If you've never played a Mario Party game, you may be wondering what all the fuss is about. Well, wonder no longer, as today we're going to take you through everything you need to know to have a successful Mario Party with Super Mario Party, whether you're aged 8, or 88, or maybe some age in-between.
We start with an obvious one — after all, you can't have a party on your own, can you?
Don't play on your lonesome
First of all, and we can't stress this enough, Mario Party is best with four real people. You can still absolutely have a blast with just two or three, but you'll really be missing out if you never go the full four-player affair. Make sure the people you invite are into it as well; don't force people into playing as it's likely they may not enjoy themselves and could end up bring everyone else down as well. Willing attendees are an absolute must.
Nibbles are essential
Secondly, get something supremely tasty in to gobble whilst you play. It doesn't matter whether it's pizza or your signature homemade red onion flan, as long as there's something for everyone to enjoy, you're golden. Given the amount of time some of these epic Mario Party sessions can take, sustenance is going to be very welcome indeed - your fellow party members will thank you for being a dutiful host, that's for sure.
Don't be too precious
Oh, and if you're concerned about greasy or sticky fingers on your shiny/matte Joy-Con, just take a deep breath and accept that they're bound to get a bit mucky when other humans are involved. You can always clean them up in an instant once you're done, just use some gentle screen cleaner and a microfibre cloth and within moments they'll feel brand new. Don't bog other people down with your clean-freak tendencies when they're having fun; everything can be cleaned, disinfected and thoroughly sanitised after everyone has gone home.
Plan ahead
Fourthly, it's vital that you plan your play session well in advance. If you've got a whole bunch of time to spare, make the most of it but don't assume that everyone will want to play for 20 long turns. It's not exactly going to end up being a day-long session of Risk, but Mario Party can go on longer than you might think, and not everyone's going to be into that.
Start off with a nice easy ten-turn game and go from there; if people love it, then you can consider a longer game, by all means. Test the waters first, especially if you have Mario Party novices on board.
Lubricate your socials
And fifthly, if you're of the adult disposition, you should absolutely consider introducing some alcohol into the mix (provided you or someone else isn't teetotal; try to respect other people's life choices to ensure nobody ends up feeling left out). A little social lubricant can get everyone playing seriously involved, and the more boundaries you break down, the more fun you're all likely to have. And that's the name of the game, right?
If you're feeling brave (and, again, are old enough) you can even take things a step further and turn the whole session into one massive drinking game. We're not going to give you any rules here, but even if it's just something as simple as 'drink as many times as the number you rolled' you can dial up the fun factor so far you won't even care about the inevitable splitting hangover the next day. Maybe.
As you can appreciate, these are relatively loose rules and tips for having a good time in the company of some friends with one of the Switch's most social experiences. Have you got any tips for a successful Mario Party of your own? Let us know in the comments below.
Comments 39
The fact that someone made a guide on how to play Mario Party with their friends makes me a little sad...
@Kimyonaakuma next guide, how to invite friends over for couch co-op, making a phone call edition.
you know, kind of pissed me off when Nintendo made the game non-handheld mode, I thought it was dumb as hell, and excludes a decent number of players who don't really have the ability to jump around and put the thing 5' to 10'+ away, or hook up to their tv, like my daughter in college, but after thinking about it, seeing that 3rd party wacky looking headset trying to make the Switch into a virtual device, that Party might be perfect for such a thing, you could still keep your personal space, but fart around while moving the controls around possibly
the only real problem I discovered with the virtual headset is the brightness, the sensor that detects the light level in the room would turn the light level to maximum and blind your ass eventually, most people will probably try to say "you can manually adjust it in settings, well who the hell wants to keep going into settings every time they change games or take it off the headset to play ???
I would love to see a virtual headset, especially for FPS & 3rd person RPG's like Skyrim or Xenoblade, I just REALLY hope they find a way to fix that little thing
You forgot to add that, whoever plays as Luigi must try their best to do absolutely NOTHING.
Your honestly just better playing one of the older Mario Partys with friends.
Just bring out the Wii, and spend a good few hours reliving Wii Sports.
Party Sorted!
Sad we need a Guide these days to make some fun
Drunk Mario Kart is incredibly fun. Everyone steadily gets worse as it goes on. Mario Party on the other hand... I'd rather just play 4 or 5 on GameCube.
"And fourthly, if you're of the adult disposition, you should absolutely consider introducing some alcohol into the mix"
What an absolute degenerate. Disgusting.
That loud whoooshing sound is humor going over many people’s heads.
I like the article, it’s funny.
