Throughout Nintendo Life VGM Fest — our season of music-focused features, interviews and other audio-based bits — we'll be bringing you some of the Nintendo Life team's personal playlist picks of the best music in all of video-gamedom. Our collective gaming experience spans many decades' worth of incredible audio, from the nostalgic 'blips' and 'beeps' of the arcade era (for some of us, at least) up to the full orchestral majesty of today's triple-As, and all the glorious variations in between.
Below you'll find a handful of our top gaming tunes for unwinding at the end (or indeed the start or the middle) of the day. The only self-imposed rule we had when selecting these tracks for our relaxing VGM playlist was they must have featured in a game on a Nintendo platform. Simple!
Is this a comprehensive list of every great relaxing track ever in video games on Nintendo consoles? Of course not; how could it be!? This is but a small sampling of some of our favourites, but feel free to nominate your own personal picks in the comments and share the love — we're entirely open to expanding the list over time.
In the meantime, grab some headphones, sit back, and enjoy...
Staff key: Gavin Lane (GL), Thomas Whitehead (TW), Kate Gray (KG)
Jolly Roger Bay / Dire, Dire Docks (Super Mario 64, 1996)
Composer(s): Koji Kondo
One of the most chill tracks in Super Mario 64, this calming Koji Kondo number lulls you into a false sense of security and makes the appearance of Unagi the Eel all the more disturbing while you're casually enjoying the waters of Jolly Roger Bay. GL
Hear it in: Super Mario 64, Super Mario 64 DS, Super Mario 3D All-Stars
Rito Village (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, 2017)
Composer(s): Manaka Kataoka, Yasuaki Iwata, Hajime Wakai
I have no idea if this is my favourite BOTW song, or even my favourite Zelda song, to relax to. But that's the thing — they're all so good. Rito Village is a soaring, bird-filled track stuffed with Spanish guitar and sleepy woodwind; the "Night" version is even more languid, sounding exactly like moonlight on a lazy river. KG
Hear it in: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Aurora's Theme (Child of Light, 2014)
Composer(s): Béatrice Martin (Cœur de pirate)
When I first played Child of Light, I was blown away by its surprisingly dark, yet hopeful tone, told through misty, dreamlike watercolour. Its soundtrack pretty perfectly nails the tragic fairytale theme with its slow, sorrowful strings; you can almost follow the entire story just in this one song. KG
Hear it in: Child of Light
Title Theme (Animal Crossing: Wild World, 2005)
Composer(s): Kazumi Totaka / Asuka Ohta
I could have chosen any number of tracks from across this series (2am is always pleasant in any of the games, and Kate picked another one coming up, too), but this entry was my first Animal Crossing and this tune gets me all nostalgic for a time when I visited my village Dibly each and every day for an 18-month period. Every. Single. Day.
Good times. GL
Hear it in: Animal Crossing: Wild World
Japan / Hōjō Tokimune Theme (Sid Meier's Civilization VI, 2016))
Composer(s): Arranged by Geoff Knorr / Phill Boucher
Civilization VI is a relaxing game for me, one where I sit comfortably and let the hours melt away, often in the Switch's portable mode. Each civilisation has fantastic music, but the arrangements when playing as Japan / Hōjō Tokimune are particularly soothing and relaxing. Beautiful and, at times, inspiring. TW
Hear it in: Sid Meier's Civilization VI
Yarn Yoshi Takes Shape (Yoshi's Woolly World, 2015)
Composer(s): Tomoya Tomita / Misaki Asada / Kazumi Totaka
Another pick where I could have gone with a dozen other examples from the Yoshi series or Good-Feel's amazing Kirby's Epic Yarn, I just love the instrumentation on this particular track — the perfect introduction to one of the most pleasant and relaxing games on Wii U. GL
Hear it in: Yoshi's Woolly World
Sanctuary in the Glades (Ori and the Will of the Wisps, 2020)
Composer: Gareth Coker
It's a delight and a marvel that this game is on Switch, not just because it's a wonderful adventure/platformer but because of the pure soul it has. The soundtrack is a big part of that, and during my playthrough I would actually warp to the Glades area for no other reason than to sit and listen to this track for a few minutes. TW
Hear it in: Ori and the Will of the Wisps
To Celebrate, and Say Goodbye (OPUS: Rocket of Whispers, 2017)
Composer(s): Triodust (Huang, Zhen-Yang)
Full disclosure, once upon a time I worked on publishing the Switch eShop release of this game, so that's how I came across it and its soundtrack. Nevertheless, for a smaller download experience OPUS: Rocket of Whisper's soundtrack truly touched me; it's quite minimalist in parts with a piano focus, and I think a number of its tracks are particularly beautiful to listen to both in-game and when relaxing. TW
