of their nation of origin.
A great example is when Rexy said Europeans, "take it like men".
To all you Europeans out there, immaturity isn't indigenous to any one country.
To all you Americans out there, I have a dream, that one day, my children will live in a world where they are not judged by their nation of origin, but by the content of their character.
What's really sad is I've lived more years in Germany than in the United States, but somehow I'm being labeled as an "immature American".
Weird right?
Actually, the stupidity on this site amazes me.
*Demon212 says- Anyway, whinging SM, is basically complaining. But it's ultra complaining that serves no purpose and benefits no one at all.* (Comment 80)
Oh my.
Let me get this straight.....
Complaining about games on a gaming site is useless...
But complaining about people on a gaming site serves a purpose?
*Demon212 says- And on a final note, I love how quickly people find an excuse to whinge. Last week SM was annoyed that they got a 2 star game, this week he's building himself up to self destruction with anger over a 3 and a 4. It really is showing that all he wants are Ninty's AAA titles. Because any other AAA title must be like an F- for him.* (Comment 80)
Talk about me twisting words?
Oh my, oh my.
Well I do love how you read some posts, but not others.
Read this one:
I said- @ Jon- It's not even Nintendo exclusives I'm hoping for.
It's the other great games that'll probably never be released. (Comment 50)
*Rexy says- we at least don't cry out loud for one or a few games in particular* (Comment 78)
Americans have been cast the stereotype of crying out for particular games, and whining when they aren't released.
ex. SMRPG, Earthbound.
My question is, who so far on this particular article has cried out for any particular game?
The answer is nobody.
What about last week's US VC releases?
Click here, son.
How many people mention SMRPG or Earthbound?
Nice try, now get back to the drawing board.
Call me immature, but I'll take intelligence over maturity any day.
Hooo man. I think we're gonna be in for one naaaasty monday!
This is gonna be good!
@Rexy. You go girl!
I really hope Nintendo realizes that they've ruined VC Mondays by releasing only 1 game each week and the worst part is it's a game we don't even care about.
Please stop speaking for everyone!
You shouldn't accuse someone of 'flame baiting' with an inflammatory post. Read post number 17 for the answer to your question. It's the best example and the one that set me off the most after all of Rexy's preaching about last Mondays NA releases.
What el cabarto is trying to say is....
*after a month of settling into a routine, we get this thrown at us - complete lack of variety, as I referred to in an earlier thread. Now, I have no understanding on the future release routine for the VC, given that we've had to wait two weeks for two games*
Americans can't complain about the games they get.
But Europeans can complain about their VC schedule, even though they've still been getting more games than us?
Not to mention, didn't someone else try to bring up the lack of variety?
Oh yes, that was me.
Is that right el cabarto?
If so, he kinda has a point.
But don't throw down your tea kettle and attack this poor man.
*I really hope Nintendo realizes that they've ruined VC Mondays by releasing only 1 game each week and the worst part is it's a game we don't even care about.*
So nobody in the world likes this game?
Just another ignorant statement among plenty of others.
Well I'm off for bed.
Looking forward to any responses my three long posts might generate.
@ Demon212- Happy birthday. And we can still be friends, right?
@ Everyone else- Please, just agree with me, so we can both be right.
You shouldn't accuse someone of 'flame baiting' with an inflammatory post."
I can't believe whoever started/perpetuated the European/American superiority thing--that is, sweeping generalizations about a culture's "bad attitudes"--wasn't accused of "flame baiting." Some took the bait, of course. Not surprisingly, in this very thread, it's clear all Europeans (check out the earliest posts) don't agree. And as el cabarto pointed out about post 17 (in his post 150), I'm not sure if Rexy even agrees with herself:
“But I do agree, after a two week wait and a settled routine for five per fortnight, this is disappointing. I have nothing against the Neo Geo as I'm sure there will be people who will appreciate both of these games very much, but after a month of settling into a routine, we get this thrown at us - complete lack of variety, as I referred to in an earlier thread.” (17)
"I just wish people could at least appreciate what they're given and have patience for what they desire most." (137)
. . . . . . . .