I finally bought the game and two more JoyCon since my 10 year old nephew and 13 year old niece were coming over... the game is nowhere near the strategic boardgame/minigames that it was in the Gamecube era, but it was pretty well done and there was a lot of uproarious laughter and fun... which is what it's all about.
People also forget it's a Sunday and therefore a slow news day for video games journalists. I like this article and enjoyed reading it, even if it never gave me anything new. I don't think this was meant to rival the likes of Tolstoy so take it for what it is, a light hearted read.
I don't have any more suggestions to add but thanks for the article.
@HobbitGamer me too. Whats wrong with people
@HobbitGamer the problem is a lot of Very Serious Gamers™ frequent this site and the concept of fun is completely lost on them.
@AlexOlney Oh man, now I want to try your signature homemade red onion flan.
It’s a good game and I love most of the mini games
Me and my pals will never need alcohol for roaring fun. Not ever.
Well some good tips here; I just figured there'd be more tips on the actual gameplay, like "After everyone's played a round of regular Mario Party, consider Partner Party to shake things up a bit!"
You had me until red onion......I can no longer associate myself with this site - DESTRUCTION TO ALL ONIONS!
Lemon Tea is still good for accompany Switch time.
I disagree on letting people eat while playing. I have a strict hand washing before playing policy with all my games.
In the age of online play there is a whole generation of gamers who are missing out on he time honoured tradition of ‘Games Night’.
Back when I had a lot of time on my hands (6th Form, Gap Year) circa 2001 my chums and I would get together and have the PS1+Multi-tap, N64 and Dreamcast all under the TV with 4 controllers each way. We’d order in a few pizzas, fill the bath with cold water to keep the beer cool and then eat and drink our way through International Track and Field, Perfect Dark, Soulcalibur, Mario Kart 64 and Bomberman.
As soon as the GameCube came along and brought Super Monkey Ball and Melee into our lives, nothing else got a look-in.
I still play Perfect Dark Online with the same group of friends and it’s incredible how, 18 years later we still use the same tactics.
My wife and I had some people over for some Mario Party last week. Everything was fun and then we decided to see what River Survival was.
....holy crap, that mode rules so much. Now I just want to invite everyone over to experience River Survival, haha.
@RadioHedgeFund I always make video game nights a thing, haha. Switch makes it so easy too, since all of my friends have one now. I just pop mine on their dock, and it’s game time.
@thesilverbrick Me too! I'm glad I'm not the only one that does this
Are there any party games that can be enjoyed without being smashed out of your skull? If we're talking about party games to enjoy while drunk, that's a pretty big list.
It's a LOT of fun! And you are so right about my greasy fingered phobia on the joycons haha
@imgrowinglegs these days it’s Saturday afternoon with the family. We played SMP for the first time today and it was a blast. Can’t wait to get the grandparents involved at Christmas (and play Smash)
Shame I haven’t gotten to play Super Mario Party with my family yet. We really need to.
And I can’t wait for when Smash comes out! I’m going to have seven friends over for 8-player Smash!
@Kimyonaakuma know what I find sad? ... In work, kids that come.in to buy things don't even know what super Mario is let alone a Mario part game lol
@Kimyonaakuma @SuperGhirahim64 Glad I’m not alone. I often get criticized by people who are annoyed by my requisite gaming hygiene, but my 1985 NES and everything since is still in perfect working and clean shape because of my policies.
I played Super Mario Party last week. It was my first time playing any Mario party game. The minigames are weak. The board game was boring (no strategic components). If I have a party, it will be more fun playing Settler of Catan or Ticket to ride. Cheaper anyway.
Nah I'm ok there's actually better party games you can play on your phone and using Nintendo's own logic that most people have smart phones (they do), party games on your phone are more accessible as everyone can join in.
I don't often hang around with people who own Switch's and to be honest the only person i play games with is my brother once every couple of weeks.
Gaming for me is a solo affair anyway, buuut if i really wanted to play party games, I'd still choose my phone over this poor attempt at a video game.
Just played this weekend with one of my best friends. We had a blast with it. The co-op strategy mode is a great addition. And the mini-games use the joy-cons in some interesting ways. We could never time our high-fives well though...
for kids this game will work but for me and my friends we would need bigger and more strategic boards. Who knows if they will add them for free, until then hard pass.
My friends don't like Mario Party, it breaks my heart.
I have no friends. Not kidding. I have none. Amazon left this game on my doorstep today. I’m on my way home. Hope I get some enjoyment out of it.
Greasy fingers AND alcohol?
Sorry, I'm too civilized for that.
Complaining about people eating, judging people for drinking, saying you have no friends. No wonder the gaming culture is so toxic.
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