Welcome to our ultimate guide for collecting every Power Moon from the Luncheon Kingdom in Super Mario Odyssey! Below, you'll find maps detailing the exact location for all 68 of the Power Moons located in this Kingdom, as well as descriptions on how to get each and every one of them.
The numbers on the maps correspond to the relevant Power Moon listed below and, whilst most of them appear in that spot from the beginning (or after you've completed the story at least), it is worth nothing that sometimes you are required to perform a specific action to make it appear. Use a combination of our maps and walkthrough information to grab each of the Power Moons with ease. Enjoy!
On this page: Super Mario Odyssey: Luncheon Kingdom Power Moon Locations
Luncheon Kingdom Power Moons (1-28)
1. The Broodals Are After Some Cookin’: This Power Moon will be yours when you manage to defeat Spewart the Broodal.
2. Under the Cheese Rocks: As you progress through the story in the Luncheon Kingdom, you'll come to an area with two Hammer Bros. Capture one of the Hammer Bros. (who are actually throwing saucepans) and smash all of the cheese rocks to the west. You'll unveil a lever that can be pulled to reveal a Power Moon.
3. Big Pot on the Volcano: Dive In!: Eventually you'll find yourself at the Meat Plateau and, at the top, you'll see a large chunk of meat. Capture the meat and you'll be taken away by the Cookatiel to a large pot. From there, jump across the various ingredients until you reach the Power Moon.
4. Climb Up the Cascading Magma: Head to location number 4 on our map (accessed by heading west from Peronza Plaza) to find a doorway-like entrance to a cave. Inside, capture a Lava Bubble and make your way up the pink/purple waterfall. When you reach the end of this area, you'll notice a single lantern that is unlit - jump into the lantern as a Lava Bubble to light it and reveal your Power Moon.
5. Cookatiel Showdown!: From the Top of the Peak Climb checkpoint flag, capture a Lava Bubble and jump into the nearby cannon to launch yourself into the giant cooking pot. You'll enter a battle with the Cookatiel and, after you get the victory, you'll be rewarded with a Power Moon.
6. Piled on the Salt: This Power Moon is located on a high platform at location number 6 on our map. The easiest way to get there is to return to where you collected Power Moon number 1 (just south of Peronza Plaza), jump up onto the nearby rooftops to the south, and make your way over the buildings until you reach the Power Moon (which you should see glowing in the distance).
7. Lurking in the Pillar’s Shadow: For this Power Moon, you'll need to capture one of the Lava Bubbles just north of the Odyssey and travel through the pink lava until you reach location 7 on our map. At that location, you should notice a small platform within the lava with a stone platform just behind that. Jump up onto this stone platform to find a small alcove with a Power Moon inside.
8. Atop the Jutting Crag: Warp to the Peronza Plaza checkpoint flag and head to the east of town. When you reach the edge, capture a Lava Bubble and jump into the cannon near the wooden pegs in the lava in front of you. As you fly through the cannon's flight path, you'll need to press 'ZL' to release the Lava Bubble just as you are flying over a blue mountain - this will allow you to fall down as Mario and collect the Power Moon sitting on the top of this mountain.
9. Is This an Ingredient Too?!: Just to the left of the Crazy Cap store in Peronza Plaza, you'll find a small alley with a pile of crates at the back. Smash these crates to reveal this Power Moon.
10. Atop a Column in a Row: Peronza Plaza is surrounded by tall pillars and the one in the southeast corner contains a Power Moon on its top. Jump up onto the large vegetables in the plaza to reach higher ground (or the buildings as they are an option to do this too) so that you can jump onto any of the pillars around the edge of town. Jump from pillar to pillar until you reach the one in question, and then perform a ground pound on the glowing patch to reveal a Power Moon.
11. Surrounded by Tall Mountains: Warp to the Meat Plateau checkpoint flag and long jump from the area you are standing on in a westerly direction, landing on the blue mountain below. You should notice that one small jagged bit of this mountain (on its northern side) has a glowing spot. If you ground pound this spot, you'll reveal a Power Moon.