Hear it in: OPUS: Rocket of Whispers
7 PM (Animal Crossing: New Horizons)
Composer: Kazumi Totaka
Oooof. This funky, snoozy little jazz number sounds like it should have lyrics, and should be played in a smoky basement bar as the hours while away from evening to morning. Thank goodness one of ACNH's best tracks is at 7pm — prime bug-catching time — and not squirrelled away in the 2am - 7am block, when absolutely no one should be playing Animal Crossing. Go to bed! KG
Hear it in: Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Dance of the Moonlight Jellies (Stardew Valley, 2016)
Composer(s): ConcernedApe
Even the title of this song is like a soothing balm to your worldly stresses. Quite a few of the tracks from Stardew Valley are excellent for a nice long bath, especially the Spring and Fall themes, but this is the one that gets me feeling like a big blob of relaxed goo. Much like a moonlight jelly, in fact. KG
Hear it in: Stardew Valley
Yellow Giant (Doshin the Giant, 1999)
Composer(s): Tatsuhiko Asano / Yasuyuki Suzuki
In honour of our senior video producer Alex, we've decided to add this little otherworldly guitar piece from one of his favourite games (well, he certainly likes the titular giant a lot). A tranquil tune, indeed. GL (for AO)
Hear it in: Doshin the Giant
Honestly, Anything From Minecraft (Minecraft, 2011)
Composer(s): Daniel Rosenfeld (C418)
Minecraft might be extremely stressful when you're stuck between a rock and a lava place, but the soundtrack certainly ain't. C418's soundtrack is infinitely repeatable, with its loungey piano and veeeery slooooowww vibes. Unsurprisingly, it's now a standard for what sandbox game soundtracks can be. KG
Hear it in: Minecraft
The Fragrance of Dark Coffee (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney -- Trials and Tribulations, 2004)
Composer(s): Noriyuki Iwadare
It is impossible to listen to this jazzy, saxy piece and not be overwhelmed with the need to sink into a big leather armchair, or a bathtub full of maple syrup. Sure, those of us who've plays Trials and Tribulations may also be crying, but we're still relaaaaxed. And yes, I picked the "Turnabout Jazz Soul" version, which is even more sultry than the original. KG
Hear it in: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney — Trials and Tribulations and Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy
Bubblaine (Super Mario Odyssey, 2017)
Composer(s): Naoto Kubo
Super Mario Odyssey is more packed with jams than a pantry, and Bubblaine is one of those sip-cocktails-on-a-beach kind of songs that makes me want to book a flight to somewhere sandy. There's also the underwater version, if you fancy being so relaxed that you melt. KG
Hear it in: Super Mario Odyssey
Exhale (Celeste, 2018)
Composer(s): Lena Raine
Lena's range is impressive: Her Nether music added the funktastic Pigstep to the mix, but her piano-led Celeste soundtrack is surprisingly chill for a game that's all about jumping and failing and dying and trying again. Then again, the serenity of Exhale fits perfectly with the game's epilogue, in which everyone eats pie. Hooray! KG
Hear it in: Celeste
Coffee and Doughnuts Mansion Theme (Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes, 2019)
Composer(s): DJ Kazuhiro "MEEBEE" Abo / DJ 1-2
I played this No More Heroes spin-off and really enjoyed my time with it back in 2019, and part of the reason was its wonderful soundtrack. This track, in particular, has been on regular rotation on my phone ever since — a cracking, laid-back groove with a heavy beat that's great to slow-strut along the street to on a cool mid-week evening. GL
Hear it in: Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes
Shooting Star Summit (Paper Mario, 2000)
Composer(s): Yuka Tsujiyoko
Hmm? What's that? I couldn't hear you from over here IN BED, where I am SLEEPING SOUNDLY. Paper Mario's Shooting Star Summit is the equivalent of a hot cup of lavender tea with a generous spoon of honey, and I don't blame you if you spend hours here instead of saving Peach. KG
Hear it in: Paper Mario
Secret of the Forest (Chrono Trigger, 1995)
Composer(s): Yasunori Mitsuda
Chrono Trigger's soundtrack is absolutely non-stop gorgeous. I'm re-listening to it right now and itching to drop hundreds of dollars on the SNES version, because it's just that good and it hurts my heart not to be playing it RIGHT NOW. Listening to just about any track from Chrono Trigger is like a soft, warm blanket around my soul. KG
Hear it in: Chrono Trigger (SNES), Chrono Trigger (DS)
Those are just some of our personal favourites, but what about yours? Let us know your favourite video game tracks to unwind to in the comments below, and if your picks vibe with us you may well see them migrate north from the comments at some point.