I think I like this term, "flame-baiting." Because that's all I can discern as far as intentions, looking at these epic contradictions--getting righteous at people to egg them on.
so let me get this straight... the wingers are winging over who deserves to be able to winge the most?
take a deep breath and ban yourself from writing anything until the next vc-reviews news post.
Let me look at that bulletin from last week. It started with post 9 asking for Last Ninja 3 and SMRPG, then Mike following up asking for more Nintendo/Sega titles, post 14 wanting SMRPG and Yoshi's Island... and it continues on and on - even to the point that a fair selection of posters went completely against the Neo Geo.
Sure, it'll be nice to wait for something that we want. But it's the VC schedule - give it time. It's better to receive a more polished emulation in a few months than getting a quirky one in a few weeks.
Maybe I used the wrong choice of words for post 139. I have no intention to flame bait at all, but what I should have meant is that we are meant to at least accept the fact that that's what we're given this week, and if we aren't interested, then do something else - just don't waste time by claiming that you'd boycott Nintendo, just because they released a game that you won't even approach because you've never played it, even if it receives a 4 or 5 star rating.
And concerning Sony, it was a good point raised concerning the rumble feature required for Metal Gear Solid. Yet the reason why I stated that the controller thing with Sony was merely "trivial" was namely because I faced a bad experience in my leading to evading the PS3; we've had the weaker software models for start, the worse price tags and no presence of the Emotion Engine in prior model releases. If Sony can listen to people concerning the game controllers, can't they listen to people concerning other parts of their poor management of the PS3?
I always buy a couple of cards on payday every month, but after last weeks poor wiiware selection (just my personal opinion, not that they wernt bad games) I was hoping for some good VC titles on Monday.
I probably would have bought a good Neo Geo fighting game if it wasnt for the fact you can get a retail version of Guilty Gear Accent Core for jus £4.98 from game or the equivilant of 650 points on the Virtual Console.
Fingers crossed for good wiiware next week :X
@DEMON212: "IMO we need some proper sports games too. We have Blades Of Steel, but where's the other brill Hockey games? Where's Super Soccer and Super Tennis. The VC is crying for a Footie game. Where's Sensie Soccer Euro Champs?"
The Neo Geo soccer game series Super Sidekicks should be making it's way to the VC before too long, I'd assume.
@ SM.
Hey, I have no bad feelings at all towards you. I'm just trying to defend Rexy whom people seem to be ganging up on.
it's good that you're defending Rexy and all, but it seems like all she does is try tell people that their opinion is null, and it does get annoying. Now I have nothing against Rexy as she obviously knows what she is talking about in most cases, but it seems like she's the firestarter half the time.
Opinions are opinions, and I appreciate that, yet I just get annoyed too easily with the state of affairs week after week. And I'm in no position to say that peoples' opinions are null either - just trying to see some realism in the situation of the releases, and with pending releases I do indeed accept what people want to play. It's just become awkward when people refuse to give a chance to a well-received game that they never played before (read: the Bio Miracle incident).
But if I'm seen by everyone as the self-proclaimed "firestarter", then so be it. As passionate about the VC as I am, I'm obviously not needed here.
I could address all of the PS3 questions pretty aptly, I think--barely resisting--but I suspect I'm already pushing it as far as long, complicated posts go. My singular point was on the proven relevance of feedback (albeit balanced and fair) to a company. Press the PS3 issue again and I'd be happy to bite, though.
And your point about Mike, SMRPG, and Earthbound--there's good reason to be mad about that: lots of people want them. Both of those titles have been stuck at the top of Nintendo Power's "reader's most wanted" list for months, and isn't "give the people what they want" the first rule of business for a reason? It's good for everybody. It's pretty clear that Nintendo isn't listening or properly responding to its fan-base and behold, naturally, it's getting embittered. On these boards we also don't have our facts straight about a few things you brought up and that many are frustrated with. Why isn't Nintendo putting out? If it's rated, it's ready--that's how I understand it, as the ESRB and most rating systems won't put a rating on an unfinished product. But Nintendo could clear this up if they actually did have a good reason (I suspect that they don't).