12. Island of Salt Floating in the Lava: Just to the southeast of the Salt-Pile Isle checkpoint flag is a second island covered in salt. Capture a Lava Bubble to reach it and then perform a ground pound in the centre of the island to get a Power Moon.
13. Overlooking a Bunch of Ingredients: Warp to the Top of the Peak Climb checkpoint flag, capture a Lava Bubble, and jump into the cannon to fly over to the giant cooking pot. From this pot, you'll need look down to Peronza Plaza below, looking out for the blue mountains just to the west of it (location 13 on our map). Jump out of the pot aiming for this area - if you make it onto the mountain, you'll be able to head south along it to find the Power Moon.
14. Light the Lantern on the Small Island: Warp to the Path to the Meat Plateau checkpoint flag and look directly in front of you - you'll notice an unlit lantern sitting on its own small island. Simply capture a nearby Lava Bubble, and jump onto this lantern to light it and reveal a Power Moon.
15. Golden Turnip Recipe 1: Just to the right of the Crazy Cap store you'll see three turnips buried in the ground. Use Cappy on the one in the middle (it'll be gold), and then carry it over to large cooking pot in Peronza Plaza to receive a Power Moon.
16. Golden Turnip Recipe 2: Follow the instructions for Power Moon number 8 to reach the blue mountain located there. Just beyond that Power Moon there are three turnips - use Cappy on the middle one (it'll be gold) and pick it up. Make your way back to Peronza Plaza by dropping down to the area around the Path to the Meat Plateau checkpoint flag and heading over to the west. After you've hopped over the mountain into the plaza, throw the turnip into the large cooking pot to receive a Power Moon.
17. Golden Turnip Recipe 3: Warp to the Path to the Meat Plateau checkpoint flag and make your way north until you reach the area with the ramps. Capture the Hammer Bro there and follow the small platforms around to the right of these ramps - you'll eventually find a hidden cheese rock. Smash this rock to reveal a golden turnip - you'll need to take this turnip all the way back to the large cooking pot in Peronza Plaza by going back the way you came and heading over the mountains just beyond the original cheese rocks. Throw it in the pot to be rewarded with a Power Moon.
18. Luncheon Kingdom Timer Challenge 1: Flick yourself up the two forks that are stuck in the wall just behind the Odyssey to find a scarecrow. Throw Cappy at the scarecrow, and then use wall jumps to travel through the platforming section that appears, to get the Power Moon.
19. Luncheon Kingdom Timer Challenge 2: You'll find a scarecrow south of Peronza Plaza, looking out onto the lava towards location 19 on our map from the mainland just to the west of it. Throw Cappy at this scarecrow, and then run across the platform that appears to collect the key and back again to get the Power Moon. Keep in mind that the purple blocks will fade away if you touch them so you'll need to allow yourself room for two trips.
20. Luncheon Kingdom Timer Challenge 3: Warp to the Start of the Peak Climb checkpoint flag and look behind you to see a scarecrow. After throwing Cappy at this scarecrow, two platforms will appear that can be manipulated with Mario's weight. Tip the platforms to your favour - allowing you to run up them and jump onto the next - to collect the key, and then make your way back for the Power Moon.
21. Beneath the Rolling Vegetables: Make your way to the Remote Island in the Lava in the northeast of the map. Jump into the green pipe on this island, and make your way through this 2D section, to eventually come across a Power Moon.
22. All the Cracks Are Fixed: On the same island as Power Moon 21, talk to the Volbanan standing next to the checkpoint flag. You'll find out that all of the cracks on the island need to be fixed so head around the entire island, ground pounding every one of them and, when you've managed to get every last one, you'll be able to claim your Power Moon as a reward.
23. Taking Notes: Swimming in Magma: Just to the west of the Remote Island in the Lava, you should spot a glowing treble clef hovering above the lava. Touch this treble clef, and then collect all of the music notes that lead you towards that island to receive a Power Moon.
24. Love Above the Lava: You'll find four Goombas in the area near the Odyssey. Capture one of them, and then jump onto the others, to form a small tower of four. With your tower assembled, head over to the giant corn on the cob and make it roll over to the Goombette by using the weight of the tower strategically. When you make it to the Goombette, she'll reward you with a Power Moon.