Be sure check out the other Nintendo Life VGM Fest articles in our season of music-focused interviews and features.
Comments 45
I love the Cool Cave music from Kirby's Epic Yarn. My favorite "chill" music from any game.
Also the "Fruit Analysis" music in Pikmin 3 when the rocket ship flies away. When I played the demo, that music sold me on buying the full game 😄
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Seeds of the Crown by Disasterpeace from the Hyper Light Drifter soundtrack. This is all you need:
@moodycat Satorl Marsh Night is sensational in its own right. But then accompanied by the visuals of that area… literally just standing in awe at how beautiful this game is. Good shout.
Nice list! Was gonna guess Dire Dire Docks, as that’s one of my chill out go to songs. Though I’m surprised Zora’s Domain (OoT) isn’t on here, nor Stardew. Added together with Simcity SNES songs, and Animal Crossing tunes, and you’ve got my chill out mix.
On the flip, my amp up mix is Megalovania, Strike the Earth, Infernal Decent - either ToxicEternity, Familyjules7x or RichaadEB versions, plus the Familyjules7x Mega Man X medley.
The rain theme from GameCube animal crossing is mine. All I want is for them to bring it back in some form.
@Dm9982 I knew we needed a Zelda piece but there were so many to choose from that I panicked! I stand by my choice, though
As for Stardew — I might go ahead and add it to the list right now. It's a living list, after all.
Sims songs in general are extremely good chillout times, though
Pilot wings 64 had such relaxing music, along with the sound of the wind.
I always felt alseep lol
I forgot how gorgeous the music from Child of Light was. A wonderful choice.
Just the field music in BotW when you are standing there in the wind and grass is pretty chill. I used to put it on and just wander around the field to relax.
Jolly Roger Bay needs to be playing on this site at all times like a MySpace page just to get people to calm the heck down.
The lack of Donkey Kong Country music in this list is outrageous!
@Clyde_Radcliffe Forest Interlude from DKC2 is a must here.
Moonlight Jellies, man that hits deep. As does Rito Village, they're both so so good.
holler! couple of my faves are:
waterworld - map
mother 3 - new pork bossa
secret of evermore - menu theme
sim city - good night
Also, not on Nintendo consoles (sadly) but the original Shenmue is my favourite soundtrack to relax to. Just the music that plays while you're wondering around is a thing of beauty. Not heard anything else quite like it.
No one else uses Rip and Tear as a bedtime lullaby?
@CammyUnofficial Waterworld’s music is so, so good!
Here's the entire playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCPSIdBmz_04KKIAeSSm4X_LxRdkCAtFa
Not on Nintendo consoles, but the soundtracks to the Sega CD versions of Ecco The Dolphin 1 & 2 are my favorite game soundtracks to chill out to. I still listen to them all of these years later!
Metroid Prime - The Tallon Overworld theme when you first land on Tallon IV is ethereal.
Seiken Densetsu 3 - Another Winter (snow town theme I think) I loop in my head for hours.
Oh and FFVII Farm Boy (Chocobo farm), because who doesn't love a nice banjo in their JRPG I ask you
@thejuice027 Hey, that's awesome! Thank you for doing that
@Purgatorium * takes notes *
@PALversusNTSC Great shout with Pilotwings 64 - especially Birdman. Theres also a great version of it out there by The 8-Bit Big Band.
Also from the N64 is Wave Race 64 Victory Podium 4th Place which is just awesome. Coming in 4th overall was not easy without crashing out altogether but it was totally worth it for this music.
And Kate, you're right about not staying up too late in Animal Crossing New Horizons but check out 5AM, especially the 'Rain' version - its the most relaxing hours music of the whole day...
Water theme from donkey Kong country
When I’m trying to relax I listen to botw korok village theme and it does the trick. If I wanna get hype I play the FuGu face off theme from Dk tropical freeze.