I try not to do it myself too terribly much, but I don't see what's so offensive about someone blowing off steam/frustration, whereas the other party--seemingly happy as can be--often seems to be doing a little more than kindly suggesting to "look on the bright side" and that comes across as incredibly condescending (along with lots of other aforementioned comments). At least 2/3 of my downloads are titles I've never played, for instance, but I'd find it severely obnoxious to be accusative at somebody's personal (and cultural?!) flaws who don't care to spend money the way I think they should.
For all the time and energy some of us put on these boards, it shouldn't be hard to shoot Nintendo an email if people really wanted to be more productive. But again, some people are just venting. After that I imagine it probably didn't completely ruin someone's life and they likely do go out and do other things with it.
@ AtTheDriveIn92
In line with my posts above, I second the "fire-starter" observation. And at least the throwing gas on the fire for reasons that seem to be different every other post; there's this myriad of firm beliefs throughout the posts directed at parties and other opinions that look reactionary--out of all the posters around here, I can't see any cohesion in her statements.
And I'm hopeful maybe that will settle down. Say what you want, but when it drifts into initiating "people should think/do/etc . . ." yeah, that's when you can expect some return-fire all right. It's just risky like that.
EDIT: I got Biomiracle, which was cool, but if people don't want to drop $6 to give it a chance that's their prerogative, no?
@Rexy #160
And then we come right back to what so many of us have been saying. We can't try the games before we buy so we're naturally reticent to purchase games that we've never even HEARD about much less played ourselves or know someone else who has. Add this to the incredibly limited amount of releases we've had in the US lately and you have alienated customers. Nintendo's business model relies on nostalgia to drive sales. If they keep releasing shlop that no one is nostalgic for then...
So it's confirmed. I came to this site to show some enthusiasm with the VC, and it's been most obvious that my opinions are unimportant. I know that SMRPG and Earthbound are popular, and I'm equally enthusiastic over the latter, but I was just suggesting that there's more than that.
And concerning the games we've never tried, chances to try are few and far between, I agree with that. I would suggest emulation but that's already dodgy enough as it is. And the Masterpieces collection on Smash Bros Brawl isn't that expansive either, so we just have to go by word of mouth otherwise.
But concerning future releeases, I'll do you all a massive favor and won't post on the site ever again. Because my words, no matter how detailed and logical, have the same value as an ant at a flea market.
Can't we all just be friends?
I mean, if we didn't have each other, then nobody would post here, and then we'd all be sad little pandas, now wouldn't we?
Yes, but no one would want to be a friend of me if I'm seen as a "firestarter" for multiple weeks in a row. I'm on the edge of giving up.
It's okay, we all still love each other.
Don't take things too seriously. I doubt there's anyone on this entire site that actually dislikes you.
If I recall, there's a few posts on this article alone in which people say how much they agree with you. Nobody does that for me, and I'm still here.
Besides, it helps to see things from a female's perspective.
If that's the case, I'll take post 164 back. But I promise that if I see someone get awkward over tomorrow's VC releases stateside, I won't get angered over peoples' frustration. And if I do, I'll purchase Wrecking Crew and force myself to play it for 4 hours straight
Actually, you get more support than a lot of people.
Mike says- I agree with Rexy's comment (comment 110)
Mr. Cheez says- @Rexy. You go girl! (comment 148)
Demon212 says- @ Rexy. Exactamundo my fair lady. (comment 80)
So what are you talking about? I've never gotten support from three people on this site.... ever.
As for Super Mario RPG and Earthbound....
Screw them, I still haven't finished Paper Mario.
"For all the time and energy some of us put on these boards, it shouldn't be hard to shoot Nintendo an email if people really wanted to be more productive. But again, some people are just venting."
Nintendo doesn't pay attention to e-mails.
"So it's confirmed. I came to this site to show some enthusiasm with the VC, and it's been most obvious that my opinions are unimportant. I know that SMRPG and Earthbound are popular, and I'm equally enthusiastic over the latter, but I was just suggesting that there's more than that."
I don't care about Super Mario RPG or Earthbound. I already own Super Mario RPG and I was one of those gamers back in the day who ignored Earthbound upon release. I would have bought the Earthbound games on the GameBoy Advance, but Nintendo of America didn't bother releasing them over here.