25. Shopping in Mount Volbono: You can purchase this Power Moon from this Kingdom's Crazy Cap store. It'll cost you 100 gold coins.
26. Luncheon Kingdom Slots: You'll find a slots building at area number 26 on our map above (just behind some vegetables in Peronza Plaza). Head inside and play the game - you'll need to make each icon stop on the Power Moon by using Cappy.
27. A Strong Simmer: For this Power Moon, you'll need to be wearing the Chef Hat and Chef Suit from this Kingdom's Crazy Cap store. When you are wearing these, talk to the Volbonan standing in front of a locked door in Peronza Plaza. Inside this door, capture a Lava Bubble and jump into the large pot to receive a Power Moon.
28. An Extreme Simmer (see location 27): Behind the same door as Power Moon 27, capture one of the Lava Bubbles and head to the other end of the room. You'll need to hit the Magmatoes with Cappy to create a path heading up the steps for a Lava Bubble to be able to travel in. When they make a suitable path right to the top, capture a Lava Bubble, jump through the puddles you've created, and then into the second large pot to receive a second Power Moon.
Luncheon Kingdom Power Moons (29-56)
29. Alcove Behind the Pillars of Magma: Warp to the Volcano Cave Entrance checkpoint flag, capture one of the Lava Bubbles, and then swim over to the doorway-like cave to the north. Inside, capture another Lava Bubble and make your way up the ramp in front of you. When you reach the top, jump down to the geysers below and turn around - if you use the geysers wisely, you can jump into a hidden section containing a Power Moon.
30. Treasure Beneath the Cheese Rocks: Head to the Path to the Meat Plateau checkpoint flag and capture one of the nearby Hammer Bros. You'll need to hop your way all the back to the Odyssey, over the cheese rocks and the mountain steps and through the Plaza. Opposite the Odyssey, on a wall to west of it, you'll notice some more cheese rocks. Smash these rocks to reveal a glowing patch which - when ground pounded - will reveal a Power Moon.
31. Light the Two Flames: Near the Odyssey, capture a Fire Bro. and take it over to the two lanterns at location 31 on our map (you'll need to hop over some grates to reach it). Throw fireballs at both lanterns to reveal a Power Moon.
32. Light the Far-Off Lanterns: Warp to the Top of the Peak Climb checkpoint flag and jump down to the level below where you can find a Lava Bubble. Capture the Lava Bubble, and jump off to the lava-sea below where you should spot two lanterns and a door at location 32 on our map. Jump into one of the lanterns as the Lava Bubble to light it, and then land on the platform safely. To light the second one, stand in between the second lantern and the nearby Fire Piranha Plant so that it launches a fireball at it. When both are lit, you'll receive a Power Moon.
33. Bon Appétit, Captain Toad!: Warp to the Top of the Peak Climb checkpoint flag and jump down to the level below where you can find a Lava Bubble. Capture the Lava Bubble, and jump off to the lava-sea below - you'll need to use the Lava Bubble to swim all the way up to location 33 on our map from here. When you get there, chat to Captain Toad to receive a Power Moon.
34. The Treasure Chest in the Veggies: Warp to the Path to the Meat Plateau checkpoint flag and jump up onto the sloped wall on the right. When you reach the section with three purple regional coins, turn the camera around to look over the edge on the right hand side. You'll see a red door below and, if you enter it, you'll come across a treasure chest containing a Power Moon.
35. Caught Hopping at the Volcano!: Warp to the Peronza Plaza checkpoint flag and turn around to the south to see a rabbit hopping around. You'll need to chase it, using Cappy to stun it if necessary, to make contact with it and receive your Power Moon.
36. Taking Notes: Big Pot Swim: Warp to the Top of the Peak Climb checkpoint flag, capture a Lava Bubble, and jump into the cannon to launch yourself up to the giant cooking pot. In the middle of the pot you'll notice a treble clef - touch it, and then collect all of the music notes that appear to receive a Power Moon. You may find it useful to clear your path by bumping into the chunks of food before you start the timer.
