Chris over at Covering E3 has posted an article confirming some details about the Wii console and what will be included at launch, heres an overview of his findings.

  1. Retail Wii will ship with a Wii console, Wii Remote & Nunchuk and no games.
  2. The classic controller won't be included and sold separately.
  3. Additional Wii Remote's will always be sold with an Nunchuk, you can class it as one item.
  4. Wii Remote currently uses AA batteries, but this might be changed to a built in battery pack.
  5. Possible Wii Remote recharge station, but nothing confirmed.
  6. Wii Remote uses Bluetooth to talk to the Wii, Infrared to the sensor and gyroscopes/accelerometers for movement.

Chris goes on to talk about the Virtual Console system and the mock up at E3, Licencing problems with older games and of course the Wii name itself.

Head on over to their site and read the full article.