Yeah, Nintendo's promotion of the Mother series outside Japan has disappointed me. All I can hope for is if the use of Lucas in Brawl can be some kind of indication that it should be welcomed back.
In regards to Mario's posts above, I just want to say a brief thank you. Like I said, I'll remain calm for tomorrow's VC releases or I'll self-punish myself.
I don't even know what we're fighting about now. On one side we have Demon arguing that Americans are "Whingers", then we have ol' Supermario here trying to combat Rexy, Demon, and El Cabarto, then Rexy trying to defend everyone else ganging up on her, and then Supermario complaining abour Europe complaining about America complaining?
Is it me, or is this entire thread catching up with itself? Everybody, just. Stop. Talking. Please! For The Love Of God! My brain is hurting from trying to comprehend all this!
Monday is just a day away, then we'll probably get another Mediocre NEOGEO game (probably a beat 'em up of some sort.) and/or another Mediocre fighter (possibly a sequel to one already on VC. I bet World Heroes 2.), then the badmouthing and bickering can start anew. I wonder what exactly started all this anyway?
@x.SuperMario.x: Get on that, buddy! I absolutely loved Paper Mario when it came out for N64, and I almost had a heart attack when it was released on the VC. Though it's sequel was much, much funnier, I preferred the original because it had more of a Mario "feel" to it. And unlike most RPG fans, I liked that it was a very easy game to complete. (Mainly because I have a hard time committing to a difficult RPG)
If we're going to lose a poster's voice like yours, I'll buy SPOGS Racing (or maybe China Warrior) as my own "self-punishment." Keep up the comments whether they be angry or helpful, you are one of the more intelligent voices of these comment boards and I'd rather not lose that.
Although I've stopped myself from posting many times, I'm going to say now there is nothing wrong with arguing about anything. It's one of the things that keeps many people coming back to these pages. The question everyone has to ask themselves before they post is are they trying to move a point forward or are they trying to throw an insult cloaked in gaming words. I've done enough insulting myself, but some of the stuff up here is ridiculous. Read the comments people, don't be uneducated, and for the love of Pete, unless posting relieves you of anger or brings joy to you, do yourself a favor and don't read the posts!
Well, there's my final rant (hopefully) until tomorrow. I think we may get two games for the VC tomorrow and I'm excited.
@ Bass X0 about seven miles up the page:
That was just my opinion. I wasn't stating it as fact. I even said 'In my eyes' in the bit that you quoted. Your response seemed a wee bit too antagonistic if you ask me, =/
And @ what is contained within the seven miles of text:
lol wut?
And now for some optimistic wishful thinking:
Tomorrows US VC releases will be: Megaman X3, Castlevania Bloodlines, and Captain Skyhawk.
Wouldn't that be a great day for VC?
10 imaginary bucks says Rexy doesn't stay calm for tomorrow. xD
im saving my imaginary bucks for wii points
Rexy, keep this up and you'll start getting marriage proposals, lol
Didn't she already get one from someone many news posts ago?
Well I'd propose, but it probably wouldn't fly with the girlfriend.
@Lynx. You think this is a lot of text? Have you seen the Fatal Fury 2 article!?!? It takes like 5 minuites to get to the bottom of that page!
Hooray! If we keep this up, we'll beat that page's record for "The longest thread of any VC-R article". lol.
@Raptor. Hopefully you guys will get better WW games this week than we will. We're getting Major League Eating!
The save feature on my Super Mario All-Stars/ Super Mario World SNES cart just crapped out. I lost everything. I need a shoulder to cry on...
at first I thought you were calling Rexy a lesbian, but then I realized you meant your girlfriend, haha.
I'm surprised no one has said anything about my comment yet (#174). lol.
@ Rexy
Personally, I think your comments are some of the most intelligent and thought out on this site. I also have to laugh at how just about every thread you have to remind someone that you're a female
@ SuperMario
I agree with most of what you say, but I think people are mainly put off by the way you say it.
And, quite frankly, I'm tired of Neo Geo games because, as you said, fighters don't appeal to me.
There's no reason why Americans can't whine in the European release thread. This is teh internetz. There's whining EVERYWHERE.