37. Magma Swamp: Floating and Sinking: Head south from the Peronza Plaza checkpoint flag, over the metal grate walkway, and look down to your right to spot a red hat door. Inside, you'll need to collect all five Moon Shards - the trick is to always stay in the centre of each platform as these points never go under the lava. When you've found all five, you'll be rewarded with a Power Moon.
38. Corner of the Magma Swamp (see location 37): In the same area as Power Moon 37, turn around right at the beginning to face the entrance. You'll notice some extra platforms to the left of the door which will take you around to a hidden Power Moon.
39. Magma Narrow Path: Warp to the Meat Plateau checkpoint flag and keep jumping down to the south. At the very bottom level, below the thin path with a Piranha Plant on it, you should spot a door. Head inside and make your way to the end of the room to find the Power Moon - you'll need to be slow and steady with the Lava Bubbles on the intricate sections.
40. Crossing to the Magma (see location 39): In the same area as Power Moon 39, watch out for the section where you have a thin path of lava in between two platforms. Use Cappy on the Magmatoes on the right, then capture a Lava Bubble from the platform on the left, and use the puddles you've created to jump over to the lava ledges on the right hand side. You'll see this extra Power Moon at the top of these ledges.
41. Fork Flickin’ to the Summit: Capture one of the Lava Bubbles on the eastern edge of Peronza Plaza, and jump over the small wooden fence to the right hand side. In the area below, swim over to the cliff that has metal grates around its edge and jump up, releasing the Lava Bubble at the right time so that Mario can walk on the grates. Head inside the red hat door and use the forks inside to flick yourself to the top. You'll find the Power Moon at the end of this challenge.
42. Fork Flickin’ Detour (see location 41): In the same area as Power Moon 41, use the forks to climb up the cliffs until you reach the very end. When you reach the area where two forks would flick you up to the Power Moon, use the one on the right to fling yourself over to the right instead. You'll land on a bonus area with a second Power Moon.
43. Excavate ‘n’ Search the Cheese Rocks: Warp to the Path to the Meat Plateau checkpoint flag and capture one of the Hammer Bros. nearby. Head over to the east, around the left side of the cliff there, to find a cheese rock that you can smash open. Enter the red hat door behind these rocks, capture the Hammer Bro inside, and throw your saucepans all over the place to find the five Moon Shards inside. When you have all five, you'll receive a Power Moon.
44. Climb the Cheese Rocks (see location 43): In the same area as Power Moon 43, capture the Hammer Bro. and turn to face the tall column of cheese just to the right of its starting position. Carefully fashion some stairs out of the column, and then smash open the rocks at the very top, to reveal a hidden Power Moon.
45. Spinning Athletics End Goal: Warp to the Remote Island in the Lava, capture a Lava Bubble, and head over to the backside of the island at location 45 on our map. Enter the door here - you'll have to lose Cappy temporarily to do so - and make your way over the spinning platforms inside. You'll find a Power Moon waiting for you at the end.
46. Taking Notes: Spinning Athletics (see location 45): In the same area as Power Moon 45, you should spot a glowing treble clef floating on one of the light green, circular platforms. You'll need to touch the treble clef, and the collect all of the music notes that appear, to receive this Power Moon. The best strategy is to collect the notes that are below the main platform first, and then do a small jump back up towards the main platform so that Mario is left dangling off the edge. The platform will spin around by itself so you'll automatically collect all of the notes in time.
47. Secret Path to Mount Volbono!: To get this Power Moon, you'll need to re-enter this Kingdom through a warp painting found in a different Kingdom. Depending on your choices in the game, this warp painting may appear in one of two places - the Lake Kingdom, or the Wooded Kingdom.
If you decided to go to the Wooded Kingdom before the Lake Kingdom, the warp painting will appear in the Lake Kingdom. To find it there, warp to the Courtyard checkpoint flag and jump into the pool where you can see Lakitu fishing. In the deep end, underwater, you'll find the warp painting.
If you decided to go the Lake Kingdom before the Wooded Kingdom, the warp painting will appear in the Wooded Kingdom. To find it there, warp to the Forest Charging Station and throw Cappy at the scarecrow at one of the stations. Climb up to the top of the platforms that appear, using a backflip to reach the area above the platforms before the timer runs out. You'll notice a metal cube here with the painting attached to one of its sides.