I think for the Yoshi pick, the 'Craft Island' would have been a much better choice since that one is just much more chill, like you can actually relax to it. The one chosen in this list, while still chill, still has a mild sense of adventure to it. Still a great tune of course! Although I've personally grown a bit more accustomed to its Smash Bros rendition, just seems a bit more fitting for the melody to me for some reason (for non-chill sessions, of course).
Also Celeste's 'Checking In' tune.
Good idea for an article.
I feel that this one could be added, the main theme from valiant hearts. It's a beautiful piano piece.
I would also like to add Kass' song, but you could fill this whole list with Zelda games I guess.
I love the piklopedia theme from Pikmin 2.
Also (sadly not on nintendo consoles) the entire NieR and NieR automata soundtracks.
It's raining somewhere else from undertale and my home and café and hauoli city from pkmn ultra sun And the blessing shrine theme from botw
Child of light deserves so much more recognition for its story and music. I would love a sequel. Aurora's theme was a fantastic choice! I should replay this soon.
Donkey Kong Country - Aquatic ambiance
Xenoblade Chronicles - Colony 9 (Night)
Pilotwings 64 - Hanglider theme
I'm going to share this and cry myself to sleep.
To the Moon - Moonwisher
Artists: Kan. R. Gao, Laura Shigihara
I know it's technically not video game music but I love the Wii main menu music
You can't go wrong with the Great Fairy Fountain: https://youtu.be/SO-FTl5fM18
Uhh... Breezy from Final Fantasy VIII anyone??
Starlight Zone from the first Sonic game was the first thing that popped into my head when I saw the headline.
Pretty much all the tracks from SimCity(SNES) and Pilotwings(SNES). A lot of stuff from Super Mario Galaxy is really chill and relaxing, too.
Mario & Luigi - Dreamy Mushrise Park (DT), Toad Town (BiS)
Kirby Mass Attack - Daroach Reunion, Lovely Oasis
Xenoblade Chronicles - Frontier Village, Valak Mountain
DK Country's Aquatic Ambience is so transcendently chill it inspired this brilliant satire piece https://hard-drive.net/man-tasked-with-making-score-for-a-monkey-riding-a-swordfish-underwater-creates-transcendent-piece-of-music/
KAkariko Village - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Definitely is a tie between Today's Results from Pikmin, Crystal Caves from Donkey Kong 64 and Cave from the original Pokémon Snap...
Very nice list. Mmm my 20 favorites?
GS:TLA-Aqua Rock
DKC2-Enchanted Forest Interlude
Ecco the Dolphin-Medusa Bay
SS-Ancient Cistern
MC-Temple of Droplets
Okami-Village in Bloom
Earthbound/Mother 1-Magicant
Pokémon Black 2-Village Bridge with the whole band playing
DKC-Aquatic Ambience
Golden Sun-Imil
DKC3-Cascade Capers
Kirby's Adventure-Orange Ocean
MMZ3-Trail on Powdered Snow
Metroid-Kraid's Lair
Yoshi-Flower Theme
Earthbound-Museum Theme
MMZ2-Ice Brain
MMZX-The Prison Area
Pocky and Rocky 2-That area with the running walls
Pokémon Crystal-Ecruteak City
Ooo that Moon Jelly track from Stardew - never heard it before but now I get why the game is so popular!
I love your selections from the amazing soundtracks for Yoshi’s WW, Child of Light, and the AC games.
Here’s another I loved from Yoshi’s Woolly World: “Amiibo Hut”
Should be piped straight into every dentist’s office.
Lena Raine gets chill on the Celeste OST, too: “Exhale”
I forgot! Bubblaine from Super Mario Odyssey is as chill as it gets. 😊
Video Game tunes are an incredible mix of good music while also triggering nostalgia. I connect with a lot of songs mentioned already and would add a few. Unravel had some great chill music, Summer Sky for example, but many others. Darksiders 2 had a surprisingly amazing chill soundtrack including Crystal Spire. Mass Effect, Vigil. Phantasy Star Online 1+2, Empty Space Out of Control. For Halloween chill, Borderlands 2, TK Baha's Bloody Harvest ambience. There really are too many to ever list. Love the ones added above.
Not a Nintendo game, but for my money you can't do better than Rusty Ruins from Sonic 3D Blast (Saturn version). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVVb8hOyQnQ&list=PLvNp0Boas723q7xhW1PEGc8Xmp1yvldat&index=4
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