@Mr. Cheez: No matter what releases we get tomorrow, I vow to stay positive because Nintendo's E3 conference is on Tuesday. I am hoping for some big news not only regarding Wii games, but hopefully some VC-related info. I don't expect Nintendo to release a big game one day before their E3 event, but then again, who really knows?
Yeah, I was talking about my girlfriend.
@ Mr. Cheez- The fire had already died before you told everyone to shut up.
@ Andrew- Paper Mario 64 is easily my favorite game... ever.
I just haven't had much time to play it.
But I've already decided, if nothing I like gets released tomorrow, I'm gonna finish Paper Mario.
@ konkerdoodle- I'll try to work on how I say things.
But Andrew is right, nobody should be anticipating anything big tomorrow.
This week is all about E3.
Nintendo won't want a huge VC release to steal the thunder.
@x.SuperMario.x: I would definitely put the original Paper Mario in my top 5 games of all-time. It's just so freaking addicting!
E3 Predictions: Here's hoping Nintendo will allow VC games to be played from an SD card. I've heard that Pikmin 3 and Animal Crossing Wii will be shown. I also have a suspicion (or hope) that Nintendo will announce the often-rumored Metroid Dread for the DS.
@Supermario. I was quite aware of that, genius. During the time I was typing up that comment (Damn wii browser, takes forever to type messages on it, and yes, I typed most of that on my wii browser. Don't ask me why.), quite a few people got ahead of me (7 comments!). Also, I just HAD to express my opinion and bewilderment towards the absolute chaos of this article. That, and I was a bit late to the party (first chimed in @ #91, which was about where it started to get juicy.).
On an unrelated note, I downloaded Paper Mario 2 or 3 weeks ago and have yet to beat it myself. It's a fantastic game, and TTYD was one of my favorite Gamecube games. I'm still in the desert, so I got ways to go.
Peace y'all. See you tomorrow!
@ Andrew
I'm rooting for Kid Icarus Wii and F-zero Z to be shown at E3 tomorrow.
And for those of you who care YAY today's my birthday!!! (actually it's on July 13th but it's still the 13th where I live, time zones FOR THE LOSE!)
You had better not even think of not posting anymore. You do have very intelligent responses and I congradulate you for keeping such a postive attitude during some of these bleak VC release weeks. Of course most of my complaining is not directed at the games themselves (although sometimes it seems that way), but rather at the amount of games we have been getting. Some of the NeoGeo games do look interesting, but I still think Nintendo releasing 1 game every week blows chunks!
Besides Rexy, I always find it pretty cool when a female likes video games.
@PHANTOM93: Yeah, I think the chances of a Kid Icarus for Wii are really good. F-Zero also seems like a definite possibility. I have this idea in the back of my mind that we may see a Wii Zelda trailer. (fingers crossed)
Happy birthday, by the way.
I put it all down to haste if it comes to decisions like that, but I have to say thanks to everyone. I have to admit, the marriage proposals were hilarious though
And yeah, I completely forgot about Nintendo's E3 conference. Personally, I want to see if a Wii version of Kid Icarus does come to light but I wouldn't mind if it doesn't. I'll have my ears open for anything that comes through.
A new F-Zero game would be cool. a new kid icarus game would be most welcome too although i'd rather they used Pit's Brawl design than making him older.
i'd also love a third person action adventure game playing as captain falcon bounty hunting set in the f-zero universe.
@ Andrew
Yeah i'd like to see another Zelda game for the Wii, especially since the Gamecube got 3 Zelda games (not counting collections and Ocarina Remakes)
@ Bass XO
I'd really like it if they used Pit's Brawl model in the Kid Icarus game as well. The F-zero bounty hunting sounds cool, and is a welcome addition to the franchise so long as: 1. It's not uber-difficult like F-zero GX'S story and 2. The Racing is kept as the most important aspect of the game.
All 3 consoles release crap for the most part every week so who cares! especially the ps3 (cough junk) i dont even turn mine on,i give the wii,360 and my modded sega saturn all my love so whatever we get for now will have to be good enough! and you can't expect big n or microsoft to meet every gamers need or this would be a whor*%n industry and not a gamin industry!!
201st comment! Huzzah for messing things up!
It'll be deleted.
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