48. A Tourist in the Luncheon Kingdom!: To get this Power Moon, you will first need to talk to the Tostarenan in the Sand Kingdom who wants to ride a taxi. From there, you'll need to speak to him again in the Metro Kingdom, and then the Cascade Kingdom, before he eventually winds up here in the Luncheon Kingdom. If you've spoken to him at all of these places, you should spot him and the taxi at the entrance to Peronza Plaza.
49. Found with Luncheon Kingdom Art: To find this Kingdom's hint art, you'll need to warp to the Path to the Meat Plateau checkpoint flag, go past the Hammer Bros. and cheese rocks, and climb up onto the blue mountain steps that would take you to Peronza Plaza. Instead of heading to the plaza, though, turn to the right and follow the ledge, heading towards location 49 on our map.
The art depicts the Seaside Kingdom - fly there and warp to the Ocean Trench West checkpoint flag. The area pictured in the hint art is just to the east of this location, so look around carefully until you spot it. Then perform a ground pound on the area shown in the picture to receive the Power Moon.
50. The Rooftop Lantern: Warp to the Path to the Meat Plateau checkpoint flag and capture one of the nearby Hammer Bros. Use it to smash away the cheese rocks on the steps to the west, and then release it. Now head north, capture a Fire Bro., and return to the steps you've just created. Jump up the steps, and then over the steps in the blue mountain on the left to reach the back of Peronza Plaza. Jump down onto the building below, and then up again onto the building with an unlit lantern - if you throw a fireball at this lantern you will receive a Power Moon.
51. Jammin’ in the Luncheon Kingdom: Warp to the Peronza Plaza checkpoint flag and head south - you'll notice a Toad wearing headphones in the area below you. Talk to the Toad and play him track 46 'Honeylune Ridge: Escape' to receive a Power Moon.
52. Mechanic: Repairs Complete!: To get this Power Moon you'll need to be wearing the Mechanic Cap and the Mechanic Outfit - available from the Crazy Cap store for 200 gold coins combined. When you are wearing the correct outfit, walk behind the building with the locked door just to the left of the Crazy Cap store and then look over to the left. You'll notice one of the watering can robots from the Wooded Kingdom on a ledge up above. Speak to it, whilst wearing the mechanic clothes, to receive this Power Moon.
53. Diving from the Big Pot!: Warp to the Top of the Peak Climb checkpoint flag, capture a Lava Bubble, and jump into the cannon to launch yourself over to the huge cooking pot. If you look down below to the southwest (in the top-left corner of Peronza Plaza) you'll see a smaller cooking pot. You need to dive down from this large pot, into the smaller one below to receive a Power Moon. You may need several attempts at this to learn the exact direction and control stick pressure required for your jump.
54. Hat-and-Seek: Among the Food: In Peronza Plaza, walk to the left of the building with the locked door (just to the left of the Crazy Cap store). Behind the buildings, you'll spot a Volbanan. Walk behind it and press 'A' to talk - you'll see that its hat is actually a Bonneter and you will receive a Power Moon for discovering it.
55. Luncheon Kingdom: Regular Cup: Head to the island at location 55 on our map (accessed by jumping down from the Top of the Peak Climb checkpoint) to find a Koopa who will challenge you to a race. If you win, you'll receive a Power Moon. The trick to this one is to turn to the right immediately at the start of the race, using long jumps and Cappy dives to travel across the small platforms onto the area ahead. You'll instantly be quite far in front and, by using the forks and Lava Bubbles on the route up the mountain, you should be able to keep your position once you know the course.
56. Peach in the Luncheon Kingdom: Warp to the Peronza Plaza and head over to the far east side of town. You'll find Princess Peach standing in front of a column just before the lava. Talk to her to receive a Power Moon.
Luncheon Kingdom 'Moon Rock' Power Moons (57-68)
These Power Moons will become available to you when you have smashed the Moon Rock located in this Kingdom.
57. From Inside a Bright Stone: Warp to the Peronza Plaza checkpoint flag and head south until you reach the area with the scarecrow. Head to the southern edge of this area (pretty close to where the scarecrow is standing) and look down over the edge - you'll notice a Power Moon hovering over a small blue platform.
