We're on to an action-packed visit to Paris now in chapter 11 of our Bayonetta 3 guide. There's lots to find in this one, so let's get busy hunting it all down.
On this page: Bayonetta 3: Chapter 11 - A Familiar Dance Walkthrough
Find the item hidden in the underground tunnel - This is the Record that you'll find during the dark section where you need to use your new demon power to pulse your surroundings. Check a little further down this chapter guide for full details under the Record entry.
Attack Rosa's Umbran Armor and get the secret item - To do this make sure to hammer Rosa with shots during this chapter's flying sequence!
Avoid all obstacles in the dark whilst riding Mictlantecuhtli - During the flying sequence you'll do a little bit of high-speed navigating in the dark. Make sure to avoid all obstacles and pulse your surroundings to help you see.
Find Rosa behind the right door and attack - During Verse #8 Rosa will surround you with a circle of doors, choose the right one to find her and earn this Bewitchment.
Defeat 50 Lacunosus while riding Mictlantecuhtli - Take out 50 enemies during the flying sequence.
Figure Box #1
This one is right at the start of the level, just as you're leaving the alleyway to enter the open area where Verse #1 takes place.
Verse #1
We kick off chapter 11 in Paris and as soon as we've walked up to the main open area from the starting point we're into Verse #1 against an enormous foe who we've met a few times already.
Verse #2
Heading to the left of the open area here, instead of following the objective marker to straight ahead, and you'll spot the golden glow of Verse #2.
Card Pack #1
Head towards the objective marker now and the screen will turn purple as you approach a conversation. At this point look to your left and you'll see a bus. Blast it out of the way to reveal the Card Pack behind it.
Now sit back and watch the brief cutscene where Bayo temporarily gains a new power for the sequence ahead where we'll enter the darkness of underground.

Umbran Crow
Before heading down into the underground, let's grab this level's Umbran Crow, which you can see below, it's sat on some rubble beside the white overturned vehicle.

Card Pack #2
We've also got one more card pack to nab here before heading down, sat behind and to the right of the underground entrance.

Treasure Chest #1
Now let's head for the tunnels. Down here you can use your new demon power to illuminate your surroundings and the first thing we see is a treasure chest which reveals a magic source.
Umbran Toad
Use your demon to light up the area and move to the ledge straight ahead. You'll hear our toad pal here as he's sat on a small ledge that we've pictured below.
Treasure Chest #2
This one is to the immediate right of the first treasure chest as you come into the area.

Now off to the left of the first treasure chest as you enter this area, there's a doorway, head into it to find a tunnel with this record in it. This will also earn you a Bewitchment.
Now head out of this dark area into more tunnels and back up to street level where you'll find a Gates of Hell portal.

Treasure Chest #3
From here turn around and head behind you to find another treasure chest. This one reveals floating platforms up to another chest that will give you a magic source. Now use your new demon pal to smash the third treasure chest/orb you can see floating up here. It moves back and forth across the street ahead but with some shooting with your demon you'll soon get it and receive a Broken Witch Heart for your troubles.
Echoes of Memory #1
From the platform you're on you can now float off across the opposite direction to reach this next collectible. If you don't quite float far enough, there's a series of red canopies on the building nearby to clamber up instead.

Umbran Cat
Staying down this little hidden corner now and you've got the Umbran Cat sneakily sat on the canopies to the right above you.

Verse #3
You'll also see the purple glow of Verse #3 down here, a combat challenge that will net you a Broken Moon Pearl.
Treasure Chest #4
We can now head back to the main area towards the objective marker, but make sure to look over to the right and down the ramp we've picture below as you come out of the alley you've been in to find another chest.

Verse #4
This next verse sees a huge enemy arrive that creates a force field allowing smaller foes to use stealth cloaking. Focus on battering the tower with your demons to take it out then turn on the foot soldiers who can no longer hide from you.
Time Manipulation Puzzle
We'll come to a time puzzle now as we head towards the objective marker and this time we want to forward time until the statue and Witch Heart are visible with enough enemies around it to bounce on their heads in order to get up to the heart collectible.
Verse #5
Just before you reach the Time Manipulation Puzzle that we completed above, as you walk down the alley towards this open plaza and facing the statue ahead, you'll see purple light emanating from a cracked shutter on a store to your left. Bust the shutter open and jump into the Verse #5 combat challenge for a Broken Witch Heart.
Treasure Chest #5
This one's right as we enter the Chaotic Rift and it gives us a time trial puzzle for a bunch of Halos as a reward.

Verse #6
This one kicks off with you bouncing between platforms as an airborne foe shoots a laser. Get over to the opening straight ahead without falling. Once over here, run down the alley and prepare for another sequence where we need to keep charging forward and avoiding lasers. Get through this final bit to end Verse #6.
Verse #7
Straight into Verse #7 now against another big foe.
Verse #8
Now we head on to another cutscene and the beginnings of a boss battle for Verse #8.

Verse #9
The boss battle turns into an airborne chase now and hit Rosa enough during this part and you'll earn another of this chapter's Bewitchments.
There's also another Bewitchment to earn here if you can kill 50 or more enemies during this flying sequence, which is fairly easy considering how many of them are after you.
And to finish up this verse we've then got a fight against a giant armoured clock, because why the heck not!
Treasure Chest #6
This one pops up as you enter into the side-scrolling sequence during the airborne attack in Verse#9. You'll need to be quite quick to shoot it before it disappears off-screen.

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Comments 7
Looks like you didn't found Verse 5 too, right? I'm looking for this one like crazy and i just can't find anywhere
@PJOReilly It is actually right before the plaza/statue with time manipulation
on the left side in the entrance/walkway when facing the statue there is a garage door that can be broken and purple light emanates from it (it's a purple beam secret mission)
@anizani1234 I'll check it out, thanks!
@anizani1234 Got it! Must have walked past that about 100 times looking for it. Cheers for the heads up!
@PJOReilly Same walked past like 6-7 times until I've noticed it
@Charsles It's been added to the walkthrough now!
Missed the cat even though I was right by it. Went back and got it.
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