58. Under the Meat Plateau: Warp to the Path to the Meat Plateau checkpoint flag and capture one of the nearby Lava Bubbles. Swim through the lava and make your way out of this section to the east, then swim up to location 58 on our map. Using the Lava Bubble's jump, you can reach a Power Moon that is hovering underneath a green rock - you can spot its shadow in the lava.
59. On Top of a Tall, Tall Roof: Warp to the Top of the Peak Climb checkpoint and look down to the west - you'll see a Power Moon sitting on a roof just above a door which has lanterns on either side. Perform a long jump, and then dive with Cappy as you approach, to land safely onto this roof and collect your Power Moon.
60. From a Crack in the Hard Ground: Warp to the Path to the Meat Plateau checkpoint flag and use a backflip to jump onto the sloped platform on the right. Ground pound on the second crack in the floor here to find a Power Moon.
61. By the Cannon Pointed at the Big Pot: Warp to the Top of the Peak Climb checkpoint and jump up onto the thin rocks on the left hand side. Make your way up these rocks extremely carefully - it is very easy to fall off here - and keep going towards the cannon at the top. Eventually, right near the cannon, you'll come across a glowing part of the rock - ground pound here to reveal a Power Moon.
62. Luncheon Kingdom: Master Cup: Head to the island at location 62 on our map (accessed by jumping down from the Top of the Peak Climb checkpoint) to challenge the Koopa to a second race. If you win, you'll receive another Power Moon. As before, the trick to this one is to turn to the right immediately at the start of the race, using long jumps and Cappy dives to travel across the small platforms onto the area ahead. You'll instantly be quite far in front and, by using the forks and Lava Bubbles on the route up the mountain, you should be able to keep your position once you know the course.
63. Stepping Over the Gears: Warp to the Meat Plateau and enter the grey warp pipe near the flag. Inside, use the Bitefrosts and Fire Bros. to help you reach the end of the level - a Power Moon is waiting for you at the other end.
64. Lanterns on the Gear Steps (see location 63): For this Power Moon, you'll need to light every single lantern inside the same area as Power Moon 63. Explore the area thoroughly, and use the Fire Bros. to light every lantern you come across. There should be four in total, with the final one requiring a super long throw down from where you are standing.
65. Volcano Cave Cruisin’: Warp to the Volcano Cave Entrance checkpoint flag, capture a Lava Bubble, and swim north to enter the grey warp pipe sitting in front of the cave. Inside, you'll need to throw Cappy around to create cloud platforms and keep your eye on where the lava is as you travel around the room. When you reach the end you'll find a Power Moon waiting for you.
66. Volcano Cave and Mysterious Clouds (see location 65): Inside the same area as Power Moon 65, travel through the room until your platform starts to rise up, just before it starts to head back to the left. You'll notice some extra available platforms that can be created here - make them appear, perform backflips when necessary to land on them, and make your way up to this bonus Power Moon.
67. Treasure of the Lava Islands: From the Odyssey, head over to the wall where the cheese rocks are and use the fork just to the left of them to reach the area above. Enter the grey warp pipe here and make your way to the end of the room to get the Power Moon. Make sure to capture Lava Bubbles before any platforms you are walking on reach unescapable lava.
68. Flying Over the Lava Islands (see location 67): In the same area as Power moon 67, look out for a cannon near the start of the room. When you enter the cannon, you'll be able to see this Power Moon before you make the launch. As you fly from the cannon, use 'ZL' to release the Lava Bubble at just the right time to land on this Power Moon.
We hope that you have found this guide on collecting all Power Moons in Super Mario Odyssey's Luncheon Kingdom useful. Let us know if you've managed to grab them all with a comment below.
Comments 5
Why aren't NL reporting this Mario Cereal?
The cereal box is an Amiibo. It works with Super Mario Odyssey, gets more Moon.
Just wanted to say that I just collected all moons after 65 hours play. I did not use any guides!
What a wonderful game.
@Nincompoop we have reported on it
Now i'm hungry.
The Pink Lava looks sooo... Delicious and Deadly at the same time.
This one is my favorite Kingdom. It's very colorful with a clever level design
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